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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

None of This is an Accident

From Michael Smith at Substack:

Sir Winston Churchill posited that the British Liberals “Delight in smooth sounding platitudes, refusal to face unpleasant facts ... genuine love of peace and pathetic belief that love can be its sole foundation ... the utter devotion of the Liberals to sentiment apart from reality ...though free from wickedness or evil design” played a central role in the unleashing the horrors and miseries of a second world war upon the people of the world.

I can’t see a lot of daylight between Sir Winston’s conclusions and what we are witnessing today.

If you are shocked that sending Biden and Harris to the White House is destroying America, both domestically and abroad, perhaps it is time you considered that sending them there was the whole point of the exercise all along.

What is happening in Ukraine, in Iran, the illegal flood of humans from Latin, Central and South America, and especially the Orwellian turn taken in the Great White North, is directly tied to the appalling lack of global leadership coming out of the United States right now.

Not a peep has been heard out of our betters at the State Department about Trudeau's adventures in authoritarianism. No “human rights” organization in the US is speaking out against the beatings, the arrests, the hunting down and the systemic crushing of lives and livelihoods of people who had the temerity to donate a few bucks to a freedom movement.

But then the Trudeau government is just modelling their actions on what the Democrat led US government has done to J6 protesters, so the State Department can’t’ criticize Trudeau without criticizing themselves – and that isn’t going to happen.

Democrats are either amoral or immoral and lack the ability and capability of self-reflection, so they can’t even see the parallels.

But even China sees it – and they are using it to full effect to deflect from their treatment of the Uyghurs and the people in Hong Kong. China simply points to how similar the Western governments treatment of their own people as to their own brand of oppression and our governments have no answer.

And yesterday's vote on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to reauthorize the Emergencies Act, a vote that ended by approving the Act for another 30 days along party lines, substantiates that tyranny isn't just the act of one man, it is the most fervent desire of the political left.

You see, all of this is perfectly legal. Apparently, what is right and moral is now subject to a simple majority vote.

Whatever the government says is right and true.

But “legal” doesn’t mean right or moral.

None of this is an accident.

This is he perfect storm of apathy, ignorance, indolence, weakness, and desperation for which the global authoritarian left has waiting for over a century.

In America, that meant people simply ignored the manipulation of election laws before elections, were panicked into allowing illegal changes due to a “pandemic”, allowed technocrats to usurp elected government, and simply sat by as megalomaniacal elected leaders claimed temporary powers that were made permanent by their cronies in government. We allowed the Obama style “stop me if you can” government to become the norm.

And worst of all, we accepted rule by some of the worst, weakest, most ignorantly ideological people in the history of our Republic.

Once again, just as it was in WWI, WWII and the Cold War, the world is sliding into an abyss of oppression, violence, authoritarianism, and tyranny, and once again, even while weakened by the same forces acting on the rest of the world, America stands alone as the only nation with the power to stop it.

Will we stop it?

America is going to have to heal herself before we can help anyone else.

I honestly don’t know if we have the drive to even save ourselves, much less the world.

What I do know is that we will be sorely tested.

That time is coming, and it may be a lot sooner than we think.

In “The Gathering Storm”, Winston Churchill wrote:
“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
A time is coming when Americans must choose whether the words of Churchill still have meaning to enough free people to matter.

Fourth Turning 2022: Bad Moon Rising Part 4

From Jim Quinn at The Burning Platform blog:

In Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this article I examined the power of propaganda and the use of fear to invoke a mass formation psychosis on millions of weak-minded victims of global elitist psychopaths weaponizing a flu as part of their plot to Reset the world as lords of a global fiefdom, with the lowly peasants owning nothing and being happy to be permitted to live. The trillions in debt created by central bankers and debased political hacks, play acting as wise all-knowing leaders, are also part of the plan to crash the global economy and further the aims of these globalist billionaires and their parasitic front men.

The third segment of this unholy trinity has been the engineered civic decay spawned by the traitorous deeds of politicians, who have encouraged the invasion of over two million illegal freeloaders, aided domestic terrorists (BLM & Antifa) in burning and looting our cities for a year, facilitated the teaching of degeneracy to our children, and have pitted family against family, friend against friend, employer against employee, over a Big Pharma experimental therapy that doesn’t do anything but enrich those peddling it, injuring and killing millions, and tearing the last vestiges of our civil society to shreds.

In this fourth and final installment I will try to anticipate what global disorder dynamics will come into play during the remainder of 2022 and beyond, impacting the level of violence and bloodshed before this Fourth Turning reaches its fateful climax. As Strauss and Howe warned 25 years ago, the risk of catastrophe would be high, and a positive outcome was far from guaranteed. We have entered the most dangerous phase of this Crisis, where decisions by dementia ridden puppet presidents, foreign dictators, central bankers, billionaire hedge fund managers, and billionaire software makers pretending to be medical experts, will determine the future course of history.

“The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

In this fourth and final installment I will try to anticipate what global disorder dynamics will come into play during the remainder of 2022 and beyond, impacting the level of violence and bloodshed before this Fourth Turning reaches its fateful climax. As Strauss and Howe warned 25 years ago, the risk of catastrophe would be high, and a positive outcome was far from guaranteed. We have entered the most dangerous phase of this Crisis, where decisions by dementia ridden puppet presidents, foreign dictators, central bankers, billionaire hedge fund managers, and billionaire software makers pretending to be medical experts, will determine the future course of history.

The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

History offers no guarantees. Obviously, things could go horribly wrong – the possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues, from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship. We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary hardship, but debasement and total ruin. Losing in the next Fourth Turning could mean something incomparably worse. It could mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence – perhaps even our nation – might never recover.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

When reading these foreboding words regarding the potential tragic outcomes for this Fourth Turning, it is easy to dismiss as ridiculous and nothing but fear porn. The reason younger generations reject the possibility of all-encompassing war is because the last Fourth Turning ended 77 years ago and most people who experienced the horror of World War II have died, extinguishing any direct knowledge of the conflict, initiating the cycle of war once more. Each Fourth Turning has its own dynamics, catalyzing events, and individuals which propel the crisis towards its convulsive climax.

