Sunday, May 9, 2021

Fred Reed: Our Country is Not Salvageable

From Fred Reed at

"One seldom sees the collapse of a landmark society in a rush of wondrous idiocy. 

The coup de grace in our ripening decadence is the current uprising purportedly, though implausibly, over racism. But never mind. The causes don’t matter. The deal is done.

Still, it is interesting to recognize that the protesters are, perhaps deliberately, confusing the incapacity of blacks with systemic racism. In truth, America has made the greatest effort ever essayed by one race to uplift another. 

Reflect: In 1954 an entirely white Supreme Court unanimously ended segregation. Later it found the use of IQ tests by employers illegal because blacks scored poorly, then found “affirmative action,” racial discrimination against whites, legal (hardly oppression of blacks, this). An overwhelmingly white Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, the Voting Rights Act the next year. A white President sent troops to Little Rock to enforce desegregation. There has been an enormous flow of charity to blacks: Section Eight Housing, AFDC, Head Start, hiring quotas, set-asides, sharply lowered standards in police and fire departments. We now have free breakfasts for black children, then free lunches, in addition to outright welfare. In aggregate they resemble a distributed guaranteed basic income. Which is interesting.

These measures sprang from the best of intentions. Most I think should continue. I for one do not want to evict blacks from public housing or have their children go hungry. Yet none of these programs has had its desired effect. The crucial academic gap has not closed, crime remains horribly high, illegitimacy verges on universal. This is a great shame. Blacks are decent enough people, likable if they don’t hate you, and phenomenally talented. But it hasn’t worked.

Nothing has worked. There is no indication that anything will. The great black cities are in something approaching custodial care.

You cannot solve a problem without knowing what it is. This we dare not know. Democracies, however approximate, cannot deal with chronically underperforming minorities.

They cannot even try. Anything that might help is politically impossible, and anything politically possible won’t help

Social division will worsen after the riots. Racial hostility from blacks will not decrease because their conditions will not change. The rioters are getting their way now, and rule, but at the price of sowing hatred. At best we will have many decades of ugly rancor. At worst, we are winding the spring for another outburst.

Multiculturalism has not worked, quite apart from race, and will not. White Americans are not one people. The poor communications and bad roads that once allowed them to live almost separately no longer exist. In its writ-large form, trying to force West Virginia to accept the culture of Massachusetts will produce only anger.

The likelihood of amity between races is proportional to their agreement on values important to them. For example, the Chinese share (what once were) the white values of study, work, courtesy, and obedience to the law. That they eat with chopsticks and celebrate New Year on the wrong day doesn’t matter.

However, again for example, the Muslim culture, that believes in female genital mutilation and utter subjection of women, cannot live amicably with a culture that abhors these things. Black ghetto culture and white are immiscible in so many fundamental values that they will not live well together.

Some cultures can assimilate, for example East Asian and American white, Latino and American white. But, in addition to sharply different cultures, too many blacks live in sprawling, racially isolated urban centers with almost no contact with the outside world other than television.

Censorship will intensify, not just of communications and office chitchat but of books. Tom Sawyer will be pulled from bookshelves or—Amazon being the continental shelf—or bowderlized to remove the Nigger Jim and Injun Joe The Nigger of the Narcissus may survive because none of the blacks and few of the whites will ever have heard of Conrad. At least for the foreseeable future, firings for anything imaginably redolent of racism–saying “All lives matter,” for example–will be snatched at in a mixture of passive aggression and schadenfreude to result in firings. This is unlikely to have a happy ending.

Schooling: Watching great universities become sandboxes for unpleasantly righteous dimwitted brats galls, or does if one lets it. I don’t. Most of the protesters seem recently to have erupted from the drains of an educational system that has been in sharp decline for decades They, including the intelligent among them, appear historically not just ignorant but carefully misinformed, culturally pathetic, and intellectually laughable. (For example, a protester interviewed by a British reporter as to what she thought of Churchill said she couldn’t really say because she hadn’t met him. How many in BLM can spell “Confederacy”? A statue of Ulysses Grant was pulled down in the belief that he was a Confederate general. May God preserve us.)

The, uh, redaction of culture will not stop with books. Classical music is too white, the sciences too white, mathematics a tool of oppression (meaning that blacks cannot understand it) and so on. We have created a nation of pampered and imbecile peasants.

