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Friday, December 30, 2022

The Essential Gulfcoastcommentary Index for 2022

From my Substack site


Kirsch: Still Think Covid Vaccines are Safe??

COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

Dr. Naomi Wolf: Crimes Against Humanity: Pfizer's Lies Are Stunning

The Pfizer "Vaccine" Only Has 1291 Side Effects

Steve Kirsch: 14 Young Canadian Doctors Die After "Vaccination." Media, Medical Examiners Look Away.

Steve Kirsch: How Doctors Are Silenced -- Expect a Wave of Early Retirements.

Emerald Robinson: COVID - "It's All a U.S. Government Operation"

Must Read: J.H. Kunstler's "Huge Crimes Against our Country"

Not Just Vaccine-Injured Athletes: DoD's Shocking Medical Data For 2021

17,000 Medical Professionals Demand A Return to Scientific Integrity


Doug Nolan: Global De-Risking/Deleveraging Trainwreck

Argentina’s Economy Collapses (The Future of America)

Washington DC Must Be Destroyed, Dismantled or Defunded Before They Destroy Us

MORE Crime Against Our People: 75% of Total US Money Supply Added in Just the Last 14 Years

Apocalypse LA: Union Pacific Train Robberies Up 356%

Nolan: Our Multi-Decade Financial Bubble is Coming to a Head

VHD: The Gathering Storm in the West

Miller: Catastrophe for America and Europe This Decade ~2025?

Destroy the Washington DC Blob: Repeal 1913 Income Tax and Fed Reserve Acts


Speeding Over the Cliff of Energy Poverty: Climate Change Derangement Syndrome

Climate Non-Emergency; Corrupt, Stupid Politicians are the BIGGEST Danger to YOU, the World and Civilization

No Climate Emergency; We Face a Manufactured Energy Emergency

Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Based on False Narratives; No Emergency


Diversity is Our Strength: If You Want Murder, Crime, Decay, Rape and Even Bombings

Diversity is our Strength?? Hispanics: A Statistical Portrait

Diversity is Our Strength?

White Swedes, Drowning in Crime, FINALLY Wake Up (Barely)


The US At War With Itself and the World: Fourth Turning Crisis, Meet Deagel

Luongo: The US is Ruled By Traitors

Dr. Michael Yeardon: My Single Most Important Message Ever

The US Deep State Controls This Country: BURN IT DOWN!

The Biden Bolsheviks Lying About Employment and the Economy Too

Emerald Robinson: Coordinated Anti-Trump Messaging Campaign From Both Sides of the Swamp

Kunstler: The US Government is Our Enemy

Washington DC Has Been Evil for a Very Long Time

Michael Smith: When Democrats Say "White," They Mean "Western"

The Govt/Media/Big-Tech Blob Peddle a Total Inversion of Truth

Andrew Napolitano: The Government Culture of Death (and How to Kill it)

Doug Casey on the Rapid Cultural Decline and What Comes Next

Democrats Are the Party of Lies, Criminality, Destruction, War and Chaos

Tucker Summarizes All the Political, Nazi-Style FBI Arrests That Support the "Insurrection" Hoax

Anton: They Can't Let Him (Trump) Back In

Armstrong: The Decline and Fall of the USA

FBI Crosses the Rubicon Into Banana Republic Land

The IRS Bought 5 Million Rounds of Ammunition This Year, Now They're Seeking Shooters

PCR: Democratic Party Police State-- YOU ARE NOT SAFE

Democrats Want to Silence ALL Opposition, Not Just Trump. They Are After YOU

Project Much?-- All Republicans are Terrorists!

