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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Michael Smith: Living in the Age of Ignorance

From Michael Smith and his blogsite Unlicensed Punditry at Substack:

Everything is just so damn stupid now, it hurts.

And it is spreading faster than a Chinese gain of function enhanced coronavirus.

PETA now wants to rename baseball's "bullpen" because it is insensitive to bovine animals.

Not that I have chatted with every bull, but no bull I have ever encountered in a pasture, feed lot or barn has ever said to me, "You know, you humans are so inconsiderate of our feelings and culture."

Not a one.

People assume PETA is trying to elevate animals to the same level of existence as humans, but this is not that, it is about lowering the existence of humans to the level of animals.

We live in an age when the unserious is accepted as serious. This will be remembered by future generations as the Age of Ignorance (I guess it is logical to assume the Age of Enlightenment would be offset by an age of massive ignorance).

The real pandemic is one of stupidity, it isn't related to any virus.

And Ayn Rand predicted every bit of this idiocy in "Atlas Shrugged". I've long said that our prosperity, brought about by freedom and capitalism, is the greatest danger to mankind. The problem with such widespread prosperity is that people have the luxury of inventing new problems, and when they run out of real, serious problems because the supply is so limited, they turn to the fertile fields of myth, fantasy and fables to find raw material.

It is like the old Styx song, they have "Too Much Time on My Hands".

But more than just myth, fantasy and fables, the progressive left just lies. They make it up. All of it. They start with a lie for a premise and build a mountain of emotion on top of the lie.

Nothing the progressive left says is true – every single word is a defense of progressivism in a quest for power. The progressive left has abandoned any respect for propriety, any boundaries of logic or reason and any contact with facts or the truth.

Just think about some of the blatant contradictions the left normalizes in their quest for power:

  • Progressive Jews ally with anti-Semitic movements (Palestinian and BDS movements)

  • Feminists ally themselves with misogynists and sexists (Islamic organizations and people like Linda Sarsour)

  • Progressive Christians ally with abortionists (“Christian” pastors “blessing” Planned Parenthood)

  • The media praises freedom of the press and speech while allying with Democrats who praise restrictions of both (speech codes and de-platforming of conservatives on social media)

  • Anti-racist movements ally with groups that made identity politics a matter of government policy

  • Those crying for “civility” ally with violent groups (New Back Panthers, the Nation of Islam, and ANTIFA)

  • Blame the right for “radicalizing crazy people” while radicalizing crazy people (former “Republican” consultant, Steve Schmidt on MSNBC)

  • Election fraud is real when a Republican wins, never when a Democrat wins.

While Don Lemon of CNN proves he is politically colorblind by saying he doesn’t “see Democrats killing people because of political” issues, countless members of the media/Democrat operatives with bylines also perceive “coded language” in everything a Republican says and can hear “dog whistles” in everything the political right says or does.

As many have said, if you can hear a dog whistle, it might just be because you are the dog. Progressivism is a creeping disease.

Unlike Revolutionary Marxism, it will never start a fight. It is too smart for that kind of bourgeois violence. Progressivism is about behavior modification over an extended period of time – something I have referred to as “the long game”.

Progressivism is about controlling the words you can and cannot say and who is allowed to say them. It is about controlling the thoughts you can and cannot think and who is allowed to think those as well. I have always proposed that post-modern thought, collectivism, and the idea of “social justice” are symptoms of the disease of progressivism and progressivism is the disease of prosperity, of generations never having to face the fires of Hades in a fight for survival. Like the foppish and frivolous people of the Roaring Twenties, the current blizzard of our precious, special snowflakes was created by such a historical period where hardship is defined as not having the latest iPhone or suffering with slow broadband Internet.

That we would be here today was a historical inevitability.

Welcome to the Age of Ignorance.

"Clean Energy" Delusions Will Take the World Back to the Dark Ages

Intermittent wind and solar energy are not adequate substitutes for oil. It is not even an adequate substitute for just-in-time (peak shaving) electricity production. It is simply an energy product that has been sufficiently subsidized that it can often make money for its producers. It also sounds good, if it is referred to as “clean energy.” Unfortunately, its true value is lower than its cost of production.  
      --Gail Tverberg

The energy price spikes that we are seeing today is a warning that something is very, very wrong. As I see it, the trend toward complexity has gone too far; the economic system is starting to break down. Sharp changes appear to be ahead. The world economy is shifting into contraction mode, with more and more parts of the system failing.

     --Gail Tverberg

From Australian Viv Forbes at American Thinker:

For 26 futile years, the net-zero carbon maniacs have wasted fuel, energy, and taxpayers' money to bite the hands that provide their food, energy, welfare, and public-sector jobs.

Led by E.U. and AUKUS dreamers, they destroy reliable energy from coal, oil, nuclear, gas, and hydro while forcing us to subsidize net-negative dreams like solar, wind, wave-power, CCUS, hot rocks, pumped hydro, and hydrogen.  All such speculative ventures should be funded by speculators, not taxpayers.

COP-Out-26 illustrates to the realists of China, Russia, India, and Brazil that the West has lost its marbles and is in terminal decline.  [This is the 26th climate meeting attended by very wealthy people arriving on private jets; 400 jets attended this latest meeting in Glascow. The hypocracy is beyond belief] For Scott Morrison to surrender Australia to these green wolves betrays an army of miners, farmers, truckies, and workers in primary, secondary, and tertiary industries that support him and his Canberra pack.

The fakery of COP-Out-26 is well illustrated by the provision of diesel generators to recharge the batteries of 26 electric cars provided for show in Glasgow. But that's OK "because the diesels are run on recycled cooking fat." Horses and covered wagons would be more reliable and appropriate, and dried horse manure could cook their fake meat on their green, chip-fired barbeques.

Neither E.U. nor AUKUS green dreamers can run their world on energy plans drafted by neurotic schoolgirls, clueless princes, deluded accountants like Ross Garnaut, and serial climate alarmists like David Attenborough.

China loves Net-Zero, using its growing coal power to manufacture the wind turbines, solar panels, electric engines, and rare earth batteries for the woke world.

But the subsidy tap feeding green energy development in the Western world will run dry.  Fake energy will fade away, leaving a continent of jobless people with silent mills, refineries, and factories.  Our land will be littered with derelict windmills, decaying solar panels, dead batteries, and sagging transmission lines to be cleaned up in order to restore our land to productive grasslands, crops, and forests.  Those huge concrete bases of abandoned wind towers will become permanent obstacles to restoration of this land.

Next we will see digital carbon credit cards designed by green academics to ration our energy and food usage to achieve their Net-Zero Nirvana.

A bleak future beckons.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Fifteen Measly IQ Points

From Jewish Info dot Org: and The Canadian Jewish News

Ashkenazi Jews have an extremely high avg IQ of around 115 or 1 Standard Deviation (15 points) above Western White persons. This means they are going to be extremely overrepresented on the far right exclusive end of the bell curve.  

