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Friday, March 31, 2023

Kunstler: The Left Is Finally Having It's Trump-gasm


From James Howard Kunstler at Clusterfuck Blog

[As an aside, Jim started to use third-party ads recently at his website. But Google shut down ads on his site and permanently blacklisted his domain from their program. According to Google, Clusterfuck Nation violates their AdSense rules by publishing what they deem to be “Unreliable and harmful claims.”

“The verboten content of my blog, in Google’s opinion, includes “claims that are demonstrably false and could significantly undermine participation or trust in an electoral or democratic process,” statements that promote “harmful health claims or relates to a current, major health crisis and contradicts authoritative scientific consensus,” and content that “contradicts authoritative scientific consensus on climate change.”]

Now, from Jim:  

“The New York Times enjoyed its long-delayed tantric Trumpgasm so much today that it rolled out the full-page banner headline format usually reserved for the commencement of world wars. (They took the banner down before seven o’clock this morning.) For many of the cat-ladies employed as “reporters” at the once-august paper, it was the first Trumpgasm they’ve ever experienced in a lifetime of emotional displacement, over-eating, and furious knitting of pink polyester hats for the crusade to root out patriarchal wickedness.

This fulfillment of a years-long psychodrama, starring the feared and loathed occult persona of a gold-coiffed “Daddy” figure who once presided in the political household, came at the hands of dragon-slayer Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, archetype of the many long-oppressed victims worked to death in the bilges of our slave ship of state — now turned righteous Woke deliverer of cosmic vengeance!

This, of course, is brought to you by the party of hoaxes, flimflams, and mandated death shots, so it’s amusing here on the sidelines to see The Times’s op-ed writers squirm with post-coital pleasure underneath the full-page Trumpgasmic headline. The lead editorial declares: “Even Donald Trump Should Be Held Accountable”— overlooking the utter absence of accountability that has been the norm in every recent insult to the nation’s dignity from wholesale and repeat election fraud, to six years of lawless depravity in the FBI, to overt support of Antifa and BLM street havoc, to the forced, deceitful administration of deadly “vaccines.”

“How a President’s Arrest Can Strengthen a Democracy,” honorary cat-lady Nicholas Kristoff opined, repeating the bad-faith trope that his legions of Wokery have an interest in political rectitude — when, in fact, they are solely preoccupied with coercing, censoring, cancelling, persecuting, punishing, and defenestrating anyone who objects to their grifts and hustles. “Only love and a leap of faith can break through distrust. That is why a credible form of patriotism is so important right now,” explained The Times’s official Superintendent of Platitudes, David Brooks, to soothe consciences grated by this loutish gambit to shove a political adversary off the game board in advance of an election. “Joe Biden may not be your cup of tea,” Mr. Brooks summed up his civics lesson, “but he’s restored sanity, effectiveness and decency to the White House.”

 Oh, really? That will surely come as news to casual observers who are watching the “Joe Biden” wrecking crew in wonder and nausea as they dismantle every institution and undermine every norm in American life. A more credible form of patriotism would be, say, a general strike against this cabal of degenerates, serving to remind them that at least half of the public still cares about the Constitution, the rule of law, and actual decency (not a depraved simulacrum of it). Otherwise, why would “Joe Biden’s” DOJ lock-up scores of Jan 6 protesters in the DC Jail for years on misdemeanor charges without taking them to law? Why does the “Joe Biden” State Department persist in destroying Ukraine and pounding billions in taxpayer money into the place to accomplish it? Why has the “Joe Biden” regime adopted the drag queen as its mascot? What part of all that evinces “sanity, effectiveness and decency?”

 It’s a little early to assess the knock-on effects of the Left’s ecstatic Trumpgasm. A common theme flying across the Web is that Alvin Bragg’s jerry-rigged case will only make a martyr of Mr. Trump, neatly illustrating and personifying the government’s apparent war against its own citizens — making it clear that they will stop at nothing and no one to enforce the corrupt bureaucracy’s will against the public — and that the net result will be to ensure Mr. Trump’s reelection in 2024.

This comes at a time when that government — the “Joe Biden” regime — presides over the collapse of what’s left of America’s economy, the crack-up of the banking system, and the shocking loss of our country’s influence in the geo-political arena. All of that is manifesting as increased general hardship across the US population: a whole lot of citizens going broke, going hungry, losing their property and chattels to bankruptcy, losing their children to Woke-induced psychopathology, and — the final insult — being subjected to a medical racketeering operation that ruins and murders them when they get sick.

The Party of Chaos looks pretty smugly secure for the moment. If Alvin Bragg’s flimsy case in New York falls apart, as many expect, they have grand juries lined up against Mr. Trump in other jurisdictions, waiting patiently to take their turns at the political assassination of this supposed “threat to our democracy.” Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared yesterday that Mr. Trump “has the right to prove his innocence.” She apparently forgot how our legal system works, which is that defendants are presumed innocent and it’s the government’s task to prove someone guilty.”