Glenn Greenwald Warning of Intensifying Internet Censorship at the Behest of Government

Despotism Is the New Normal: Looming Threats to Freedom in 2022

The Petulant, Infantile and Dangerous Left

The Left's Hatred of America and Americans

A Timely Repost from 2014: Nice-Sounding Leftism Leads to a Police State


PCR: The Entire World is Threatened by Scumbag Morons in Washington

Col. Douglas MacGregor: Ukraine is About to be Annihilated

Tulsi Gabbard: Democratic Party Controlled by an Elitest "Cabal of Warmongers"

Armstrong: Zelensky is the Puppet of Schwab and The West


The US is to Blame for War in Ukraine

The Conflict Between the West and Russia Is a Religious/Cultural One

Moon of Alabama: The US and Allies Destructive Foreign Policy

We've Just Begun to Fight in Earnest: Putin Issues Fiercest Warning to West Since the Invasion

Ron Paul: More Billions to Ukraine as America Falls Apart

PCR: Crazy Western Russophobes Starting a War With Russia

Interesting: Vladamir Putin's Explains the Donbass Situation

PCR: Why the West Hates Putin

Ron Paul: The CIA is Using Lies to Propagandize the American People Toward War Wth Russia

Diplomacy, Not More Arms, Is Needed to Avoid WWIII With Russia


Emerald Robinson: It's Obvious Now That America's Voting System Is Rigged

Dr Sansone: Fake Elections are the New Normal

Republicans Somehow Lose Everything --- What a Mystery!

Emerald Robinson: It's Deja Vu in Banana Republic USSA


The GIANT Conspiracy of Big Corporations, the US "Security State" and Big Media Has Destroyed This Country

Senger: Big Tech is Intentionally Totalitarian In Service to the "Uniparty"

Welcome to the USSA, Where Fascism Now Rules

Charles Hughes Smith: FTX and the Corruption of America

PCR: The West is Courting Nuclear War. But No One Listens

PCR: Democrats and FBI Have Nazified America and Nothing is Done About It

Total Rot, Corruption and Lies: the FBI Entrapped Americans in Bullcrap Gretchen Whitmer Phony "Kidnapping" Case

PCR: The American Gestapo (FBI and DOJ) are Out of Control

Facism Has Overtaken the US and The West

Democrat Nazi-style Putsch Advances, Republicans Won't or Can't See It!

The Long History of the FBI's Persecution, Prosecution and Harassment

Self-Righteous Activism and Coercive State Power Trends Toward Totalitarianism

Trudeau is 100% Compliant with Globalist Agenda

Klaus Schwab Brags He Has Infiltrated Governments and Cabinets to Force His Marxist Agenda


Disney Had to Remove a Black (Woke) Cancer to Save the Company

US Black Domestic Terrorism is a Reality -- So Many Brutal and Violent US Blacks

Propagandistic, Racist, Horrible, Horrifying Tiffany Cross FIRED at MSDNC

Who DON'T US Blacks Hate??

Now Back to Our Usual Black Hate Crimes and Black Urban Terrorism

Told You: BLM Was Always Going to be a Criminal Race Hustle

Black Lives DON'T Matter: 1000's More Blacks Dying After 2020:

BLM Was Just Another Race Hustle

One Lone Honest School in Buffalo New York

Race Realism: Teaching Black Kids is Nearly Impossible

Teaching Black Kids is Nearly Impossible, Part 2

Destructive Minorities and Black Democrat's Hall of Shame

ESPN Shows How Black Racism Ruins Everything

White Hate Crimes Are So Rare That They Must Be Invented

Black Stupidity, Racism, Criminality and Extremism

Shyt-for-Brains Lightfoot Calls for Insurrection

Now Back to Our Usual Black Hate Crimes and Black Urban Terrorism

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Essential Gulfcoastcommentary Index Dated June 2021

The New Civil War: Democrat's War on White People
The 2020 Campaign Season,  Election Fraud and Final Looting of America
Our LONG Road to Crisis and Collapse
The Brilliant History of White Culture
Race Realism: We Don't Have a Race Problem. We Have a Black Problem
Race Realism

 Only Principled Conservatism Can Save This Country 

Much More Continued below...