(I have made mention many times the plight of black populations with median IQ of 85 and even lower in Africa.  They are 1.1 Standard Deviations lower than the White population and represent the extreme left of the bell curve. Fifteen IQ points doesn't sound like much, but it's HUGE.)

Globally, Jews represent less than 0.20% of the world’s population, but they have won 170 Nobel Prizes in total and the following shares of individual Nobel prizes from Wikipedia:

Economics: 41% (more than 205 times their share of the population)

Medicine: 28% (more than 140 times their share of the population)

Physics: 26% (more than 130 times their share of the population)

Chemistry: 19% (more than 95 times their share of the population)

Literature: 13% (more than 65 times their share of the population)

Peace: 9% (more than 45 times their share of the population) 

From David Brooks of the NYT: 

"Jews are a famously accomplished group. They make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates. Jews make up 2 percent of the U.S. population, but 21 percent of the Ivy League student bodies, 26 percent of the Kennedy Center honorees, 37 percent of the Academy Award-winning directors, 38 percent of those on a recent Business Week list of leading philanthropists, 51 percent of the Pulitzer Prize winners for nonfiction."

Charles Murray notes,“New York City’s public-school system used to administer a pencil-and-paper IQ test to its entire school population. In 1954, a psychologist used those test results to identify all 28 children in the New York public-school system with measured IQ’s of 170 or higher. Of those 28, 24 were Jews.” 

Nobel Prizes by Country
From Jewish Info dot com:  Their count is at least 210 Jews and people of half- or three-quarters-Jewish ancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize, accounting for 22% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2021, and constituting 36% of all US recipients.during the same period. 

In the scientific research fields of Chemistry, Economics, Physics, and Physiology/Medicine, the corresponding world and US percentages are 26% and 38%, respectively. 

Among women laureates in the four research fields, the Jewish percentages (world and US) are 29% and 43%, respectively. Of organizations awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, 20% were founded principally by Jews or by people of half-Jewish descent. 

Since the turn of the century (i.e., from the year 2000 onward), Jews have been awarded 24% of all Nobel Prizes and 26% of those in the scientific research fields. (Jews currently make up approximately 0.2% of the world's population and 2% of the US population.)

  • Chemistry (36 prize winners, 19% of world total, 28% of US total)
  • Economics (35 prize winners, 39% of world total, 49% of US total)
  • Literature (16 prize winners, 14% of world total, 38% of US total)
  • Peace (9 prize winners, 8% of world total, 10% of US total)
  • Physics (56 prize winners, 26% of world total, 38% of US total)  
  • Physiology or Medicine (58 prize winners, 26% of world total, 38% of US total)

‘We Got to Take These Motherf–kers Out’: Rutgers "Professor" Calls White People ‘Villains’

Speaking of Low Median IQs of black populations, From New York Post:

A professor at New Jersey’s Rutgers University said she believes that white people are historically “committed to being villains” — and that her unfiltered solution to addressing white supremacy would be to “take them out.” [Funny thing Brittany, I was just thinking the same thing about black men who crowd our prisons.]

Brittney Cooper, a professor of women’s and gender studies and Africana studies, addressed the history of colonialism during a discussion last month about critical race theory with the Root Institute.

[Remember, it's the $1.7 Trillion Gov't student loan program that's putting all sorts of kids in "colleges" that don't have the aptitude. It's a giant welfare program for mostly minority kids.

To accommodate the masses of subpar "students," "colleges" must invent these silly "majors" that are useless in the "real world" thus turning the universities into babysitting centers for these kids. Because the "degrees" are totally useless, these loans will never be re-paid and taxpayers will ultimately "bail out" these people in the future.  They know it. You know it. I know it. To teach this crap, they hire the most lame-brained and idiotic "professors"to spread this complete nonsense to the kids.  Total FUBAR.]

“I think that white people are committed to being villains in the aggregate,” Cooper said during the online conference.   She said white people don’t trust society to redistribute power to diverse groups of people “because they are so corrupt.”

“You know, their thinking is so murky and spiritually bankrupt about power that they … they fear this really existentially letting go of power because they cannot imagine another way to be,” she said. Brittney Cooper said white people don’t trust society to redistribute power to diverse groups of people “because they are so corrupt.

Cooper said there’s no “sufficient” solution to addressing white supremacy.

“The thing I want to say to you is we got to take these motherf–kers out,” she said, though she quickly added that she “doesn’t believe in a project of violence.” 

Brittney Cooper

“I truly don’t because I think in the end that our souls suffer from that and I do think that some of this is a spiritual condition,” Cooper said.

Speaking about white supremacy, Cooper also added that she “fundamentally believes that things that have a beginning have an ending.”

“All things that begin in white folks are not infinite and eternal, right? They ain’t gonna go on for infinity and infinity. And that’s super important to remember,” she said.

She argued that white people are already “losing,” noting the rising cost of living and that demographics are shifting.

“White people’s birth rates are going down … because they literally cannot afford to put their children, newer generations, into the middle class … It’s super perverse, and also they kind of deserve it,” she said.

She said only future generations may see an end to the so-called culture war.

“‘Kids actually can grasp critical race theory because the issue that the right has, is that critical race theory is just the proper teaching of American history,” she said.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Jim Quinn: Living in a Potemkin World, Part 2

From Jim Quinn at The Burning Platform Blog

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” George Orwell

In Part One of this article I described the fraudulent world we live in, and postulated we are moving from Huxley’s “soft” dystopia towards Orwell’s boot on the face “hard” dystopia. This pandemic of fear initiated by the Davos crowd over the last two years is following the path I have laid out.

All the examples of truth suppression and silence regarding the truth pale in comparison to the massive conspiracy of silence related to this build back better pandemic scheme. From the outset, when ZeroHedge and a few other alternative media outlets postulated the virus had escaped from the Wuhan bio-weapon lab, a conspiracy of silence was initiated to cover-up the facts. Twitter crushed anyone who put forth this possibility and suspended ZeroHedge from posting for months.

Why the cover-up to protect the communist party of China? As usual, it’s about the money. These media companies, universities, politicians, mega-corporations, Biden and Fauci are all bought off by China. The lies and misinformation continue to this day, as China’s control of major players within our government, media, academia, and corporate America is deep and broad based.

The silence and suppression of the lab leak theory was necessary so Biden and his globalist backers, along with their media propaganda outlets and social media tyrants, could blame Trump for allowing the virus to spread across the U.S. Their impeachment farce, to take the focus off Biden’s traitorous actions in the Ukraine, had dissipated under an avalanche of lies and misinformation, just like Russiagate.

Mass murderer Fauci, the chief funder of weaponizing the China flu, and his cohort of Chinese funded “experts” lured Trump into signing his own death warrant by shutting down the country over a flu, less lethal to those under 50 than the annual flu. After achieving the goal of striking fear into the masses, the lies, falsities, miss-truths and silencing of truth tellers has taken on a new dimension never imagined by Orwell, Huxley or Bernays.