The U.S. hasn’t been in a major conflict since 1945, only military industrial complex created regional wars, designed to keep the hundreds of billions flowing to the defense industry and politicians in their pockets. War has been nothing but a racket for decades, but Fourth Turnings always plunge the nation into a chaotic life and death struggle, with a grand conflict to determine the future course of history. There are currently neocon chicken hawk warmongers in positions of power, along with bought journalistic whores pushing false narratives about Russia, who aren’t satisfied with peace, pushing for war. This cyclical extreme is destined to lead to war.

The ancients believed that each cyclical extreme, mirroring the hopes and fears of the other, helps generate the other. The night longs for the day, the day for night. In war, people yearn for relief from strife, leading to peace. In peace, people yearn to champion what they love, leading to war.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

The global disorder sweeping the world is multi-faceted, but it is all interconnected and can be tracked back to Soros, Schwab, and their globalist billionaire cabal. Never ending war is good business in an empire of lies. When in doubt about the intentions of politicians, world leaders, mainstream media talking heads, and self-proclaimed military experts, always follow the money.

As Smedley Butler proclaimed during the last Fourth Turning, war has always benefited the rich, while young men die on battlefields as cannon fodder. The CIA initiated regional Middle East conflicts, propelled by CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and the rest of the government-controlled media, have kept the hundreds of billions flowing to the military industrial complex for decades and coffins arriving at Dover airbase.

War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.” – Smedley Butler

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Interesting: Vladamir Putin's Explains the Donbass Situation

Putin's address to the Russian Federation in English:

We are meeting today to discuss the current developments in Donbass.

I will briefly remind you how it all started and how the situation has developed even though you know this very well. But we need general background to help us make appropriate decisions.

So, after the 2014 coup in Ukraine, part of the population did not accept the outcome. Let me remind you that this was an anti-constitutional, blood-shedding coup that killed many innocent people. It was truly an armed coup. Nobody can argue that.

Some of the country’s citizens did not accept the coup. They were residents of Crimea and the people who currently live in Donbass.

Those people declared that they were establishing two independent republics, the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic. This was the point when the confrontation started between the Kiev officials and the people living on that territory.

In this context, I would like to point out that Russia initially did everything it could to make sure these disagreements could be resolved by peaceful means. However, the Kiev officials have conducted two punitive operations on those territories and, apparently, we are witnessing a third escalation.

All these years – I want to stress this – all these years, the people living on those territories have been literally tortured by constant shelling and blockades. As you know, the people living on those territories, close to the front line, so to speak, were in fact forced to seek shelter in their basements – where they now live with their children.

A peace plan was drafted during the negotiating process called the Minsk Package of Measures because, as you recall, we met in the city of Minsk. But subsequent developments show that the Kiev authorities are not planning to implement it, and they have publicly said so many times at the top state level and at the level of Foreign Minister and Security Council Secretary. Overall, everyone understands that they are not planning to do anything with regard to this Minsk Package of Measures.

Nevertheless, Russia has exerted efforts and still continues to make efforts to resolve all the complicated aspects and tragic developments by peaceful means, but we have what we have.

Our goal, the goal of today’s meeting is to listen to our colleagues and to outline future steps in this direction, considering the appeals by the leaders of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic on recognising their sovereignty, as well as a resolution by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the same subject. The latter document urges the President to recognise the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic.

At the same time, I would like to note that these different matters are, nevertheless, closely linked with matters of maintaining international security, on the European continent in particular, because the use of Ukraine as a tool for confronting this country, Russia, of course, presents a major and serious threat to us.

This is why we have intensified our work with our main partners in Washington and NATO over the past few months and in late 2021, so as to reach an eventual agreement on these security measures and to ensure the country’s calm and successful development under peaceful conditions. We see this as our number one objective and a top priority; instead of confrontation, we need to maintain security and ensure conditions for our development.

But we must, of course, understand the reality we live in. And, as I have said many times before, if Russia faces the threat of Ukraine being accepted into the North Atlantic Alliance, NATO, the threat against our country will increase because of Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty that clearly states that all countries in the alliance must fight on the side of their co-member in the event of an aggression against it. But since nobody recognises the will expressed by the people of Crimea and Sevastopol, and Ukraine continues to insist that it is Ukrainian territory, there is a real threat that they will try to take back the territory they believe is theirs using military force. And they do say this in their documents, obviously. Then the entire North Atlantic Alliance will have to get involved.

As you know, we have been told that some NATO countries are against Ukraine becoming a member. However, despite their objections, in 2008, they signed a memorandum in Bucharest that opened the doors for Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO. I have not received an answer to my question as to why they did that. But if they took one step under pressure from the United States, who can guarantee that they will not take another step under pressure? There is no guarantee.

There are no guarantees whatsoever because the United States is known to easily discard any agreements and documents it signs. Still, at least something must be put on paper and formulated as an international legal act. At this point, we cannot even agree on this one thing.

Therefore, I would like to suggest that we proceed as follows: first, I will give the floor to Mr Lavrov who is directly involved in the attempts to reach an agreement with Washington and Brussels, and with NATO, on security guarantees. Then I would like Mr Kozak to report on his findings concerning the talks on the implementation of the Minsk agreements. Then each of you will be able to speak. But at the end of the day, we must decide what we will do next and how we should proceed in view of the current situation and our assessment of these developments.

VHD: The Gathering Storm in the West

From Victor Hansen Davis Via American Greatness:

Canada is now governed by absurdism, and it is symptomatic of an ailing Western elite.

Liberal Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last week invoked martial law to arrest and financially destroy truckers on the charge that their largely peaceful protests are “dismantling the Canadian economy” that had already been dismantled for two years under some of the most draconian lockdowns in the world. The trucker “sect,” Trudeau added, is guilty of felonious “unacceptable views.” But his rhetoric still cannot square the circle of demonizing vital workers while conceding he cannot run his country without them. 

