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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Judge Jeanine Rips Michelle Obama A New One

Michelle Obama appeared on Oprah where she intimated that Trump's election was the end of "hope" for America, saying "now we're feeling what not having hope feels like."  And Oprah was giving a stereotypical black "uh HUH" with her head nodding knowingly -- agreeing with Michelle.

These people are morons of the highest order. That includes Oprah and Obama too. Is there any black opinion leader in this country whose head is not filled with bullshit when it comes to politics?? Apparently not.  I have no hope for black people in this country.  They show no capability of ruling their communities or any country because they are full of the wrong ideas and unable or unwilling to change.  I hope that we never have another black President again in my life or even in the next 1000 years!  

Judge Jeanine rips Michelle a "new one" in the intro to her show last night; also found here and here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulJzWEc5rDU

A few quotes from Judge Jeanine as reported at ZeroHedge

"This from a woman, who in 2008, at 44 years old, said for the first time in her life she was proud of her country when her husband was running for president. And now, 8 years later, you're out of "hope," Michelle?"

"An outrage is when your husband struts up to the microphone at a national prayer breakfast and tells Christians to get off their high horses because Christians are afraid of Muslim terrorists cutting their heads off."

"Like the 13 hours those heroes were on a rooftop in Benghazi, your all powerful husband never bothered to explain to us where he was and what he was doing that night. All we know is that the only power that he was ready to unleash was Air Force One to fly to Las Vegas for a fundraiser the next morning so that you guys could live the life another four years in the White House."

"Michelle, you may not realize it, but Americans rejected you and everything you stand for. They know what hope is. Hope is when people, 30,000 at a time, stand in line, in the cold, with their children, hoping to get the glimpse of a man they think can change the course of their lives from the downward spiral that you and "Mr. Hope & Change" have put them on."

"I'll tell you what "Hope & Change" is, "Hope & Change" is when people show up 20,000 strong, after an election, desperate to see the man who actually brought back jobs, almost a 1,000, when your husband said it was impossible to bring them back at Carrier."

They never get it. The Left never gets it. That's why they are in a constant state of confusion and why they never learn anything. They are incapable of learning the correct lessons of the day.  It's hopeless. Leftism is a mental illness.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

US Blacks Should Be More Realistic About Their Abilities

Viewership for NFL football games is noticeably declining, in part, due to viewership disgust for millionaire crybabies who disrespect of the very nation that's bestowed it's blessings on them. I'm talking of course about Colin Kaepernick.

Kaepernick is typical of the average Black American ---who has an average mental age of a 14 or 15 year old -- as an adult. This explains a lot. There's nothing wrong with low IQ, many of my friends are low IQ, but black "culture" in America is in a state of collapse. The "black man" in this country is a disaster and a huge burden on this country.

Kaepernick is sporting an absurdly oversized Afro these days as if he is trying to relive the 1970s-era of black-power activists (criminals?). But Kaepernick was raised by a white family and, more than most, enjoyed the benefits of our dominant white culture and a privileged upbringing.

But it's not enough. Like most of his ignorant brethren, his underpowered brain has bought into the Black Lives Matter and "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" lies and media propaganda which has tried to portray every police as a killer. Never mind that whites are shot by police twice as often as blacks even though blacks are committing crimes at 7 times the rate of whites.

Sadly, where there is a majority of black people, they ruin everything -- even in groups of millionaire athletes and entertainers. This includes NFL football now. Black athletes like Kaepernick are killing their golden goose. This is occurring at the same time that our black president continues to damage this country and world.

Time to Get Real About Your Abilities

I worked in Africa several different times and I completely enjoyed working with Africans there as they were jovial, warm, fun and didn't have a chip on their shoulders. These countries have no welfare programs or any other "program" since there isn't any money.

Africans have a more realistic understanding of their abilities relative to the descendants of Northern Europe (and Asia). That realism and no expectation of handouts helps make them happy, They aren't resentful or always blaming others for their problems. And their politicians aren't stoking anger at others.

The same can be said for SE Asian countries. They understand that they aren't even close in measuring up to the intellectual and political accomplishments of European whites or East Asians. This assessment is realistic. They see themselves comfortably as the "little brother" and foreigners are the "big brother." They work hard to build their countries and cultures to catch up.

Latinos here in America, unlike most blacks, are also realistic about their capabilities: they don't blame other people for their own problems and they like white people! Latinos have suffered plenty of historical discrimination. So the discrimination excuse doesn't fly!

US blacks should be more realistic about their capabilities -- it would make them much happier too. Their intellectual capability is significantly lower than European Whites and East Asians (and their descendants). It's just the way it is. It's no one's fault. It might change in hundreds of years or more. I hope it does. But there is no reason to be unhappy right here and now!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Paul Joseph Watson Exposes Democratic Party Post-Election Hysteria

"The left is willing to risk civil war in America & nuclear war with Russia because they're butt-hurt about losing.

Let that sink in."  (If the video doesn't play, here's the link).

There is zero evidence that Russia hacked anything related to the election itself or even the Wikileaks. They couldn't have hacked the election "machines" as those machines are not connected to the Internet.

The Democrats have gone completely insane and have initiated a McCarthy-esque witch hunt to vilify and/or disrupt Trump's solid electoral victory. These people have lost their collective minds.

Democrats are apoplectic that a foreign government might interfere with public opinion during the election season,  

But they, as usual, have no intellectual consistency when they cry over foreign influence but "had no objection whatsoever to Saudi Arabia bankrolling Hillary's campaign. They had no problem taking all that George Soro's money, did they?  They had no problem with the Obama State Department overthrowing the government of Ukraine. They had no problem with Obama interfering in the U.K.'s referendum on leaving the EU (which backfired spectacularly)."

The Obama/Hillary Left is completely and utterly unfit to govern anything or even themselves! We're seeing the end of sanity and the Democratic Party itself. It might also mean an end to America. How can this country prevail with such a large portion of the population afflicted with mental problems, willful ignorance and utterly lacking logical and intellectual capabilities?

Friday, November 18, 2016

The Second American Revolution Pt 2: The Massive Reset That We Need

In my blog post "Time For a New American Revolution: Burn Down Our Bloated, Failing Central Planning Bureaucracy," I ranted about the massive failure and waste that aptly describes the federal bureaucracy that has become a huge waste of our nation's resources. The completely incompetent, bloated Fed Govt is a huge $4 Trillion per year leech sucking all of the blood from the US economy. I suggested that much of it needs to be "burned down." (yes, I realize that 3/4 of spending is redistribution -- much of it is entitlements.)

Such a drastic outcome would never come from any elected politician. Even Donald Trump is not considering a radical downsizing of any part of the government. If I were in Trump's shoes, I'd be hiring the heads of major departments with the sole goal of dismantling, privatizing or seriously downsizing them, including Education, HUD, Commerce, Energy, Homeland Security and TSA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Sallie Mae, Defense, and the Federal Reserve as a start. Many other agencies need a complete house-cleaning including the SEC, EPA, IRS, NLRB, for example. Oh, and the Federal Reserve, which has become the root of all evil, has to go or be reformed!

Why do this?  Because the US government is ruining our economy and our society!

Stagnating incomes coupled with inflation of health care, rent, college tuition, even defense procurement costs are all the result of government spending or policy. Rising rents are caused by zero interest rates engineered by the Federal Reserve, who have created a new housing bubble that is pricing out a new generation of buyers and hurting the economy. If you can't buy, you must rent. But even the price of renting is a severe hardship to many, many people. It's really a catastrophe as record high house prices aren't sustainable at "normal" interest rates. The geniuses, the educated idiots like Bernanke and Yellen, haven't thought about what happens when rates and mortgage rates rise again with record high house prices?  No one can afford anything! "Government" is CAUSING THIS!