Dehumanizing the populace through mandatory masking, even though Fauci scoffed at the need for masks in March 2020, CDC studies showed masks don’t stop viruses, numerous scientific studies proved masks don’t work, and the cases rose exponentially in January 2021 in all areas with mandatory masking requirements, was the goal of the globalists. The media publicity campaign to promote masks and lockdowns was pure propaganda, based on zero facts and no data.

The PCR test was engineered to produce cases that did not exist, because fear was necessary to allow mail-in ballots for the election, and to destroy the economy before the election. Any doctor or scientist questioning the validity of the PCR test was cancelled and censored. There is complete silence in the media about the FDA pulling its EUA for the PCR test as of December 31, because it can’t distinguish between covid, the flu, or common cold.


The most blatant cover-up and silence about the truth is regarding these experimental gene therapies, framed as vaccines, and designed to enrich Big Pharma, corporate hospital chains, the media pushing the disinformation, government lackeys like Fauci and his pals who will be rewarded handsomely for their acquiescence, doctors paid off to keep silent, and scientists getting big fat grants from Big Pharma.

This might be the most despicable, evil undertaking in the history of our country. And it is still in its infancy. Even though there have been 63 scientific studies proving invermectin, a safe and cheap drug prescribed to human beings for decades whose inventor received a Noble Prize in medicine, drastically reduced the symptoms of covid and essentially ended the pandemic in India, it has been scorned, ridiculed, and suppressed by the media, Fauci, Walensky and Big Pharma.

If they admitted that it works, their EUA for the jabs would be invalidated, and the tens of billions in profits would dry up and not be able to be spread around to the co-conspirators. Money talks and the deaths of hundreds of thousands around the world is a small price to pay for increasing the wealth of the oligarchs and their hatchet men. Twitter & Facebook declare any positive factual information about ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to be misleading and false.

They have banned dozens of doctors and journalists from presenting alternative views from the approved globalist narrative. Alex Berenson, Naomi Wolff, Ron Paul, Front Line Doctors (FLCCC), NY Post, and dozens of other truth telling people and organizations have been de-platformed and denied their First Amendment rights because mega-media corporations say they have a monopoly on the truth.

Joe Rogan recovered from covid in a few days using ivermectin and a couple other Front Line Doctor recommended treatments. CNN and the rest of the compliant left-wing media ridiculed him for taking horse de-wormer. One problem for them. Rogan has a bigger and more listened to platform than these dying legacy media echo chambers. He destroyed shill faux doctor Sanjay Gupta and fake news CNN and proved they are nothing but lying mouthpieces for the corrupt authoritarian establishment.

Fauci, Big Pharma, and the media lied about the efficacy of these “vaccines”, which aren’t even vaccines. The lies about them being almost 100% effective in keeping you from contracting covid were perpetuated by Fauci, Biden and Big Pharma in early 2021. No questioning of the trial data was allowed. We now know their Big Lie has been utilized to demand compliance, institute vaccine passports, and force companies to mandate vaccines. And now they are coming for your children, even though children have virtually 0% risk of dying from covid. They have doubled down on forcing these jabs upon those who refuse to participate in this dangerous experiment.

The truth is these vaccines do no work as advertised. They do not protect you from catching the virus, spreading the virus, being hospitalized by the virus, or dying from the virus. Its efficacy is so poor, they are demanding you get a booster after six months. The booster’s efficacy will wear off even sooner. An eternity of booster shots are just what Big Pharma and the Fauci worshipers want.

Real vaccines eradicate disease (smallpox, polio). This vaccine creates variants, injures people, kills people within weeks, and appears to be creating a long-term ADE (anti-body dependent enhancement) problem for the millions who have put their trust in a Big Pharma experiment, where they face no liability for any death and injuries they cause. Data is emerging in Germany & the UK showing the overall mortality rate, not due to covid, rising rapidly. You won’t hear that on any media outlet, but the facts cannot be denied.

As Biden and his fear mongering leeches continue their all-out assault on our liberties, freedoms, right to make a living, and right to choose what medicines we put in our bodies, their time is running out. Half the country is chanting “Let’s Go Brandon” as this Potemkin Pandemic fizzles out, no matter how hard the fake news media, Raggedy Ann Psaki, Dementia Joe, and Flip Flop Fauci, attempt to keep the fear and loathing at an elevated level. Real journalists and real medical “experts” would be congratulating the American public for the tremendous success in the 52% decline in cases over the last month, and the 25% reduction in deaths. But facts don’t align with their narrative, so the plunge in cases is never mentioned.

In August, the attack dog media were overjoyed by the rise in cases in Florida. DeathSantis was trending on Twitter and stories of imminent disaster were widespread because DeSantis made vaccine mandates and masking mandates illegal, while telling Biden to shove his totalitarian measures. It’s funny that there is complete silence about the 91% plunge in cases over the last two months and 62% crash in deaths in the last month. With a population over 21 million, Florida has one of the lowest rates of covid per million people in the nation, with no authoritarian measures or mandates, and a vaccine rate in the middle of the pack. Floridians are living their lives like normal.

As the shrill cries for everyone to be vaccinated continue from the “experts”, a strange occurrence seems to be happening. Let’s examine the facts, without bias or spin. Vermont is the most vaxxed state in the country, with 70.4% of their population fully vaxxed. How could their cases be at an all-time high, exceeding the winter peak, and still rising? Inquiring minds would want to know whether this means the vaccines don’t work or are they actually the cause of the new cases. Don’t expect an investigative report from 60 Minutes, Jim Acosta, or Rachel Maddow. They are too invested in the narrative and highly compensated to report what they are told to report.

Now to the other side of the ledger. West Virginia is the least vaxxed state in the country, with only 40.8% of their population vaxxed. The liberal elite MSNBC junkies scorn and ridicule these uneducated “hillbillies” and their vaccine “hesitancy”. How could their cases fall by 45% over the last month with such a low vaxx rate? It’s almost as if the vaccines have absolutely no impact on the level of cases or deaths. The national rise in cases that started in August, peaked in September, and will dwindle to virtually nothing in November, happened when the majority of adults were already vaxxed.

Since the beginning of this plandemic, cases have been purposely overstated by a factor of at least five; deaths attributed to covid have been overstated by a factor of at least ten, as only 6% of deaths can be attributed solely to covid; vaccine effectiveness is less than 50% and only lasts a few months; the adverse reactions and deaths from the vaccine appearing in the VAERS database is understated by at least a factor of ten as the medical industry desperately covers up the damage being inflicted on humanity.

Natural immunity from having the virus is at least ten times stronger and long lasting than these vaccines, but the paid-off medical “experts” purposely ignore these facts. The question is why the lies? For what purpose are the lives of millions being purposely destroyed? What is the true agenda? I think Huxley and Orwell capture the gist of the situation in their own brilliant assessments of mankind.

