Sunday, May 2, 2021

Reader Comments to "What HAVEN'T Blacks Ruined?"

The following are unedited comments to my short post in 2016 called "What HAVEN'T Black People Ruined?"  This post has been viewed nearly 60,000 times -- by far the most of any Gulfcoastcommentary post. Also see my posts: "Diversity is a Disaster: European Edition" and "Homogeneous Cultures are Peaceful, Diversity is a Disaster"

Overwhelmingly, I get the feeling of relief from frustrated people tired of non-stop Media/Govt manipulation and propaganda and the relief of hearing the unvarished truth for once.  Here are all the unedited comments: good, bad and (not that many) ugly.

Anonymous said...

Right on man! We've all been saying this for 40+ years. WHAT benefit do most of these animals bring to America? Oh sure there might be 1 or 2 good afro's that we all know and actually like and who act like civilized citizens, BUT THE VAST MAJORITY, like 95% are violent, aggressive, rude, complainers. We should be able to bring it to a vote and let America decide. Deport all black class A felons from here

Anonymous said...

Wisdom is always found in yesterday. Never today or tomorrow. Just as tomorrow hasn't happened yet. Today has to be defined in Truth. But you cannot tell this to the fools of the world. Because they believe wisdom exists in the mind. That is impossible. We must look behind us to understand what to do next.

We can easily see trends to trace our problems and solutions. Blacks are very popular today. And they co-exist with the decay eating away at morality. There are always exceptions from person to person. But overall, it is that black culture that was once a sub-culture that is a major problem. Our overall culture today is directly influenced by blacks through popular culture. Which is something that breeds immorality and plain foolishness. You can witness this when you compare today's youth with yesterday.

Am I blaming the world's problems on blacks exclusively? Not hardly. They just play a major role in it. Right alongside China and other countries. I am amazed at the role of non-white or off-white races that spread filth in the world. Yes. There are exceptions. But stand back and look at the overall picture. Find the major stress points.

 Anonymous said...

I live in Green Bay, WI. Same crap here, blacks ruining a city that I once knew and loved as a kid. Crazy how things can change over the years. I'm 47 and this place is a shit hole now.

 Unknown said...

I'm so glad others see this truth. How can the disease(the rap culture) be destroyed or at least stopped from spreading any further? I keep telling folks that this is at least 75% of what is going wrong with this country but most peoples eyes just glaze over. I guess they are more interested in the next keeping up with the Kardashians or football game. It is an evil culture and not necessarily the black culture but more the rap/thug culture that seems to be running a muck in the black community but has spread like cancer to main stream and other demographics.

 Anonymous said...

I live in south Africa and these things have ruined a good thing. They are the world's problem. Only a Caucasian can be civilized

 Ichigo Kurosaki said...

This kind of thinking is why the world is surpassing Caucasian people. They think they're goods gift when in reality they're no different from eastern Europe scum. Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Indians, are all smarter than you think. Look outside of the pop culture and ghettos and begin to look around at universities and community colleges. They're as diverse as ever and the trend will only continue.

Doug said...

Sorry Ichigo, American blacks are a special case of ruin mainly caused by government. There would be very few US blacks in top universities if admissions were based on merits. Instead, it's highly qualified Asians and many others that are denied admission to let lesser "qualified" blacks into these schools ---all sacrificed on the altar of political correctness which is determined to prove that US blacks are the same as whites or Asians. It's just not true. It might be in a 1000 years! So Asians are being massively discriminated. How does that make you feel?

Yes, Asians have higher IQs than westerners.

Anonymous said...

Memphis, Tennessee is almost in ruins.

 Johnsmitty said...

And their manhood is bigger than whites causing our women to leave home.

 Unknown said...

Amazing that folks can blame all the countries problems on one race of people who were brought here against their will and raped and beaten and we have almost two hundred years or systemic racism and disenfranchisement for them to overcome and then you want to insult them even more!!! If all you can do is sit on your rump and insult other people then what are you doing to help out with this perceived problem that you seem to know so much about. Why don't you do what Jesus would do and go out into the Black communities and help them. Volunteer and be a big brother or sister to a young black child who may not have the best home life that way if everyone spreads love and caring then you will be DOING SOMETHING to help your fellow human beings instead of just picking one ethnicity and blaming all the world's problems and the countries problems on them. How sad! May God Bless all of you!

