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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Armstrong: Even US Judicial System Hopelessly Corrupted

I've asked if America is a failed state.  And I also noted during the 2016 election season that the Deep State Democrats were already engaging in a Coup d'Etat against Trump and his candidacy.  All those comments have "aged" very well indeed. This seditious and treasonous Coup efforts continue to this day.  I believe that Trump will have to declare a National Emergency or some form of Marshall Law to clean up our government.  Sadly, the damage is extreme, the corruption is so extensive that it might be better to burn down the entire government and start all over.  We really do need a 2nd American Revolution.

Everything is hopelessly broken in government and nothing is fixed. Nothing and no one can change it. If an outsider like Trump manages to get elected, he or she will get hounded out of office. That's what we are seeing.  Even the US judicial system is hopelessly corrupted where prosecutors have massively unfair advantage against ANY MAN. And since it's likely that all of us have committed felonies since there are so many fuzzy legal statutes, we're all only one step away from being railroaded into oblivion by an aggressive prosecutor. None of us are safe in our corrupt system. And none of us have the resources to fight the government and it's unlimited resources. Just ask any black man! Just ask Trump!!

Take Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer.  He's being forced to "confess" to "crimes" in a plea deal written entirely BY THE PROSECUTOR or else he'll be locked away for the rest of his life.  All this thanks to the angry, corrupt Democrats: Mueller's fake investigations and fake allegations built on fake dossiers and fake FISA warrants!  All this to overthrow the Constitutional election of Donald J. Trump. Am I in the old Soviet Union??  No, this is our failed-state America where lies are built on top of lies by professional liars to mislead everyone.

Here's Martin Armstrong's take on Cohen's case and the lessons contained therein:

"Lanny Davis is the attorney representing Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen. Here is a lesson in legal wordsmithing. This attorney Mr. Davis cleverly avoids any direct answer and the press does not even understand his answer. He specifically states that Cohen did not plead in his own word, that the prosecutors wrote the script to which he has to plead or go to jail for decades. He keeps saying (listen closely) that the “prosecutors are saying” to which Cohen “agreed” under oath. The oath part is absolutely absurd for 97 percent of ALL federal convictions plead to whatever the prosecutor tells them to say. If you do not, you go to prison for most of your life. In the 1970s, the conviction rate was 72%. Today, it is 98.7%. Whatever someone says in a plea deal is NEVER the truth. It is what the prosecutor demands you say. This is no different from the Spanish Inquisition. Over 11 million people are arrested every year and less than 4% of the people in federal prison are even there for violence. (full interview)

The conviction rate in Federal Court has EXCEEDED the most notorious court in history where you were determined to be a Jew under Hitler, which had a 90% conviction rate. So the American “just-us” system has beaten even Adolf Hitler. The Spanish Inquisition was notorious for torture. If you refused to plead, you were tortured until you did or you died in the process. The records are by no means complete. One study found that of 44,674 cases, there were 826 executions of people burned alive. The problem was simple. Once convicted, they took all your property.

Today, the United States extracts pleas from people with MENTAL TORTURE. You face 100 years in prison or you plead. They subjected people at Guantanamo Bay to “waterboarding” and NOTHING they ever do will any judge call it torture. During the war in Iraq, both the United States Army and the Central Intelligence Agency were engaged in torturing people. They violated human rights of the detainees in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. These violations included both physical and sexual abuse, torture, rape, sodomy, and murder. If it were not for a leak of photos, they would never have been caught. The propaganda is always America wears the white hat and would NEVER violate human rights – good one! When judges are former prosecutors appointed by Congress, there will NEVER be any independent checks and balances. They all work for the same team.

The land of the free, home of the brave, and justice for all is now just propaganda. Lanny Davis is against Trump personally and that should be no surprise. He even stated in his interview he wouldNOT represent Cohen unless he flipped against Trump. Claiming that money was given to these two women that were above campaign limits is really a stretch. If Trump paid him personally, it was not campaign funds. This is really a desperate measure on the part of the prosecutors in this case working to feed Cohen to Muller where he will say now whatever they tell him.

This is all about refilling the swamp. It DOES NOT MAKE it a crime just because Cohen pleads. It is only a crime when a jury renders that verdict. This is the Deep State conniving to take down Trump with every trick in the book. They hate him because he is an OUTSIDER. If Putin were to be able to interrogate American intelligence officers who may have been involved with Safra to take over Russia when he stated it was about Russia’s “sovereignty” then the Deep State would be exposed. They will do whatever it takes to prevent the truth ever to surface.

