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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Dr. Happer: Why More Atmospheric CO2 Will Barely Raise Earth's Temperatures

Make no mistake about it, but William Happer is serious scientist who really understands the physics of the Earth’s ‘energy balance’ including the incoming radiation from the sun and the re-radiation of energy from the earth during the night. From that link: Happer is “a specialist in modern optics, optical and radiofrequency spectroscopy of atoms and molecules, radiation propagation in the atmosphere, and spin-polarized atoms and nuclei.” Is that serious enough?

I’m going to borrow from his article “How to Think about Climate Change” , from Watts Up With That that explains the basic physics of the Earth’s thermal radiation process and ultimately shows why global temperatures will not rise much even if atmospheric CO2 doubles from the current 400 ppm to 800 ppm or even 1600 ppm. I posted the article Trump Will End the EPA's and Gov't Climate Initiatives and Spending, on Jan.25th, talking about this and more. I think it’s also worth a look.

Let’s get started:

The Earth’s daily energy flows are incredibly large. Just think about a typical summer day. The sun warms (through solar radiation heating) the atmosphere and the land during the day and temperatures might rise to something like 90 deg F. Then during the evening and night everything cools to something like 70 deg F—especially if it’s a clear sky. 

The Earth’s DAILY Energy Flows

We all know that the daytime heating and night-time cooling in deserts is more extreme than humid, forested areas. Either way, it’s a gargantuan transfer of energy every day. Of course we take all this for granted (as we should). Virtually nobody, including climate “scientists” know enough about the basic physics that govern this daily cycle. If they did, nearly all of the climate models wouldn’t be so wrong and overstate warming currently AND going forward compared to the real and accurate measurements. They literally are all wrong—except Dr. Happer. 

Figure 1 Shocking that all the climate modelers are wrong, especially since 1995. They are being paid by governments/NGOs/Universities and if they show “no big deal” they don’t get funded! It literally pays to predict crisis

There’s science and quantum physics involved in ALL of those temperature swings which are the result of incoming radiation from the sun by day and the re-radiation of energy back into space during the night; albeit at a difference wavelengths (or frequencies). The entire article is great at explaining the physics of visible and near visible radiation, but for brevity, I’ll most skip to the most important points of the article; hopefully in a way that is more easily understood.

First is the chart showing both incoming thermal radiation from the sun in red and the ‘outgoing’ thermal re-radiation of the earth back into the night sky in blue. The panels beneath the top show the “blocking” effect of various components of the atmosphere and then a panel with all the blocking added together:

Figure 2

The incoming sunlight (in red) is higher energy (X-axis), ie., shorter wavelength and mostly visible light. Nearly 75% of incoming solar radiation is either absorbed by the earth’s surface or by the atmosphere. The outgoing radiation (re-radiation to space) is lower energy, ie., lower frequency and is mostly blocked by water vapor, CO2 in the atmosphere. Therefore only 25% of the day’s heat energy is re-radiated into space. Why? Because BOTH water vapor AND CO2 are greenhouse gases (Ozone too, but we’ll get to that later) and they block much of the lower energy infrared re-radiation at night. They don’t affect the daytime sunlight and it’s heating (as much).

From the article (refering to Fig 2):

Radiation cooling of the surface is less efficient because various greenhouse gases (most importantly water vapor, which is shown as the third panel down, and CO2, which is the fourth panel down) intercept a lot of that radiation and keep it from freely escaping to space. This keeps Earth’s surface temperature warmer than it would be (by about 20 or 30 degrees).

The Earth would be an ice cube if it were not for water vapor and CO2; and when I say water vapor, you should understand that I really mean water vapor and clouds. Clouds are at least as important as greenhouse gases and they are very poorly understood to this day.

Oh wow, so thank God for greenhouse gases or the Earth would one big snowball if it weren’t for greenhouse gases: water vapor, clouds and the small amount of CO2 in the atmosphere—20 to 30 deg COLDER is huge and civilization-ending. Cold is the big killer of humans and mammals—not warmth. It also explains why deserts can be so cold at night thanks to low humidity, few clouds

Actually the Earth HAS been an icy “snowball” in geologic history, but it’s nice and cozy now! It doesn’t take much cooling of the earth to permanently expand polar ice sheets—which causes even more cooling as ice/snow do not absorb solar radiation and reflect it back to space. This is what happens in “Ice Ages” by the way. Ice Ages and Mini-Ice Ages are caused by “Milankovtich” cycles of the Earth due to wobbles of the Earth’s axis and eccentricities of Earth’s orbit around the sun, typically with 100s of thousands of years of cycle length. (See my post What Causes Ice Ages? to see some good graphics—from 2013.) I’ve been writing this blog for quite some time. I’m still no good at it, but I’m a “hell of an engineer.” Bonus points if you get my little joke. I’ll be waiting for ur response—tick, tock!)

Now, we’re getting to the final Big Point(s) of this post. Take a look at the Figure 3 below. It’s a detailed picture of the outgoing (or upgoing) re-radiation of heat from the Earth (shown in blue in Fig 2). It’s just more detailed.

Fig 3: The Effect of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that block re-radiation of Earth’s heat at night. We’re re-radiating 277 W/m2 today —with CO2 at 400 ppm, and 274 W/m2 with CO2 at 800 ppm. It’s virtually the same.

I’m borrowing and slightly editing Dr. Happer’s explanations of the graph above in his referenced document How to Think About Climate Change:

“Max Planck is the great German physicist who discovered quantum mechanics and was the first to show why the theoretical spectrum of radiation from warm bodies [like our planet Earth] has the shape shown on this graph (the smooth blue line) representing a theoretical transparent atmosphere. The horizontal scale, left to right is the “spatial frequency” (wave peaks per cm) of thermal radiation. The vertical scale is the thermal power that is going out, ie., radiating, to space. If there were no greenhouse gases, the radiation going to space would be the area under the blue Planck curve. Using this curve, the heating of Earth by sunlight which corresponds to 394 Watts per square meter. But this was all based on theory, no accounting for greenhouse gases, but he was theoretically correct.