 Unknown said...

I'm from the Illinois/Iowa boarder and blacks have invaded and ruined the whole Quad City Area. Cesspool now. They even through their garbage out of their cars right into my front yard as they go by. Can't have anything nice with this culture of grime and slime. So disgusting.

 Unknown said...

Get your head out of your butt. Black culture consists of stealing(taking what isn't earned, cheating(not paying, not playing by the rules, cheating the government/taxpayers, they screw anything and everything, not buying car ins., etc. etc. Materialistic, gaudy clothes jewelry,hair. They will kill for a pair of Jordans. Please wake up good GOD!

 Unknown said...

Hey dummy, Blacks brought blacks to America. Sold and brought by blacks! Thank God they came to America and freed by who?? Let me hear it! Freed by whites! In 1830 3,776 black American folks in America owned 12,740 black slaves. More than the white people in America. For God's sake learn history before you spew your garbage Kimberly!

 Unknown said...

How many blacks are you housing right now?

 Anonymous said...

You can try to slice it any way you wish, but the FACT of the matter is that blacks are simply not capable of living in a civilized society. People like Kimberly have nice intentions, but they've been tried for decades at the cost of trillions of dollars and things are worse than ever.

 Anonymous said...

I am not sure why but if one takes a look at Zimbabwe and what is happening in South Africa or what is happening in black run cities those facts speak volumes. And, those are measurable facts.

Let's face it; most blacks would prefer not to associate with whites and vice versa. The U.S. would be much better off if we paid blacks to return to Africa and also helped purchase/acquire the land for them there. This would allow them to engage in self governance without our interference.

In spite of what one may think I am quite liberal and I find it disgusting that black people are expected to be loyal to or slaves of one political party. I think the least racist thing to do would be to repatriate them and allow them to engage in self governance.

We have experimented with various social programs, etc. for years and they have failed miserably.

 Anonymous said...

I've witnessed many neighborhoods completely destroyed by blacks. I've seen their quick anger and senseless violence up close. I've seen their ignorance become social norms. I've also seen people shunned and put out of jobs for mentioning these things, regardless of how true the incident they relate may be. They have a free pass to trounce the concept of civility in America without the ostracism a normal Caucasian would endure. Everywhere they go as a group, they bring violence, disrespect and ruin and often take pride in their ignorance. They are also quick to ridicule those among them who are civil, peaceful, studious, hard working and collaborative. And the chip they carry on their shoulder for slavery, without ever mentioning that it was THEIR OWN ANCESTORS WHO SOLD THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!

How many African Americans don't consider that Slavery was abolished in Western Africa (Mauritania) in 1981, but not made illegal there until 2008?

That's right, tell us how great the mother country was and sing your lovely African Lion King songs but keep in mind, it was LEGAL TO OWN SLAVES THERE UNTIL 2008!!!!!!!!!

Sadly, the hypocrisy and ignorance from the black american population is about the most certain thing you can always count on.

Read Much More Below--->
 Anonymous said...

I am in Miama, FL. I ride the light-rail twice a week from/to airport (tri-rail). The trains are filled with black, who are talking and laughing loudly. Some of them are not really caring about their hygiene and I need to hold my breath if they get close. Once for a while, I see those people taking off their shoes and putting their legs on the chairs. I even saw a black drinking bud-light on the train. A few days ago, a black guy walking close to me talking loudly and trying to show me something on his phone. I was kind of scared. I also saw black fighting with black on the train. I really doubt if I am still living in America!!

 Anonymous said...

Blacks are protected like pets in America. They get special treatment,
coddled, and act out like spoiled brats when they don't get their way. They are mostly incapable of impulse control and react on emotion instead of gathering facts to make rational decisions. We just need to give them a corner of our country and wall it off so they can self destruct on their own. All other liberal loving trash can also join their pets to coddle and live in harmony. When the shit hits the fan we can all kick back and smile and deny them entry back. I say give them the west coast so they can have the illegals, too.

 Anonymous said...

they are in universities because most black and latino people get in for free/little money because they are mimorities. its more like a day care then anything else

 Anonymous said...

thats actually not true. white people are least like to intermingle with other races by alot. asians are most likely

 Anonymous said...

