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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

What Can NEVER Be Said in America: US Blacks Tend to be Racist, Dumb, Criminal and Destructive

I’ll probably see a big decline in subscribers for saying the most obvious things in the world, ie., noticing the low intelligence and high criminality of black persons; and that black politicians are almost entirely destructive and/or corrupt. And this has been true my entire life. I’ve said many times, never put a Black person in charge; see below for so many posts on that topic alone.

I was watching YouTube video this morning and heard incoherent rants or “verbal diarrhea” by Jasmine Crockett and a dumb & an incoherent black dude at the DNC talking shit—both working with about a 14 year old mental capability or about the average for that group. There’s nothing really wrong about that in itself. But a little humility and self-awareness would go a very long way and would be very much appreciated. If humility were their attitudes, I wouldn’t be so harsh.

Most of the world has a low level of academic/intellectual capability (IQ). It’s only East Asians, Northern Europeans and their ancestors that have evolved over 1000s of years of advancing history and who have set a new standard for intelligence in the human race. Every other group is considerably lower in the “academic intelligence” measure or IQ. Yes, I know that there are many other Intelligences; music, art, writing, athletic, performance arts, etc.

I’ve worked in Gabon and Nigeria in West Africa and I really enjoyed it there. The people there are so humble, fun-loving, and they liked and respected White persons; they all know that other blacks are their big problem! They can’t blame white persons doing work there. They understand that their countries are a mess, but respect and admire Western Civ.

I was living in Sieam Reap, Cambodia for 8 months last year and befriended a couple of US black men who had recently retired there. They were both from Washington DC and both ex-military. Despite hopeful beginnings, one ended up showing me how dumb he was; he walked out on me in a restaurant— when I told him that Antifa is not anti-fascist but is, in fact, very fascist. Then I said that there were Federal agents within the crowd at the J6 protests. He “blew a gasket” and walked out on me from a BIRTHDAY LUNCH that I was giving to him! As he walked out of restaurant, I yelled “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” real loud. He couldn’t handle anything or understand much. I’ve thought in my head, that when a black man runs into difficulty or even reality, he runs away or collapses! They are so fragile. Just ask the Kardashians! And in the US, black culture is, in fact, a matriarchy now. I think that’s fair.

My black (ex-) friend in Siem Reap had just married a sharp Cambodian businesswomen and I thought that, one day, she’ll also realize how dumb he is and that marriage may not work. Also, it shows to me that a case can be made that US military service is often and/or fundamentally just another welfare program for folks with no other options. The student loan program is also a multi-$Trillion welfare program for incompetents and most of those loans will not be repaid—especially by Blacks. Ok, you can hit “unsubscribe” now. That’s ok.

But generally ex-military, ex-law enforcement blacks in the US are quite good folks that have good qualities. I was dissappointed in Eric Adams; considering he was ex-law enforcement. He obviously was over his head as NYC mayor.

You see, since Obama, it’s been the goal of the Democrat Party to FORCE “blackness” down your throat; putting them in every advert on TV and advocating the advancement and placement of incompetents into important and/or critical positions; otherwise known as DEI. These trends would have eventually turned America into South Africa. I can use the past tense as Trump is just weeks into reversing some/much of this. But generally, Blacks should NOT be anywhere near positions of power, authority or complex/technical/intellectual work. Yes, I know they are exceptions, but statistically few.

When I started this blog in 2012, I thought about calling it the “Most Politically Incorrect” blog, except it’s too long of a name and I also have alot to say about other things.

When I look at the titles of the posts linked below, you’d think that I’m obsessed with this subject, but I’ve written 1500 blog posts since 2012. I admit that I do have this recurring theme; possibly because it’s really one of the bigger problems in America. It’s all led to our critical moment in 2025 after the truly disastrous Biden Residency.

Democrats were so grateful to US blacks for their faithful 95% vote that has long-ensured Democrat electoral dominance (and blacks helped steal elections too in the big ghetto cities), that they’ve become the Black Party and all that entails. Remember this pledging of fealty to their new, all-wonderful Black ancestors/culture?

