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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Why the Desperate Need to Shove "Black" and "Blackness" Down Your Throat???

I went to get an oil change the other day and sat down in the waiting room.  In a few moments I realized something.

I saw even more desperate efforts to "shove Black down your throat."  It's that or the only people that read these crappy magazines are mostly black. I guess that's possible.  Shown below is ignoramous Lebron James, who should just stick to Basketball and forget "kneeling" and sending racist tweets. Like so many blacks, he's a fucking idiot.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see many black faces on sports and entertainment magazines; these are areas where blacks excel---which is good.  But on every issue??

"There's no bias in the media at all"

I don't watch Xfinity cable anymore, since it's a vast wasteland with nothing worthwhile to watch. I don't even watch Baseball since their daliance with racist, Marxist BLM turned me into a boycotter.  

At least I can watch Netflix without incessant network TV ads showing black faces more than half the time when they represent only 1/8th of the population. Or I don't have see so many mixed race couples shoved down my craw, typically a Black man with a White woman (but far more frequent than actual). It's pure propaganda.

Or they show advertisements depicting intact black families with FATHERS present in lovely middle class homes which are nearly total falsehoods as black FATHERS are RARELY around in black households, meaning middle class lifestyle for most black families is very difficult or basically impossible, to acheive. Often ads with blacks make a subtle effort to demean the white persons in the ads.

Black men really are worthless . Black men are rarely involved with their kids in a significant way in the vast majority of black households. But it's EVEN WORSE for bi-racial couples. From Richard Houck at Counter Currents: "The War Against Whites in Advertising:" 

We now know that whites are the least likely to marry outside of their race. We know that when white women marry outside of their race they are more likely to be abused, to become a single-mothers, live in poverty, and that whites dating outside of their race exposes us to a higher chance of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. We know that despite the feigned acceptance, white people show a legitimate disgust response to interracial relationships. We also know that despite the barrage of “diversity” in films, television, and in advertisements, same-race couples are still the most common, by far. So, what’s the purpose of the blatant propaganda?

The effort by advertisement agencies to "normalize" black men with white women can end in real tragedy. Richard goes on to say:

".....advertisements send a clear message to black men: white women desire you. This plays out in reality when black men, despite being conditioned by advertising to believe white women desire them, are rejected by white women in reality. They often become angry and lash out at the women (as seen in this video),[19] believing they are taking “what is theirs.”
Nearly 100% of interracial rapes are white women being raped by non-white men (National Crime Victimization Survey, 2008, Table 42). These advertising images, which have no small part in warping mentality, not only promote a dysgenic society, they place our people in a grave danger.

I've made note of manyof these types of observations before at Gulfcoastcommentary:

Liberal Media Shove 'Black' Propaganda Down Your Throats  and  More "Black" Stuffed Down Your Throat.

And there's efforts to re-write history to "glorify" black contributions where there really aren't many or any:  The Movie "Hidden Figures" is Fake History.

Black, black and more black. This country is completely obsessed by and confused by race and racial differences. 

New Civil War: NSA Caught Illegally Spying on Tucker Carlson to Take Him Off the Air

Our new Civil War just keeps getting closer to outright hostilities. The US Government has been weaponized against US Citizens for years and even decades. And they have an entirely captive propaganda arm in "Big Media" and "Big Tech" who plotted unsuccessfully for years to remove "outsider" Trump, and then finally succeeded during The Steal using compliant Black thugs as the "muscle."

Now the US Government is in an illegal war against Conservatives and White people in general. 

Even Pravda wasn't nearly as successful as our Big Media Cabal in fooling their people. Our manipulated, captive DNC/ CIA/ BIG TECH/ FBI-coordinated media cabal is BETTER THAN PRAVDA. At least in all-white Russian, they had ZERO ILLUSIONS that their government was anything but lying sacks of shit. They ALL knew they were being lied to. There were no mass delusions in overwhelmingly White Russia.

This is why White People are the new enemy in this country for our illegitiment government full of criminals, grifters, cretins, liars, freaks, Commies and mentally ill--not unlike the coterie of Hitler:  Whites can't be fooled as easily as Blacks and Latinos. This is also why the Dems want to make America a White Minority at whatever cost.  THEY'RE ALMOST THERE.  Meanwhile aging and increasingly senile Whites are just sitting on their collective asses waiting to be extinguished.

The NSA, whose job it is to focus on foreign terrorist communications has been caught red-handed spying on Tucker Carlson in a blatant effort to take him off the air.  It is my opinion that this is the LAST STRAW.  Congratulations to Tucker for being a real journalist and alerting A PORTION of the population. Unfortunately, ONE HALF OF OUR COUNTRY WILL NEVER BE ENGLIGHTENED --AND THAT'S ON PURPOSE.  

From my post Everything is Being Destroyed in One Generation: Our Culture, Our Country, Our Money and Capitalism itself:

".... we're seeing some of the extent of widespread fraud in the recent election. It's really just a small part of the shocking and widespread dishonesty, cheating and depravity unfolding in our country. It's no exaggeration to say that we're losing our country in one generation. 

We have massive corruption in all elements of government and the moral and intellectual decay of our population. We have a massive and expensive surveillance state, weaponized police and government departments, massive wealth inequality, massive financial deficits and debt with nothing to show for it, bloated money supplies, a hollowed-out economy stripped of entire industries and well-paying jobs, corrupted and lying media outlets spreading nothing but political propaganda and persecution of Conservatives.

Everything in Washington is broken and failed. Nothing is fixed. Much of Washington plotted to illegally and unconstitutionally overthrow the Trump administration and has been from (before) day one. Despite all the spending, our infrastructure and military has decayed. Our government is interfering with and manipulating virtually every foreign country -- yet half of our nation was obsessed with a largely non-existent influence of Russia in ours. 

It's all become this way because we are told nothing but lies by politicians, corporate chieftains, Big Media and other elites that everything is fine even though it's obvious that everything is broken. Only Trump was able to say the obvious truth much to the delight of one-half of the nation who were tired of lies."

END THIS!//twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20itter.com/DailyCaller/status/1409670854754111491?s=20



Sunday, June 27, 2021

When Latinos OR Blacks Are In Charge: Corruption, Crime, Murder & Destruction

The incompetent and corrupt Latino territory of Puerto Rico has been losing people after their massive $70 Billion municipal debt bankruptcy, the incompetent care of their electric grid , then poor job handling the repair of the electric grid and other mass destruction of hurricane Maria. Surely, most the that Municipal Bond money was stolen by politicians and next to nothing spent on the intended projects.  

One wonders what might have happened if any of that money were spent on their electric grid BEFORE Maria especially since they are located in "hurricane alley"and should expect a major hurricane every summer.

