Saturday, May 8, 2021

The Ongoing Collapse of The West Continues Uninterrupted

From Paul Craig Roberts

The national disintegration of France is progressing precisely as Jean Raspail predicted in his novel "The Camp of the Saints." Those who see the disintegration and urge its halt are the ones punished exactly as in the novel. 

[Doug here: This sentiment is echoed in the Gulfcoastcommentary post called "Sound Familiar? French People See 'Diversity Disaster' as Attack on French Identity; Risk of Civil War" where it is quoted:

A new poll has found that a majority of French people support the sentiments expressed in a letter signed by active duty and retired members of the military warning that the country is heading towards a “civil war” caused by failed multiculturalism and attacks on French identity.

Around 1,000 servicemembers signed the letter, including 20 retired generals, warning President Emmanuel Macron of “several deadly dangers” threatening France, including “Islamism and the hordes of the banlieue..]

The situation in the United States is far more serious than in France. In the United States the authorities have brainwashed themselves with their belief in “American exceptionalism.” Consequently, warnings are not even acknowledged. I have been pointing out the ongoing American collapse for years, and it has never produced a debate.

It is too late for France and the US.  If you read The Camp of the Saints, you will be brought face to face wth your own fate.  The Democrats, the media, the woke “intellectuals,” the universities, and the public schools are hard at work preparing our doom. The United States are now the Disunited States.  The blue states believe in white guilt, critical race theory, systemic racism, identity politics, and that all products of Western civilization, even mathematics, are symbols and devices of white supremacy.   

The red states do not have an understanding of the ideological assault that has been mounted against them.  Their president was removed from office in a stolen election that was in every sense a coup, and the Red States accepted the removal of their president.  The red states still believe in America even though America has ceased to exist. White people in general have been infused with a sense of guilt and are weakened in their own defense by self-doubt.  Their monuments are removed, their history rewritten,  their art and music denounced as racist, and their children turned against them in public schools and universities.

The Disunited States are a multicultural calamity.  While white liberals create an anti-white system of caste privileges, Washington pursues conflict with Russia, China, and Iran.  Are demonized white Americans going to fight for a country that is abusing them and turning them into second class citizens?   

As Judge Robert Bork warned 25 years ago, “American culture is Eurocentric, and it must remain Eurocentric or collapse into meaninglessness.  Standards of European and American origins are the only possible standards that can hold our society together and keep us a competent nation.  If the legitimacy of Eurocentric standards is denied, there is nothing else.  . . .  We are, then, entering a period of tribal hostilities.  Some of what we may expect includes a rise in interethnic violence, a slowing of economic productivity, a vulgarization of scholarship (which is already well under way.)” American students are not enculturated into their civilization and neither are Europeans.  In place of education there is anti-white indoctrination. University reading lists consist of compilations of rants by ideologues describing the horrors of slavery, which is said to be unique to Western civilization.  National consciousness is being stamped out along with scholarly and artistic standards.  As Bork warned, the destruction of Western legitimacy means only interethnic violence remains.  In Raspail’s novel, the guilt-ridden French never reach this conclusion and experience genocide. 

If you require more evidence of American collapse and the generalized collapse of Western civilization, read the last three chapters of Andrei Martyanov’s book, Disintegration: The Coming American Collapse.  Actually, the collapse has already arrived.  We just haven’t yet recognized it.

Martyanov and I have reached the same conclusion: “Martyanov shows that America’s disintegration is irreversible because the ruling elites are an organic part of the calamitous sources of dysfunction that have destroyed the country…The destruction of American unity and foundational beliefs is only one reason that the United States is disintegrating.  Martyanov provides a number of other causes of our disintegration. One is that not only the US but the entirety of the Western world is no longer capable of providing competent leadership. This failure is general and not limited to government. Martyanov likens the Western world to a “Warhol can of Campbell’s Soup, which is nothing more than a ‘school of pretense. The West’s 15 minutes of fame is up. [See my post "America's Collapse is Accelerating Due to Massive Incompetence and Corruption"]

Also, policymakers now base their actions in emotions, not in rational thought. And no intellectual sophistication can no longer be found in Washington’s foreign policy which rests on barbaric immaturity."

[Doug here:  Also see my posts: "Diversity is a Disaster: European Edition" and "Homogeneous Cultures are Peaceful, Diversity is a Disaster" Also see my post: Everything is Being Destroyed in One Generation: Our Culture, Our Country, Our Money and Capitalism Itself ...or any post in the Gulfcoastcommentary Index section "The Necessary New US Revolution and Reset- BURN IT DOWN!" like Burn. It. The. Fuck. Down. Our Rotting, Corrupted, Bloated, Failing Status Quo Must Burn.]

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