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Monday, August 29, 2022

PCR: The Advancing Nazi State of America

The FBI told Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg not to permit comment on Hunter Biden’s laptop because it was Russian disinformation. Suckerman clicked his heels and said “Jawohl.”
See also: https://www.foxnews.com/media/mark-zuckerberg-tells-joe-rogan-fbi-warned-facebook-of-russian-propaganda-before-hunter-biden-laptop-story

The FBI and Department of Justice (sic) refuse to answer questions from Republican US Senator Ron Johnson, Ranking Member, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Senator Johnson wants to know why the DOJ and FBI deep-sixed investigation of the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop, as has been reported to the US Senate by FBI whistleblowers. The corrupt DOJ claims that investigation of the laptop information would jeopardize the inquiry by the US Attorney’s office in Delaware of Hunter Biden’s tax compliance. This, of course, is a fake excuse. Some information on the laptop would help the tax investigation if one, in fact, is in process. The other information on the laptop, as we all know, concerns entirely different matters that warrant their own investigations, investigations that in no way compromise the tax inquiry allegedly underway, which really might just be an excuse for no investigation.

Satanic Democrats are using a new tactic against those whose opinions they disapprove. They try to get them killed by SWAT teams. Republican US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene says 911 was called at 1AM and told she was waving a gun and was holding hostages. The police, suspecting a hoax, didn’t fire stun grenades through her windows and break down her door. https://www.theepochtimes.com/someone-wanted-to-get-me-killed-rep-greene-responds-to-being-swatted-2-nights-in-a-row_4689679.html?utm_source=News&utm_campaign=breaking-2022-08-26-2&utm_medium=email&est=IyhEZ%2BWShXX2Td2wl9sJnXy2QfPSedd7jqIXyOyR27MHtyLOjXnubg%3D%3D

Male advocate Andrew Tate had a similar SWAT experience. The police were told that he was holding women captive against their will. Again the police proceeded with caution and Tate was cleared of the charge.

As we all should know by now, police are trained to regard questioning them as a form of resistance, which causes their hackles to go up. Police violence resulting in injury or death can be the result. Sending a SWAT team into someone’s home is a way of getting them killed. Clearly, this is what the Democrats intended for Greene and Tate. Here is Tucker Carlson on Tate and a variety of other issues treated in this column: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pthh65VahmE

Medical data from all over the world and a large and increasing number of peer-reviewed scientific findings have been published that conclusively show that the Covid mRNA vaccines are far more deadly than Covid, against which they provide no protection. The Democrats who coerced the vaccinations are running for cover. Fauci has quickly resigned, Walensky at the CDC has admitted major mistakes about Covid treatment and vaccines. The Democrats who imposed lockdowns that destroyed Americans’ economic life and coerced injections of an injurious and deadly untested “vaccine” on school children, the US military, and on employees of private corporations and the civil service are looking for someone to blame. Guess who they found. Yes, Donald Trump.

Trump, advised by Fauci, stupidly abandoned his defense of HCQ and Ivermectin as cures and stressed his role on getting the deadly vaccines in use. He set himself up for the Democrats who now unload on him their entire Covid propaganda campaign.

The Democrats who control the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis accuse Trump for pressuring the Food and Drug Administration to authorize for “political purposes” the untested “vaccines.” So not only do the Democrats claim Trump is responsible, but also that he did it not for health reasons, but for political reasons.

What Trump actually did was to fight for recognition, now universally acknowledged except by American Democrats, of hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin as proven effective cures. Anyone who is at all aware remembers the Democrat/whore media/ Big Pharma campaign against the two established cures that prevented “emergency use authorization” of the money-making vaccines. The known cures were suppressed so that Big Pharma and its beneficiaries, such as Fauci, could financially benefit, and so that governments could override constitution protections and behave as unaccountable dictators.

The fact of the matter is that the Covid “pandemic” which was engineered by federal money in US laboratories that created the virus, and the presstitute media campaign, which created the needed fear for the “vaccine” money to be made and the control over liberty to be exercised, was a 100% Washington production.

Washington reasons that the American and entire Western publics are so utterly stupid that if Washington can get away with the murder of two Kennedys, Martin Luther King, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Tonkin Gulf, 9/11, Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,” “Assad’s use of chemical weapons,” the extraordinary lies against Gaddafi, Russiagate, impeach gate, January 6 Insurrection, FBI invasion of President Trump’s home, Washington can also get away with pinning the injurious and deadly vaccine on Trump.

Who is to stop them? The election-stealing Democrats are in power. They are not going to permit the American people to vote them out of power.

What we are experiencing in America is the rise of a new Third Reich, but one far more dangerous thanks to the digital revolution, a godsend for tyrants.

A Nazi Government is being reborn in front of our eyes. The Democrats want power, not for the American people, but for sexual perversion, immigrant invaders, and liars.

The enemy is white Americans, especially heterosexual men, who are “the oppressors of women and humanity.” The public schools teach white kids to hate themselves and their parents. They graduate as guilty “oppressors” who deserve to be pushed aside by immigrant-invaders. The education system is draining all strength from men exactly as Andrew Tate says.

And this weakened, hollowed-out Tower of Babel thinks it is a military match for Russia, China, Iran.

What a joke we live. Apparently Americans are content with life in The Matrix in which their minds are trapped.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

No Climate Emergency; We Face a Manufactured Energy Emergency

A great post from "Energy Talking Points by Alex Epstein" at Substack  modified by myself:

Based on the reality that:

1.)  From Alex: "The developing world overwhelmingly uses fossil fuels because that is by far the lowest-cost way for them to get reliable energy. Unreliable solar and wind can’t come close. That’s why China and India have hundreds of new coal plants in development."  

2.) From Alex: ""The US causes < 1/6 of global CO2 emissions—and falling. The main reason global CO2 emissions are rising is because billions of people in the developing world are bringing themselves out of poverty by using fossil fuels to power factories, farms, vehicles, and appliances."  

3.) China, Asia and India are emitting far more CO2 emissions than the USA and EU combined. They will NEVER commit the kind of economic suicide the Greenies want for the West.  Why should the West unilaterally suffer?

4.) There is no Climate Emergency.  The climate is slightly warming but it's not a crisis or even close to an emergency. Even an Ex-climate activist, Michael Schellenberger admits that.  Climate models, ALL FUNDED BY GOVERNMENT, have shown to be entirely inaccurate and vastly exaggerate risks. 