Some 175,000 people have likely left the island since Maria according the Centro de Estudios Puertorriqunos. Like so many Latin countries, Puerto Rico is actually a serial defaulter but not as bad as Argentina. The last time PR defaulted on it's debt was in 1933.

Brazil, with a majority black and black/mix ethnicity, has a murder rate some 6 times the rate of that in the US. Brazil had 50,000 murders in one recent year (that's HUGE compared to about 15,000 murders in the US and given that Brazil has only 200 million people).  The Brazil murder total is approximately the entire US death toll from the 10 year long Viet Nam war. Why? Because black and black/Latino people caused it! Crime is also sky-high in most Latino and all-black nations.

Take a look below at the figure below "Ranking of the most dangerous cities in the world in 2020" from Statistica. ALL of the cities on the WORST and MOST DANGEROUS list are Latino, or Black/Latino or Black. Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, S. Africa, El Salvador, Venezuela, Columbia, Honduras and  Puerto Rico DOMINATE the list.

A few US cities make the list: 1) St.Louis, MO, 2) Baltimore, MD, 3) New Orleans, LA and 4) Detroit are up there with the worst of the worst. Guess why???  You know why.

All of the most dangerous US cities are the ones with large Black populations. Blacks are dangerous and destructive wherever they are found. It may never change.

Statistic: Ranking of the most dangerous cities in the world in 2020, by murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

Friday, June 25, 2021

Woke-ism is a Con Job

From Victor Hansen Davis at Daily Signal:
There are lots of reasons why wokeism spread like wildfire once America lost its collective mind during the pandemic, quarantine, self-induced recession, and rioting of 2020.

Wokeism was never really about racism, sexism, or other isms. For some, it illustrated a psychological pathology of projection: transferring one’s own prejudices onto others in order to alleviate or mask them.

Patrisse Cullors
So should we laugh or cry that Black Lives Matter’s self-described Marxist co-founder might be a corporate grifter? According to a New York Post report, Patrisse Khan-Cullors has accumulated several upscale homes, and one of her foundations failed to report significant donations to the IRS. Is it the case that the more Khan-Cullors professes Marxist ideology and damns toxic whiteness, the more she feels comfortable living in a $1.4 million home in Southern California’s ritzy Topanga Canyon area?

Consider Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., an outspoken liberal icon. He’s one of the Senate’s most woke members. Yet Whitehouse turns out to be a member of a de facto all-white beach club of elites in Newport, Rhode Island. Is Whitehouse committed in the abstract to rooting out white privilege so he can concretely relax amid it with fellow bluebloods?

Sheldon Whitehouse Dem RI

Barack and Michelle Obama occasionally venture out of their multimillion-dollar Washington, D.C., mansion or their Martha’s Vineyard estate to lecture the country on its systemic racism. Does such sermonizing square the circle that the Obamas have no desire to return to their Chicago home—a city where hundreds of African American males were murdered in 2020, most of them by other black men?

President Joe Biden frequently lectures America on its racism, and he unleashed the bureaucracies of the federal government to root out mythical white supremacist conspiracies. Does penance explain Biden’s fixation on systemic racism? When he condemns anonymous white racists, does his outrage mitigate his son Hunter’s reported use of an anti-Asian slur in a 2019 text message?

The second catalyst of wokeism is the distraction it provides from scary problems that threaten American civilization. While the country consumes itself in demanding more than 12% representation of black actors in television commercials, it is nearing $30 trillion in national debt. Eventually, the astounding red ink will require recessionary belt-tightening, more inflationary money printing, or both.

The woke Biden administration can’t stop hundreds of thousands of immigrants from illegally entering the United States this year. Almost all are in need of free American health care, housing, food, and legal subsidies. Violent crime is spiking at an alarming rate. Yet few dare say why that is—or how to stop it.

America can’t seem to face the likelihood that Chinese researchers engineered a gain-of-function virus—with oversight from the Chinese military and subsidies from the United States.

So instead of offering real solutions to these crises, we war with each other over whether the deceased children’s book author Dr. Seuss or the plastic toy Mr. Potato Head were racist or otherwise exclusionary.

When our elites are clueless about national debt, inflation, illegal immigration, crime, soaring gas prices, and a global pandemic, they reassure themselves that at least they can cancel out Father Junipero Serra or knock down another statue of Robert E. Lee.

Finally, the hysterias of wokeism are being channeled for profit—if they do not already reflect the reality of many of our most woke being the richest among us.

One reason why Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle, and LeBron James hype charges of white racism is to remind America that one can become rich as Croesus yet remain a sympathetic victim.

For next-generation grifters such as Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo, to claim that America was, is, and always will be racist means more than just speaking gigs and book sales. The solution for the pseudo-crises they invent is the mass reeducation of self-confessional whites—with lucrative consulting fees for both, and for thousands of others.

America is systematically being conned by those who disguise their hypocrisy, who manipulate the guilt-ridden, who have no interest in solving America’s most dangerous problems, and who get or stay rich by hyping an America in need of massive rebooting.

When Blacks And Democrats Are In Charge, Part 2: Destruction, White Flight and Crime

This is follow-up post to my recent article: When Blacks Are In Charge -- Crime, Corruption, Violence, Collapse

Everyone knows that Communist Mayor de Blasio (born Warren Wilhelm) has ruined New York City.  Hundreds of thousands of residents have fled and are fleeing with property and violent crime soaring. 

This is par for the course with Democrat-run cities (ie., typically those with large black populations), especially with "mostly peaceful protests" last year across the nation met with cries of "DEFUND THE POLICE" and outright persecution of police departments ONLY IN DEMOCRAT-RUN CITIES.  But notice the increase in violence in largely white Portland.

Democrats and disorder go hand-in-hand. The US Southern border is completely out of control AGAIN with the totally chaotic influx with every Pedro, Maria and Jaime from Central America showing up, along with a few Mohammed's (without papers of course).  The disruption to Mexico itself, the US border towns and the lost jobs to "accomodate" these people is massive.  When I've worked in another country, I always needed a "WORK PERMIT" with evidence showing that I have a skill that local persons did not have.  Every illegal needs a "work permit" because they are ALL coming for some type of low level job.

There is literally NOTHING at the US Government that works. It's all a massive waste of money and it's a destructive CANCER on our body politic.  It should be completely disbanded and re-built from scratch.  

Thecancer that is our Government might be given a radiation treatment. As I summarized in a recent post, Deagal dot com predicts that our CANCEROUS government will be defeated by a nuclear attack in the next 5 years wiping-out 70% of our population.

The massive disorder and destruction in urban areas across the US since 2017 is another example of Democrat destruction. Total destruction, hoaxes, falsehoods, coup attempts and lies in our nation's politics during the entire Trump administration culminating  fake memes, and the OBVIOUS ELECTION STEAL led by Democrats with "muscle" provided by urban negros. These people are evil.