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Don't Forget About Gulfcoastcommentary At Substack

 Here's a link to my substack page.  The address is simple: https//gulfcoastcommentary.substack.com

I'm composing more now in the Substack page.  I could just paste them into my Google blogger site, but it's extra work as all the links there refer to other substack pages. Even then, I may just paste them here.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Two Year Boy Found Wondering Alone at US Border

I'm wrecked. I just can't believe this is happening. Who would abandon their 2 yo boy to the coyotes (literally and figuratively), the wolves (metaphorically) and the harsh elements in perhaps the most lawless area of the world?? It's one of the most lawless areas of the world, because the "Joe Biden" bolsheviks are the most lawless and evil administration occupying force in US Government history.

This is the fault of an entirely evil "Joe Biden" junta. They sit in Washington and literally close their eyes to indulge their destructive dreams and goals. They are pure evil. They must be destroyed!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

PCR: The Rise of Tyranny in the US

From Paul Craig Roberts

In every country of the Western world freedom and civil liberty are being destroyed by governments, none of which represents the people.  One of America’s last remaining journalists, Glenn Greenwald, sees hope that people are catching on and the process can be stopped.  My fear is that Western peoples are too weak and uninvolved to reclaim their freedom and that they will accept tyranny with minimal opposition, thus committing all future generations to life under tyranny.  In contrast, the elite are determined and have demonstrated the power to discredit, to remove, and, it seems, to indict an elected President of the United States who attempted to represent the people against the elite.  Moreover, with control of the media, the elite were successful in turning Donald Trump into a hate figure for roughly half of the US population. The same will happen to anyone who attempts to restore government accountable to law, the Constitution, and the people.

Perhaps the most important lesson in Greenwald’s report, essentially a history of the development of the national security police state in the 21st century, is that no President regardless of political party or ideology, neither Bush nor Trump, Obama nor Biden, can refuse legislation that builds a police state in the name of national security. Those Democrats who once opposed police state measures now favor them because they are useful in getting rid of Donald Trump. In Congress, Republican patriots and leftwing Democrats rush to the support of legislation that destroys their own freedom and turns the US Constitution into a dead letter document.

“No matter how much you hate the corporate media, it’s not enough. It is literally impossible to overstate not only the damage that they do but the malice with which they do it. And by malice, I don’t mean that they’re evil masterminds. I mean malice in the sense of the “banality of evil.” The people who go and punch the clock every day, never question what they’re doing, but whose work is nonetheless incredibly toxic and harmful. They’re just basically sociopathic careerists. But no matter sometimes those people can be the most destructive. “  —  Glenn Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald is a rare honest media voice of our time.   Edward Snowden understood this and entrusted Greenwald with the documents that proved the Nazi National Security Agency was spying on all Americans in violation both of law and the US Constitution.  It was Snowden who was punished for telling us the truth about how far we were down the road to tyranny.  The NSA’s crimes were defended and covered up by the Corporate Media.  Congress and the White House did nothing to stop the NSA’s disregard for law and the US Constitution.  Indeed, they facilitated the NSA’s transgressions. 

In this long article, which is more than worth every minute it takes to read it, Greenwald shows the complete disrespect for truth constantly demonstrated by “our government” and the media whores who cover up for the rise of tyranny in the United States.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Democrats Are the New 'Joe McCarthy'---All of Them

From Jonathan Turley

“At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” Those words were first asked by lawyer Joseph Welch in his confrontation with Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) during the Senate’s infamous Army-McCarthy hearings. This week, nearly 70 years later, Welch’s words seem more relevant than ever after House Democrats savaged two journalists who attempted to explain a government effort to censor citizens.

It was only the latest of a series of hearings in which FBI agents and other whistleblowers, experts and journalists have been personally attacked for raising free-speech concerns. Last week’s hearing showed definitively that we live in a post-decency era.

The latest attacks came as journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger testified about breaking the “Twitter Files” story, detailing how the FBI and other agencies secretly sought to censor or ban citizens from social media.

In her opening statement, Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands), the ranking member of the House Judiciary subcommittee, attacked them as “so-called journalists” and said they were “a direct threat” to the safety of others by reporting the censorship story.

Taibbi pushed back, saying that “I’m not a ‘so-called’ journalist” and giving a brief description of his award-winning career at Rolling Stone magazine and other publications. Yet other committee members also attacked the honesty of the two journalists. And after failed efforts to claim they were Elon Musk’s corrupt “scribes,” or limited by him in their investigations, the committee members attacked their ethics.

The witnesses were attacked on everything but their choice of socks. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) even claimed that “being a Republican witness today certainly casts a cloud over your objectivity.” When Wasserman Schultz impugned the two journalists’ honesty and ethics, she immediately “reclaimed (her) time” to prevent them from defending themselves. When the subcommittee chair gave them a chance to answer her claims, Wasserman Schultz and her Democratic colleagues objected that a witness was allowed to defend himself after being blocked from doing so.

In an earlier attack, Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) prevented Taibbi from answering a question and dismissed his effort to defend his position, saying: “This is how it works now. I’ll ask the question and you try to provide an answer if you can.”

After attacking the very notion of investigating the government for possible censorship efforts, the attacks then took a particularly menacing turn as some members began to demand confidential information on the journalists’ sources. Taibbi pushed back and said he could not reveal information on his sources, but that only seemed to make the Democrats more irate.

Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-Texas) pressed Taibbi to say that Musk was a source. Taibbi again replied, “I can’t give it to you, unfortunately, because this is a question of sourcing, and I’m a journalist. I don’t reveal my sources.”

And that’s when it got ugly.

Garcia effectively declared that she had trapped Taibbi because the “only logical conclusion” was that Musk was his source. When House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) objected to badgering a reporter for his sources, Democrats piled on. Plaskett declared that if Taibbi wouldn’t comment on Musk, it must mean the Twitter owner was the source in question.

It was a chilling but defining moment.

For several years now, many Democratic members have embraced censorship on social media and resisted efforts to uncover government efforts to silence citizens. As someone who grew up in a liberal, Democratic family in Chicago, I knew that a commitment to free speech was one of the most compelling values of the party — back then. Today, free speech often is treated as harmful and dangerous.

President Joe Biden is arguably the most anti-free-speech president since John Adams, and the Democratic Party is largely committed to censorship and speech regulations. Some Democratic figures, including Plaskett, have declared that hate speech is unprotected under the First Amendment — a categorically untrue claim.

As the evidence mounts of an even broader censorship effort by the Biden administration, the Democrats’ attacks have become more unhinged and unscrupulous. After shredding any fealty to free speech, they now are attacking journalists, demanding their sources and claiming their reporting is a public threat.

Plaskett even attempted to defend the Federal Trade Commission demanding that Twitter turn over the names of journalists who have communicated with the social media company. Other Democrats have similarly shrugged off this outrageous demand by the FTC, headed by Chairwoman Lina Khan, a former Democratic staffer with the Judiciary Committee.

For many of us, this week demonstrates the final severing of many House Democrats from both free speech and free press values.

What is left is raw rage and politics.

There is a major difference between today and the McCarthyism of 1954. Back then, when attorney Welch objected to the Republican senator trashing his client, the press lionized Welch. Yet, as noted by Shellenberger and Taibbi, today’s media have remained largely silent as fellow reporters were attacked for covering the Twitter censorship story.

If Joseph Welch appeared today to support free speech, he might very well be dismissed as some QAnon conspiracy theorist or “Putin lover.” But his words from the past — that “until this moment … I think I have never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness” — should be read to every one of these members. It is not that we expect decorum from our leaders today, but decency itself now seems as irrelevant as reason.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

MacGregor: The Gathering Storm

Douglas MacGregor from The American Conservative:

The crisis of American national power has begun. America’s economy is tipping over, and Western financial markets are quietly panicking. Imperiled by rising interest rates, mortgage-backed securities and U.S. Treasuries are losing their value. The market’s proverbial “vibes”—feelings, emotions, beliefs, and psychological penchants—suggest a dark turn is underway inside the American economy.

American national power is measured as much by American military capability as by economic potential and performance. The growing realization that American and European military-industrial capacity cannot keep up with Ukrainian demands for ammunition and equipment is an ominous signal to send during a proxy war that Washington insists its Ukrainian surrogate is winning.

Russian economy-of-force operations in southern Ukraine appear to have successfully ground down attacking Ukrainian forces with the minimal expenditure of Russian lives and resources. While Russia’s implementation of attrition warfare worked brilliantly, Russia mobilized its reserves of men and equipment to field a force that is several magnitudes larger and significantly more lethal than it was a year ago.

Russia’s massive arsenal of artillery systems including rockets, missiles, and drones linked to overhead surveillance platforms converted Ukrainian soldiers fighting to retain the northern edge of the Donbas into pop-up targets. How many Ukrainian soldiers have died is unknown, but one recent estimate wagers between 150,000-200,000 Ukrainians have been killed in action since the war began, while another estimates about 250,000.

Given the glaring weakness of NATO members’ ground, air, and air defense forces, an unwanted war with Russia could easily bring hundreds of thousands of Russian Troops to the Polish border, NATO’s Eastern Frontier. This is not an outcome Washington promised its European allies, but it’s now a real possibility.

In contrast to the Soviet Union’s hamfisted and ideologically driven foreign policymaking and execution, contemporary Russia has skillfully cultivated support for its cause in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. The fact that the West’s economic sanctions damaged the U.S. and European economies while turning the Russian ruble into one of the international system’s strongest currencies has hardly enhanced Washington’s global standing.

Biden’s policy of forcibly pushing NATO to Russia’s borders forged a strong commonality of security and trade interests between Moscow and Beijing that is attracting strategic partners in South Asia like India, and partners like Brazil in Latin America. The global economic implications for the emerging Russo-Chinese axis and their planned industrial revolution for some 3.9 billion people in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) are profound.

In sum, Washington’s military strategy to weaken, isolate, or even destroy Russia is a colossal failure and the failure puts Washington’s proxy war with Russia on a truly dangerous path. To press on, undeterred in the face of Ukraine’s descent into oblivion, ignores three metastasizing threats: 

  1. Persistently high inflation and rising interest rates that signal economic weakness. (The first American bank failure since 2020 is a reminder of U.S. financial fragility.) 
  2. The threat to stability and prosperity inside European societies already reeling from several waves of unwanted refugees/migrants
  3. The threat of a wider European war.