The government-funded tuition bubble has also priced-out the next generation. It's also loaded-up millions of young people with unsustainable debt that is already collapsing. Shame!

Meanwhile debt at all levels, and across the world continue to pile-up with no end in sight. Perhaps, like Japan, the US will be able to skate by and double our national debt (once again) in the coming decade or so.  It's possible. But peripheral countries like Nigeria, Venezuela, Italy, Portugal, Russia and many, many other countries can not sustain stagnated economies coupled with higher debts. Something will break. Sovereign debt defaults will bring down the banking system in Europe and start the end-game crisis.

Declining and zero interest rates have prolonged the debt game for 30 years, but that too is becoming exhausted. Now interest rates are rising. And it's entirely possible now that more debt hurts rather than help going forward a consequence of "debt saturation." The spike in interest rates after Trump's election has come with an expectation of much higher debt levels to be funded. Rising rates in anticipation of higher debt levels may be the mechanism where more debt hurts the economy.

The massive amount of debt written in recent decades, now totally unsustainable in a slow-growth environment, has to default to a more sustainable level. This will blow-up the entire world economy in a massive financial, economic and humanitarian crisis. In fact, analysts at Deutsche Bank said the following:
..the global financial system remains broken and extremely fragile. Secular stagnation trends are everywhere. The world has too big a debt burden for the current growth environment. We would feel far more comfortable if the world went through a huge creative destruction period where zombie, inefficient debt was allowed to default - thus 'right-sizing' the ratio between debt and GDP. However we've long accepted that this is highly unlikely to happen outside of perhaps a future break-up of the Euro.
Bottom line:  I’m afraid only financial catastrophe will force the kind of reset that is needed. With that, we need the Federal Government itself to go broke in the next financial crisis (for which, the Government will be rightly blamed). But, with the money printers still in business at the Federal Reserve, there is NO WAY the government can go broke. So, the Federal Reserve has to go. The "bureaucracy" can't be permitted to save itself at everyone else's expense.

The US government going broke is EXACTLY what is required to reset the welfare rot, toughen our ignorant, lazy, entitled population, end the money center ‘hedge fund’ banking cartels, cut down the drastically bloated government bureaucracy, and to create a massive deflation in medical, tuition, defense procurement, housing, rents and all other costs to levels that the people and the nation can afford. This becomes more clearly true when you realize that average incomes are never going to catch up with all the inflated prices if we continue our current path. Our delusional Federal Reserve head, Janet Yellen, has demanded even MORE inflation! But the reality is: Inflated prices need a drastic depression-like reduction. A government bankruptcy would pressure personal incomes too for a few years, but I think prices would drop a lot faster.

A repeal of the Revenue Act of 1913 (income tax law), passage of a balanced budget law and repeal of the Federal Reserve Act would force the radical overhaul of the Federal Bureaucracy as well. Note, in this scenario, payroll tax deductions could continue to fund Medicare and Social Security, but these taxes are only covering ~60% of actual spending in these categories, so even there cuts are required. Reduced government spending will drop all prices. A national sales tax could replace income tax for only the strictly Constitutional functions of the government.

My feeling is that only crisis will change the trend to ever bigger government. Let it burn!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Democrats Headed to Political Wilderness, Not GOP

The result of the election not only went to Trump, but GOP governors also gained ground (+3), where Republican governors now hold 33 out of 50 statehouses (66%) and hold a similar number of state legislatures. This is the most since 1920.

The Democratic Party suffered huge losses at every level during Obama’s 8 year West Wing tenure.  They have lost 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency.
It's Democrats that are headed to the political wilderness, not Republicans. It's entirely fitting as the Democratic Party has become the epicenter of failure, corruption, delusion, false narratives and deception. Check out this map of Congressional Districts that are held by Republicans.

Add caption

Friday, November 11, 2016

Uh Oh, Higher Rates Herald Downward Economic Spiral

From Brexit panic lows, interest rates on the 10 year US Treasury bond have gone from 1.35% to 2.1%. And rates are still rising. World rates are rising too.

Some of that rise is due to a violent reversal of a bubble mania flight to bonds worldwide immediately after Brexit. Some of it is that Trump has spoken the most obvious truth in the world: that interest rates have to rise from zero and negative levels. Since Trump's election, interest rates have risen significantly.

Central banks around the world have also begun to hint that QE will end in the future. The US Federal Reserve has vowed to raise Fed Funds rate to 0.75% in December.

All of these extremely low "emergency" rates had to end at some point since NIRP and especially ZIRP is killing banks, retirees, pension funds, insurance companies and capitalism itself. Even the educated-idiots, who occupy our institutions and central banks, could see this (finally). It's insane and never been seen in 5000 years of history!  Now the same investor front-running that drove $11 Trillion in debt to negative interest rates has now begun to reverse. The front-running was investors "getting ahead" of the Central Bank buying of bonds during QE. That's likely reversing now.

Rates may also be rising because Trump has signaled significantly more debt spending. I think we're seeing the dynamic that higher debt equates to rising rates. If so, rising rates will slow an already slowing world economy.  We're seeing the end of debt's utility to create growth as shown in the following graph:

Debt Saturation Means Debt Begins to Hurt The Economy. China is now in a similar position

The End of China's Debt Bubble Is Near

To build on my blog post "We're Reaching the End of Road," here's the dynamics that could lead to a significant downward financial and economic spiral:
  1. Slowing economy causes rising government debt (has been true for decades due, in part, to persistent trade deficits)
  2. Suddenly the prospect of rising debt is, in part, causing rates to rise in US
  3. Rising rates cause US dollar strength which hurts the emerging market/commodity producing countries
  4. Rising rates also hurt business, mortgage and consumer loans, Economy slows further into contraction
  5. Slow growth causes debt distress in corporate world and corporate rates rise further. Debt distress in sovereign debt of commodity-producing countries causes their rates rise further
  6. Debt distress turns into debt defaults
  7. Defaults hurt the banking sector that is already teetering on the edge of default, especially in the EU. 
  8. Financial crises risk a repeat of 2008 financial crisis; or even worse
  9. Debt defaults and banking crises lead to recession, then Depression 
As I've said, we're reaching the end of the road of debt and prosperity. I believe that we are on the precipice of a financial maelstrom that could change history and endanger millions of lives around the world.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Expect Negative Returns On Stocks And Bonds Going Forward

The Trump rally probably has legs here that will take indices to even higher highs. But prices matter. Historically, if you buy at these market levels, your expected returns are going to be very low, ie., negative for the next 7 years..

According to respected GMO, your expected returns for the next 7 years is now negative 3% for stocks and negative 2% for bonds.  So, if you buy US bonds for 2% yield, you can expect no return at all as prices will likely fall.  Worse, you can expect negative price returns for equities AND the prospect of stomach churning declines of 30 to 50% along the way!  It won't be a pleasant ride. At equity prices today, you're not being compensated sufficiently to endure such risk!