5.) A climate emergency is being fabricated by captured government "sources" to seize control of governments and economies to create centralize authoritarian rule by entirely corrupt and CRAZY Davos men and their accomplices.  It is really corrupt, lying or stupid politicians are the BIGGEST danger to YOU, the world and civilization. This link shows the measured Earth temperatures vs. the climate models.

5.) The Earth has only warmed about 1.8 deg F in the past 100 years.  It is the arctic areas in the Northern Hemisphere that have warmed much more, by about 6 deg F. The Antarctic has warmed the least and Antarctic ice is stable to expanding.

6.) The seas have only risen 7 INCHES in the past 100 years and there is little reason to expect this rate to increase. The sea has risen 400 feet in the past 10,000 years (since the last ice age)----all natural.  400 feet! Mankind had nothing to do with that.
7.) CO2 is necessary for plant life and in no way harmful to humans at current or conceivable levels and the Clean Air Act should have ZERO jurisdiction here. Atmospheric levels of CO2 below 180 ppm would kill all plant life on earth! We're at ~400 ppm, up from 280 ppm 60 years ago. 

8.)  CO2 in the atmosphere is currently at historically low levels compared to most of Earth's history. See chart below. The earth was indeed warmer and greener with higher CO2 levels, for instance, in the carboniferous epoch (plenty of carbon?).  In fact, it is the buried, fossilized and compressed remains of micro-fauna/flora in sea beds and terrestrial beds of plant remains that have become the fuels of today. Yes, we are using a small fraction of these stored hydrocarbons for the benefit of humanity and higher standards of living. So, yes we're warming slightly. But it's not harmful, it's actually helpful.  Cold is by far the bigger problem.

9.) The (disastrous) central planners in the West are mandating wind, solar power.  But solar and wind are not even close to be able to reliably provide our total energy needs. The US TOTAL electricity use (only) represents only 30% of our TOTAL ENERGY that the US requires.  What about the other 70%??   

The remaining 70% of total energy required is for industrial use, manufacturing, transportation, locomotives, milling, mining, tanker fuels, commercial operations, etc all usually requiring fossil fuels especially diesel. Take a look at the USA energy balance (sources and uses) here.

So, let's say that you provide 20 or 30% of our electricity by "intermittents," that would only amount to 6 to 10% of our total energy needsWhat about the other 90 to 94%???  Who's going to provide that???  Greta??  Gates?

10.) If somehow you were able to (afford and) provide 50%, or even 100% of electricity by renewables/intermittents, ALL of that power would require 100% fossil fuel back-up. Afterall, the sun doesn't shine at night or even in the winter at higher latitudes. The wind doesn't always blow.  It would never make sense to build TWO TIMES the capacity and facilities. Plus, you'd have to pay big subsidies to the fossil-fueled utilities to remain on standby. Since nearly all these facilities would remain "hot" to be ready for sudden demand. It would be very expensive.
11.) Too many 'intermittent sources' in the mix (>10 to 20%) renders the power grids difficult to manage. Germany relies on it's numerous connections to neighboring country's power grids to "dump excess power" or "buy power" when the sun or wind appears/dissappears. Their conventional utilities require a subsidy by the taxpayers to remain in standby. Germany's electrical power is more than 3X the cost of power in the US. See Here.  (today, German power costs more than 10X our rate due to shortage of natural gas currently THAT THEY CAUSED). 

12.) Because affordable hydrocarbon energy is slowly reaching it's limits of what consumers and economies can pay, as the easiest-to-recover reserves are being depleted, we need an alternative to fossil fuels. Translated, that means we had better find new and affordable energy sources.  And if we need it in 20, 30 or 40 years, we'd better start now. 
13.) Therefore: It is essential to consider nuclear energy in some new ways, such as Small Modular Reactors that vastly improve contruction, use and decommissioning costs.   Thorium (molten salt reactor) is also interesting for a number of reasons. Much of the remaining barrels of oil and natural gas will be left unextracted. Let's get going!

The Energy Freedom Solution (from Alex Epstein)

  • The only moral and practical way to reduce emissions long-term is liberating innovation that makes low-carbon energy globally cost-competitive—while ending all policies that punish America via rapid short-term emissions reduction.

    Some key policies👇

  • Reject the false idea of “climate emergency.”

    Our government’s disastrous anti-fossil fuel policies are justified by the disastrous conflation of “climate impact,” which is real, with “climate emergency,” which is not, given today's unprecedented safety from climate danger.

  • Withdraw from the Paris Agreement and encourage others to do the same.

    The Paris Agreement is an immoral agreement that calls for rapidly eliminating fossil fuels, which are the only near-term way to provide reliable energy for billions of people at prices they can afford.

  • Reject and eliminate all carbon taxes.

    Carbon taxes increase our energy costs based on the false premise that the “negative externalities” of fossil fuels’ CO2 emissions outweigh the “positive externalities” of the uniquely low-cost, reliable energy they provide for billions.

  • Amend the Clean Air Act to explicitly reject the bogus “endangerment finding.”

    Much of today’s “punish America” CO2 policy is rooted in EPA's “endangerment finding,” which treats fossil fuel use as a net harm to “public health and welfare” even though it radically improves both.

  • Decriminalize nuclear energy.

    The overregulation of low-carbon nuclear verges on criminalization, making nuclear costs 10X higher than they need to be. Decriminalizing nuclear, including radical reform of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Environmental Protection Agency, will make energy far cheaper, safer, and cleaner.

  • End all preferences for unreliable electricity.

    Today's electric grids are being ruined by systemic preferences for unreliable electricity, which causes prices to rise and reliability to decline.

    Eliminating them can help make America a leader in low-cost, reliable electricity.

  • Allow free-market competition for EVs.

    The proper policy toward EVs, which are promising but not cost-effective for the vast majority of Americans, is 1) let them compete on a free market and 2) make sure we have plenty of low-cost, reliable electricity.

  • Summary: The pro-human CO2 policy is to reduce CO2 emissions long-term through liberating innovation, not punishing America.

    This will ensure plenty of energy for the foreseeable future and enable truly promising alternatives such as nuclear to be globally cost-competitive.

 Other relevant Gulfcoastcommentary posts about energy:

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Sacked Stelter Declares “We Must Make Sure We Don’t Give Platforms To Those Lying To Our Faces”

From Summit News

In his last broadcast on CNN after being sacked, Brian Stelter proved one final time that he has a complete lack of self awareness by stating that “the free world needs a reliable source,” and “we must make sure we don’t give platforms to those lying to our faces”.

