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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Nations Torn Asunder: When Natural Law is Subverted By Government

Explanation of “Natural Law”

And here’s a brilliant explanation of “natural law” from Gary Barnett at Substack quoting "Natural Law, or the Science of Justice" (1882) by Lysander Spooner (author) :

The beauty, simplicity, and justice, of natural law is a thing to behold. It harms no one, and protects everyone; this the essence of freedom. Nothing else is necessary concerning man's interactions with man, as natural law is based upon the premise of doing no harm to another, no use of force against another, and no infringement upon another or his property. Natural laws alone are the only laws necessary.

The foundation and justification of natural law is centered on truth, honesty, and exacting justice, without any bias or undue force in the process. Each individual has to be responsible for upholding natural law. This can be done independently or with a collective of individuals working together, so long as any and all seeking and protecting justice, do so voluntarily, and without any evidence of coercion. There cannot be any shifting of blame in order to avoid guilt, dishonesty, or power-seeking in any legitimate free society, but of course, a society of this nature is simply peaceful anarchy, strictly based only on natural law.

The laws of nature, natural laws, do not need to be written down, or commanded by the State, as simply understanding that one cannot do any harm to another, or infringe on another's life, property, and freedom, is a sufficient understanding of right and wrong. With this knowledge in hand, why then are hundreds of thousands (or more) 'laws' made arbitrarily by this heinous government?

I think this sort of "natural law" was in force in the colonial days and into the Jefferson administration and onto the late 1800s. Christianity and Judaism, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Ten Commandments were our first "Honor codes" and codified our Natural law with nearly no central government. That and a 1000 year old common history and heritage.

There was a miniscule central government and no central bank before 1913, when Income Taxes and a US Central Bank were established.

With the establishment of Income Taxes and a Central Bank, all hell broke loose. In the first 10 years of it’s creation, the “Federal” Reserve allowed massive inflation where consumer prices went up 110% from 1913 to 1921, while Income top tax rates went from 1% to 70% to fund the US Government’s involvement in Europe’s World War I. Then came very sharp economic Depression in 1920. See my post 1913 Income Tax and "Federal" Reserve Acts Were Immediately and Massively Destructive. Note that top income tax rates never went down until JFK and Reagan.

Although the Federal government was miniscule until WWII (and really through the 1950s). But since then, you could correctly say that the Federal Reserve AND the Income Tax Acts of 1913 were, and continue to be, responsible for our increasingly bloated and war-loving government for more than 100 years.

Despite all that, our European heritage (ethics, ‘honor,’ common culture) was our cultural gift that kept paying dividends in prosperity and increasing standards of living. Back then, the US was 84% White persons of mostly EUROPEAN heritage. US blacks had their separate neighborhoods and communities and they had their own neighborhood schools and colleges and had their own ‘culture’ and a significantly different ‘honor code’ of sorts.

Someone decided that that all that European “whiteness” had to end! It was Democrats. In 1965, they literally voted to reject our cultural heritage of traditional European immigration —to turn this entirely successful trend upside down to prefer ANYONE BUT Europeans; meaning mostly brown and black-skinned and definitely NOT European.

They did it because they knew that, in Marxist thought, where you DON'T have a deep, homogeneous, highly evolved and intelligent population with a culture and honor, then you need ever more government, zillions of laws, lawyers and AND MORE CONTROL. Really, the blessed, peaceful “Natural Law” had to go! All of our success left little room for Marxist infiltration, so….

You see, if your society is diluted by un-intelligent, uncultured and/or un-educated and/or uncivilized people who have no code of conduct and morality, then you need laws---zillions of them and more lawyers. And that's where the USA is at and it keeps getting worse due to the full-on "white replacement"effort by our evil Democrats and supra-national forces of evil.

The “Great Replacement” that began in 1965 has now "gone exponential" with open borders, alien invaders from disparate places with minimal education, and from primitive cultures that are MUCH inferior to ours. This was and is being done on purpose both here and in Europe.

Now, the entirety of Western Civ is being destroyed in front of our eyes: Sweden has a bombing and rape problem now after 1000 years of peace and tranquility. London has it’s knife attacks and Islamic leaders, pro-Palestinian protests where you’re not allow to carry a British flag. England doesn’t even look English now. Free speech is a thing of the past in Germany and the UK. Manchester has it’s Sharia Law and a shocking Islamic sexual predation—the grooming of children into pedophilia that is known and organized. The police look away. This is why Tommy Robinson is being continally persecuted by the “authorities.” Crime has overtaken entire continents now. Ireland and Scotland have fallen. Really the UK has fallen. Germany is in the hands of totalitarians again—in a New Normal Reich where all types of speech is prosecuted.

You’re witnessing the suicide pact of Western Civilization destruction— orchestrated by shadowy elites like Davos elites, the Gates and Rockefellas of the world and, of course, the WEF. The path forward is only decay, decline, disruption, war, more debt, bankruptcy —all due to DISHONOR—the intentional dishonoring of our cultural heritage and it’s preservation like Japan has done.

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