GMO: Expected Asset Returns for Next 7 Years
We're enjoying the 3rd large peak in equity prices in the past 15 years. But two times already, equities plunged 50%  after those peaks.  We've going to have a down cycle in prices going forward! 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Hillary's Horrible and Sordid Legacy

Here's the real and sad story of Hillary's legacy for your consideration (quite a few points taken from Wikileaks 100 Most Damaging Leaks): 
  1. Bill and Hillary both profited enormously from Hillary's role at the State Department, to the tune of $100 million and more. She had ZERO accomplishments as Sec of State except enriching herself and the Clinton slush fund otherwise known as the Clinton Foundation. She was all about "pay for play" peddling influence for money. Shameful! There is not one successful US policy during her entire "reign" as Sec of State -- only a 100% record of failures.
  2. Clinton foundation is mostly a fraudulent charity. It's virtually all about business and influence peddling.
  3. Hillary/Obama's pivot to Asia is nearly a complete joke. All talk and no action. Many Asian countries are aligning with China due to the US vacuum.
  4. Hillary/Obama's "Russia reset" is a complete joke. Now we're nearly at war with Russia in Syria 
  5. Hillary's Iran deal is a farce. Secret deals with the Iranians negated much of the deal's significance. Iran is more in control of the Middle East now than ever thanks to Hillary and Obama.  Iran and Russia are the dominant players in the Mideast. US influence is finished.
  6. Hillary and Obama completely botched US Syria policy, virtually handing Syria to Russia. Now our "sour grapes" administration is trying to pick a fight with Russia in Syria risking world war.
  7. Hillary/Obama's ISIS "strategy" has really been no strategy at all except stonewall and wait until their administration is over, They want to lie and delay and leave the mess for the next administration.  Fine upstanding people, huh?
  8. The US's hasty departure from Iraq and the result has been the rise of ISIS, thanks to Hillary, is a massive immigration crisis into Europe, which is destabilizing Europe. 
  9. ISIS is speading out of the Middle East into Europe and elsewhere, while the US southern border remains even more porous thanks to Obama. Maybe someone from ISIS will kill Obama? That would be entirely fitting.
  10. Hillary and Obama both explicitly depend on an ignorant public to impose their agenda. Jonathan Gruber, one of the paid consultants for Obamacare, admitted on video that the administration's strategy for imposint Obamacare depended on "dumb" Americans that are uninformed. Sad. Oh, and the administration denied that Gruber was a consultant at all. LIARS!!  
  11. Hillary wants a 100% government-run healthcare system at a time when the US government can't do ANYTHING well. Obamacare worsened costs and quality of US healthcare. A complete US takeover of the healthcare industry will be disastrous. Remember Obamacare is just a rehashed Hillary-care.
  12. Hillary Clinton denied Libyan Ambassador Stevens request for security....then he was murdered. Then the entire Obama administration lied about the real cause for weeks. Nothing was done to help even though the attack in Benghazi lasted 13 hours. Even in the following days, the facilities in Benghazi were ransacked by militants and ordinary Libyans. The truth is that Obama and Hillary didn't give a shit. These people don't care about anyone whether it's US interests or Americans!! 
  13. Hillary Clinton used her power as Sec. State, to facilitate a Uranium mine deal in Kazakhstan, which netted her Clinton Crime Foundation over $30 million dollars...The Russian government owns the mine and is using the ore to replenish their nukes, which are aimed at you.
  14. Hillary and Obama botched US policy in Libya, quickly backing the ouster of Gaddafi. The result is total chaos. Now ISIS has infiltrated Libya.
  15. Hillary/Obama quickly got behind the ouster of Mubarak in Egypt and installed the horrible Muslim Brotherhood (Obama's pals). A year later, Egypt had a 2nd revolution to get rid of those Islamist Fascists.
  16. Hillary Clinton is the darling of Wall Street donations.
  17. Hillary Clinton voted for all of the Bush's wars.
  18. Bill Clinton managed to divert 93% of $13 Billion of aid money intended for Haitians to party's outside of Haiti. Haiti organizations got only 7%
  19. Hillary Clinton voted for all of the Wall Street bailouts.
  20. Hillary Clinton dreams of completely "open borders”
  21. Hillary Clinton supports and protects a serial woman abuser (Bill Clinton) who has raped and abused and used women like a disposable diaper.
  22. Hillary Clinton received money from and supported nations that she KNEW funded ISIS and terrorists
  23. Hillary was hateful, neglectful, above the law, “contemptuous” to her security detail, and “blatantly disregarded” security, (FBI docs)
  24. Hillary has public positions on policy and her private ones
  25. Hillary and Democrat supporters like Soros have been paying people to incite violence and unrest at Trump rallies, then they try to demonize Trump as hateful and "creating a culture of hate and violence" Who are the real haters?
  26. Hillary's campaign wants "unaware" and "compliant" citizens
  27. Top Hillary aides mock Catholics for their faith
  28. Hillary deleted her incriminating emails. State covered it up. Asked about using White House executive privilege to hide from Congress
  29. Bribery: King of Morocco gave Clinton Foundation $12 million for a meeting with Hillary, 6 months later Morocco gets weapons
  30. State Department tried to bribe FBI to un-classify Clinton emails (FBI docs)
  31. Hillary caught on tape about rigging the Palestine election 
  32. Latinos are "needy". Latino outreach is "taco bowl engagement"
  33. Clinton campaign was in direct communication with DOJ regarding Hillary's investigation
  34. Bill Clinton receives $1 million "birthday gift" from ISIS-funding Qatar while Hillary was SoS, Qatar receives arms flow increases of 1,482%
  35. Hillary cheated in debates: DNC head Donna Brazile caught giving MULTIPLE debate questions to Hillary
  36. Hillary campaign prays for shooters in news stories to be white
  37. Rigging the primaries against Bernie Sanders (DNC favored Hillary)
  38. Rigging the primaries against Bernie Sanders (Hillary’s team)
  39. Clinton Foundation schemed with Big Pharma: keep the price of AIDS drugs high in America and NO to cheaper generic versions
  40. Hillary Clinton supports and protects a serial woman abuser (Bill Clinton) who has raped and abused and used women like a disposable diaper.
This is a record of someone as President of a corrupt 3rd World country, not President of the United States.  If she becomes President, then the US will truly become a 3rd world country.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A Civilian Coup D'Etat Underway In US; Now Countered By Events and Comey

The vast conspiracy between Hillary Clinton, the Obama Administration, the corrupted DOJ, the Left Wing media enterprises (96% of Media are "in the tank" for Hillary), activities by various operatives paid by Soros or the Clinton Foundation are actually engaged in a Coup D'Etat to take over this country. The breadth and scope of their "operations" are amazing as is the passivity of the Republican "establishment." It's almost Trump against the world!

The video below is from Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker and holds a Harvard Ph.D.

The Left had almost succeeded in their Coup and they had planned Hillary's coronation. But a few kinks in their plans have emerged.

Although Obama tried to suppress Health Insurance premium announcements until after the election, that wasn't possible and the news is terrible. The ACA is a disaster for the country of Category 5 intensity. The Healthcare/Medical/Pharma bubble is inflating and threatens to bankrupt this country. It's obviously unsustainable! It's killing families and businesses all over this country! (The medical/pharma bubble must pop --it HAS to).

Julian Assange is one true hero to the counter-coup forces. His Wikileaks have been crucial in exposing the widespread corruption and manipulation. Most of what we know about the DNC, Hillary, the Clinton Foundations and the deep roots throughout the Democratic Party have been exposed by Assange.  See the Top 100 Most Damaging Wikileaks list here.  But the mainstreet media has failed (again) to report most of this information. Only alternative media like Zero Hedge, Breitbart and Townhall are providing adequate coverage of the stupefying subterfuge underway by the Clinton cartel and all their tentacles that extend to every level of government.  Drain the swamp indeed!

