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Monday, July 31, 2023

Justice Ketanji Can't Do Maff


Diversity Hire Ketanji

[Doug here: Yep, as dumb as expected. Joe Biden’s insistence on having (ONLY) a black woman on the SCOTUS was always a slap in the face to the US, it’s citizens, caucasian persons and the 1000’s of brilliant persons that would be more qualified than Ketanji. Anyone with a brain could see that she was “subpar” at the confirmation hearings, but very few congressmen wanted to be labeled “RACIST!”]

From Jonathan Turley’s website:

The dissent of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson in the North Carolina affirmative action case was factually wrong as noted by Jonathan Turley and plenty of SCOTUS document reviewers:

In a Wall Street Journal column, lawyer Ted Frank objects to what he argues is a “mathematically absurd claim” about black newborns in Jackson’s dissent. Jackson was arguing that affirmative action has been shown to “save lives” by allowing black doctors to give better care for black people than white doctors. [Doug here: WRONG!]

“It saves lives. For marginalized communities in North Carolina, it is critically important that UNC and other area institutions produce highly educated professionals of color. Research shows that Black physicians are more likely to accurately assess Black patients’ pain tolerance and treat them accordingly (including, for example, prescribing them appropriate amounts of pain medication). For high-risk Black newborns, having a Black physician more than doubles the likelihood that the baby will live, and not die.”

Frank objected:

“A moment’s thought should be enough to realize that this claim is wildly implausible. Imagine if 40% of black newborns died—thousands of dead infants every week. But even so, that’s a 60% survival rate, which is mathematically impossible to double. And the actual survival rate is over 99%.”

The claim is based on a 2020 study cited in a footnote, which Justice Jackson appears to have taken from an amicus brief by the Association of American Medical Colleges.  However, Frank again objects that the study is not only “flawed” but does not make that claim:

“The study makes no such claims. It examines mortality rates in Florida newborns between 1992 and 2015 and shows a 0.13% to 0.2% improvement in survival rates for black newborns with black pediatricians (though no statistically significant improvement for black obstetricians).”

Frank says that “the AAMC brief either misunderstood the paper or invented the statistic.” He also notes that the study is flawed by relying on a linear regression given the small differential of 10 newborns a year. Instead, he claims that study did the accepted logistic model analysis in such cases but put the results in an appendix:

“There, the most highly specified model still shows an improvement in black newborn survival. But if you know how to read the numbers—the authors don’t say it—it also shows black doctors with a statistically significant higher mortality rate for white newborns, and a higher mortality rate overall, all else being equal.”

Biden and Mayorkas to RFK Jr., "We WANT You Assassinated!"

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

There is literally nothing these people won't do to solve their RFK Jr. problem. The level of avarice the Deep State actors retain in their black little scales for RFK Jr., the thorn in their side, is off the charts; I don't believe we've ever seen anything like it, even with the relentless attacks and smears of Trump.

The corporate state institutes a legacy media blackout policy on him. They malign his wife, a popular actress, as guilty of “thoughtcrime by association.” They try to get him kicked off the ballot.

Now they're denying him Secret Service protection, presumably either on the hopes that a lone actor hopped up on MSNBC propaganda will take care of him or actively orchestrating a hit that will be much easier to execute without Secret Service to go through.

Via RFK Jr.'s Twitter account:

"Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection.  But not me.   Typical turnaround time for pro forma protection requests from presidential candidates is 14-days.  After 88-days of no response and after several follow-ups by our campaign, the Biden Administration just denied our request.

Secretary Mayorkas: "I have determined that Secret Service protection for Robert F Kennedy Jr is not warranted at this time."  Our campaign's request included a 67-page report from the world's leading protection firm, detailing unique and well established security and safety risks aside from commonplace death threats."

In a sick irony, NBC News explains in the context of downplaying the denial of protection by the Brandon regime's DHS that Secret Service protection to presidential candidates was instituted following the assassination of RFK Jr.'s father in 1968.

Via NBC News:

"Secret Service protection has been extended to candidates for president — and not just presidents themselves — since a law was enacted in 1968, following the assassination of Kennedy’s father during his presidential campaignAccording to Secret Service guidance published for the 2020 election, “major presidential and vice presidential candidates” are 'eligible' for protection.

But the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security has wide latitude to decide who qualifies and why, after consultation with an advisory committee*. The committee is comprised of high-level members of the government including the speaker of the House, the House minority leader, the Senate majority leader, the Senate minority leader and one additional member chosen by the committee."

Surely that DHS advisory committee that decided RFK Jr. doesn't need protection was non-political.



If anyone understands the threat of political assassinations, it's a Kennedy.

If anyone is a target for extrajudicial state execution, it's RFK Jr.

This man is a national treasure. If anything happens to him, it's grounds for some serious 1776 action.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Japan Has Reversed Course and Is Reviving Nuclear Power

From Oilprice.com

Japan, which has made a U-turn in its nuclear energy policy in the wake of last year’s energy crisis, is considering granting subsidies to help with the necessary upgrades at nuclear power plants that are currently idle.

Nuclear power stations in Japan will be invited to take part in an auction in 2024 to get government subsidies for the necessary safety upgrades, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday, citing documents of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The winning projects would give the nuclear power plants subsidies for 20 years that would help cover the costs for meeting the much stricter safety standards after the Fukushima disaster in 2011.

In the wake of the disaster, Japan closed all its nuclear power plants that underwent rigorous safety checks and inspections.