He has invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in the law’s 34-year history, even as the highly infectious Omicron variant wanes after spreading natural immunity and yet proving relatively mild in its effects. Trudeau has neither science nor good governance on his side, especially given how civil the protests have been. The truckers, who more or less work in solitary cabs, are better informed about the “science” and are themselves mostly vaccinated.

Whether by accident or intent, the truckers have now become iconic of far larger issues. Their resistance to government vaccination mandates transcends them. And so, they are playing the role of the proverbial straw that may break the back of a once compliant Canadian citizenry, burdened by over two years of masks, lockdowns, and vaccination mandates.

They are Howard Beales yelling, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!” or the iconic Tunisian peddler Tarek el-Tayeb Mohamed Bouazizi whose self-immolation prompted the Arab Spring, or Tank Man who stood erect in Tiananmen as an oncoming tank finally swerved around him. The truckers are saying to the Canadian people, “Watch and we will kindly show you why you always privately suspected that this prime minister and his ilk were frauds.” As in the case of earlier exasperated rebels, we do not know the exact consequences that will follow, only that the leaders who targeted the dissidents will likely end up worse than their targets.

The North American public has endured almost daily nonsensical changes in “follow the science” state edicts, as well as vast asymmetries between those who profited and those who were hurt by the government reactions to the pandemic. On the one hand, Trudeau threatens to use his state powers to ruin financially the protestors and their supporters. On the other hand, the prime minister brags that he participated in the Canadian versions of the BLM protests in summer 2020. Here in the United States, the combined BLM/antifa riots of summer 2020 caused the greatest property damage claims of any riot in U.S. history, around $2 billion. The violence eventually led to over 35 deaths, the torching of a federal courthouse, police precinct, and historic Washington D.C. church, over 1,500 police injuries–and, mysteriously, very few indictments of the some 14,000 people arrested. Is Trudeau’s point to stress that destroying things make protestors more authentically left-wing and thus exempt, while mostly peaceful protests lose deterrence and therefore can be crushed?

The North American Left justifies such asymmetry both in crude terms and in ideological gobbledly-gook. A Trudeau official called the truckers “Trump supporters,” as if that label has any relevance other than to justify the government’s violation of civil liberties. Does Trudeau think a “Trump supporter” necessarily polls worse than a “Trudeau supporter”? The foppish man who in his youth thought it cool to be photographed sporting blackface is quick to demonize a multiethnic and multiracial protest as “racist”?Report Ad

Left-wing administrations in Toronto and Washington feel that the supposed higher social goals of the antifa and BLM violent protests (that purportedly advance their own political agendas) warrant exemptions of every sort. More than 1,000 U.S. healthcare workers went on record in 2020 justifying street protestors’ flagrant violations of strict COVID-19 lockdowns, at the height of the pre-vaccination pandemic. 

We were lectured that curbing any BLM protest might cause mental health problems. Should noncomplying truckers and their boosters try that ruse?

The asymmetric application of punishment depends solely on the degree to which any given violation aids or detracts from left-wing agendas. A postelection Time magazine piece by Molly Ball gave the game away. She bragged how CEOs and plutocrats conspired to modulate the pulse of the Antifa/BLM violence to ensure calm for Joe Biden’s election—and more or less summed up the larger progressive elite impulse (“There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans.”)

COVID accentuated a larger and growing cultural, political, social, and economic split in the West. Partly, the fissures were brought on by the displacements of globalization. Partly they appeared with the final dominance of a huge class of credentialed government apparatchiks. And partly the split derives from the paradox of governments inviting millions of non-Western immigrants into Europe and North America from impoverished, and dystopian societies. Their inequality upon arrival, supposedly predicated on race rather than class, then becomes political nourishment for progressive redistributive agendas that otherwise had little political support among their citizen populations.

Again, the truckers symbolize this gap, in an age when elites do not care much for class divides, only racial distinctions as a way of demonizing the less well-off. 

After all, those who smear the truckers are mostly of the zoom and laptop class. Their chief agendas during the last two years of crisis were sheltering in place to avoid contact with anyone, while zooming and skyping to maintain and boost their already generous incomes. Few like Trudeau ever wondered how the elite remained fully employed, but rarely present at work—much less why millions of others were expected to scoff at the virus and come physically to work, while their incomes often dived or ended due to government lockdown policies. 

The muscular classes enjoyed no such exemptions. Their kids went to public schools that were shut down or required masks. Parents lost incomes as they stayed home to watch children that tenured teachers would not teach. Truckers had no such margin of safety or security, but were out among the public delivering food, fuel, clothing, and the appurtenances of the Western comfortable lifestyle. In our current inflationary spiral, they earned a bit more, while inflation made them poorer, while those they served earned far more.

The truckers remind Western audiences that modern progressivism equates muscular labor and hourly wage compensation with a sort of Neanderthalism. That is, the unfortunate clingers supposedly never quite understood globalization, much less how an 8-billion-person market rewards those who type on keyboards and, in relative terms, punishes the supposedly less aware who physically deliver, fix, make, and repair things.

We can almost reduce the divide to the embarrassing optics of a pouty-face pajama-boy prime minister, with a pompadour coiffure, issuing threats to calm, but beefy and calloused workers. Each time Trudeau speaks to his nation, the visual message is that any of the truckers could do a better job than he in both setting and explaining policy, while he would become a helpless weeping child if placed behind the wheel of a big rig.

Nolan: Our Multi-Decade Financial Bubble is Coming to a Head

From Doug Nolan at Credit Bubble Bulletin:

Bubbles are sustained only by ever increasing amounts of Credit.  The most pernicious Bubbles are those fueled by “money” – perceived safe and liquid Credit instruments. Bubbles are mechanisms of wealth redistribution and destruction.  Structural impairment caused by Bubble excess escalates over the life of the boom.

But the pain and dislocation unleashed during the bust is proportional to the excesses of the preceding boom.

Though we’re in uncharted waters when it comes to global Bubble Dynamics, I’ll suggest that geopolitical risks expand exponentially over time.

