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Friday, July 8, 2016

America's March to 3rd World Status, Then Collapse

The US is now rapidly following places like Argentina and Venezuela in it's descent into 3rd world status. I gave warning that the US was becoming Venezuela in March 2013 in US Becoming Venezuela; Obama is Chavez-lite. What I wrote remains even more valid now.

Just this week, Hillary received a "pardon" from her crony buddies that clearly exposed the cozy cult of elites who are immune from the law, prosecution and accountability. The absence of accountability is particularly important for our current elites given that everything they have done in the past 7 years or more has been a complete and utter failure. Not one success. It's been all failures and flops and then all lies to cover them up.  All lies, all the time.

Hillary's entire intent of her off-the-record and insecure personal email "arrangement" was all about avoiding any record of her hustling for political contributions to her slush fund. She's sold access to anyone with money, including foreign enemies, all for her personal enrichment to the tune of $100 million or more. It's all about "pay to play." She completely failed as Secretary of State because her only intent was to use her office for her financial gain. She doesn't give a shit about anyone but her. She's a total disaster for this country. And we're told that she is the most qualified candidate ever by the most incompetent President ever.

The lesson is that law and order is now bought and paid-for if you are one of the "connected" or "privileged ones." Never mind that General Petraeus was prosecuted vigorously for his pillow talk and supposedly endangering national security. (I guess he was Republican?)  The little guy goes to jail for a marijuana roach in his pocket, but thieving, lying Hillary, who has enriched herself immensely by using her office for her own benefit, is allowed to break the law and endanger the security of the country, and faces no consequences or accountability. Hillary is the equivalent to Christina de Kirchner, who was allowed to do huge damage to Argentina while enriching herself immensely.  Law and order under Obama is largely gone (except for repeated slap-downs by the Supreme Court) and is replaced by propaganda, crony connections and manipulations for the "elite" and "connected." Obama is Chavez-lite and Hillary is De Kirchner.

The key thing about the march to 3rd world, is when politicians will say or do anything to stay in power and don't give a shit about the good of their country. This is made worse when the media is in bed with these very people and act as their propaganda apparatus to "cover up" the truth. Obama has never given a damn about the good of the country. His election wasn't about the good of the country, only to "tick off boxes"to promote the Left's socialist agenda. We had to have a "black president"! Tick! Never mind that the candidate was utterly unqualified and un-vetted to the point of absurdity. Now we are told that we have to tick the box "Woman President" despite Hillary's self-serving behavior and a record of perfect failure. Both of these people have failed at EVERYTHING; both foreign and domestic. The entire Left is unfit to govern at all.

This past week was very instructive in many ways. Just think about what happened. Attorney General Lynch had a hush-hush meeting with Bill Clinton in private, shooing away reporters and blacking out any coverage, probably with death threats.  So, here's the nation's top lawyer violating all the rules of litigation, good sense and the intent of the law and meets with the party being investigated to arrange a cozy little deal.  I heard that Secret Service agents were livid. Only a local reporter brought this meeting to light.

A few days later, FBI director Comey lists all of her outrageous violations but concludes that it wasn't a good case for a prosecutor. Because Lynch's position was totally compromised by her outrageous and truly stupid behavior, Comey was given the "right" to decide whether to prosecute or not -- which isn't his job! It's Lynch's!

During Comey's testimony to Congress, privileged Hillary was on Air Force One, enjoying all the wonderful spoils paid for by hard-working Americans, on her way to a campaign event where Obama proclaimed that Hillary was the most qualified and deserving candidate ever; maybe better than George Washington.  Oh how far we've fallen. Our country's leaders once were the most spiritually and intellectually enlightened people on earth. Now we have hucksters, grifters and parasites.

But that's not all.

Then, Obama once again starting flapping his lips about yet another white police officer's encounter with a black suspect that ended in a shooting of the black guy.  Naturally Obama sides with the black guy and spouts off about police violence without knowing anything about the case.  Does he EVER know the specifics before making a fool of himself??  (and again the "media" protects him.)   This inflamed an already inflamed situation and shooting sprees broke out in Dallas, with irate blacks killing 5 innocent WHITE police officers. Similar things happened in other cities.

Obama had already started a war on police with irresponsible statements in previous cases. That resulted in police pulling back and allowed huge surges of black (on black) violence increasing dramatically in Ferguson, Baltimore and other places. Because of Obama's irresponsibility and stupidity, many blacks have died. Obama has now started a race war and this has caused both black and white people to die.   Worse. President. Ever.

The Race Toward 3rd World Status

The key takeaway is that we've reached a point where the politicians care not one bit about the good of the country and are only focused on their own benefits and agenda of personal gain. This is what happens in dramatically collapsed countries like Venezuela and Argentina.

Obama and Hillary and most others have done nothing to fix any problem in this country, and have only created more of them.  It's especially sad when nearly everything the Federal government is doing is broken and unfixed. We're headed headlong into another financial crisis in the next few months as nothing was really fixed in 2009, especially in Europe (even worse than the US). Our nation's finances are in worse shape than ever. Obama has doubled our national debt to $19 Trillion with nothing to show for it.  All that money was pissed away.  Central bank emergency measures remain in place 8 years after the last emergency. Obama's government crows like an idiot how the economy is so good and how he saved the world. The truth is we're well and truly near the end of a very long charade.