In recent years, Japan has restarted part of its nuclear power facilities. The first two reactors restarted in August and October 2015, with a further eight having restarted since. A total of 16 reactors were in the process of restart approval as of February 2023, according to the World Nuclear Association.

Nuclear power currently accounts for just 6% of the power generation mix in Japan, down from 30% before Fukushima.

However, the resource-poor country which needs to import about 90% of its energy requirements made a U-turn in its nuclear energy policy at the end of last year, as its energy import bill soared.

Japan is bringing back nuclear power as a key energy source, looking to protect its energy security in the crisis that led to surging fossil fuel prices. The Japanese government confirmed in December 2022 a new policy for nuclear energy, which the country had mostly abandoned since the Fukushima disaster in 2011.  

A panel of experts under the Japanese Ministry of Industry decided that Japan would allow the development of new nuclear reactors and allow available reactors to operate after the current limit of 60 years.  

RFK Jr. - The Statesman For Our Time?

We have some great truth-telling people running for President these days: Ramaswamy, Trump, Scott, DeSantis, Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr. I would consider voting for any of these upstanding candidates. They are an increasing problem for the Deep State in their control of their “narratives.”

RFK Jr., so far, is a fearless truth-teller and a liberal democrat in the best sense of that phrase.

I can make the case that RFK Jr. is a (the?) statesman for our time. He's the JFK of our day (and JFK would be a solid and principled Conservative by today's"standards.") I like his manners and the way he makes his point with courtesy and without hysterics. Furthermore and more importantly, he's correct in so many of these issues. He may have more appeal than Trump, even to many Republicans.

Of course the Democrat primaries will be rigged again to eliminate RFK Jr. or anyone else, just like Bernie got the shaft in favor of horrible Hillary. Trump appears to have a lock on the Repub nomination, but the Deep State may assassinate him after their full-on lawfare schemes fail and actually make him even more popular. The added incentive of that scenario is that any protests by ‘fly-over’ Trump sympathetic persons will be ‘spun’ as INSURRECTION!!

They’re ‘just’ deplorable nazis who deserve to be put down like dogs, right Hillary? Right, Obama? You’ve been conditioned for that.

Here’s a clip where RFK Jr. politely ‘schools’ Hannity about the war in Ukraine on a Fox Townhall. The most important point to this post is that republican audience was massively supportive to RFK and cheered and applauded him many times, especially about the Ukraine/Russia war. Also see my posts: RFK Jr. Vows To Defend 2nd Amendment, Free Speech, Border, And End Wars and RFK Jr. Says Admin Lying About Ukraine

 But Democrats will remain entirely insulated from any inconvenient truths by the truth suppression operation being performed by the captured Media. (Operation Mockingbird, anyone?) Many Republicans can see this propaganda operation clearly, but little or no truth will register to the other half the country. That’s the crux of why the Left is completely disconnected from reality. They are living in a 100% inversion of truth/reality—in a ‘manufactured’ truth. Deluded Dems lap up what they’re fed, like dogs. 

But I don’t intend to insult dogs. I love dogs.

Implications for the Election Season

And the 2024 election will again be massively rigged and manipulated just like in 2020 if it’s held at all. You can tell the “fix is in” because Biden is not making any effort to campaign exactly like in 2020 where there was zero enthusiasm and no one attended his rallies. Nasty Biden had ZERO organic appeal and still doesn’t. He is a complete “plant” and ultimate puppet for the Deep State. We’re in the 3rd term of Obama.

The D.S. (deep state) will probably have to jettison demented Biden as he’s more confused and angry/agitated than ever. (Agitation/anger is common symptom with Dementia patients.) He’s recently admitted to the world that he’s sold plenty of State secrets for money for God’s sake! His mumblings, falls, fumbling and inchoherence are increasingly embarrassing. “Karmela” also has ZERO appeal.

There is plenty of risk that the war against Russia might turn very hot to boost Biden. If that happens, Michelle Obama may be offered as our wartime puppet presidential candidate.

Alternatively, if Trump is “bumped-off” and the outrage turns into open protests across the country, will domestic “insurrection” and a state of hot war with Russia, will ‘they’ cancel the election entirely?

No one running is perfect, but I'm getting to the point of thinking that RFK Jr. is the best man for our time. The fact that he's running as a Democrat seems crazy, because Democrats are frigging crazy. As I’ve said, Biden is so far gone that they'll have to jetison him and Kamala is a non-starter. This is what the Democrats have created: a giant, criminal, corrupted mess. And Republicans are in on it—for the money of course. Yes, I like Trump and I always have. And if Trump somehow wins despite the CHEATING ON STERIODS and escapes assassination, I'll also be happy.

We should rejoice that real truth-tellers are emerging and running for leader of the formerly-free world: Vivek is great, Trump is great, RFK Jr is great. I would say, at this point, that RFK Jr may be the best statesman for our time. Yes, I know he's an environmentalist and I don't know where he stands on the "Totalitarian Green New Deal Scam." Surely he can see it for what it is. Maybe I need to wait and see if his good sense extends to the greatest power grab in our history: the "green" “new” "deal."

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

China Emits More Greenhouse Gas Than the Entire Developed World Combined

Why is the West committing economic suicide by unrealistically and prematurely ending our long-standing use of reliable and high-intensity fuels in favor of expensive and inferior “intermittent” supplies? I think we know that China and India will never commit such an economic suicide for the phony “climate emergency?”

