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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Putin's Historic Role In Rebuilding Russia and Russian Culture

Western leaders and media (leftists) hate Putin because he's basically the embodiment of "Russia First”, which is, of course, entirely correct, just like Trump's “America First” and Orban’s “Hungary First.” I believe Serbia's leaders are "Serbia First" too. The Left and Democrats hate that as they are onboard with the WEF’s disastrous idea of world government and open borders per the WEF neo-communists. It’ll be a cover for a widespread debt default.

The Davos Elites/WEF/Western “leaders” and especially the Ukrainians hate Russia and nothing is allowed to change their mind. But why would any leader NOT stand for his own population’s well-being as a priority above others? To an extent, Putin is a complete contradiction of all of these Elite’s and Leftist’s bullshit.

Remember when Trump stated the obviously true statement that “better relations with Russia is a good thing, not bad.” It caused shreiks and howls from the deranged Western press, Neocons and hard Leftists and helped create the entirely insane ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ hysteria(s) that continues to this day. That and the fact that Trump unexpectedly side-lined the most evil Neocon of all: Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Trump was an imperfect representative of the “greatest generation” somewhat similar to Ronald Reagan. There was hysterical Reagan-hatred too, especially in Godless Europe— even though he was one of our greatest presidents who hastened the fall of the Berlin wall and collapse of the Soviet Union. Both of these men were grounded in the fundamentals that made America great: family, faith, distrust of big govt and an unwavering patriotism and dedication to traditional American ideals. Today, such sentiments will get you howls of derision in much of the West. Trump Derangement Syndrome was obviously another sign of our country’s collective and Leftist mental illness:

Now Putin Derangement Syndrome has taken hold. But this time it’s already caused a disastrous war and a downward economic spiral of the EU's now energy-starved economy. It’s hatred is so entrenched and The West is so full of propaganda and lies, there’s risk that an even hotter war with Russia could lead to more widespread death and destruction —especially if Putin is unexpectedly removed.

Putin, in 2000, inherited a country in total collapse in every way possible: socially, spiritually and economically. Communism was an 80 year long reign of terror that destroyed everything including their economy but also their culture. Having arrived after the abyss of economic and cultural collapse in 2000, Putin has clearly been a pivotal and historic figure of Russia history —and he’s suceeding in a comprehensive re-establishment of their entire country and culture. There wasn’t anyone else that could have done this, which is why Putin has used and bent rules to keep him at, or very near, the presidency for 20 years.

Now it’s the West’s turn. Marxism and Leftist is completely destroying the economies and civilizational foundations of the West. It is the entire West that is now in a slow-motion collapse. Russia, on the other hand, is 20 years into a recovery from their total societal collapse. And it is Putin who has been, and continues to be, pivotal in Russia’s revival. See my post The West Is Collapsing As Russia is Rising.

Putin was selected by Yeltsin to run for President in 2000 because he is an intelligent, level-headed, rational man who was not a communist (and isn’t a drunk). And Vladimir Putin has nearly single-handedly worked to to re-establish Russia's traditional cultural heritage and history and undo the utter destruction by it’s own Leftist maniacs, ie., the Communists. Like in the West today, Religion, family, gender attributes, free enterprise were all torn asunder by their Bolsheviks.

Putin's has implimented an Orthodox Church building program to bring back their traditional religion. Putin is frequently seen with his Orthodox priest Kirill at Church. As leader of Russia, he’s reminding Russians what Russia really is. They don’t really have anyone else who can do that. Can the oligarchs do that with all their ostentatious wealth and luxury? No. Can other politicians? Sure, like Yeltsin and Gorbachev, but not like Putin has done. The truth is that Putin is a historic hero for Russia and the Russian people. That’s why his opinion poll numbers are sky high even while at war with Ukrainian nazis and NATO.

He uses photo ops to communicate with Russian people what he values and this is intended to remind ordinary Russians of their history and cultural foundations. His status allows him to be a standard-bearer of Russian culture — a culture/history that was torn asunder for so long that the Russian people had largely forgotten it.

The Left, of course, hates this because they hate anything and everything that is good, traditional and/or wholesome. They are Satan. They are trying to destroy Western Culture in the same way the Russia Bolsheviks destroyed their culture, ie., in it’s entirety. Trump tried to reverse this trend and he was hounded and cheated out of office and his bully pulpit. Who will rebuild our country after everything is destroyed?

Part of Russia's resurgent culture is bringing back and emphasizing Patriarchy where men are the leaders in marriages, households and at the national level. The full-of-shit Left REALLY hates that!! The Left has given us feminism, discord and wholesale rejection of history, religion and tradition.

Putin probably wants to communicate his understanding of what a man’s role is by numerous photo-ops of him hunting, camping and fishing. He’s literally showing Russia and the West what is a man is. It's necessary as gender roles were torn asunder during Communism.

Photos of Putin Hunting, Camping, Fishing. You know, Men's Stuff

Putin has a point. A reset of our understanding of gender roles is necessary. Leftist and feminist teachers and Media have indoctrinated and confused two generations of kids in their radical ideas. We have grown up with the new norm of feminism and feminists who have disrupted society by forcing people to be something that they are not.

Do women really want to be the aggressive corporate “tigers"and climb corporate ladders or do they want to have and raise children? Don’t “real and authentic” women prefer to home-school their kids and maybe work from home? I don’t think being a corporate workhorse is what most women want. If they work, they want family-friendly jobs with flexibility, like school teaching. It may not be what men want either, but they do it to provide for their family, prepare financially for retirement and possibly create a heritage for his family. That’s also what a man is.

Authentic women don't want to be men like the feminists claim. They want to be true to their nature. The nature of women is to be the leader in nurturing of all types.

And women want the man to be the protector, leader and provider, in other words, true to his nature (sure there are variations on this that is no ones else's business). And no, these tendencies are not “toxic.”

Isn't it clear that Western society is running off the rails in The West from Women's lib and Feminism? Look at what Feminazi governments have done in Scandinavia. Ursula Van der Leyden is another incompetent crackpot. Christine Lagarde is another know-nothing promoted well beyond her capability. Frankly, nearly ALL the leadership in the West is crap except for the leaders that champion their own countries and cultures FIRST (and not some bullshit from Davos or the WEF).