Here's a few graphs showing a few Democrat cities, all with majority black populations (of course) and their population declines (white and business flight) due to high crime, high taxes, incompetent and corrupt city governments. The graphs are from TheSoundingLine.com.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

YouTube is Pro Lenin? YouTube Censors Putin for Criticizing Vladimir Lenin

From Martin Armstrong:

Putin did an interview where he revealed what he thought about Lenin’s entire Communist movement. He made it very clear that Lenin was NOT a statesman but just a Bolshevik Revolutionary. Putin also revealed his disagreement with the Great Reset, which is following the same mistake of Lenin. This interview has been removed by YouTube. The ONLY possible reason to remove it is that the West is following Marx, and Putin warned that was NOT the correct path for governments to follow. This action by YouTube implies that they are acting in the best interest of a totalitarian form of government and not what the United States enshrined in the Constitution.

They have removed people who talk about COVID or the vaccine. But this is far worse. This reveals that they are on board with a far more significant agenda — the destruction of all our freedom and a new world of totalitarianism. I would NEVER have thought their cancel agenda would go that far. But to remove the video of a head of state because he said Lenin was not a statesman is just unbelievable.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Charles Nenner Predicts a 50% Haircut for Stocks Soon

Notice to Readers:  I'm consistently wrong about stock markets, so don't pay attention to me in that area. The following is presented for your "amusement."

From Zerohedge and Kimblechartingsolutions.com

Charles Nenner has had some good prognosticastions based on his cycle analysis.  For instance, at the end of January 2020, the geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner made a huge call:  Nenner said, “I am more worried about the market going down 40% than making 5% more on the upside.” 

The market topped a few weeks later (2% higher) and then plunged 38% for the next several weeks. Spot on call. 

Nenner also said he was “more worried about domestic civil unrest than war in a foreign land.” We had Antifa and BLM rioting, looting and burning in Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago, New York and many other cities for most of 2020.  This was, yet, another spot on call. 

What’s Nenner seeing now?  Nenner says, “ I have a chart going back to the 1900’s, and if you connect all the tops, the tops of 1929, top in the 1960’s, 1987,...we are up to the trend line again..."

"It seems very, very unusual to break a trend line that dates back for 100 years.  So, risk is very high...

We are totally out of the market...We have been out for three or four weeks...

We have the same thing as before.  People are more afraid to miss 4% on the upside than 50% on the downside.  That’s human nature.”

How low can the market go from here? 

Nenner says, “20,000 or lower is my call.”  I asked Nenner, “You think the market could get cut in half?”  Nenner replied, “Yes.”

On the geopolitical front, Nenner says:

I see things deteriorating very fast because nobody knows what’s right or wrong anymore in the United States.

It’s very worrisome.

I think the world will take on the United States because no one has a clue what they are doing anymore. This looks the same as before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor because how stupid can you get. In the end, the United States will get its act together, but first, they have to be hurt very seriously.”

[Doug here:  Here's a 100 year chart of the DJIA showing the 100 year channel for this index.  The market is trying to break out of the upper end of this channel right now. But 100 years of history says it's unlikely because we'd be exceeding the 1929 bubble highs and the 2000 bubble high. 

Here's the 100 year Dow channel chart from Kimble Charting Services:

One Hundred Years of History Indicates the Market Will Likely Stall Here

Please note that, when it comes to market predictions, I am about as wrong as anyone could be, so I'd take my information with more than a grain of salt!

Interestingly enough, Sentiment Trader indicates the old Dow Theory Trading signal, which looks at the Dow Transports relative to the Dow, has triggered a sell signal.  Since the beginning of massive manipuation of the market and money since the year 2000, the Dow Theory hasn't worked well.  In fact, not many historical technical trend signals have worked well.]

Monday, June 21, 2021

Finally, Signs of Intelligent Life on Earth: Swiss Voters Reject Climate Change

From Mish Shedlock at MishTalk.com:

Eurointelligence reports Swiss Reject Climate Change:

After Switzerland dropped its negotiations with the EU, the country has now rejected a climate-protection law in a referendum. Concretely, they rejected all three parts of the law in separate votes: on CO2, on pesticides, and on drinking water.

We agree with the Swiss journalist Mathieu von Rohr that this failure is not merely important in its own right, but symptomatic for the difficulties facing Green politics in general. It is one thing for people to pretend they support the Green party, especially when it is cool to do so. It is quite another to make actual sacrifices as the Swiss were asked to do.

But what is particularly interesting about this referendum is that the strongest opposition came from young people. 60-70% of the 18-34 year old voted No in the three categories.

Each country is different, but the big yet unanswered question is whether people elsewhere would agree to make personal sacrifices for the greater good. The Swiss referendum tells us we should not take this for granted. The German elections will be the next big test.

The referendum Failed 51-49. And it took a crushing rejection by Zoomers and millennials to do it. 

Where is the CO2 Coming From?

There will be no progress on CO2 emissions until China is on board. 

If the US cut its emissions to zero (assuming everything else stayed the same) it would not make much of a dent.

Of course, everything else would not stay the same. If the US cut emissions to zero, the world economy would crash along with food production with obvious ramifications.

$66 Billion Spent on Renewables Before the Texas Blackouts 

After $66 BILLION spent on intermittent renewable, just a few weeks ago, residents of Texas were AGAIN asked to reduce electricity consumption due to power shortages during a hot spell. This follows the disastrous failure of (renewable) power generation in February where the entire ERCOT (Texas) grid nearly failed catastrophically and put millions of Texans in a deep freeze with no water for days or even a week. See my post Wind Failed the Stand-Alone Texas Grid

RealClear energy asks Why Was $66 Billion Spent on Renewables Before the Texas Blackouts? 

Because Big Wind and Big Solar Got $22 Billion in Subsidies!

For every dollar spent by the wind and solar sectors in Texas, they got roughly 33 cents from taxpayers. By any measure, this is an outrageous level of subsidization. And Texans are learning that the tens of billions of dollars spent on wind and solar are not translating into reliable electricity.

On the graphic below, which I retrieved from ERCOT’s website on Wednesday, the black line shows electricity demand. The green line is wind output. On Monday, when demand was hitting 70,000 megawatts, wind output dropped to about 3,000 megawatts. On Tuesday, as power demand was again approaching 70,000 me

As I showed in my April 26 article for Real Clear Energy, the Texas oil and gas sector pays about 54 times more in taxes per year than the wind and solar sectors. According to the Houston Chronicle, the oil and gas sector paid about $13.4 billion in state taxes and royalties in 2019. By contrast, the wind and solar sectors are paying roughly $250 million per year in state and local taxes.