Schooling will continue its plummet. Science departments probably will not be abolished. However, because they are too white, schools will recruit hopelessly unqualified black students and professors, standards will fall yet more, and mathematics will be played down even in astrophysics (this is being done). Extirpating racism will replace scholarship, already degraded by the retirement or death of those professors who knew what education meant. This will inevitably result in lowered American technological competitiveness and prosperity. There is no hope of preventing this.

The replacement of learned professors by aging detritus from the Sixties antagonistic to scholarship is not surprising. America has had strong anti-intellectual undercurrent since its inception. The degradation will not be noticed by the young as they have never lived in a world different from their own, with Harry Potter and Toni Morrison thought to be literature. A liberal education was once the mark of the cultivated, being deep in languages, literature, philosophy, the sciences, history, mathematics,. Universities once had, at least among the better students, a love of open minded curiosity, thought, and debate. No more. Future historians will notice the shift, but those within it will not. We are left with a nation of morons who will not know they are morons.

This too cannot be prevented. This will be the end of the American dream, since nobody will remember it."  [End of Fred Reed's writing]

[Doug Here:  The country will be torn apart in separate regions mostly along political and color lines. 
Unlike Blacks, Latinos can co-exist with Whites easily due to shared European influences and heritage. There are many commonalities between Whites and Latinos. Latinos are not angry all the time---nor carry a long-lasting grudge against the predominant White culture. They're happy to be in America. They like White people despite significant history of prejudice and racism against them. But they're not stuck in victimhood. For this reason, they will continue to integrate and prosper. Black people, not so much.

Nothing can change when there can't be any real discussion. Nothing can change when we can't even admit the plain truths without rancor or disrespect. But even this will never be possible.  Too much money is connected with continued victimhood.  Blacks are our Palestinians.  Similarly, there will never be peace until all the worst and violent offenders are behind walls and fences.]


  1. (I had to wind up!!!! cutting and cutting and cutting my comment down so much and post it in sections. Because your only allowed to use so many characters. Even though, 4,096 characters are a lot I admit. I didn’t know where it ends. )

    (Part 1.)

    As much as it hurts my heart, and it does, I have to agree with you 100%. And it’s because I DO LOVE MY NATION WITH ALL MY HEART!!! And I know a lot of folks only give it lip-service. I don’t. And I would like to think that the owner of this blog knows that I do. I spent a-lot of time thinking before, I replied to this excellent article. And as I typed my comment, it grew and I had to stop off and on, to go do some research. The book I talk about, I bought and read. Plus I have been in and out of South Africa. Before and after the end of Apartheid. Formal negotiations to end Apartheid began on May 4, 1990, and it formally and fully came to an end on, Apr 27, 1994. Now, on-to the book and on-to present day America.

    INTO THE CANNIBALS POT. Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa.

    I read this book, and almost everything that was done to bring about the end of Apartheid, is being done here and now!!! The “White Race”was verbally attacked to start with over, and over and over. Then came the brutal physical assaults, then the horrific & brutal murders that is happening today.

    The world wide media forgot all about South Africa once “Communist-Minded-Nelson-Mandela became President. And even when the farm murders was shown to them, they immediately, buried there head in the sand!! I cannot stress it enough and hard enough. What we are seeing happening here, especially with this insanity of “wokeism”, happened in South Africa. But it wasn’t called that. It wasn’t given an official name.

    The author, Ilana Mercer, is Jewish. Her entire family is Jewish. And like a lot of people that are born and raise from Jewish parents, both sides of her family are Jewish going back many generations. And her parents even fought against apartheid. Do they regret it now? well, is Joe Biden mentally challenged? You betcha, they regret it now.

    The lessons in this book, are so many. FOR EXAMPLE: “More people are murdered in one week under African rule than the number that died under the detention of the Afrikaner government over the course of roughly four decades.";

    "Universal suffrage is not to be conflated with freedom."; "Societies are only as good as the individuals of whom they are comprised"; "violent crime in the New South Africa is predominately black on black and black on white." This is only a small sample. Passages worth underlining and pondering at length, throughly abound in this thought-provoking 325-page

    And by the end of it, you will fully think your reading the news on Fox �� News. Black on white crime all across our nation is absolutely rampant. It is. It’s just that the vast vast majority of our fellow Americans, don’t know. They don’t have a clue. And not one race has done nearly as much as the white race has done for the black race. Not, A. One.

    And, it didn’t take 20 to 30 years to regret it. Only 1 to 5. THAT. IS. IT. Just like we are seeing right now, just how fast this administration in Washington is changing America. I will never forget President Trump’s last State of the Union address to Congress and to all of us. The part of the speech when he said, and he could not have been more wrong.