Stelter played a reel of old footage of himself on a TV next to his now balder, more engorged, and more potato like-head while trying not to cry and simultaneously lecturing everyone else about protecting ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’


Stelter declared that in media “The hard part is sorting out the treasure from the trash,” and that “we must make sure that we’re representing the full spectrum of debate and what is going on in the country and the world.”

It wasn’t difficult to discern that Stelter is complete trash and for years lied to viewers and pushed a one sided narrative (Russian collusion, Hunter Biden’s laptop etc etc).

That’s exactly why he’s gone.

Ron Paul: More Billions to Ukraine as America Falls Apart


From the Ron Paul Institute:

There is a video clip making the rounds showing President Biden speaking at a recent NATO summit about the seven billion dollars the US government had – at that time – provided to Ukraine. Attached to that is another clip showing the horrific state of several US major cities, including in Pennsylvania, California, and Ohio. The video of American cities is shocking: endless landscapes of filth, trash, homelessness, open fires on the street, drug-addicted zombies. It doesn’t look like the America most of us remember.

Watching Biden bragging about sending billions of dollars to corrupt leaders overseas with American cities looking like bombed-out Iraq or Libya is US foreign policy in a nutshell. The Washington elites tell the rest of America that they must “promote democracy” in some far-off land. Anyone who objects is considered in league with the appointed enemy of the day. Once it was Saddam, then Assad and Gaddafi. Now it’s Putin. The game is the same, only the names are changed.

What is seldom asked, is what is in this deal for those Americans who suffer to pay for our interventionist foreign policy. Do they really think a working American in Ohio or Pennsylvania is better off or safer because we are supposedly protecting Ukraine’s borders? I think most Americans would wonder why they aren’t bothering to protect our own borders.

A reported 200,000 illegals crossed the border into the US in July alone. You can believe they are learning quickly about the free money provided by the US government to illegals. They’ll probably get a voting card as well.

Last Friday the Pentagon announced that yet another $775 million would be sent to Ukraine. As Antiwar.com reported, it was the eighteenth weapons package to Ukraine in six months. Has there ever been a more idiotic US intervention in history?

Supporters of this proxy war may celebrate more aid to Ukraine, but the reality is that it is in no way aid to Ukraine. That’s not how the system works. It is money created out of thin air by the Fed and appropriated by Congress to be spent propping up the politically-connected military-industrial complex. It is a big check written by middle America to rich people who run Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. Americans watch their budget being stretched to the limit while the Beltway fat-cats loosen their belts to continue enjoying the gravy train.

Bloomberg reported earlier this summer that inflation is costing the average American household more than $5,200 this year. Inflation is a tax on middle class and poor Americans. The wealthy – like those who run Raytheon and Lockheed Martin – always get the new money first, before prices go up. The rest of us watch as the dollar buys less and less.

As Washington salivates over fighting Russia in Ukraine, the rest of America feels like we’re becoming Zimbabwe. How long until it takes a trillion dollars for a loaf of bread? Will there be a run on wheelbarrows?

There is a way out. It’s called “non-interventionism.” The war in Ukraine was caused by the US regime change in 2014 and the neocon insistence that Ukraine join NATO. The State Department and CIA thought it was a great victory to overthrow the elected government, but meanwhile the rest of us get the bill. No NATO and not one more penny for Ukraine!

Kunstler: Crazyland

From James Howard Kunstler at Clusterfuck Nation

The USA is certainly skidding into a great and traumatic re-set featuring a much lower standard of living for most citizens amidst a junkyard of broken institutions. But so are all the other nations of Western Civ. If it’s not being managed by malign forces, such as der Schwabenklaus and his WEF myrmidons, then it sure looks like some sort of controlled demolition. The big question hanging over the 2022 election, then, is: Must America commit suicide?

What provoked the mental illness of the Left? What turned the Democratic Party into the Party of Chaos? It seemed pretty sane in 1996 when President Bill Clinton declared — to much surprise — in his State of the Union address that “the era of big government is over.” Of course, few understood back then how cravenly corrupt the Clintons were, even especially as Hillary launched her own political career once Bill’s turn was over. Few, I daresay, thought at the time that Hillary would come to eclipse Bill in influence — though not so few suspected that the first lady operated as the demented megalomaniac she has proved to be.

Gawd knows what went on in that Shakespearean marriage… but the Democratic Party in the post-2000 Hillary years discovered that its very existence required the government to get ever-bigger because the American economy — the real, on-the-ground economy outside Wall Street’s financialization hall of mirrors — was withering away with the off-shoring of industry and something was needed to replace it. And, by the way, let’s stipulate that the Republican Party mostly abetted all that, even despite transient rumblings from its Tea Party renegades.

Forgive me at this juncture for repeating my oft-stated theory of history: Things happen because they seem like a good idea at the time. Off-shoring seemed like a good idea at the time. Fob off all those filthy, polluting factories onto other countries, and pay the natives three bucks a day to make all the stuff we needed. Plus, pay for the stuff with US treasuries (IOUs). What a racket! But then every activity in America was turning into a racket — which is to say, making money dishonestly — until it became the immersive economic milieu of the land. Even the two most noble endeavors in our society, education and medicine, disgraced themselves with shameless moneygrubbing.

Something weird happened starting in 2004 when one Barack Obama came onstage at the Democratic convention that nominated the haircut-in-search-of-a-brain called John Kerry. The new star lit up the joint posing as a Great Uniter. And four years later he made a fool of Hillary, cutting her off at the pass from seizing her supposedly ineluctable turn — and supreme glass-ceiling-breaking triumph — as president. Where’d he come from? This pavement-pounding community organizer with the 1000-watt smile?

In retrospect, Barack Obama appears to have been manufactured out of some misty Marxist cabal of the Far Left that infested a sub-basement of the Democratic Party. He came on-board in 2009, just as all that skeezy financialization blew up the banks and launched the era of government rescue operations that heaped previously unimaginable quantities of debt on the USA’s already unmanageable burden. Republican George Bush II got the blame for all that and Mr. Obama proceeded to make it a lot worse.