It's 2017 and these blacks blame white people. This is not the 1800's. Blacks owned blacks. Media stupid driven society to alter facts. Using the past to try and justify your problems! Always blaming others. 2017 and you can't already build up nice neighborhoods lol. We'll just use the past for our stupidity. In reality you made the choice to kill, Rob, steal! Alot of white people live in poverty too! Black countries always problems. For all you people who have been brainwashed to think that blacks are not a problem lets look at Canada. I know you are brain washed because if I was to ask how many watch tv and think the news teaches you truth, we up. So here is Canada at a simple glance. We all hear that Canada is so great so nice, cities are beautiful. So for all you people who think black people don't ruin things. Look at Toronto, look up the problems with crime. Remember Canada is the said nation to have more equality then the USA. Then why's even Canada having so much non white problems if Canada is such a world example of greatness.

 Anonymous said...

Everyone can be evil and steal. Majority across the board is black's no matter what you to help. These are facts and not to be mixes with dumb sheeple people who are brainwashed. The problem is the real issues get dissolved in so many levels of media that turn everything into some sort of battle to take away your attention to be ability to think. Using the past to blame your actions is not an excuse. Crime is crime! Stop watching the water downed truth called tv and go out and see for yourself what is happening, grow your own opinion to truth! Truth is in the neighborhood's, city streets, the plague of confusion is here to distort the truth and make everything wild thought, impulse reactions. Even Canadian cities are becoming a problem when in fact Canada does not have the same percentage of black people as the USA. Let's put aside everything said whether it's racist or not. Fact I will say again look for yourself. Many people have idiots in their own race. Blacks whether it can be blamed for whatever reason, the fact remains that blacks create problems and ruin cities.

 Anonymous said...

Wow that was well put for the stupid award. When world tragedy happens such as wars famine earthquakes and anything else that can destroy a third world country, which race do you see on the ground first,helping these brown/black people, the white race!WHATS THAT AGAIN THE WHITE RACE, WHITE RACE WHITE RACE WHITE RACE WHITE RACE WHITE RACE WHITE RACE WHITE RACE WHITE RACE WHITE RACE WHITE RACE.
Iam very curious to know facts of helping each other in the United States when disasters strike our shores. I don't see the magnitude of other countries helping? Ohh so we have to feed the world and do everything for third world nations but not an offering to help white countries? Hmmmmmmmmm. Is that because we are not liked? Prejudice against white people? Im curious as to why I don't see nations who are fed by working white people tax payers, which are over taxed to begin with. We feed you and you don't think you should come and help. Ohhhhhh ok just take, I seeeeeeeeeeeee. Again white countries feeding these gorilla ruined and run nations that steal your hard earned money. Then shoot and kill their own so called black brothers lol. Ya the lazy dumb tv watching society then thinks I need to make a sign that says black lives matter lmao. Morons are easily trained when you take away their ability to properly rationalize! Here's the best part of it all. All the white people who left their born nations? Why? Because even in white countries we had, yea had problems. Move to North America and built a great place. Then as the years went by the mother country even got better because we made it better. What have non white countries done? Scale that to what white people have accomplished even when we had problems. White people have the right to have their own countries, culture(s) and not be forced to have immigration!

 Anonymous said...

Here's another beauty to all you non white loving tv brain washed morons. You won't be holding banners and cardboard signs when these people turn your area's into shit holes. So here we fave a simple truth!Are you ready why you lib tard, lgbtq loving, black loving non white loving morons fail. You use everything to course your actions with the past lol. How about making the future better. You really think your so smart lol. Using only the past to justify an illogical presence of stupidity created by you, a delusional understanding! You use the past. The past is gone and cannot be used for concreting of reasoning! Never is it we will do better and show physical creation of rebuilding and cleaning of the streets and neighborhoods. Nope, won't happen! Just go in with using the past and more time goes by with nothing being done to make your ruined neighborhoods better. These blacks will complain about what ever and destroy things lol ya that's making it better lol. That's the effort from the chimp out that these things do. And for all you dumb white people, remember when the shit moves into your neighborhoods, we'll see you doing what? What's it called? WHITE FLITE? IS THAT CORRECT? keep watching the tv stupid people and loose and ability to think. Stupid jew driven programming.

Good luck when your neighborhoods turn slum from the black bum.

 Anonymous said...