My thesis holds that 2022 is a pivotal year for a historic multi-decade Bubble period. On multiple fronts, things have come to a head. Today, more than ever, historical context is invaluable for making sense of current developments, while also recognizing the dynamics behind unfolding instability, turmoil and Crisis Dynamics.

In the nine quarters beginning Q3 2019, outstanding Treasury debt expanded $6.4 TN, or 36%, to a record $24.3 TN. Treasury debt has increased 300% since 2007. Since September 2019, Non-Financial Debt has expanded an unprecedented $10.4 TN, or 20%. Federal Reserve Assets surged $5.14 TN in 127 weeks to $8.911 TN, having now inflated almost 10-fold since 2007.

In China, Aggregate Financing surged $12.4 TN since July 2019, or 33%, to surpass $50 TN. Since 2007, Chinese Bank Assets have expanded from $6.9 TN to $54.3 TN, or 684%. China’s M2 “money” supply inflated $7.54 TN, or 25%, since September 2019 to a record $38.3 TN.

Led by the U.S. and China, the entire world succumbed to reckless “money” and Credit growth without precedent. End-of-cycle “blow-off” excess sustained myriad Bubbles, but at tremendous cost. Securities speculative Bubbles morphed into precarious manias. Mal-investment spun completely out of control. Structural maladjustment ran deep and wide, both within real economies and market structures. Powerful inflationary dynamics escaped asset markets to jolt consumer and producer prices. Moreover, the forces of wealth inequality were dramatically energized, within nations and between them.

Annual U.S. CPI has exceeded 7% for the first time since 1982. Short-term rates remain near zero, and the Fed has yet to conclude this round of QE. China is in the initial phase of a historic real estate (chiefly apartment) bust. Beijing’s most recent effort to slow Credit growth was, once again, scuttled. China has significantly escalated pressure on Taiwan, while moving to shore up its dominance in the South China Sea. Russia has reportedly massed a force of 190,000 around Ukraine, the largest European military mobilization since WWII. China and Russia are moving aggressively to galvanize their anti-U.S. global sphere of influence. Here at home, a deeply divided nation sinks deeper into a muck of anxiety, acrimony, vitriol and hostility. In short, years of mismanagement and resulting Monetary Disorder are coming home to roost – Big Time.

Severe banking system impairment in the early nineties emboldened the Greenspan Fed to accommodate a boom in non-bank Credit and leveraged speculation. With Greenspan rate policies backstopping the markets and GSE balance sheets operating quasi-central bank liquidity operations, Bubble Dynamics gathered powerful momentum.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Klaus Schwab Brags He Has Infiltrated Governments and Cabinets to Force His Marxist Agenda


Below is another video of Schwab speaking to political commentator and Bohemian Grove alum David Gergen in 2017 at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics, Schwab described how the WEF’s modus operandi is to  penetrate governments by installing its “young global leaders.”(from Infowars.com):


Partial Transcript:

“But what we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, president of elsewhere, Argentina and so on…”

“So we penetrate the cabinets,” Schwab admitted.

So yesterday, I was at the reception for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,” Schwab continued, “and I would know that half of this cabinet or even more than half of this cabinet are our actually young global leaders of the world.

“…And that’s true in Argentina too,” Gergen added.

“It’s true in Argentina,” Schwab agreed, “and it’s true in France now, I mean Mr. President [Emmanuel Macron] who is a young global leader…”

Further Commentary From Martin Armstrong (slightly reorganized):

Schwab has publicly bragged that he has “penetrated” cabinets around the world to force his economic philosophies upon the people circumventing any right of the people to vote. This was at his talk at Harvard.

He has infiltrated Harvard and has brought his agenda to be taught there. This is what he is doing. He is trying to infiltrate not just governments, but also all the universities to indoctrinate the next generation into his eyes. He has also created his Global Shapers program to also reshape the world into his Marxist vision.

Schwab is using this strategy to infiltrate all world governments. Putin has rejected Schwab’s agenda where Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have embraced it. They installed Biden because it is unclear if he even understands anything he signs.

He has infiltrated the US government with John Kerry who is the key person and even Biden named his outrageous sending spree with the WEF sloganBUILD BACK BETTER.

Canadians need to understand this agenda. Trudeau is now even having the police arrest people bringing fuel to the Truckers. This is an all-out war against Schwab for the very future of our world, our families, and our children. Academics have been the supporters of communism because they have never lived under such systems and always talk about equality materially rather than equality of rights. You cannot have freedom (liberty) and material equality simultaneously. Russia and China tried that and failed.

Klaus Schwab: Ruler of the World, Enemy of Democracy

Schwab has been behind the design of the EU. The German people were NEVER allowed to vote on joining the Euro. Kohl even admitted he acted like a dictator because if he allowed the people to vote, he knew he would lose.

This is what they are doing right now before our eyes. Schwab has infiltrated governments to force his Marxist agenda upon the world. The head of the EU, IMF, and ECB are all or have been board members of his WEF. He has his people in place to totally control Europe. Just look at the countries he has dominated and you will see the worst oppression since Hitler/Mussolini. All of this has been under the pretense of caring for the welfare of the people because of COVID which is not even a threat anymore than the Flu.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

The Ukraine Mirage: Biden to Take Credit for Stopping His Own Manufactured 'Crisis'

From Jordan Schachtel at Substack:

Is it better to win a war without firing a shot, or rather, convince people that you stopped a “war” that never had a chance of actually starting? 

With poll numbers continuing to tank, and midterm elections right around the corner, the Biden Administration desperately needs a win. It appears they’re enacting a bold strategy that involves first manifesting a crisis and then proceeding to take credit for solving the non-existent crisis they created.

For weeks, the White House has been telling us, without evidence, that the Russian military is on the verge of launching a massive land and air invasion into Ukraine. Citing apparent troop movements within Russia’s own territory on their border with Ukraine, the White House has continually signaled that Russia is swelling its numbers for an imminent attack.

