Friday, February 22, 2019

Make America White Again

In my blog post "Democrats strategy for electoral dominance: make the US a 3rd world shithole" Julia Hahn at Breitbart said;  "Fifty years ago today, Ted Kennedy began changing the face of the United States by ushering the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act through Congress. That legislation resulted in the fundamental transformation of the demographic, economic, social, and political landscape of nation, exactly the opposite of what its supporters promised."

She also mentions that "in 1965, the US was, according to Pew, was 84 percent white, 11 percent black, 4 percent Hispanic and less than 1 percent Asian."  

This means that for 80% of American history, the vast majority of immigration into the US was mostly from white, high-IQ Europe. This worked very, very well. Remember, it's only Northern Europeans, East Asians and their descendants that have median IQs greater than 100.  ALL THE REST, the rest of the world (ROW), has an average IQ of about 85.  Only 15 median IQ points separates mostly white nations with high levels of prosperity, law and order, democracy, tolerance and happiness from ROW (low IQ) countries that are impoverished, crime-ridden, run by corrupt tyrants, always near collapse and miserable.  

Of course, the LEFT DESTROYS EVERYTHING it touches."By 2015, as a result of Kennedy’s immigration law, the country is now 62 percent white, 12 percent black, 18 percent Hispanic and 6 percent Asian." The entire strategy of the Democrats is to "dumb down" our populace so that they can better fleece and trick the public to guarantee their power.  We saw that when one of the architects of Obamacare was caught saying on tape that the Democrats rely on the ignorance of the voters to pass their disastrous legislation that was, in fact, all lies

Thanks to "open border" morons in both the Democrat and Republican parties, a recent study from Yale shows (surprise, surprise!) that there might be as many as 2 to 3 times the number of illegals hiding in our country than is being reported by the lying media.  So, rather than 11 million illegals, we more likely have 22 million or even 33 million.  This means that our population of whites may be as low as 59%.  I wrote that whites would be a minority in the US by 2050, but it's possible that whites will be a minority well before that!

This is, of course, the strategy of Democrats and the ruinous Left. They are the anti-white party who are dedicated to illegality to boost their power. They are continually trying to allow these illegals to vote and are gradually succeeding. Democrats stand for disastrous "diversity" that is ruining Europe and this country. The reality is that homogeneous populations that are happy and peaceful.  Leftist/Marxist Democrat's control of the media allows all the lies and propaganda to effectively infect our country. It's works even better when the nation's average IQ is lower!! See how that works? That's how an idiot like Obama got elected twice!  Do you have any doubt that, given enough time, Obama would reduce the US to a banana republic??  There isn't a black "leader" in the world that wouldn't.

We are forced to live in a time of utter propaganda in all of the media outlets. No one can say that nearly all black and brown populations are backwards and usually near or at collapse. No one can say the truth; that every majority black community, city or country in the world is a total disaster of crime and poverty, including those in the US. No school administrator is allowed to say that nearly all of the minority (black) students are not qualified to be admitted to college except by affirmative action. No one is permitted to point out that there is not a single black leader or any black community anywhere in the world is advancing or building-up their communities. They only destroy them. The truth is that blacks destroy everything!  It's true in New Orleans, Memphis, Baltimore, Rio de Janiero and most of Brazil and ALL of Africa. It's mostly true in Latino countries too, especially Central America and Mexico.

The Left also completely ignores the massive incompetence and criminality of the Central American populations. Those voters are so stupid that they'll fall for bullshit "free stuff" or Communist leaning leaders who bankrupt the countries. Think Chavez, Maduro, Christina de Kirchner of Argentina, Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua to name a few recent Latino disasters. Nicaraguans elected known snake Ortega, even though he was a known Soviet Union stooge during Ronald Reagan's term.  He was a proven snake then and, surprise, he's a proven snake now! Ortega is shooting protesting college students in the streets now. The vast majority of these people are dumber than rocks.