See Democrats Now Identify As Black; Now We Have "Black Rule" in America. But the USA Today reported that Kente scarves, worn by the crazy Democrats as a publicity stunt, were historically worn by rich African Kings, ie., wealthy slave owners/traders. Dumbasses!

The “party of black,” or the party of ‘niggers of all colors” was guaranteed to run aground against the rocks of reality at some point—or a national bankruptcy like Zimbabwe. The Party of Black is now being shown to be as more corrupt than I ever dreamed. I’m seeing a headline that Elon has found that the US Government has been propping-up the New York Times $3.1M, Politico $32M and BBC $3.2M (approximate) by millions of dollars thru USAID. The corruption in the US government is just emerging and it’s catastrophic—and NOT CAUSED by black persons for the most part. That must be said.

Ok, this list of articles may have repititions. They are taken from my series The Essential Gulfcoastcommentary Index, The Essential Gulfcoastcommentary Index 2022, and The Essential Gulfcoastcommentary Index 2023. Many of the posts links are linked to Gulfcoastcommentary at Google Blogger where I started in 2012, so don’t be too surprised. (All of the google blogs have been imported into Substack but some of these links below date before Substack).

Black Brains Usually Don't Work, Chicago Mayor Johnson Creates ANOTHER Black Food Desert, Black Death: How Blacks Are Destroying the US, Justice Ketanji Can't Do Maff, Rampant Black Violence On/Around American Military Bases, From White Supremacy to Black Supremacy in S. Africa

Psychopaths Are Being Allowed to Run Rampant in this Country, In NYC 2022: Non-Whites Committed 96.1% of the Homicides, The Crux of Our Black Problem, The Crux of Our Black Problem, Part 2, White State Authorities to Police The Murder Capital of America: Jackson, MS

It is US Blacks that are the Haters and Racists, The US Doesn't Have a Race Problem, It has a Black Problem, Thanks to Obama, Race-Based Hatred Permeates the Black Population, Niggas, Please!!

Can We Admit That Black "Politicians"Are Hopelessly Incompetent and Destructive? Can We Admit That Black "Politicians"Are Hopelessly Incompetent and Destructive? Part 2, Blacks At Howard U. Erupt in Applause When Biden Says "White Supremacy Is the Greatest Threat to Our Nation",

When Blacks Are In Charge -- Crime, Corruption, Violence, Collapse, When Blacks Are In-Charge, Part 2: Corruption, Stupidity, Crimes, Failure & Suffering, DeSantis Vows to Eliminate the Woke (Black) Cancer from the FL University System, Insane: Seattle English Students Told It’s ‘White Supremacy’ to Love Reading, Writing,

Vast Majority of Hispanic and Black Students Can't Perform at High School Levels, But Are Graduated Anyway, Teaching Black Kids is Nearly Impossible, Part 2, Race Realism: Teaching Black Kids is Nearly Impossible, Part 3, Race Realism: Teaching Black Kids is Nearly Impossible, Part 4, Wait! A Second Honest and Earnest Secondary School in America!

Disney Had to Remove a Black (Woke) Cancer to Save the Company, US Black Domestic Terrorism is a Reality -- So Many Brutal and Violent US Blacks, Propagandistic, Racist, Horrible, Horrifying Tiffany Cross FIRED at MSDNC, Who DON'T US Blacks Hate??, Now Back to Our Usual Black Hate Crimes and Black Urban Terrorism,

Told You: BLM Was Always Going to be a Criminal Race Hustle, Black Lives DON'T Matter: 1000's More Blacks Dying After 2020, BLM Was Just Another Race Hustle, One Lone Honest School in Buffalo New York, Destructive Minorities and Black Democrat's Hall of Shame

ESPN Shows How Black Racism Ruins Everything, White Hate Crimes Are So Rare That They Must Be Invented, Black Stupidity, Racism, Criminality and Extremism, Shyt-for-Brains Lightfoot Calls for Insurrection, Now Back to Our Usual Black Hate Crimes and Black Urban Terrorism, All Because We Can't Be Honest About Black "Culture" and Intelligence, What HAVEN'T Black People Ruined? Part 2: US Blacks are Haters, Racists, Criminals and Losers