The bottom line here is obvious: If Texas is serious about increasing electricity reliability and cutting greenhouse gas emissions, it should be building nuclear plants, which proved to be the most reliable generation during the February freeze. For $66 billion, the state could have added another 6,000 megawatts or more, of new nuclear capacity. Alas, that’s not happening.  [Doug here: see my post: NuScale SMR Modular Nuclear Power: The Future of Carbon Free Energy??]

Adding more wind capacity to the Texas grid won’t do much to help meet demand during hot summer days. 

The ERCOT grid shows that tens of billions of dollars in tax incentives have resulted in the addition of tens of thousands of megawatts of generation capacity to the Texas grid that does precious little to provide power during periods of peak electricity demand. That’s a bad outcome.

The idea we could have done something 10 years ago or even 20 years ago that would satisfy the the Greens, at an affordable price (most likely any price), that would have changed anything happening today is total nonsense.

China is still the elephant in the room. 

Meanwhile, wind and solar technology is getting better and electric cars will be the norm within a decade. [Doug Here: Sounds good, but will the Texas and National grids provide sufficient power?]

To the extent there is a problem that can be solved at all, the free market will find it, not government bureaucrats

The Zoomers in Switzerland made the right choice.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

PCR: Democrats, the Architects of an Erased America, are the Real Enemy of our Country

Erasing America From Paul Craig Roberts at Paulcraigroberts.org:

"Evanston, Illinois has cancelled the 4th of July because of Covid but held slavery independence day (Juneteenth) yesterday. This shows the extent to which our country has lost its moorings.

Next Saturday, June 26, Evanston will celebrate Pride Day described as “the deep intersectionality of the LGBTQIA+ community with other marginalized communities.” 

From RT:

Community leaders in the Democrat bastion of Evanston, Illinois have apparently decided that Covid-19 is a greater public-health risk on Independence Day than during Juneteenth and Pride Month celebrations.

The city celebrated Juneteenth, the new federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the US, on Saturday, holding a parade and a community gathering that featured live performances, art displays and food vendors.

The partying will resume next Saturday, when Evanston hosts its annual Pride celebration, including a car parade, a community picnic and an evening candle-lighting ceremony. The event theme is "Proud to Be," which organizers say will celebrate "the deep intersectionality of the LGBTQIA+ community with other marginalized communities."

"Who is being marginalized? Isn’t it the heterosexual white patriots"

"A country, whose founding is decried and whose Constitution is denounced as a racist document, that celebrates perversity and substitutes George Floyd for George Washington is a country that has lost its soul. How can a country that sees itself as oppressive of every person except white heterosexuals support its oppressive hegemony abroad?

The blue state Democrats who are the architects of an erased America are the real enemy of our country.

Here's the statue that replaces George Washington, Thomas Jefferson . . ."

George Floyd Statue in Newark

Here's George Floyd lionized in a tribute in Brooklyn:

George Floyd Shrine in Brooklyn

[Doug Here:] The ignorant Left and very ignorant blacks continue to push the false meme or narrative that America is Systemically Racist, but fail to see that the Problem is Low Black Intelligence and High CriminalityLow intelligence, little logic and low emotional intelligence are black person's biggest enemies.

They "worship" sorry ass dudes like Michael Brown, George Floyd or idiot Duante Wright who all tragically died due their inability to control their behavior

George Floyd resisted police demands for him to sit in the police vehicle the entire encounter. It was one non-stop wrestling match.  Finally, they had to pin him to the ground to control his ass.

It's entirely possible that the show trial conviction of Derek Chauvin will be reversed in a re-trial as his death was not ruled an asphyxiation but Fentanyl poisoning and heart attack. Remember Floyd was complaining of breathing problems long before officers pinned him down. He was already dying of Fentanyl poisoning and lung edema: From New Updates on 'Saint George' and 'Holy Martyr' Jacob Blake:

"Dr. Baker, the chief medical examiner, had to concede that at 11 ng/mL, Floyd had “a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances.” He also conceded that the fentanyl overdose “can cause pulmonary edema,” a frothy fluid build-up in the lungs that was evidenced by the finding at autopsy that Floyd’s lungs weighed two to three times normal weight.

This is consistent with Officer Kueng’s observation at the scene that Floyd was foaming at the mouth and, as found at autopsy, that his lungs were “diffusely congested and edematous.”

In other words, like a drowned man, Floyd’s lungs were filled with fluid. And that was the obvious and inescapable reason why Floyd kept shouting over and over again that he couldn’t breathe even when he was upright and mobile.

The memorandum ends with Dr. Baker’s devastating conclusion that “if Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he [Dr. Baker] would conclude that it was an overdose death.”

See my post All the Unworthy, Unholy Black "Martyrs"for a good summary of black's sad "thug worship."  There's really no hope for many (most?) of these people.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Short Takes #6: Persecution of Conservatives, Blacks Were the 'Muscle' in the Election Steal

This is an ongoing series of posts consisting of "short takes" of notable events that are occurring under our noses that indicate or inform about how our country and world is falling apart. I say this is an ongoing series because events are happening almost daily now. And it's anyone's guess when dramatic events occur so that everyone will be able to see that we're in complete crisis.

Note that the highlighted titles in bold and underlined are hyperlinks to the relevant articles or posts.

1) De-banking, De-platforming, No-Fly Lists and Conservative Persecution is a Reality NOW

From Michelle Malkin at VDARE:

"On Tuesday, 33-year-old Lauren Witzke received a terse notice from her bank, Wells Fargo. The available balance on her account read "$0.00." Her entire life savings of roughly $15,500 had been transferred to "loss prevention."  "When I called, Wells Fargo told me that it was a 'business decision,'" Witzke recounted, "and that they have the right to close my account at any time." She was promised a check in the mail.

Here is what you need to know about Witzke. The 2020 Delaware Senate GOP candidate is an outspoken Christian conservative activist and supporter of former President Donald Trump who peacefully exercised her First Amendment rights at the Jan. 6 Capitol rally. She has not been charged with any crime. She was, however, suspended on Twitter for peacefully opposing mass migration and violent refugee criminals in Europe. She was banned completely from the platform in March for peacefully expressing her opinion that a transgender activist, who tweeted that little girls were kinky, was "demonic." She has organized peaceful election integrity efforts in Georgia through her work with the Hold the Line PAC. She has been a fierce and peaceful advocate for "America First" principles protecting the traditional nuclear family, supporting an immigration moratorium and combating Big Tech censorship.

In other words: Lauren Witzke has a big fat target on her back for threatening the powers that be in Big Government and Big Business. After the Jan. 6 protest, she has encountered obstacles to flying unimpeded across the country to participate in political rallies and events. She cannot check into flights online, is swabbed for explosives and has "SSSS" ("secondary security screening selection") marked on her tickets. That's a designation made by the federal Transportation Security Administration, which keeps a secret list of untold thousands of American citizens targeted for undisclosed reasons as "security" threats."

