Thursday, February 18, 2021

What Are The Sources of Electricity and All Other Energy in the US?

I.  Renewables include hydroelectric, biomass, solar, wind, geothermal.  Solar is quite minor. 

Be careful when researching energy data. Sometimes data is for installed capacity. But there's a difference between capacity and actual production. You can have 100 GW of solar capacity installed, but there's night-time and cloudy days, actual electricity produced is less.

Here's raw ELECTRICAL generation data from EIA. Wind is 7.3% of the total and solar is 1.8% of the total US Electricity. That's for the entire nation, though. I don't know about Texas alone.

II.  Renewables (incl biomass, hydro, wind and solar) is only 11% of the total energy produced and consumed in the US --most of that is wind and hydro-power from the first figure. 

As a rough estimation, Wind is 4.7% and Hydro 4.3% of our total energy.  Solar is only 1% of our total energy.  (click for larger image)

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