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The West Is Collapsing As Russia is Rising

The US and Europe appear to be entering a period of tyranny and economic collapse while Russia is liberalising and rebuilding their culture after the catastrophic collapse of communism. Russia is rising (from a low level) while The West is entering their collapse (from a high level). 

It appears that the West is entered it's nightmare crisis period in 2008/09, right on-time with the long-anticipated crisis period predicted by Howe and Strauss in their "Fourth Turning" book published in 1997. See my post "The US At War With Itself and the World: Fourth Turning Crisis, Meet Deagel."

We even have an unabashed Neo-Communist, Neo-Nazi in Klaus Schwab (another German meglomaniac), cheerleading total government control and tyranny in the former lands of liberal democracy. He's another dipshit "academic" of course, born into wealth, who knows nothing of the 'real' world— alot like the “ship of fools” in Washington, DC. We also hear that crypto-money may be forced on us in order to monitor, tax and control us more efficiently (how very Germanic). He's insane but many world leaders across the world are influenced and/or controlled by him. 

You could argue that the US and Europe are ENTERING INTO this "Schwabian" neo-communism as they collapse economically, monetarily and socially.  It's intentional. This is occuring while Russia is enjoying increased freedom, improved prosperity and renewal of their historic culture under the leadership of Putin (in spite of the Ukraine conflict and energy embargos which have actually strengthened Russia and badly hurt the EU).

The West is in the grip of a self-manufactured "climate change" suicide pact as discussed in my posts "Climate Non-Emergency; Corrupt, Stupid Politicians are the BIGGEST Danger to YOU, the World and Civilization" and "No Climate Emergency; We Face a Manufactured Energy Emergency."  Reliable, high intensity oil and gas are being phased-out far too quickly as higher cost, low reliability, low quality, "intermittent" energy sources still only produce about 5% of our energy needs.

"Climate change" is the new religion in The West. It's really more of a media/government-induced hysteria. This despite little real world evidence that the slight warming seen in the past 80 years is anywhere near a crisis. Temperatures have been warming and seas have been rising very gradually for 10,000 years since the last ice age and we've adapted --- and will continue to adapt. But governments want to make it an imminent crisis for more control and divert attention from the core problems THAT THEY CREATED.  

Instead, 'Real' religion has declined in the West. And our freedom of the press has been perverted and degraded to serve the government and the completely dominant Democrat Party's propaganda of the day. An insidious and incestuous relationship between Big Media, Big Tech and even bigger Government has created an "American Pravda." Relationships between children and their parents are now being subverted by radical leftists who want to control and program them. Fifty years of unsound money and unsound public policy has left the next generation priced-out of most everything important: college, home ownership, personal transportation, ie., a life! There is little hope for our next generation. It's unsustainable.

Our monetary systems are near collapse in The West. We've had nothing but emergency measures since the GFC in 2009/09: zero or negative interest rates, ongoing monetary manipulations and debt-fueled spending to avoid crisis conditions by the Federal Reserve and Government.  Pension funds in the EU are ruined due to EU-led negative interest rates. Now that self-inflicted inflation has surged, negative rates are gone, bonds have crashed, zero rates are gone and an entirely new regime of rising rates is finally exposing vast amounts of leverage and financial fraud. The FTX fraud and blow-up is a good example. Every speculative market is imploding. Stock markets are likely to crash as major frauds are exposed and financial 'blowups' proliferate. Entire countries are likely to collapse. Mostly, it'll be excess liquidity that will be destroyed. Already ~$20 Trillion has gone to "money heaven" as cryptos, bonds, IPOs, SPACS and stocks implode.

So bad are our problems, we're being led into a "climate change" war with Russia, presumably to divert attention from all of our "leader's" various failures. The West is literally dying for a war against Russia and their energy supplies. No one is calling for peace. It's all about diversion from real problems using fake problems and fake solutions.  Leaders in the West call Vladimir Putin "Hitler" in a strange psychological projection of their own mental states. You have radically increasing tyranny in the US under the "Biden Junta" and by the entirely undemocratic EU "leadership."  I have many times called the 2016 stolen election and President Trump's Coup d'etat as our Bolshevik revolution. The 2020 midterms elections also look horrible and fraudulent. We really live in the golden age of fraud.