It was theorist Schwarzschild who first figured out how the “real” Earth, including the greenhouse gases in its atmosphere, actually is heated. The various greenhouse gases block certain spectra of radiation/light—both incoming and outgoing. The real “curve” is now described instead by a jagged black line. It’s significantly different than Plank’s modeling.

The first big gap (block) is caused by CO2 absorbing radiation that would otherwise cool the Earth. The second big gap is absorption due to Ozone or O3—which is another greenhouse gas (along with water vapor and CO2).

The important point here is the red line. This is what Earth would radiate to space if you were to double the CO2 concentration from today’s value. Right in the middle of these curves, you can see a gap in spectrum. If you double the amount of CO2, you don’t double the size of that gap. You just go from the black curve to the red curve, and you can barely see a difference. The gap hardly changes.

[Doug here: Plank’s theoretical blue curve was close but not exact; because it was pure theory and didn’t account for any greenhouse gases. The first gap is due to the absorption of CO2 which helps keep us warm and cozy on average. The second gap is absorption due to Ozone or O3—which is another greenhouse gas (along with water vapor and CO2.) Finally, Schwarzchild’s jagged black curve is well below Plank’s theoretical blue curve on the right side due to the greenhouse gas of water vapor. All told, Schwartzchild discovered that the Earth radiates 277 Watts/m2 with our current level of CO2 or 400 ppm or 274 Watts/m2 with CO2 at 800 pppm. Hardly any difference. With 0 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere, the re-radiated heat at night would be 307 Watts/m2 or significantly more cooling at night and a much cooler climate equilibrium. Doug Out].

Back to Dr. Happer:

“The message I want you to understand, which practically no one really understands, is that doubling CO2 makes almost no difference. Doubling would replace the black curve by the red curve. On the basis of this, we are supposed to give up our liberties? We are supposed to give up the gasoline engines of our automobiles. We are supposed to accept dictatorial power by Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, because of the difference between the red and the black curve.”

“The takeaway message is that policies that slow CO2 emissions are based on flawed computer models which exaggerate warming by factors of two or three, probably more. That is message number one. So, why do we give up our freedoms, why do we give up our automobiles, why do we give up a beefsteak because of this model that does not work?”

In his article, Dr. Happer also touts how quickly plants grow with more CO2 and the Earth is actually “greening” due to the boost of CO2 in the atmosphere! 

Fig 4: The net “greening” of areas (vs. less green areas) of the planet. Carbon Dioxide is plant food

And he doesn’t mention that the age of coal in the 1800s and our subsequent ages of petroleum/diesel and nuclear energy have magically lifted BILLIONS of persons out of poverty and lifted BILLIONS into a life of more comfort, happiness and advancement. How come no one mentions the incredible advantages of our fossil fuel age? Also, once fossil fuels become scarce, there will no doubt be other sources or energy that will probably be non-hydrocarbon; like Thorium Reactors or SMRs (small Modular uranium Reactors), or the holy grail of energy: Fusion reactors.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Trump Will End the EPA and Gov't Climate Initiatives and Spending


The following executive order from Donald J. Trump was issued on Jan 25th gives the EPA one month to justify it’s war on CO2 and their administrative war on business and citizens:

…..Within 30 days of the date of this order, the Administrator of the EPA, in collaboration with the heads of any other relevant agencies, shall submit joint recommendations to the Director of 0MB on the legality and continuing applicability of the Administrator’s findings, “Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases Under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act,” Final Rule, 74 FR 66496 (December 15, 2009).


It’s the first sign of hope in a long time that the global climate scam, or the Green New Scam; our government’s massive power grab and the insane spending for an entirely impossible attempt at reducing CO2 emissions, electrifying everthing and controlling our businesses & citizens are numbered.

Big Lie #1: Trace Amounts of CO2 in the Atmosphere are “Dangerous” to Human Life

If you’ve read this blog, you know that I have complained about the EPA’s illegal power grab must be reversed because it’s based on a lie. The lie is that carbon dioxide is "harmful or threatening to human health" at current and projected levels. This is also called in government speak the “endangerment clause.” It’s the basis for all government programs to spend massive amounts of money to convert everything to electrical, stifle fossil fuels, control citizens, EV subsidies, solar/wind subsidies, carbon taxes, etc. But to call 400 parts per million (ppm) levels of CO2 in the atmosphere "harmful to human or public health" is untrue and should be reversed. It's just not true. It’s STILL a trace gas in the atmosphere at 0.04%, up from 0.032% from 100 years ago. Even at 1000 or 1500 ppm CO2 will not significantly change the climate.

Fig 1: Compostion of Earth’s atmosphere

Unlike other gases such as sulfur dioxide, CO2 is naturally occurring at about 0.030% (300 ppm) (usually much higher in most of Earth’s history —see the Figure 2 below.) All trees, plants, algae, crops and phytoplankton require it for their photosynthesis and all of these are the bases for nearly all of the earth’s food chains. Recent CO2 levels have only risen to a less-than-astounding 0.042% in 60 years (or 420 ppm). And plants are probably growing faster now and the Earth is likely turning greener. The ocean will eventually absorb the slight increases.

But CO2 at 400 ppm is not a pollutant like sulfur dioxide and NO/NO2 (nitrous oxide, nitrous dioxide), which are appropriately regulated by our EPA through the Clean Air Act. Other than volcanic activity, emitted sulfur dioxide is mostly due to human and industrial activity — mostly from burning coal or untreated fuels. NOX emissions are mostly from automobiles and industrial activity. They are appropriately regulated and reduced because both have shown to cause acid rain, deforestation and harm to human respiration. They are both irritants to human respiration.