Also, James Comey has decided to "call an audible" and throw a kink in Hillary's takeover plans by announcing that the criminal investigations of her handling of classified information and the fraud associated with the Clinton's slush fund: the Clinton Foundation. Comey has single-handedly helped the counter-coup to help Trump. Comey is a Patriot. Even a few days later, polls have shifted dramatically toward Trump and Hillary has gone into hiding. Warrants have been issued for Huma Abedin's laptop and some 650,000 emails to/from Hillary are there (if not deleted).

Information continues to come out to the extent of corruption of the Clinton "machine" and it extends into every level of the Democratic Party including the President and Loretta Lynch.  It's a vast conspiracy. We hear that new DNC chair Donna Brazile was feeding questions to Hillary prior to a debate through Wikileaks I believe. CNN fired her. She should be fired as DNC chair but that would be entirely too ugly after Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced-out when it came out through Wikileaks that Schultz  DNC had rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders. These people are scumbags!  Democrats really suck!

And don't forget Project Veritas James O'Keefe who have exposed more Democratic voter fraud and voter manipulation. Remember, the Democrats need an ignorant population to impose their agenda. That's why they are facilitating mass un-selective immigration from Central America who are among the lowest of the low in terms of intelligence!  They are desperate for ignorant voters!

They must be stopped. Forward this blog post to your friends.

Michael Moore: Trump's Election to be Biggest FUCK YOU in History

Check out an amazing video from Michael Moore below (link here in case it doesn't appear).  He says "career politicians hate Trump, corporate America hates Trump, Wall Street hates Trump, and the media hates Trump. Trump's election  will be the biggest FUCK YOU vote in history."

I have to agree:

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Trump Speaks Absolute Truth; US At Moment Of Reckoning (Video Corrected)

The following short video is a must see as Trump speaks the truth about our the REAL state of our nation and how the connected elites, oligarchs and connected corporations are those who are REALLY in control of this nation, this election and who will use any method, any amount of resources, any amount of political manipulation to protect their status quo. They have quite literally bought and paid for Hillary and they are determined to get their "return on their investment."

You, the people, are nothing compared to THEIR interests. Any smear will be used to affect Trump's campaign.  This election season has shown the massive media manipulation, the stream of lies, the back-room deals, and the crooked interests making sure that Hillary is coronated as President.  Polls are manipulated, Trump supporters are attacked and harassed at rallies by paid protesters (paid by the Hillary camp), Trump supporters on TV are attacked with "hit piece" stories, witnesses scheduled to speak at depositions regarding the Clinton foundation have been found "mysteriously" dead. There is nothing they won't do to maintain power. Hopefully Trump wears bullet-proof vests.

They have put all their chips on the most incompetent, corrupted, lying, manipulative, and wrong-headed person. She is a FBI certified liar and a criminal. She is literally the worst person in the world for our nation. Obama is a close 2nd worst. Together their legacy is nothing but fiascos, destruction, incompetence and lies, lies, lies.

Washington is corrupt on a level never seen in American history.   And only Trump stands in their way. Trump has repeatedly said that he will "drain the swamp" in DC.

Literally everything in Washington is broken and unfixed. The foundations of our society is now at risk at the exact point that financial and economic collapse is practically inevitable in the very near future, maybe just months.

Trump's short 5 minute video below is as about as close to unvarnished truth as you'll ever hear from a candidate for office:

Collapse of the "old order" may be inevitable despite the election result. Trump's rise at this time is itself a symptom of discontent by ordinary working persons affected by our hollowed-out economic situation. Buckle your seats, stock up on food, water and ammunition. A period of severe hardship is likely very close regardless of the election result. You don't want Hillary at the helm during the next crisis as she is an utterly incompetent puppet beholden to a wide variety of moneyed interests who don't have YOUR interest at heart.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Declining Global Money Supply Taking World Economy With It

Jeffrey Snider at Alhambra Partners is far smarter than any of the over-educated PhDs at the Federal Reserve. He's been writing for a long time saying correctly that the world's central bankers "don't know what they are doing."  Borrowing heavily from Jeff, I wrote a blog post of the same name here.

He's sounding the alarm that now we're really in more of an economic depression, especially in comparison to the deviation and duration of economic trends that existed up to the financial crisis in 2008.  It's gotten worse in the past 2 years. Economic growth across the world is in noticeably fading with no end in sight. US and EU growth is down to 1% or so and still decaying. Nearly all of the commodity producing countries are in recession as oil and commodity prices collapse. World trade is now declining. Chinese imports and exports are down double digits in the past two years and no end in sight.  No one except Jeffrey Snider has a plausible explanation.

In a brief video below (found here), he explains as concisely as possible what he means:

Here's his graphical evidence of a "long period of economic stagnation" in the US -- from his blog posts at Alhambra Partners. Stagnation has turned into decline in most emerging markets.

Serious and Long-Lasting Deviation In GDP From Previous Trends.  Even after $9T in New Debt Spending (With Nothing To Show For It.) 
The "Eurodollar,"including all of it's derivatives; swaps, repos, reverse repos, forwards, etc.; the real money supply to the world, has been in decay since about 2011 to the present day. Parentheses around "eurodollar" means it's the aggregate of credit default swaps, interest rate swaps, currency forwards/swaps, repos/reverse reps and other derivatives. Janet Yellen, Bernanke, Allen Greenspan, and the minions of US Federal Reserve PhDs have been oblivious to this financial phenomenon for the entire rise and fall of the "eurodollar." Why else has Yellen been so obviously confused by her forecasts and failures?  The problem is that economists are not trained in world wholesale finance.

Here's the 20 year history of the rise and fall of the REAL money supply to the world -- especially to China and the emerging markets. In recent years the world's real money supply is decaying rapidly and taking the world's economy with it.

The "Eurodollar" is unregulated liquidity that exists on (and off) the large bank balance sheets in Europe and the US. There are nearly no dollars backing these instruments. It's nearly pure leverage and very unstable in times of crisis -- as we found out in 2008. That's why the banks are now fleeing these markets in increasing desperation. It's too risky. "Eurodollars" are literally the antithesis of sound money. It's like "internet money." It's pure leverage with no real "backing" except faith in the money center banking system. But faith in the European banking system is dropping like a rock, especially this year. Major EU bank stock prices are plummeting this year, indicating declining faith in these institutions. Fear is rising as shown by rising LIBOR rates.

Here's the effect of both the rise AND decline of the real global money supply:

Shrinking "Eurodollar" Money Supply Causing Worldwide Economic Stagnation. No One Notices
The US labor market and employment "recovery" has been weak and not as strong as the administration has proclaimed. For the first time ever, job gains are not keeping up with population growth. The so-called economic recovery from the 2008 financial crisis is not anything close to a "real recovery" when you consider Labor.  Still think the unemployment rate is really 4.9%?

Labor Participation at 40 Year Lows As Job Gains Fails to Keep Up With Population Growth. Also, Do You See Any Recovery Of Industrial Production? 
Jeff Snider goes on to say:
According to Snider, there is a realistic chance that there is an intractable structural monetary problem that is leading to economic problems that central banks don’t seem to be able to solve or even recognize. When there are problems in liquidity, LIBOR rises. Looking behind the curtain, Snider finds monetary contraction, not monetary expansion.
There are other implications as well, perhaps more important than just investing. If this is indeed a depression, Snider says, “Historically periods of prolonged economic stagnation, lead to some of the worst types of historical events, usually social disorder, political upheaval, all those kinds of things.”
Most of the economic data after the 2008 data is poor, including Industrial Production. The US Federal Reserve's goals of stronger growth and higher inflation through repeated QEs has not worked. They don't know what they're doing!

Two Years of Falling Industrial Production Begins to Resemble Recession or Depression

Bernanke and Yellen's Inflation Targeting A Total Failure Now

US manufacturing's decline in the past two years will eventually be reflected in declines of the larger service sector. It's happening now. Retail sales, still positive, but still hovering near recessionary levels.