The “Feminazis” of Sweden’s Government Who Thought Importing millions of African/Middle-Eastern Muslims to Sweden Was a Good Idea

And it is only conservatives who DO NOT want to dictate or impose their ideas on everyone like the Left does. It is Conservatives that are more tolerant, more “live and let live” except when it comes to protecting the most vulnerable lives of all: unborn babies. It’s Conservatives that are compassionate and freedom-loving. Conservatives cherish our Constitution and our Judeo-Christian heritage: they truly believe in these basic founding principles. That is to say that they HAVE principles.

It is the intolerant Nazi-like Left that forces the ‘bullshit-of-the-day’ down your throat and who want to kill you or “cancel” you if you don’t agree with their entirely made-up ideas. They're like a mob rule, and they shift with the popular wind. Living without principles is no way to live. It's really hell.

The Left, ARE in a miserable self-made hell of nihilism and it is they that are the controlling, miserable haters and propagandists. All we get from the Left is chaos, disorder, hate, and crazy ideas IMPOSED on you by a bunch of busy-body righteous types who arrogantly think that they know everything—but don't know shit or make-up shit.

Unprincipled Leftists become Communists and totalitarians and must ultimately be vanquished. We're approaching that level in the West. Putin has already been there and is rebuilding his country.

We actually have a lot to learn from Putin and Russia.

Monday, February 27, 2023

It's US Blacks that are the Haters and Racists

The Democrats are a Hate Group

Scott Adams did the country a favor by revealing the Rassmussen Poll highlighting the racist attitudes of the US Black population against Whites. The poll is incomplete because US Blacks also have negative (unfounded racist) attitudes toward Asians, Latinos, and African immigrants. The question becomes WHO DON’T Black people hate??

Readers might counter that a similar poll would expose similar negative attitudes of Whites about US Blacks. I would agree, but there’s a big, huge, glaring difference. US Blacks richly DESERVE their bad/negative reputation because it is Blacks that commit violence crimes and murders at about 7 times the rate of the White population and are incarcerated at the same rate. (Blacks constitute 43% of our prison population despite being only 1/8th of the population.) 

THEY CAUSED IT--Not white people. White’s and Asian’s negative and cautious attitudes about US Blacks aren’t racism; they’re an entirely rational concern for protecting one’s life, property and safety as Blacks are lashing-out in hate crimes, thefts and murder. 

The largest number of hate groups in the US are black separatists. And don't forget that BLM, mostly a race-baiting scam, was essentially a white-hate group. US Blacks also hate Mexicans and they are increasingly lashing out and physically attacking both Asians and Whites. This situation is tacitly supported by the Democrats.

The Democratic Party is now so totally subservient (or hostage) to their black voting bloc, and their racism toward Whites, that THEY are now basically a hate group.  They have become the Anti-white party in a still-majority white nation. They don't seem to support people of faith or the heterosexual majority, either.

It's as if the Democrats, who are so dependent on the consistent 90% black vote to retain their long-term hold on power, are suffering from Stockholm's Syndrome and identify as black themselves. Today's democrats are haters--just like their black constituents. I have written about this insanity and perversion many, many times (see The Essential Gulfcoastcommentary Index). 

Conversely, there are very few hard core white racists. They’re such a small minority of our population as to be statistically irrelevant. The Ku Klux Klan has only about 3,000 members nationwide and shrinking, which pales in comparison to the at least 100,000-200,000 members of the Alt-Left militant group “Antifa”, which has proven to be much more violent and dangerous than their "Alt-Right" counterparts. There's so few White-on-Black hate crimes, that Blacks must INVENT them.  And I mentioned that Militant Black Separatist groups are the most numerous race haters.

Blacks hate THEMSELVES and kill each other in droves. Some 8,000+ blacks die at the hand of other blacks each year in the US alone. It’s 5 times worse in Brazil. The majority black-mixed population of Brazil is the murder capital of the world at some 50,000 murders per year---mostly black -mix on black-mix.

US Black rappers are killing each other in droves. US Black rappers must have the lowest life expectancy of any group in the nation (world?).

I also know for a fact that US Blacks often HATE African blacks who have distinguished themselves academically and take US college and graduate school positions. They're resentful that Africans are getting admission into, and tuition assistance, for graduate school programs. If that doesn't show you what sore losers US Blacks are, than nothing will. 

Nigerians come to the US to get advanced degrees and typically stay on afterwards, get great jobs and often make more money than the average white worker. It's true, See Immigrant Groups With High Educational Attainment Flock to America.  I know some of these successful Nigerians in Houston. 

But there is little basis for hope for the US Black population as long as Democrats “coddle” them. And there is little hope for our nation, drowning in Democrat lies and propaganda.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

They Really Want to Depopulate; 57% Increase in Miscarriages Due to Covid Vax

You'll NEVER hear this at any MSM outlet,  From Revolver News

US birth rates are alarmingly low. Recent studies show a disturbingly sharp decline in the number of babies being born in America.

CBS News: 

Data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics — the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s statistic arm — showed a sharp decline in fertility rates in recent years, with most women having an average of 1.3 babies and an increasing percentage giving birth at age 35 or older.

Many experts theorize that the COVID pandemic played an important role in the “uncertainly factor” for many young couples who may have been thinking about having children, but opted out due to pandemic fear.

And while that remains to be seen, one thing we do know for certain is the COVID vaccine is playing its own devastating role in “birth rates.”

According to Dr. James Thorp, an OBGYN & expert in women’s reproductive health, the “57-fold” INCREASE in miscarriages — as well as a significant increases in still births, fetal demises and more — are all linked to the mRNA COVID-19 shots. That’s based on the FDA & CDC’s own data.

Dr. Thorp joined Tucker to discuss this alarming situation (just a 3 min embedded video, well worth listening to):

Friday, February 24, 2023

US "Leaders:" Drunk, Corrupted and Demented; Have a Death Wish

This morning, I’m feeling like I’m watching the movie Dr. Strangelove—without any of the hilarity. The tiny idiot, Janet Yellen, thinks she can boss around China after she and the dumb-ass “Joe Biden” regime literally forced China to ally itself with Russia in their Nazi-cleansing operation in the Ukraine. And yes, the US is on the side of the literal Nazis, just like the US was “on the side” of ISIS in Syria in it’s failed attempt to depose Assad (embarrassing the Left’s Black Jesus and starting the Russia, Russia, Russia meme).