The Kremlin, for its part, has remained pretty consistent in denying the allegation that it wants war in Ukraine. Though Russia has in recent years annexed parts of Ukraine (and we cannot dismiss the possibility that Moscow may annex more land), a territory with a long history of Russian control, Moscow has fervently denied the allegation that a massive military invasion was on the table. Russia’s successful Crimea annexation was met with almost no resistance, but we were continually told that this time, Vladimir Putin would seek pure, unfettered violence.
The United States government seems to be the only entity in the world that has advanced the imminent invasion narrative. Throughout Ukraine itself and the rest of Europe, nation states showcased, through their behavior, a posture of being unconvinced that anything significant was going to happen on the border. Even as the State Department urged Americans to evacuate Kiev, Ukrainians living right on the Russia border region went about their days without much concern.

White Hate Crimes Are So Rare That They Must Be Invented

There is an ongoing effort to disparage White Persons as horrible people and it's sometimes being done by other self-hating White people. To quote Jared Taylor "No other people in the history of the world have ever gloried in hating itself" in his article Kamloops: Greatest Hate Hoax Ever?

Most hate crime hoaxes are perpetrated by US Blacks. (but not African black immigrants. They don't hate white people--they actually LIKE white people! They aren't immersed in "victimhood" like US Blacks). 

At first these stories get a lot of traction with the disgusting media outlets, then the facts emerge to indicate that it's Black or Hispanic persons that are the ones full of shit AND hate. Only rarely does the "Media" correct the record. There's such a frenzy to cast White people as "haters" that there are websites that attempt catalog the very large number of Fake white hate crimes.  

One of the largest catalogs of fake hate hoaxes is found at "Fake Hate Crimes" with 459 entries and meticulous documentation. "Hoax Hate Crimes--When the Demand for Hate Crimes Outweighs the Supply…" is also very good with over 600 anti-white hate hoaxes.. From 2019, there's "Here are 50 Campus Hate-Crime Hoaxes The College Fix Has Covered Since 2012."

Many of the hate hoaxes were centered on slandering Donald Trump and his supporters (the best people in this nation). After all, the entire Democrat Party called Trump and ALL of his supporters every name in the book!  And of course, usually black Democrats just pile-on to continue a long and disgusting history of black victimhood.  Andy Ngo has tweeted many hate crimes on Twitter. Here's a good read:  Reporter Andy Ngo: The List of Fake Hate Crimes is Pretty Long (Update).   Dennis Prager did an article which I repeated at this blog If America Is So Racist, Why All the Race Hoaxes (Perp'd by Blacks)??

Perhaps the grand daddy of White Hate Hoaxes is the Kamloops Hoax from Jared Taylor at American Rennaissance mentioned above:

It was alleged that 215 indigenous students were butchered and buried in a mass grave at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, a school run by the Order of Mary Immaculate, in British Columbia where the school operated from 1890 to 1978.  

The worldwide assumption was that vicious nuns had either killed these children or let them die and covered the whole thing up. [Oh, those WHITE, CHRISTIAN nuns!!  They forced those kids to learn reading, writing in ENGLISH and taught math, which we now know is raycissss!  The horror!]  Of course we should assume that they are mass murderers, right?

A young academic (of course an academic!! At graduate schools, also known now as "indoctrination centers," any/every kind of nonsense or lie is supported by absurd and/or brainwashed students and their idiot "professors") said that she documented a mass grave of indian students. From Dorchester Review,

"the student, Sarah Beaulieu, used ground-penetrating radar in a search for the remains of children alleged by some to be buried there. She is a young anthropologist, an instructor in Anthropology and Sociology at the University of the Fraser Valley since 2018. Her preliminary report is actually based on depressions and abnormalities in the soil of an apple orchard near the school – not on exhumed remains."

Some of her "scans" might have been tree roots---not human remains. No human remains have ever been documented at all.  But based on this hate "evidence" an amazing series of agonized self-flagellations ensued (from the AmRen article):

  1. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau grieved over the “dark and shameful chapter” in Canadian history and ordered all national flags be flown at half-mast.
  2. The flag over parliament in Ottawa stayed lowered for five months.
  3. Mr. Trudeau demanded that the Pope come to Canada. Of course Pope Francis piled-on.
  4. That figure — so precise — of 215 dead children caught the imagination. The Vancouver Art Gallery laid out 215 pairs of children’s shoes as a memorial.
  5. Similar collections appeared on the steps of churches and legislatures.
  6. Canada Day was celebrated on July first, just one month after the discovery. The country was still in convulsions, so there was a movement to cancel Canada Day and “wear orange for our children” instead.
  7. "Fashion" magazine took a break from “style, beauty & grooming, and wellness” to explain that wearing orange “symbolizes solidarity with Indigenous communities who are currently grieving the loss of their children.”
  8. Canada Day celebrations were scrubbed all over the country and the government website for the national holiday emphasized “the pain and shame of darker episodes of our history, the repercussions of which are still felt today.”
  9. Instead of the usual festivities, some people paraded sentiments such as “No pride in genocide.”
  10. The government went all out and proclaimed a brand-new national holiday.
  11. Now and forever more, the nation will celebrate Canada’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. It will be “an opportunity to honor the lost children and Survivors (note the upper case) of residential schools.”
  12. Even the Calgary police went spiritual, with little orange loops pinned to their uniforms.
  13. Other people celebrated differently. A mob defaced and tore down the statue of Queen Victoria in Winnipeg.  
  14. The statue of Elizabeth II was toppled, too.
  15. Hamilton, Ontario, used to have a statue of Canada’s first prime minister, John MacDonald. Not anymore!
  16. Dozens of churches were burned and many more vandalized. [[0:08 – 0:13]] That was the more than century-old St. Jean Baptiste Parish church in Morinville, Alberta.
  17. Indians know how to milk the white man. Chief Rosanne Casimir of the Kamloops area Indians lectured Prime Minister Trudeau and called for “restitution. [1:20 – 1:29  4:29 – 4:51]
  18. The indigenous chief of the Lower Kootenay Band, Jason Louie, said "the discovery was an example of the mass murder of Indigenous people . . . . this attempt at genocide.”

