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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Herland: Racism Against White Persons in Europe, While Ignoring Horrific Muslim Violence and Rape

By Hanne Nabintu Herland

Few cases have illustrated more brilliantly the profound effect of Marxist discrimination against the indigenous white Europeans than UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s blatant refusal over many years to hold accountable foreign born Muslim rapists, murderers and grooming gangs.

The story is as shocking as it is sad. An inquiry in British towns such as Rotherham uncovered that predominantly 1,400 white British girls had been sexually abused and tortured for almost 20 years, by Muslim men, mostly of Pakistani origin. Their families had been threatened into silence if they complained to the police. In Telford, an inquiry established that as much as 1,000 girls were abused over 40 years – some cases not investigated because of “nervousness about race”. In Oldham, an inquiry was set up after rumors spread online that children were being groomed in council homes, shisha bars and by taxi drivers, according to the BBC.

It was Elon Musk, who is part of the incoming Donald Trump’s political team, who blew the whistle on X and joined the UK public rage against Keir Starmer and his Labour government.

The main question remains: Why have UK leaders such as Prime Minister Starmer been so soft on the Muslim grooming rape gangs that have ravaged white, British girls for many years? Why does the predominantly white British population seem so defenseless? Why are their own political leaders not defending them?

The answer is that the neo-Marxist narrative that has dominated European politics since the 1960s, has automatically given dark-skinned immigrant-invaders the victim card while white indigenous Europeans have been handed the role as chronic abusers, racists, Islamophobes, far-right lunatics, Nazis, fascists and bigots. The message is that whites should be held harshly accountable in a way one would never dream of treating a dark-skinned immigrant-invader.

It was after World War II that a group of prominent atheists and neo-Marxist philosophers in Germany began the work to destroy the West’s trust in traditional, historical values such as the family, religion, God, free speech, individual freedom, justice, morality, rule of law. They called themselves The Frankfurt School and became the founding fathers of the 1960s student revolution that preached free sex and drugs, and the revolt against the traditional value system that was the pillar of stability in Western civilization.

Influential French philosophers were part of this demonic ideological push and heavily influenced the reading list in Western university courses.

Multiculturalism was one of the left-wing’s weapons. It opened Western civilization to cultural pollution and ultimately to disavowal by the West itself. The “deconstruction” of traditional Western values and the demonization of these values was the central aim of the cultural Marxists. The main goal was to evaluate individuals based on race and ethnicity in place of the traditional Western success model of equality under law. By so doing, a desired discrimination against the white indigenous European population was implemented, while dark-skinned immigrant-invaders were largely excused as persons one should “feel sorry for” and not hold accountable. This narrative, unjust and racist, implies that certain ethnic groups are not to be held accountable in the same way one would do with a “privileged” white person, thus creating a privilege for the dark skinned person.

With multiculturalism a system of differential rights and status based on race and gender became institutionalized. Equal treatment under law was transformed into race and gender based privileges in university admissions, employment, promotion, and general accountability.

Jacques Derrida, a member of the French left, speaks about power structures as pairs, one weak and the other strong, exemplified by opposites such as “male” versus “female”, “white” versus “black”, “majority” vs. “minority.”. He assumed that the power balance between these pairs are static. This means that the male and the white are always the strong elements in the pair, and the female and the black are always the weak. From this idea came the neo-Marxist feminism that currently is destroying the family and the natural relation between men and women.

Furthermore, since the “European” is always the strong and the dark-skinned immigrant is always the helpless victim in Derrida’s multiculturalism, the white man is always at the top, while the black man is always at the bottom. Consequently, one should always feel sorry for Africans or black Americans, but not for “privileged” white Americans or white Europeans. The dark-skinned man needs to be forever helped by privileges, since he is always being victimized by the white man.

Derrida’s analysis destroys equality under law and replaces it with a differential system of rights based on race, gender, and other indications of victimhood.

The greatness of America was based on assimilation to the national culture that resulted in unity regardless of race, creed, gender or ethnic origin. What Marxism has done is to destroy national unity. I describe in my book, New Left Tyranny, the deconstruction of unity into a Tower of Babel.

When British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Minister of Safeguarding Jess Phillips recently refused a national inquiry into the historic grooming gang scandal in Oldham, the internet exploded with angry reactions. The British people are raging mad after having lived with the discrimination against white British citizens for three decades. This problem is generalized across Europe.

It was Elon Musk’s comments on X that brought the horrifying details to international light by writing on X that Minister of Safeguarding Jess Phillips deserves to be in prison and that UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is evil and should be sentenced to prison. By posting “no justice for severe, violent crimes, but prison for social media posts,” Musk referred to the recent Southport stabbings in which British girls were killed by yet another foreign born immigrant-invader. Instead of supporting the strong popular reaction, Starmer instantly began a shocking Soviet style persecution of those who wrote critically about the stabbings in social media. Many white Brits have since gone to prison for social media posts critical of the government’s soft handling of immigrant-invader criminals and rape gangs.

Musk further pointed out that “serious crimes such as rape require the Crown Prosecution Service’s approval for the police to charge suspects. Who was the head of the CPS when rape gangs were allowed to exploit young girls without facing justice? Keir Starmer, 2008 -2013.”

Calling Starmer a “national embarrassment” Musk said he “must go,” stating that a number of British politicians should be in jail: “Starmer was complicit in the RAPE OF BRITAIN when he was head of Crown Prosecution for 6 years. Starmer must go and he must face charges for his complicity in the worst mass crime in the history of Britain.”

Musk’s tweet “Free Tommy Robinson” speaks volumes. The British journalist and anti-rape activist, Tommy Robinson is currently imprisoned in the UK, having been a central figure in the exposure of the Rotherham rape scandals.

In a recent interview with Jordan Peterson, Robinson spoke about the horrifying discrimination against whites that is ongoing in the UK as they attempt to get justice for hideous crimes. So, when Musk tweets that the UK justice system is broken, it depends on which system he is talking about. The current neo-Marxist, multicultural system is definitely not broken, continuing the implementation of institutionalized racism against the indigenous white British population. It is not broken, but perfectly achieving its aim.

Throughout the Western world the white ethnicities have been indoctrinated with guilt that has made them helpless against exploitation by immigrant-invaders.

Today European governments speak of the necessity of preparing for war with Russia while their own populations are terrorized by immigrant-invaders.

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