This is one of the most important questions of our day. And the phony “Climate Emergency” is one of the greatest delusions of our time.

The graph below shows that China emits more greenhouse gases than almost everyone else COMBINED. There’s no mystery here. It’s what happens when the West relinquishes much/most of it’s manufacturing base to China: Most of the emissions of energy intensive manufacturing are just shifted to China. See the graph below.

China emits more greenhouse gas than the entire developed world combined

The Cost of Suicide: Large Scale Solar and Wind Power in the US

From Electrical Generation And Grids and Must VASTLY Expand To Accommodate Transportation Loads, current maximum US generating capacity = 650 Megawatts. This is also the estimate current US Grid capacity is 650 Megawatts. These numbers are based on observed annual peak periods of power distribution/consumption currently in both summer and winter.

Capital Costs

Future maximum generating capacity to electrify light transportation requires the following (capital costs):

  1. Add 650 Megawatts (double our current peak capacity) using additional wind and solar power (cost estimated to cost $1 Trillion)

  2. Add 650 Megawatts (double) of additional fossil/nuclear power (for basically 100% backup) at a Cost of $1.8 Trillion.

  3. DOUBLE the nation’s electric grid requirements (Cost guesstimated to be $2 Trillion)

Operating Costs

Relying on (subsidized) solar and wind requires subsidies for fossil/nuclear plants to remain in a “hot standby”mode while wind and solar power fluctuates. So, you must DOUBLE the retail power costs to pay for all of the operating costs of an two entirely redundant systems. For what?? Even if it helped lower greenhouse gas emissions, China and India will not kill their golden goose.

Finally, the public must also pay for that $2 TRILLION capital cost of DOUBLING the grid capacity.

In total, power costs will TRIPLE or QUADRUPLE at a minimum. This happens to correspond to the cost of power in Germany which is pushing $0.50 per kW-hr. The current US average power cost is about $0.11 per kW-hr.

Current and Future Power Costs in the US

Current US Cost of Electrical Power  
The Cost of Electrical Power in Euro Cents Per KW-Hr

The climate fanaticists want to force enormous capital and operating costs of solar and wind power (all 99% backed-up by fossil fuel plants) on you and I.

It’s really a folly. Germany and Denmark are paying outrageous prices for electrical power thanks to their “climate change” fanaticism. And for what? Virtue signaling?

The punchline is, that after decades of climate fanaticism and wind and solar subsidies, Wind+Solar ELECTRICITY has only provides 6% of Germany’s total energy needs. (Electric power is only about 20% of their total energy requirement—both here and there.)

Interestingly, Wind and Solar is 10% of US total energy consumption mostly due to wind power —as the US has large swaths of windy terrain. Even with that level of “intermittents” we’re seeing occasional rolling black-outs due to the unreliability of W+S.

The US is RETIRING fossil fuel power plants (mostly coal) when they need to be ADDING fossil fuel capacity to power electric vehicles. Apparently few understand the need for virtual 100% fossil fuel backup for W+S as the grid expands to accomodate light transportation loads.

And if you’re really captive to the “climate emergency” scam, why not add SMR nuclear, or Thorium molten salt reactors, or the latest Gen IV nuclear plants for carbon free energy? …or even more natural gas plants as they also are lower carbon source?

Why Is the West Committing Climate Suicide When India and China Will Not?

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Psychopaths Are Being Allowed to Run Rampant in this Country

Gary Barnett at Lewrockwell.com asks: “Who is Derrick John Thompson, and why is he allowed to be any part of human society? Derrick Thompson has just been accused of killing five very young and vital women in a horrendous car crash, and one where he fled the scene, seemingly completely oblivious of any caring whatsoever for those he murdered.”

But the real question is why was he even at-large having committed serious felonies and sentenced to 8 years in California in 2020 but was early-released? (of course, it’s California).


From Fox, “In June of 2023, Derrick John Thompson plowed into a car with 5 Muslim women in Minneapolis. Police said a vehicle was going 100 miles per hour before the driver left Interstate 35W and smashed into another vehicle on Lake Street Friday night, killing all five people inside.

Minneapolis police say the driver of the speeding car was 27-year-old Derrick John Thompson, the son of the disgraced former Minnesota State Representative John Thompson, who was expelled by his own party in 2022.”

Derek John Thompson, Left. His Disgraced, Scumbag Father John Thompson, Right

 From Fox:

“Derrick has a long history of driving and drug-related offenses. In 2020, he was sentenced to eight years for a 2018 hit-and-run while fleeing police in Montecito, California. Officers found 17.6 pounds of marijuana and more than $20,000 in cash in the vehicle Derrick was driving, the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office said. The woman he struck spent several weeks in a coma after the crash and suffered life-altering injuries, the office said.

In Minnesota, Derrick has faced dozens of arrests and been convicted at least six times. He was sentenced to a year in prison and two years probation for carrying a firearm without a permit in 2014. The next year, he was convicted of a drug-related felony and sentenced to more than a month in prison and five years probation.”

Now, for the meat of the article From Gary Barnett on LewRockwell.com:

We live in a time of psychopathic behavior, and in a time of mass forgiveness of psychopathic conduct by those who have been purposely singled out as ‘special victims,’ due only to color, race, or sexual ‘preference,’ which is the epitome of insanity and hypocrisy.

We live in a backward world, where right is wrong, and wrong is right. Blindness to violent criminal acts, is rampant, and that can only be a recipe for total chaos in our future, which is exactly what is sought by the ruling class and their controlled political monsters in government.