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”  – Aldous Huxley

 “All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.”George Orwell

There are millions of Americans loving their servitude, voluntarily masking, begging for their booster, unquestioningly believing everything Fauci utters, demanding vaccine mandates and passports, and never entertaining the possibility they have been lied to and led to slaughter by their government leaders. These people are weak minded, easily manipulated, and will never question their totalitarian masters.

But, there is a segment of the population, of probably less than 20%, who are capable of seeing through this entire fraudulent episode and choosing to resist the tyranny subverting our country. There are still real journalists (Berenson, Greenwald), non-compromised  doctors (Robert Malone, Pierre Kory, Peter McCoullough), and alternative media websites who day in and day out fight to expose the fraud, lies, and deception engulfing our world.

Now that this fraudulent hijacking of our civilization has been exposed by the few remaining truth tellers, the totalitarian globalists are enacting their agenda exclusively through force. The vaccine mandates and passports are designed to coerce the resistant into falling into line, or their jobs, income and livelihood will be destroyed. Biden and his handlers have no issue with overriding the Constitution with dictatorial proclamations designed to intimidate companies and citizens into submission.

Defiance and protests are met with clubs, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and imprisonment. When the Attorney General considers parents voicing their displeasure at school board meetings as domestic terrorism, while judging ANTIFA and BLM burning cities and killing cops as peaceful protests, you know there is a much more diabolical aspect to this farce.

At first this Build Back Better Great Reset agenda seemed far fetched and seemed like a conspiracy theory. But, as we know, virtually every conspiracy theory over the last decade has proven to be true. It is now undeniable to anyone with critical thinking skills, which eliminates every CNN, MSNBC, NPR, Washington Post, NY Times acolyte, this globalist agenda is real and in danger of succeeding. The brazen disregard for all societal and cultural norms, the rule of law, borders, individual rights, and the Constitution, are proof this is an ongoing coup designed to tear down the foundations of our society, so a new world order based on communistic principles can be installed.

How else can you explain the purposeful opening of our southern border to third world vagrants; the purposeful destruction of our domestic energy industry; the forced firings of tens of thousands in the medical industry, transportation industry, military, law enforcement, and other vital industries due to vaccine mandates for a vaccine that doesn’t work; the destruction of the job market through welfare incentives to not work; subversion of the military through wokeness and purging of anyone who voted for Trump; purposely generated massive inflation through Federal Reserve money creation; bankrupting the nation with $3.5 trillion social engineering green new deal bills; and wreaking havoc on global supply chains with inane policies and restrictions.

These men seek power for its own sake. They want complete control over the world and a reduced population of slaves. As individuals who understand the truth of what’s going on, we can often feel alone and abandoned. This is part of their plan. They want us to abandon hope. They want to separate us from others of like mind. They know we outnumber them, so they crack the whip in order to make us bow down to their demands. But once one stands up, others will follow, and then the tide will turn.

The time is now to make our stand. I sense a turning of the tide, but these demonic forces will not stand down or surrender. They must be defeated and made to pay the price for their traitorous deeds. For now, passive resistance against vaccine mandates by refusing to get the jab, banding with key co-workers to sabotage corporate efforts to bully employees into taking the jab, boycotting all businesses requiring vaccination, starving the beast by consuming less, and creating an alternative pure blood universe where those relying on their immune systems join together and support each other.


Raise your own food, if possible. If not, make friends with local farmers. Form coalitions with like minded people. Barter and cut the government out of the transaction. The creation of on-line job sites only catering to employers who do not require the vaxx will flourish. Doctors and nurses who have been fired for refusing to bow down to Big Pharma need to form their own practices, appealing to un-vaxxed patients. None of this will be easy, but adherence to the truth and steadfastness in our opposition to these Potemkin fascist overlords is vital to our ultimate triumph over evil.

The truth matters. The truth is not subject to opinions. Truth is based on facts. If we forsake facts, we forsake freedom. Just because a large swath of the populace, through the manipulation of their minds by the totalitarian propagandists, have abandoned truth, doesn’t mean we have to accept their perverted inversion of the truth. When you abandon the truth, you submit yourself to the forces of tyranny, where facts are meaningless and collective trust is lost. Any malevolent act can be rationalized, because the truth no longer exists as a guidepost for society. The truth cannot be bought. The future of our country and the world hangs in the balance. It can go terribly wrong or we can cling to the truth and make our last stand against the dark forces attempting to destroy us.

“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.”George Orwell

Friday, October 22, 2021

Armstrong: Even VAERS is Being Manipulated (Like EVERYTHING ELSE)

From Martin Armstrong:

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) was designed for medical providers to report any complications with the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, which would seem to be a valuable tool considering the effects are widely unknown. However, there is no mandate for medical care providers to report side effects to the system.

Whistleblower and Physician Assistant Deborah Conrad, who has practiced medicine for 17 years, came out and said that medical workers are being dissuaded from reporting vaccination side effectsThis video is worth a look.

While working at United Medical Center in New York, Conrad reported 50 adverse events, including four deaths, within a four-week period. Her hospital’s chief quality officer reprimanded her for reporting to VAERS as “this level of reporting [has not been found] anywhere else and [they] didn’t hear of similar reports.” Conrad questioned the system. She questioned why an emergency use vaccination was launched to the public without safety gauges and without any notice to medical providers on what side effects they may see or need to treat.

Less than 50% of the community that United Medical Center services have the vaccine, but around 90% of sick patients were vaccinated, according to Conrad. Worse, their ailments went beyond a new strain or reinfection of COVID-19. The PA saw patients experience:

  • A new stroke
  • Bleed
  • Autoimmune Hepatitis
  • Sudden Bilateral Pneumonia or “COVID19 infection”,
  • Syncope with head injury
  • STEMI,
  • New arrhythmias
  • New seizure disorders,
  • New chorea movement disorder, and more.

At least five of her patients developed unprovoked deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolisms within six weeks of receiving the job. She treated four patients who experienced sudden bilateral pneumonia within just one week of receiving the vaccine. The system would not permit her to report patients who developed COVID despite the vaccine.

The VAERS website states:

Healthcare providers are required to report to VAERS the following adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination [under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)], and other adverse events if later revised by CDC:

Vaccine administration errors, whether or not associated with an adverse event (AE).  Serious AEs regardless of causality. Serious AEs per FDA are defined as:

  • Death;
  • A life-threatening AE;
  • Inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization;
  • A persistent or significant incapacity or substantial disruption of the ability to conduct normal life functions;
  • A congenital anomaly/birth defect;
  • An important medical event that based on appropriate medical judgement may jeopardize the individual and may require medical or surgical intervention to prevent one of the outcomes listed above.
  • Cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
  • Cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalization or death

Healthcare providers are usually encouraged to report to VAERS any additional clinically significant AEs following vaccination, even if they are not sure if vaccination caused the event.

