Wednesday, June 29, 2022

One Lone Honest School in Buffalo New York

From WKBW in Buffalo New York:

This is the honest and real picture of black's "performance" in high schools or secondary schools across the US: 

Dozens of parents of students attending the Dr. Lydia T. Wright School #89 in Buffalo are outraged their children are not graduating on its moving-up day Wednesday.

At an emergency news conference held outside the school, early Tuesday evening parent advocates and some school parents called on the district to allow their children to participate.

Initially, the school said it would only be graduating eight of its 65 eighth-graders but later said 17 would be allowed to be part of moving up day.

Aymanuel Radford is with ‘We The Parents’. He says parents were told Tuesday their child failed class or classes and was not allowed to graduate. Radford also said the Wright School has a high suspension rate among the eighth-grade class.

“At Dr. Lydia T. Wright, the highest suspended grade level is 8th grade. They suspend 35% of the 8th graders, it’s only 65 students and they suspend 35% of the 8th graders,” Radford remarked.....

Some parents say the school was not transparent about their child’s failing grades.

“Nobody called. Nobody texted me. Nobody told me anything, so I didn’t know he still had math work to complete,” declared Lakiesha Seales.......

Parent Michelle Robinson says the school failed her son.

“Now he needs math, science, and social studies. I’m supposed to get this entire book of 180-something pages done with him in two days in order for him to pass the math part and then we still have to do the social studies and the science. That is not something we are going to be to accomplish,” stated Robinson.

Lydia Wright school is 96% Non-White.

The above situation at Lydia Wright is about the only honest picture of black's academic situation and performance in US Junior and Senior high schools that you will ever see.   
And the reason that you don't hear about the REAL SITUATION is because most predominately black schools just lie and cheat to pass the black kids through "grade-fixing." I guarantee that it's much worse in high schools.  Only 7  to 15% of black kids can do 12th grade work proficiently, but ~50% are "passing." The other 50% are dropping out.
One day, you'll hear of widespread "scandals" of grade fixing by school administrators across the country allowing unqualified black and hispanic kids to pass, in part, because of the "No kids left behind initiative." I guarantee you that grade-fixing is endemic at all levels of public schools, the military and even graduate schools to cover-up the inability of the vast majority of black kids to perform at any level of schooling.

Nobody can face reality.  It's too explosive. Nobody can face the reality of black america---especially blacks! It's mostly true for Hispanic kids too.  But reality it is.  

More tidbits from previous posts:

Black Kids Not Performing in High Schools:

From Walter Williams:  "Let's look at a recent example of an educational outcome all too common. In 2016, in 13 of Baltimore's 39 high schools, not a single student scored proficient on the state's mathematics exam. In six other high schools, only one percent tested proficient in math. In raw numbers, of 3,804 Baltimore students took the state's math test, and 14 students tested proficient. Citywide, only 15 percent of Baltimore students passed the state's English test.

Last spring, graduation exercises were held at one Baltimore high school, 90 percent of whose students received the lowest possible math score. Just one student came even close to being proficient. Parents and family members applauded the conferring of diplomas. Some of the students won achievement awards and college scholarships. Baltimore is by no means unique. It's a small part of the ongoing education disaster for black students across the nation. Baltimore schools are not underfunded. Of the nation's 100 largest school systems, Baltimore schools rank third in spending per pupil.  [This story is repeated in every major city with black majorities including Detroit, Chicago, Memphis, New Orleans, etc.  The simple fact is that blacks don't have the intellectual capability.]

Baltimore's black students receive diplomas that attest that they can function at a 12th-grade level when in fact they may not be able to do so at a seventh- or eighth-grade level. These students and their families have little reason to suspect that their diplomas are fraudulent. Thus, if they cannot land a good job, cannot pass a civil service exam, get poor grades in college and flunk out of college, they will attribute their plight to racism. After all, they have a high school diploma, just as a white person has a high school diploma. In their minds, the only explanation for being treated differently is racism."

It's More Than Low IQ: White Culture is Rejected by Most Black Americans :

Intelligent populations create prosperous and orderly societies. The opposite is also true. Lower intelligence populations have disorderly societies, crime, poor achieving economies, poverty, less or no democracy and unhappiness. Intelligence causes civilization -- not the inverse.

The contrast between US Blacks and US Whites is a stark example of these differences. It's still extremely stark after 50+ years of desegregation, busing, affirmative action, income supports, lowered standards, welfare and Great Society "reparations."  Nothing has worked. The academic gap is the same or worse.  It was probably a huge mistake for the Supreme court to 'legislate' de-segregation because that's what people wanted and it "worked" in a way to create peaceful co-existence. All this because we can't be honest about Black "culture" (un-culture) and intelligence or the lack thereof.

All Because We Can't Be Honest About Black "Culture" and Intelligence :

Since desegregation, black kids have had to inhabit some of the same classes as white kids. It's really been destabilizing for them. It's destabilized society as a whole. What these kids are finding is that they can't compete with white kids and they are often completely lost.  It's like they are from another world.  They are 100% unable to admit this inequality of ability, so all kinds of excuses must be made. Blacks continue to live in a state of 100% denial of their inadequacy or incapability in academic areas.  I'm not trying to be mean, just trying to be real.

