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Saturday, January 25, 2025

Trump Will End the EPA and Gov't Climate Initiatives and Spending


The following executive order from Donald J. Trump was issued on Jan 25th gives the EPA one month to justify it’s war on CO2 and their administrative war on business and citizens:

…..Within 30 days of the date of this order, the Administrator of the EPA, in collaboration with the heads of any other relevant agencies, shall submit joint recommendations to the Director of 0MB on the legality and continuing applicability of the Administrator’s findings, “Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases Under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act,” Final Rule, 74 FR 66496 (December 15, 2009).


It’s the first sign of hope in a long time that the global climate scam, or the Green New Scam; our government’s massive power grab and the insane spending for an entirely impossible attempt at reducing CO2 emissions, electrifying everthing and controlling our businesses & citizens are numbered.

Big Lie #1: Trace Amounts of CO2 in the Atmosphere are “Dangerous” to Human Life

If you’ve read this blog, you know that I have complained about the EPA’s illegal power grab must be reversed because it’s based on a lie. The lie is that carbon dioxide is "harmful or threatening to human health" at current and projected levels. This is also called in government speak the “endangerment clause.” It’s the basis for all government programs to spend massive amounts of money to convert everything to electrical, stifle fossil fuels, control citizens, EV subsidies, solar/wind subsidies, carbon taxes, etc. But to call 400 parts per million (ppm) levels of CO2 in the atmosphere "harmful to human or public health" is untrue and should be reversed. It's just not true. It’s STILL a trace gas in the atmosphere at 0.04%, up from 0.032% from 100 years ago. Even at 1000 or 1500 ppm CO2 will not significantly change the climate.

Fig 1: Compostion of Earth’s atmosphere

Unlike other gases such as sulfur dioxide, CO2 is naturally occurring at about 0.030% (300 ppm) (usually much higher in most of Earth’s history —see the Figure 2 below.) All trees, plants, algae, crops and phytoplankton require it for their photosynthesis and all of these are the bases for nearly all of the earth’s food chains. Recent CO2 levels have only risen to a less-than-astounding 0.042% in 60 years (or 420 ppm). And plants are probably growing faster now and the Earth is likely turning greener. The ocean will eventually absorb the slight increases.

But CO2 at 400 ppm is not a pollutant like sulfur dioxide and NO/NO2 (nitrous oxide, nitrous dioxide), which are appropriately regulated by our EPA through the Clean Air Act. Other than volcanic activity, emitted sulfur dioxide is mostly due to human and industrial activity — mostly from burning coal or untreated fuels. NOX emissions are mostly from automobiles and industrial activity. They are appropriately regulated and reduced because both have shown to cause acid rain, deforestation and harm to human respiration. They are both irritants to human respiration.

But Carbon dioxide is not harmful to human respiration at anywhere close to the 400 parts per million level (trace levels). Our exhaled breath contains 4% or 40,000 ppm CO2. Are you apoplectic if you sit next to others exhaling 40,000 ppm of CO2? I think not. And CO2 is literally plant food required for all photosynthesis; for agriculture, forests, all plant life and ALL LIFE on Earth. 

Wow, CO2 is helpful to plants and humans

Below is Fig.2, showing the history of the world and CO2. Notice that lows in atmospheric CO2 occur during periods of glaciation which is why our levels are 300 to 400ppm now. Other times, CO2 has been 1000 to 1600 ppm and higher.

There’s a reason for the effect of ice ages. It’s because any gas is more soluble in water at colder temperatures. This includes CO2, N2 and O2. All water absorbs CO2 (also N2 and O2) but colder water absorbs more. The dissolved gas comes from the atmosphere; therefore CO2 levels in the atmosphere falls as the environment cools. (see fig 2): 

Figure 2; Historical atmospheric CO2 levels with glacial periods highlighted

Similarly, cold ocean seawater is cloudy with plankton and algae because cold seawater has more dissolved oxygen for sea organisms. This explains the fact that cold Pacific Ocean water remains immensely productive in ALL types of sea life. It’s cold seawater that has all the krill and plankton to support huge food chains in the Arctic and Antarctic and especially in all the colder sea currents around the world like off of Western N. American and Western South America.

(On the other hand, warm water, like the Caribbean, is clear and blue because warm water is actually a "desert” for sea life relative to cold seawater—since there is much less dissolved oxygen.)