The Epicenter of Racism in This Country Is In the Black Community -- Not White, USA: The Least Racist Nation on Earth, Corrupt World of African-American Politicians, Black Men Are 31 Times More Murderous to Blacks Than Police, The Left is Pushing "Systemic Racism" Again, But the Problem is Low Black Intelligence and High Criminality

White People Should Be Protesting Black Violence and Crime, Leftist + Black/Brown + Islamist = Trifecta of Disaster, We've Already Spent $7+ Trillion on Black 'Reparations' -- It Failed, Thank God for White Supremacy!, Obama Administration Started the War on Police, the Lawlessness and Racial Strife We See Today, The Very Racist, Marxist and Whacked-out Black Lives Matter, Blacks Ruin Everything; BLM is ISIS, No Humility in Sight, We Don't Have a Race Problem, We Have a Black Problem

Whites Demonized, Racist BLM & "Blackness" Promoted: Re-writing History, Whites Demonized, Reverse Racism and "Blackness" Promoted, Woke"is Black Hatred of White Civilization: Even "Half-Blacks" Bring Disorder and Chaos, US Blacks are our Country's Pathetic "Palestinians"—The Money in Victmhood, Read It and Weep: The Catastrophe of Black and Anti-White "Culture" in America, Yeah Right, Ashleigh! ALL White People are Racist, Planet Of The Apes Returns to South Africa

Black Kids Not Performing in High Schools, Race Realism: Teaching Black Kids is Nearly Impossible, Teaching Black Kids is Nearly Impossible, Part 2, Detroit, Obama and African American Failure, Academic Disaster In Detroit,

The Trainwreck Of Black/Democrats Idiocy Continues to Run Amok, Victimhood And The Utter Devastation of US Blacks, Epicenters of Ignorance, Bad Ideas and Destruction, Our Nation's Big Problem: Black Men, What HAVEN'T Black People Ruined?, What HAVEN’T Black People Ruined, Part 2, US Blacks Should Be More Realistic About Their Abilities

US Black Culture in Collapse, Blacks -- Mostly Black Men -- Remain a Huge Burden to US, Black American Cultural Collapse Reaches White House, Black People Ruin Another American City, Collapse Of Black Families, Violence and Poverty, Anglophones Invented Freedom; But African Americans Don't Get It, Monster Ball -- Obama Wines And Dines Africa's Murderous Dictators, Theives and Homophobes

Nigger Nation: Brawls Break Out For New 'Air Jordan' Shoes, Black American Trainwreck Part 2, Ultimate Political Incorrectness: Black Americans Commit Majority Of Gun Murders, So Take Away the Guns from Blacks!, Blaming Race is Just An Excuse Now

Black "Thug" Culture Strikes Again, Detroit, Obama and African American Failure, Whites to Become a Minority in the US by 2050, When Blacks Are In Charge -- Crime, Corruption, Violence, Collapse, When Blacks And Democrats Are In Charge, Part 2: Destruction, White Flight and Crime, When Latinos OR Blacks Are In Charge: Corruption, Crime, Murder & Destruction, Corrupt World of African-American Politicians

llegal Immigration Cost to US Taxpayers: $133.7 BILLION Per Year and Rising, Fred Reed: Our Country is not Salvageable, It's More Than Low IQ: White Culture is Rejected by Most Black Americans

Epicenters of Ignorance, Bad Ideas and Destruction, Grad Schools: Lower Admission Standards For Blacks and Less Results, The Left is Pushing "Systemic Racism" Again, But the Problem is Low Black Intelligence and High Criminality, Black Officer Exposes Black Lives Matter Hypocrisy, Black Public Defender Perfectly Describes US Black Cultural Collapse, USA: The Least Racist Nation on Earth

The Uniparty's Immigration Act of 1965: Literally Meant to Change the Face of America, White Minority Seals Fate of Slow US Decline, Whites to Become a Minority in the US by 2050, Make America White Again

Let’s just agree that 13 or 14% of our population has had outsized “influence” on the conduct and progress of our country—and usually not for the better.

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