Wednesday, February 23, 2022

None of This is an Accident

From Michael Smith at Substack:

Sir Winston Churchill posited that the British Liberals “Delight in smooth sounding platitudes, refusal to face unpleasant facts ... genuine love of peace and pathetic belief that love can be its sole foundation ... the utter devotion of the Liberals to sentiment apart from reality ...though free from wickedness or evil design” played a central role in the unleashing the horrors and miseries of a second world war upon the people of the world.

I can’t see a lot of daylight between Sir Winston’s conclusions and what we are witnessing today.

If you are shocked that sending Biden and Harris to the White House is destroying America, both domestically and abroad, perhaps it is time you considered that sending them there was the whole point of the exercise all along.

What is happening in Ukraine, in Iran, the illegal flood of humans from Latin, Central and South America, and especially the Orwellian turn taken in the Great White North, is directly tied to the appalling lack of global leadership coming out of the United States right now.

Not a peep has been heard out of our betters at the State Department about Trudeau's adventures in authoritarianism. No “human rights” organization in the US is speaking out against the beatings, the arrests, the hunting down and the systemic crushing of lives and livelihoods of people who had the temerity to donate a few bucks to a freedom movement.

But then the Trudeau government is just modelling their actions on what the Democrat led US government has done to J6 protesters, so the State Department can’t’ criticize Trudeau without criticizing themselves – and that isn’t going to happen.

Democrats are either amoral or immoral and lack the ability and capability of self-reflection, so they can’t even see the parallels.

But even China sees it – and they are using it to full effect to deflect from their treatment of the Uyghurs and the people in Hong Kong. China simply points to how similar the Western governments treatment of their own people as to their own brand of oppression and our governments have no answer.

And yesterday's vote on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to reauthorize the Emergencies Act, a vote that ended by approving the Act for another 30 days along party lines, substantiates that tyranny isn't just the act of one man, it is the most fervent desire of the political left.

You see, all of this is perfectly legal. Apparently, what is right and moral is now subject to a simple majority vote.

Whatever the government says is right and true.

But “legal” doesn’t mean right or moral.

None of this is an accident.

This is he perfect storm of apathy, ignorance, indolence, weakness, and desperation for which the global authoritarian left has waiting for over a century.

In America, that meant people simply ignored the manipulation of election laws before elections, were panicked into allowing illegal changes due to a “pandemic”, allowed technocrats to usurp elected government, and simply sat by as megalomaniacal elected leaders claimed temporary powers that were made permanent by their cronies in government. We allowed the Obama style “stop me if you can” government to become the norm.

And worst of all, we accepted rule by some of the worst, weakest, most ignorantly ideological people in the history of our Republic.

Once again, just as it was in WWI, WWII and the Cold War, the world is sliding into an abyss of oppression, violence, authoritarianism, and tyranny, and once again, even while weakened by the same forces acting on the rest of the world, America stands alone as the only nation with the power to stop it.

Will we stop it?

America is going to have to heal herself before we can help anyone else.

I honestly don’t know if we have the drive to even save ourselves, much less the world.

What I do know is that we will be sorely tested.

That time is coming, and it may be a lot sooner than we think.

In “The Gathering Storm”, Winston Churchill wrote:
“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
A time is coming when Americans must choose whether the words of Churchill still have meaning to enough free people to matter.


  1. Garland Remington IIIFebruary 24, 2022 at 9:10 AM

    “Will we stop it?

    “America is going to have to heal herself before we can help anyone else.
    I honestly don’t know if we have the drive to even save ourselves, much less the world.
    What I do know is that we will be sorely tested.”

    When I look back at how fast the tea party sprung up over Barack Obama and it was almost literally overnight. But when I look at research I’ve done and it doesn’t take long to do it especially when you’re not working. And everything I’ve researched has shown me that the reason the TEA PARTY sprung up and it pains me to admit this, but it really was the fact that he was black.

    A black man in the White House.

    I didn’t believe it back then and I was one of those that was beating the drums so to speak that the reason me and my wife went to all the marches and all the TEA-PARTY-VENUES that we supported was because of everything he was doing. Well, Barack Obama didn’t do jack shit compared to what this piece of shit in the White House has done to all of us. To our Nation.