The Chinese create little China in cities. What do blacks create? Shit hole looking Detroit cities! Funny how you can travel all around the world and vast majority safe places are white nations! Even if all nations have crime. So people who are tv dumb dumbs Wakey Wakey. You post on internet your comments only perpetuated by your brain washing from social media. Go into the world as I have and see the truth. All countries have their problems, blacks, browns non white countries are the worst. Travel and you will see even in the nice area's how security has a presence in the holiday regions. White countries prosperous and have third world issues even from visiting blacks. Went to college and these blacks from Africa were students at the school. Guess what they did. They picked fights with people and ended up associating with black gangs. Come to get an education and join with gangs in a country that you are a visitor too. Then causing fights and playing off as the victims. One incident caught these blacks in the crime of lying! The school I went too never had problems ever until blacks came and they weren't even from my country lol.

 Anonymous said...

Sorry.we travelled to Africa in search of a high iq african.we tested 200 university students using visual iq neither need to speak any language or read.we went to Johannesburg university.the results were the students averaged 77 pct.the avg African non student scored 70.the 7 points are a standard deviation revealing the higher iq of the university student over lay citizen.we performed the test 5 times to 2000 total people 1000 representative of each group.the 7 points were in line with the separation observers at Oxford over English countrymen at 6.5 pct.however lay English workers scored 88 while the collegiate counterpart scored 94.5 so the median score was 91 19 points or 1/5 higher than the Africans in iq they were roughly 80/100...80 in the world outside Africa is disabled or mildly retarded..

 Anonymous said...

I tried to help them.and I don't buy the whole victim story.i own a small business I made a point to hire black kids (16-20) yo guys to work doing landscaping.i have 5 trucks 3 guys on each truck.i had equally half black and half white.8 of each.usually the extra guy would go where we were behind .after 6 years I've only got 2 black guys left.they were routeinly late or didn't show up at all.o paid 2 dollars a hour more than other companies here started them at 11 a hour.after 90 days they get a raise.that became a problem and I was a"racist cracker," cus of the 8 black guys nobody got a raise and 6/7 (one got fired) white guys did.why ( the white guys between them missed 1 day and that was because his mom came down from was excused.the crews were working well and equipment bwas in good shape.the black crews required constant supervision.they broak tools.lost things forgot things.i really wanted to help.i wanted to give everyone a shot at a decent job.ive got 4 of the original guys all white left.3 run crews and 1 is my general I do hire black guys but the 90 days is probation not up for a raise.ive had 9 whites and 3 blacks out of about 24 guys make it.their refusal to do anything more than bare minimum and constantly telling me how it's chump change and how they can make that in a hour in the hood dosent help them either.quit blaming slavery I'm 47 I never owned anyone.

Anonymous said...

This country would be far better off without blacks. Something needs to be done!!!

smarty said...

100% agree. Wish I lived around a community that realized this. I live in Portland, which is predominantely white yet they are for "Black Lives Matter" movement. Most are young out here and have been brainwashed by society, liberal professors at college, etc.

 smarty said...

I feel the most sympathy for you. I met a group of White South Africans while teaching in South Korea. They were some of the best people I ever met and they told me about the extreme prejudices and violence they experienced in SA. I think we should form our own community, and our own policing against these sub-species.

 smarty said...

I love your reply. I feel like a prisoner out here on the Left Coast :-( I travel all the time ..when I can..looking for another city I can moved to.

 Anonymous said...

But what should we DO about it? Maybe a high-tech (but very expensive) option, like try to genetically engineer black fetuses for higher intelligence? Or should we re-enslave them, so they have the benefit of a guiding white hand? Or should we just try to eliminate them altogether by sterilizing/castrating them?

packingten said...

I live in the house I was raised in this was once a peaceful wonderful neighborhood where I live is still fairly nice but less than a mile away is a Kroger grocery store it looks like Africa in there Negroes in there jam and stuff in their carts and all of them have food stamps they park in handicap zones ones that are 20 years old absolutely nothing wrong with them this is commonplace with blacks they get on handicap carts simply because they're lazy they get their butts kissed on every level of government all their problems are so-called caused by the white man they get free housing free food free education yet complain about everything blacks will end up being the ruination of the world because they were Unleashed of course none of the older people are going to be around to say I told you so but we seems like such a simple thing it's so complex to do something about it

 Unknown said...

send them back.

 Anonymous said...