Ironically, it is Putin who has been recently commenting that Russia saw the same type of hysteria, tyranny and conflict that we're seeing in The West during their 1917 Bolshevik revolution.  In my post: Putin Warns the West of Our Creeping Bolshevism and Ultimate Suicide, there Putin make note of the similarities of the Russian Revolution with the gathering political and hysteria sweeping the West today:

Russia’s president Vladimir Putin was recently making a case that western civilization is on the brink of collapse during a discussion at the recent Valdai Club meeting. Putin likened the Woke situation and the gender fluidity nonsense in America to what happened when the Bolcheviks took over Russia in 1917.

Putin said: “After the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks, relying on the dogmas of Marx and Engels, also said that they would change existing ways and customs and not just political and economic ones, but the very notion of human morality and the foundations of a healthy society. The destruction of age-old values, religion and relations between people, up to and including the total rejection of family (we had that, too), encouragement to inform on loved ones — all this was proclaimed progress and, by the way, was widely supported around the world back then and was quite fashionable, same as today.”
The West ignores Putin's comments and insights -- because 'Hitler.'  You can skip the analysis below if you wish. I won't be offended. It's somewhat academic really.

Comparing Fourth Turning cycles for The West and Russia

I'll try to apply a roughly 80 year historical cycle theory expounded by Howe and Strauss in The Fourth Turning for both US and Russia.  I will try to make my point that "The West" and Russia are at different points in their  (4th Turning) cycles--- where Russia is recovering and The West is mid-crisis. 

Russia's Previous Crisis Cycle--The Bolshevik Takeover and Russian Civil War

Russia had a bloody Bolshevik revolution led by Trotsky and Lenin against their imperial rulers and a subsequent civil war in 1917. Note that was at that time where Europe was embroiled in a disastrous world war (WW1).  In 1918, the Romanov family was executed by the die-hard communists.  The Russian Civil War ended in 1923 with Lenin’s Red Army claiming victory and establishing the hard-line communist Soviet Union.  For argument sake, let's assume that 1923 was the end of that particular crisis period.

Russia's Recent Crisis Cycle -- The Collapse of the Soviet Union

Breshnev died in 1982, Andropov succeeded him in 1983 but he died in 1984 to be succeeded by the feeble old Chernenko, who already terminally ill, he died in March 1985.  (Notice how all of these leaders were ill, old and alcoholic. It reminds me of our old, senile, decrepit “leadership” in the US today.)  Gorbachov was elected party chief in 1985.

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 ushered in the collapse of Soviet influence on Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. East Germany re-united with W. Germany by October 1990.  The Soviet Union and it's government completely collapsed, the Ruble collapsed, the country collapsed.  That crisis wasn't finished until political moderate Vladimir Putin was elected President in year 2000 and remains in the key leadership ever since. 

Russia's Renewal/Recovery Cycle (after the Crisis)

So, the start of Glasnost in Russia under Gorbachov in 1985 eventually led to the rise of another political moderate Vlad Putin.  Putin was in 1999 in Moscow under Yeltsin and was elected President 2000 and has been in power until today. The year 2000 is very close to 80 years after the end of the Bolshevik crisis and civil war ending in 1923 with Lenin taking control. So, the ~80 year Fourth Turning cycle of history roughly holds here. "Spring" began in Russia in 2000 to 2004. 

So, arguably, there is about an 80 year cycle (+/-) of history in Russia:  The Russia revolution and the rise of Lenin ended a crisis period in 1923. Then, about 80 years later, the rise of President Putin ended their crisis of decrepit leadership and total collapse with his rise to the presidency in 2000, or about 80 years from 1923.