But Carbon dioxide is not harmful to human respiration at anywhere close to the 400 parts per million level (trace levels). Our exhaled breath contains 4% or 40,000 ppm CO2. Are you apoplectic if you sit next to others exhaling 40,000 ppm of CO2? I think not. And CO2 is literally plant food required for all photosynthesis; for agriculture, forests, all plant life and ALL LIFE on Earth. 

Wow, CO2 is helpful to plants and humans

Below is Fig.2, showing the history of the world and CO2. Notice that lows in atmospheric CO2 occur during periods of glaciation which is why our levels are 300 to 400ppm now. Other times, CO2 has been 1000 to 1600 ppm and higher.

There’s a reason for the effect of ice ages. It’s because any gas is more soluble in water at colder temperatures. This includes CO2, N2 and O2. All water absorbs CO2 (also N2 and O2) but colder water absorbs more. The dissolved gas comes from the atmosphere; therefore CO2 levels in the atmosphere falls as the environment cools. (see fig 2): 

Figure 2; Historical atmospheric CO2 levels with glacial periods highlighted

Similarly, cold ocean seawater is cloudy with plankton and algae because cold seawater has more dissolved oxygen for sea organisms. This explains the fact that cold Pacific Ocean water remains immensely productive in ALL types of sea life. It’s cold seawater that has all the krill and plankton to support huge food chains in the Arctic and Antarctic and especially in all the colder sea currents around the world like off of Western N. American and Western South America.

(On the other hand, warm water, like the Caribbean, is clear and blue because warm water is actually a "desert” for sea life relative to cold seawater—since there is much less dissolved oxygen.)

Big Lie #2: Acidifying the Ocean! Oh My!

CO2 dissolves in seawater and is absorbed in an incredibly vast carbonate/bicarbonate buffer system in the ocean. The earth’s oceans are alkaline at a pH of 8. (Neutral ph is 7. Acidic is below 7 and Alkaline is above 7).

Normally dissolving CO2 dissolved in fresh water makes it acidic; like sparkling water. But since the ocean has a MASSIVE carbonate/bicarbonate buffering system, it can and will absorb all of the excess CO2 in the atmosphere over time with no pH change. That dissolved CO2 just shifts the carbonate/bicarbonate equilibrium and the water pH remains STEADY at 8 or nearly so. That’s the definition of a buffer system. There is no acidifying of ocean waters due to higher CO2 emissions by humans. That’s one of the common lies of our time.

The ocean will eventually absorb ALL of man’s excess emitted CO2—given enough time —with no consequence! It has happened before many times.

The only reason that CO2 is building-up at all in the atmosphere at all is that it’s rate of being absortion by land, plants and oceans is less than current emissions.

Big Lie #3: We’re All Burn Up and Oceans Will Boil!

Concern and even panic is created in the media due to faulty science from so-called “climate researchers”—who ARE ALL FUNDED BY GOVERNMENTS OR NGO’s. It’s so-called climate models that have caused the greatest panic, but they are nearly all wrong! If you don’t predict panic, you won’t get funding!

Fig 3 Temperature Variations vs Observations from Univ of Alabama in Huntsville

It’s true that the rise of temperatures appears to be SOMEWHAT correlated to the rise of atmospheric CO2 measurements at Mauna Loa, Hawaii; but not well correlated at all! CO2 levels have risen 30% (from a very low level in 1975 to a still very low level in 2022), but temperatures have risen a relatively small amount from the most accurate measurements taken well above the surface by balloon and satellites. I’ll follow up with definitive evidence and research by Edward Happer, a renowned physicist and climate scientist, from his article called How to Think About Climate Change.

Yes, carbon dioxide is rising, but it’s still at trace levels—from 320 to 410 or so during 60 years. Could it be that rise in world CO2 emissions since 1980 are due mostly to China and India?? Hydrocarbons are bringing BILLIONS of people out of poverty and misery. Unfortunately, China has dramatically polluted itself, it’s water, it’s land and the world. And China is at the start of financial and demographic crisis. China could lose 400 million people in the next 80 years. There’s reason to believe that China will implode —it’s happening now (in slow motion so far).

China and India are the biggest CO2 emitters.

Also remember, we may only have about 100 more years of “affordable” petroleum sources as the easy-to-extract stuff is becoming depleted, so our future may very well need to be low-carbon nuclear or thorium reactors for energy generation. See here: thorium.

Big Lie #4: Depopulation, Severe Limits on Agriculture, Nuclear, Fossil Fuels, Food and Industrial Production are necessary to ward off disaster, Oh My!

We don’t have a Climate Scare as much as we have Malthuseans, half-wit losers and bad science in academia and all the governments, government-funded “institutions,” think tanks, etc. Our world is dominated by people desperate for “clicks” and “views” on the internet. Remember all climate scientists are paid for by government or “academia.”

Also read my post Green New Deal Was Always a Bolshevik Power Grab

Germany and the EU are determined to circle the drain in everyway possible. See Minister Threatens Germans With "Indefinite Weekend Driving Ban" To Meet Mandated Emissions Targets meaning that bureaucrats are targeting your mobility and freedom to drive FOR THE CLIMATE.

We hear of “centrally planned” 15 minute cities where you’ll be trapped according to evil meglomaniac Klaus Schwab. And he’ll have his private jets to rule the world of course. He’ll be eating imported Wagyu beef while everyone else is eating bug meal.

But rest easy for now as Trump 2.0 is back and tackling many of lies of our time—including Climate nonsense. I will follow-on soon with a summary of real climate science from William Happer, who explains why 300 ppm or 1600 ppm CO2 won’t matter much for the Earth’s temperature. William Happer explains why the greenhouse effect is already nearly “saturated” now and higher CO2 levels are not concerning and are even helpful to the planet. He explains the problem with climate modelers.