Inside presidential administrations, there are always competing factions urging the president to adopt a particular course of action. Observers on the outside seldom know with certainty which faction exerts the most influence, but there are figures in the Biden administration seeking an off-ramp from involvement in Ukraine. Even Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a rabid supporter of the proxy war with Moscow, recognizes that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s demand that the West help him recapture Crimea is a red line for Putin that might lead to a dramatic escalation from Moscow.

Backing down from the Biden administration’s malignant and asinine demands for a humiliating Russian withdrawal from eastern Ukraine before peace talks can convene is a step Washington refuses to take. Yet it must be taken. The higher interest rates rise, and the more Washington spends at home and abroad to prosecute the war in Ukraine, the closer American society moves toward internal political and social turmoil. These are dangerous conditions for any republic.

From all the wreckage and confusion of the last two years, there emerges one undeniable truth. Most Americans are right to be distrustful of and dissatisfied with their government. President Biden comes across as a cardboard cut-out, a stand-in for ideological fanatics in his administration, people that see executive power as the means to silence political opposition and retain permanent control of the federal government.

Americans are not fools. They know that members of Congress flagrantly trade stocks based on inside information, creating conflicts of interest that would land most citizens in jail. They also know that since 1965 Washington led them into a series of failed military interventions that severely weakened American political, economic, and military power.

Far too many Americans believe they have had no real national leadership since January 21, 2021. It is high time the Biden administration found an off-ramp designed to extricate Washington, D.C., from its proxy Ukrainian war against Russia. It will not be easy. Liberal internationalism or, in its modern guise, “moralizing globalism,” makes prudent diplomacy arduous, but now is the time. 

In Eastern Europe, the spring rains present both Russian and Ukrainian ground forces with a sea of mud that severely impedes movement. But the Russian High Command is preparing to ensure that when the ground dries and Russian ground forces attack, the operations will achieve an unambiguous decision, making it clear that Washington and its supporters have no chance to rescue the dying regime in Kiev. From then on, negotiations will be extremely difficult, if not impossible.

How to Dramatically Reduce Your Nation's Murder Rate

From NewsNation:

Two thousand suspected gang members have been moved to a new mega-prison in El Salvador, built as part of President Nayib Bukele’s self-proclaimed “war on crime.”

“This will be their new home, where they won’t be able to do any more harm to the population,” Bukele wrote on Twitter.

Bukele shared photos and videos over the weekend showing barefoot, tattooed men hunched over and packed tightly together. The prisoners are seen with shaved heads being led into the facility in shackles.

“They’re not scary anymore are they?” Bukele tweeted Saturday. “Criminals do not cause any fear, once they are deprived of the protection of the State and the corrupt politicians and international organizations that finance and defend them.”

The mega-prison, officially called the Center for the Confinement of Terrorism (CECOT), was built to hold 40,000 prisoners. Bukele unveiled the center in January, saying it is “a fundamental piece to completely win the war against gangs.”

The prisoners transferred to the CECOT are reportedly members of the MS-13 and 18th street gangs, who gained strongholds in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras after getting deported from Los Angeles.

Human rights organizations are arguing Salvadoran forces have committed “widespread human rights violations” since a state of emergency was announced last year in March.

“Salvadoran security forces have battered vulnerable communities with widespread human rights violations in the name of public safety,” said Juanita Goebertus, Americas Division director at Human Rights Watch in a statement.

Last year, Bukele asked Congress to approve a state of emergency after the country saw a spike in homicides attributed to gang violence.

The emergency state temporarily suspended some constitutional protections and has been extended several times since, according to Reuters. 


Arrests can be made without a warrant, private communications are accessible by the government and detainees no longer have the right to a lawyer. Reuters reported more than 64,000 suspects have been arrested under the new policies.

The U.S. still has somewhere between 30,000 and 50,000 gang members belonging to the MS-13 and 18th street gangs living across 20 states.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

The 1960s Rebels Are Now Pro-Fascist and Tyrannical

Freedom Fighters Have Done a 180 degree Turn and Are Now the New Stalins, the New Totalitarians.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

― Ronald Reagan

It was a triumphal week for Democrats Schellenberger and Taibbi, who lectured a bunch of nasty monkeys in Congress this week about the completely dishonest and evil Censorship-Industrial Complex. Check out Shellenberger's post: Power Grab Behind Democrats' War On Free Speech. He said:

It is shocking that anybody in America, much less the party of the ACLU, needs to be reminded that freedom of speech protects all speech, not just speech approved by the Elected. And yet that’s very much where we are.

The Left today has thus arrived in a place precisely 180 degrees opposite of where it was in the 1980s, 1970s, and 1960s. The rebels have become the persecutors.

Here’s his 10 minute video to summarize the most evil scandal of an overbearing government ever told. And Democrat’s “wailing and gnashing of teeth” was biblical. Here’s Shellenberger:

And here’s Matt Taibbi’s testimony (5 min):

Jane Fonda, this week, sat on the foolish panel at The View and she animatedly suggested that Republican politicians could be murdered if they support state’s rights to legislate abortion (she was kinda joking). She’s an old bag now and probably didn’t know that overthrowing Roe v Wade didn’t outlaw abortion, it just allowed each state to decide for itself. The SCOTUS had overstepped their legal mandate with Roe V. Wade. And it’s been known to be wrong for a long time.