2) Democrats Are the Evil Architects of the Election Steal; Blacks Were the 'Muscle' IN DETROIT

From "The Election Fraud in Detroit: They Did Not Want Us to See What's Happening" from The Federalist :

“When I was in the room it was very clear that we were outnumbered, I would say three to one,” Nesbitt said. Republican and Democrat poll challengers have different types of credentials, making it easy to tell how many Democratic challengers there were compared to Republican. Nesbitt estimates there were about 1,200 people in the hall but only about fifty or sixty GOP poll challengers—not enough to cover all of the tables where ballots were being counted.

Even so, when these Republican poll challengers came into the hall, the ballot-counting stopped. “It wasn’t too long after I got into the room that it became very apparent that there was no rush to be counting anything,” Nesbitt said. “For about four hours, over ninety percent of the counting boards had no activity.”

Asked why they stopped, Nesbitt replied, “I believe that they were trying to wait for us to leave, because we had an influx of volunteers who came into the room following the union members.”

"The ballot-counters were also not allowing Republican poll challengers to observe the ballot supplication process.  But whenever Republican observers were present, said Nesbitt, “They would position their bodies in the way, and other election, workers at that counting board would position their bodies in the way, to prohibit us from being able to witness what was happening. If a GOP observer raised a concern about this, they were kicked out.

Soon after the Associated Press called the state of Michigan for Joe Biden, a chaotic scene erupted inside the Detroit convention center.

Police barred Republicans and Democratic poll challengers from entering a room where Detroit ballots were being counted. A group identified as Republicans chanted “stop the count” as they were met by police, who shielded the doors of the city’s TCF Center."

Black People Barred White Republicans from Entering Vote Counting Room

"Despite that Detroit is a majority Black city, videos from the scene show the protesters were white. For Woods, the altercation “said a lot” about the state of the country.

Election workers stayed in the room all night and counted ballots while the white people outside banged on the windows and yelled at them, she says. And the protesters were “irate” as they yelled at Woods when she came out to talk to them, she says."

Not only did black thugs chase away white Republican election observers but they badly outnumbered White Republicans.  AND all these blacks were deeply committed to defrauding the vote count. 

Black People Barred Mostly White Republicans from Entering Vote Counting Room

3) Democrats Are the Evil Architects of the Election Steal; Blacks Were the 'Muscle' In ATLANTA

From Gatewaypundit  Election Worker Ralph Jones Is Now Second Worker Caught Double-Counting Ballots at the State Farm Center

"A new report confirms Fulton County election worker Ruby Freeman was not the only leftist operative double counting stacks of ballots in Atlanta on election night. Top Atlanta election official Ralph Jones was also double scanning ballots late at night at the State Farm Center in Atlanta, Georgia on election night."

Cheaters Ruby, Shaye and Ralph at the State Farm Center Atlanta

Note the predominance of black "vote counters (ie., defrauders)" in the counting rooms in all the key cities in all of key swing states in Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Detroit and Atlanta. Not only did black thugs chase away election observers but they were deeply committed to defrauding the vote count.   

Wonderful, trustworthy people, aren't they??

Again from Gatewaypundit: "Ralph Jones was the person who sent home all of the election observers.  Then his crew, including Ruby and daughter Shaye, went to work on election night!

Just the News released an explosive report on Thursday night exposing massive fraud in the Fulton County Georgia 2020 presidential election:

"A handpicked contractor in the State Farm Arena, Carter Jones from Seven Hill Strategies, wrote a 29-page memo back in November outlining the “massive” election integrity failures and mismanagement that he witnessed in the Atlanta-area’s election centers."

"In the 29-page report Carter Jones tells of two more instances where the election officials were double-scanning votes late at night after the election observers and news media was sent home!

Just before 11:30 p.m., Jones notes “confusion about whether or not they’re still scanning at State Farm bc there were reports that the staff there told the rest of the staff and press to leave, but I am still getting number reports.” Jones later arrives at State Farm Arena just before midnight and finds “staff are still scanning on all five scanners.”

About twenty minutes later, Jones observes: “Order is starting to break down[.] Ralph newly re-scanned some ballots that had already been processed by Shaye.”

That was not the only instance in which Jones claims to have witnessed potential double-scanning of ballots. Observing counting on the second day after the election, Jones wrote of a machine that had “shut down because it was causing more problems than it was solving.”

“Double-feeding and cutting through both the envelope and the ballot, which leads to even more duplicates,” he said."

"Then, to establish the steal, the counting center told the Republicans to go home at 10:30.  They concocted the bullshit water leak story.  David Shafer, Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, said in 2 tweets:

Fulton County elections officials told the media and our observers that they were shutting down the tabulation center at State Farm Arena at 10:30 p.m. on election night only to continue counting ballots in secret until 1:00 a.m.

No one disputes that Fulton County elections officials falsely announced that the counting of ballots would stop at 10:30 p.m. No one disputes that Fulton County elected officials unlawfully resumed the counting of ballots after our observers left the center."

The Gateway Pundit was first to report that Ruby Freeman was also seen double scanning stacks of ballots at the State Farm Center in Atlanta, Georgia after observers were sent home on election night.

Remember the vote count was halted in five key swing states at the same time.  Election workers were told to go home in Atlanta due to  a PHONY LIE that there was a water leak. That was total bullshit. 

Everything is a phony lie in this Country. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The US is NOT a Racist Country; Except for Reverse (White & Asian) Discrimination

Stupid people across America are confusing the inability of US Blacks to excel in nearly all academic areas as "RACISM!!"  Blacks can't do maff, that RAYCISS! --for instance. They can't do Science either. Because they mostly can't do it, they aren't interested in it. How many black software engineers are there??  I'd suggest few because it requires logical capability that is mostly absent in most blacks. How many engineers of any kind??  Not many, maybe 2%? Afterall maff is rayciss, don't you know? Linear thinking is too White!

Furthermore, stupid people across America are confusing that Black's extremely negative reputation for committing murder, violent crimes and property crimes as RACISM!! They richly DESERVE that bad reputation because Blacks commit violence crimes and murders at about 7 to 10 times the rate of White persons! THEY CAUSED IT--Not white people. Blacks constitute 43% of our prison population despite being only 13% of the population.  (In reality, it's Black MEN who are the biggest problem, so it's 43% of the prison population and only 6.5% of the general population). 

It's even worse for violent crimes: On average, Blacks committed 52% of all murders, 57% of the gun murders and committed 66% of the drug related homicides (1980 to 2008).  This statistic is old but the situation never changes---it just gets worse.  So Take Away Guns from Black persons, not White persons. Blacks are 5 times less numerous than Whites in the population but committing more than 55% of the violent crime.