The US couldn’t even defeat the goat herders in Afghanistan after 20 years of death, destruction and countless maimed-for-life US soldier boys. These same fools and the uni-party of Neocons, left countless billions of war materiel for the same said goat herders, and there’s no telling how far and wide these weapons have traveled (to China? Pakistan?). You can be sure that it’s not in the hands of “friendlies.”

“The Taliban now has more Black Hawk helicopters than 85% of the countries in the world,” Congressman Jim Banks, a veteran, lamented.

It’s as if these elderly but clearly insane leaders, namely the entire “Joe Biden” junta, have a death wish. But they’re so stupid that they don’t even know it. Yellen, who is another fool steeped in Academia (now “gov’t) had the temerity to warn the Chinese not to help Russia. This little dipshit women, who should ideally be teaching kindergarten school kids (maybe), said:

"And we will certainly continue to make clear to the Chinese government and to companies and banks in their jurisdictions what the rules are regarding our sanctions and the serious consequences that they would face in violating them."

Schoolmarm Janet
These idiots are pushing for war with BOTH China and Russia? I would normally ask “what are they smoking?” but I know that we’re seeing the biggest bunch of bumbling, screwball ignoramuses ever seen on the planet earth. And it’s not just that. They are actually evil. You can see that because they are ‘projecting’ their own pathology on Putin and others. That’s always the “tell.” The political Left literally tells you who they are by just looking at their accusations. They literally remind me of the film “Dr. Strangelove” but without any of the cleverness of that black comedy. This is real life, but it’s entirely unreal. And the “leaders” in Europe are even worse!

The West is lost and wrecked. James Kunstler said it best, with his flair:

There actually are no good reasons for what we are doing in Ukraine, only bad reasons. Mainly, stoking the war there diverts Americans attention from our own problems, which is to say the titanic failures of America’s political establishment.

The USA is falling apart from a combination of mismanagement, malice, and negligence. Our economy is a tottering scaffold of Ponzi schemes. Our institutions are wrecked. The government lies about everything it does. The news industry ratifies all the lying. Our schoolchildren can’t read or add up a column of numbers. Our food is slow-acting poison. Our medical-pharma matrix has just completed the systematic murder and maiming of millions. Our culture has been reduced to a drag queen twerk-fest. Our once-beautiful New World landscape is a demolition derby. Name something that hasn’t been debauched, perverted, degenerated, or flat-out destroyed.

The wreckage would be likely to become catastrophic except for the stoic, rational and intelligent leader in Vlad Putin. Take a look at the transcript of this real leader here. Thank God he’s around and not some hot-head like our US neocons. If we wake-up one morning and Vlad has been replaced, then we truly might be only “seconds to midnight” in an atomic nightmare. For me personally, that news would trigger a bug-out trip to the Rio Grand valley, some 5 hours south of my residence. I keep my gas tank full in case grid power is out.

I’m watching a big sell-off on Wall St this morning, but also noticing that Lockheed Martin stock is barely down. That telling as a reminder that War is a racket. The US war machine is about money and power and that “machine” has taken over our country and government. Since money grows on trees, there have yet to be extreme consequences, thus the hubris and arrogance of the Bolshevik fools who stole power these past elections.

I fear total destruction and death in The West. Just one “demonstration” nuclear strike, even in the Ukraine, would be enough to topple markets, finance and any sense of order. It would open Pandora’s box of course. “The West” is living on borrowed time (literally) and a season of destruction is coming on fast. Prepare yourself because only fools are “in-charge.”

Transcript: Putin's Annual Address to Russia


Putin Speaks of the Treachery of the Insane, War-Mongering West. Putin is the Only Rational Leader In Europe; maybe the world.

[minor clarifications and bolded sections by Doug]

President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Dear members of State Duma, Senators, dear Citizens of Russian Federation, in today’s address, I’m giving this state address in a very difficult context, in a very difficult time. There are cardinal major changes in the world. There are historic changes that determine the future of our country and our people. Every one of us has a great responsibility. About a year ago in order to protect our people on our historic land, in order to ensure security, in order to liquidate the threat that appeared from the Kyiv regime.

After the [US] military coup in 2014 [in Ukraine], we decided to conduct a special military operation [in Crimea]. Step-by-step we will continue to resolve the objectives that before us. Starting from 2014, Donbas has been fighting to defend its right to live on its territory and speak its own language. They were fighting and not giving up in the conditions of a blockade and constant shelling. And in the context of complete hatred from the Kyiv regime, they waited and they believed that the Russia would come to their help.

You know this very well, that we did everything possible. Indeed, everything possible in order to resolve this problem in a peaceful way. We were patient in our negotiations to come out of this horrible conflict. However, behind our backs, a completely different scenario was being prepared. The assurances from the Western leaders to ensure peace in Donbas turned out to be a lie. They were just dragging time and they were trying to close their eyes to the political killings and repressions of the Kyiv regime and abuse of religion and terrorist acts in Donbas. In Western academies and training centers they were training nationalists units and supplying weapons. I would like to emphasize that it was before the special military operation they were negotiating the supply of heavy military equipment and planes and anti-aircraft defense systems. And they were also publicly talking about supply of nuclear weapons.

NATO and Western countries were setting their military bases on our borders and biological laboratories, and they were training on the future theater of military actions. And today they recognize this. They publicly recognize this without shying away. They are talking about Minsk Agreements and Normandy Agreement to be just a show, a spectacle. And when Russia, I would like to emphasize, when Russia sincerely tried to find a peaceful solution, they were playing with lives of people and they were playing a dirty game. And this repulsive lie and their behavior, two-face behavior was seen in Yugoslavia, in Iraq, Syria, and they will not be able to wash away that shame ever of centuries of colonialism and dictatorship. They’re used to this idea that they could do anything, that it turns out that they are treating their own people in this way. They also deceive their own people by telling them stories about peaceful agreements in Donbas. And it’s just total and unprincipled lies [The West is truly the empire of lies. He’s exactly right].