In contrast The USA crisis period began in 2008/09. 

The US Fourth Turning Cycle

The US has been in the ~20 year Fourth Turning crisis period since 2008, starting with the great financial crisis of 2008/2009. Theoretically then,  our current crisis phase should end about 2025 to 2028 and, from Howe and Strauss, we should expect a major war, maybe total war, to end the crisis period.  (The Fourth Turning book from 1997 uses 2025 as a target finale). 

I propose that 2025 is the end of our current crisis period as it would be exactly 80 years after the end of the last 4th Turning crisis period end or 1945 -- the end of World War (and 70 to 85 million deaths). 


Russia and the West are at different points in their ~80 year historical cycle.  Russia is now in it's 20 year long "springtime period" having had, and survived, it's most recent 4th Turning crisis period. 

In summary, Russia is enjoying the rebuilding and re-establishing of Russian culture from it's communist nightmare. Putin is building Orthodox churches, encouraging freedom of expression and lecturing the Bolsheviks in Washington DC about their descent into anarchy, hysteria and near-totalitarianism.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Migrating to Substack

Merry Christmas and best wishes to all!

I recently posted a few blog posts on Substack just to see how it works and looks. I simply pasted a couple of new Gulfcoastcommentary Blogger posts at the new Substack URL and it looked fine.

The new link is:  


I like the prospect of posting on a site known for freedom of expression and I've had concerns about being "cancelled" by Google blogger.  Having posted on Blogger since 2012, you can image my fear that I might one day check my site and find that it's entirely gone or deleted based on the whim of some know-nothing 25 year old sitting in Palo Alto, Crazyland.

Then last night, I was clicking around the Substack site and noticed an option called "Import your blog."  I clicked it and it asked for my blog URL which I entered. It said that I had 1,126 posts ready to import.  At that point, I paused thinking about how it will handle links, images, etc.  

To make a long story short, it imported all of my Blogger posts in less than 20 seconds, and after a few cursory checks, I can see that all links and images are included in the Substack version and that the posts look ready to go.  

The new link is:  


All of my imported post's hyperlinks at Substack are exactly correct, but that means that links to other Gulfcoastcommentary posts are still for the Blogger address--not Substack.  That's fine for now. Each link works and opens to the familiar and current blogspot post correctly.  

On Substack, I'm looking for a way to globally "find and replace" any link to my own blog to refer to the new Substack location.  So far, It doesn't look promising, but all the links work and my history at Google Blogger remains and will remain for the foreseeable future. For awhile, I might continue to post at both locations with a gentle reminder that I've migrated to the new location. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!


Friday, December 23, 2022

Police State Cometh: In England, Woman Arrested for Silently Praying Near Abortion Clinic

From Peter Imanuelsen at The Freedom Corner with PeterSweden at Substack
Freedom of speech is not protected in England and is under serious assault as you can see if you listen to the video below (YouTube link is here).  Even with 1st Amendment rights here in the DU (Disunited States,) it's also under severe assault by the state. 

Here's Peter's take about the incident:

Look at that. They got three police out to arrest a lone woman who was doing nothing wrong. So brave.

It’s not like they have anything better to do, like solving real crime, right? Turns out that the numbers of recorded crime is now at an new record high, meanwhile the number of solved cases are at a new record low. And it’s really bad, with a big increase in violent crime and rapes.

Surely the police should focus on solving real crime like this instead of arresting ladies praying silently? Nope, priorities is important in a dictatorship you know!

Turns out that in Birmingham, authorities have enforced a censorship zone so they can arrest people who are ”engaging in any act of approval or disapproval or attempted act of approval or disapproval” in relation to abortion, including through “verbal or written means, prayer or counseling…”

Photo of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce

Which apparently means praying silently as well. Here is the statement on the ADF website from Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the woman who was arrested.