The Earth is getting greener and plant growth is thriving.


Sunday, January 19, 2025

Nations Torn Asunder: When Natural Law is Subverted By Government

Explanation of “Natural Law”

And here’s a brilliant explanation of “natural law” from Gary Barnett at Substack quoting "Natural Law, or the Science of Justice" (1882) by Lysander Spooner (author) :

The beauty, simplicity, and justice, of natural law is a thing to behold. It harms no one, and protects everyone; this the essence of freedom. Nothing else is necessary concerning man's interactions with man, as natural law is based upon the premise of doing no harm to another, no use of force against another, and no infringement upon another or his property. Natural laws alone are the only laws necessary.

The foundation and justification of natural law is centered on truth, honesty, and exacting justice, without any bias or undue force in the process. Each individual has to be responsible for upholding natural law. This can be done independently or with a collective of individuals working together, so long as any and all seeking and protecting justice, do so voluntarily, and without any evidence of coercion. There cannot be any shifting of blame in order to avoid guilt, dishonesty, or power-seeking in any legitimate free society, but of course, a society of this nature is simply peaceful anarchy, strictly based only on natural law.

The laws of nature, natural laws, do not need to be written down, or commanded by the State, as simply understanding that one cannot do any harm to another, or infringe on another's life, property, and freedom, is a sufficient understanding of right and wrong. With this knowledge in hand, why then are hundreds of thousands (or more) 'laws' made arbitrarily by this heinous government?

I think this sort of "natural law" was in force in the colonial days and into the Jefferson administration and onto the late 1800s. Christianity and Judaism, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Ten Commandments were our first "Honor codes" and codified our Natural law with nearly no central government. That and a 1000 year old common history and heritage.

There was a miniscule central government and no central bank before 1913, when Income Taxes and a US Central Bank were established.

With the establishment of Income Taxes and a Central Bank, all hell broke loose. In the first 10 years of it’s creation, the “Federal” Reserve allowed massive inflation where consumer prices went up 110% from 1913 to 1921, while Income top tax rates went from 1% to 70% to fund the US Government’s involvement in Europe’s World War I. Then came very sharp economic Depression in 1920. See my post 1913 Income Tax and "Federal" Reserve Acts Were Immediately and Massively Destructive. Note that top income tax rates never went down until JFK and Reagan.

Although the Federal government was miniscule until WWII (and really through the 1950s). But since then, you could correctly say that the Federal Reserve AND the Income Tax Acts of 1913 were, and continue to be, responsible for our increasingly bloated and war-loving government for more than 100 years.

Despite all that, our European heritage (ethics, ‘honor,’ common culture) was our cultural gift that kept paying dividends in prosperity and increasing standards of living. Back then, the US was 84% White persons of mostly EUROPEAN heritage. US blacks had their separate neighborhoods and communities and they had their own neighborhood schools and colleges and had their own ‘culture’ and a significantly different ‘honor code’ of sorts.

Someone decided that that all that European “whiteness” had to end! It was Democrats. In 1965, they literally voted to reject our cultural heritage of traditional European immigration —to turn this entirely successful trend upside down to prefer ANYONE BUT Europeans; meaning mostly brown and black-skinned and definitely NOT European.

They did it because they knew that, in Marxist thought, where you DON'T have a deep, homogeneous, highly evolved and intelligent population with a culture and honor, then you need ever more government, zillions of laws, lawyers and AND MORE CONTROL. Really, the blessed, peaceful “Natural Law” had to go! All of our success left little room for Marxist infiltration, so….

You see, if your society is diluted by un-intelligent, uncultured and/or un-educated and/or uncivilized people who have no code of conduct and morality, then you need laws---zillions of them and more lawyers. And that's where the USA is at and it keeps getting worse due to the full-on "white replacement"effort by our evil Democrats and supra-national forces of evil.

The “Great Replacement” that began in 1965 has now "gone exponential" with open borders, alien invaders from disparate places with minimal education, and from primitive cultures that are MUCH inferior to ours. This was and is being done on purpose both here and in Europe.

Now, the entirety of Western Civ is being destroyed in front of our eyes: Sweden has a bombing and rape problem now after 1000 years of peace and tranquility. London has it’s knife attacks and Islamic leaders, pro-Palestinian protests where you’re not allow to carry a British flag. England doesn’t even look English now. Free speech is a thing of the past in Germany and the UK. Manchester has it’s Sharia Law and a shocking Islamic sexual predation—the grooming of children into pedophilia that is known and organized. The police look away. This is why Tommy Robinson is being continally persecuted by the “authorities.” Crime has overtaken entire continents now. Ireland and Scotland have fallen. Really the UK has fallen. Germany is in the hands of totalitarians again—in a New Normal Reich where all types of speech is prosecuted.

You’re witnessing the suicide pact of Western Civilization destruction— orchestrated by shadowy elites like Davos elites, the Gates and Rockefellas of the world and, of course, the WEF. The path forward is only decay, decline, disruption, war, more debt, bankruptcy —all due to DISHONOR—the intentional dishonoring of our cultural heritage and it’s preservation like Japan has done.