We have been insisting on protecting our own interests and also that protecting the position that there should not be a situation in the world where there are civilized countries in the rest of the world. We were very open and we were sincerely open for a dialogue with the West, and we were insisting on Europe and the rest of the world to have an equal system of defense and ecosystem of security. We were proposing to our partners this idea, and in response we were getting dishonest answers. But there were also specific actions, expansion of NATO to our borders, creation of new anti-rocket defense systems in Europe, and developing military contingents on the borders of Russia. And I’d like to emphasize that no other country in the world has as many foreign military bases as the United States. They have hundreds, hundreds of military bases around the world.

The whole planet is dotted with their bases. And we saw them exit fundamental agreements on limiting rockets of medium to long range. And they were exiting other agreements supporting peace in the world. They were doing it for a reason. And in December 2021, we officially directed to the U.S. and to Europe our request for guarantees for security. However, we received a direct refusal to our offers and it became clear that the reaction was demonstrated and the threat was growing. And we had no doubt that by February 2022, everything was prepared for a punitive action in Donbas, where Kyiv regime provided artillery and aviation and other weapons to attack Donbas back in 2014. In 2015, they attempted again to directly attack Donbas. They continued shelling, terror in relation to citizens. All of this was completely against the documents that were accepted by the United Nations Security Council. I would like to repeat. They started the war and we used the force in order to stop it.

Those who planned a new attack on Donetsk, on Donbas, on Lugansk, they clearly understood that the next objective is strike against Sevastopol and Crimea. We understood this and they are again in Kyiv talking directly about their plans. And we knew that already. We protect people and protect their homes. And the objectives of the West is infinite power. They spent $150 billion to support militarily Kyiv regime. To compare this, to put this into perspective, in 2021, 2022, big seven countries provided to the poorest countries only 60 billion aid. Also, and in exchange for that 60 billion, they require complete submission to their will.

With this, the flow of money to finance the war is not stopping. And they continue supplying means to provide coups in other countries. And at the recent security conference, there was an endless flow of accusations against Russia. And this was done, it seems, in order for everyone to forget that over the last 10 years, it was the West who opened, who released the genie from the bottle as a result of wars. We did not come up with these figures. These figures are provided by them. As a result of wars that were started by United States since 2021, about 900,000 people died and millions became refugees.

And they’re trying to delete this from the memory of people. They’re trying to pretend this did not happen, but nobody forgot that. The people’s tragedy is not important to them. And they’re betting trillions, trillions of dollars, and they are trying to continue robbing everyone else and they’re covering themselves with words of democracy and values. They are trying to label other countries and publicly insult them. And they’re creating that image of enemy within their own countries in order to divert attention from corruption scandals within their own countries. They are diverting attention from the growing social economic problems. I would like to remind you that in 1930s, Western countries opened the path for Nazi Germany to develop. And in this century, they did this to Ukraine. And anyone who knows history and knows that this goes back to the 19th century Austrian-Hungarian Empire, and this was, they only had the single goal to separate these territories from their historic ties with our country.

There’s nothing new. Everything is repeating. History keeps repeating. They have supported the coup in 2014. And this was a bloody coup, anti-state, anti-constitution coup. And as if nothing had happened, and they even told us how much money they spent on it. The ideological basis for this was Russophobia. And it’s a shame to even say that one of the units of the Ukrainian Army was given a name, Edelweiss. Edelweiss is a name of a Nazi German unit, and they have very popular chevrons on their uniform with the German Nazi insignia. And they’ve got very marked signs on their tanks. And the neo-Nazis are not even hiding who they inherited their history from. And we see that those in power choose to close their eyes on this. Why? Because they don’t give a damn. Because they are trying to fight us. They’re trying to fight Russia. And that means they want to use anything. They want to use everyone, terrorist, Nazis, even devil himself, to use it as weapon against Russia. The project anti-Russia is a revolutionist policy against our country.

Back in the ’30s of last century and today, it’s the same idea to direct aggression to the east, to start the war in Europe using other people’s tools. And we said that we’re not fighting in Ukraine. We said that the Ukrainian people have become a hostages of their Western masters who occupied this country in political, in economic and military sense. Of decades, they were destroying Ukrainian industry and robbing the country. And as a consequence of this, it became the poverty and social division grew. And this was the material for the military actions. And of course, they turned these people into canon fodder. And this is a sad reality, but it’s a fact.

The responsibility for starting the conflict, for growing number of victims lies totally with the West and with Kyiv regime for whom Ukrainian people are not their own, effectively. This regime is not serving their national interests. They’re serving interests of foreign powers. The Ukraine is now like a training ground for them. I’m not going to talk about the plans of Western powers to increase military aid. Everyone knows about this. But one thing is very clear to everyone. The greater the range of these systems, the further away we will be forced to move the threat from our borders.

The elites of the West are not hiding their goals. They are, as they say, trying to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. What does that mean to us? That means they want to end with Russia. They want to turn a local conflict into a phase of global conflict. This is how we understand this. And we will react in an appropriate way. Because in this case, we’re talking about existence of our country. They also have to take into account that it is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield. So they increase their information attacks and of course they are targeting our young generation. And of course they keep lying here. They’re twisting historic facts. They’re going against our culture, against our religious organizations.

Look at what they’ve done to their own people. They’re destroying family, national identity, they are abusing their children. Even pedophilia is announced as a normal thing in the West. And they’re recognizing same sex marriages. That’s fine that they’re adults. They’ve got the right to live their life. And we always, we’re very tolerant about this in Russian. Nobody is trying to enter private lives of people, and we’re not going to do this. However, we need to tell them, but look at the scriptures of any religion in the world. Everything is said in there. And one of the things is that family is a union of a man and a woman.

But even the sacred texts are subjected to doubt. Anglican Church is planning to consider the idea of a gender-neutral God. What can you say here? Millions of people in the West understand that they are being led to spiritual destruction. Elites are going crazy and this cannot be cured it seems. But our duty is to protect our children. And we will do this. We will protect our children from degradation. It’s obvious that the West will continue trying to destabilize our society. They’ll be using our traitors, who’ve been throughout the ages, have the same attitude to their own people, hatred for their own nation. And this was the case forever.