”It’s abhorrently wrong that I was searched, arrested, interrogated by police and charged simply for praying in the privacy of my own mind. Censorship zones purport to ban harassment, which is already illegal. Nobody should ever be subject to harassment. But what I did was the furthest thing from harmful – I was exercising my freedom of thought, my freedom of religion, inside the privacy of my own mind. Nobody should be criminalized for thinking and for praying, in a public space in the UK”

So let me get this straight.

This woman wasn’t arrested for harassing anyone. She wasn’t arrested for protesting. She was arrested for the private thoughts inside her own mind.

Think about that for a moment. This is literal thought crime. She was arrested for her thoughts (praying). If she had been thinking about something else, she wouldn’t have been arrested. She was literally arrested for THINKING the wrong things (praying).

We are reaching levels of 1984 not previously thought possible. Yep.

She is now being charged on four counts for thinking the wrong thoughts and praying silently in her own mind.  [Doug here: I'm sure she's well enough known as an anti-abortion activist for her to be targeted. But still?? It's what happens when everything is made illegal.  What's next?  "You're looking at me funny."]

If you don’t recognize that this is a chilling attack on free speech, democracy and everything that is decent, then I don’t know what to tell you.

What’s even worse is that politicians in Britain are planning on introducing these censorship zones around all abortion facilities in England and Wales.

In a supreme court hearing in Scotland in July, the government testified that silent prayer could cause ”psychological damage”.

Even though mainstream media has largely refused to report on this shocking story, word has still gotten out and over £8000 has been raised for her legal defense.

This isn’t the first time things like this has happened in Britain. Preachers have been arrested on the streets for the crime of proclaiming the gospel, see this video I made a few years back.

Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world, with hundreds of millions living under oppression, especially in Communist countries like North Korea and the Middle East.

Now we are beginning to see this happening in the West as well. Freedom of religion and freedom of speech is being taken away from us.

So please share this article everywhere you can to raise awareness!

Resist tyranny.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Speeding Over the Cliff of Energy Poverty: Climate Change Derangement Syndrome

From Stephen Moore at CNS News Politico 

Europe, a publication marinated in green politics, has named Russian President Vladimir Putin as one of its "power players of the year" -- for, in the publication's words, "advancing Europe's green agenda."

"By invading Ukraine and manipulating energy supplies to undermine European support for Kyiv, Putin has achieved something generations of green campaigners could not -- clean energy is now a fundamental matter of European security," the news outlet explained approvingly.

It went on to note that Putin "invaded Ukraine after the EU had spent two years laying the foundations of its Green Deal program for zeroing out emissions by 2050. That meant the policy machinery for a total remake of the European energy economy was already moving. All it needed was a nudge."

You would have to be pretty severely afflicted with Climate Change Derangement Syndrome to celebrate a silver lining in Putin's murderous attack on Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Europe has sprinted so far ahead of the United States in its quest to end the use of fossil fuels that many U.S. politicians, environmentalists and media voices look on with envy.

But how is Europe's Green New Deal going now that Putin has given it "a nudge"?

So far, the results are, to say the least, unencouraging. Euroland has been thrust into an epic energy crisis with electricity rationing, power outages, $10 a gallon gas and citizens encouraged by governments to use candles for lights and burning wood for heating purposes. Germany is reopening shuttered nuclear plants to avoid perpetual blackouts. It's a return to the Dark Ages in Europe -- and the climate change lobby is loving the return to chaos and mayhem.

This might be a slight exaggeration, but not much of one. The government in France has now warned of acute energy shortages this winter with drastic steps to conserve. As one publication put it, Paris, the City of Lights, may have to turn off the lights in the weeks and months ahead if it's a cold winter.

Officials in Paris have decreed that local authorities must prepare power outage plans "that would reduce consumption of electricity by up to 38%." Wait, there's more: "The French government said it was working alongside the Ministry of Education to develop plans to close schools in the mornings if the area is to be impacted by rolling blackouts." It sounds to me like climate change is the new COVID-19 for militant lockdowns and curfews.