I am not white, from British country, came to the U.S. early.
Bitter experiences from blacks. Three cars stolen, break into my home, cannot work with a majority of blacks, they ridicule, non thinkers, ignorance to the extreme. I stronly agree with this commentary.

 Anonymous said...

I loved losing my apartment to an angry irrational black woman. Only issue I had was her blasting extremely loud music right into my bedroom wall, I walk over with intentions of polite negotiation and understanding. Instead I get screamed at while the white traitors glared at me, get a false police report plastered on me for "breaking down her door", and I get evicted. All because I just wanted her to turn down the music. Now here I'm scavenging for ANY job and every single application I send gets returned back with a big fat " position is filled". Every store I applied to has ONLY black employees, particularly hosts of obese black woman and rude crack head black men. Self check out machines are ALL broken, stocks never resupplied, and the only white people working is a old man as greeter, and a mentally disabled man who I've seen mocked by the black employees. From banks to stores to warehouse and gas stations, hospitals. No one is hiring white people, they'll hire the women of course, just not simple hard working men like me. Where's the equality? The justice prevailing? All I see are Netflix sheeple who are quick to spot anything they precieve as racial injustice towards 'minorities'. But I'm the minority!! I want work! They hate work and just want the checks!! I wouldn't argue with my boss or customers, HIRE ME FIRE THEM!

 Donny said...

I'm 58 and have been wrestling with the Black plague for the last 6 years. I don't want to be prejudiced and I don't want to hate anyone. However, I have come to the conclusion that Blacks are a sub-species and that the majority of them are incapable of living in a peaceful, First World civilization. The fact that there are many decent Blacks in America does not change the fact that the majority of them are violent and/or parasitic retards.

For the last few years, I've seen Blacks begin to move into my nice clean, quiet, low-crime and prosperous suburb. I've lived at my present location for 19 years and there have only been two murders here in that time (one was committed by a Muslim extremist). I can only hope that they don't destroy my neighborhood in 5 to 10 years time, but the writing is on the wall.

Blacks ruin everything, from schools to malls to state fairs to entire neighborhoods. When I have to engage a Black when I'm away from home, I try to be a good guy and try to judge that person on an individual basis (like the new Black woman at the post office and a Black guy working the late shift at a local convenience store). I try to be civil, but in the back of my mind I know that these two particular people might be nice, law-abiding human beings, but the trash that follows them will do nothing but destroy the area and terrorize the humans therein.

I think the Black problem will get worse over time. As someone else said here, All of America will probably look like Detroit by 2050. What a shame.

 Anonymous said...

The Jews are using the blacks as muscle. I live near Detroit. It's unbelievable how easily these people are influenced by the media, music, and sports. You should see the geniuses the Detroit public schools push out as "graduates." It's no wonder the former mayor, and some school officials all went to prison for corruption, and embezzlement. Notice I said prison, and not jail. As a child, Detroit had over 1 million people. Now barley 700,000 live there. They claim it is due to white flight, I personally blame black crime. The population is predominantly black. And it appears to have been isolated into its own self created pig stie. Detroit was not the hellhole it is today, in the 1950s. It was a diverse, well populated city. Crime was not the issue, finding housing was. As blacks slowly began to be a majority, crime became an issue. Some blame lack of education.... I blame a lack of morality pushed upon them by the media outlets, and music they are being targeted to purchase, and accept as gospel. When an entire culture can identify with media, and sports as a main influence, no doubt immorality will fester. Whites have scientists, politicians, as well as some sports figures to look up to. However sports figures do not dominate whites as role models due to the fact that it is entertainment. I guess the blacks do need to be led, and told what to think. The hysterical masses of them has been controlled by the Jew. Blacks blame the white man. But the last time I looked, Isreal is nowhere near Europe??? Nor was it ever throughout the centuries, regardless of what it has been called. Wake up black America, your sheep/pawns in your own destruction. Grow some balls to renounce your media outlets, and culture. Strengthen your family, and maybe you could start to be an equal???

 Unknown said...

Blacks are TOTALLY USELESS and for the most part have always been

 Unknown said...