They are attempting terrorist attacks that are aimed at destabilizing our society. But we will never be similar to Western regimes and to Kyiv regime who are used to witch hunting. Were not going to hunt those who betrayed the motherland. Let them live with this. They have to live with it. What’s important is that citizens of Russia have to give them a moral valuation. We need to be proud that we are a multicultural nation and majority of our people have a principle position in relation to the special military operation. They understand the meaning of it. They supported our actions in Donbas and real patriotism was seen in this support.
And historically, this has always been a feature of our nation.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Democrats: From Black Oppression to Black Supremacy

This dipshit academician cum jouralist, Nikole Hannah-Jones, has resided in academia most of her life ---and all of that was probably based on compromised standards/affirmative action (if you were able to look close enough). And we know the NY Times standards are low for their preferred propagandists. Her intellectual inferiority is apparent to most. She's another glorified Joy Reid of MSNBC whose is entirely an idiot. Elevating these incompetents and giving them a massive megaphone is the evil of our times.

She only is popular because The Left wants to re-live a regrettable period of history in order keep old racial wounds alive as an excuse for black's failures today---and to keep blacks angry in order to maintain Democrat dominance that keeps countless blacks in welfare poverty-- all this in a nation that has MORE THAN CORRECTED HISTORICAL INJUSTICES. 
She's only lifted into popularity because The Left wants to perpetuate a historical falsehood that Democrats are the big saviors of US Blacks. I'm sure Hannah-Jones believes it!  Sorry Nikole, but here's a little history lesson for you, little girl:
Democrats Are the Party of Black Oppression and Jim Crow
It was Republicans who won the Civil War and instituted complete civil and legal rights to Blacks: to vote, run for office, freedom of movement and work and freedom to own property. It was the Republicans who maintained Federal Troops in the South to maintain these freedoms--until 1876.
In 1876, an Electoral vote dispute in the election between Rutherford Hayes and Tilden was settled in smoke-filled rooms with an arrangement to give Republican Hayes the Presidency. In return Hayes agreed to cede control of the South to Democratic governments and agreed to remove the Federal troops from the South -- ending all the Reconstruction civil rights gains to appease the Democrats in the South and their majority in the US House of Representatives. 
From the 1870s to the 1960s, for some 90 years, Democrats reneged on their agreements to treat Blacks equally. It took about 80+ years before civil rights cases were won once again for black citizens following Brown vs.The Board of Education in 1954. Later, Republicans cast far more votes than Democrats to ratify civil rights laws in the 1960s.
It took 80 more long years for Democrats to give up their long-standing historical Black Oppression and Jim Crow laws in the South to finally agree with Republicans about racial injustice. 
Racist Democrats Transition to Big Spending and Vote-Buying To Hero Status
But Lyndon Johnson, a big racist like Joe Biden, reluctantly embraced the Civil Rights Act and agreed to launch a huge Federal spending effort (and big gov't bureacracy) to try to alleviate poverty of all poor citizens. What is now known as the "War on Poverty" included a huge number of programs including Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, housing assistance: basically most of the programs that today are collectively known today as "Welfare." Obviously one large recipient group was US Blacks. By 2015, some $21 Trillion had been spent on various programs with some 30% of that money going to blacks (estimate). So, yeah, US Blacks have already received "reparations." 

After beginning all that spending benefiting blacks and others, there's a rumor, that racist Johnson said that "We'll have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years." It's likely true that he said it (in private of course) and, if so, he's been entirely correct! It's virtually welded US Blacks to the Democrat party ever since, including Ms. Hannah-Jones. Free stuff!! Blacks can not resist it. They live for free stuff even more today.
The Expensive 'War on Poverty' (Vote Buying) and Black Reparations Fail
NOTHING in Washington is ever fixed. Fast-forward 50+ years into the 'war on poverty' and $7 Trillion of real "Black Reparations," black "culture" has collapsed. Black culture is in collapse when 72% of black babies are born without a father in the house. Compare this stat to only 25% when the war on poverty started in 1964.  
I can't think of a single more devastating statistic to describe a cultural collapse than the 72% figure. Government payments to unwed mothers caused this and has INCREASED poverty in black homes.  Black women kicked-out the mostly worthless black men. With no dads around, household income plummets, mothers have to work several jobs and leave children less supervised, less attended and less parented except perhaps for some heroic grandparents. And nothing is ever fixed because money grows on trees.
Black crime is 7 times the rate of whites. The majority of gun murders are still committed by blacks on other blacks as victims. Housing projects built for ghetto blacks are all slums (a complete lack of personal responsibility), and drug dealing and violence, shootings, incarcerations, STD infections and black abortions remain at high levels. Black kids are doing no better in school: Black high school completion rates are about the same as ever.  Only 10 to 15% of black high school students perform at a high (proficient) level in 11th grade (compared to about 25% for Latinos and 60% for Whites).
Now Democrats Are the Anti-White Party & Advocate Black Supremacy!  WTF?

Despite US blacks still at about 14% of the population, Democrats have now magically positioned themselves as the Black Supremacy Party, some 180 degrees away from their long history of extreme black oppression and racism. They have totally disrupted/destroyed US Black families and culture as discussed above. 

Biden, a life-long racist, is now pushing ONLY blacks into public (govt) service where whites need not apply. Whites need not apply to Broadway shows. Black students, using govt student loan money (that will likely not be repaid) want racially separate courses, accomodations and venues. Democrats and their lapdog media are also the Anti-white party persecuting conservative whites or Trump supporters. Government agencies, too numerous to mention, are now proven to have infiltrated all social media and mass media companies and are pushing anti-white tropes and actively suppressing conservative white opinions (especially if it's a black conservative). EVERY CONSPIRACY THEORY HAS COME TRUE. And it's ALL Democrats doing this.

As Palestine, OH burned due to a transportation accident, and the Biden administration refused FEMA aid, transportation secretary Buttigeig complained that too many white people are taking construction jobs. This dumbass knows nothing! It's Latinos that are taking many construction jobs! Yes, there will always be white workers too. And there is nothing holding back black workers other than their own attitudes and prejudices against whites, their inability to pass drug tests, their inability to perform or complete high school, their extreme distaste in taking and following orders from anyone, especially white folks. Many prefer to deal drugs as it pays more. With an increasing number of white-friendly Latinos, white-hating blacks will be further and further marginalized.