Look, I like Jane Fonda with her faults, so this isn’t personal. But there is a problem with women and Leftist women: their heads are ruled too much by emotion. (Women’s sufferage might not have been such a good idea?) Here’s her rant:

The main point of overturning Roe v. Wade at the Supreme Court was to defend the very Constitutionally-conservative preservation of State’s Rights and against Washington’s, Big Govt’s, Big Bureaucrat’s, Democrat’s and the SCOTUS’s ability to coerce and force it’s opinion on you. That’s the beauty of Federalism. Each State can make it’s own decisions that reflect the citizen’s preferences and customs.

So, Jane Fonda, the radical in the 1960s is now inadvertently a shill for Big Government control and coercion. Poor thing, she knows not what she’s doing. Silly girl.

The abandonment of strict(ish) Federalism that is tearing our nation apart again (the 1st time was the Civil War). It’s why discussion of State secession has erupted again: it’s because of gross, overbearing big government’s abuse of power!

A Return to Stricter Federalism Could Save Our Nation 

Strict Federalism was already devised for us by the most enlightened and brilliant men that ever lived—our Founding Fathers in the late 1780s. Strict Federalism means that all 50 states can pursue very different preferences or customs. For example, some might prefer recreational drug legalisation, to have or not have state income taxes, to provide or not provide free choice for schooling and now abortion.

Citizens in each state are likely to be happy in a State that conforms to their views and standards: Vermont could legalize all recreational drugs, try to provide universal Health Insurance for all those in their state (it was considered, but they realized that they would be bankrupted, so they let the Fed Government go bankrupt), whereas Texas might stay with robust, but regulated, private insurance options. It’s actually a brilliant and beautiful system; 50 somewhat unique “countries” in a coalition, ie., the united states of (in) America. It should have been this way all along.

And now a disruptive reversion back to a stricter Federalism is likely necessary to avoid the dissolution of our country.

The Federal Government is a Necessary Evil; Smaller is Better 

Even the 1960s ‘radicals’ like Neil Young, Joni Mitchell and Jane Fonda knew that the Federal Government was evil. ‘Government’ is force and it’s deadly force.

Armed troops lost their temper and composure at a 1970 Kent State war protest and murdered 4 unarmed college protestors in cold blood. That’s power. Government is AT BEST a necessary evil.

The FBI continually tried to expell/deport NYC resident John Lennon on a old marijauna possession charge. It was a vendetta by Nixon and Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI for decades. The Government hounded Lennon for a decade or more! It’s a good thing that he was rich because the Federal Government almost never loses it’s cases. The Federal prosecutor win rate in court is 99.4% which is a lot higher than even the Nazi government.

The government can and does frame, coerce and jail people it doesn’t like; like Jacob “Qanon Shaman” Chansley and hundreds of other Americans are today’s prisoners of US Government J6 lies—and these are just the tip of the iceberg. They can threaten you with trumped-up charges to force a plea bargain. I call it railroading. Prosecutorial abuse is a thing across our country. How come the party of Black persons is not championing judicial reform including prosecutorial abuse?

Other Democrats in the 1960s, like Joni Mitchell and Neil Young, protested the Vietnam war and Kent State killings. Jane Fonda naively went to Hanoi to make nice with the Communists there and drew a huge amount of condemnation by the US public and was accused of basically being a traitor. But all of these anti-war radicals were largely correct that the war was unnecessary and started based on flimsy premises and by rabid anti-Communist hysteria created by the entirely-evil CIA.

Even President Johnson expressed misgivings about getting involved in Vietnam, but he did. He probably got the nudge to obey the CIA or else. Remember, the CIA had killed JFK after Kennedy threatened to end the CIA. Before Kennedy, Eisenhower had warned of vast power of the (Big Government) military industrial complex in 1961 at his farewell address, and tried to warn us of the growing problem with the ever-growing Federal bureaucracy and the US war-machine.

Seymour Hersch is another antiestablishmentarian who wrote in the 1960s and 1970s to expose the massive abuses and wholesale murder by the US Government in Viet Nam. Now, many decades later, Hersch has again exposed a dastardly plot of the US Government in the explosion/destruction of the Russian Nordstream natural gas pipelines to punish Russia in another propaganda push by Big Govt.

He was right back in the late 60s and early 70s and he’s quite right again. The US Government is pursuing yet another unnecessary proxy war with Russia and risking a nuclear war. The same party of “radicals” who (rightly) questioned the Vietnam War have turned on him today, impugned his integrity, called Hersch every name in the book and accused him of MISINFORMATION. All his detractors are ignorant government flunkies. Democrats are the Party of chaos and War Party.

The new old “radicals” are instead 100% now owned and captured by the US Government propaganda operation. It’s a 180 degree inversion. Suddenly, no one is skeptical of government??? What the fuck!?!

So it’s ironic that some of these very people, correct to question Big Government have become patsies for Big Govenment. Remember when, now elderly, Joni Mitchell attacked people who rightly questioned the largely untested Covid Vaccine project? She accused people of “misinformation!” OMG! Neil Young, a 1960s counter-culture hero, also went all-in on the Vaccine experimental gene therapy tyranny and said that COVID-19 vaccine misinformation was being promoted by Joe Rogan. But on Rogan’s show, Rogan was merely debating the vaccine pros/cons—like he does. Really these former “radicals” have become govt flunkies and want to tryranically shut you up and force you to obey the Federal Government flunkies, liars, propagandists and turds like dipshit Fauci. WTF??