There is certainly a grey area between “required” and “encouraged” reporting, as medical providers can use their discretion to claim what caused the patient to experience an illness. For example, if someone is born with a birth defect, it would be difficult for providers to trace that back to the vaccination. The website “encourages” medical providers to report any adverse event, even if they are not sure if it is tied to the vaccine, but some hospitals are actively encouraging their workers not to do so. VAERS should track any ailments within the vaccinated population to see what illnesses they’re more susceptible to contracting. The only reason not to collect such data would be to downplay the dangers of the vaccine. How can individuals and health care providers make an informed decision when the risk is unknown? This raises questions on Fauci’s “safe and effective” vaccine claims.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Jim Quinn: Living in a Potemkin World, Part 1

By Jim Quinn at the Burning Platform blog:

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”George Orwell, 1984

Definition of Potemkin: "(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) something apparently impressive but is actually a sham or artificial. Named after Grigori Aleksandrovich, Russian soldier and statesman; who is reputed to have erected sham villages along the route of the Empress Catherine II's 1787 tour of the Crimea to impress (fool) her."

I never thought I would experience the dystopian “fictional” nightmare Orwell laid out in his 1949 novel. Seventy-two years later and his warning about a totalitarian society, where mass surveillance, repressive measures against dissenters, mind control through government indoctrination and propaganda designed to convince the masses lies are truth, fake is real and the narrative can be manipulated to achieve the desired outcome of those in power, have come to fruition.

Everything is fake. I don’t believe anything I’m told by the government, the media, medical “experts”, politicians, military leadership, bankers, corporate executives, religious leaders, financial professionals, and anyone selling themselves as an authority on any subject matter. We are truly living in times of mass deception, mass delusion, and mass willful ignorance.

The term Potemkin Village comes from stories of a phony movable village built by Grigory Potemkin in the late 1700’s to impress his former lover, Catherine II, during her journey to Crimea in 1787. He supposedly erected fake villages along the banks of the Dnieper River, as her vessel sailed by, to impress her with the progress he was making on her behalf. After she passed, he would have the village disassembled and then reassembled further along downstream.

I guess this was an early version of fake news, though I am sure there were also plenty of falsities and propaganda in the newspapers of the time. But, in our current day, oppressors have taken lies, falsities, miss-truths, and propaganda to heights never conceived by Edward Bernays, George Orwell or Joseph Stalin.

Any semblance of a Constitutional Republic given to us by Franklin and his courageous fellow revolutionaries has dissipated, as decades of delusion, debt, decadence, and degeneracy have sapped any trace of revolutionary spirit, desire for freedom, love of liberty, or aspirations of self-reliance and self-responsibility among the masses. When you step back and observe how we got to this point in history, you realize it wasn’t a mistake, but a plan by those who control the levers of power, with a goal of accumulating immense riches and total dominion over those they consider nothing more than disposable chess pieces in their game of building a new world order.

We are nothing more than parasites to these tyrannical power-hungry satanical fiends. They have proven they will use any means necessary to achieve their evil ends. The last two years have pulled back the curtain to reveal the oligarch globalist bloodsuckers who have been draining the lifeblood from our nation. The enemies have been exposed by their lies and misdeeds.

For most of the past century the ruling class has been able to implement their methodical pillaging operation utilizing Huxley’s “soft” dystopian methods versus Orwell’s “hard” dystopian techniques. Huxley, who at one time was Orwell’s French teacher in high school, wrote a letter to Orwell shortly after the publication of 1984 where he put forth his vision of the future:

“Within the next generation I believe that the world’s rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.”

As contemporaries, Huxley (Brave New World – 1931), Bernays (Propaganda – 1928), and Orwell (1984 – 1949) all agreed those wielding the power of government, whether seen or unseen, use propaganda techniques to mold the minds of the masses in ways conducive to keeping them in power. Huxley and Bernays believed people could be controlled through mind manipulation, materialism, entertainment, and pharmaceuticals. Orwell, in the wake of 65 million deaths in the space of seven years, and the Soviet totalitarianism in Russia, foresaw a future with a boot stomping on a human face forever.

From 1950 until 2000, Huxley and Bernays’ view held sway, as Americans were enthralled by consumption, sports, movies, technology, and the miracle of living far above their means through plentiful debt provided by Wall Street bankers and their Federal Reserve lackeys. We were so distracted by amusing ourselves, we allowed oligarchs and their highly compensated apparatchiks in government, the media, the military, and the corporate world to hijack and ransack our country for their enrichment.

Neil Postman in his 1985 book Amusing Ourselves to Death compares and contrasts Orwell and Huxley’s views of dystopian tyranny:

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny “failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.” In 1984, Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us.”

Since 9/11 the tables have turned. The implementation of the pre-written Patriot Act and initiation of the surveillance state, as revealed by Snowden and Greenwald, has ushered in a new Orwellian era where a truncheon to the skull and boot on the face supplements the endless technological distractions and incessant propaganda spewed by the legacy media networks and rising social media censorship cabal.

There has clearly been a coalescing of the government, Surveillance state, media, military, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Business to seize the power, control and wealth of the planet and put it in the hands of the few. The Build Back Better marketing campaign, with the goal of a new world order, controlled by oligarchs like Gates, Soros, Bezos, Schwab, Zuckerberg, and Bloomberg, is not a wild-eyed conspiracy theory. It is a work in progress.

The level of brazen dishonesty and blatant criminality among those who portray themselves as leaders and experts in our debauched society has reached astronomical levels over the last two years. There are no trustworthy politicians. No trustworthy corporate executives. No trustworthy military leaders. No trustworthy scientists or academics. They have all been captured and are financially beholden to those controlling the purse strings.

It’s always about the money and power that comes from having money. If you are paid handsomely to lie, you will lie. The truth is meaningless to those who seek power and control. Suppression of the truth is more financially rewarding to those seeking world domination. This entire engineered pandemic scheme has exposed this fact.

A virus, released accidentally or purposely from a Chinese bio-weapon lab, funded by Anthony Fauci, was weaponized and marketed as the greatest threat to mankind in world history, as a means to cover-up a financial system ready to implode, unseat a president through fraudulent mail-in ballots, enrich the wealthiest men on the planet, test how far totalitarian measures could be pushed, and roll out of an experimental gene altering therapy that may or may not be part of a bigger population culling operation promoted by Gates, Schwab and the rest of the Davos crowd. What we do know is this virus only kills very old, very sick, and very obese people. It’s a virus with the largest marketing campaign in world history, paid for with your tax dollars.

With a 99.7% survival rate, there should have never been lockdowns, school closures, mandatory masking, vaccine mandates, or elevating criminal mass murderers like Fauci to sainthood status. The elderly in nursing homes and hospitals should have been protected. Instead, they were slaughtered by Democrat governors putting infected patients into their midst.

Safe and effective early treatment with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, but the corrupt medical “experts” were bribed by Big Pharma to push these untested, ineffective, dangerous vaccines on a fearful public with promises of a cure. More lies. The “vaccines” do not keep you from catching covid, spreading covid, being hospitalized with covid, or dying from covid. In other words, it is a complete and utter failure.