Back to Hannah-Jones And Extremes of Black Supremacy
Hannah-Jones is what happens when you coddle an ethnic group, suspend rigor and lower admissions (and all other) standards. It's what happens when you put black faces all over various media, put microphones at black faces and magnify dubious and even absurd opinions to satisfy some quota. It's part of the insane left to cancel white persons.  
Extremely unqualified people, of all colors including Hannah-Jones, can spend their entire lifetimes in Law, Academia (especially economics, like Janet Yellen), Journalism and Government, being completely wrong, wrong-headed, completely at odds with truth with no consequence, zero value-added and be given status and even fame. 
Nikole Hannah-Jones has all sorts of awards and degrees, but she doesn't have an ounce of common sense, or horse-sense, because she's never had a real job producing something real and useful. It's what happens when you hang out all your life in Left wing faculty lounges: just like Obama. She, like Obama and so many others, remain wrong about everything. Like perpetual slacker Mr. Obama (or do I have to call him Doctor Obama?), she's an affirmative action hire, this time at the NYT--who cares more about propaganda than truth. 

If I met her, I might change my mind if I spoke with her.  But I'm fairly sure that I would very quickly see her twisted facts and biases that are completely unrealistic, nonsense and/or wrong. 1619 is 400 years ago. A very small group of settlers came to Jamestown and there was a handful of people including something like 20 African slaves. Jamestown in 1619 is a trivial historical event, except that it marked one of the first English settlements in the New World. 
The history of world slavery goes back multiple 1000s of years. Slavery in Africa goes back 1000's years before 1619 and extended into THE 20TH CENTURY there. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt for instance. Paging "doctor" Hannah-Jones!

Thomas Jefferson fought our country's first naval war in 1805 against marauding Muslim pirates who attacked Mediterranean shipping to enslave and captured European men and women (as sex slaves). They demanded steep ransoms and stole cargo at the same time the Lewis and Clark was exploring the NW passage. Thomas Jefferson had already just eliminated slavery in most of the new colonies under the new Constitution. (He had to compromise with the southern colonies on the issue of slavery. Otherwise, slavery would have been entirely eliminated in the USA.) What's notable is that every member of the Lewis and Clark expedition, when a key decision was needed, were given a vote; including servants, cooks, native American guides and everyone else regardless of race, status or creed. THAT is America!

History is generally a sorry legacy for everyone, especially 400 years ago, and especially in Africa where warlords, African Kings and Princes had started and maintained the Slave trade for 800 years prior to 1619. Remember, every slave purchased was ALREADY enslaved by African Kings. Yes, shame on the buyers, but shame on everyone at that time. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Meet the Self-Righteous, Dipshit, Tin-pot Tyrants of the Left

From Julie Kelly at American Greatness:

Tyrants once rose to power the old-fashioned way: defeating the opposition on the battlefield or at the faux ballot box. Despite their atrocities, these despots at least had some swagger—perhaps a way with the ladies, a good sense of humor, strong persuasive abilities, commanding verbal skills, pride in their appearance.

Not so with modern-day martinets. Our 21st-century tyrants possess nothing more than useless degrees from woke institutions and deep contempt for at least half the country, likely born out of a lifetime of social isolation. History, after all, shows that outcasts often seek revenge against their childhood tormentors later in life.

Such appears to be the case with the former Twitter executives who testified before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday. Unimpressive by every measure—looks, personality, intellect, persuasiveness, grasp of the facts—the Twitter Four should serve as a reminder of what the defenders of freedom are up against. Thankfully, our enemies, while powerful for now, have the mental, physical, and emotional appeal of overcooked spaghetti.

James Baker, Vijaya Gadde, Yoel Roth, and Anika Collier Navaroli took the quasi-stand this week at a House Oversight Committee hearing to explain their roles in colluding with the government to suppress free speech during an election year, particularly related to the New York Post’s coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop story in October 2020. Baker, the former general counsel for the FBI when the bureau used fabricated political opposition research to defraud a secret federal court and obtain a warrant to spy on Donald Trump, was fired by Elon Musk as Twitter’s general counsel after it was discovered Baker was vetting company files made available to independent journalists.

Roth, Gadde, and Navaroli were considered the “custodians of the internet,” Roth boasted in a New York Times opinion column published in November, shortly after he resigned. “The work of online sanitation is unrelenting and contentious,” Twitter’s former head of “trust and safety” lamented. Roth then outlined a series of steps the government, private companies, and Big Tech oligarchs should pursue to rein in Musk. 

“In the longer term,” Roth warned, “the moderating influences of advertisers, regulators and, most critically of all, app stores may be welcome for those of us hoping to avoid an escalation in the volume of dangerous speech online.” 

Twitter’s Fired and Disgraceful, Gay, Dipshit Yoel Roth Explaining “Free Speech Is A Threat To Free Speech
That sort of hubris was on full display this week as the Twitter Four defended their crusade to censor users on the Right, including the suspension of Trump in January 2021. In the process, these self-proclaimed warriors of truth and integrity revealed themselves to be nothing short of petulant foot-stompers unfit for employment anywhere outside of Silicon Valley or the government. Further, all four were clearly guided by their hatred for Trump and his supporters, contrary to their solemn assurances that decisions were based on unbiased considerations to protect the site from insidious content.

For example, Gadde retweeted a Nicholas Kristof piece in 2016, emphasizing Kristof’s conclusion that he had “never met a national politician in the U.S. who is so ill informed, evasive, puerile and deceptive as Trump.” She, like 98 percent of people working in Silicon Valley, is a generous contributor to Democratic Party officials and candidates.

She reportedly cried when she learned Musk had acquired the company.

But Gadde’s attempts to hide her partisan stripes failed this week. In a nonsensical explanation only an Ivy Leaguer could love, Gadde told committee members about the inner workings of the social media giant. 

“Defending free expression and maintaining the health of the platform required difficult judgment calls,” claimed Gadde, who was largely responsible for the decision to ban Trump’s account after January 6, 2021. “Most applications of Twitter rules were fact-intensive, subject to internal debate, and needed to be made very quickly. We recognized that after applying those rules, we might learn that some of them did not work as we had imagined and that we would need to update them. At times, we also reversed course.”