Barack Obama served as liberalism’s bowling trophy, the capstone of the great civil rights crusade: a black president, proof of America’s moral uprightness. He managed to do next to nothing to change the conditions that had wrecked black America — namely, the paternalistic policies that shattered families — but he put up a good front while the country teetered economically. And notice that his DOJ, under Attorney General Eric Holder, managed to avoid prosecuting anyone but mortgage vampire Angelo Mozilo for all the banking crimes of the day. Meanwhile, President Obama took care of Hillary by anointing her Secretary of State, from which perch she grifted tens of millions of dollars into the coffers of the janky Clinton Foundation. Smooth moves there. In the end, Mr. Obama remained an enigma, passing the baton to Her Inevitableness in 2016 — which she commenced to blow utterly in overestimating her own political charm — she had none — and underestimating the appeal of her opponent, the Golden Golem of Greatness, Donald Trump.

Mr. Trump’s astonishing victory apparently disordered Hillary’s mind. She was reportedly too drunk late that election night to even appear at the podium to make the excruciating concession speech. But her Russian Collusion operation ginned up months earlier had already set in motion a great vengeance machine which partisans in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and State Department ran with through the whole of Mr. Trump’s term in the White House, climaxing in the orchestrated election frauds of 2020, which installed Barack Obama’s empty vessel of a stand-in “Joe Biden” as president.

The amalgamated pathologies of Barack Obama’s reign — which includes the birth of Wokery, the Jacobin-Marxist crusade to trash culture and economy — and Hillary Clinton’s psychotic thirst for revenge has transformed the Democrats into the Party of Chaos, presiding over the suicide of America, and Western Civ with it. Which, of course, prompts the question: Who exactly is running Barack Obama? I don’t pretend to know at this point. Many people I know are sure it is an international banking claque. The part that doesn’t add up is the supposed banking claque’s utter lack of political charm. Nobody in Western Civ is for them, in the sense that they offer any salvation program from either the disorders of Woke culture or the disorders of crumbling economic globalism.

Mysteries abound now, and they are disconcerting to an extreme. How did the polite and rational society called Canada fall under the punishing sway of Justin Trudeau?  Ditto the apparently insane Australia and New Zealand? Ditto the Europeans, who followed America’s absurd campaign to make Ukraine a war zone, and who now face a winter with no fuel for industry or home heating — and possibly a descent into new medievalism. Perhaps the Covid bamboozle did that, just drove them over the edge. (And they will soon learn what a deadly con that was, especially the “vaccine” feature.)

Personally, I think we under-appreciate the tendings of history per se, and that tending these days is the set of circumstances adding up to a Long Emergency, a.k.a. the Fourth Turning, a.k.a, Mr. J.M. Greer’s Long Descent. In plain English, we’re exiting the techno-industrial fiesta of the past 200-odd years and entering the uncharted territory of what-comes-next, and that is driving the immense anxiety of the age. Our business model for everything is broken, mostly because the fossil fuel situation has become so uncertain, and it is driving us nuts. Understand that and you will have enough mental equipment operating correctly to stay sane.

Suicide is hardly the only option. Resist those who want to drag you into it. We are going to carry on one way or another. We’re going to make it through this bottleneck. Let the insane bury the insane. Keep your eyes peeled, keep your hearts open, and keep your powder dry.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Project Much?-- All Republicans are Terrorists!

From Everett Piper at Washington Times:

Last week, Financial Times Associate Editor Edward Luce tweeted that Republicans are the most “dangerous” political force in the world, bar none. “I’ve covered extremism and violent ideologies around the world,” he said, and “I have never come across a political force more nihilistic, dangerous & contemptible than today’s Republicans. Nothing close.”[Doug here: really?? So your BLM, Antifa and wildly out-of-control, violent, thieving ghetto "Democrats" in our major cities are such angels?]  And Former CIA Director Michael Hayden chimed in immediately and said, “I agree.” 

[Doug here: WTF??  These false accusations are trying to dehumanize about 1/2 of middle America, or more. You see, once dehumanized, it's easier to send these sub-humans to GAS CHAMBERS for extermination! Afterall, they are vermin and scum, and should be eliminated, right? 

This is basically the revival of Nazism by major media, big tech, many political figures and the US President himself! -- Kristallnacht and everything. IT'S THAT SERIOUS.

This past Tuesday, Democrat adviser Kurt Bardella called all Republicans a “domestic terrorist cell.” MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross agreed and said there should be no distinction between Republicans and “right-wing extremists.” At the same time, Peter Wehner, a contributing writer for The Atlantic, likened the Republican Party to a “dagger pointed at the throat of American democracy.” All this while the FBI Director Christopher Wray added that any American flying the Gadsden — “Don’t Tread On Me” — flag is suspect of violent extremism  

[As usual, these people are projecting THEIR OWN sickness and evil onto largely innocent people.  





Does anyone except me hear the ghost of George Orwell laughing right now?

Does it concern you that a group of Democrats holding power is now defining all Republicans as being “right-wing extremists” and a “threat to American democracy?” 

And by the way, what is a right-wing extremist? Is it someone who advocates for pro-life legislation? Is it someone who believes in traditional standards of sexual morality? Are you a right-winger if you believe in lower taxes? Are you an extremist if you dare to call for open debate on environmental policy? Are you a threat to American democracy if you think enforcing America’s borders will actually be good for America? Are you one of those “nihilistic, dangerous & contemptible” people “holding a dagger to America’s throat” if you believe in school choice and the self-evident reality of parental rights? 

Isn’t it a bit convenient that Big Brother has decided that all Americans with a “Republican” bumper sticker on their car versus those who obediently parrot the beltway propaganda of George Soros are a security risk? 

And what about these smart folks on the left? Is their thoughtless embrace of critical race theory a security risk? How about their endless printing of monopoly money and the consequent degrading of U.S. currency? Does this enhance or impede American democracy? Does their embrace of the neo-Marxism of Black Lives Matter endanger our freedom? Does their infatuation with sexual nihilism make America’s women and children feel more or less secure? And how about “climate change” and “green” economics? Does their religious zeal for the disproven pantheism of former Vice President Al Gore enhance our national security or hurt it? Finally, let’s consider their post-modern aversion to any robust debate concerning everything above; is their intellectual foreclosure not nihilistic and extreme? 

Oh, a final question: How about their ad hominem attacks of calling 50% of the American people derogatory names? Isn’t such ignorance of the elementary principles of Socratic logic a bit dangerous? Do you feel more secure knowing that some bureaucrat or politician at the highest levels of political power can unabashedly pigeonhole any person holding a conservative worldview as a compromise to national security? Do you feel safe knowing that this tactical use of rhetorical sleight of hand is actually accompanied by a straight face — or perhaps a sly grin?