End the Massive Injustice & Abuse of Plea 'Bargains' That Dominate Our Legal Landscape

A jury of your peers is the ONLY REAL source of Justice. Just ask Daniel Penny. Prosecutorial Railroading of citizens into Jail is THE travesty of our times.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

The 6th Amendment to the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights: The Right to a Trial By Jury

Trial by jury is just about a thing of the past even though it’s GUARANTEED to us by the 6th Amendment of the Constitution. Paul Craig Roberts said in today’s post “Can the US Justice System Be Reformed to Serve Justice?”:

This abuse of law and defendants has become the main avenue of conviction in America today. Only about 3% of the convicted are convicted by a jury of their peers. 97% are convicted by self-incrimination to avoid the risks and expense of a court trial. Consequently, the evidence against the defendant is never tested in court. The police and prosecutors can make up whatever charge they wish as they know the defendant will not have his day in court. In most cases the defendant will admit to a different crime than the one he is indicted under, neither one of which will actually have been committed. Plea bargains save the prosecutor’s and judge’s time, maximize the prosecutor’s conviction rate which he uses for reelection or to move into higher office, and reduces prison time and cost for the defendant.

Just think how far gone our system of fairness has fallen: from guaranteed right for a jury of your peers to 97% of accused forced to accepted some kind of plea deal from some corrupt or ambitious prosecutor?

Oh, and forget about going to trial in a Federal prosecution! The Feds Prosecutors secure wins at 98% of cases and they can and will bankrupt you with you having only a 2% chance of “winning.” It’s totally rigged!

I’ve been called for jury duty many times and usually everyone waiting is sent home. Now I understand. There are plea bargains being made right before trials. There are basically very few jury trials. What I propose is that we ONLY HAVE jury trials. It can be done. Another idea: there’s already a big jury pool that could be used to hear and rule on during the “plea bargaining” process. That’s a way to inject the voice of your “community” and “peers” into a very shady process. But that’s just one suggestion. The other is to eliminate Plea Bargains entirely.

Imagine If Daniel Penny Took a Plea Deal?

First of all, he’d be in prison for 20 years because rabid, horrible NY prosecutors really wanted to “hang him high!” (You know, because the victim was black and crazy as hell.) If allowed, that’s EXACTLY what they do.

Your only chance of justice is a jury of your peers. But even that aspect is very dangerous in Manhattan, NYC as prosecutors will seek to sit the worst and dumbest jurors that they can find—probably all black in his case! I was joking, but then I searched and found artist sketch of the trial and I see quite a bit of blackness seated in the jury box. Oh boy, I’m glad justice was served in this case. Phew, dodged a bullet!

Holy crap! There was a lot of “color”in Daniel Penny’s juror box. Now that I see it, I’m surprised he was exonerated. Whoa, that was close.

But my point is the same as made in countless movies; that juries can and do weigh 1) the entirety of the situation, 2) the political climate, 3) the dire circumstances, 4) the fairness of the law itself as it’s applied in a specific case and, 5) how they themselves would like to be treated and how might have acted, and weigh the severity of the charges versus remedies. Jurors can and do say “innocent” when there are extenuating circumstances. Daniel Penny did something, basically in self defense, that ended the life of a man. But the jury saved Daniel from ravenous, hysterical, blood-thirsty prosecutors who wanted him put in jail forever. THAT’S THE JOB OF A JURY.

Although he was proposing that Jurists could and should essentially “nullify unjust laws,” the concept of “Judicial Nullification,” what Lysander Spooner said in 1850 sounds correct here too:

“If juries were to serve their primary function of being “a palladium [safeguard] of liberty” and “a barrier against the tyranny and oppression of (any) government” rather than “mere tools in its hands,” then they must be willing to act as a legal check enforcing constitutional “limitations imposed upon the majority.”

Everyone should be able to make their case to a jury. It’s their only hope at times. Eliminate Plea Bargains.

The “Fedsurrection” and Gross Injustice of the J6 “Prosecutorial Railroading”

Also remember the gross injustice of the J6 “prosecutions” that entirely at the hands of rabid, insane and crazed Democrat “prosecutors.” It’s really the Democrats and Republican traitors who are the real criminals in so many ways:

From Paul Craig Roberts: ….think of the vile and corrupt way the majority of the J6 convictions were obtained. Of course, it was with politicized Democrat jurors, politicized Democrat prosecutors, and politicized Democrat judges in Democrat jurisdictions who understood that they were serving their party’s political propaganda and not justice. But I am speaking of the methods. The privacy of American citizens was violated in order to ascertain who attended the rally. Once a victim was chosen, a rigged indictment was brought. Prosecutors made it clear to the victim and attorney that contesting the charges in court with a trial would result in an add-on charge that carries a long prison sentence, whereas if they agreed to self-incrimination with a plea deal, prison time would be waived or greatly reduced. All the Democrats wanted was a bunch of “convictions” to support the propaganda of insurrection. Faced with the risks of a trial at the hands of Democrats and the cost of attorneys, most of the falsely accused self-incriminated.

The J6 defendants were at the hands of rabid, crazed and insane Democrats and Democrat prosecutors who were only interested in INVENTING a crime by setting up a fake “Fedsurrection” at the Capital to once again smear Conservatives and especially Mr. Trump. Don’t kid yourself, there were Feds in the crowd; Ray Epps being one for sure. They were there to stir up trouble. Also Trump supporters called out the individuals that were hammering at Capitol Building window saying “they’re not with us!” Of course, years later Tucker Carlson showed Capital Bldg videos of capital police and the protestors being given a tour by Capital police—which painted an entirely different picture than INSURRECTION!!!

But all this gets much, much worse. The Democrats, really the “Uniparty,” also needed and, in fact CREATED “a contrived emergency” to block any objections by State Electors from being heard at the Joint Session that was already convened to count the elector vote totals. The timing of the J6 Fedsurrection is impeccable—it was EXACTLY during that Congressional session!

See my very important post: The Jan. '21 Parliamentary Procedural Motivations Behind the J6 "Fedsurrection."

There were, in fact, many Electors with objections to the conduct of the election. In fact, there were MANY Electors who prepared to object to blatant election manipulation and outright election theft. You see, not everyone is dumb. The Uniparty of Pence, Pelosi and McConnel then successfully "manufactured” an “emergency” that gave a pretext for Pelosi and Pence to end that session and stop any “recorded Elector objections” to assure Democrats would “win” the rigged election.