Coincidentally, just like occurrences in the traditional media, those rules and course reversals only affected one side: the Right. But when challenged to explain the imbalance, Gadde played dumb. She said she could only “make a guess” as to the application of a “search blacklist,” a tool that was frequently used by Twitter to hide the accounts of conservative influencers.

Vaccine-injured Representative Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) angrily confronted Gadde about Twitter’s censorship of contrary views on COVID-19, especially vaccine efficacy. After forcing Gadde to admit she did not graduate from medical school, Mace presented tweets with CDC data on vaccine side effects that Twitter nonetheless labeled “misleading.”

Gadde told Mace she was “not familiar with those particular situations,” to which Mace snarked, “Yeah, I bet you’re not.”

Roth, a big talker behind the scenes and on the op-ed pages of regime-friendly newspapers, sheepishly confessed he “regret[s] the language he used” in some tweets including one that referred to the president and his administration as “actual Nazis.” He then complained that he was subjected to threats after Musk shared what Roth insisted was a “defamatory allegation that I support or condone pedophilia.” Roth said he was forced to sell his house in the aftermath.

Anika Collier Navaroli perhaps best portrayed the emotional fragility and overall duncery of these social media tyrants. The “safety policy team senior expert” worked for months before January 6 to “minimize the threat of violence that we saw coming.” Part of the looming danger, Navaroli claimed, was Trump’s comment for the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by”—a remark not made on Twitter but during a presidential debate in September 2020.

Navaroli, now a fellow at Stanford University’s Center for Critical Race and Digital Studies, sprang into action. “We crafted what we called a coded incitement to violence policy to address dog whistles like this,” she told the committee. Rather than follow her orders, Navaroli complained, Twitter “bent over backwards to find ways not to approve it.”

She continued her pressure campaign to remove Trump until the events of January 6. “Two days later, when it looked like it was going to happen all over again, I asked management whether they wanted more blood on their hands,” Navaroli said. “Only then did they act.”

Navaroli seemed to detect danger in everything Trump said. “The former president said he liked to send out his tweets like little missiles. To me, that sounded like weaponization of a platform in his own words and yet Twitter was not concerned.”

She left Twitter in March 2021 after her paranoid fantasies got the best of her. Navaroli told the January 6 select committee she “could no longer be complicit in what I saw to be a company and a product that was wantonly allowing violence to occur. [The] platform was going to continue to allow people to die, and I could not be a part of that.”

Just like the tyrants of old, this current crop hides its lust for power behind a cloak of fairness and the “common good.” No, they’re not cutting off food supplies or building labor camps but these modern-day tyrants seek the same ends: crush the opposition and control the masses.

Just with a lot less talent.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Is Balkanization of the United States Inevitable?

A friend of mine and I were discussing how this infestation of Marxist bullshit in big government, big corporations, big education and big “tech” will play out. Afterall, it’s almost certain that the absurdities, immaturity and unreality of our times it is completely unsustainable. The attacks on and insults to our best and grounded people, ie, conservatives, by our dumbass, woke-ass petty tyrants are intolerable to most of us.

All of this social, intellectual, moral decay; really insanity and nihilism is very similar to the trainwreck of the former USSR. That’s why I wrote my very recent post The West Is Collapsing As Russia is Rising as I see the historical parallels. (There, I included Putin’s comments on the parallels of the social Marxism in the US and EU today and the 1917 Bolshevik revolution.) Also, I was trying to anticipate or predict our own future and was even searching for a timeline of possible events using Russia’s revolutions as a reference.

It’s the “White” of Western Culture that seems to be particularly disgusting to The Left these days. It’s because hatred of our long and rich European (basically White) Cultural and Christian heritage is led by the dumbest of the dumb: US Blacks and dumbass, foolish Democrats. US Blacks and their hostility to Western (white) culture is really insane, but they tend to reject anything that they know little of, ie., everything.

Woke-ass Fools Making Asses of Themselves—All Democrats Of Course

White Western (European) Culture IS our heritage—like it or not. It’s a historical fact and can’t be changed. One thing for sure, our historical European culture can’t be replaced with African “culture” because their isn’t one. Yes, there’s some delightful local cultures, but mostly it’s a nightmare—even today. For example, “Black supremacy”is reasserting itself in South Africa, for example, with entirely predictable and disastrous violence, crime, chaos and really collapse. They can’t even keep the power on now. White citizens are perishing in ethnic cleansing attacks. Yep, that’s their “culture.”

Despite all evidence to the contrary, this black supremacy bullshit is being forced down your throats by those idiots who occupy the ranks of the “Joe Biden” junta, the idiot black wing of the Democrat party, those that used to occupy Twitter and those who still reign supreme in all of the various “woke” corporations and corporate boards. Here’s a list of corporations who vowed to boycott Twitter’s re-imposition of free speech—you know, the thing that made America famous? Pure insanity.

Europe has also been a building shitshow of Marxism for several generations now and is even in worse shape than the US. There, they have almost no contingent of Conservatism to buffer the idiocy of The Left. I lived in Europe in the middle 1980s and I could see the near-unanimous hatred toward anything conservative, including widespread derision toward Ron Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. I encountered a few elderly Europeans who still remembered history and had admiration for the anti-communist, anti-fascist right.

Now Europe is so obviously committing cultural and economic suicide that it’s extremely fascinating and sad to watch. Most recently, the Russophobia and hatred of the revival of their traditional cultural in Russia, led by Vlad Putin, is essentially a religious and cultural clash—and is really a hatred. Europe’s Orwellian propaganda machine is working in overdrive to march the entire West into a war with Russia and against reliable energy are obviously disastrous. Free Speech is a Crime in Europe. The shear insanity of it all is destined to end in a pile of smoldering (radioactive?) rubble of destruction—maybe annihilation.

I won’t bore you with my insights about Leftism, Totalitarianism and Idiocy in America. I’ve been ranting for a long time: See The Left Are Fascists and Nazis, The Essential Gulfcoastcommentary Index and the Essential Gulfcoastcommentary Index for 2022 to browse topics and commentary.