College Tuition Bubble: Far Too Many Unqualified Students Attending College

Race Realism: Teaching Black Kids is Nearly Impossible 

Black Kids Basically Can't Perform in US High Schools Part 2 

Academic Disaster In Detroit 

The Left is Pushing "Systemic Racism" Again, But the Problem is Low Black Intelligence and High Criminality

Also see the Essential Gulfcoastcommentary Index 


  1. In about four different places in this article it states these words and I shall paraphrase to the best of my ability.

    “And, it’s because we can’t be honest about the real situation in predominantly black schools.”

    Fascist-Book could be honest when it came to this article. It lasted less than 20 minutes when I posted it on their website. So I did it again. This time it lasted about two hours and it got deleted once more with a warning. But I didn’t care because in the last four 4
    I have been placed in everything from one week to 30 days suspension.

    So I just got through posting it again and I will wake up in the morning to see what the outcome is. I also put it on GETTR & TRUTHSOCIAL. Which I know it will still be there on both websites. It really is a shame that someone who is black and in the media spotlight would not pick up on those and broadcast it from their seat on CNN or, MSDNC.

    Sure they may lose their job over it. But at least they took a stand and they told the truth about something that you and I both know they know this entire article is truthful. But they work in an industry of lying and deceit. They know the truth when they see it they just refused to acknowledge it. And this entire article is truthful.

  2. It doesn't surprise me about FB and all the corporate media. If I had abbreviated "American Rennaissance" the outcome of the posting might be different. AmRen is banned from all platforms. OK, I'm going to try to change that reference now.

    If you can't be truthful about the reality of racial differences, you'll NEVER be able to find a solution or "work-around." This is the ultimate problem.

    Many times I've mentioned that we need trade school/Industrial arts high schools that teach reading, writing and arithmetic AND practical, vocational skills: culinary arts, bookeeping, electrician, plumbing, carpentry, home building, HVAC repair, car repair, etc.

    Once they spend a few years in vocational schools, these students can look to find apprenticeships at real businesses in their desired interest for training wage at first, then a full market wage soon thereafter. It's a win-win.

    I've also mentioned that it will never happen because about 1/2 of the students in these vocational high schools will be black and brown. This would be entirely too much reality for The Left!

  3. Walter Williams also shows why this cheating gives black folks the idea that there is "systemic racism"

    Baltimore's black students receive diplomas that attest that they can function at a 12th-grade level when in fact they may not be able to do so at a seventh- or eighth-grade level. These students and their families have little reason to suspect that their diplomas are fraudulent.

    Thus, if they cannot land a good job, cannot pass a civil service exam, get poor grades in college and flunk out of college, they will attribute their plight to racism. After all, they have a high school diploma, just as a white person has a high school diploma. In their minds, the only explanation for being treated differently is racism."

  4. GarlandRemingtonIIIJuly 2, 2022 at 4:39 PM

    “Many times I've mentioned that we need trade school/Industrial arts high schools that teach reading, writing and arithmetic AND practical, vocational skills: culinary arts, bookeeping, electrician, plumbing, carpentry, home building, HVAC repair, car repair, etc.”


    Mike Rowe has been saying this for a number of years now. Here is just a taste, from 1 of his websites. I don’t really know which one is my favorite either this one that I’m going to post the link. Or the other one called profoundly disconnected. Or maybe the one called, Mike Rowe Works.

    “ Eventually, Mike was overcome with a strange desire to give something back. On Labor Day 2008, he launched mikeroweWORKS, a PR campaign designed to reinvigorate the skilled trades. He’s since written extensively about the country’s relationship with work, the widening skills gap, offshore manufacturing, infrastructure decline, currency devaluation and several other topics for which he has no actual credentials.

    He once gave a TED Talk on the Changing Face of the Modern-Day Proletariat, in May 2011, he testified before the U.S. SENATE COMMERCE COMMITTEE about the importance of changing perceptions and stereotypes around blue-collar work and was asked back to testify to the HOUSE COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES in 2014.

    In late 2013, Mike and Caterpillar worked together to launch PROFOUNDLY DISCONNECTED, a new initiative focused on technical recruitment as well as the book Profoundly Disconnected®, A True Confession From Mike Rowe available at

    All the proceeds from the sale of the book go to the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, to be used for Work Ethic Scholarships and advocacy campaigns surrounding American manufacturing.

    Today, Mike runs the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, which awards scholarships to students pursuing a career in the skilled trades. He is closely associated with the Future Farmers of America, Skills USA, and the Boy Scouts of America, who honored him as a Distinguished Eagle Scout. For reasons he cannot explain, Forbes identified Mike as one of the country’s 10 Most Trustworthy Celebrities in 2010, 2011 and 2012.”

    Would it be possible if you would increase the sizing of the letters / lettering???

  5. Garland Remington IIIJuly 2, 2022 at 4:47 PM

    Surprise!!! maybe! just maybe!! there’s a fan of THE GULF——COAST ——COMMENTARY working over at Fascistbook! your last article I put up is still there, after being yanked down 3 times. BASTARDS!!

  6. If I deleted the reference to American Renaissance, they probably won't take it down.


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