Funny thing, many of the school's Indigenous students remember the school with fond memories, but there no "coverage" of these facts. 

Yes, over many years, some of the teachers and students died of influenza and other illnesses and were buried in marked graves at the school which is located in the middle of the reservation.

The punchline:  Not one body has been found. There was no "mass grave."  It now appears that the radar findings were of tree roots and other soil disturbances. The entire fraud is laid out in understated and devastating detail in The Dorchester Review, in an article called “ In Kamloops, Not One Body Has Been Found.”

Jared Taylor: "White people are, officially, the world’s worst people. That’s established fact, and what’s a little lying here and there in a good cause?  No other people in the history of the world have ever gloried in hating itself. And any people that keeps this up won’t survive."

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Trudeau is 100% Compliant with Globalist Agenda


From Ray DiLorenzo at Canada Free Press

The Canadian Freedom Convoy has given us much to ponder. It has shown the mettle Canadians are made of and it is clearly showing the world that the globalists mean business.

The Great Reset the globalists are forging is a rebranding of The New World Order, created by a Neo-Nazi group headed by a cabal of elites like Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Bill Gates, George Soros, Anthony Fauci, the Bilderberg group, the UN, and others with the World Economic Forum being at the top or near the top. Their desire is to usher in new global governance by unelected leaders. Public order will be maintained by reliance on technological surveillance (microchip implants) rather than rule of law. Our Constitution will be trashed.

What we are seeing thus far is the rebirth of fascism, corporatism

Stake holders in this Reset are world government leaders, corporate leaders, journalists, activists, artists, and cultural leaders. Unfortunately, the Current Pope is all in to the distress of much of the Church. The COVID pandemic and other new plagues-in-transit are an elaborate ruse to usher in a long series of vaccines to control the population of this global centralized government. What could possibly go wrong? No, this is not a conspiracy theory.

We are not seeing a resurgence of communism. What we are seeing thus far is the rebirth of fascism, corporatism. When corporations are willing to work closely with government and do their bidding, like we are seeing in Canada and the US, that is fascism. When Democrats accuse Republicans of fascism it is because the Dems have adopted it. Antifa, BLM and other communist trouble makers are merely useful idiots that will be eliminated.

Kyle Kemper, Justin Trudeau’s half brother, has much to say concerning his brother…much of it revealing.

“He is the face and the lead spokesperson of the Canadian government, but the policies and initiatives that are driving it and are driving this narrative that he continues to push, that in my opinion is anti-freedom and anti-Canadian, is coming down from the higher ups, from groups like the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, and Bilderberg. They recognize they need to have these strong agents within governments and one thing we have seen within governments all around the world are weak leaders who are able to act as spokespeople.” [Think Biden and Trudeau.]

“He is not speaking from his heart. I don’t honestly believe… it’s not candid, there is no actual discussion. He is not allowed to actually engage with the Freedom Convoy and with these people, because there is a lot to unpack here and there are a lot of serious questions.”

Blackmail is a very powerful tool

“Also when you look at the history of people like Jeffrey Epstein and what their role was, to trap people and blackmail people, and you think about a life of opulence and opportunity, you make mistakes and you get coerced into doing something bad.”

“Blackmail is a very powerful tool.”

The Buffalo Chronicle, an American publication, has reported that Trudeau is covering up a sexual relationship he had with a 17-year-old female high school student while he was a teacher [Some sources say she was “much younger than 17”].

Mr. Kemper believes his brother is a pawn of the New World Order, just taking orders. Notice Trudeau’s stance in the photo (far left). It tells much. His feet are spread apart. This is the stance of either a powerful person or a defeated person wanting to be powerful. I believe it is the latter.

Trudeau openly admires Communist China and their dictatorship for their ability to get things done without having to deal with a democratic system. Obama had expressed the same frustration. If you remember, there were people in Hollywood and elsewhere who called for Obama to be dictator for life. These are some of the morons we’re dealing with.

Trudeau is demonstrating to the world how pathetic he and his globalist pals are. The Canadian PM is their mouthpiece in Canada, ‘protecting democracy’ while calling patriots Nazis and racists (how hypocritical), and declaring freedom as extremist. The words out of his mouth are false. I’m sure he knows it, but it proves how manipulated Trudeau is. The Canadians are not going along with the globalist narrative so they must be punished; take away their property, their jobs, seize their bank accounts, even take their children and kill their pets. That is not any example of a free society.

New World Order will look like…dictates, mandates, obey or be destroyed

This is a perfect example of what their New World Order will look like…dictates, mandates, obey or be destroyed. That was the reason for the mandates…get people accustomed to submission. Whatever concerns Trudeau’s citizens may have, he is not listening. The people of Canada have very little representation. All things considered, democracy is now dead in Canada.

The Canadian Convoy is not merely about vaccine mandates. It is about the loss of freedom and the systematic dismantling of their way of life that many see a short distance down the road. The Canadian government spent every bit of credibility they had and screwed their people with it. Anyone who believes the government’s only interest is in the well-being of its people will believe in closing schools, churches, and businesses for a virus with a 99.5% survival rate. They will see masks, vaccines, and lockdowns, and then mandates, and then more vaccines, vaccine passports, and then the loss of free speech and the right to protest, and if you don’t obey, you will have your property confiscated. The slope is slippery, indeed..

It is nothing personal, but they do. In times past, they controlled the lower classes. These lower classes were serfs, working the land, producing the goods, providing every comfort to the upper classes.

We are now engaged in a great spiritual battle, being attacked by great evil. Both our nations are headed full speed toward totalitarian control. If that little voice inside you says this is wrong…speak up. Have the courage to say NO! It was always Christianity (not religion) that protected the weak from the strong. And it is Christianity that is in their crosshairs.

We need to encourage 2 million freedom-loving Canadians to cross the northern border into the United States and request political asylum. It will drive the Democrats and Trudeau crazy. Let us join in this struggle to preserve what has been bought in blood. We mean business, too.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Is The Ukraine "Crisis" Another Democrat Hoax?