You see, if even a single Elector’s challenge were recorded on the Congressional record of those proceedings, it would have given that challenger legal standing to take the matter to the US Supreme Court if necessary.

That was all carefully thwarted by the declaration of an “emergency” and Pence, Pelosi and McConnell walked out of the proceedings, ending the Electoral Count session and any chance of objections being on the Congressional record.

Listen people, these people are spawn of the devil!

If interested, also see my posts: The 2020 Election Was Beyond All Doubt Fraudulent and Short Takes #6: Persecution of Conservatives; Blacks Were the 'Muscle' in the Election Steal, I explain why there would have been ample objections by many responsible, thinking Electors.

Injustice and Our Prison Nation

America has more people in prison than China despite the US having 1/4th of their population. Why? The first answer is that our culture and society has failed and there are now prohibitions against virtually every human activity. If I look at a cop wrong, I could be in handcuffs! Gone are the days where “natural law” ruled men. See my post Nations Torn Asunder: When Natural Law is Subverted By Government, to explain my meaning. In our colonial era, people conducted their lives by the 10 Commandments and thru the morality understood from Christitianity. Now we have 10,000 Commandments! The US now has over 4,160,000 laws! Here’s just a sample of outrageous rule-making—just at the Federal level:

Jeez, how did we survive before 1994??  


How did we survive and THRIVE before 1935???

We’re ALL almost certainly criminals in the eyes of the government. Surely, you and I have violated one of the 4 million laws! There is very likely some crazy-ass rule, regulation or law that we violate daily; there’s so many.

We need jurors of people to adjudicate fair application of the law. IT’S THE LAW!! LITERALLY. It’s the 6th Amendment to the Bill of Rights!

Remember, Prosecutors can Even Indict a Ham Sandwich!

In that post (Prosecutors can Even Indict a Ham Sandwich), is worth a look at this point. There Martin Armstrong says in April 2024:

You will be shocked at how the government abuses the law all the time.

They are NOT required to tell even the truth to a Grand Jury, and they are NOT required to present ANY contrary evidence. The Supreme Court has WRONGLY held that you have no right to be present at a Grand Jury. You have the right to defend yourself before the jury in court.

What is wrong with it is they can accuse you of murdering your spouse with absolutely no evidence whatsoever, throw you in pretrial detention, keep you there for years, or pay an inmate to kill you all with NO EVIDENCE OF GUILT! You are then indicted, and it is your burden to prove your innocence. Our legal system is so bad that it is frustrating. They have killed people, claiming they murdered someone, and have no body or any evidence.

An Indictment is an ABUSE OF POWER as it is being used today. In Florida, you have Trump fighting just to get a list of who will testify against him. They provide no notice and consistently seek to present guilt by surprise.

The way indictments are obtained is really a violation of the spirit of DUE PROCESS OF LAW, where a citizen MUST be provided with clear evidence of such a charge – fair notice.

[Doug here: Who’s fighting FOR the defendant?? Who’s gathering evidence for you while you’re in jail? What if you have few friends or little money? Answer: you’re screwed. Maybe defendants should have a right to hire a private investigator and lawyer paid by The State?]

Reforming our prosecutorial system is no longer just a proposition—it is an urgent imperative

From a Brookings Institute Article from June ‘23, that is well worth a read. [Doug here: I recommend the entire article, but here’s some of it, my edit:]

Each year, more than 2.3 million felonies and 10 million misdemeanors are handled by over 2,300 individual prosecutor’s offices, but these crucial decisions are largely made outside the watchful eye of the public’s scrutiny. Prosecutors control secret grand jury proceedings, determine who will face prosecution, and decide the specifics of charges. They operate within a labyrinthine legal framework, armed with the threat of lengthy mandatory minimum sentences. This creates strong incentives for defendants to agree to lesser charges, even for crimes they did not commit.

More than 90% of both federal and state court cases are resolved through plea bargaining, sidestepping the courtroom entirely. [Doug here: This means few jury trials and any opportunity for a ‘jury of your peers’ to properly adjudicate your case and consider factors that matter such as prosecutorial misconduct. Heck, everyone should be able to get a trial by jury!] This confluence of autonomy, secrecy, complex laws, and powerful sentencing tools endow prosecutors with enormous leverage, leading critics to question whether this prosecutorial power is wielded too selectively and relentlessly, undermining the right to a fair trial, fostering mass incarceration, and eroding what’s left of the public’s faith in equal justice.

Official misconduct by both police and prosecutors contributed to nearly 60% of exoneration cases since 1989. Such misconduct can adopt many faces: a prosecutor might hide evidence that could absolve the defendant, a practice known as “Brady violations”; they might unduly influence witnesses, pushing them to exaggerate or fabricate testimonies; or they might cross boundaries during the trial by making misleading statements to the jury. Such actions have become commonplace, leading to wrongful convictions and playing a part in approximately 30% of wrongful conviction cases that have led to exoneration. Despite these unsettling figures, only 4% of prosecutors face repercussions for their actions, painting a grim portrait of a system in which misconduct often remains unaddressed.

Literally everything is broken in the USA and The West. At some point I believe that there will be a final collapse, both financial and social, to allow our system to be rebuilt from the ground up. It’s probably already beginning, especially in Euro-land.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Revolver: It turns out the H-1B ‘lotto system’ is totally and completely rigged…


Sources include Revolver and various Internet searches:

The H-1B visa program allows employers to hire non-U.S. citizens for highly skilled jobs temporarily. The job openings can pay $140,000 per year, more or less, usually more. And the program is intended to bring premier international talent to US companies.