When you then see Fauci, Biden, Walensky and their Hollywood marketing machine demanding vaccine mandates and vaccine passports to entitle you to basic human rights, you realize this has never been about your health or the good of society. This dementia ridden joke, play acting as president, is doing the bidding of the invisible government, as documented by Bernays, in implementing a social credit system styled after the communist China totalitarians they admire.

The un-vaxxed will soon be treated like the Uyghurs in China, placed in internment camps until we see the light, unless we start to fight back NOW. The WEF cadre of captured politicians positioned in countries across the planet have been activated to implement the Build Back Better plot to achieve their goal of a new world order controlled by tyrannical oligarchs and their highly compensated bureaucrat servants.

They have been testing their totalitarian methods in countries with smaller populations (New Zealand, Australia) to see how far they can push their citizens before they push back. When the protests begin to get violent, they back off and pretend to reduce restrictions, then re-institute the lockdowns and restraints on freedom after hyping some new variant. As Bernays claimed, those in control of society know how to psychologically manipulate and mold the minds of the masses through the use of fear, greed, rewards, pain, threats and lies.

We have entered one of the most dangerous periods in world history, as this engineered crisis is being commandeered by sociopathic totalitarians to implement their warped demented plans to destroy the existing societal structures and economic systems in order to build back better under a centralized communistic authoritarian techno-gulag configuration designed to benefit the few at the top, while keeping a boot on the face of humanity forever. When you understand their end goal, much of the seemingly incomprehensible decisions being made by Biden and his handlers come into clearer focus.

It is difficult to step back and try to observe the current state of affairs in an impartial manner when those manipulating the narrative are intent on creating conflict, emotional reactions, anger, and outrage. Pitting us against each other and distracted by daily concocted outrage porn spewed by the completely captured corporate media outlets, allows the oligarchy (billionaires, bankers, politicians, mega-corps, Deep State) to continue their plunder and pillage crusade unhindered and undetected.

They are counting on their decades long social indoctrination program, known as the public school system, to keep the masses from thinking, questioning, or recognizing they are being screwed over the people they believe are looking out for their best interests.

Not only are the dark forces currently ruling the earth not telling the truth, but they have a far greater power in keeping silent about the truth and suppressing it when it rears its ugly head. The truth would set us free, so it is vital for the totalitarian propagandists to keep it from being heard or seen by the masses. Huxley realized during the last Fourth Turning that if you controlled the narrative and suppressed the truth, you could influence opinion much more effectively.

“Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects… totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have by the most eloquent denunciations.” – Aldous Huxley

The current batch of autocratic techno-propagandists have tools which make this truth suppression far easier than it was in the 1930’s and 1940’s. With six mega-corporations dominating the mainstream media outlets, they easily coordinate their messaging and can jointly ignore anything which undermines their predetermined narrative. The examples of ignoring, silencing, or censoring the truth over the last two years could fill hundreds of pages, but a few examples will suffice to make the point.

In September 2019, the financial system began to shudder and quake, with overnight repo rates of 10% indicating tremendous strain. The MSM kept silent as the Fed reversed their tightening and resumed QE to infinity. The press has never questioned the trillions created out of thin air by the Fed to prop up this debt bloated carcass, even as the economy surpassed the GDP before this engineered scamdemic. Why doesn’t 60 Minutes do an expose on why the Fed continues to keep interest rates at 0% when inflation is raging in excess of 10%? Complete silence on issues which hurt the average person the most.

The entire Russiagate Deep State coup against Trump was built on lies, misinformation and suppression of facts by the compliant co-conspirators in the media. Obama, Hillary, Comey, Biden, Brennan, Clapper and a myriad of other traitorous filth conspired against a sitting president and the media kept silent about the facts. The most blatant example of a complete cover-up of the truth by the MSM and the Silicon Valley social media censorship police was, and still is, crackhead Hunter Biden’s laptop during the final days of the presidential campaign.

There is unequivocal proof Hunter Biden and the Big Guy were shaking down foreign governments for cash, influence peddling, and threatening foreign leaders who dared to look into their slimy traitorous dealings. All of the left-wing media outlets either ignored the story or called it Russian disinformation, because they had to get Biden elected. Twitter and Facebook censored and banned anyone putting forth the facts of this story. Then issued fake apologies afterward.

But that was just the beginning. The halt to vote tabulations in the middle of the night in all the swing states, with Trump significantly ahead, was not reported by the press. Fake stories about burst pipes were promulgated. Vote counting irregularities and truckloads of missing ballots didn’t happen if the media didn’t say they happened. Video surveillance of fake ballots being added to the counts was not shown by the media outlets.

The Washington Post and NY Times just applied the same language about conspiracy theories and the most secure election ever to override the substantial factual evidence showing massive voter fraud in the key swing states. Whenever evidence was presented on social media platforms, the person was banned, and their evidence disappeared. Zuckerberg needed to make sure the $420 million he spent to swing the election to Biden was not wasted. By not reporting on the Arizona audit results, the huge irregularities found never happened. Right?

Since the installation of Trojan Horse Joe, the level of silence, suppression and censorship of the truth has reached new heights. Of course, the worst attack on democracy since Pearl Harbor, and far worse than 9/11, was the armed selfie insurrection of January 6, during which no one was armed except the black cop who murdered an unarmed white woman. The media, who gleefully exposes every detail of a cop’s life when they immobilize a drug addled black criminal resisting arrest who died of an overdose, seemed completely uninterested in even trying to identify the cop who murdered Ashli Babbitt.

Silence benefited Biden as they spun the false narrative about the Capitol being attacked and Capitol police being murdered. Pelosi and her sidekicks “Shit My Pants” Nadler, “Crying” Chuck Schumer, “Fartman” “Fang Fang Banging” Swallwell, and “Bug Eyes” Schiff tried their darndest to elevate this milling about by idiots dressed in buffalo regale, FBI plants, and ANTIFA CNN correspondents to an insurrection, but were laughed at and ridiculed by anyone with eyes. Only the couple thousand people in the country, who still watch MSNBC and CNN, believed them.

These boobs, along with their FBI “undercover” domestic terrorists, were further discredited and ridiculed when they attempted to lure normal Americans into another trap at the J6 rally but failed miserably. These are the same people trying to make you believe the border is secure, and hundreds of thousands of third world parasites are not being shipped into swing states across the country. Just pretend it isn’t happening, don’t report on the invasion, and in the minds of the ignorant masses, it isn’t happening.

In Part Two of this article, I will document the never-ending blizzard of lies used to create enough fear and panic in the world from this pandemic of ignorance to initiate the globalist Great Reset agenda and how we need to fight back now before it is too late.

