Thursday, May 19, 2022

Michael Smith: When Democrats Say "White," They Mean "Western"

 Exerpt from Michael Smith at Unlicensed Punditry post "When Democrats Say "White,"they mean "Western"

It is pretty damn racist to assume skin color equates to a certain political affinity.

Biden claimed, "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black."

You just have to understand that when Democrats say "white", they mean "Western", as in Western civilization and Western culture.

They hate Western civilization because it is not culture, race or status dependent. When anyone and everyone can participate and succeed, it makes generation of class conflict far more difficult.

This is why they continue to try to destroy it.

That's why the obsessive focus on race, on something we are powerless to change, is visually obvious and easy to use to separate people.

I get that white, Christian men of European descent are out of favor these days - along with Western civilization - but the combination of those things ended slavery, invented the automobile (credited to Karl Benz in 1885) and in less than a century took mankind from riding horses to walking on the moon. Mankind went from candles to total electrification in even less time.

This is a culture that invented individual freedoms, constrained government and capitalism - all leading to the greatest state of independence and economic success ever experienced by more people around the world than ever before.

Could have Africans, Asians, Indians, Native Americans or any other race or ethnicity done this?


But they didn't.  The Left is at war with our civilization and culture.

1 comment:

  1. Democrats are saying
    that Western Civilization is not a culture
    race and or status. than you can say that with Eastern
    Civilization to as well an what I mean by that is yellow
    people (Asian). what liberals don't seem to get is that quite
    alot or most of the things they convey can be used against
    them in a debate and argument like what I just did right now.


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