[Doug here: I think the hysterical "Russia Invasion" is probably not true and so does PCR.  It's possible that Biden is having a mental or nervous breakdown. I'm not kidding. We'll see soon enough. There's apparently some increased fighting on Ukraine's eastern border, but hopefully Russia will deal with it without a wholesale invasion. Afterall why would Russia want Ukraine?  It's a total mess.  Like I said, we'll see how this plays out.] 

Excerpt From Paul Craig Roberts:

".......I don’t believe there is a "Russia" or "Ukraine" crisis.  It is an illusion of crisis produced by endless talks that the Russians find frustrating.  They should stop talking. Ukraine will never be put in NATO unless Russia collapses militarily.  If Donbass is again part of Russia, no one will attack Donbass.  The flashpoint for the past seven years will be gone.

The alleged “Ukraine Crisis” has proved that NATO has no capability of defending Ukraine or any Eastern European member, nor in my opinion any Western European member.  The Polish and Romanian governments know this as well as anyone. The US missile bases endanger them, not defend them.  They will have the bases removed. The bases serve no Polish or Romanian purpose.

It is obvious that Washington, its British puppet, and Stoltenberg are doing their best to provoke Russia into invading Ukraine. The question is why?  One reason could be that a show of Russian teeth will frighten the NATO countries back into Washington’s arms, but why does Europe, or some of it, support this?  Do European countries prefer to be puppets instead of sovereign states?

Those years in the past when the US had a media instead of a collection of whores, reporters would be asking Biden and Blinken why they are trying to provoke a Russian invasion of Ukraine.  But of course, whores don’t ask such questions.  They just take the money and perform the necessary act.

I wonder if the Kremlin has an explanation why Russia is being provoked in this way.  If Russia decides to attack, I doubt that Shogu would waste Russian military resources on such a non-threat as Ukraine, which is being used by Washington as a pawn.  Russia, one assumes, would focus its attention on the real threat.  The best way to do that is to ignore Washington and go about Russia’s business.

It is time for Russia to get on with its partnership with China, setting up a new payments system and a new reserve currency and developing the Asian trade relations to which both countries have committed. It is inexplicable why Russia and China got themselves entangled in Washington’s financial tentacles. It is difficult to believe that Putin and XI are as gullible as the average American. It is long past time for both countries to jettison the neoliberal economics that holds both countries back.  As Michael Hudson and I have made clear, there is no validity to neoliberal economics.  Russia should use its exports of energy to Europe to strengthen the ruble by billing in rubles.  Why should Russia strengthen the Euro and dollar by billing in those currencies?

Russia and China should simply exit the Western world. They don’t even need diplomatic contact.  The West is dying. Its economies are shot. As Covid mandates and forced vaccinations proved, the Western leadership class is committed to tyranny. Australia even has citizens in concentration camps. The Canadian and American governments have declared peaceful protest to be “domestic terrorism” and are trying to blame the truckers’ protest on Russia. The Western media does nothing but lie for the governments.  The culture is rotten and sordid, civil liberty eroded. 

Russia and China have emerged from the tyranny associated with Stalin and Mao, while the West has fallen into tyranny.  If there is any hope for mankind, it is not in the West, which is demonizing its own founding fathers, demolishing its own historical monuments, black-listing its own classic literature, demonizing its own ethnic populations and permitting  immigrant-invaders to dilute national ethnicities  by overrunning national borders.  Western countries are becoming Towers of Babel, devoid of a nationalist consciousness that patriotism requires.  Countries with populations that have nothing in common can only be held together by force. Such countries are weak and are incapable of standing up to unified countries."

GiveSendGo Ignores Canadian Court Order to Freeze Donations to Truckers

GiveSendGo says it is not subject to Canadian court orders and claims it will be ignoring Ontario’s attempt to freeze the trucker convoy donations it is hosting on its crowdfunding site.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

ESPN Shows How Black Racism Ruins Everything

If you want to ruin your business, make the majority of your employees Black. This is the recipe for ruin. It's because these people are the most ignorant, racist people on the planet. They literally ruin everything.  In reality, the black vernacular word "woke" means stupid, thus the expression "go woke, go broke." 

Similarly, if you want to ruin your community, your city or your country, then elevate Blacks to positions of "leadership" and give them a huge voice in media far exceeding their intelligence and share of the population. See my recent posts:  Destructive Minorities and Democrat's Hall of Shame, also When Blacks Are In Charge -- Crime, Corruption, Violence, Collapse, and When Latinos OR Blacks Are In Charge: Corruption, Crime, Murder & Destruction.   

That's happened at ESPN (like NBA, NFL) and it was engineered by "woke"stupid white management at Disney who are so full of shit that they can't see the REAL problem is black racism and their idiotic LEFTIST bullshit. They are unable to see that no matter how woke they become it will never be enough.  White employees at ESPN are not the problem. They are a voice of reason in a sea of black idiocy that ESPN has assembled.

ESPN is proud that they hire a black majority of their talent and employees, but wonder why viewership tanked in 2020 and 2021. Some of their viewership has recovered after they realized that their audience doesn't want stupid Leftist politics shoved down their throats. They want news and commentary about sports. Who knew?? 

It's not just at ESPN, but also the NBA and the NFL are unwatchable for me and many, many others. TV viewership has collapsed there, and even at the MLB for a time, after the ridiculous "kneeling" and allegations of systemic racist bullshit by millionaire black players.  BLM and "hands up, don't shoot" are based on lies if anyone bothered to look.

But, according to THEIR standards presently, there is very little "diversity" in these sports!  Some 80% of the players are black. Where's the whites??? RACIST!!!  Where's the equity that you demand?  What?  Sorry, I CAN'T HEAR YOU? 

Here's a recent Project Veritas video about the ANTI-WHITE racist nightmare that blacks have created at ESPN.

YouTube Link HERE.