Lloyd Austin Proceeding Illegally in Military Vaccine Mandate

From Benjamin Braddock at American Greatness:

On August 24, Affirmative Action Hire and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin issued a memo to senior Pentagon leadership announcing that he was implementing a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy for all military service members. The day before, the FDA had issued full authorization to Pfizer for their Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine product (the nomenclature of which is meant to be a mashup of the words “COVID”, “mRNA”, and “community”).

In the memo, Secretary Austin issued a directive and a promise, that “Mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 will only use COVID-19 vaccines that receive full licensure from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in accordance with FDA-approved labeling and guidance.” The problem with this is that the Comirnaty vaccine product that was approved by the FDA is not available anywhere in the Military Health System. It is not even in production, according to the military’s TRICARE healthcare providers. If a soldier goes to a military hospital or a private provider to receive an approved Pfizer COVID vaccine, he will be administered the unapproved Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine which is a vaccine that is not approved but has been administered under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

According to the formulation comparison sheet, the Comirnaty vaccine product has a very different formulation than the Pfizer BioNTech product. Also there is a LEGAL difference between Pfizer’s BioNTech and Comirnaty products that is even more profound. According to the FDA’s own vaccine fact sheet for the two Pfizer vaccines, “The products are legally distinct . . .”. That legal distinction may mean that any service member who is coerced into taking the vaccine and suffers adverse effects—which is already happening, with case rates of vaccine-induced myocarditis soaring among service members—will have no legal recourse because the vaccine they took was only given Emergency Use Authorization, not full approval, which means that there is no legal liability whatsoever for Pfizer if and when vaccine injury occurs.

The Department of Defense is telling service members that they are receiving an approved vaccine. That is false on its face and violates service members’ rights to be able to provide or decline to provide informed consent.

Requests for exemptions, numbering in the 100's of thousands are being rejected. There is no case-by-case consideration given even to those servicemen objecting on Religious grounds which is required by statute. 

Furthermore, the services are actively threatening and retaliating against service members who are requesting religious accommodations, purely on the basis of them exercising their Constitutional and statutory rights.    

What the Department of Defense is doing is discriminatory, illegal, and reckless;  It's really a bait and switch which would be typical for the illegitimate "Biden Administration."(or whoever is pulling the strings).

NIH Director Collins and Fauci Lied to Congress About Gain of Function Research at Wuhan

 From Gateway Pundit and ZeroHedge:

NIH Director Collins and NIAID Director Fauci both claimed that the NIH had not funded the gain-of-function research in Wuhan. Today we found out they lied. 

Dr. Fauci, the Director of NIAID, was under oath when speaking with Senator Rand Paul.  He denied that the NIH funded the gain-of-function research in Wuhan.

A top NIH official admitted in a Wednesday letter that the US-funded so-called "gain-of-function" research in Wuhan, China - and that the US nonprofit which conducted it, EcoHealth Alliance - led by the controversial Peter Daszak, "failed to report" that they had created a chimeric bat coronavirus which could infect humans.

Today the NIH provided a document to the US House of Representatives that claims that the NIH did indeed fund gain-of-function research in Wuhan. Rutgers University Board of Governors Chemistry Professor Richard H. Ebright sums it up:

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Maine Hospital Fired So Many Unvaxed Employees They Had to Close the ICU

From FlagandCross.com:

A hospital in Maine fired so many of its employees for being unvaccinated that the place was forced to close its ICU because it didn’t have enough workers to staff it.

The administrators of Central Maine Healthcare in Lewiston, Maine, enacted a vax policy demanding all employees to take the vaccine. But more than 250 employees refused to comply before the deadline. These employees were subsequently fired.

Unfortunately for patients, about 170 of those employees were needed to staff the intensive care unit. Consequently, the hospital had to shut down its ICU because of the firings.

Because it lost so many employees, the hospital plans on cutting intensive care beds by 50% and reducing the number of medical surgical beds by 40%, the Bangor Daily News reported. 


Other healthcare companies in Maine have also quit their jobs.

MaineHealth said 69 staffers resigned, Central Maine Healthcare reported 70 resignations at the time and 500 open positions at the hospital, and another 89 staffers left at Northern Light Health over their refusal to take the vax.

One has to wonder why tens of thousands of health care workers across the nation refuse to take the vaccine? What do they know that the rest of us don’t?

China is Preparing its Citizens for War - You Should Not Ignore This!

Link to YouTube Video Here.  Chinese citizens are being told to treat the USA and the Outside world as the Enemy, they're being prepared for war whilst we tiptoe around worrying about hurting the feelings of the Chinese government.... Time to wake up

Friday, October 15, 2021

We Have Allowed The Illegitimate Bolsheviks to Steal our Country and Liberty

From Paul Craig Roberts:

In Loudoun County, Virginia, an anti-white, Democrat, woke, corrupt, and immoral school board covered up the rape of a school girl in a female rest room by a “transgendered male” claiming to be a female.

Why did the school board cover up the rape?

The answer is that the Democrat school board coerced transgenderism on students and parents and pretended that a teenage boy with raging hormones and a hard-on could really, truthfully, be a female, as long as he said so, and have access to the girls’ rest room, where he raped not one but two victims.

When the criminally insane leftwing Democrat Loudoun County, Virginia, “school board” 100% responsible for crimes of rape and coverup, realized that its idiotic ideology had resulted in the rape of a child, the corrupt and criminal Democrat school board covered up to protect itself. What’s a couple of rapes? After all, eventually the girls would experience sex. A rape is no big deal, and we must not allow it to discredit our transgender policy. This is the way the Democrat Party functions in America today. The Democrat Party is the political party of all of the crazed anti-white, anti-American immoralists, and these anti-American immoralists are in the process of destroying the remains of America.

The anti-white and utterly corrupt Virginia Democrat governor and attorney general will not prosecute the Democrat school board for obstruction of justice. It is unlikely they will prosecute the rapist, as it would discredit the Democrats’ policy of forcing transgenderism down people’s throats

When the word got out and parents complained, the school board had the immoral and corrupt white police arrest the white parent, not the rapist or themselves clearly guilty of covering up crime, thereby obstructing justice.

The criminal school board remains unindicted. The parent of the raped child is in jail on absurd charges.

This is America today.

It is OK to obstruct justice and cover up rapes of school girls if you are a Democrat school board. But if you are a Republican and you speak to a Russian you will be destroyed with a Russiagate hoax.

A person might think that eventually Republicans would catch on and learn how to fight. Don’t hold your breath. Republicans also are on the take. Money is all that is important to either political party.

When you see white police man-handling, handcuffing, and arresting a white father who complained about the rape of his daughter, when the police, if they had an ounce of integrity, should be arresting the criminal school board for covering up a crime and the rapist for rape, how can you have any respect and support for the police? The idiot police are destroying the people’s support of them. 