This betrayal of classical liberalism is simply incredible. And I mean this in the technical sense of the word. These worn-out political attacks lack any credibility. Our nation’s political class and their obedient media lapdogs make no sense. They disregard any elementary understanding of freshman-level logic. Their rhetoric is foolish. And when caught on the horns of their duplicitous dilemma, their only reaction is to shoot the messenger and ignore the message. “All Republicans are right-wingers,” they shout. “Anyone who disagrees with us is a security risk, a deplorable, and thoughtless rube!” This narcissistic nonsense lacks any credibility. It is simply in-credible! 

A free society that remains silent while George Orwell‘s “1984” unfolds before its very eyes will not remain free. Our nation’s elites are hell-bent on completely restructuring the socio-political context of our country, and in their zeal, they are labeling anyone who challenges them a “dangerous, contemptible, terrorist.”  

Dietrich Bonhoeffer once warned that “silence in the face of evil is evil itself.” Half of the American people have just been told we are a “domestic terrorist cell.” Silence in the face of this oligarchical power grab is complicity in our demise as well as our country’s. “Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless.” 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Diversity is Our Strength?

From Statistica:based on Nate Silver's work.  Caveat: Many hispanics are counted as White in many demographic reports, so I question if the US White Murder rate is as high as indicated as I'm wary of Nate Silver's biases.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Democrat Nazi-style Putsch Advances, Republicans Won't or Can't See It!

From Paul Craig Roberts

Margot Cleveland, law professor and former law clerk for a quarter century for a Federal Appeals Court judge, writing in The Federalist points out that Trump-appointed FBI director Christopher Wray has shown his totalitarian character by equating legitimate criticism of the FBI’s Gestapo behavior for invading the home of President Trump with an attack by Trump supporters on law and order. Not only was the invasion gratuitous, it was done for the sole purpose of creating the impression that President Trump is a felon, as was the FBI’s seizure of Trump’s passport to prevent his flight from “justice.” America now has a Federal Bureau of Investigation that is a Ministry of the Interior Gestapo serving a dictatorial political movement.

Cleveland puts it this way:

“FBI Director Christopher Wray’s Thursday statement represents a disgraceful attempt to silence critics by conflating condemnation of the bureau’s conduct with violence and threats against law enforcement. This outrageous tactic will not work, and that Wray resorted to it confirms he no longer deserves to be FBI director.”

Wray never deserved to be FBI director. He is just another of Trump’s many mindless appointments. As I predicted in 2016, Trump was ignorant of Washington and would staff his administration with the very ruling elite that he declared himself against. He would be destroyed by his own appointees, and he was. And now his own FBI director is trying to frame Trump up for conviction and put him in prison. Who is there to stop him?

As I wrote yesterday, the Democrats are conducting a Nazi-style Putsch for a one-party state in front of our eyes, but the fact is so horrific that many Americans will refuse to see it.

Wray knows that the FBI is a political police for the Democrats and has a key role in the Putsch under way. That is why he appeals to patriotic law and order conservatives in order to distract them from the reality. Here is the tyrant Wray conflating legitimate criticism of the FBI with “threats of violence against law enforcement:”

“Unfounded attacks on the integrity of the FBI erode respect for the rule of law and are a grave disservice to the men and women who sacrifice so much to protect others. Violence and threats against law enforcement, including the FBI, are dangerous and should be deeply concerning to all Americans.”

Yes, the FBI’s commitment “to protect others”–like the FBI’s commitment to protect the lives of Randy Weaver’s wife and son at Ruby Ridge, and the lives of the 100+ victims of the FBI’s poison gas and tank attack on the Waco compound of a religious sect that had violated no law. As they cannot tell who their enemy really is, little doubt many law and order conservatives will flock to the FBI’s defense against “conspiracy theorists who want to discredit the FBI.”

Too many Americans are so indoctrinated and misinformed that they cannot comprehend what is happening. Even Margot Cleveland herself is partially lost. She attributes the fake “Steele Dossier’ not to Hillary, the Democrats, CIA and FBI, but to “Russian disinformation to meddle in our affairs.” This bogus explanation is the only acceptable one in Republican circles. America’s enemy must be a foreign one, and the Russians have had that role since WW II. It is much more comfortable for conservatives that the enemy is abroad and not at home.

It is the stupidity and lack of fighting spirit of the Republican Party and American conservatives that has convinced the Democrats that they can succeed with a Nazi-style putsch. How many Devin Nunes, Jim Jordans, Donald Trumps, and Ron DeSantis are there? Most Republicans, like Mitch McConnell, are part of the corrupt process themselves. There is hardly a handful who are fighting for America and the Constitution. Almost all are fighting for their campaign contributions from the vested interests who rule us.

As I pointed out yesterday, the Putsch has widened beyond victimizing President Trump. Republican senators are in the crosshairs, including the former chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee Lindsay Graham, and now Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, is also being subpoenaed by a Fulton County, Georgia, district attorney who regards Giuliani’s efforts in behalf of electoral integrity to be criminal actions.

The Democrats advance their Putsch carefully. They always launch their attacks in Democrat jurisdictions where they know that the Democrat prosecutors and judges are devoid of integrity, which is why they were appointed. These prosecutors and judges are part of the corrupt system the Democrats have created. They know why they are there, and they serve their intended purpose, which is power, not justice.

The Republicans are so stupid and hidebound in their belief in America that they cannot comprehend what is happening. This means that there is no organized force to resist the Putsch.

Tell me, how are disinformed and unorganized people going to stop a Putsch by the Democrat Party and their Department of Justice, CIA and FBI allies? Republicans are out of their minds if they think the Democrats are going to permit an honest election in November.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Democrats Want to Silence ALL Opposition, Not Just Trump. They Are After YOU

From Unz Review:

The FBI shocked America this week by raiding Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago. This unprecedented move astonished Republicans and conservatives and united them behind Trump. Even the average Fox News Talking Head sees the raid as an outrageous abuse of power [Supporters, GOP lawmakers rally behind Trump amid FBI search, CBS News, August 1 0, 2022]. But Trump is not the only victim of America’s ongoing communist coup. The Biden Regime increasingly uses its legal powers at the bidding of its hysterical coalition of activists, who demand that it imprison their enemies. American patriots must wake to the danger posed by the communists’ control of the Department of Justice.