Black kids, despite every effort to entice them or force them to attend high school, at least 50+% drop out. And 37% of HS black drop-outs will eventually go to prison. The VAST MAJORITY of blacks just can't perform well at 12th Grade high school levels. It's just a fact, not a judgment. And it's not racism. They just can't do it well enough after 50 years of trying to equalize this group.

A black man became a neurosurgeon and they made a movie about it (called "Gifted Hands.")  It's the story about Ben Carson. But when ONE black guy becomes a neurosurgeon and they make a movie about it, it indicates how rare it is (or was). 

Blacks are underrepresented among neurosurgeons is the same reason they are overrepresented in the NBA, the NFL, and in many areas of entertainment. It is fundamentally a matter of inclination, ability, skill, and talent.  NO ONE IS HOLDING ANYONE BACK except their LACK of academic and intellectual ability and a poor culture and reputation that they created for themselves.  NO, WE'RE NOT ALL THE SAME.  THERE ARE (PERSISTENT) RACIAL DIFFERENCES. It's the most obvious thing in the world--especially after 50 years of "affirmative action."

In addition to a huge propensity for violent crime, what's "holding US black people down" is their inability to graduate high school (with no real alternative), the failure to speak the prevailing American english dialect, the self-segregation of themselves into separate and very unequal and violent communities, their anti-white racism, bad attitudes, the collapse of the black family (the absence of black fathers), their behavior--the outrageous black-on-black violence, the crime, the ever-present drug dealing, the murders, the HIV infections, the prostitution, hoochie mamas, shameful thugs and despicable rap "culture," the gangs and the large rate of incarceration of black youths and men, their horrible national black "leadership."


Blacks in Africa never had anything going for them either. Slave trading by black African warlords and Muslims began a 1000 years ago, centuries before African slaves were brought to the "New World." All of the great intellectual and cultural advances unfortunately largely passed them by: Christianity, the Renaissance,  the 18th century Enlightenment all passed them by.  It really is a sad history for them, until White Christian people began to eliminate slavery in Europe, then America, in the late 18th century as it was felt to be incompatible to Christianity. In contrast, slavery persisted in Africa until quite recently.

War was fought to end the remaining slavery in America (after they were freed in the North at our nation's founding). Then true freedoms and equality was instituted and enforced in the South by the US Federal government during post-Civil War Reconstruction until Democrats ended all that for 80 years.

Then, once again, America has made the greatest effort ever essayed by one race to uplift another:

In 1954 an entirely white Supreme Court unanimously ended segregation. Later it found the use of IQ tests by employers illegal because blacks scored poorly, then found “affirmative action,” racial discrimination against whites, legal (hardly oppression of blacks, this). An overwhelmingly white Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, the Voting Rights Act the next year. A white President sent troops to Little Rock to enforce desegregation. There has been an enormous flow of charity to blacks: Section Eight Housing, AFDC, Head Start, hiring quotas, set-asides, sharply lowered standards in police and fire departments. We now have free breakfasts for black children, then free lunches, in addition to outright welfare. In aggregate they resemble a distributed guaranteed basic income.

White people should be thanked for their remarkable efforts to redress brutality in history.


Illegal Immigrants Punish 10 Small States With $454 Million Cost PLUS Job Losses


Illegal immigrants in growing numbers are flooding into so-called sanctuary cities and states where they are consuming up to $6,500 in taxpayer-funded services, according to a new review of costs in 10 small states.

The surge is having an outsized effect on smaller states and is cutting funds for services to veterans, children, and disabled Americans, according to the report provided exclusively to Secrets from the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

The report said illegal immigration costs the 10 states $454 million when taking into account costs to the communities minus tax revenue from the migrants. “To put that figure into context, that $454 million expenditure is more than 200 times what the state of Montana budgets for its entire Veterans Affairs program, and it is 2.5 times the total sum that West Virginia invests in its state university,” said the report.

And, it added, illegal immigrants cost between $4,000 and $6,500 annually above any tax benefit they provide.
“In many ways, the influx of immigrants into less populous areas of the country has an even greater impact on long-time residents than it does in larger and more urban areas,” said Dan Stein, president of FAIR. “These areas have neither the tax base, nor the economic and social infrastructure to accommodate the needs of the growing numbers of immigrants taking up residence.”

The 10 states analyzed in the FAIRUS study, Small Migrant Populations, Huge Impacts, were New Hampshire, Mississippi, Alaska, Maine, North Dakota, West Virginia, South Dakota, Vermont, Montana, and Wyoming.

“Many local officials tout immigration, including illegal immigration, as a remedy to economic stagnation. However, as this report reveals, the reality is precisely the opposite,” said Stein.

He added, “Illegal immigration, in particular, drives down wages and inhibits job opportunities for legal residents, while bringing more low-skilled, low-wage workers to these states. In turn, this increases costs to state and local governments, and discourages investment by businesses seeking a skilled labor force and lower overhead.”

The report comes on the heels of a key U.S. Supreme Court decision to let the Trump administration block entry to immigrants who are likely to burden taxpayers.

FAIR’s report also showed that sanctuary cities are a growing attraction for illegal immigrants, especially in smaller states where the costs of living can be lower.

The key findings from the report to Secrets:

  • In each of these states, each illegal immigrant resident carried a net tax deficit of between $4,000 and $6,500 annually.
  • Some 415,000 foreign-born reside in these 10 states, of whom about 88,000 (or 21%) are illegal immigrants. Additionally, there are about 35,000 U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants in these states.
  • Collectively, these illegal immigrants and their U.S.-born children cost taxpayers in the 10 states about $454 million each year for the provision of essential services such as education and healthcare.
  • Local schools struggle to provide educators and cover the costs of instruction for 50,000 K-12 students classified as Limited English Proficient.
  • A growing number of sanctuary jurisdictions (29 and counting, including the entire state of Vermont), and lower living costs are a magnet for illegal immigrants.
  • The growing immigrant population competes with legal residents for jobs in economically depressed areas.

This report highlights the fact that the adverse effects of unchecked mass immigration, combined with an immigration selection process that does not choose people based on individual merit, job skills and education, are now being felt in all parts of the country. Americans, in every part of the nation, are being affected by antiquated and unenforced immigration policies, which is why it is at the top of the list of voter concerns heading into the 2020 elections,” said Stein.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

PCR: Why Countries Collapse

From Paul Craig Roberts, "Why Countries Collapse"

In the Western world the destruction of belief has been underway for many decades.  The French novelist Jean Raspail captured the collapse of Western belief and its consequences in his novel, The Camp of the Saints, 48 years ago in 1973.  The collapse is clearly visible today. The French, the Germans, the British, the Scandinavians cannot resist the dark-skinned immigrant-invaders that are are finally conquering Western Christianity with Islam.