Zero interest rates are destroying Capitalism itself and any hope for the future. Insane academicians at central bankers all around the world are running rampant destroying savers, pensioners, pension funds, insurance companies and capitalism itself. And it appears that they created a new mandate to support the stock and bond market to protect elites!!  Bumbling Obama destroyed our health insurance marketplace and caused an extremely damaging price spiral. College tuition is being inflated at 3 times the rate of inflation by government loans/guarantees. Never mind that the next generation is completely screwed. Nothing is fixed. Already 14% of graduates are officially in default on their debts with little hope and even less money. Some 43% of debtors are not repaying their loans (see the next blog entry). No, the job market isn't good. It's crap!  The big banks are now basically nationalized and are illegal sources of funds for the government.  Nothing is done. The robbery and damage continues. Politicians love the Central Bankers because they are "covering up" for the failure of politicians to do or fix anything. And I'll bet big bucks that Janet Yellen is a proud Democrat.

In the next crisis, these insane and destructive central bankers will start wholesale money printing to buy (monetize) government debt as the economy fails and tax revenues collapse. The final collapse will be an inflationary collapse like we're seeing in Venezuela!!  The Federal Reserve should have already been reformed or eliminated by now to prevent this. But again, nothing is done.  Oh, how far we've fallen.

Obama and the Left have started a class war, a war on business, a war on police and a race war. They want to promote dissent & conflict to justify "emergency" measures then "emergency powers." We're already very close to financial and social collapse. Sounds like Chavez and Maduro to me.  You watch.

Other observations and evidence of our descent into 3rd world status:
  • Law and order no longer exists in this country whether you're talking about immigration law abuse, or even the normal function of our Constitutional government. I'm referring to Obama's refusal to work with Congress, the people's elected representatives, is totally unconstitutional!  And our President is pledged to uphold the Constitution!  He's taken an oath to swear this!
  • We've learned that you're now protected if you're one of the connected "elites" as easily demonstrated by Hillary's abuse of office and abuse of our national security.  The media is complicit in a cover-up of this situation. Sounds like the Politburo in the old USSR. Because it is!
  • The Left is control of the media outlets to the extent that it is clearly propagandistic. Truth is hidden. Real journalism is dead. It's sad because Democracy depends on a robust and independent media. Instead, we're well on the road to tyranny.
  • Leftists control college curricula and are indoctrinating our impressionable young people into Leftist principles. It's paid off as large numbers of millenials support Socialism and Bernie Sanders. It shows how ignorant our graduates are.  They have never been taught how Socialism destroys societies.  Journalism schools are apparently teaching nothing but Leftism judging by the bias of our media outlets.
  • Skyrocketing debt is direct threat to our republic. It's even worse then it looks due to the ongoing entitlement demographic crisis
  • Meanwhile, the population is being kept distracted by iPhones and they are being subsequently manipulated by Google and Facebook--always toward The Left of course.
  • Ever bigger and wasteful & counterproductive govt. is the rule, despite the fact that everything related to government function is failing and/or wasteful and/or counterproductive.
  • The prosperous are falsely attacked of 'not paying their fair share" but it's a total lie. The top 40% is paying nearly ALL taxes.  But prosperous people must be vilified to "extract" and "confiscate" more of their money. Think Chavez once again. The failing government needs more and more money--other people's money.  All to redistribute to the most unworthy people to buy votes.
  • Moves to disarm the population leaving only the elites with gun protection. Think Venezuela right now!
  • Vilifying prosperous people even though wealthy people make the right choices, do the right things. All to extract or confiscate money to redistribute to unworthy people who do the wrong things, make all the wrong choices. It's really about buying votes.
  • Open borders is a long term ploy to indiscriminately allow large numbers of the most unsophisticated and poorly-educated immigrants from the poorest, most violent countries in Central America and make them "grateful" for the Leftist party and vote that way.  It's all about buying votes. It's an outrageous scam and it's being covered-up by MSM.
  • The Left not only destroys societies but destroys private markets like the government takeover of the US health insurance market (Obamacare). Refusing to change it even though it has only helped 2% while the remaining 98% suffer. Media covers-up the disaster.
  • Income inequality is rising, poverty at new highs despite our supposed "recovery"and all the handouts.  
  • Politicians and the government are bought and paid-for by various interests.  There's a unholy alliance between Big government and Big Business. This results in favored cartels including the Military-Industrial complex,  the healthcare insurers, drug companies and the "saved" big banks. It's all about money. The good of the country is not a primary concern.
Crisis is coming to our country and world and it's being brought to you by failed politicians and horrible central bankers. It's "baked-in." Crises have already enveloped many countries in Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. Crisis always starts at the periphery and works toward the core. Next will be Europe and Russia. The Brexit vote is signaling EU political and financial collapse there in the months ahead. China is drowning in bad debts--- debts taken out to literally "save the world" in 2009 until 2014. Massive devaluations in China will reverberate around the world. Banking crises in Europe will bring back financial crisis conditions soon to the entire world. I don't see a way out as everything is so broken.

This may very well happen before the November election. It's entirely probable that a full-fledged crisis is so scary that only Mr. Trump is seen as strong enough to face it.


  1. Yep, pretty much nailed it. The only thing to consider is the response of scared capital, which will not bring hyperinflation to the core (US dollar). Reform of the monetary system (Bretton Woods 2.0) will be forced first, maybe as early as 2018, as dollar-based debts around the world explode with the rising dollar and rates.

  2. Thanks for the comment. I believe that inflation might be the long range end of all this central banking money printing/debt monetization. In the next crisis, tax revenues will largely collapse along with global supply chains (not unlike late 2008). But the Fed Reserve will buy most of the government debt created. So, many people will get income support from the government but supply of goods is curtailed. Thus, rapid price rises thanks to your wonderful government.


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