Just listen closely and you will here Lanny Davis states that it is the “prosecutors” who wrote the script and his client “agreed” under “oath” just like the Spanish Inquisition. You will also hear in the full interview Davis say he was personally offended as was Cohen with Trump agreeing with Putin. This is an all-out war to drive Trump from office and to cover up what has been going on behind the scenes. What are they so desperate to protect?"

Doug here once again:  Is there anything about this country left to save? 

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Democratic Party Devolving Along With It's Members and Society

Time Magazine asks a very pertinent question: "Do Democrats Matter?"

Unfortunately, the answer is no. It's because Democrats stand for nothing but phony causes, false narratives, wrong ideas and incorrect solutions to fake problems. Since they don't stand for anything, the only thing left is to lie, smear, mislead, and mis-inform. After Trump's surprise election, they've had nothing but pointless rallies and have started a fact-free witch-hunt akin to a McCarthyism to blame Russia for their own and Hillary's incompetence. All that is left for them to do is to stir up trouble.

The Democrats have basically hitched their wagons to the decaying, yes devolving, US black "community" that is mired in stupidity, crime, STDs, derelict dads, murder and a lot of really, really bad ideas. Much of this decay is caused by the Democratic Party itself.

For many Democrats, they are now the "anti-white" party in a country of 70% white persons. Black panther-want-to-be Keith Ellison was almost the DNC chair and, with his connection to Nation of Islam, Farrakhan, etc, I can only imagine what he thinks of white people. Today's epicenter of racism is solidly black in color. The previous DNC chair, Donna Brazile, was a proven liar and cheater who replaced the disgraceful Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Tom Perez is true dolt but slightly better than racist Ellison. What a bunch of losers!

Numerous members of the Congressional Black Caucus have called for impeachment of Trump mere weeks after the inauguration, showing that they are as stupid as can be imagined--only worse. These people are true useful idiots, morons and fools. Idiots!

Dems have also hitched themselves to every other falling star known to mankind. From Morons by Robert Gore:
The Dems have also hitched their wagons double-tight to other falling stars that have already blazed their brightest: the mainstream media (MSM), the intelligence community, and academia. Just like Hollywood, the MSM’s stock in trade is make-believe, and just like Hollywood the MSM’s numbers are dwindling. It shed even the pretense of impartiality this last election, destroying what was left of its credibility while pontificating on “fake news.”
Democrats hate guns and try to portray white NRA members to be a public menace, but it's black Democrats who are the public menace in every major city with a large black community. The real problem is mostly black men, at 6% of the population, who are committing the vast majority of gun crimes and felony murders nationwide. But radical political correctness (lying), another characteristic of the current liberal crowd, prevents any mention of these "inconvenient" facts.

And thanks to the great Muslim apologist Obama, the Democrats are now staunch defenders of the truly devolving Medieval Death Cult (Islam) who have killed or wounded millions of innocents and others worldwide just in recent decades alone. Substantial minorities (8 to 35%) of Muslims overseas believe in violence -- which is obvious to everyone except to Obama and all the other idiot Democrats.

Now, the collapsing, disastrous anti-white party, the Democrats are ALL about irrelevant or phony causes and all of their solutions are completely wrong. For example, at a time when the nation is careening to a debt-fueled financial supernova, Obama Dems focused on the transgendered bathroom non-issue, which might affect the 0.03% of Americans who are transgendered, These people are the very definition of irrelevant.

Another example, there is no "war on women. There is a wage gap but it's not discrimation. Essentially all of the "pay gap"is due to women's choices --- usually family-friendly choices. For example, how many women do you know work on oil drilling rigs, or in a coal mine, or drive trucks? Women aren't doing demanding and dangerous jobs. They work less hours too. The whole "war on women" narrative is bullshit.

But under Obama Democrats started many damaging REAL wars: a war on business (and jobs) by endless barrages of needless regulation, a war on police departments across the nation, definitely a war on WHITE police -- meaning they also started a race war. The entire Obama administration was about agitation, division and fake causes. The end of the Obama/Hillary administration left us nearly with REAL war with Russia over their massively failed foreign policies in general and in Syria.

Democrats are hysterical, irrational and wrong about global warming. Since they have no religion rooted in a real tradition, they worship at the altar of "climate change." Democrats and no one else seems to understand that "fixing" climate change won't be done because it CAN'T be done. Al Gore himself said that it would take $70 TRILLION just to halt any further mild effects global warming. This is so far beyond what is feasible that it's a complete joke. Even if $70 Trillion were somehow managed to be financed and the money spent, the earth might not warm any further, but no one would be able to see or feel a difference as it's so insignificant. The slightly elevated temperatures won't go down. And interest payments on $70 T would be $2 or $3 TRILLION per year. This is the entire US Federal tax revenue collected in a single year! Can't happen!