German belief in themselves and their country was destroyed by American control of their educational system since 1945. Germans are indoctrinated with the belief that their country is shameful, responsible for heinous acts supported by the German people. Any manifestation of German pride or any defense of German ethnicity against immigrant-invaders is treated as a manifestation of Nazism.  See "The Washington Post: Treat America Like a Conquered Nation,

In Britain assorted intellectuals and university professors have damned the British for their colonialism. Generation by generation the attack has eroded away British belief in their country. Today “the privileged few,” the students at Magdalen College, Oxford University, are “uncomfortable” with a portrait of Queen Elizabeth in their common room and have removed the image of the Queen of England from their presence. Quite clearly, the disassociation of the privileged few from their country is extreme. How must the down and out feel?

In France the only politician who represents French ethnicity is Marine Le Pen, but the French ethnics will not elect the only politician who believes in a French nationalist state based on French ethnicity. When the Establishment is not trying to arrest her, they are calling her a nazi. So, if you are French and you stand for French people, you are a nazi. If patriotism still exists, it has been removed from association with French ethnicity.

In the now throughly Disunited States, split not north and south but red and blue, in the blue states white Americans are regarded as systemic racist oppressors of blacks and perpetrators of genocide of the native tribes. There is much talk of paying restitution, but the emphasis now is on eliminating “whiteness.” For the extremists, this means killing off the whites. You can see the flavor here: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2021/06/11/expressions-of-anti-white-hatred-in-high-places-aruna-khilanani-at-yale/  For others it means eliminating Western culture.

Black studies programs in American universities and all blue state public school systems and some red state ones, although the red states are moving against it, teach that white people are racist by nature and naturally oppress “people of color.”  The effect of this teaching is to create hatred of whites on the part of “people of color” while destroying the confidence of white Americans to defend themselves from accusations, punishments, and violence.  The manifestations of the attacks on white Americans are everywhere.  Indeed, we drown in them.  Yet there is no public or political discussion of the official demonization of white Americans, which is being implemented as the official policy of the Democrat Party.  

As in Raspail’s novel the attack on French nationalists was led by the French themselves, so in the Disunited States the fierce demonizing attacks on white Americans are led by white American liberals. Self-repudiation by white persons is the rule in the Western world.

In New Zealand there was or is about to be a vote to dispossess themselves and hand over part of the country that New Zealanders built to the descendants of the original native inhabitants. There is similar intent in Australia and Canada. The Germans for years have been paying billions of dollars to the “descendants of the Holocaust.”

Even the US military is being programmed to weed out alleged racist attitudes toward people of color. If white US soldiers are guilty of oppressing blacks, they are also guilty of oppressing Arabs and Asians. How then can US troops fight in the Middle East or against China? If blacks have been oppressed, the US has oppressed people of color in the Arab countries it has bombed and invaded for 20 years. Is the US military being conditioned so that it can only fight white people? Are US sanctions against China, North Korea, and Iran racist?

Oh Boy: 'Whiteness is a Malignant, Parasitic-like Condition'

Donald Moss: Insane and Self-Loathing Fool

Anti-Whiteness is clearly a psychosis and an infection on the body politic, caused by unending propaganda from the DNC-CIA-MSM lie machine. 

From Newsweek: "A research article published last month in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association called whiteness “a malignant, parasitic-like condition.” That description, along with other language in the article, has caused public anger, and the backlash against the author was evident on social media.

 The article, titled On Having Whiteness, was written by Dr. Donald Moss, a white man who is a faculty member of both the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis.

In the article, Moss wrote that “‘white’ people have a particular susceptibility” to the “parasitic” condition, which he claims “renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse.” [Project much "Doctor" Moss? Doctor, heal thyself!] He explained he believed whiteness establishes “entitled dominion” that enables the “host” to have “power without limit, force without restriction, violence without mercy,” and increases one’s drive to “terrorize.”

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Short Takes #5: Who's REALLY Not Contributing Their "Fair Share:" Illegals, Blacks and Latinos

This is an ongoing series of posts consisting of "short takes" of notable events that are occurring under our noses that indicate or inform about how our country and world is falling apart. I say this is an ongoing series because events are happening almost daily now. And it's anyone's guess when dramatic events occur so that everyone will be able to see that we're in complete crisis.

Note that the highlighted titles in bold and underlined are hyperlinks to the relevant articles or posts.

1) Illegal Immigration Cost to US Taxpayers: $133.7 BILLION Per Year and Rising,

From that post, I indicate that 14.5 million illegals (overwhelmingly Hispanic) cost our country $133.7 Billion per year (from FAIRUS). That works out to be $9,241 NET COST per year per illegal (every man, woman and child).

Statutory miniumum wages in their home countries are very low: $7 per DAY in Mexico, $10 to $13 per DAY for the other countries in Central America. Democrats want YOU to pay them $15 per HOUR and allow these people take jobs from US citizens.

On average these people have little to offer the US. America should be deliberately targeting the BEST immigrants in the world to power our country forward in the 21st century; NOT the WORST of the WORST.  Of course, the Democrats don't care. They literally WANT the WORST OF THE WORST.  And they don't care about the cost to local, state or national communities.  Republicans don't give a shit either!  Yes, there are outstanding immigrants from every country in the world, but the data shows that we must be very selective: NOT MASS, UNCONTROLLED, NON-SELECTIVE INVASION!!

Worse, it's a case where the Biden Administration is The Third Obama Administration; In Bed With the Cartels to accept delivery of illegals!  It's criminals all around. What a fucked-up bunch of Commies we have now. 

2) Blacks and Hispanics Are A Net Cost to America from R. Faulk at The Alternative Hypothesis

From Robert Faulk at The Alternative Hypothesisin his post Fiscal Impact by Race in 2018, he works the numbers to calculate the estimated net contribution of each race by the amount of government cost and services consumed by race vs. tax revenue by race. The overall spending and revenue data includes State, Federal and Local tax revenue and spending from 2018. Here are his results:

Estimated Fiscal Impact by Race in $Billions per Year

He's calling the White Population to be about 59% (190 million persons), Hispanics are now 18% (60 million), Blacks are 13% (44 million), Native American 1.2% (4 million), Mixed Race 2.75% (9 million) and Asian is about 6% (19.5 million). All of this population data is confirmed by Statistica.com.

The net cost of Blacks is $666 Billion. Per Black person, it works out to a net COST of $15,136 PER YEAR PER BLACK PERSON (Men, women and children). This "deficit" shows to what extent Blacks in America live in state of "custodial care." I'm sure the cost of housing a million black prisoners is not included in that cost figure, so it's likely even worst.