The GOP/GAP must revolt against the FBI and curtail its abuse of power.

Democrats’ reflexive reaction has long been to indict, convict, and, if possible, jail Trump. They were discussing impeachment as early as April 2016—before Trump was nominated! Then they ramped up the Russia Collusion Hoax—and impeached Trump, twice but for completely for different pretexts.

It’s obvious to everyone that the primary purpose of the January 6 Commission is to find the smoking gun to indict POTUS 45. President Biden and other powerful Democrats have pressured Attorney General Merrick Garland for months to prosecute Trump. Garland reportedly resisted these calls and claimed that the Department of Justice was trying to follow the law [Garland Faces Growing Pressure as Jan. 6 Investigation Widens, by Katie Brenner et al., The New York Times, April 2, 2022]. But the Trump Mar-A-Lago raid suggests that he caved. Democrats got what they wanted [Democrats are pressuring Merrick Garland to make an anti-Trump case he doesn’t have, by Andrew C. McCarthy, New York Post, July 27, 2022].

Even before the Mar-A-Lago raid, however, federal agents staged unnecessary intimidating raids against Trump allies—such as lawyers John Eastman and Jeffrey Clark—for the “crime” of disputing the 2020 election.

Democrats and Leftists also pushed Garland to press over-the-top charges against J6 participants, and to punish savagely the ordinary protesters who did little more than tour the Capitol without authorization—just like the feminist protestors who tried to obstruct Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Garland also followed orders and charged the (Alt Lite, multiracial) Oathkeepers and Proud Boys with very rare and hard-to-prove charge of “seditious conspiracy” [Proud Boys leader Tarrio, four others, charged with seditious conspiracy, by Carrie Johnson, NPR, June 6, 2022].

More broadly, activists have pushed the DOJ to persecute the enemies of Black Lives Matter and black criminality generally. Thus the DOJ indicted the four Minneapolis police officers involved in the death of felon George Floyd They were accused of violating federal civil rights laws, which even The New York Times acknowledged was a “rare instance” [Former Police Officers Indicted on Civil Rights Charges in George Floyd’s Death, by Katie Benner and Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs, May 7, 2021]. The DOJ also launched an investigation into the entire Minneapolis Police Department for alleged “racism” and possible Civil Rights violations. The four officers were all found guilty and received lengthy sentences. Black Lives Matter cheered [Two Minnesota ex-officers sentenced on federal charges in George Floyd case, by Brandon O’Brien, Reuters, July 27, 2022].

In April of 2021, DOJ indicted the three white men involved in Ahmaud Arbery’s death on federal “Hate Crime” charges. The feds claimed the three white men confronted and killed Arbery because he was black—even though Arbery, incredibly, attacked one of the men and tried to wrestle his shotgun away.

The three white men (Gregory McMichael, his son Travis, and their neighbor Roddie Bryan) agreed to a plea deal with the feds after a state court convicted them. The deal placed them in a safer federal prison. But Arbery’s family and black activists were outraged and forced federal authorities to rescind it [Judge Rejects Plea Deal for Man Who Killed Ahmaud Arbery, by Russ Bynum, The Associated Press, January 31, 2022]. They insisted on putting the white men in a state jail—where they faced death threats from black inmates. (The McMichael Family website is here, a link to donate to support them is here.)

They got their wish with the federal convictions of all three men. All will serve time in dangerous state prisons surrounded by angry black inmates. Only one avoided a life sentence. William Bryan, who merely recorded the incident, received 35 years in jail for a Hate Crime conviction on top of a life sentence from the state court.

The Arbery family and activists were, needless to say, thrilled. And so was the DOJ. Garland issued an extraordinary statement after the sentences were handed down, claiming that “protecting civil rights and combatting white supremacist violence” was his agency’s founding purpose. It seems that this Cultural Marxist agenda is its sole purpose at the moment [Georgia Dad, Son Sentenced to Life for Hate Crimes in Ahmaud Arbery Death, by N’dea Yancey-Bragg and Raisa Habersham, USA Today, August 8, 2022]. I

But, in addition. DOJ is now prosecuting BLM’s enemies who (unlike the McMichaels) have been cleared by state and local authorities. Thus recently DOJ indicted four Louisville KY officers in the death of Breonna Taylor, a black woman killed during a police gunfight with her boyfriend. She became a BLM cause cĂ©lèbre, on par with Floyd and Arbery. However, the officers involved in her death were cleared of any wrongdoing.

This enraged BLM activists and they demanded the feds intervene. Sure enough, they did. The DOJ just filed federal civil rights charges against the four officers on the obviously specious grounds that that claim they served a faulty drug warrant against Taylor’s boyfriend.

Merrick Garland personally announced the charges. Black activists cheered, with race hustler lawyer Benjamin Crump saying it was a “day when Black women saw equal justice in America” [Feds Charge 4 Police Officers in Fatal Breonna Taylor Raid, by Dylan Lovan, AP, August 4, 2022]

Largely acting at the behest of BLM, DOJ is also investigating several local and state police departments for alleged civil rights violations and “racial discrimination” [The Feds Are Investigating Local Police Departments Again. Here’s What to Expect., by Matt Vasilogambros, Stateline, May 3, 2021].Two recent federal probes involve Louisiana and Maryland State Police [Justice Department Announces Investigation of the Louisiana State Police, Justice.gov, June 9, 2022; DOJ launch investigation into Maryland State Police for discriminatory hiring practices, by Brittney Melton, WUSA9, July 17, 2022].

The message is clear: the Biden Regime’s DOJ will punish police if they run afoul of minority activists.

It should be observed that the woman overseeing many of these investigations is a radical Black activist herself—a woman who, among other things, tried to get VDARE.com kicked off the Internet in 2020. Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division Kristen Clarke wrote in college that whites are biologically inferior to blacks and has previously supported defunding the police [I Prosecuted Police Killings. Defund the Police—But Be Strategic, by Kristen Clarke, Newsweek, June 11, 2020]. Empowered by Biden, she can now make her dreams come true.

Minority activists pressure the feds to persecute cops and whites, but they also demand authorities protect illegal aliens. Much of Biden’s immigration policy has been also shaped by ethnic lobbies. These activists demanded that Biden eliminate “Remain in Mexico.” He complied. They told the president to scrap Title 42, one of the few enforcement mechanisms the administration kept in place. He complied. They urged the administration to halt deportations. He complied.