US Services PMI is Trending Down and Now Following Industrial Production Declines.  Soon Contracting?
Until this problem in money markets is recognized, the economic damage continues to accumulate for a longer and longer period of time.  Already, the decay of the world economy is now 2 years in duration. Money markets are now in turmoil due to decreasing liquidity and monetary "tightness." LIBOR rates are rising indicating tightness in wholesale money markets for the banks. Falling liquidity is likely to seriously affect stock and bond markets too. There have already been steep stock market liquidation periods like we saw in August 2015.  Expect more economic pain and market turmoil in the very near future.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

12 Step Program to F*ck-up Your Country

From Burning Platform blog (h/t ZeroHedge)

  1. Take one country built by other people [take the lands from native Americans, I presume?].
  2. Have a central bank debase the currency.
  3. Inflict metric shit-tons of rules, regulations and taxes on the citizenry, personally.
  4. Drive a stake through the beating heart of the economy – small business (See #3). [Small businesses create 70% of the new jobs in our economy.]
  5. Import millions of illiterate, low-IQ mouth breathers from 3rd world shitholes who have no intention of assimilating or producing.
  6. Dump them on the producers – the descendants of those who built the country.
  7. When the citizenry have a problem with the flood of mouth-breathers, guilt them into submission. If you can’t guilt them, hoot them into silence by screaming PC-conflict epithets at them.
  8. When Government can’t meet payroll – literally paying for all the Free Shit they’ve ‘promised’ to everyone – continue to take out loans you “promise” to pay back (See #2).
  9. Play identity politics by pitting racial groups against each other. The winner gets privileged status. (Pro tip: There is no ‘winner’ and will never be one).
  10. Use the distraction created by #9 to loot the treasury.
  11. Use the friction created by #9 as an excuse to disarm the citizenry using the fig leaf of “safety”.
  12. Keep the citizenry distracted by ginning-up useless foreign wars, bread, circuses and a conga-line of retards in the [Leftist Dominated] ‘media’…

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Obama/Hillary's Foreign Policy Legacy: Failures, Destruction and Lies

Obama and Hillary's foreign policy legacy is a near-perfect record of failures, flops and destruction followed by lies, deception and spin. Then those lies and spin are dutifully and faithfully broadcast by a totally Leftist and administration-compliant media.  Hitler and Goebbels would be proud.

Most people can see that Bush made a huge error in deposing Saddam Hussein as it made a bad situation infinitely worse. But the Obama administration, including Hillary, has been at least 3 times worse! They wanted to depose Assad. That was the US stated policy. Then, they quickly got behind the ousters of Qaddafi in Libya and Mubarak in Egypt when unrest gripped the Middle East.

In Egypt, their installation of Obama's "friends," the horrible Muslim Brotherhood, brought down another Islamic iron fist rule to the country turning it once again into a totalitarian state. A year later, more Egyptians died in a 2nd revolution to overthrow Obama's buddies. The entire episode is a catastrophe of massive proportions.

Speaking of catastrophe, Hillary and Obama's "adventures" in Syria are titanic failures of historic proportions. Their red line to no line idiocy ended up giving Russia and Assad a permanent alliance, assured Assad's survival and vastly increased Russian influence in the region. Meanwhile 10s of thousands MORE people are being bombed and decimated by Russia-backed Assad. Good job Hillary/Obama! Putin is much more clever than the intellectually deficient Obama administration.

Hillary and Obama's hasty departure from Iraq, with no residual force, set the stage for the disastrous rise of ISIS in the region. Libya is now a haven for ISIS too thanks to Hillary/Obama. Yes, the administration wasn't really in control of events in the region but America's positions, actions and inactions did nothing but worsen each and every situation.  Obama and Hillary have been lying for years now claiming that they have a strategy in fighting ISIS. But they have no strategy despite constant assurances to the contrary. Their real strategy is to stonewall and lie to get past the next election.

As a result, Russia and Iran control the Middle East with our traditional ally Saudi Arabia somewhat sidelined. The entire balance of power in that region has been overturned by the extreme ignorance and incompetence of Hillary and Obama. America itself is now sidelined in that region since no one can trust us. We're talking about the most misguided foreign policy fiasco in world history.

News this morning details more lies and subterfuge by Hillary and Obama with regard to the "Iran deal." Almost everything in the Iran deal turns out to be dubious and/or deceptive in effect and implementation -- with Obama and Hillary lying about nearly all of it. It appears that the Obama administration was desperate for any agreement, even if it was bad for America. Every objection on the Iranian side was accommodated. Repeated reports, slowly leaked out since it's conclusion have shown that there are secret side deals with Iran that helped Iran and undermined the intent of the "public"deal!  And there have been plenty of factual reports of Iran repeatedly flaunting the terms of the "agreement."The whole episode stinks to high heaven. To even think that you could trust the Mullahs is a delusion on a massive scale. Obama and Hillary are severely deluded and the Iran deal is fraud meant to impersonate some kind, any kind, of policy success. And we were given a false narrative by our propagandist-in-chief that it was either a deal or war with Iran. That's completely false! And the Media spins these lies!

Remember Hillary and Obama trying to kick-off a Palestinian and Israeli negotiation? Obama and Hillary's proposal STARTED with the assumption that Israel will be giving up territory. Enticing Israel to discussions where the end-result was predetermined was an obvious FAIL!  Nothing happened of course.

And Liberals never understand the concept of peace through strength and have seriously degraded our military for 8 years now. This is one more reason why Liberals are unfit to govern. Not only are they unfit, they can only impose their policies by tricks and lies.

Hillary, Obama, Kerry and nearly all the rest are fools and dunces of the highest magnitude. That they occupy the highest offices in the land is astounding and dangerous. If Hillary fools the people and wins the Presidency, it will probably be the ultimate catastrophe for our country. America may never be able to recover.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Obamacare in a Death Spiral

As Republicans long ago predicted, Obamacare is doomed to fail and is in a full-scale death spiral now. From ZeroHedge this week:
UnitedHealth has announced plans to exit 31 of the 34 states where it currently offers ACA policies, Aetna is dropping 11 out of 15 states and Humana is reducing it's offerings to just 156 counties down from 1,351 a year ago. Meanwhile, insurers are also hiking premiums by 24%, on average, for the remaining states in 2017 Despite Obama's promise that Obamacare would increase options and lower costs, it is, in practice, doing the exact opposite as Cynthia Cox of the Kaiser Family Foundation points out that "as many as a quarter of all U.S. counties, mainly in rural areas, are at risk of having just a single insurer for next year."
These insurance companies are losing money in a big way as enrollment of healthy people declines leaving only the sickest persons in the pool of insured. Nearly all of the 23 co-ops set up to sell policies have failed or will fail this year. From Daily Caller:
Eight of the 11 remaining Obamacare health insurance co-ops are in serious financial trouble and could collapse by the end of the year, Mandy Cohen, a top federal health official told Congress Thursday in testimony before a House oversight panel.
More failure is certain as premiums for 2017 are set to sky-rocket by 24% nationally, leading to even further declines in enrollment by healthy people. Who could afford it?  Nobody can afford US healthcare costs now, even the US Government.

Healthy people are refusing to sign up, which leads to losses for insurers, which leads to higher rates, which, of course, leads to even fewer healthy people signing up.  This is a death spiral.