The visas are valid for three years but can be extended. Recipients must hold a bachelor’s degree or higher in a field related to their specialty.

Immigration services cap the number of new H-1B visas at 85,000 per fiscal year. In 2023, 72% of approved petitions were for people born in India, 12% for those in China, and 71% went to men, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

H-1B holders can also apply for a green card while on the visa.

When this H1B visa system was recently challenged as being a broken system, Elon Musk stepped in a huge pile of doge-shit (you see what I did there?) in his initial knee-jerk reaction defending the program, he told detractors:

“Take a big step back and F— YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.”

Whoa! He got into trouble immediately with a deluge of Conservative criticism. In our VERY new era of Techno Populism, Trump supporters and others gave Elon (and Vivek) a huge, real-time wake-up call about the program—which is really, really great! It’s almost as if we’re getting real time “voting” on nearly every issue by X followers! This is the “new democracy in action”— voting real-time about nearly every policy issue!! Great stuff!

Elon immediately softened his position and ultimately admitted that the program needs reform.

Revolver editors came out and explained why the H1B visa program is being gamed by Indian (and Chinese?) “body shops.”

Say you’re a regular American business that wants to hire a foreign student graduate from a top US university. You would lose the candidate to the lottery most (70%) of the time. Some 800,000+ applications per year are submitted for those 85,000 openings. Outsourcing and staffing firms are exploiting loopholes, crowding out US employers and immigrants who play it fair. Yes, the system is being scammed mostly by Indian “body shops” like this one: 

This group of staffing firms entered each candidate as many as 15 times. The government did catch him, but how many other “Reddy’s” are gaming the system?

“An outsourcing firm can draw from its vast workforce in India and put in 3X number of tickets. It doesn’t care who gets selected as long as somebody, anybody gets selected. @USCIS rules require a “legitimate job offer” for each lottery entry, but don’t require any proof.”

If they happen to snag some winning bids, which they do to some extent, then it’s possible that they’ll then try to find a real person to fill the position, or worse, they’ll send some Indian dude to computing programming 4 week computer programming “bootcamps” to give them some basic programming.

(Those computer programming “bootcamps” can be found here in the US. I believe it’s for a 4 week crash course. Tell your young friends and family about it if they want to “learn to code.”)

So, let’s say the position applied-for pays $140,000 per year (or more) on the H1B visa application, the body shop will pay the candidate, say $40,000 per year and the body shop pockets the difference! I don’t know how much this is happening, but Mr. Reddy, pictured above, clearly had a significant business to defraud the process—a business spoofing the US bureaucrats and companies. He placed 300 candidates since 2020, so, if you do the math, he might be making $30 MILLION DOLLARS or more—EACH YEAR—FOR YEARS. Obviously there huge incentive for fraud. This one guy got caught.

Here’s some corroborating inside information (again, most of this information is from the Revolver article linked above) from an X commentor:

Here’s the number of applications submitted for those 85K positions in recent years (from Revolver):


868,000 applications for 85,000 positions; what the hell?

I’m not claiming any special knowledge of this issue. It’s my first time looking into this program. I did so because I know that nearly every US government program is corrupted and “F’d-up beyond all recognition.” That’s the meaning of ‘FUBAR’ by the way.

I’m not even sure how to fix the program, except to scrap it. There is no need for the government to be an intermediary in any hiring process. There’s no value-added by “government.” In fact, there is VALUE-DETRACTED! I will re-iterate that my opinion is not particularly informed about these programs.

But I worked in many foreign countries either directly through major oil and gas exploration/production companies or their selected contract agencies. Immigration approval is similar across the globe. Each country requires that the oil company or it’s staffing agency show that the foreign candidate has skills that no local candidates have. Everytime, my CV was submitted for review to the foreign government before being granted an Expat visa. Immigration officials typically have long working relations with these entities, so trust is developed over time.

Personally, in hiring high-level Chemical or Oil/Gas Process Engineering contract employees in a foreign setting, I’ve always asked job applicants highly technical questions, pertinent to the position, or about knowledge that anyone in oil/gas industry should know. First, they were often surprised that I would ask such things. But I did it in a fun way to not “freak-out” the candidate. But I was often shocked how many were unable to respond. I would give a hint or two to help or ask another question. I sometimes asked the candidate how he or she would go about to solve a hypothetical or real-life problem that we were having on our project.

Many times, I realized that they didn’t know the basic things—this from people claiming 20 or 30 years of engineering experience. They either lied on their CV or didn’t have real engineering experience of directly “doing the work.”

So many Indian and Chinese engineering graduates have Masters or Doctorate degrees, since that’s their cultures, but these advanced degrees are actually a sign of poor decision-making! In the US, you’ll ruin your career if go to graduate engineering school! This is true because most useful knowledge comes from real-life on-the-job work experience. What you learn in Universities is typically highly theoretical, not practical.

One time, I personally was in a job interview for a chemical engineering job, early in my career, and I was asked a highly technical question by an interviewer. I’ll never forget it. Sort of out of the blue, he asked me “why would you distill styrene in a vacuum distillation column?” I answered the question correctly, he stood up and offered me the position. I didn’t know anything about styrene, but I understood fundamental chemical engineering knowledge to answer his question correctly.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Herland: Racism Against White Persons in Europe, While Ignoring Horrific Muslim Violence and Rape

By Hanne Nabintu Herland

Few cases have illustrated more brilliantly the profound effect of Marxist discrimination against the indigenous white Europeans than UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s blatant refusal over many years to hold accountable foreign born Muslim rapists, murderers and grooming gangs.

