Tuesday, May 18, 2021

PCR: Democrats Desperately Blocking AZ Election Audit Shows Conclusively That They Stole Election

Paul Craig Roberts If There Was No Election Fraud, Then Why Are Democrats Desperate to Block Maricopa County, Arizona Audit?

Arizona Democrats have refused to comply with court orders and have declared an audit “racist.”

The criminal gang that masquerades as the US Dept of Justice has declared the election audit “voter intimidtion” as the DOJ attempts to intimidate Republicans to cease the audit.

Obviously, there was massive electoral fraud. If not, why the extraordinary effort to block the audit? If there was no election fraud, the Democrats would welcome an audit to prove their case.

What will Republicans, assuming the DOJ doesn’t scare them off, do with the evidence of election theft? Chances are high they will cover it up. Why? Here are several reasons:

Republicans are largely from the business and corporate community. They don’t know how to fight. They learned that you get to the top by not making waves.

Republicans are patriotic and are concerned to protect America’s reputation. Many will argue that to reveal the fraud will undermine America’s reputation and democracy and that the Chinese and Russians will use the fraud for propaganda against America. Suppressing the evidence of fraud is necessary to protect America’s influence.

Revealing the fraud will undermine the Biden administration and cause a political crisis. It will be clear that America has suffered a coup. To overturn the coup would split the country. The Biden military might intervene in Biden’s behalf, thus legitimizing the coup and ending the authority of law and the Constitution.

Many Republicans will argue that it is best to make a deal with the Democrats. Show them the evidence and tell them that it won’t be revealed if the Democrats will stop blocking electoral reforms such as voter ID and removing dead and out of state people from the voting rolls. Republicans will argue that this is the best outcome. It will preserve America’s reputation and prevent another stolen election.

Establishment Republicans will like this outcome because they are opposed to Trump and oppose anything that would vindicate him.

No doubt the evidence of a stolen election would be leaked, but the presstitutes would never report it and no one would ever know.

In view of the fact that very little is likely to result from conclusive evidence of election theft, the fierce opposition of Democrats and presstitutes to the audit is conclusive proof in itself that the election was stolen.

From the Desk of Donald Trump he said on May 15th:

The entire Database of Maricopa County in Arizona has been DELETED! This is illegal and the Arizona State Senate, who is leading the Forensic Audit, is up in arms. Additionally, seals were broken on the boxes that hold the votes, ballots are missing, and worse. Mark Brnovich, the Attorney General of Arizona, will now be forced to look into this unbelievable Election crime. Many Radical Left Democrats and weak Republicans are very worried about the fact that this has been exposed. The DELETION of an entire Database and critical Election files of Maricopa County is unprecedented. Many other States to follow. The Mainstream Media and Radical Left Democrats want to stay as far away as possible from the Presidential Election Fraud, which should be one of the biggest stories of our time. Fox News is afraid to cover it—there is rarely a mention. Likewise, Newsmax has been virtually silent on this subject because they are intimidated by threats of lawsuits. One America News (OAN), one of the fastest growing networks on television, and the “hottest”, is doing a magnificent job of exposing the massive fraud that took place. The story is only getting bigger and at some point it will be impossible for the weak and/or corrupt media not to cover. Thank you to OAN and other brave American Patriots. It is all happening quickly!
Right on Mr. President.

1 comment:

  1. They have done all they can to try to stop it because I know they’re guilty as hell,,,,


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