Now, there are one or no providers in many counties in many states. The remaining provider, if there is one, is in a "monopoly" position and are now asking for astronomic price increases which will surely lead to outright collapse. The entire law is on the way to collapse. Our entire nation is on the way to collapse.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

A Return to Selective Immigration Policies

I wrote recently that higher median intelligence is a good predictor of higher degrees of civil order and democracy, rule of law, higher levels of education, higher levels of economic activity, and more wealth and happiness. The converse is true. Lower intelligence populations have disorderly societies, crime, poor achieving economies, poverty, less democracy and unhappiness.

Remember, only Northern Europeans (and descendants) and East Asians (and descendants) have median IQs of 100 or more. ALL THE REST are mostly in the 80s, call it 85 for an average. It doesn't sound like much, but 15 IQ points or more is the difference between advanced civilization and collapse/chaos. Just look at the social and economic conditions of all the countries shaded red or yellow on the map below. It's because low IQ populations have very little logic, low levels of understanding, little comprehension of cause and effect of their behavior and low impulse control. Here's a map of the world showing estimated IQs per country. Click map for a huge image.

The yellow or red shaded countries in Central America and Caribbean have the lowest median IQs in that region and nearly the lowest in the world. They also have some of the highest murder rates in the world. The Middle East and Africa, with very low median IQs, are generally lands where tyranny, murder, war and poverty flourish. Sub-Saharan Africa have the lowest median IQs in the world and I don't have to tell you about the reality of life there.

In recent years, the Obama administration has been targeting mass, non-selective immigration from the poorest countries in Central America and the Middle East such as El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Syria where median IQs range from 79 to 81; on par with some of the lowest in the world. All these low-IQ countries have very high murder rates, high crime, high poverty, war and/or tyranny.  

This means Obama has literally been targeting mass, non-selective immigration from populations that are the WORSE OF THE WORSE in terms of cognitive ability. He has also admitted 100s of thousands of Middle East Muslims in recent years. The (vast) majority of these people have little to offer our country in terms of skills, much lower cognitive ability and a cultural heritage that is fundamentally incompatible with Western liberal Democracy. Look at Europe to see what I mean.

What Hillary/Obama Democrats want to do is turn America into a 3rd World hell hole so they can more easily manipulate these voters and remain in power to further damage this country and our heritage. Their ultimate intent is to allow illegal immigrants to vote. And if they can't accomplish that, they want to make all the illegals citizens so that they can vote Democratic to "reward" the party who offers free stuff and something for nothing.

A Return to Sensible Immigration Policies

The history of the US immigration is mass migration from the highest IQ countries in Europe: Ireland, Germany and England. This has been a huge success. We shouldn't ruin that success with non-selective mass immigration from poor, low IQ countries. It creates a clash of civilization that we are seeing in Europe with mass immigration of Muslims from the Middle East.

Instead, the US should prefer SELECTIVE immigration from countries that have the highest median IQs, ie., Europe or E. Asia. But SELECTIVE immigration from any country can work for us. Our country should generally approve immigration for those who have demonstrated job skills, academic credentials, English language skills or those who have distinguished themselves in business, academics, the Arts or even athletics. In other words, we need immigrants who have something to offer our country.  It is our right to do so. As Donald Trump says, we need an immigration policy that puts America first.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

"Black Lives Matter" and "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" are Based on Lies

According to the CDC, there are nearly 2 times more whites shot and killed during a "Legal Intervention" than blacks. Whites are 5 times more numerous than blacks in the population, but blacks are committing violent crimes at 7 times the rate of whites. Therefore police are likely to kill whites at MORE THAN 2 times the rate of blacks when you take into account the shear number of police encounters in violent situations and demographics.

The CDC database counts all violent deaths, including those as a result of “legal intervention,” which is defined as “injuries inflicted by the police or other law-enforcing agents, including military on duty, in the course of arresting or attempting to arrest lawbreakers, suppressing disturbances, maintaining order, and other legal actions.”

According to the CDC and for fatal firearm shootings, from 1999 through 2014, there were 3,412 white (non-Hispanic) people shot and killed during legal interventions, 1855 black (non-Hispanic), 1297 Hispanics, 137 Asians and 121 native American Indians. The total fatalities by police during that period totals 6822.

Hands Up Don't Shoot Is Bullshit

Michael Brown attacked Darren Wilson in his patrol car by hitting him then tried to gain control of the officer's gun. Once he relented, Wilson exited his car and ordered Brown to stop. The grand jury said that Michael Brown might have had his hands up but the forensic evidence supports the officer's claim that Michael was in fact "charging" at Officer Wilson at that moment.  

So, there you have it. 
  • Cops shoot blacks LESS OFTEN than white people during a legal intervention based on a large data set by the CDC. 
  • Michael Brown was a thug and he attacked an armed police officer TWICE in one encounter. Brown was in a murderous rage and was shot fair and square by an officer protecting himself. 
Black lives DON'T matter to black people, as blacks commit the majority of violent murders in this country, and 90% of those murders are against other blacks. Black lives only matter when the national press is involved.

Monday, July 18, 2016

What HAVEN'T Black People Ruined?

All of the recent violence recently coming out of the black community reminds me of the fact that the blacks ruin everything everywhere and all the time. Think of the wreckage of black lives in Ferguson and Baltimore due to emotional, fact-free violence which is just the latest of wreckage from the idiocy that is "black America." Sorry, but the black community in the US is a trainwreck of drugs, violence, gangs, prostitution, murder, stupidity & ignorance, lack of logic, immaturity, poverty, incarcerated men, fatherless children, STDs and HIV. Most other black majority areas in the world have the same situation with very few exceptions (none?).

Many black folks are nice, kind and responsible. But the bottom 25 to 50% of a population can ruin an entire population and that's what we're seeing.

All of the most dangerous cities in the US are the ones with large black populations. Black men, at 6% of the population commit 56% of gun murders and 59% of felony murders. Some 11% of black men are in jail right now. The published black high school graduation rate of 54% is exaggerated because no statistician is accounting for the large numbers of young black men/boys in jail. And 37% of those kids who drop-out eventually make it to jail.  $21 trillion has been spent on income support and benefits substantially for blacks since Johnson's Great Society, but poverty has increased! It's because these programs have ruined black families and single parent households are much poorer than households with two parents. Despite all that money, one can easily make an argument that the Great Society has ushered-in a black cultural collapse.

The black "community" is a miasma of crime yet they disrespect and hate the police. The black community is most in need of police protection but is the most hostile to and uncooperative with police. They don't respect any authority figure -- black or white. And don't put a black person on a jury! They have little logic and believe really stupid things about police. Black jurors often don't want to convict black criminals.

Every housing project built to "help" the black community has been immediately wrecked and ruined. Most of them are now condemned or torn down. All of the well-meaning white men's tax dollars have been flushed down the toilet. What's left of inner cities are disasters and basically uninhabitable except for the most desperate or impoverished. And we're still spending $1 Trillion per year on programs primarily directed at these people. It's not working.  

Black people and especially black men remain a huge burden to this country.

And it's not just the US.

Brazil, with a majority black and black/mix ethnicity, has a murder rate some 6 times the rate of that in the US. Brazil had 50,000 murders in one recent year (compared to about 15,000 in the US, but Brazil has only 200 million people).  The Brazil murder total is approximately the entire US death toll from the 10 year long Viet Nam war. Why? Because black people caused it! Crime is also sky-high in most Latino and all black nations.

Conditions in Africa range from very poor to catastrophically bad. Poverty, dysfunction, tyranny, crime, murder, occasional genocides are very common in Africa. The same can be said of places like Haiti and Jamaica. There is little advanced civilization in evidence in most parts of Africa, Caribbean or US black populations. That isn't to say that they are bad people. But they have populations with the lowest cognitive ability (IQ) in the world. Some parts of Africa have median IQs estimated in the 60s, 70s and low 80s.