Are you kidding me? We are talking about the vast majority not the few and far in between. And since when did college make you a hard civilized worker? It's just paper that says you can get a job without a struggle. You can't tell me. I worked in downtown Detroit. I have been on the buses. Some blacks high lu agree about other blacks because they are civilized living in the city and putting up with a majority of filth, drugs, gangs, death. You name it. It's TRUE. There are a lot of good strong hard working black men and women who fight to be civilized amongst the herd who would rather take and steal. Rape and kill. Urban is not a proper term for living conditions. Neighborhoods are like 3rd world. Go down to your city and see for your self. Then tell me if thine eyes have been recieved. I highly doubt it.

 Jay said...

Agree completely. They ruin everything they become involved in.

 Anonymous said...

In Chicago you cannot board the train after 11pm without seeing car after car of some of the most foul smelling black people you've ever seen dead asleep the car I did manage to get on had easily over 50 sleeping bums all black the 4 or so that were awake were plastered drunk and chain smoking in the back of the car.

Same with the Chicago public library floor after floor of vomit inducing stench coming from the tables of sleeping blacks it's hard to even find a seat some days the smell is so bad it lingers long after they've gone and the bathrooms are even worse it's not uncommon to see 3 locked stalls with 3 distinctive sets of snoring coming from them unreal how often this happens

Every single corner of downtown has the same black guy shaking the same McDonald's cup begging for change you can't walk 50 feet without being asked for change and forget smoking a cigarette one time I lit one and walked a block and was approached 4 times in less than a minute all by straggley looking black homeless people asking for one

A shame too this would be a beautiful city without all this filth

 Rushman said...

This blog is dead ON!

 Unknown said...

So very, very true. I have family who are complete leftists and work in the university system here in Wisconsin. They know this is very true but the pc environnement keeps them quiet.

 Unknown said...

My parents grew up in the South Bronx in the 40s. They were poor, no welfare, no food stamps,but they were clean and responsible. Today it's a war zone I wouldnt send a dog through. Garbage thrown out windows. Urinating in alleys, little toys on the street at 2am. No pride, no responsibility. Animals that need to be sterilized.

 Anonymous said...

I'm not white, I was born in Pakistan and thank God my parents brought us to this great nation. More importantly, I thank God that White America accepted me and only asked that I act in a civilized manner and not violate the laws. As long as I do that, and pay my taxes of course, I can live in relative peace without hiderance by the government.

It bugs me to no end when minorities or advocates for minorities, usually leftist ideologues use terms like white flight, white guilt, white privilege. The founding document of this great nation (now declining due to liberal leftist ideology), the Constitution, is a miraculous document. It is truly a miracle that people could get together and formulate such principles and ideals upon which this nation was founded and allow the flourishing of human beings like never before in history.

This group of people I'm referring to were specific. The time it occurred was particular. And the place where it happened was not an accident. It was white Europeans who gave us the bill of rights. And I for one, as an immigrant who migrated at the age of 10, am grateful that God made White people.

It wasn't blacks, browns, asians, Hispanics, or otherwise. It was white Europeans who contributed this to the world. Have whites committed atrocities? Yes. But so has every other race, society, and civilization. There is no society so virtuous that can lay the blame of the non-western world plight at the feet of white Europeans. Every society and race has committed genocide, slavery, violence, and war.

However, it is also true that it is only the western, primarily white civilizations that are doing anything about those wrongs. The rest of the world wants to blame the west, but they themselves have produced nothing.

To the points raised about blacks in this article, I agree. I am planning to move out of my neighborhood and move to a more white neighborhood early in 2019 because I value peace, intelligence, harmony, civility, patience, ethics and morality among many values. These are unfortunately not to be found in blacks in general. There are good black people but the people i encounter in my daily life are always angry, rude, "scary", etc. Sorry for the long comment.

 Anonymous said...

With all due respect to all people from all different backgrounds and cultures etc. We (whites) acknowledge some of your positive accomplishments so far but the bottom line is that I am agreeing with many of these posts that black and brown people just don't seem to have the ability to stay civilized or the ability to even govern themselves at all, they need us (white people) even to get along with each other. Blacks and most brown people don't know how to control or govern themselves without the guidance or intervention of white people. It's like they rely on white people in order to be able to function rationally or to live in a civilized manner. I guarantee that if all of the white people left North America today then the blacks, Asians, Indians and Hispanics would follow us (white people). Either that or they wouldn't know what to do with themselves with the exception of most Asians who seem to have the ability to govern themselves in a rational, respectable and civilized manner. Blacks scream about "black lives matter" about "All Lives Matter"! Since the early 80's Washington DC has been electing black mayors only who have all turned out to be corrupt, crooked and not able to do much for the city and this is our nations capitol...what a joke. They just don't know how to govern at all. Black people are like little kids who need our constant parental guidance. Since the early 80's it went from "blacks should be seen and then heard" to "blacks should be seen and not heard" to Now "we don't want to see blacks and we don't want to hear from them". O.J. Simpson already showed us all how uncivilized blacks can behave by beating, cutting up and murdering a white woman. Then on top of that most blacks still think that he is innocent...what a joke.