Pretty much everything immigration-related is done with minority activists in mind; the American national interest is ignored. All that matters is that Hispanic Treason Lobbyists are happy—and they want the weakest immigration policy imaginable.

And if Leftist or minority activists demand it, the feds will even punish their own people for doing their jobs. Thus the Department of Homeland Security disciplined four border agents after they were pictured using horses to round up Haitian migrants trying to cross the border Left-wing activists demanded consequences. The Biden Regime agreed and promised they would pay. The Regime additionally barred all Border Patrol agents from using horses.

For the Biden Regime, the real criminals aren’t illegal aliens, but border agents who do their jobs—because it impedes the Great Replacement [Border Patrol proposes disciplinary action for horse-mounted agents who clashed with Haitians, by Rick Jervis and Rebecca Morin, USA Today, July 8, 2022].

Good news is, more and more Republicans notice this travesty. Many now see the FBI as nothing more than the Political Police of the Democratic Party and want the agency defunded. At bare minimum, Republican leaders such as House Leader Kevin McCarthy want hearings to address the DOJ’s abuses. This reaction signals that the majority of Republicans are willing to do something about Unequal Justice [‘Defund the FBI’? GOP leaders sharpen criticism of FBI, DOJ after Mar-a-Lago search, by Alex Roarty, Miami Herald, August 9, 2022].

Curtailing the federal government’s abuses against law enforcement in general and White Americans in particular must be a priority for the GOP if it retakes Capitol Hill in November.

The Mar-A-Lago raid has the fortunate effect of disabusing Americans of any positive feelings toward the FBI. The federal agency is nothing more than America’s Stasi. Republicans must act and bring these “public servants “to heel. I

If they don’t, they will be the next ones raided and arrested.

PCR: Democratic Party Police State-- YOU ARE NOT SAFE

From Paul Craig Roberts at paulcraigroberts.org

Here Are the Bogus Blatantly Implausible Charges in the now unsealed search warrant of the Trump residence:

Trump is accused of: 

  1. Violating the Espionage Act by gathering, transmitting and losing Defense information and by concealment, removal or mutilation of documents resulting from improper handling of records and reports.
  2. Obstructing justice by destruction, alteration, or falsification of records pertaining to federal investigations and bankruptcy.  The latter seems designed to pull under the federal umbrella the efforts of the New York Democrats to frame Trump on charges pertaining to the financing of his businesses 

Now, ask yourself how these charges could have been known prior to the seizure of the documents that allegedly are the evidence, documents to which the FBI had previous access but no interest in?   

Whatever documents needed to sustain the charges will be faked and inserted into the seized boxes. 

Because the wimp Mitch McConnell Republicans let the Democrats openly steal the last election, being too fearful of a partisan media to make a fuss, the Democrats currently control the Executive Branch and its military, police, and prosecutorial agencies, the Senate, and the House, and the media serves as the Propaganda Ministry for the frame-up of President Trump.  We are now witnessing and experiencing a bold open coup to establish a one-party state.  What the Democrats mean by “democracy” is open borders and the replacement of “Trump deplorables” by third world immigrant-invaders.

US Representative Marjorie Greene has Introduced a Resolution calling for the Impeachment of Attorney General Merrick Garland for openly and blatantly framing a president of the United States.

Will the wimp Republicans support it ?  Unlikely.  Their delusion that there is a rule of law with justice as its goal will cause Republicans to say: “Trust the system.”

The Purpose of the Democrats’ 87,000 new IRS Agents Is to Build a Gestapo to Harass, Bleed Dry  and imprison Trump Supporters.  See my post:  The IRS Bought 5 Million Rounds of Ammunition This Year, Now They're Seeking Shooters

The Democrats Are Striving for a One Party State and the Republicans and American People are Slow to Realize what is Coming at them.  Democrats Are Criminalizing All Opposition, Not Just Trump.  


Friday, August 12, 2022

The IRS Bought 5 Million Rounds of Ammunition This Year, Now They're Seeking Shooters

It might surprise you that the IRS has been buying and stocking up on plenty of Ammo; 5,000,000 rounds or more from just this year.  They do have a "police" unit to enforce asset seizures or to apprehend particularly recalcitrant tax non-payers, so I guess it's not too surprising. 

According to the New York State Firearms Assoc. and many others confirm these stockpiles. This is somewhat old news.  

But now, we learn that the IRS needs 85,000 new  gestapo agents police to harass the supposed tax cheats among the masses. By the way, more than 50% of the population doesn't pay any income taxes at all.  But all those new shock troops agents will make the IRS bigger than the Defense Department!

Funny, but I can smell another psychological projection for which Democrats are famous. This time the Democraps assume the public is as big a bunch of cheaters, liars and theives THAT THEY are. They assumed that about Trump, but they could never find anything after 6 or 7 persecutions prosecutions.  But they won't find jack shit. Trump supporters and even Donald Trump don't cheat on their taxes or cheat on anything else. It's loser leftists and blacks that cheat like hell.

And yesterday, we saw an employment ad from the IRS where one of the qualifications include use of a gun and THE WILLINGNESS TO USE DEADLY FORCE.  I don't know for sure if this is real, but I suspect it is given that the IRS has "enforcement" units.

Why?  Because they need shooters to become the new "shock troops" of our "administration" hell bent on tyranny? And of course they have to provide munitions to the 85,000 shock troops of the IRS, don't they??

And where will the IRS find many 85,000 people who are willing to use firearms and deadly force??  We know police are retiring or leaving forces in droves due to the Communist Cults in various large cities. Presumably they're taking retirement benefits. 
Whose left?  Conservatives with gun experience??   Hardly!!  LOL, LOL, Hahaha!  
So the criminals in the "Joe Biden" administration will probably hire Criminals and Thugs. Makes sense; birds of a feather. Furthermore their "rules" require that they hire "repressed criminalsminorities" to fill their quota. Yeah, perfect, hire of bunch of black ghetto thugs.  Afterall, ghetto thugs were pretty good at helping the Democrats cheat in the 5 key vote-counting centers in mostly-black ghettos cities that swung the election to lying, idiot Biden --- WHO NOBODY WANTED.

