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Monday, February 17, 2025

Dr. Peterson Gives Piers Morgan a Great Reality Check on the Violent/Criminal Muslim "Culture"in the UK and Elsewhere

Islam can be, and is an enormous evil now and in history. It's deadly, abusive and murderous because Muhammed was a psychopath that enabled psychopathy in many of his "followers" & in human history

 It can be found here:  https://youtu.be/ExycUWmckRQ?si=_vYKeJgld0Sy_mBi 

A rough transcript from Doug:

(Peterson speaking to Piers): There's another ugly issue here Piers, that no one will grapple with, which is, you know, you described Tommy Robinson as anti-muslim, let's say. But we don't understand the relationship between the religious doctrine and the fact of these crimes. I want to make two cases here: the 1st case is that:

Forty out of fifty Muslim majority countries in the world are authoritarian hell-holes. And only three of them are democracies: that is Morocco, Indonesia and Turkey. And I wouldn't put them in higher escalons of "stellar states." Why is that? Is that deviation from Islamic principles or is it the consequence of Islamism?? Now nobody wants to have a discussion and it's no bloody wonder. [ Hell, I know what the answer is! I don’t need to be told.]

So that's the negative side. There are certainly doctrines in Islam that are very, very difficult to square with free, liberal, Christian democracies [Doug here: to put it far too mildly]. And those difference are not just apparent, they are deep! On the optimistic side that we could turn to Islamic leaders like those who run the UAE and even to some degree in Saudi Arabia and the signatories of the Abraham Accords, to find a different pathway. There have been stellar leaders both from UAE and Saudi that have said publicly that they've got their Islamic fundamentalists under control and firmly in hand; and that they are completely un-deluded about their danger. But Europeans are virtual signaling so hard on the progressive side, that the fundamental danger from Islamic fundamentalists that's going to come the UK and Europe and NOT from the Arab States.

Now Tommy Robinson is being pillaried as being "anti-Islam" or Islamophobic, but there needs to be a discussion here; and no one wants to have it. You said we need a national inquiry. We need more than a natinal inquiry, we need something like an international symposium on the relationship between Islamic world and the Christian west.

There are ugly things afoot and they manifested themselves in the most hideous of all possible ways in the UK with regards to these rape crimes and the coverup. There’s'something to be sorted out at the bottom of all this. And one of them is "you talk about moderate Muslims..” …like I looked up the polling data today; it's about 3/4s of UK Muslims would be perfectly content if Sharia Law happened to be the principal of the day in the UK as a whole. And said that it is would ok if Islam became the national religion. Now, that 75%. A cynic would say "just where the hell are these moderates?" And at minimum, their voice needs to be amplified.

And then we could also point out that the participation in these rapes, by members of the Pakistani Muslim commmunities, is about 1 in 7 of the men in some of these communities were directly involved. And that meant that EVERYONE knew about it! Absolutely everyone on the Pakistani Muslim side, and the moderates were certainly silent and therefore complicit. And obviously so were the authorities. And so thats a complete bloody catasphrophe for everyone involved.

But theres'a serious converstaion to be had, particularly in the West; particularly in the UK, maybe France and Germany in 2nd place, about just exactly how it is that Liberal Western Democracies, with their emphasis on the rights of women, can live side by side with Islam in general--especially the sort of Islam that's transformed into enabling fundamentalism that allows this sort of criminality on the part of the psychopathic, resentful psyhchopathic sadists.

At least Piers was open to hearing Jordan't opinion despite Piers calling Tommy Robinson islamophobic....you have to give him that.


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