Monday, August 26, 2024

PCR: The Imminent Death of Our Nation

 My comments follow PCR's post:

From Paul Craig Roberts:

Dear American, this is your next presidential administration:

It will be anti-white, anti-family, pro-open borders, pro-legalization of sexual perversity, pro-sexualization of young children, and pro-war.

It cannot be deterred by your votes, because the election will be stolen.

In the swing states the methods used by Democrats to steal the 2020 and 2022 elections have been legalized. Moreover, if news reports are correct, in some, perhaps all, of the swing states it is now illegal to challenge election outcomes.

If you will remember, when Kamala Harris competed for the presidential nomination in 2020, she was immediately eliminated. She had zero support.

If you will remember, she has been an unpopular vice president.

Yet today the media presents her as leading Trump, who continues to turn out massive attendance at his appearances, as the likely next president.

The media uses rigged polls and positive coverage of Kamala and negative coverage of Trump to create in the voting public’s mind the expectation of a Kamala victory.

The polls are rigged by overweighting Democrats in the polled population.

Google Kamala and you will find 90% of the information is favorable.

Google Trump and 90% is unfavorable.

By creating the expectation of a Kamala victory, the ground is laid for stealing the election. It is not possible to steal an election unless the election is close or the person for whom the election is stolen is presented as the leading candidate.

Ask yourselves, how did Kamala go from zero support among Democrats to the leading presidential contender? She did not win the primary election as there was no primary. She has not had any debates, much less triumphed in one.

She represents everything but white Americans, families, sexual morality, peace, law as a shield of the people instead of a weapon in the hands of government, nationhood instead of a tower of babel, truth instead of lies, the Constitution instead of a woke agenda- based rule.

The media have made it completely obvious that the election is going to be stolen. Why else the rigged polls and biased coverage? The public is being prepared to accept a stolen election.

And Republicans are silent.

If Trump raises the issue, the media will say that Trump has already admitted that he is going to lose and is already raising the theft issue prior to the election. Obviously, Trump cannot be the one who raises the obvious issue in front of our eyes that the Democrats are going to steal the election.

The theft has to be raised by Republican governors, US Senators, US Representatives, and that small part of social media where free speech is still possible.

Try to imagine Republican wimps raising a real issue.

Republicans are incapable of fighting. As they have never done it, they don’t know how…

..Americans need to try to understand what life is going to be like under a Kamala regime. Federal marshals and FBI SWAT teams are going to be sent house to house in red states seizing firearms. Once disarmed, legions of immigrant-invaders will be sent to throw you out of your homes and move in. It will be treated as a rental issue and be decided in favor of the tenant, the underdog favored by the Democrat regime.

Your unrealized capital gains, which you were relying on for your retirement, will be taxed. You will have to sell retirement funds in order to pay the tax. When the market falls, you will not be compensated for the disappeared capital gains that you paid taxes on.

You will lose all control over your children, who will be groomed in public schools for pedophiles and gender change.

Not too far into this process of “transformation to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive society,” white people, as in The Camp of the Saints which we are now living, will not be permitted to marry and to procreate.

The white people you see in the video of the DNC convention are so utterly stupid, or brainwashed, or apathetic that they cannot realize that they are supporting their own elimination. They signify the inability of white Americans to recognize their peril and to defend themselves.

Defense is impossible, because not even the Republican Party will say a word about the election theft that has so obviously been set in place. The border remains wide open. Critical race theory continues to be taught in public schools. Transgender promoters are gaining parental authority over children. The attempted assassination of Trump remains non-investigated and has disappeared from the media. Free speech has been labeled “a threat to democracy.”

My advice to young white heterosexual Americans stands: Get out of the country. You have no future here.

White women who remain can expect to be used for the sexual comfort for the immigrant-invaders, just as they are in Sweden, Norway, UK, Germany, France, and the rest of what was once Western civilization.

What the Russians will end up destroying is a Sodom and Gomorrah Tower of Babel.

No one will miss it.

Additional Comments

[Doug here writing a friend in the US yesterday. I said:

The mail-in ballots-on-steroids method of cheating will cause Trump to lose (as I have been recently writing about) and I think it will kick off a furor like no one has seen since 1860. No one is going to believe the results, nor should they. I wouldn't be surprised if some states secede (and hopefully deny DC their Fed Income tax money) after the election. This seems like it would be the beginning of the end.  Gail Tverberg wrote recently that:

I can imagine a scenario in which after the US election, the US will break apart into two sections: a Trump section in the center of the US, and a Harris portion consisting mostly of the two coasts, and perhaps a few northern states.

The Trump section will band together with Central Canada and Mexico and try to keep operating for some years longer. (Doug here: These sections have the most energy supplies, so it makes sense.) The Harris portion will join together with the coasts of Canada and most of Europe to get into war with Russia and China. The Harris portion will issue lots more debt. (Doug here: The CSA, the Central States of America will use USD that is going to crumble?)

The Harris group will forget that their areas cannot really make many armaments without a huge amount of international trade. As a result, the Harris group will have great difficulty in being successful at war (Doug here....that they will certainly lose.) The E and W Coast section will print money like crazy and eventually have hyperinflation]

We'll see what happens. The West is so doomed. I keep thinking about selling my apt but since we're in Texas, it may become a better place to live after a few years. House ownership is a good inflation hedge or has been for a long time.]

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