The “vaccine” was half-baked and actually deadly, even in the early Pfizer testing —whose results they wanted hidden for 70 years! They were desperate to hide the janky and even deadly results. The “vax”should have never been approved. Government hid the information and MANDATED the vaccines despite this information!! Then they continued mandating it to young people, who don’t even need it. Young people are dropping dead of heart attacks thanks to these whores. You see, there was an entire industry with financial interests behind this tyranny. Suddenly you were considered a traitor if you disobeyed government fiat and the janky “vaxx.” People were fired, persecuted and cancelled for nothing. The entire mult-year episode was generated by government-sponsored hysteria created (intentionally) FOR PROFITS.

The US Government is at War With Half Our Population 

Much ink has been spilled about state’s secceeding the Union lately. It’s understandable now the Federal collossus has become completely out of control. Big government equals big coercion, big power, big money and eventually big corruption. People must remember that government is at best a necessary evil. And a government far from your location and your political preferences can be the most evil of all. We’re seeing that in spades now.

J6 Insurrection Hoax 

Most people who know the history of Government knew that the entire J6 “insurrection”was a lie and ANOTHER Democrat Hoax. With the the Democrats. it’s been hoax after hoax after hoax: the Charlottesville “fine people” lies and hoax, the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, the Mueller Panel of liars, the cheating in the 2020 election and the J6 Hoax.

The J6 hoax was ANOTHER government-coordinated scam to defame and besmirch Donald Trump and the 1/2 of the country that are sympathetic to him. On January 6th the entire intent of the Government was to MANUFACTURE AN INSURRECTION HOAX. Locking up 100s of Conservatives is no problem for these crazed freaks and stooges.

After reviewing footage withheld from the public by the January 6th Committee, Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed video evidence that Jacob Chansley (given the moniker "QAnon Shaman"), was calmly escorted throughout the Capitol complex by Capitol Police, who even helped him find open doors.

“The tapes show the Capitol police never stopped Jacob Chansley," said Carlson. "They helped him. They acted as his tour guides," said Carlson.

The falsehoods, lies and propaganda promoted by Democrats have hundreds of innocent private citizens in a hell-hole jail—captive of Democrats propagandists and Democrat prosecutors. Rule of law is being entirely ignored! Jacob Chansley (and all the others) didn’t do anything wrong, but they were railroaded by Federal Prosecutors and Corrupt (Democrat) judges. The whole thing is rotten to it’s core. The US Govt is rotten to it’s core.

Even today, Elon Musk has called for freeing Jacob Chansley who is jailed for 41 months on Government-forced plea bargain. But don’t forget the others.

Remember, the US government is the enemy of Conservative America and Trump sympathizers. It’s really the enemy of everyone. It’s outrageous and heads should have literally rolled—but the US Government is too big. It must be radically downsized, defunded and power returned to the States.

Remember: government is force and always an evil; but a necessary evil. It’s a pact with a devil. That’s why small government advocates and advocates for extreme forms of Federalism could save our Union.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Race-Based Hatred Permeates the Black Population

By Steve McCann at American Thinker

For forty-five years (1964 to 2009), the United States experienced significant progress in race relations.  Thanks to the efforts of individual citizens in their communities throughout all regions of the country, this nation was well on its way to racial healing.  In 2008 only 18% of Americans were greatly concerned or worried about the state of race relations in the country as nearly 70% thought that relations between Whites and Blacks were very or somewhat good.

In 2009, the most divisive and societally destructive president in American history, Barack Obama, came into office determined to reverse this trend by manipulating the Black citizenry into abandoning racial harmony by utilizing malicious demonization of the White population. He succeeded in fanning the dying embers of racism into a potential national conflagration. 

Thanks to Obama and the media’s incessant drumbeat that so-called “white supremacy” is a major threat to minorities, in particular Blacks, a Washington Post poll in May of 2022 revealed that three quarters of Blacks are worried that they or someone they love will be attacked by a white person -- while the reality is that Blacks perpetrate the vast majority of interracial crime.  And nearly as many, 70 percent, believe that half or more of all White people “hold white supremacist beliefs.” 

A Rasmussen poll taken in February of 2023, exposed the inevitable and disturbing reality that only 54% of Blacks think it’s ok to be White.  Race based hatred and discrimination now appears to pervade the bulk of the Black population.  This same mindset is also pervasive within far too many of the nation’s private and government institutions.

Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, commented on the above poll:  “If nearly half of Black people are not ok with White people…that’s a hate group.”  “I don’t want to have anything to do with them.  And I would say based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people.”  Those comments elicited fierce accusations of racism and unbridled outrage culminating in the cancellation of the Dilbert comic strip in hundreds of newspapers.  In a subsequent tweet, Adams said he was making two points: to “treat everyone as an individual” and to “avoid any group that doesn’t respect you.”

Thursday, March 9, 2023

The J6 Violence and Property Vandalism Was Antifa

You always knew that Trump supporters wouldn't vandalize the Capital Building. It's not even in their DNA. Everyone with common sense knows this.