The US needs the best and brightest, not the lowest of the low. Latino Americans, on average, are low skill, low productivity workers, incompetent voters, incompetent politicians and these countries have enormous criminal elements. Murders and crime in most of Latin America and Africa are sky high. Most of these countries are basically failed states,

California's poverty level is higher than ever. Why? Because, the average annual pay (and therefore their productivity) of Central Americans or Mexicans is miles below the US poverty level. For example, the minimum wage in Mexico is $4 PER DAY!  (50 cents per hour).  Those same people are invited by The Left to arrive illegally into California and everywhere else --- then insist that businesses should pay them 30 times more or $15 an hour as a minimum! Then local hospital and public schools are forced to give these people free medical treatment and free education.  And you wonder why we have non-stop truck-loads, train-loads, and multiple caravans at our southern border?

All of this is, of course, the strategy of the Left's destruction of this country -- their quest for unending power. It's working!

Leftists love the fact that low IQ blacks and Hispanics gravitate to the disaster of Marxism like Chavez, Castro or even Obama. It's because they can't take care of themselves or build a working society; they want a big government and/or tyrant leader to take care of them. They can't handle freedom like  self-organizing white people. Most white people used to know how the big govt/tyrant path works out (or doesn't).

And note that ignorant black commentators are all over the lying media. It's because they are a carnival of the stupid and gullible. But notice how few Latinos are on CNN or MSNBC or the other propaganda outlets. Instead it's dumb ass blacks spouting a bunch of bullshit -- which is the strategy of our lying media.  Now look at the formerly prosperous South Africa. Violent and militant Marxist Niggers are now running around like the wild animals that they are. Whites are being persecuted and murdered, a breakdown of law and order has emerged, the economy is being ruined and they can't even keep the power on now more than half the time. It's just a few short months until starvation and calamity arrives. This is about the same for every black community in the world with only a few exceptions.

Reform election laws in this country to allow only property owners to vote. Repeal the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act.  Revive offers to re-settle Black Americans to Liberia or elsewhere.  Arrest every mayor and the entire city council of every "sanctuary city." Deport all illegals. Keep it fair: if you're here illegal, you're out.  In short, make America white again!


  1. Absolutely true!!! Thank you!! Every article you write is always so correct!!

  2. I live in a city that is about half black. Every black I know is on some form of taxpayer funding, whether it's a taxpayer funded, token gubmint "job", section 8, foodtamps, subsidized housing, Medicaid, disability, incarceration, etc... EVERY black I know receives something. And after awhile, I look at them as a group as being developmentally disabled (retarded). They can't do without us, but they hate us. We pay for their babies to be born, fed, schooled, and housed, yet they would never break bread with us, and recognize us as an enemy when we are in their vicinity. The "fathers" (sperm donors) disappear, and the White Man breaks his back from dawn to dusk to not only feed his own children, but feed the sperm donors children as well - just like the cuck bird, who works tirelessly to raise the nigger bird's offspring, that has killed his own children. I am in the grocery store on July 3rd, and it was like a shopping spree for the fat niggers. They were all on foodstamps, and they were loading up their carts with steaks, shrimp, ribs, ice cream, chips, soda, and every other luxury they need for their holiday cookouts. And I just thought, "wow.. We the workers are literally paying for all the blacks to have their extravagant 4th of July cookout, where not one American flag will fly, and not one word of praise will be spoken about America".. Very ironic. It actually gets me sick to my stomach.

  3. I am partial black, originally from U.K.
    However, I strongly agree with you. Fat Niggers. Lazy, Ignorant, low IQ, Everything bad.
    I have had cars stolen, houses broken in and the list goes on. They dont want to do anything for themselves.etc


  5. The Vdare article is quite good. Of course it's true.

    Nearly everything important is correlated to median IQ as I've written about ad nauseum.


  7. Saw that one (33 whites die). I've bookmarked that site.



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