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Thursday, November 28, 2024

An Iron Curtain Descends Over The West, Part 3

Preface by Doug: Please see An Iron Curtain Descends on the West and An Iron Curtain Descends on The West, Part 2 and Ireland and Scotland Have Fallen. I guess I must say now that the entire UK has fallen into the hands of neo-communist, Schwabian totalitarianism with Starmer at the helm.

Germany has also become a free speech nightmare. You had better NEVER say that the MENA and Muslim hoards that have intentionally been imported against the wishes of the population are a huge burden to your country! Oh NO! YOU CAN’T SAY THAT. You can’t say that in London, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden or Netherlands or in just about ANY European country. You’ll end up in court and in jail.

Remember, Geert Wilders, now the leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV) and, went to jail for saying that! He’s FAR RIGHT, don’t you know—as if this is a slander? The Left loves calling people that. Tommy Robinson is in jail—having exposed sex grooming activities of Muslim scumbags in the Midlands of England and law enforcement stifles his efforts in an effort to “cancel” him. Muslim’s criminal activities are so heinous that nobody wants to face them! Knifings, bombings, rapes, molestations, threats, intimidations are now widespread all over Europe—ruining 1000+ year of cultural advancement—in just a few years. It’s so difficult to build, but so easy to destroy. ]

From Martin Armstrong:

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Keir Starmer’s reign is akin to how America would have looked under a Kamala Harris presidency. The people have lost their ability to speak freely, and citizens are facing legal charges for speaking against Starmer’s regime. The New World Order is beginning right before our eyes.

“What is the nature of your prayer?” They are asking an Army Veteran.  Papers please!

A British Army veteran was convicted of expressing “disapproval of abortion.” This man spent 20 years proudly serving his nation. Yet, the Public Spaces Protection Order has deemed him a criminal for silently praying outside an abortion facility. He has been conditionally discharged and forced to pay a $12,000 (9,000 pound) fine for daring to pray in public.

The above video shows how disillusioned the authorities have become. “What is the nature of your prayer?” the police asked, to which the man replied he was praying for his deceased son. He was then told that he was praying in a “censorship zone,” where even your THOUGHTS can be criminalized.

Censorship zones were enacted in England and Wales on October 31, 2024. The zones are deemed “safe access zones” or “buffer zones,” and often span 150 meters around abortion clinics and hospitals. Protesting in any manner, handing out abortion alternative pamphlets, and any form of prayer – including silent prayer – is strictly prohibited. Scotland and Northern Ireland also implemented similar zones this October.

Another woman by the name of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested twice in Birmingham for silently praying in a buffer zone. Father Sean Gough has his day in court for the same crime. Both individuals were acquitted but now the government is no longer issuing slaps on the wrist.

The public is absolutely outraged. The army officer has received a petition with 60,000 signatures in his favor. Keir Starmer has failed to make a direct comment about the public outcry. People are understandably concerned over the government’s increasingly authoritarian policies. The Labour government has done away with the Freedom of Speech Act (2003) that was intended to protect free speech on university campuses. Starmer is looking for new methods to crack down on how people communicate online, and is not considering an amendment to the Online Safety Act that would punish people for speaking out against the government’s agenda online. Starmer has deemed any speech that goes against his wishes “misinformation” that must be criminalized.

Why are all the Build Back Better nations racing to eliminate free speech? The World Economic Forum (WEF) listed misinformation and disinformation as the most severe short-term global risk in its 2024 Global Risks Report. Schwab’s alliance demands international cooperation to stifle free speech. It calls for a “multi-sectoral approach” to ensure all media and tech companies carry out the government’s plan to defend the people against themselves.

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