Back to the issue of the possibility, or likelihood of a Balkanization of the US, it’s seems likely that something like that will happen before or after the calamity of war and a breakdown of our money and finance. I’m not sure of which comes first. All of the “Industrial Complexes” must be torn asunder and it will hurt. (Military-Industrial Complex, Big Tech-IC, Big Media-IC, Pharma-IC, etc.) We might not even survive as a country—thus my speculation regarding Balkanization of the US and Canada.

I’ve done you a favor and clicked around the internet to see where separatist movements are rising and I’ve summarized a few movements that seem to be viable below. Since I live in Texas, the first one is the most obvious:

Did you know that there is a well-organized Texas Independence movement? Im pretty sure that you're not surprised.

There is and it’s called the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM). Some 1/2 million people have joined that organization. Click here for the website.

Recent polls from RedStateSecession dot org showed that 74% of Texas Republicans and 59% of Texas Democrats support Texit.

TNM recently polled Texas Republicans to add a Texit initiative into the Republican Party platform. Some 90% voted in favor of Texit and agreed to add the two following “planks” to the TX Republican platform:

Plank 33 reads:

33. State Sovereignty: Pursuant to Article 1, Section 1, of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our right of local self-government. Therefore, federally mandated legislation that infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified. Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto.”

Plank 225 reads:

225. Texas Independence: We urge the Texas Legislature to pass a bill in its next session requiring a referendum in the 2023 general election for the people of Texas to determine whether or not the State of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation.”

They are organizing ongoing meetings of citizens across the State to promote their goal of Texas Independence. I’ve recently joined and will be attending local meetings soon.

Greater Idaho Movement

From Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon to Join Idaho

The portions of Washington State and Oregon east of the Cascade mountains have irreconcilable differences with their western counterparts, but have much in common with Idaho. Farmers in eastern WA & OR struggle under unreasonable laws created by urban lawmakers on the states' west sides who do not understand agriculture.

State-level politicians from the east sides of the states return the favor by wreaking havoc on political decisions important to the west sides, blocking for example funds for the repair of deadly dangerous earthquake-damaged infrastructure.

Further, the residents of each side of each state have such deeply different ideas about the 2nd Amendment and gun laws that no set of laws can satisfy both sides.

Dividing Washington State and Oregon down along the middle of the Cascade mountain range, and moving the eastern portions of both states to Idaho, would allow farmers in those areas to become more productive under more sympathetic and understanding political leadership, while allowing political leadership on the west sides to make decisions for the west unimpeded by obstructionists exacting revenge.

Oregon Counties Vote to Join Idaho


From GreaterIdaho.com, Here’s the latest on Oregon county votes:

The Wallowa County Clerk notified the Greater Idaho movement today that it has submitted enough valid signatures to force its ballot initiative onto the May 2023 Wallowa County, Oregon ballot.  She awarded the initiative a measure number: 32-007.

So far, eleven eastern Oregon counties have voted for the movement’s ballot measures. The movement proposes to add fifteen conservative rural counties to Idaho by convincing the state legislatures of Oregon and Idaho to move their common state line. The purpose of the initiatives is to show state legislators that voters want them to begin talks with Idaho to move the border, according to the movement’s website greateridaho.org .

Matt McCaw, the movement’s spokesman, said “eastern Oregon is mostly ranchland, and Portland is not. It doesn’t make sense for these two cultures to be dictating policy to each other. Portland voters forced a gun control measure on the whole state, although eastern Oregon voters almost defeated it. And then an eastern Oregon judge blocked it. His injunction might stand for a couple years while he decides the case.  If Oregon had let Grant and Harney counties go when they requested to join Idaho, then their judge wouldn’t have blocked an Oregon measure.” 

Southern Illinois Wants to Secede

From Red-State Secession at Substack is a report of the results of the November 9, 2022 vote in Illinois. In total, 27 Illinois Counties Have Voted to Split the State. Take a look at the results on a map of Illinois:

Election results this morning show strong support for the idea of splitting Illinois into two states.  Voters approved referendums on the topic in Brown County by 77%, Hardin County by 76%, and two townships in Madison County (Lee 75% and New Douglas 68%).

This brings the total number of counties in southern and central Illinois to approve the measure to 27, according to a map released by organizers today. No counties have rejected the measure. The referendums are non-binding.  

The referendums ask voters “Shall the board of your county correspond with the boards of the other counties of Illinois outside of Cook County about the possibility of separating from Cook County to form a new state, and to seek admission to the Union as such, subject to the approval of the people?”

Earlier, Illinois state legislators introduced legislation regarding the idea, and were granted a hearing, but the bill failed to clear the legislative committee.  

State legislators in Kentucky and Missouri have expressed interest to the organizers about annexing downstate Illinois to their own state by moving a state border, but are waiting for a response from downstate Illinois state legislators.  

There appear to be other movements to realign borders. A few western Virginia Counties are trying to organize and become part of West Virginia. The same can be said about some western Maryland counties (to join WV).

Convention of the States (COSA) Movement 

This section borrows from ZeroHedge article: Americans Tell CEOs: Drop The 'Woke' And Get Back To Business (originally from The Epoch Times):

“COSA is an organization that is working to organize a convention of states, according to a provision in the Constitution that allows amendments to be written by a coalition of three-quarters of U.S. states. “

From the COSA Website:

"Why call a Convention of States?

Simple: to bring power back to the states and the people, where it belongs. Unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. shouldn’t be allowed to make sweeping decisions that impact millions of Americans. But right now, they do. So it all boils down to one question: Who do you think should decide what’s best for you and your family? You, or the feds? We’d vote for the American people every single time.

This movement seeks to rein in the power of the federal government through provisions like term limits for Congress and federal officials, budget caps, and other provisions to de-centralize America’s political system and return more power to state governments.

What’s a Convention of States anyway?

Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed. Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.”

“We’re starting to see movement in this direction generally,” Meckler said, “and it’s because people, regardless of party, are fed up with Washington D.C.”

Currently, 19 states have fully approved legislation calling for a convention of states, seven states have approved the measure in one legislative chamber, and 11 states are considering legislation this year." Check it out:

State-by-state progress in approving a convention of states (source: conventionofstates.com)

“The only way we stay together as a nation is by coming apart, and the way that we come apart and still stay together is by being a federalist nation,” Meckler said.

Very promising.