The net cost of Hispanics is $334 Billion. Per Hispanic Person, it works out to be a net COST of $5667 PER YEAR PER HISPANIC PERSON (Men, women and children).

For comparison, the net cost of Illegal Immigrants from my post 1) Illegal Immigration Cost to US Taxpayers: $133.7 BILLION Per Year and Rising above is $9,241 net COST PER YEAR PER ILLEGAL (men, women and children).

This data nominally may show why Latino and Black nations rarely thrive economically and usually collapse repeatedly. Whites and Asian people and nations usually thrive and support high levels of civilization--just like in Europe, America and East Asia.


3) California Has the Highest Level Poverty in the US From Public Policy Institute of California

Speaking of a failure to thrive, from MSN: "California has the highest level of functional poverty in the U.S., according to U.S. Census Bureau data. The Census Bureau reported that of California’s roughly 40 million residents, an average of 18.2 percent have been impoverished during the three preceding years.

Using a similar methodology as the Census Bureau, the institute created a California Poverty Measure, which calculated the poverty rate at 17.8 percent and near-poverty rate at 18.5 percent. Slightly more than 36 percent of California’s residents are at or near the poverty level, more than one third of its population. 

THESE STATISTICS ARE AFTER TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION SAFETY NET INCOME SUPPLEMENTS. Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM), which extends the official poverty measure by taking account of many of the government programs designed to assist low-income families and individuals that are not included in the official poverty measure.

California’s rate is three times higher than Iowa’s rate of 6.8 percent (mostly White persons, go figure?), which is the lowest in the nation. It’s also notably higher than its neighboring states’ poverty rates of 13.7 percent in Nevada, 12.8 in Arizona, and 11.1 in Oregon."

White people in California are a minority, so I thought it might be interesting to see how race that affects poverty levels. The racial breakdown of California population is approximately 40% Hispanic, 36% White, 15% Asian, 6% Black, 2% mixed or other (not quite 100%). I doubt these numbers reflect the large illegal immigrant community in this "Sanctuary State."

In 2018, 22.9% of Latinos lived in poverty, compared to 18.2% of African Americans, 15.9% of Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, and 12.8% of whites:


Poverty Rates After Safety Net Programs by Race/Ethnic Groups


Poverty Rates by California County

The largest social safety net programs kept an estimated 7.0% of Californians out of poverty in 2018: 

Affect of Various Safety Nets On Poverty: Not including Social Security


4) A Post That Has Aged Very Well:  America's March to 3rd World Status, Then Collapse  from July 2016

The key takeaway is that we've reached a point where the politicians care not one bit about the good of the country and are only focused on their own benefits and agenda of personal gain. This is what happens in dramatically collapsed countries like Venezuela and Argentina.

Zero interest rates are destroying Capitalism itself and any hope for the future. Insane academicians at central bankers all around the world are running rampant destroying savers, pensioners, pension funds, insurance companies and capitalism itself. And it appears that they created a new mandate to support the stock and bond market to protect elites!!  

In the next crisis, [We're Still in the Ongoing Financial/Economic "Emergency"from 2008] these insane and destructive central bankers will start wholesale money printing to buy (monetize) government debt as the economy fails and tax revenues collapse. The final collapse will be an inflationary collapse like we're seeing in Venezuela!! The Federal Reserve should have already been reformed or eliminated by now to prevent this. But again, nothing is done. Oh, how far we've fallen.  [THIS APPEARS TO BE HAPPENING NOW.]

Obama and the Left started a class war, a war on business, a war on police and a race war. They want to promote dissent & conflict to justify "emergency" measures then "emergency powers." We're already very close to financial and social collapse. Sounds like Chavez and Maduro to me. [This nonsense and MORE indicate that we're in the 3rd Term of Obama, are we not?]

Other observations and evidence of our descent into 3rd world status:

  • Law and order no longer exists in this country whether you're talking about immigration law abuse, or even the normal function of our Constitutional government.
  • We've learned that you're now protected if you're one of the connected "elites" as easily demonstrated by Hillary's abuse of office and abuse of our national security.  The media is complicit in a cover-up of this situation. Sounds like the Politburo in the old USSR. Because it is!
  • The Left is control of the media outlets to the extent that it is clearly propagandistic. Truth is hidden. Real journalism is dead. It's sad because Democracy depends on a robust and independent media. Instead, we're well on the road to tyranny.
  • Leftists control college curricula and are indoctrinating our impressionable young people into Leftist principles. It's paid off as large numbers of millenials support Socialism and Bernie Sanders. It shows how ignorant our graduates are.  They have never been taught how Socialism destroys societies.  Journalism schools are apparently teaching nothing but Leftism judging by the bias of our media outlets.
  • Skyrocketing debt is direct threat to our republic. It's even worse then it looks due to the ongoing entitlement demographic crisis
  • Meanwhile, the population is being kept distracted by iPhones and they are being subsequently manipulated by Google and Facebook--always toward The Left of course.
  • Ever bigger and wasteful & counterproductive Govt. is the rule, despite the fact that everything related to government function is failing and/or wasteful and/or counterproductive.
  • The prosperous are falsely attacked of 'not paying their fair share" but it's a total lie. The top 40% is paying nearly ALL taxes.  But prosperous people must be vilified to "extract" and "confiscate" more of their money. Think Chavez once again. The failing government needs more and more money--other people's money.  All to redistribute to the most unworthy people to buy votes.
  • Moves to disarm the population leaving only the elites with gun protection. Think Venezuela and Mexico right now!
  • Vilifying prosperous people even though prosperous people make the right choices, do the right things. All to extract or confiscate money to redistribute to unworthy people who do the wrong things, make all the wrong choices. It's really about buying votes.
  • Open borders is a long term ploy to indiscriminately allow large numbers of the most unsophisticated and poorly-educated immigrants from the poorest, most violent countries in Central America and make them "grateful" for the Leftist party and vote that way.  It's all about buying votes. It's an outrageous scam and it's being covered-up by MSM.
  • The Left not only destroys societies but destroys private markets like the government takeover of the US health insurance market (Obamacare). Refusing to change it even though it has only helped 2% while the remaining 98% suffer. Media covers-up the disaster.
  • Income inequality is rising, poverty at new highs despite our supposed "recovery"and all the handouts.  
  • Politicians and the government are bought and paid-for by various interests.  There's a unholy alliance between Big government and Big Business. This results in favored cartels including the Military-Industrial complex,  the healthcare insurers, drug companies and the "saved" big banks. It's all about money. The good of the country is not a primary concern.
Crisis is coming to our country and world and it's being brought to you by failed politicians and horrible central bankers. It's "baked-in."