Big Lie #2: Acidifying the Ocean! Oh My!

CO2 dissolves in seawater and is absorbed in an incredibly vast carbonate/bicarbonate buffer system in the ocean. The earth’s oceans are alkaline at a pH of 8. (Neutral ph is 7. Acidic is below 7 and Alkaline is above 7).

Normally dissolving CO2 dissolved in fresh water makes it acidic; like sparkling water. But since the ocean has a MASSIVE carbonate/bicarbonate buffering system, it can and will absorb all of the excess CO2 in the atmosphere over time with no pH change. That dissolved CO2 just shifts the carbonate/bicarbonate equilibrium and the water pH remains STEADY at 8 or nearly so. That’s the definition of a buffer system. There is no acidifying of ocean waters due to higher CO2 emissions by humans. That’s one of the common lies of our time.

The ocean will eventually absorb ALL of man’s excess emitted CO2—given enough time —with no consequence! It has happened before many times.

The only reason that CO2 is building-up at all in the atmosphere at all is that it’s rate of being absortion by land, plants and oceans is less than current emissions.

Big Lie #3: We’re All Burn Up and Oceans Will Boil!

Concern and even panic is created in the media due to faulty science from so-called “climate researchers”—who ARE ALL FUNDED BY GOVERNMENTS OR NGO’s. It’s so-called climate models that have caused the greatest panic, but they are nearly all wrong! If you don’t predict panic, you won’t get funding!

Fig 3 Temperature Variations vs Observations from Univ of Alabama in Huntsville

It’s true that the rise of temperatures appears to be SOMEWHAT correlated to the rise of atmospheric CO2 measurements at Mauna Loa, Hawaii; but not well correlated at all! CO2 levels have risen 30% (from a very low level in 1975 to a still very low level in 2022), but temperatures have risen a relatively small amount from the most accurate measurements taken well above the surface by balloon and satellites. I’ll follow up with definitive evidence and research by Edward Happer, a renowned physicist and climate scientist, from his article called How to Think About Climate Change.

Yes, carbon dioxide is rising, but it’s still at trace levels—from 320 to 410 or so during 60 years. Could it be that rise in world CO2 emissions since 1980 are due mostly to China and India?? Hydrocarbons are bringing BILLIONS of people out of poverty and misery. Unfortunately, China has dramatically polluted itself, it’s water, it’s land and the world. And China is at the start of financial and demographic crisis. China could lose 400 million people in the next 80 years. There’s reason to believe that China will implode —it’s happening now (in slow motion so far).

China and India are the biggest CO2 emitters.

Also remember, we may only have about 100 more years of “affordable” petroleum sources as the easy-to-extract stuff is becoming depleted, so our future may very well need to be low-carbon nuclear or thorium reactors for energy generation. See here: thorium.

Big Lie #4: Depopulation, Severe Limits on Agriculture, Nuclear, Fossil Fuels, Food and Industrial Production are necessary to ward off disaster, Oh My!

We don’t have a Climate Scare as much as we have Malthuseans, half-wit losers and bad science in academia and all the governments, government-funded “institutions,” think tanks, etc. Our world is dominated by people desperate for “clicks” and “views” on the internet. Remember all climate scientists are paid for by government or “academia.”

Also read my post Green New Deal Was Always a Bolshevik Power Grab

Germany and the EU are determined to circle the drain in everyway possible. See Minister Threatens Germans With "Indefinite Weekend Driving Ban" To Meet Mandated Emissions Targets meaning that bureaucrats are targeting your mobility and freedom to drive FOR THE CLIMATE.

We hear of “centrally planned” 15 minute cities where you’ll be trapped according to evil meglomaniac Klaus Schwab. And he’ll have his private jets to rule the world of course. He’ll be eating imported Wagyu beef while everyone else is eating bug meal.

But rest easy for now as Trump 2.0 is back and tackling many of lies of our time—including Climate nonsense. I will follow-on soon with a summary of real climate science from William Happer, who explains why 300 ppm or 1600 ppm CO2 won’t matter much for the Earth’s temperature. William Happer explains why the greenhouse effect is already nearly “saturated” now and higher CO2 levels are not concerning and are even helpful to the planet. He explains the problem with climate modelers.

The Earth is getting greener and plant growth is thriving.


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