All of this sounds totally NAZI to me.  I believe that we're witnessing a Nazi / communist takeover. Obviously I'm still speculating to some extent, but you'll know it's true when they gin-up a reason or a crisis that "requires" all mail-in ballots or require the elections to be entirely cancelled this autumn.  Democrats poll numbers are very bad in the biased polls (all of them).  The "real" poll numbers are likely catastrophic.
Is something horrible planned so that no fall elections are possible?  I'll place my bet on a false flag attack in Ukraine, staged by the US/Nato to frame the Russians. These people are so insane (Nazis) that it may be nuclear. Then, this will be the pretext that must be responded to by an attack (nuclear?) on Russia. Of course Russia will retaliate, first in Europe.
Or the "fix is in" for the elections? The Democrats have been cheating like hell for a long time.  
Our Republic is finished. Meanwhile, nice little old, doddering Republicans can't even conceive of the evil enveloping our country, so strong is their normalcy bias. Some of the more sensitive ones, the poor dears, didn't like "mean tweets."

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Facism Has Overtaken the US and The West

Trump's statement about the raid on his home in Florida:

 Now his statement about his persecution by Manhattan Attorney Leticia James:

Washington DC Must Be Destroyed, Dismantled or Defunded Before They Destroy Us

With those words, I am now a domestic terrorist or insurrectionist and I should expect to get this blog cancelled. I might now find myself on a no-fly list or some agents knock on my door.  It could happen, but I am ready to "bug out" and I don't necessarily have to fly ( I have my Residence Permit for Mexico already stamped in my passport).   But the only way to tame the Federal Beast is to defund it and return power to The States and to the people.  Here's how:

Step 1:  Repeal 1913 Income Tax and Federal Reserve Acts

Repeal the Income Tax Act of 1913 (See my post "1913 Income Tax Starts at 1%" from 2013):  The Income Tax started in 1913 with nearly everyone not paying anything except for the very, very wealthy. The top rate was 7% for those making $13 million (in today's dollars).  The 1% bracket applied to incomes up to $500,000 (in today's dollars).  The Standard deduction was $75,000 in today's money.  Sounds sensible.
But just four years later the top tax rate was 77% and funded and enabled our participation in World War I.  The top tax rate basically remained at 70% until the JFK Jr administration and then much lower under Ronald Reagan.

AND... Repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.  The Federal Reserve is neither Federal or a Reserve bank.  It was a private bank that served the government and politicians. It still does!  It was a disaster from the very beginning.  
The Federal Reserve was created to maintain "price stability" and "economic growth."  What a joke! Prices went up 110% from 1913 to 1921 alone!  It funded the United State's first World War. You can correctly say that the Federal Reserve is responsible for our bloated and war-loving government. It is and always was an evil force. Now the US government is evil.

Step 2:  Secession

States and/or groups of States must seceed from the Union and cancel the Federal Income tax collection or halt the transfer of income tax money to Washington. Once one state like Texas seceeds, many others would likely join in short order. Starving the Federal Government of tax money from even a state like Texas would cause the US government bond market to crash. WITH NO FEDERAL RESERVE TO "PRINT" AND FUND THE GOVERMENT, the Federal Government is instantly in a crisis.
Remember, Texas is 1/10th of the US in population.  When Arkansas and Oklahoma joins Texas and do the same thing, then it's game over for the Federal Bureaucracy.  Entire regions could seceed and join forces. 

The seceeded entities could negotiate a deal with the Federal Government to continue to send FICA deducted monies to Washington to fund retirees (Social Security and Medicare).  
But even this would expose the completely phony meme of the "Social Security lockbox."  Social security COULD NOT AND WOULD NOT BE PAID once the US goverment had dramatically reduced revenues. THERE IS NO LOCKBOX OF "FUNDS." It's pay-as-you-go arrangement. There is no money in an account with your name on it.

Alternate: Do nothing and risk Nuclear Annihilation
This method is to let our current crop of Bosheviks, the most arrogant AND ignorant people in the entire world, to CONTINUE to foment war with Russia to the extent that Russia must destroy the West (the EU and/or the USA) with nuclear weapons  See my posts PCR: US Neoconservatives Are Setting Up the World for Nuclear War and The West AGAIN Ignoring Russia's Warning After Warning.  

PCR: The American Gestapo (FBI and DOJ) are Out of Control

The Future of America: Civil War
From Paul Craig Roberts 

What kind of Justice Department official would sign off on a FBI raid on a former US president’s home when the president is fully cooperating with the spurious “investigation” of him?

What kind of judge would issue the warrant and then hide it from view by sealing it?

What kind of FBI agent would invade a president’s home instead of resigning over the assignment?

Clearly, none of these people are good people.  They are not people we can have any confidence in.  These are not people we would let our sons and daughters marry.  These are very bad people.  Yet these very bad people are in control of our lives.

The FBI and the Biden regime are the most corrupt organizations on the face of the earth.  Have the corrupt president and FBI director–Donald Trump’s own appointee–succeeded in creating the impression that the former president is a criminal suspect, or have Biden and the FBI discredited themselves in the eyes of the people.   

Here is one of Trump’s attorneys explaining that no one knows a legitimate reason for the armed invasion of Trump’s home.  See Here.

The corrupt FBI has had a corrupt judge seal the “probable cause” justification for the search warrant, which probably means that there is no probable cause.  Why else seal the justification for an unprecedented event that makes the United States government look precisely like a third world gangster state?

Marc Ruskin, a 27-year veteran of the FBI and a former federal prosecutor told the Epoch Times that he was stunned and dismayed by the FBI’s “disregard for traditional norms and apparent lack of concern with the appearance of impropriety.” That the FBI permitted itself to be used so blatantly politically “is indicative of an abandonment of even a veneer of independence and objectivity.” 

The FBI has clearly devolved into a Nazi Gestapo. Further emphasizing their total disrespect for law and process, the Biden Gestapo accosted a US Representative, Scott Perry (R, PA) was also "raided by the FBI" while he was traveling with his family and took away his cell phone:

“This morning, while traveling with my family, 3 FBI agents visited me and seized my cell phone. They made no attempt to contact my lawyer, who would have made arrangements for them to have my phone if that was their wish. I’m outraged — though not surprised — that the FBI under the direction of Merrick Garland’s DOJ, would seize the phone of a sitting Member of Congress,” Perry said in his statement. “My phone contains info about my legislative and political activities, and personal/private discussions with my wife, family, constituents, and friends. None of this is the government’s business.” 

The Biden regime and its Gestapo FBI have committed so many crimes that they have no alternative but to prevent the November elections.  It is a simple matter of self-preservation. Watch for the Biden regime to contrive an event to justify federal control over the November election.