Democrats hate fossil fuels but, by they oppose any nuclear power opportunities like Thorium MSRs showing they are ill-informed, irrational, anti-progress and wholly unfit to govern!

Free college was basically the only proposal by Hillary or Bernie this past election (other than more government spending, or as they say "investment"--which is bullshit).  But the US government has already vastly inflated college tuition caused by vast amount of Federal loan money flowing into colleges, universities and for-profit schools.  All this money has allowed a vast increase of unqualified kids attending college. It resembles a welfare scheme to keep kids busy because there are few jobs, but an entire generation of young people is now saddled with debt. Over half of these kids aren't even performing at 12th grade academic levels. Some 80% of black kids and 50% of white kids don't measure-up to even 12th grade proficiency levels and therefore probably don't belong at college at all--- unless you think that college should function as remedial high schools. And, yes, colleges are happily taking the money, jacking up tuition fees and are more than happy to be glorified high schools.  But both Hillary and Bernie want even more unqualified kids in "college" through unfordable "free college" promises. Never mind that student loan money has already inflated the cost of college to the moon and priced-out the next generation of students, Hillary and Bernie want even more of the same!!  Fools!! Morons!

Democratic "leaders" show false rage about wealth inequality, but they themselves are millionaires and beneficiaries of millionaire donors. These fakers never mention the out-of-control Federal Reserve (and out-of-control govt spending) that is creating wealth inequality. The truth is they really don't care and don't have a clue either.  Cuba has done a fine job of solving the wealth inequality "problem". After 50 years of glorious revolution, the average wage in Cuba is $25 PER MONTH but the Castro brothers have $billions. Socialists/Democrats want this for America.

ObamaCare was a pack of lies. Every argument for the law was a lie and they knew it. Our national government is failing at everything, but Democrats still want more government. All the entitlements and pensions are rapidly careening to disaster as the worker-to-beneficiary ratio collapses. Debt keeps rising much faster than the economy and financial crisis is nearly assured. Lax immigration policies in our dangerous world is literally insane, but "open borders" are the platform of the Democrats. Democrats see as worthy martyrs the likes of thug Michael Brown in Ferguson or Eric Garner despite that those guys proven to be thug-ass criminals.

Hillary, Schumer and Bernie and all the rest are just morons with no real solutions and don't even acknowledge or understand our real problems.

Democrats are devolving right along with their constituents and our society. It's no wonder that they are no good.

Robert Gore: The Democrats and Deep State Must be Crushed

From Robert Gore:

There can be no better advertisement against Democrats, neoconservatives, and never-Trumpers than their display after the Helsinki summit. Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.

The Democrats’ destruction began long before Trump. They are wholly associated with government, their answer to all problems and the source of their identity and power. Where they once had a healthy hostility towards the military and the intelligence agencies, they are now among their stoutest defenders. Their ideology, such as it is, is simply more: more government, taxes, laws, regulations, revenues, power, surveillance, wars, and programs, in short, more blob.

Democrats and government is not just a marriage of convenience. They believe, to the core of their being, in its power with a fervor and conviction that surpasses most religious faith. Denied control of the government, they are fish on the bank, deprived of their element, flopping helplessly. The cardinal sin of whatever opposition they face is never rooted in ideology, it’s rather that the opposition has the temerity to seek control of their government.

Somewhere along the line Democrats quit caring, or even asking, whether government worked. The first Mayor Richard Daley may have been a distasteful autocrat, but Chicago during his reign called itself the city that worked. Democrats have had lengthy tenures over cities that manifestly don’t work—Detroit, Baltimore, Washington, Cleveland, New Orleans, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and now Chicago—in some cases they’re crumbling. Governance has become an exercise in patronage, payola, and making excuses, the effectiveness of city-provided services not even on the list of concerns.

Obamacare has been the apotheosis of Democrat-sponsored incompetence. It’s the latest in a long string of government failures, epitomized by the huge stack of debt and unfunded promises, and disastrous military interventions. Government über alles has become an albatross for its believers, particularly the Democrats, although there are many Republican acolytes.

The age of centralization and government is passing, cause of death the centrifugal devolution of information, computing and communications power, and weaponry to individuals. Governments will mount repressive rearguard actions, but they can’t fight the central reality of our time: they have failed, massively, and are unable to contain the fallout and blowback. Globalism—more of the same, only bigger—is running into resistance that’s still gathering steam. Just wait until the world’s debt-based financial system and economy collapse.

