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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wayne Root: All Roads Lead to Obama; the Fraudulent "Manchurian" Candidate and Professional Communist- All 3 Terms


By Wayne Allyn Root

All roads lead to Obama. He is the shot caller. He is the communist traitor behind everything bad that has happened to America, the US economy, and President Trump.

I believe it all started at Columbia University.

Yes, I have a history with Obama. We were college classmates at Columbia University. We were both Pre-Law and political science majors. We both graduated on the same day in 1983. We both went into politics eventually.

That’s where the similarities ended.

I’m a conservative warrior and capitalist evangelist. I made millions of dollars as a risk-taking entrepreneur in the business world. He became a “community organizer” (ie a communist traitor).

I’m pro-business. I believe in economic and personal freedom, free speech, limited government, low taxes and very little regulation.

Obama hates business. He believes in socialism, massive taxes and government regulation, the green energy scam, open borders and the weaponization of government against free speech.

Trust me, the root (excuse the pun) of everything bad that has happened to America is called “the Obama problem.” And the secrets to how it started are all found at Columbia University.

First, how did Obama get into Columbia? In those days there were virtually no college transfers accepted at Columbia. Only the number one student at Harvard might have had a shot. Maybe. But Barack was a lousy student coming from a mediocre college (Occidental). So how did he transfer into Ivy League Columbia in 1981? It was literally impossible.

I’ve always believed the only way Obama could have been admitted to Columba was as a “foreign exchange student.” Columbia U. loved letting in students from exotic countries- like Indonesia (where Obama grew up). It was a fast-track way to gain acceptance into Columbia.

Which is fine. Except for the fact that if Obama claimed Indonesian citizenship to get into Columbia U, then he was never qualified to serve as President of the United States.

Secondly, how did he graduate when he was never there? We were in all the same classes as Pre-Law and political science majors- yet I never saw him once. Neither did any classmate I’ve ever spoken to. Neither did any professor I’ve ever spoken to. Obama was literally “the Ghost of Columbia.”

I’ve always believed he was either a CIA plant who was given a Columbia U. degree without ever stepping foot on campus, or he spent his two years at Columbia’s sister school in Moscow studying Communism 101.

Lastly, his entire agenda has always been built around a strategy we all learned at Columbia called “Cloward Piven.” This plan was created by two Columbia professors- a husband-wife communist team named Cloward and Piven.

Whether Obama was ever actually in class at Columbia, or not, his entire agenda and strategy has always been built around “Cloward-Piven.” This plan was a detailed “how to” strategy to destroy America, and capitalism, and the great American middle class, by getting everyone on welfare, food stamps and free healthcare, until the debt explodes, the economy is overwhelmed, and the country collapses.

Sound familiar? Recognize this plan? It’s exactly what was carried out in Obama’s two terms, and then exploded times one thousand in Obama’s third term (with brain-dead puppet Joe Biden as the frontman).

But instead of just trying to get everyone in America on welfare, food stamps and free healthcare, Obama expanded the plan on steroids with open borders. Obama and his communist cabal welcomed the entire poverty-stricken and welfare-dependent third world into America to bury our country with debt, overwhelm the economy, and collapse the country.

Obama also added another twist- which he probably learned from studying communism at Columbia’s sister school in the Soviet Union…


Obama used government agencies to destroy his opposition- just like the Soviet KGB. Trump was the target. He received the bulk of the persecution and lawfare. First Obama ordered the spying on Trump and his campaign…then Obama ordered the persecution of Trump with a fraud called “Russian Collusion”…then Obama ordered the indictments against Trump…then Obama, in collusion with New York state communist politicians, ordered the civil suits against Trump to take away his assets and bankrupt him.

But long before the Trump persecution, there was my persecution.

Obama began and sharpened his obsession with weaponization by ordering the IRS to destroy his political opposition. Before he targeted Trump, he targeted yours truly.

I was at the top of Obama’s “Enemies List” for the “crime” of being a regular guest on Fox News and not only exposing Obama for the communist traitor he was (and still is), but also for daring to expose his scams at Columbia U.

Obama sent the IRS to destroy me from 2010 to 2013. I was attacked day and night by Obama’s version of the Gestapo/Soviet KGB. Like Trump, I survived, but lost tremendous amounts of money, and time, and endured tremendous stress and anguish.

I believe the attacks and scams perpetrated on America, capitalism, the US economy, and the great American middle class, all started at Columbia U. with Obama’s lies, fraud, scams, and”Cloward-Piven” education.

And the weaponization, lawfare and persecution perpetrated on President Trump, started with Obama persecuting his Columbia college classmate- Wayne Allyn Root.

My advice to President Trump, FBI Director Kash Patel and Attorney General Pam Bondi…

First, all roads lead to Obama. He is the man behind the spying on President Trump, the “Russian Collusion” scam, the green energy scam, the intentional destruction of America with open borders, and the persecution of President Trump. It all starts and ends with Obama. He called all the shots. Investigate and prosecute Obama.

Second, the secrets that launched this evil communist “Manchurian Candidate” all started at Columbia University. Go back to Columbia. Demand to see Obama’s files. Demand to see how he admitted to Columbia. Demand to see his attendance records. This scam will all start to unravel.

All roads lead to Obama.

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