The economy is so bad, who would blame a young person to call for Socialism as an alternative?
Every statistic from the government is a lie. Unemployment is advertised as lowest in decades ('technically' true but basically bullshit). Inflation is raging in the most important areas: healthcare, rent, housing, tuition, food. Voters are told by presidential candidates that the government will create jobs (nonsense).
This generation, and any future generation, can't afford college now thanks to the still-unchecked Govt loan bubble inflating books and tuition to the moon. This and the next generation can't afford a house since the Federal Reserve has inflated them beyond their reach. Good luck getting an affordable apartment since rent has doubled or tripled in most of our country since 2008. Healthcare is so expensive that no one can afford it. No one can afford even a modest medical procedure without being bankrupted, leading to a situation where few can pay their medical bills -- all thanks to the Govt-sponsored medical/pharma cartels and the dominance of Govt spending in medicine. Families of four, not covered by employers, face $31,000 per year in healthcare costs if anything goes wrong ($24K for insurance if nothing goes wrong). The national debt is going exponential --- all on the backs of our children and their children. The next generation is completely screwed. And for what? For a lousy 2% GDP "growth" during the last 10 years?? The truth is that inflation is understated and "growth" inflated by debt-fueled spending. We've actually been in an economic contraction since 2008 and no one is being honest about that.
Our war on poverty has failed, our war on drugs has failed, the country hasn't outright won a war since WWII, the government caused two financial crashes in the past 15 years and another is about to burst. Each time the economy gets even worse. It's all because of the US govt. And no one learns a thing. The entire government colossus should be burnt down. It's time for a new American Revolution, really a massive reset, to do it.
"Government" is causing everything to fail. Everything "government" touches turns to shit and Government is touching everything!
Government at all levels (and low median IQ) have caused a near total cultural collapse of the black population in this country. And they are near revolt. Black poverty is higher than ever thanks in part to government destruction of black families (thanks to the Great Society War on Poverty). "Government" has caused ruin to the lives of Blacks just like they ruined the lives of the Native Americans. Multi-generational welfare rot, ruined public housing, utterly dysfunctional unionized schools, massive ignorance and drug and alcohol addiction is rampant. Now about 10% of all black men are in prison. Even black high school graduation rates are exaggerated because no one is counting the large number of young black kids in jail.
The rest of the population is not doing well either thanks to the de-industrialization of our country by 30+ years of Globalist politicians. There is literally no hope left in large parts of the country. To wit, opium addiction and overdose is suddenly now killing 50,000 people per year. And alarmingly, life expectancy is declining in this country. The US is NOT the shining city on the hill anymore. There is no hope out there.
And now, young people want Socialism even though it's a proven loser. People want to turn to alternative economic systems since our economy is so ravaged by Big Government failures and the Big Corruption that always accompanies Big Govt. Big Government breeds Big Corporations too. It wasn't supposed to be this way. The US Constitution is clear in it's design for limited government and sound money.
Not one person or candidate is demanding that the Federal bureaucracy be dismantled and quickly. Is everyone blind? And we wonder why some unstable, hopeless individuals grab their gun and shoot-up the place to inflict as much pain as they can?
Our entire heritage of western civilization is under attack by Leftism (Socialism) and Islam. Traditional religious denominations are failing and ignored. Christianity is dying in Europe and elsewhere and Christians and Christianity are once again being slaughtered into oblivion in the Middle East by Muslims while the West and the Catholic Church just passively look on. The leader of Catholic Church, Pope Francis, who is steeped (brainwashed) in all the failed socialist ideas prevalent in Latin America and who hasn't learned a thing, is a utter fool.
The State and The Left have chased God out of schools, universities and our society, leaving only fools in charge. Where there is no God, there are only fools. Foolish is an apt description of Western culture now.
Our county's huge success is ultimately based firmly on the Christian (and Jewish) religions, civilizations and cultures as recorded in the Bible, and later adopted and incorporated into Roman and European cultures. More recently, we enjoy a 1000 year history of Anglo ideas and philosophies, dating from Pre-Norman times to the Magna Carta and beyond, that ultimately culminated in the exceptional US Constitution and culture. These outstanding ideas, based ultimately in, and combined with, the work ethic and Judeo-Christian ethics of mostly white European immigrants to the US, led to the most successful and vibrant political, economic and social "experiment" ever seen in world history: the USA (and descendants of white Europeans including Canada, Australia, New Zealand).
All that we have is primarily the result of White, mostly English-speaking, Northern European accomplishments with solid roots in Christianity. If you read about the phony memes of our day, all of this is being rejected--most often by minorities. Un-anchored by tradition and knowledge, we're inundated by falsehoods. No, we're not all the same. No, not all religions are the same. And no, not all races are equal. The White race has been in fact superior in nearly every way. You will be booted off of Facebook, Twitter or any college campus for uttering any of those words since the speech-oppressive culture described in Orwell's 1984 book has asserted itself, (especially in Europe).
Many people, sitting in lovely houses and sitting in comfortable luxury, have rejected organized religion or Christianity---including so-called Atheists. They might say that they are more "spiritual" rather than a Christian. Not only are young people open to new economic systems, but also rejecting our own religious heritage.