 Anonymous said...

Relieved to see how many people are on the same page and not on the fake PC bandwagon BS. Truths are truths that simple! No one here is lying, it's the simple truth that we whites experience everyday by sight, sound and observation that majority of every non white culture is like a deadly plague to anywhere it enters and consumes all the goodness it penetrates. Which is proudly displayed in the US streets, from coast to coast, that we are forced to deal with no matter how many billions are wasted to "correct" the cultural issues. But no one is allowed nowadays to publicly state the facts, nothing more in the free world because it's racists! There are reasons why God is known as the light and the devil is known as the dark!? Shows the truth right there!

 Anonymous said...

I'm tired of black people ruining everything. We just had a car accident with an idiot who ran over a red light and has shitty insurance. My family said that he started laughing and didn't come out his car but my sister broke her shoulder and is unable to work now, the car is also a total loss while his car was left mostly untouched. This is completely unfair! Now we are in a bunch of debt and I also have to deal with nigger idiots at work (retail) and they are always trying to get me into trouble and making up shit. Oh and they are ironically racist too against other people of color which makes no sense at all. We are selling the house and trying to move to a whiter city and hope they don't ruin that too!

 Unknown said...

It's all so true... I live in a city where almost half of the people are black and you can see the difference of where they live compared to where the whites live. Almost all of the crime is them destroying everything. It's like they are still in Africa.

 Unknown said...

So true. I live in Baltimore and they have totally riuned Baltimore City and surrounding counties. I home school because my son is autistic and I know how cruel and destructive they can be. Their falure to evolve is so evident everywhere you look.

Tennessee walker said...

Name me a current or past black successful civilization. Look at Africa. They can’t even dig wells for water. Look at Haiti and Jamaica and Brazil. Look at any large city. They are like a cancer.

 Anonymous said...

I have tried to like blacks and people from 3rd world countries. My family background is a from a USA territory in the Caribbean. I am a white Hispanic and I was born and raised in the USA and 4th generation American. There is a difference among black and white Hispanics also. They are so ghetto. Too aggressive and too eager for violence. White Hispanics mix too much with black and as a result you get mediocre citizens with low IQ. WAKE UP AMERICA! WAKE UP WORLD! WHAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING WITH MANY HISPANICS, ITS WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN IN AMERICA. JEWS ARE TRYING TO GET WHITE PEOPLE IN TO MIXING WITH INFERIOR RACES, SO WHITE PEOPLE CAN BE DESTROYED BY MAKING THEM INFERIOR, SO JEWS CAN FINALLY BE THE MASTER RACE! JEWS ARE VERY CAREFUL WHO THEY MIX WITH. THEY RARELY MIX WITH BLACKS OR BROWN PEOPLE, JEWS MOSTLY MIX WITH WHITES!! JEWS ARE EVERYWHERE!! THIS IS A WORLD WIDE PLAN! WE AMERICANS SHOULD STOP GIVING THESE JEWS ANY BUSINESS AND STUDY HOW THEY OPERATE, AND ENRICH ISRALEL! WHITE PEOPLE WILL BE DOWNGRADED IN ONLY A FEW GENERATIONS! WAKE UP!!!!!!!

 Anonymous said...