Germany's energy shortage is so severe that one of the fastest-growing energy sectors is coal. That's because the Germans have declared war on natural gas, so because of the self-inflicted energy crisis, they are forced to use an energy source that emits more greenhouse gases. Wood is also becoming a major source of heating homes. The Dark Ages are back.

Then there is the calamity that is unfolding in Switzerland. This is a country that is anything but a heavy-handed socialist state, but now thanks to the "energy state of emergency," which is the norm in Europe, the Swiss government has announced it will ban the use of electric cars for "nonessential" journeys. At the same time, it is encouraging people to take the train to shop for their groceries, but it has admitted that train service may also be disrupted.

That's not all. The government is also drawing up plans for dealing with blackouts that include reducing store hours by up to two hours per day, heating systems in nightclubs to be turned off and other buildings to be heated to no more than 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Online streaming services and game consoles could be banned. Christmas lights might be turned off, and all sports stadiums and leisure facilities could be closed.

Is Europe turning into a third-world banana republic?

All of this brings us to a stark reality. Europe has gone all-in on wind and solar power, and the experiment has failed miserably. These fringe energy sources don't work and aren't scalable for industrial economies. And the more it doesn't work, the more it requires police state interventions with fascistic controls over the economy and personal behavior. All of these assaults on freedom and prosperity are in the name of saving the planet. One wonders if this is the real endgame objective. The old saying that the greens are the new reds (communists) is proving to be all too true. It's a future that only tyrants like "man of the year" Putin could love.

Worst of all, President Joe Biden's administration and green groups look to Europe as a sterling silver model for America. Biden's climate henchmen even want to move to the left of Europe on climate change controls on our economy. Biden boasted at the climate conference in Egypt last month that he wants the U.S. to sprint ahead of the Europeans on climate controls as if there is virtue in imposing pain and lowing living standards on the public.

In other words, we are speeding over the same cliff of energy poverty, power outages and climate lockdowns that have crashed and burned everywhere else. The calamity is staring in front of us. And the Biden administration is saying faster, faster.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

PCR: The Democrats Are Spliting the USA Irreparably

From Paul Craig Roberts

I have watched and warned for years while American unity was dismantled and the history of our country  falsely rewritten.  The liberals are responsible, as some have acknowledged, blaming their trust of the left who maintained that they just wanted to broaden the discussion when in fact the left intended to close all discussion and impose their narratives, which they have now done.

The closure of debate and free speech has spread from the university to the public schools to the corporate executive suite, to the military, to the media, to entertainment, to the medical profession.  Those who dissent openly or even accidentally from the official narratives are censored, cancelled, fired, demonized, and if they were present at the US Capitol on January 6 framed as insurrectionists and imprisoned.

It is now taken for granted in the major institutions of the US that white ethnicities are racist by nature and thereby guilty of oppressing black people.  All meritocracy, success measures, literature, English language, math and science are declared to be tools of white oppression. Universities and medical schools have abandoned admission standards and course grading. The military, corporations, universities, and government agencies require white employees to submit to “sensitivity training” and to accept promotions of “preferred minorities” based NOT on merit, but on skin color and sexual preference. 

Sensitivity training has now been extended into special treatment for sexual perverts and those claiming to be transgendered. Perversion has been normalized, and it is the large majority of normal heterosexual white ethnicities who are the outcasts known as “Trump Deplorables.” Critical race theory is used to teach white kids that they and their parents are racists. Drag queens put on demonstrations in public schools, and kids are told that they are whatever gender they decide.

One consequence is that truth has been stamped out by outrageous lies that everyone knows are lies.  For example, America is based on racism because a ship called on an early British colony and traded a few black slaves for provisions.  According to the New York Time’s 1619 Project, this is all it takes to interpret the entirety of American history as racist.  Who enslaved the blacks is an unasked question, because the blacks were enslaved by the black king of Dahomey whose armies conducted slave wars.  The blacks brought to the colonies were enslaved by other blacks prior to their arrival.  These facts are denied in order to demonize white ethnicities, destroy their confidence, and implant guilt so that they willingly turn over power and wealth to darker skinned peoples.  Notice also, that the same people who insist that the US is a racist country also insist that the Civil War was fought to free the black slaves.  Now why would a racist country do that?