The simple truth is that Christianity is dying especially in the West, where faith in man and his institutions (government) are offered as a substitute for Christianity. Socialism has tried to usurp faith community's role in charity by substituting faceless and impersonal institutional redistribution, leaving less need for the more personal faith community. Communist governments have sought to eliminate and outlaw religious faith entirely and substitute "man" instead of God. The State has gotten into the education "business" too where higher learning began in mostly Protestant and Catholic Universities (see a list here for just the US). While Christianity is essentially dead in Europe, killed by the State, Islam is allowed to flood into Europe. These Muslims, in comparison to Christians, are extremely confident, even arrogant and supremacist, in their views. They bring their own culture, their own legal system and are determined to overpopulate and dominate any area that they occupy. They don't integrate into their host cultures and they aren't working because these people are incompetent, low to no skill, and have nothing to offer! And they are fighting and murdering 100s of thousands per decade in wars against Kaffirs (any other faith) in dozens of countries. In sum, government and Islam seem determined to wipe out Christianity and Christians once again.
Not one person or candidate is demanding that the Federal bureaucracy be dismantled and quickly. Is everyone blind? And we wonder why some unstable, hopeless individuals grab their gun and shoot-up the place to inflict as much pain as they can?
Cultural Suicide
Our entire heritage of western civilization is under attack by Leftism (Socialism) and Islam. Traditional religious denominations are failing and ignored. Christianity is dying in Europe and elsewhere and Christians and Christianity are once again being slaughtered into oblivion in the Middle East by Muslims while the West and the Catholic Church just passively look on. The leader of Catholic Church, Pope Francis, who is steeped (brainwashed) in all the failed socialist ideas prevalent in Latin America and who hasn't learned a thing, is a utter fool.
The State and The Left have chased God out of schools, universities and our society, leaving only fools in charge. Where there is no God, there are only fools. Foolish is an apt description of Western culture now.
Our county's huge success is ultimately based firmly on the Christian (and Jewish) religions, civilizations and cultures as recorded in the Bible, and later adopted and incorporated into Roman and European cultures. More recently, we enjoy a 1000 year history of Anglo ideas and philosophies, dating from Pre-Norman times to the Magna Carta and beyond, that ultimately culminated in the exceptional US Constitution and culture. These outstanding ideas, based ultimately in, and combined with, the work ethic and Judeo-Christian ethics of mostly white European immigrants to the US, led to the most successful and vibrant political, economic and social "experiment" ever seen in world history: the USA (and descendants of white Europeans including Canada, Australia, New Zealand).
All that we have is primarily the result of White, mostly English-speaking, Northern European accomplishments with solid roots in Christianity. If you read about the phony memes of our day, all of this is being rejected--most often by minorities. Un-anchored by tradition and knowledge, we're inundated by falsehoods. No, we're not all the same. No, not all religions are the same. And no, not all races are equal. The White race has been in fact superior in nearly every way. You will be booted off of Facebook, Twitter or any college campus for uttering any of those words since the speech-oppressive culture described in Orwell's 1984 book has asserted itself, (especially in Europe).
Many people, sitting in lovely houses and sitting in comfortable luxury, have rejected organized religion or Christianity---including so-called Atheists. They might say that they are more "spiritual" rather than a Christian. Not only are young people open to new economic systems, but also rejecting our own religious heritage.
The simple truth is that Christianity is dying especially in the West, where faith in man and his institutions (government) are offered as a substitute for Christianity. Socialism has tried to usurp faith community's role in charity by substituting faceless and impersonal institutional redistribution, leaving less need for the more personal faith community. Communist governments have sought to eliminate and outlaw religious faith entirely and substitute "man" instead of God. The State has gotten into the education "business" too where higher learning began in mostly Protestant and Catholic Universities (see a list here for just the US). While Christianity is essentially dead in Europe, killed by the State, Islam is allowed to flood into Europe. These Muslims, in comparison to Christians, are extremely confident, even arrogant and supremacist, in their views. They bring their own culture, their own legal system and are determined to overpopulate and dominate any area that they occupy. They don't integrate into their host cultures and they aren't working because these people are incompetent, low to no skill, and have nothing to offer! And they are fighting and murdering 100s of thousands per decade in wars against Kaffirs (any other faith) in dozens of countries. In sum, government and Islam seem determined to wipe out Christianity and Christians once again.
In the US, we've strayed from knowledge of God, the Bible, the Ten Commandments, our History and our Constitution. The latest generation and most of our incoming non-European immigrants know even less of these things. So it should be no surprise that our corrupt leaders know nothing and don't care about anyone but themselves. Ever bigger government and debt, unsound money, unsound banking and social, moral, cultural and economic decay and failure is leading to massive societal failures. We're left with nothing but the unwise and fools in charge. Our nation is at risk. Western civilization is at risk. .
This is true but its all planned by a group of of shore elite who plan to bring down western society. The goal is to create such terrible conditions that will lead to he emergence of a New world order. America sadly will be destroyed and a technological dictatorship will emerge. We are headed for hell on earth