Indeed, Americans who live under Democrat jurisdiction, such as Atlanta, St. Louis, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, already live without police protection as the extensive burning and looting of those cities by Black Lives Matter But Not White Ones and the American elite’s mercenary force, Antifa, proves. The only two people arrested and sentenced for the massive outbreak of violence and property destruction across Democrat-controlled US cities was a married St. Louis couple who brandished firearms to protect their home. The corrupt Democrat anti-American, anti-white district attorney arrested and prosecuted them. Those who burned and looted were given a free pass by the Democrats.

The police seem incapable of ever doing the right thing. They always seem to support the evil that rules. It is the police who are protecting the evil that is destroying us. As long as the police are aligned with Democrats they are the enemies of the American people.

Yes, it is all true.

When it is put to traditional Americans in stark terms, most grasp that something is wrong. But what I have described is only the tip of the iceberg. The excrement installed in the White House by the establishment via a stolen election has declared war on half of the American population—those who pay attention and refuse to accept the death jab, which is what the Covid vaccine is.

Joe Biden is a cipher. All his life he has served the monied elite interest groups that put and keep him in office. He doesn’t know how to do anything else. Being a whore is his lifelong occupation. Just think, if you believe the last US election was honest, Americans voted for a whore as their President.

Last week the worst embarrassment Americans have ever suffered—Joe Biden—attacked unvaccinated Americans as the root of America’s problems, as cruel people who don’t care about their vaccinated fellow Americans. The White House Moron is too senile to be able to put two and two together. If you are doubly vaccinated, and according to the corrupt US medical establishment “95% protected,” how can you possibly be threatened by the unvaccinated?

Never expect the corrupt and despicable American media to ever ask the White House Moron this question.

The White House Excrement went on to describe half of the American population as dangerous, selfish, anti-Americans who are spreading the Covid disease despite the fact that the hospitals are full of the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated. It is the same in every country. It is the vaccinated who are hospitalized.

How is it possible that an American president can go before news organizations with obvious lies and denunciations of American citizens that go far beyond Stalin’s denunciation in his drive for power of the Bolsheviks who led the revolution and the Kulaks who resisted it, Mao’s denunciations of landlords, and Pol Pot’s denunciations of the bureaucratic establishment? Each of the three left a mountain of skulls as their Monument. Will our skulls be Joe Biden’s Monument?

Here is Tucker Carlson, Americas’ only TV journalist, indeed one can say America’s only journalist in the non-internet media. https://www.foxnews.com/transcript/tucker-biden-unvaccinated-americans

Listen to him, once, twice, three times, as long as it takes to lose your apathy, because it is your apathy that is destroying you. Become aware of what is happening to you. You are faced with an American President who hates and intends to destroy all Americans who think for themselves, believe in the Constitution, God, and civil liberty. The Democrat Party has declared all such Americans to be “domestic terrorists and enemies of democracy,” including parents who “disrespect” school boards by complaining about the race and gender indoctrination of their children. Not only are their bodies raped but also their minds.

Prepare yourself to fight for your liberty, your family, and your country. The Democrats intend to destroy traditional Americans. To survive in woke Democrat America you need to win the war against your Democrat enemies, or to surrender to evil and endorse multiple genders and, if you are white, confess to your racism and give restitution and make your daughters available for rape to even the score.

Americans are faced with total evil. That evil is Democrats and whore media. Why do real Americans tolerate their daily humiliation by evil people?

This is prophecy for our time:

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.”

Sanjay Gupta Exposes CNN and "Joe Biden" Administration Lies

From James Howard Kunstler at Clusterfuck blog:

Apparently, CNN’s house doctor went into his interview on the Joe Rogan Experience with eyes wide shut. Did his handlers and preppers not have a clue that Joe would give Sanjay the business about CNN’s deliberate, incessant, and epic lying in the service of forces that seek to destroy the country, its people, and western civ with them?

The issue was Mr. Rogan declaring publicly that he took ivermectin with a suite of other drugs to get over Covid-19 in a few days’ time and then CNN’s defaming of the Nobel Prize winning drug as “horse de-wormer,” and defaming Joe Rogan for taking it. CNN’s bad faith propaganda plays a key role in the dishonest and untrustworthy campaign by America’s public health officialdom, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, to prevent the clinically-proven ivermectin early treatment protocol from being recognized by the FDA, because doing so would nullify the FDA’s emergency use authorization for the still-unapproved Covid-19 “vaccines.”

It was painful to watch Sanjay wriggle and try to squirm away from the accusation that his network lies knowingly to the public (and that he abets it). “It’s a lie that they’re conscious of, it’s not a mistake,” Joe Rogan said, pithing the famous TV doc like a common carpet moth. “You know that they know they’re lying,” he pressed on. “Do you think that’s a problem, that your news network lies?”

Yeah, it’s a problem, Sanjay finally admitted, lamely. And it’s no small problem that the nation’s community of doctors has allowed itself to be buffaloed into killing tens-of-thousands of patients across the land who are denied life-saving treatments, while harming and killing many others with “vaccines” which deliver toxic spike proteins that damage blood vessels and organs.

Sanjay Gupta is now the discredited poster boy for American doctors-without-honor and a medical system in abject collapse. All this lying by the government, the doctors, and the news media led to “Joe Biden’s” dastardly “vaccine mandate” — and fake, too, since there is still no actual legal instrument behind it — that is the final insult to medicine as legions of health-care workers ranging from doctors and nurses to janitors quit their jobs rather than submit to forced “vaccinations.”

The vax mandate is in-step with the primary motive of the Democratic party’s neo-Jacobin program, which is to push people around, to coerce them to do things that common sense and the instinct for survival argue against, and then to punish the people sadistically when they refuse, and to do it for the sheer pleasure of inflicting harm on their enemies — who happen to be the citizens of the USA. That is your “Joe Biden” government, from top to bottom, a matrix of fakeness and malice.

The vax mandate is doing a steller job of wrecking every other public service from sea to shining sea as police, firemen, EMTs, 911 operators, and soldiers in the US military demur from the shots. And, of course, there are all he private companies going along suicidally with the scheme: the airlines, the railroads, the truckers, the retailers, you name it, all shedding employees and the ability of the companies to function. Naturally, the news media is trying to hide the damage, but in another week the net effect will be of the world’s biggest-ever general strike. Every activity in the country will stand still; some activities will just crash-and-burn; and many will not return to their prior states-of-operation.

This is not just a matter of the kiddies missing their Christmas presents. That’s just a dumb-ass sentimental ruse to divert your attention from the entire armature of American life imploding at warp speed. Christmas presents! How about no food, no gasoline, no heat, no money, and no public safety? That’s where this is taking us, and in the fast lane. And it hardly matters whether the financial markets manage to stay artificially levitated. Reality has already discounted the financial markets because they have forfeited their basic function, which is to signal the true price of everything. The true price of a society lying to itself about everything will be the sickness and death of the society.

We must be very close to a clear majority of the people in America recognizing the danger we are in and identifying the source of that danger. When that moment arrives, will we be able to do anything about it? It may take extraordinary measures not seen before in our political history.