The Democrats have hitched their wagon to a falling star. When facts are uncongenial, take refuge in fantasy. Democrats embrace the whimsical notion that Hillary Clinton deserved to win the 2016 election. She had to cheat to beat Bernie Sanders, a socialist who would further yoke the party to the falling star. It’s charitable to call her record undistinguished. If she weren’t Bill Clinton’s wife she’d have no record at all. She had trouble citing accomplishments or detailing a program. Her campaign was inept, crowned by the “deplorables” insult that cost her the election.

The Democrats’ academic branch office and intellectual vanguard has gone farthest off the deep end. Socialists in training demand free (to them) higher education, and free (to them) housing and medical care plus a guaranteed income once they’re out of school. Who pays for all this in a country carrying $200 trillion plus in debt and unfunded obligations? Not their problem—they issue demands, not solutions.

From once illustrious institutions has come an exciting panoply of newly discovered gender variations—with matching pronouns—and sexual deviancies. No minority group claiming victimhood and mouthing the required pieties is too small for the solicitous concern of campus social justice warriors. Anyone who questions socialism, identity politics, or mandated tolerance is met with an intolerant storm of vitriol that increasingly transmutes into violence.

The left’s signature issues resonate with perhaps 30 percent of the electorate. Russiagate gets a rise out of even less. Yet these burning issues are the horses the Democrat will ride come November.

Some are inclined to write off the Trump-Russia collusion story as yet another fantasy, irrelevant to most Americans, but it’s much more than that. That it’s pure concoction finds ultimate confirmation in one simple fact: its proponents have not offered a scintilla of actual proof.

We’ve had assessments, assertions, maybes, might haves, could haves, and “informed” speculation; a remote “hack” that couldn’t be a remote hack, but rather an onsite download because of the high transmission speed; a Democratic-funded dossier used as the basis of a FISA court surveillance request and its subsequent renewals; indictments against potential defendants who will never be tried; banner headlines for and endless media trumpeting of inconsequential developments, and prosecutions and plea bargains that have nothing to do with the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia.

They’ve thrown everything but the kitchen sink at this gargoyle, but the kitchen sink for which reasonable people keep looking is any hard evidence from those who bear the burden of proof that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. As SLL has said from the beginning, the story is pathetically flimsy, a sign of its purveyors’ weakness, not strength. It’s driven not by Russophobia, but prosecution-phobia. Washington broke into insane hysteria the night of November 6, 2016 not because Donald Trump said he’d seek better relations with Russia, but because of his catchphrase: “Drain the Swamp!”
Trump knows or suspects where some of the bodies are buried, and the powers that be fear he’ll go after them for everything from garden-variety graft, bribery, theft, and influence peddling to crimes as sordid as child molestation and murder.
Plot Holes,” SLL, 2/26/17
Corruption and criminality have been a way of life in Washington for decades. Trump is clearly a threat.
This, not the fear that Trump will revise US policy towards Russia, is behind the Deep State’s cold sweat, motivating its hysterical—comical if wasn’t so serious—campaign to depose him. This is the first time it has faced an unfriendly in the White House, with presidential powers to investigate, expose, prosecute, scandalize, and ruin.
Plot Holes
Trump has driven his opposition batshit crazy. Drowning in their own fetid fantasies and irretrievable irrelevance, he’s got an opportunity to throw them anchors. It’s the perfect time to go on the offensive.

If the economy and stock market hold up, if the US doesn’t invade anybody, and if no nuclear bombs drop between now and November, the Democratic blue wave will be just another one of their fantasies. The election may well amount to an endorsement of Trump. However, nothing is set in stone and if the blue wave does materialize, Trump guarantees himself two years of headaches and obstruction, at best, and impeachment—if rabid Democrats get their way—at worse. Forget about any prosecution of the Deep State and the clowns who have led its inept coup, it could be Trump wearing the new black.

Taking Rand Paul’s suggestion and revoking the security clearances for some of those clowns—John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Susan Rice, Michael Hayden, and Andrew McCabe—would be a powerful first step. It signals that something more serious—indictment and prosecution—may be on the way. He would be moving against enemies who have so overplayed their weak hand they’ve actually increased his support. Although there would be plenty of flack, especially from the captured media, the majority of Americans would applaud the move.

It would send another, subtextual message as well. It turns the treason calumny against those who have so irresponsibly used it.

You take away security clearances from people who pose a security threat. These conspirators are part of a cabal trying to remove the legitimately elected president of the United States. They are using their Russiagate concoction to oppose at every turn any attempt by Trump to improve relations with the one country on the planet that has as many nuclear weapons as the US. This dangerous, arrogant, and corrupt cabal represents a grave threat to what remains of the rule of law, the institution of the presidency, and the life of every American.

They must be stopped. It’s time for Trump to stop them.