In this particular mass killing by Thompson, the mainstream media is going to great lengths to avoid his past felonious behavior, and refers to this case over and over again as alleged; this although the evil committed was all caught on camera for any to see, and was not due to any chase or extreme police situation, but was just a blatant act of complete disregard for the lives of innocent others. He has committed criminal acts on prior multiple occasions.

Certainly, we have been abused beyond imagination for many decades by rulers and governments, but since the outset of the fake ‘covid pandemic,’ the ensuing lockdowns, the deadly masks, the murder of high numbers of our population due to abominable medical crucifixion by the so-called American ‘health’ system, the job losses, the business closures, the mass inflation, the supply chain destruction, and any other number of horrendous actions at the hands of the State, we who actually believe in real freedom, have been constantly targeted. We are dealing all at once with biologically impossible trans hogwash, biologic insanity, riots, despicable BLM and Antifa criminals, central bank digital currency rollouts, digitized control grids, extreme surveillance, bioweapons including the deadly bioweapon injections falsely called ‘vaccines,’ weather and bioweapon geoengineering, fake ‘climate change’ policies, food destruction, and a myriad of other threats all at the same time at the hands of this abhorrent State.

[Doug here: That’s not all! Think about all the crimes and corruption of the Biden family that go unprosecuted. Think about the 100s of $millions accumulated by Hillary Clinton from a legion of supplicants who sought influence in a pay-to-play scheme in the 2016 election season.

You thought Bush’s Iraq disaster was bad? But the war crimes and crimes against humanity done by Hillary and Obama in Syria, Libya and the Ukraine were THREE TIMES worse!

Hillary, Obama and Victoria Nuland gave us our current conflict in Ukraine that now threatens to become a wider war. Nuland and all the war mongering Neocons continue to press for MORE war as Putin repeatedly threatens the use of nuclear weapons. And think about all the felonies and lies committed by those unlawfully persecuting and slandering Donald Trump and so many others including J6 prisoners. Of course, the 2020 election was clearly manipulated in many ways by Democrats. As a country, we’re literally drowning in malfeasance and criminality.]

We are being poisoned in every aspect of our lives, and normalcy has been eliminated in favor of psychopathic behavior by the ‘rulers, the politicians,’ the State at every level, the evil controlled media, and by much of this blind and indifferent ‘society.’ We are facing deadly war with unknown weaponry, complete market breakdowns, poisoning from every angle, mass sickness, and what appears to be the largest depopulation effort ever recorded in history.

In the midst of all this, violent criminal atrocities continue to escalate, mostly due to State crime and policies of enslavement, while most ignore what is going on around them, expecting another handout, another government check, another fake reparations program, another mass transfer of wealth to the ruling class, making equality universal, but this equality will be only equal poverty and death of the entire proletariat.

The brutalization and perversion allowed against children has become a common theme, while only a few are exposing this evil. The prevalence of this immoral pedophilia at the hands of government, the ruling ‘elite,’ the financial heads, the political class en masse, the media, the Hollywood scum, and the disregard by much of this population to this heinous situation, is beyond anything I have ever witnessed. At least with war, many get behind the State in support of its atrocities, falsely of course, but when the atrocities against innocent children are ignored, sanity has been lost. [Doug here: note the revulsion of the Left and political elites to the very true story of child trafficking in the movie “Sound of Freedom? Are they FOR Child trafficking/abuse??? What is wrong with these people?”]

It does not have to be this way, but just how much are the lazy, non-caring, apathetic, and idiotic among us, willing to accept without resistance, and without lifting a finger to stop this onslaught against the common man and the innocent children who are being destroyed at will?

When psychopaths are allowed to rule over societies, allowed to escape real justice for their crimes, and seen as ‘leaders’ by the weak, what have we become? Will the masses ever stand up against their own demise, or is there some level of evil that they will finally recognize as too immoral to stomach? Will there ever be any mass revolt against this wicked barbarism at the hands of this miserable State?

“I wonder what would happen if everyone suddenly woke up together and realized they’d been living in an invisible prison run by greedy psychopaths.”

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Attacks On RFK Jr. Reminiscent of Mao and Soviet Show Trials

The REAL disinformation peddlers were out in force and full display when RFK Jr. was invited to speak in the House of Representatives by the Republicans. Of course, and as usual, the Democrats show who THEY are by their various and hysterical accusations. They really look like a bunch of hyenas, or in the case of idiot attack dog Stacey Plaskett, like a bunch of monkeys. And that’s being unkind to monkeys, who are relatively noble and wholly innocent.

It was an another display of hysterical showmanship to maintain and defend their own various lies and propaganda that’s increasingly obvious to many to to be just that: propaganda and lies. The illegitamate, Bolshevik Democrat’s regime is the most dishonest, lying, and disgusting disinformation and smearing machine since the Soviet Bolsheviks and the Maoist show trials. In fact, Chris Bray at Substack had a great analysis that is entirely appropriate:

"I assume you’ve seen some footage from yesterday's hearing, which was widely covered and widely discussed, so I’m not going to rehash that nasty piece of Theatre of Cruelty.

Purge culture is the center of a politics of repression, the inevitable dynamic of a system that has degenerated to the stage of an unprincipled grasping for status and position. Someone was denounced yesterday; someone is being denounced today; someone will be denounced tomorrow.