    Once again Barack Obama didn’t do jack shit to our Nation, compared to what Joe Biden has done and he’s allowed his administration to do. NOT. JACK. SHIT.

    And I’m being dead serious Barack Obama did not do absolutely nothing compared to what this cocksucker has done. AND YET WE DO NOT SEE 1!!!! NOT ONE DAMN MARCH!!!!!! NOT A FUCKING ONE!!! Not even over all the millions of people that have been allowed to just walk right into our country!!!!! not even over all the trillions of dollars!!!! That has been allowed to be printed!!!!!

    Every day I have longed to go to a March!!!! ACHED INSIDE TO GO TO A MARCH AGAINST ALL THIS ADMINISTRATION HAS DONE TO OUR NATION!!! and yet you don’t hear a peep not a fucking peep online out of anyone!!!! I’ve lost count of the articles I have put on Facebook and the comments I’ve made like this and not one person and I’m being dead serious when I say this, not one person will comment on them.

    Not even when I do all I can to either shame white folks, or, piss them off. They still stay quiet. It’s too bad that Joe Biden isn’t black. Chances are, whites would have already been taking to the streets like they did over Obama. I’ve reached a point that I am ashamed to be an American. I am.

    Because it doesn’t make any sense. Why so many millions of folks even out in California, YES CALIFORNIA!!!! HAD TEA PARTY MARCHES FOR CHRIST SAKES!!!!! DOZENS. DOZENS OF THEM AND TEA PARTY CHAPTERS!!! What in the hell is wrong with people I am I the only pissed off white man left in this country???? WAKE THE FUCK UP ALL YOU CHICKEN SHIT SCARED ASS WHITE SHIT FOR BRAINS!!!!! what, are you scared of getting a few bruises from ANTIFA? BLM? I’m not.

    I keep my vehicle ready for anybody that bothers me. And I am not one of those that says if you lay your hands on me I will shoot you. Nope. I am, This type. I will smile at you then BLOW YOUR BRAINS, OUT. Then I will holster my 357 and then drive away. And I’ve about reached the point that I’m ashamed to be a white man in this country because I’m living in a country that has a sea of chicken shit scared ass white folks.

    But they sure are brave online. All this horseshit talk of words I see online so many times over on the gateway pundit, or on Breitbart. “AMMO UP!” “ this just made me want to buy another thousand rounds“.

    Says the broke ass white guy on disability because there is not a damn thing wrong with him. He is just like so many others, he scammed a doctor to be put on disability because his ass is 40 years old and 60 pounds overweight and he can’t hold out to do a days work!!!!!! i’ve never seen so many white people in my life that piss me off like I do on these fake-ass-sites like the Gateway Pundit. I will close with this, I don’t go through life talking and using words like you see me use in this comment.

  2. Garland Remington IIIFebruary 24, 2022 at 9:12 AM

    PART 2. (my comment was way too long I had to cut all of this out of it because I use too many words)

    But I have reached the decision that the average white person just doesn’t give a shit anymore and all they do is make excuses. The average white male has been neutered. Flat-out neutered. And I’ve done my research on Poland, Hungary. I’ve seen how much pride white people take in their country there.

    How they used to in this country but they don’t anymore. And how they still support The piece of shit kneeling blacks. Playing football and yet, they will voice their opinion that they don’t approve of it but they won’t take a real stand by giving up football. And once again, your garden variety white male is a piece of shit, 2 face hypocrite. Not good enough to clean my hunting boots. Your not.

    It’s just that I have never been this pissed off at my own race than I’ve ever been in my entire life. Because I’ve seen how deep the hypocrisy is in my race. How full of shit the vast vast majority of white folks are. How fast they stood up to a black-man that was president that didn’t do hardly anything to this country when you compare him to Joe Biden and what all he has done in just one year.

    And yet, Just the Southern Border situation alone should have brought hundreds and hundreds of thousands out of their houses to go to the border themselves and band together. To try and beat back the horde. I know whenever I see any illegal aliens in the country I make sure I tell them they’re not welcome here and how much I despise them. Even with there kids with them. I don’t give a shit.


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