And you knew the affirmative action hire at the Whitehouse would remain bamboozled.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Race Realism: Teaching Black Kids is Nearly Impossible, Part 3

The vast majority of US black's (and Latinos) can’t perform at High School levels but many are graduated based on widespread grade fraud and by ignoring outrageous school absences. This is occuring across the US at primarily black High Schools : One Lone Honest School in Buffalo New York

Race Realism: Teaching Black Kids is Nearly Impossible and,

Teaching Black Kids is Nearly Impossible, Part 2. Also see,

Vast Majority of Hispanic and Black Students Can't Perform at High School Levels, But Are Graduated Anyway,

Black Kids Not Performing in High Schools

Black Kids Basically Can't Perform in US High Schools Part 2,

From Am. Rennaissance:

“I came from a “do-gooder” family and was fed the story of black victimization for years. I truly believed it with all my heart and decided to become an inner-city teacher. I was determined to help right the wrongs done to these poor kids by “institutional racism” and do my part to educate them and help them escape from the yoke of oppression. Boy, oh boy, was I in for a rude awakening! From day one, my work life was a living hell. The young teens destroyed property, brutalized one another, and intimidated the staff. I caught teenagers smoking crack, 13-year-olds having sex in the bathroom, and kids bringing guns to school. Anyone who tried to learn and behave was beaten for “trying to act white,” and several girls who were known to be virgins were sexually harassed by boys and bullied by other girls until they would have sex. Neither the teens nor their parents placed any value on education, bettering themselves, or moving ahead in life. They were convinced that the white man was “keeping them down,” and that it was no use bothering, anyways. I eventually stopped insisting on parent-teacher conferences for the black students because not a single parent would show up. Ever.

I was constantly threatened by students and physically assaulted on several occasions. One time, a 15-year-old black girl got angry at me because I told her to stop texting during class. She stood up on her desk and started performing a strip tease. By the time security arrived, she was down to her underwear and the black boys were surrounding her, howling like wolves, and stuffing dollar bills down her panties.

At lunch, the teachers would practically run to the faculty lounge and cower for the entire break, nervously trading the day’s horror stories with each other. Classrooms would constantly be broken into during breaks and their contents either stolen or vandalized. The school lost two kids that year to drive-by shootings. One was actually shot on school grounds one weekend. The other, a quiet, well-behaved kid, was killed when he got curious about the sounds from a drive-by, and went to his window to see what was causing the noise.

These kids knew full well how to work and exploit the race card, too. There was also an unspoken rule among staff that we were to give the black kids lighter punishments. An offense that would have gotten a white, Hispanic, or Asian student suspended, for instance, would have gotten a black kid only two days in detention. Whenever a black student was suspended, the parents who we never otherwise heard from would suddenly call the school in a rage, and threaten to call the NAACP and file a lawsuit. The school was terrified of being called “racist” and caved every time. On one occasion, a friend of mine was finally able to get a particularly vicious black girl expelled after several violent incidents. The mother threatened to go to the news channels about the “racist school” and the day after she was formally expelled, the superintendent personally escorted her back into the school and demanded she be reinstated. After this, the girl knew she could act with full impunity and behaved even worse.

Crime in the city was terrible, even in “safe” neighborhoods. Several of my neighbor’s cars were stolen off the street during the night. Another time, a black friend of mine and I came back to his apartment after taking his daughters out for ice cream. We came back to find that somebody had pried the security bars from the windows, broken in, and stolen everything of value. A year after I moved away, the city declared bankruptcy and was forced to cut its police force in half. Then things became anarchy and thugs began brazenly killing each other in broad daylight. In one instance, a black teenager walked straight up to a rival gang member in a downtown McDonald’s, killed him with a shot to the head, and calmly strolled out while patrons screamed in terror and fled. It barely even made the news. I left teaching after that year, moved away, and went into corporate work. Whenever I tell my liberal friends about these experiences, there are only three responses:

  1. They deny it.

  2. They say these things are the consequences of racism.

  3. They accuse me of hating black people and being racist.”

[Doug here: Are you one of the people making excuses or denying reality??]

The US Doesn't Have a Race Problem, It has a Black Problem

From Fred Reed at Fred on Everything:

America does not have a race problem. It has a black problem.

The other races work, meld, contribute, study, and often intermarry. Chinese, Indians, Vietnamese, Lebanese. Given the huge size of the Latino influx, the low level of friction is remarkable. America is not on the brink of a racial explosion against any of the foregoing.

Blacks are very, very different. They are intensely hostile to other races and, it seems, incorrigibly so. Degrees and exceptions, yes, but the centerline is hatred. The racial attacks on Asians one reads of in the media are black attacks on Asians. Nor do blacks get along well with Latinos.  They attack whites both in words and deed. Beating of whites is common, brutal, and ignored by the media. This fellow posts a monthly list of whites murdered by blacks. There is no sign that these will stop. Or be officially noticed.

Crime by blacks is out of control. There seems little to do about it. In the cities they kill each other in staggering numbers, 500 a year in Philadelphia, 700 a year in Chicago, 300 a year in Baltimore, and two or three times as many shot but not killed. The pattern repeats in city after city after city.