In two instances, now — the frenzied shark attack on Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger, and the obviously insane response to RFK Jr. this week — prominent House Democrats have mimicked a cultural style that should be extremely familiar to anyone who has read some history. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is so fascinatingly horrible a figure that she echoes, a bug-eyed ranting halfwitted sociopath with a hollow core like a long historical line of hollow bug-eyed sociopaths. These are the people who are drawn to destructive political stages. Repellent and ascendant, they call to others of the type. Destroyers flock."

Here’s some headlines from all the usual regime apparachnik “media” propagandists.  They are from all the usual suspects. Have a look:

JHK: The Downfall of Blobism

Authored by James Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com,

“If it weren’t for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all.”

- Jeff Childers of the Coffee and Covid blog

You might not know it these lazy, hazy, muggy days of midsummer, but things are getting pretty wildly out-of-hand in our republic. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. blew up the Democratic Party yesterday in the House Subcommittee on Weaponization of Government hearing, acting like a normal human while being set upon by a flock of harpies desperately screeching “Russia, Russia, Russia,” as if that means anything anymore.

He branded them as worse than the McCarthyites of the 1950s, rebuked their insane scurrilities supporting censorship, and left them in a state of exhausted disgrace.

It happens that he is running for the nomination of that very party knocking itself out to destroy him. To win that prize he would have to put a thousand top Democrats through some grueling act of repentance and contrition — and then you’ve got to ask yourself: who would even want to win the support of such vile creatures as Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jerrold Nadler, and Adam Schiff, let alone be associated with them in the same club?

Elsewhere around the scene this week, we have the ever more degenerate antics of the FBI on view as whistleblowers pour out of the woodwork disclosing the rot behind Director Chris Wray and his boss AG Merrick Garland. This Deep State Blob of turpitude has been growing and festering with so many overlapping cover-ups that they’ve run out of rugs to sweep their crimes under. The massive moneygrubbing misdeeds of Hillary Clinton from Skolkovo and Uranium One beat a direct path through the Ukraine coup of 2014, to RussiaGate, to the Biden Family’s global influence-peddling operation and every mendacious act in-between including the FISA falsehoods, the J-6 entrapment caper, hundreds of malicious and deceitful prosecutions, the Covid-19 fraud, the censorship and medical tyranny, and God-knows how many ensuing deaths from a poisonous vaccine… and now, a brain-dead government trifling with nuclear war.

And whose brilliant idea was it, anyway, to install this disgusting and incompetent grifter, “Joe Biden,” as our head-of-state? They surely knew well before 2019 that his bag-man son was rooting out bribes in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere, at the same time he was consorting with whores and trafficked children while destroying his brain with crack and downing a fifth of vodka a day. And you’re telling me that the CIA and FBI did not know about any of this, even before October 2019 when Hunter’s laptop stuffed with graphic evidence fell into their hands? If they didn’t know any of this, then what’s the point of having an intel community?

My guess is that it was Barack Obama’s idea to stick “Joe Biden” in the White House in the vain effort to use this captive criminal to stave off any accounting for the aforesaid villainies that occurred during Mr. Obama’s two terms. The mission was originally Hillary Clinton’s — she had plenty at stake herself — but she botched the job in 2016 and allowed the Golden Golem of Greatness to slip into power. It is amazing to look back and see how the mighty Blob congealed after that election — like a giant rogue macrophage — to surround and eliminate Mr. Trump, who apparently did not know for many months what he was up against: the entire permanent bureaucracy. Obviously, the Blob only partly succeeded in deactivating Mr. Trump, who has worked sedulously since 2021 to marshal about half the country militantly against the Blob and Blobism, while he still suffers one rear-guard legal affront after another.

Trouble is, the Blob itself has become an immune disorder for the polity known as the USA, and now threatens to destroy everything the country stands for and all the stuff deployed on the landscape from sea to shining sea, if the hypersonic nukes fly. These are dangerous weeks ahead. The pedal’s on the metal… the rubber’s meeting the road, and we seem to be watching a Thelma and Louise type denouement writ large.

The Blob itself, with the Democratic Party at its nucleus, and evil organelles Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and their like floating in the endoplasmic reticulum, has gone insane trying to protect its Precious, liberalism’s sacred bowling trophy, Barack Obama, from scrutiny. To call Mr. Obama to account, of course, would be viewed as the ultimate act of American “racism,” a place too many will not go. So, he may evade responsibility until he (and the rest of us) are gone and history catches up with him.

But is there any doubt now that “Joe Biden” must go, and as soon as possible? Surely there is enough evidence to mount an impeachment in the House, and rev it up as expeditiously as the Democrats revved up their two Trump impeachments. An impeachment would, of course, force a trial in the Senate. It is probably the one news event that The New York TimesThe Washington Post, and CNN can’t run and hide from — as they have been hiding from this week’s whistleblower hearings and Mr. Kennedy’s sturdy performance against the House censorship activists. In a Senate trial, the rot will finally be laid out before the people to judge, whether the Senate can bring itself to convict “JB” or not. Anyway, it will end this president’s pretense of running for reelection, and on the off-chance he’s convicted, his pardon powers do not extend to that particular extraordinary Senate proceeding. And then we can see about Ms. Harris.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Fraudulent Autopsy Concealed Truths of JFK Assassination

Authored by Jacob Hornberger via The Future of Freedom Foundation,

    The autopsy that the U.S. national-security establishment conducted on President Kennedy’s body has always been the Achilles heel of the assassination. That’s because the autopsy was fraudulent. But because the military “classified” the autopsy, forcing enlisted personnel to sign secrecy oaths and threatening them with court martial or criminal prosecution if they ever revealed what they saw or did, the military was able to cover up much, but certainly not all, of its autopsy fraud for decades. That cover-up came to a screeching halt during the 1990s during the term of the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB).