Low Median Intelligence Causes Disorderly, Impoverished and Miserable Populations

Only Northern Europeans and East Asian populations (and their descendants) have median IQs of 100 or more. All the rest of the world is much lower -- averaging in the 80s -- including blacks and Hispanics.  High median IQs easily explains the success of the US, Canada, Australia and Europe. White English-speakers invented political and economic freedom and have created the most successful, prosperous and orderly societies the world has ever seen.  East Asians (and descendants) have created great cultures as well.

But black populations here and in Africa have the lowest median IQs in the entire world. And not surprisingly, black communities are a disaster of crime and murder, ignorance, disorder, dysfunction, poverty and misery. Conditions in most parts of Africa range from dreadful to "medieval" to even "prehistoric." Most African "cultures" here and there are in total cultural collapse. In the US, there is little logic, little intelligence, little impulse control in this low intelligence population. The average black adult has a much lower intellectual (and emotional) maturity corresponding to their lower median IQ of 85. It's very obvious, but you are forbidden to say publicly any of this.

Black make up 13% of the US population and represent a huge burden to the country. Not just this country, but to anyplace where they are a significant minority or majority.

White majorities will disappear in 40 years in the US and the US will see lower per-capita GDP, higher crime and a predominance of populist politicians that will bring the end to the greatest country on earth. It's happening very rapidly under Obama, our token black president. Him and every other black leader in the US would lead their country to 3rd world status. 

The good news for quite a few US blacks that are responsible and reasonable (about 1/2 of them?) is that they can escape majority black communities and live among much more peaceful white and/or Hispanic communities. But the trainwreck of the black culture is not far away and can still strike out and ruin things even for those folks and everyone else. That's why if a few blacks move into your neighborhood, it's almost certain that crime will go up ---not from your neighbors -- but from their unsavory "friends"and associates. The black trainwreck affects even the good black folks.  The bottom 25% of a population can ruin an entire population and that's what we're seeing.

Friday, July 8, 2016

America's March to 3rd World Status, Then Collapse

The US is now rapidly following places like Argentina and Venezuela in it's descent into 3rd world status. I gave warning that the US was becoming Venezuela in March 2013 in US Becoming Venezuela; Obama is Chavez-lite. What I wrote remains even more valid now.

Just this week, Hillary received a "pardon" from her crony buddies that clearly exposed the cozy cult of elites who are immune from the law, prosecution and accountability. The absence of accountability is particularly important for our current elites given that everything they have done in the past 7 years or more has been a complete and utter failure. Not one success. It's been all failures and flops and then all lies to cover them up.  All lies, all the time.

Hillary's entire intent of her off-the-record and insecure personal email "arrangement" was all about avoiding any record of her hustling for political contributions to her slush fund. She's sold access to anyone with money, including foreign enemies, all for her personal enrichment to the tune of $100 million or more. It's all about "pay to play." She completely failed as Secretary of State because her only intent was to use her office for her financial gain. She doesn't give a shit about anyone but her. She's a total disaster for this country. And we're told that she is the most qualified candidate ever by the most incompetent President ever.

The lesson is that law and order is now bought and paid-for if you are one of the "connected" or "privileged ones." Never mind that General Petraeus was prosecuted vigorously for his pillow talk and supposedly endangering national security. (I guess he was Republican?)  The little guy goes to jail for a marijuana roach in his pocket, but thieving, lying Hillary, who has enriched herself immensely by using her office for her own benefit, is allowed to break the law and endanger the security of the country, and faces no consequences or accountability. Hillary is the equivalent to Christina de Kirchner, who was allowed to do huge damage to Argentina while enriching herself immensely.  Law and order under Obama is largely gone (except for repeated slap-downs by the Supreme Court) and is replaced by propaganda, crony connections and manipulations for the "elite" and "connected." Obama is Chavez-lite and Hillary is De Kirchner.

The key thing about the march to 3rd world, is when politicians will say or do anything to stay in power and don't give a shit about the good of their country. This is made worse when the media is in bed with these very people and act as their propaganda apparatus to "cover up" the truth. Obama has never given a damn about the good of the country. His election wasn't about the good of the country, only to "tick off boxes"to promote the Left's socialist agenda. We had to have a "black president"! Tick! Never mind that the candidate was utterly unqualified and un-vetted to the point of absurdity. Now we are told that we have to tick the box "Woman President" despite Hillary's self-serving behavior and a record of perfect failure. Both of these people have failed at EVERYTHING; both foreign and domestic. The entire Left is unfit to govern at all.

This past week was very instructive in many ways. Just think about what happened. Attorney General Lynch had a hush-hush meeting with Bill Clinton in private, shooing away reporters and blacking out any coverage, probably with death threats.  So, here's the nation's top lawyer violating all the rules of litigation, good sense and the intent of the law and meets with the party being investigated to arrange a cozy little deal.  I heard that Secret Service agents were livid. Only a local reporter brought this meeting to light.

A few days later, FBI director Comey lists all of her outrageous violations but concludes that it wasn't a good case for a prosecutor. Because Lynch's position was totally compromised by her outrageous and truly stupid behavior, Comey was given the "right" to decide whether to prosecute or not -- which isn't his job! It's Lynch's!

During Comey's testimony to Congress, privileged Hillary was on Air Force One, enjoying all the wonderful spoils paid for by hard-working Americans, on her way to a campaign event where Obama proclaimed that Hillary was the most qualified and deserving candidate ever; maybe better than George Washington.  Oh how far we've fallen. Our country's leaders once were the most spiritually and intellectually enlightened people on earth. Now we have hucksters, grifters and parasites.

But that's not all.

Then, Obama once again starting flapping his lips about yet another white police officer's encounter with a black suspect that ended in a shooting of the black guy.  Naturally Obama sides with the black guy and spouts off about police violence without knowing anything about the case.  Does he EVER know the specifics before making a fool of himself??  (and again the "media" protects him.)   This inflamed an already inflamed situation and shooting sprees broke out in Dallas, with irate blacks killing 5 innocent WHITE police officers. Similar things happened in other cities.

Obama had already started a war on police with irresponsible statements in previous cases. That resulted in police pulling back and allowed huge surges of black (on black) violence increasing dramatically in Ferguson, Baltimore and other places. Because of Obama's irresponsibility and stupidity, many blacks have died. Obama has now started a race war and this has caused both black and white people to die.   Worse. President. Ever.

The Race Toward 3rd World Status

The key takeaway is that we've reached a point where the politicians care not one bit about the good of the country and are only focused on their own benefits and agenda of personal gain. This is what happens in dramatically collapsed countries like Venezuela and Argentina.

Obama and Hillary and most others have done nothing to fix any problem in this country, and have only created more of them.  It's especially sad when nearly everything the Federal government is doing is broken and unfixed. We're headed headlong into another financial crisis in the next few months as nothing was really fixed in 2009, especially in Europe (even worse than the US). Our nation's finances are in worse shape than ever. Obama has doubled our national debt to $19 Trillion with nothing to show for it.  All that money was pissed away.  Central bank emergency measures remain in place 8 years after the last emergency. Obama's government crows like an idiot how the economy is so good and how he saved the world. The truth is we're well and truly near the end of a very long charade.