    “America will never become a socialist nation.” when he said that, I was floored. We was already well on our way to becoming a socialist country. All the warning signs was there and they have been there for going on, 20 to 30 years.

    The far left took over America without firing a shot. And even though you always see the BIIIIIG TOUGH TALK Out of my conservative side about how there will be a shooting Civil War, if the left does this, does that.

  2. (Part 2.)

    Crosses this line. Crosses that line. which I always laugh at that. Because year after year, I’ve been seeing all this mighty tough talk talk out of my conservative side online only.

    The last time my side even got together for sizable rallies/sizable venues, was back when Obama ran for office his 1st term. And they did up through his 2nd term. But, once he was out of office, ”Tea-Party-Rallies”, fell off as fast as a cold front sweeping down across Montana, and right-on-down through Wyoming. That fast they did!!

    starting his 1st day in office, O-Biden signed 58 Executive Orders. On his 100th day, according to Fox 🦊 News, O-Biden has signed a total of 128 Executive Orders.

    Not only on this issue, but throughout the entire federal government, the speed that this administration has moved to change our entire federal government into a “socialist government”, has been literally breath-taking.

    It left the Obama-Administration, in the dirt at the starting-line. Obama signed 276 Executive Orders in his 8 years in office. So far, O-Biden has signed 128, Executive Orders. And, as of today, May 10th, 2021, he has been in office 120 days. At the rate he is signing them, if he only serves 4 years, and all indications are, that will be it.

    But by the end of 4 years, according to Tucker Carlson, dated May 5th, Wednesday,
    Cinco De Mayo Day, “ so Joe Biden has signed a total of 128 executive orders. At the breathtaking speed of his signature, even at this pace, if he cuts back 50% in the number of all future signage, at the end of 4 years, he will have still signed a total of,
    408 Executive Orders. That will be double the amount of 33 past Presidents. Absolutely astounding!!!

  3. (PART 3)

    By the way, The left even has the military leaders on their side now. It used to not be this way. And they wouldn’t think twice at mowing down millions of AR-15 toting conservatives. It pains me to say this but, one must always face reality. They would go through every single firearm owning conservative, “Faster Then Grant Took Richmond.”

    So let’s look at this. The list I told you about at the beginning of my rather “loquacious comment.” The Socialist / Fascist / Left / Leftist / Statist / choose any label you like. I’ve seen all of these used and I have used 1 or 2 myself. But I digress. The far left have nearly everything wrapped up very neatly, and on there side. Let’s look at what they fully have.

    A. The media.
    B. Every Movie Production / Producing. Ergo, Hollywood.
    C. Every university/college in our nation except for about a half a dozen private Conservative and or Christian heavily leaning.

    D. The entire, 100% public school system.
    E. 100%, Madison Avenue Advertising.
    F. 99% of “Technology”, otherwise known as, “BIG—TECH.”

    G.Every single branch of our Military’s top Generals/top Admirals & there entire management staff.
    H. Sports. Professional & College & High-School.
    I. Women’s Sports.

    J. The Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts. Cub Scouts. Etc.

    K. Employment HR Hiring rules & regulations. even with the states that have retained the so-called right to work rule, has been whittled down to just that. Right-to-work. In name only.

    The Democrat party has been chipping away at this a little at a time over the last 20 years. States that first implemented the “RIGHT-TO-WORK” policies, was almost akin to, “EMPLOYMENT-AT-WILL”, State. Not any longer. Today, a state that is an “Employment—AT—WILL” can no longer simply fire you and that’s that.

    Today, if the employee ask for it, the employer has to give you a signed written reason why, they are firing you. The days of a man or a woman starting a company and hiring / firing who he or she wants, is long gone. In a nutshell, the days of a man or woman pretty much doing what they want with their company, is gone.

    L. The top management staff of the FBI. CIA. IRS. NSA.

    I have not even got into listing the number of present Blue-State Governors and and each ones administration. Nor still alive ex-Governors of such-said Blue-State

    SUMMATION: how did they, the left, leftist, fascist, etc etc etc. How did they,
    wind up with all of this???? BECAUSE MY SIDE DID NOT DO JACK-SHIT. NOTHING TO STOP THEM. Outside of the 7 years of Tea-Party-Partisan”, Conservative Boomers haven’t done Jack-shit. Except talk-tough online, Only. And I don’t ever see anything changing.


Please send me your message or comments. Thanks in advance.