    When I began delving into the JFK assassination many years ago, I naturally read lots of books. Gradually, I became convinced that the assassination was a highly sophisticated regime-change operation orchestrated and carried out by the U.S. national-security establishment. I became convinced that it was no different in principle from other regime-change operations, especially ones that involved state-sponsored assassinations based on “national security,” such as those operations that targeted Iranian leader Mohammad Mossadegh, Congo leader Patrice Lumumba, Chilean Gen. Rene Schneider, Cuban leader Fidel Castro, and Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz.


    While I became convinced that the Kennedy assassination was, in fact, a regime-change operation, I also believed that I could never walk into a courtroom and prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, which is the standard of proof required in a criminal case. I didn’t think that any of the assassination researchers had provided sufficient evidence to meet that burden. After many years of studying the assassination, I still believe that to this day.


    Thus, in my opinion, those who cry “Conspiracy theory!” when one focuses on what happened in Dealey Plaza are essentially saying, “You don’t have enough evidence to convict the national-security establishment of this offense beyond a reasonable doubt.”

    Not so, however, with the autopsy. Once I came to the realization that the military establishment had conducted a fraudulent autopsy, it was “game over” and “case closed” for the national-security establishment. The fraudulent autopsy is the “back door” that establishes beyond a reasonable doubt criminal culpability of the national-security establishment in the Kennedy assassination.

    The reason for this is that there is no innocent explanation for a fraudulent autopsy. None! No one has ever come up with one and no one ever will.

    A fraudulent autopsy necessarily equates to cover-up. And the only entity that the national-security establishment would be covering up for would be itself, especially since the scheme for the fraudulent autopsy was launched at Parkland Hospital at the moment that Kennedy was declared dead. That was when a team of Secret Service agents, brandishing guns and stating that they were operating under orders, knowingly, intentionally, and deliberately violated Texas state law by prohibiting the Dallas County medical examiner, Dr. Earl Rose, from conducting an autopsy on the president’s body.

    That Secret Service team forced its way out of Parkland and took the president’s body to Dallas’ Love Field, where the new president, Lyndon Johnson, was waiting for it. Johnson transported the body to Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, where it was delivered into the hands of the military. 

    Keep in mind something important: This was a murder case under Texas law. No federal agency, including the Pentagon, the CIA, the Secret Service, the FBI, or the Justice Department, had jurisdiction over this crime. Nonetheless, the military, which by this time had became a dominant force in American life, took control over the autopsy.

    The military’s autopsy fraud is detailed in my two books The Kennedy Autopsy and An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story. The following are three examples of the autopsy fraud:

    1. The ARRB discovered the existence of a Navy petty officer named Saundra Spencer, who worked in the Navy’s photographic lab in Washington, D.C.


    Spencer told the ARRB a remarkable story. She said that on the weekend of the assassination, she was asked to develop the photographs of Kennedy’s autopsy. She was told that the operation was “classified.” She had kept her secret for more than 30 years, until the ARRB released her from her vow of secrecy.

    When the ARRB showed Spencer the official autopsy photograph showing the back of JFK’s head to be intact, she stated that that was not the autopsy photograph that she developed. The photograph she developed showed a massive hole in the back of JFK’s head. That, of course, would imply a frontal shot, which was contrary to the official’’ narrative.

    Spencer’s sworn testimony matched the statements of the treating physicians and several other witnesses at Parkland Hospital as well as witnesses at the Bethesda morgue, where the autopsy was carried out.

    They stated that Kennedy had a massive, exit-sized wound in the back of his head. For example, Dr. Robert McClelland, one of the treating physicians stated, “I said, well, there is a wound in the back of his head here in the right side that’s at least five inches in diameter — a circular wound far in the back of his head.” Another example: Parkland Hospital physician Dr. Charles Carrico: “There was a large — quite a large — defect about here on his skull [pointing to the back of his head].” 

    If Spencer, Dr. McClelland, Carrico, and all the other witnesses were telling the truth — and I’m convinced they were — then there is only one inescapable conclusion that can be drawn — that the military’s official photograph showing the back on President Kennedy’s head to be intact was fraudulent. 

    2. The ARRB also discovered the existence of a man named Roger Boyajian, who, like Spencer, told the ARRB a remarkable story. He said that on the day of the assassination, he was a Marine Sergeant serving at the Bethesda National Naval Medical Center. He was ordered to go to the Bethesda morgue to provide security. 

    Boyajian, who, like Spencer, had been sworn to secrecy, told the ARRB that the president’s body was brought into the morgue at 6:35 p.m. That presented a problem because the undisputed official narrative is that the president’s body was brought into the morgue at 8 p.m., almost an hour-and-a-half later, in the heavy, ornate casket into which it had been placed at Parkland Hospital.

    Boyajian had reported this early introduction of the president’s body in an “after-action report” that he delivered to his superiors the week following the assassination. That military never turned over that report to the ARRB, as it was required to do under the law. But Sergeant Boyajian had kept a copy, which he delivered to the ARRB.