One might say resignedly that if they want to kill each other, it is their business. But they kill other races. Every month  Kenn Gividen compiles a list of interracial murders by blacks. Here is his archive. Rates of robbery, rape, theft, carjacking, and so on are, by the standards of the First World, stratospheric.

If these examples were cherrypicked, they could be ignored. They are not cherrypicked. They stream across the web in numbers month after month, year after year.

So many Blacks are Unemployable. Illiteracy runs high, far too high for blacks to perform in the white world. In city after city it transpires that in many black schools NO student reads proficiently and that in others only a handful do. For example, ChicagoFigures recently pried out of Baltimore’s government  showed that seventy-seven percent  of high-school seniors read at the level of Elementary school, many at the level of Kindergarten. All of these who are not shot will be unemployable for the next fifty years. This is catastrophic.

The big-city ghettos amount to a distributed foreign country with customs and values sharply differing from those of the surrounding society. In particular, as seventy percent rate of illegitimacy, frequent firefights among gangs, a dialect often barely comprehensible outside of the city, and a resistance to assimilation embodied in the use of strange names for children: Latoya, DeShawn, and so on.

This too is a disaster.

Part of mandatory political discourse holds that whites have abandoned America’s blacks, doing little to solve their problems. In fact whites have made Herculean, almost desperate efforts, but these have not worked. No other country in the world has so consistently and strenuously tried to encourage another race to rise.

It hasn’t worked.

In 1954, a white Supreme Court decreed segregation impermissible. Then a white President sent troops to Little Rock to enforce the decision. In 1964, an overwhelmingly white Congress passed the Civil Rights Act and in the next year, the Voting Rights Act. Then in Duke Power the Supreme Court judged the use of IQ tests by employers unconstitutional because blacks were not  passing them, and later judged affirmative action, clear racial discrimination against whites, legitimate. The theory in the latter was that slightly underqualified blacks would catch up on the job but, when this didn’t happen, affirmative action became an entitlement.

Countless programs arose, intended to benefit blacks. Head Start, AFDC, straight welfare, Food Stamps, racial set-asides, Black Studies, black-only dorms, black-only graduations, Section Eight Housing, free breakfasts for children, then free lunches, and massive housing projects. All of this was done with good intentions and to decent people some of it seemed necessary, as few wanted to leave children hungry. In aggregate, though,  they seemed to foreshadow a custodial state.

When the measures did not have the desired effects of raising blacks on average to the standards of the other races, the country began to lower the standards to meet the blacks. Promotional exams for advance in police departments were dropped because blacks didn’t pass them, then SATs in college admissions and LSATs for law school  for the same reason, Medical College Admission Tests, along with the ACT. Entrance tests for elite high schools then went, or were attacked, for the same reason. Colleges ceased requiring grammatical writing because blacks couldn’t or wouldn’t learn it, and dropped algebra requirements for the same reason.

Then America began pulling down statues and portraits of anyone blacks had heard of and didn’t like, abetted by America’s white middle-school young adults, seldom much better educated than their black co-pullers-down. Literature went if these white children didn’t like it and blacks couldn’t read it. Onand on.

This, and blacks complain that nothing is done for them?

What is to be done? A better question might be what can be done. Nothing, certainly, in the short term. The endumbment of schools and universities is in full flood with the enthusiastic endorsement of faculty and, usually, governments. Enforcement of laws declines, penalties are reduced or eliminated, police cowed. It being easier to eliminate laws than to reinstate them, which would probably lead to many burning cities, little is likely to change on this front. With children being steeped in the philosophy, if that is quite the word behind all of this, little seems likely to change for decades, if then.

Soon there will be none left who know what education is, or was, and the chain, once broken, will not easily be repaired.

Cities are now often governed by their black populations, or by black female mayors, black women seeming more able than the men. Blacks in these cities show no desire for improvement. If they did, they might begin by not shooting each other. Since they run their schools, they might insist on order and homework. If, for example, they wanted better textbooks, whites would happily provide them. Blacks could tell their girls to marry before reproducing. This is easy for me to say, yes. And of course even suggesting that blacks take responsibility for their lives is verboten.

The horrible truth is that the behavior of large populations springs from their underlying culture. Japan does not have an almost nonexistent rate of murder because it doesn’t have guns or does have lots of police but because the Japanese don’t kill each other. It isn’t in their culture. Homicide in America’s white suburbs is rare for the same reason. There are many, many guns in those suburbs. Nobody uses them. They are often there today, though few will say this, from fear of blacks.

Since the black culture that results in these miserable outcomes is impervious to outside influence, change is not likely.

People of good will, and others, talk about “root causes.” These usually include the lingering effects of slavery, genetics, the Great Society, racism, drugs, and culture. Well and good, but what effect does talking have? Nice people speak of large numbers of likeable, law-abiding and just plain good blacks, who exist. Fine, but speaking improves nothing. Others point out that in other times black society had far lower rates of all of its current ills. True, but we do not live in other times.

Call me dim, but it looks to me that all of America’s racial problems are getting worse and will continue getting worse, this in large part promoted by governments at all levels, by schools and universities  and racial lobbies. Where is this going?

Saturday, March 4, 2023