Here's some notes about the video from Project Veritas at the YouTube page:  

  • Whistleblower-recorded audio and video show numerous ESPN employees discussing what they see as a toxic, racist workplace environment which directly contradicts the image that ESPN tries to project. 
  • In one clip, a black studio operator discusses, “the racial shit that happens in here all the time.” In another clip, a black woman working as an audio communications specialist says “that’s not how it is” when addressing the difference between ESPN’s workplace environment and social justice image. 
  • On-air talent Alyson Lang, who covers the SEC for ESPN: “I know the comments that have been made to me at work and the conversations that have been had in front of me at work, like, I mean just blatantly racist sh*t. Just blatantly, like, complaining to me that we have three white hosts, and I’m like, ‘What do you want me- do you want me to leave?’” 
  • On-air talent Matt Schick, who’s been with ESPN since 2012, said, “It has different connotations now,” when talking about what it’s like to tell people he works for ESPN. In the next soundbite, he calls ESPN, “a global entity of forced thought.” 
  • The whistleblower, ESPN Studio Operator Trevor Adams, sent a company-wide email outlining these concerns and was subsequently identified by the company as a “threat” which resulted in law enforcement being sent to his home. He was terminated soon after an attempt from Project Veritas to obtain a comment from Human Resources. and every place else where they are a majority.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Petulant, Infantile and Dangerous Left

From Michael Smith at The Unlicensed Punditry blog:

There is perhaps no better example of insanity than the progressive left and the way they constantly scam black people in America – and the way segments of the black population fall for it every time. The progressive left, largely a bunch of white radicals, have been doing it since the 60’s. I actually have come to believe Black Lives Matter was not a grass roots movement created by black Americans upset about racial inequalities in policing, but rather a white leftist creation designed as a mechanism to foment the class warfare necessary to support a collectivist insurrection.

Whomever came up with the idea, it certainly seems that once again, the black community is allowing itself to be used by others who have an agenda separate and apart from that which is best for black Americans. Certainly these messianic, elitist, white savior progressives are only interested in agitation and “revolution”.

America HAS witnessed the growth of a remarkable movement, of which BLM is only a part and sadly, this movement has become a narrow majority, especially in terms of power and influence.

This is a leftist movement of immediate and violent opposition to anything not of the left, a kneejerk reaction to anything and everything not coming from the playbook of the revolutionaries regardless of whether their opposition has any basis in fact or reality.

They reflexively oppose everything, often things they believed yesterday, never bothering to ask if their opposition has any basis in truth.  [Doug here: that's the problem with The Left: almost everthing they believe is NOT TRUE.]

So, what if that which these movements are reflexively opposed is actually proper, good, and right?

What if the autonomic resistance is just a version of opposition defiant disorder (a real thing), a simple psychological need to oppose at all costs (if you have ever experienced a recalcitrant two-year old, you have seen this) no matter how much agreement would produce the best outcome for the person or group?

Many times, as I have seen with my own children going through the “terrible twos”, the opposition and melt-down fits do not have a purpose outside of a need for immediate attention, a need to say, “I’m here, you are ignoring what I want, and I’m going to let you know about the magnitude of your folly of not paying attention to me!”

But beyond the “Look at me!” aspect of such fits, there are logically deducible consequences. Whatever the genesis of such reflexive tantrums, the simple fact is that when one reflexively opposes what is right, moral, and good, it logically follows that such a position would be wrong, immoral, and evil.

Way back in 2013, blogger extraordinaire, Ace of the blog Ace of Spades HQ, noted the ties between these constant fits of leftist pique and the ties to Marxist ideology. He wrote:

“Marxism is premised upon this. Marx declared the only correct response to the dominant culture was spiteful contempt, indignant anger, and constant subversion. Were the dominant culture mostly evil that might be a decent response. But as it’s not mostly evil, Marx’s prescription is itself an urging towards evil.”

If you have ever wondered why the left has decided that everything about America, America’s constitution, legal system, police, culture, and racial majority is evil and wrong, this is why. They must fabricate a dichotomy between themselves and America to create a reason for their efforts at class warfare. The only justification for their dangerous and reprehensible actions is the illogical and totally fabricated idea they are fighting a historically oppressive, racist, bigoted nation, one conceived and sustained in and by evil.

But America is not oppressive, racist, bigoted, or evil.

It makes me incredibly sad that black America can’t see that when the Communist Party USA, the Revolutionary Communist Party, Iran’s Supreme Council and China’s CCP and Xinhua News Agency are all on your side, you might be getting used as a bunch of useful idiots.

But doing evil and calling it good is an example of another justification used by the Marxists – the concept of “revolutionary truth”. In yet another example in a legion of examples of contradiction, the “revolutionary truth” is that set of words that exists only to support the revolution. In other words, something is not true because it is factual and correct, it is only “true” if it advances the revolution.

Whether they like it or not, there is no “revolutionary truth”.  There is only the objective truth.  Anything else is a lie, and a lie is a lie no matter what color it is painted. And opposing good for the sole purpose of opposition is evil.

And that is the truth.

DeSantis to Investigate GoFundMe Fraud

Now GoFundMe has also turned against the people refusing to release the money to the Trucker Protests. Others have tried to donate in Australia and the USA and reporting that GoFundMe is just keeping the money. In Florida, DeSantis has publicly stated he is launching a criminal investigation for FRAUD

GoFundMe has committed Wire Fraud and those involved face 20 years in prison. They had the audacity to say they will keep the money donated to the Truckers and ONLY refund if people request it. That is criminal fraud. I seriously doubt that the Biden Administration will act proving they ONLY prosecute crimes that go against them. I doubt the Feds will prosecute even though this is a slam-dunk case of outright wire fraud.

GoFundMe is accepting the money, but refusing to hand it over to the truckers. But they are also not returning it according to various allegations surfacing. Our very way of life is under attack. The LEFT is doing what they did under Marx. What is next? Instead of killing 200 million, they intend to kill 3.2 billion of us so they can rule the world their way?






Now the alternative site that was allowing money to be sent to the Truckers, GoSendGo, has been under attack to try to shut them down. They have not succeeded. This is really a revolution in the making that will not end peacefully. The left will not tolerate any opposition. That is always the nature of those who ascribe to leftist ideology.