    At the risk of belaboring the obvious, the military had to be up to no good in sneaking the president’s body into the Bethesda morgue and then, an hour-and-a-half later, reintroducing the entry of the body into the morgue. 

    Was there corroboration for Boyajian’s extraordinary claim? Actually there was, and I detail it in The Kennedy Autopsy and An Encounter with Evil. Several Navy enlisted men stated that they carried the president’s body into the morgue in a light “shipping casket” rather than the heavy ornate casket into which the president’s body was placed in Dallas. Moreover, Lt. Col. Pierre Finck stated two times, including once under oath, that he was telephoned by Commander James Humes, the lead pathologist in the autopsy, at 8 p.m. inviting Finck to come to the morgue to assist with the autopsy. During that conversation, Humes told Finck that they already had x-rays of the president’s head. Since the undisputed official entry time of the president’s body was at 8 p.m., the only way that they could already have x-rays of the president’ head was if they were taking them after they sneaked the body into the morgue at 6:35 p.m.

    3. The ARRB also discovered that there were two separate brain examinations in the Kennedy autopsy, one of which could not possibly have been the brain belonging to the president. When the military is falsely claiming that there was only one brain exam and when the military is falsely representing a brain to be that of President Kennedy, it would be difficult to find a better example of autopsy fraud than that.

    [Doug here: Who's brain and head did the use for the x-rays and photographs? Apolice officer also killed that day: J.D. Tippet who was nicknamed JFK for his resemblance to the President. Also see below in comments.]

    As I stated above and as I have repeatedly emphasized over the years, there is no innocent explanation for a fraudulent autopsy. Once one concludes that the autopsy was fraudulent, one has automatically concluded that the assassination was orchestrated and carried out by the national-security establishment. There is no other reasonable conclusion that can be drawn.


    Some comments from myself in brackets and other readers of this article posted at ZeroHedge

    • [Doug here:] Personally, I have seen the “analog” video footage of the shooting and the high powered ‘kill shot’ came from the front and exited the back of Kennedy’s head. In fact it blew off about a 5” diameter portion of the President’s skull and brain. This is the thing: I remember Jacky Kennedy immediately tried to gather the parts blown off JFKs head in an instinctive hope that these peices would be necessary if he was to be surgically repaired. It’s a very sad understanding.

    • I once saw an interview with Jackie Kennedy in which she stated that she didn't climb onto the back of the car to save herself or run away. She saw a piece of John's head fly out onto the trunk (she actually said "brain"). She said she thought "he's going to need that" and she climbed out and grabbed it. Watch the film again with this in mind and see that this is exactly what Jackie did- she reached out and grabbed a piece of something and snatched it in. Watch her gaze follow the piece of flying brain before she leaps ontp the trunk. Could only have happened if that back of his head was blown out toward the rear trunk hood

    • Those autopsy photos were included in a book that came out in the 90's. I found the book on remainder in a bookstore and bought two copies. I believe it was titled, "The Killing of a President." The photos clearly show the back of the president's head virtually gone. It also shows the X-ray evidence as well as the hastily constructed "fake" head they used for close-ups. They had attempted to re-assemble the president's skull to represent their claims but the job was clearly crude and obvious. Despite the makeup the military tried to use in covering Kennedy's wounds, the actual truth is plain for everyone to see: Our president was killed by someone in our government and the rest of the government and our court system covered for this deed.

    • The reason why there were 2 caskets is because there were 2 bodies.  In the expensive casket was a police officer J D Tibet, nicknamed John Kennedy because he looked like the president,  who was killed by G. Gordon Liddy, talk show host.  In the very plain inexpensive casket was was the president. They used Tibet's body to frame Oswald, by making an entrance wound from the rear, while in the presidents airplane when Johnson was being sworn in as president.  I wonder which body made it to Arlington cemetery? 

    • When Mike Pompeo didn’t answer the JFK question…that’s when I knew it was a CIA mission.  All these years I thought it was foreign actors.  In light of what’s happened in the past 5 years, there’s no doubt anymore, it was the CIA.

    • There were 2 bodies, that of JFK, and the other of J.D. Tippet, the policeman that was killed on the same day as JFK, 45 minutes after.

      When you realize that J.D. Tippet's nickname was "JFK", because of his similar appearance to the president, the coincidences start to overwhelm.

      I think it's obvious that J.D. Tippet was killed by the same organization that killed JFK, and Tippet's body was used in place of Kennedy's at times, and grotesquely to "cut and paste" parts of both bodies together in order to get a corpse that fit the single-shooter narrative.

  • Who's brain and head did the use for the x-rays and photographs? J.D. Tippet.

  • we now know for certain that Oswald working with the CIA wasn’t just a theory at all but rather, a confirmed fact. Whether or not there was one or more shooters working together with Oswald is almost immaterial in light of the detail of Oswald’s previous CIA associations. 

  • I saw the Zapruder film the next day. Anybody that has ever fired a rifle at anything can immediately see Kennedy was hit from the front. No amount of bullshit from Washington DC will change my mind. [Doug here: yes, only a head-on shot would blow a 5” hole in the back of JFKs head.]

  • Not so puzzling when you consider that killing Tippet was the backup plan in case the wounds on JFK could not support a single-shooter-from-the-back theory, which they could not. 45 minutes is enough time to figure out that you need another body that looks like JFK with the "right" wounds, and then go out and get it. Of course, they made an error and didn't get the "right" wounds in Tippet either, so there was some patchwork to be done.