Zero interest rates are destroying Capitalism itself and any hope for the future. Insane academicians at central bankers all around the world are running rampant destroying savers, pensioners, pension funds, insurance companies and capitalism itself. And it appears that they created a new mandate to support the stock and bond market to protect elites!!  Bumbling Obama destroyed our health insurance marketplace and caused an extremely damaging price spiral. College tuition is being inflated at 3 times the rate of inflation by government loans/guarantees. Never mind that the next generation is completely screwed. Nothing is fixed. Already 14% of graduates are officially in default on their debts with little hope and even less money. Some 43% of debtors are not repaying their loans (see the next blog entry). No, the job market isn't good. It's crap!  The big banks are now basically nationalized and are illegal sources of funds for the government.  Nothing is done. The robbery and damage continues. Politicians love the Central Bankers because they are "covering up" for the failure of politicians to do or fix anything. And I'll bet big bucks that Janet Yellen is a proud Democrat.

In the next crisis, these insane and destructive central bankers will start wholesale money printing to buy (monetize) government debt as the economy fails and tax revenues collapse. The final collapse will be an inflationary collapse like we're seeing in Venezuela!!  The Federal Reserve should have already been reformed or eliminated by now to prevent this. But again, nothing is done.  Oh, how far we've fallen.

Obama and the Left have started a class war, a war on business, a war on police and a race war. They want to promote dissent & conflict to justify "emergency" measures then "emergency powers." We're already very close to financial and social collapse. Sounds like Chavez and Maduro to me.  You watch.

Other observations and evidence of our descent into 3rd world status:
  • Law and order no longer exists in this country whether you're talking about immigration law abuse, or even the normal function of our Constitutional government. I'm referring to Obama's refusal to work with Congress, the people's elected representatives, is totally unconstitutional!  And our President is pledged to uphold the Constitution!  He's taken an oath to swear this!
  • We've learned that you're now protected if you're one of the connected "elites" as easily demonstrated by Hillary's abuse of office and abuse of our national security.  The media is complicit in a cover-up of this situation. Sounds like the Politburo in the old USSR. Because it is!
  • The Left is control of the media outlets to the extent that it is clearly propagandistic. Truth is hidden. Real journalism is dead. It's sad because Democracy depends on a robust and independent media. Instead, we're well on the road to tyranny.
  • Leftists control college curricula and are indoctrinating our impressionable young people into Leftist principles. It's paid off as large numbers of millenials support Socialism and Bernie Sanders. It shows how ignorant our graduates are.  They have never been taught how Socialism destroys societies.  Journalism schools are apparently teaching nothing but Leftism judging by the bias of our media outlets.
  • Skyrocketing debt is direct threat to our republic. It's even worse then it looks due to the ongoing entitlement demographic crisis
  • Meanwhile, the population is being kept distracted by iPhones and they are being subsequently manipulated by Google and Facebook--always toward The Left of course.
  • Ever bigger and wasteful & counterproductive govt. is the rule, despite the fact that everything related to government function is failing and/or wasteful and/or counterproductive.
  • The prosperous are falsely attacked of 'not paying their fair share" but it's a total lie. The top 40% is paying nearly ALL taxes.  But prosperous people must be vilified to "extract" and "confiscate" more of their money. Think Chavez once again. The failing government needs more and more money--other people's money.  All to redistribute to the most unworthy people to buy votes.
  • Moves to disarm the population leaving only the elites with gun protection. Think Venezuela right now!
  • Vilifying prosperous people even though wealthy people make the right choices, do the right things. All to extract or confiscate money to redistribute to unworthy people who do the wrong things, make all the wrong choices. It's really about buying votes.
  • Open borders is a long term ploy to indiscriminately allow large numbers of the most unsophisticated and poorly-educated immigrants from the poorest, most violent countries in Central America and make them "grateful" for the Leftist party and vote that way.  It's all about buying votes. It's an outrageous scam and it's being covered-up by MSM.
  • The Left not only destroys societies but destroys private markets like the government takeover of the US health insurance market (Obamacare). Refusing to change it even though it has only helped 2% while the remaining 98% suffer. Media covers-up the disaster.
  • Income inequality is rising, poverty at new highs despite our supposed "recovery"and all the handouts.  
  • Politicians and the government are bought and paid-for by various interests.  There's a unholy alliance between Big government and Big Business. This results in favored cartels including the Military-Industrial complex,  the healthcare insurers, drug companies and the "saved" big banks. It's all about money. The good of the country is not a primary concern.
Crisis is coming to our country and world and it's being brought to you by failed politicians and horrible central bankers. It's "baked-in." Crises have already enveloped many countries in Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. Crisis always starts at the periphery and works toward the core. Next will be Europe and Russia. The Brexit vote is signaling EU political and financial collapse there in the months ahead. China is drowning in bad debts--- debts taken out to literally "save the world" in 2009 until 2014. Massive devaluations in China will reverberate around the world. Banking crises in Europe will bring back financial crisis conditions soon to the entire world. I don't see a way out as everything is so broken.

This may very well happen before the November election. It's entirely probable that a full-fledged crisis is so scary that only Mr. Trump is seen as strong enough to face it.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Student Loan Racket In Action

The Atlanta Journal Constitution recently reported that 43% of student loans are not being repaid. But, despite this, the Federal Government keeps making (or guaranteeing) more and more of them. Total student loans outstanding has quadrupled in a decade to over $1.2 Trillion.  And our wonderful and wise government is making even more of them at very low interest rates!  College loans are one of the few and largest "assets" of the US government. But default's are rising fast. What's going on here?

Congress knows there is huge problem and refusing to do anything about it. Their plan is to eventually bail-out these "students" and put $100s of billions of debt onto the taxpayers shoulders!  They don't care!  Trump is right, the system is rotten and people in Government are very, very stupid.

Student loans surged especially after 2009.  The government is providing these loans as a welfare program to placate young people where there are few jobs or other opportunities available for them. (There are few jobs for them because of the destruction caused by the Government!!)

It's a huge racket for schools in general and for-profit schools in particular. All of the Federal money flooding their way is enabling even more lobbying efforts to keep the money coming!  But "students" are racking up debt where much will never be repaid -- witness that 43% are not being paid now and outright defaults are already north of 13%..

College Tuition Money Soaring Thanks to Federal Government
The result has been that government and government-backed money are inflating college tuition just like government spending (and govt loans) are inflating medical (and housing prices). College (and housing) is now un-affordable for this and the next generation without huge expenditures or huge debt.  Heaven forbid if interest rates ever rose to "normal" levels of 4 or 5% or so.  The "system" would collapse.

College Tuition Inflation Caused By US Government Is Astonishing
Now, 43% of Loans Are Not Being Paid back...and probably never will.

Observing The College Tuition Racket First Hand

I live on an urban block with Condos and apartments about a 1/2 mile away from an Art Institute school.  Art Institute rents nearby apartments and re-leases them to their students so that they can walk to school.  I often see the students walk to and from school.  The vast majority of them are black and many are obviously gay.

Here's what is going on. These kids are getting students loans either from the Federal Government (most likely) or from other institutions whose loans are "guaranteed" by the Feds.

The problem is that very few of these kids will get jobs even if they finish. If they get jobs, it's unlikely that they will earn enough to live AND pay back their loans. Many won't finish at all. Bottom line: most of these loans won't be paid back. Stats support this.

With all the defaults coming in this loan category, you can be confident that taxpayers will be on the hook when Congress bails out these students at taxpayer's expense. But Congress is CAUSING this problem and the plan all along is to put the burden on US taxpayers.   

The interesting thing is that black students of primarily black schools are leading the list of schools where students are failing to ever repay even a single $1 of their loans.

Black Colleges Lead The List of Institutions where Not Even $1 of Loans Are Repaid
Black Colleges Are Where Most Loans Are Not Being Repaid