The story is as shocking as it is sad. An inquiry in British towns such as Rotherham uncovered that predominantly 1,400 white British girls had been sexually abused and tortured for almost 20 years, by Muslim men, mostly of Pakistani origin. Their families had been threatened into silence if they complained to the police. In Telford, an inquiry established that as much as 1,000 girls were abused over 40 years – some cases not investigated because of “nervousness about race”. In Oldham, an inquiry was set up after rumors spread online that children were being groomed in council homes, shisha bars and by taxi drivers, according to the BBC.

It was Elon Musk, who is part of the incoming Donald Trump’s political team, who blew the whistle on X and joined the UK public rage against Keir Starmer and his Labour government.

The main question remains: Why have UK leaders such as Prime Minister Starmer been so soft on the Muslim grooming rape gangs that have ravaged white, British girls for many years? Why does the predominantly white British population seem so defenseless? Why are their own political leaders not defending them?

The answer is that the neo-Marxist narrative that has dominated European politics since the 1960s, has automatically given dark-skinned immigrant-invaders the victim card while white indigenous Europeans have been handed the role as chronic abusers, racists, Islamophobes, far-right lunatics, Nazis, fascists and bigots. The message is that whites should be held harshly accountable in a way one would never dream of treating a dark-skinned immigrant-invader.

It was after World War II that a group of prominent atheists and neo-Marxist philosophers in Germany began the work to destroy the West’s trust in traditional, historical values such as the family, religion, God, free speech, individual freedom, justice, morality, rule of law. They called themselves The Frankfurt School and became the founding fathers of the 1960s student revolution that preached free sex and drugs, and the revolt against the traditional value system that was the pillar of stability in Western civilization.

Influential French philosophers were part of this demonic ideological push and heavily influenced the reading list in Western university courses.

Multiculturalism was one of the left-wing’s weapons. It opened Western civilization to cultural pollution and ultimately to disavowal by the West itself. The “deconstruction” of traditional Western values and the demonization of these values was the central aim of the cultural Marxists. The main goal was to evaluate individuals based on race and ethnicity in place of the traditional Western success model of equality under law. By so doing, a desired discrimination against the white indigenous European population was implemented, while dark-skinned immigrant-invaders were largely excused as persons one should “feel sorry for” and not hold accountable. This narrative, unjust and racist, implies that certain ethnic groups are not to be held accountable in the same way one would do with a “privileged” white person, thus creating a privilege for the dark skinned person.

With multiculturalism a system of differential rights and status based on race and gender became institutionalized. Equal treatment under law was transformed into race and gender based privileges in university admissions, employment, promotion, and general accountability.

Jacques Derrida, a member of the French left, speaks about power structures as pairs, one weak and the other strong, exemplified by opposites such as “male” versus “female”, “white” versus “black”, “majority” vs. “minority.”. He assumed that the power balance between these pairs are static. This means that the male and the white are always the strong elements in the pair, and the female and the black are always the weak. From this idea came the neo-Marxist feminism that currently is destroying the family and the natural relation between men and women.

Furthermore, since the “European” is always the strong and the dark-skinned immigrant is always the helpless victim in Derrida’s multiculturalism, the white man is always at the top, while the black man is always at the bottom. Consequently, one should always feel sorry for Africans or black Americans, but not for “privileged” white Americans or white Europeans. The dark-skinned man needs to be forever helped by privileges, since he is always being victimized by the white man.

Derrida’s analysis destroys equality under law and replaces it with a differential system of rights based on race, gender, and other indications of victimhood.

The greatness of America was based on assimilation to the national culture that resulted in unity regardless of race, creed, gender or ethnic origin. What Marxism has done is to destroy national unity. I describe in my book, New Left Tyranny, the deconstruction of unity into a Tower of Babel.

When British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Minister of Safeguarding Jess Phillips recently refused a national inquiry into the historic grooming gang scandal in Oldham, the internet exploded with angry reactions. The British people are raging mad after having lived with the discrimination against white British citizens for three decades. This problem is generalized across Europe.

It was Elon Musk’s comments on X that brought the horrifying details to international light by writing on X that Minister of Safeguarding Jess Phillips deserves to be in prison and that UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is evil and should be sentenced to prison. By posting “no justice for severe, violent crimes, but prison for social media posts,” Musk referred to the recent Southport stabbings in which British girls were killed by yet another foreign born immigrant-invader. Instead of supporting the strong popular reaction, Starmer instantly began a shocking Soviet style persecution of those who wrote critically about the stabbings in social media. Many white Brits have since gone to prison for social media posts critical of the government’s soft handling of immigrant-invader criminals and rape gangs.

Musk further pointed out that “serious crimes such as rape require the Crown Prosecution Service’s approval for the police to charge suspects. Who was the head of the CPS when rape gangs were allowed to exploit young girls without facing justice? Keir Starmer, 2008 -2013.”

Calling Starmer a “national embarrassment” Musk said he “must go,” stating that a number of British politicians should be in jail: “Starmer was complicit in the RAPE OF BRITAIN when he was head of Crown Prosecution for 6 years. Starmer must go and he must face charges for his complicity in the worst mass crime in the history of Britain.”

Musk’s tweet “Free Tommy Robinson” speaks volumes. The British journalist and anti-rape activist, Tommy Robinson is currently imprisoned in the UK, having been a central figure in the exposure of the Rotherham rape scandals.

In a recent interview with Jordan Peterson, Robinson spoke about the horrifying discrimination against whites that is ongoing in the UK as they attempt to get justice for hideous crimes. So, when Musk tweets that the UK justice system is broken, it depends on which system he is talking about. The current neo-Marxist, multicultural system is definitely not broken, continuing the implementation of institutionalized racism against the indigenous white British population. It is not broken, but perfectly achieving its aim.

Throughout the Western world the white ethnicities have been indoctrinated with guilt that has made them helpless against exploitation by immigrant-invaders.

Today European governments speak of the necessity of preparing for war with Russia while their own populations are terrorized by immigrant-invaders.