  • Look, during the Cold War, the military and the CIA got a little too frisky. Everybody was paranoid and jumped up. After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Kennedy fired the out of control CIA director Dulles. Kennedy was also backing out of the Vietnam engagement. Military and CIA killed Kennedy. Did it  IN YOUR FACE.  Then Dulles, the fired CIA director, lead the Warren report whitewashing the assassination.Johnson then went full bore on Vietnam. Dulles got the airport in D.C. named after him. The CIA has been steering the ship since 1963, most recently torpedoing Trump. They invited the FBI and NSI in to the party in the last few years. How it is.

  • Jackie Kennedy was standing next to LBJ when he was inaugurated. She was still wearing the pink skirt with JFK's blood all over it. LBJ urged her to change, but she stood fast, saying,"I want the American people to see what's been done to him." She was only 34 at the time, that's showing some spine, given the role of women at the time. I read many years ago that she wrote an autobiography that can't be published until 50 years after her death--21 years to go; my guess it is should be quite revealing about what she knew or believed regarding his death. 

  • On October 1963 JFK signed the order to take all 16,000 advisors/troops out of Vietnam by 1965. The first 1,000 troops would be pulled out by December 63. In November he was murdered. One week after his death LBJ rescinded the order. The next year 250,000 troops were sent by Congress and LBJ. And now it is essentially understood Oswald was a CIA asset. All coincidence I suppose.

  • Maybe after the US Financial/Military Hegemony dies it's certain death, we might then find *who* did this.

    Our bet is on the Dulles Brothers. The elder brother was heavily involved in/after WWII. Both brothers hated the Kennedy Patriarch. His younger brother despised Kennedy. He had the means, the opportunity and the power to assassinate The President.....And don't expect Robert Kennedy to finally come out and tell the truth. He's got family, and he doesn't want harm brought upon his disclosure. Nonetheless, he's stated that, likely, The CIA murdered his uncle. 

  • Gerald Ford was appointed to the Warren Commission by LBJ.  Ford did his part and then was made president after they got rid of Nixon.

    George Bush was already secretly in the CIA and was suspected of being involved in the assassination.  Ford made him head of the CIA.  Nice way to destroy evidence.  And then he too was made president.

  • From Wiki about David Lifton, who wrote a carefully researched book that was published by McMillan called Best Evidence: Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy.

    The central thesis of the book is that President Kennedy’s body had been altered between the Dallas hospital and the autopsy site at Bethesda for the purpose of creating erroneous conclusions about the number and direction of the shots. He details evidence—using both the Warren Commission documents and original research and interviews with those involved at both Dallas and Bethesda—of a stark and radical change between the descriptions of the wounds by the medical staff at Dallas and those at Bethesda.[11] For instance, nearly all the Dallas medical staff thought the head wound entered from the front and exited through a 2-in. by 2.-in. hole in the exterior.[11] The autopsy, on the contrary, reported a massive exit wound in the front (about 4x the size of the reports of the Dallas staff), which would indicate a shot from the rear.[1]

    It was these sort of conflicts that drove his quest.[1] The Warren Commission had ultimately resolved them through relying on what was considered the “best evidence”, the autopsy report and photos; but that didn’t satisfy Lifton.[11]

    As Lifton was methodically working through the 26-volume Warren Commission report and exhibits, he stumbled upon what would become the fulcrum of his narrative, the answer he was looking for. He read, according to a report by FBI agents Siebert and O'Neill who attended the autopsy and took notes on everything they observed, that it was "apparent that a tracheotomy had been performed...as well as surgery of the head area, namely, in the top of the skull."[1] Since Lifton knew that there was no surgery to the head in Dallas, this was the fact that intensified and focused his research, leading ultimately to the synthesis of the contradictory Dallas/Bethesda evidence to his conclusion that there was intentional fraud, that is, as Lifton puts it, a “medical forgery” to the body of the President.[12]

    In connection with his body alteration theory, Lifton hypothesized about when and where the alteration took place. He posits that after John F. Kennedy's assassination, unnamed conspirators on Air Force One removed Kennedy's body from its original bronze casket and placed it in a shipping casket, while en route from Dallas to Washington. Once the presidential plane arrived at Andrews Air Force Base, the shipping casket with the President's body in it was surreptitiously taken by helicopter from the side of the plane that was out of the television camera's view. Kennedy's body was then taken to an unknown location — most likely Walter Reed Army Medical Center — where the body was surgically altered to make it appear that he was shot only from the rear.[12][13]

    Among the explicitly stated clear implications of the book are the following: The assassination was an “inside” job with, at minimum, a number of secret service men involved—the ones who controlled the scene and the evidence[11] and Oswald was, as he stated after his arrest, “a patsy."

  • Anyone who looks into the JFK assassination will see the MIC involved in every aspect of it.  Off the top of my head:

    Oswald worked on the top secret U2 spy plane, then 'defected' to the USSR just before the U2 was shot down. THEN Oswald left the Soviet Union with his Russian wife and was NOT thrown in prison but set up in Dallas to work with the FBI & CIA.

    The Secret Service was called off JFK's limo.

    The motorcade route was changed to include a more than 90 degree turn - a clear security violation.

    Windows were open in Dealy Plaza - a clear security violation. [Doug here: it was a convertible Lincoln limo, no?]

    Witnesses heard and reported many more than 3 shots.

    The number of witnesses who committed suicide with shotguns just prior to their scheduled testimony is Clintonesque.