A disappearing act is being done on white people. White people, especially white families, are disappearing in corporate advertising.  Third World immigrant-invaders have become common in media, university professorships, and in government and corporate ranks.  White males are also disappearing in movies as women take over the violent roles traditionally associated with men.  The disappearance of whites is clearly being orchestrated in order to promote multiculturalism and diversity.  A nation has been replaced by a tower of babel.

For two generations, perhaps more, universities have worked to separate Americans from awareness of their history, literature, and values with the intention of producing a deracinated people.  They have succeeded.  When the older generations die, the mores, spirit, and accomplishments of America will be gone. The disruption of enculturation has erased America. America has been erased just as completely as Rome erased Carthage. 

Any unity that might still have existed has now been destroyed by the House Democrats’ referral of criminal charges against President Trump for an insurrection that is more fiction than fact. 

The Democrats’ referral tells Trump Americans, who compose half, at least, of the voters, that Democrats and the Establishment that they act for will not tolerate in office a President who represents the American people instead of the ruling elite.  In other words, democracy is dead.  Presidents are puppets for the Establishment, a role that Trump refused.  Therefore, he was removed.   

As the Establishment controls the media, lies could be used instead of bullets.

When the House Democrats’ effort to impeach Trump on the same charges failed in the Senate, the House decided to hold an “investigation,” find criminal offense, and refer the charges to Biden’s Department of Justice, which should more correctly be known as the Department of Retribution Against Enemies of the Establishment.

The Department of Retribution, which we know to be corrupt, because of the proof of the FBI’s corruption, is on the spot.  If it takes up the referral, it will split the country in two, creating the prospect of a civil war.  It it does not prosecute Trump it will have to find the fortitude to stand up to the Establishment, which wants Trump over and done with. I don’t think the attorney general can stand up to the Establishment.  

How might this play out?  Will Trump Supporters be discouraged, give up, and cease to participate in elections whose true outcomes are so easily cancelled, no facts permitted?  Or will they become more enraged and more determined?  I do not know.  

It has to be disturbing to aware Americans that the House Democrats’ charges are non-sensical.  At the time of the alleged insurrection, Trump was still President of the United States.  The event he is accused of obstructing is the congressional vote ratifying Biden as President, but not reported by the presstitutes is the fact that prior to that vote Republicans were going to present hard evidence of election theft.  To prevent this presentation, the Democrats arranged an “insurrection” which broke up the meeting and allowed Rino Republications to ally with Democrats and by pretending to be in danger to abandon the meeting that was to present evidence of election theft. The Trump Rally was used to insure Biden’s election ratification in the face of an “insurrectionist threat.”

Clearly neither Trump nor his supporters had any interest in obstructing the meeting.  They were there to rally in favor of the evidence being presented.

Consider also, that President Trump offered the Democrat District of Columbia government US soldiers to maintain order against any challenges during the January 6 Congressional assembly, and the Democrats refused the soldiers.  In other words, they knew that the Trump rally was going to be manipulated to prevent the presentation of evidence of election theft.  Ask yourself, why would a President planning an insurrection offer US troops to forestall his insurrection?

Would an insurrectionist have offered Democrats troops with which to put down his insurrection?  

What else do you need to comprehend the mendacity of the Democrats’ referral and the corruption of a media that pretends there is enormous merit in the criminal referrals.  How can any person with even half a brain not see that what is happening in the United States is worst than Stalin’s infamous show trials?

The Democrats with their ideology of Identity Politics are now about to split the country into two halves that have nothing in common.  Perhaps this is why Russia and China sit there with their superior military capability doing nothing as they watch the self-destruction of the Disunited States of America.