I'm from Detroit, the poster child for how blacks have ruined a city, how they are incapable of managing not only themselves, but their city government. Detroit is a shining example of liberal democrat policies, a planned city in fact, the "Arsenal of Democracy" of WWII that outproduced the remainder of the world's factories in war production materials. The city of the U.S. Automobile industry. And the first major city in the U.S. to subject itself to bankruptcy proceedings. Blacks don't pay their bills, they don't maintain what they have. They spend their money, much of it received as "transfer of wealth" from whitey, in one or more of the many forms of financial aid they receive, such as ADC, disability, or welfare, on their personal appearance so that they can strut their stuff and look prominent or important. Their females get knocked up at 14 so that they can pop out a sprog just so the government will issue a check every two weeks, a check that usually goes to the baby's grandma or great grandma, so that she can pool the money with the other government money and hit the casino, get her weave and nails didded up, and of course, have a Cadillac or a "Marcedes" as they call them, yet they all live in shit shacks. Blacks to not put down roots. They "Stay", they do not "Live". They are transient animals who will only follow the law if and when it grants them a leg up, a freebie, or gives them something for nothing. The moment it acts to proscribe, limit, or punish their behavior, it becomes Whitey's law and doesn't apply to them because all Whitey is doing is trying to stop them from rolling like they roll. Black adult men, wearing $1,000 suits with $3,000 rims on $5,000 cars, trying to impress black women before he returns home to sleep on his mama's couch because he doesn't have his own place, and his sister's kids, who bring in ADC money, now have his old bedroom. Black women are the nastiest, filthiest, and most viscious animals on earth. What other woman is proud of having a 60 inch ass? What other woman claims that being obese makes her desirable? Black men will fuck anything. The only thing going through their heads is "MUH DICK" They live for nothing else than busting their nuts. Yeah, the North American Pavement Ape also known as the American Negro, or best, the Nigger, because that's what they are, and that's what they will always be, because Reconstruction failed. You don't open the cages at a zoo and let the animals out and expect them to be domesticated. They are wild animals. The end of the Civil War was no different. They opened up the plantations and let the field nigger out. Unlike the house negro, who had a level of education so that he or she could function, the field negro was a dumb animal. This is the nigger who came to Detroit to work in the war factories of the 1940's. This is the nigger we are stuck with today. This is the negro that even the house negro, who came to Detroit between 1865 and 1930, that built Black Bottom and Paradise Valley and became the black intelligentsia of Detroit, doesn't want to live near, work with, or have interaction with. Chris Rock said it best. African Americans take a plane to Europe for their vacations. Blacks take a boat to Africa to see where they come from. Colored hop in the car and head down south to visit their kin. And niggers? They wait for the AA's, Blacks, and Colored to leave so that they can steal their shit".

 Anonymous said...

I have been many places in my 50 years, and I have never been to a black neighborhood that was just a regular, clean, safe neighborhood. The areas they take over- businesses close down, malls close down. Bars on the windows at the local Dollar Store. Its ridicous. Its the majority black culture that is destroying things. They treat their children like crap. I was in line at drive thru recently and this black woman had little kids jumping all over the car, no car seat. Plus had the music playing extremely loud. The music was talking about explicit things. No enviorment for a child to learn good morals and behavior or respect. Viciuous cycle.

 Anonymous said...

It’s because black people refuse to take responsibility for their own actions. They blame the white man for everything so they can get free shit.

Look at SouljaBoy, dumb negro was selling fake game systems with stolen games on them and got in trouble. He said he got in trouble because he was black and is blaming the whole thing on racism.

This is what black people do ... they break the law and get in trouble and then blame it on racism.

That’s why you see all these stories about police “targeting innocent blacks people” because they are too damn dumb to realize that they are being targeted because THEY ARE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT!

If you don’t want to get in trouble, stop breaking the law! Quit blaming whitey for your choice to sling dope, rob banks, kill, rape, pillage etc.

Take some responsibility for your own actions and grow up! Morons!

 Anonymous said...

I blame the media for telling us how great niggers are. Every commercial has darkie portraying the smart doctor or supervisor instructing the white middle age idiot what to do.

When the nig-nogs rioted in Milwaukee a few years back and burned down quite a few businesses our shitty local news stations always referred to the incident as the " Unrest."

 Anonymous said...

I am black moved next to to a blAck family.I work take care of my family and do my best to be a daddy and a husband. The blacks next door. Wow.animals like a zoo all day long stomping banging thumping tv so loud I hear it in the back of my house all night noise when confronted they play the victim. Fuck them. Most are awful humans

 That's What You Get!! said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I believe that most of you on this blog are Christians, seeing as most conservative Americans are (which I'm sure most of you keyboard cultural warriors are). One of my favorite principles found in the Bible is that you reap what you sow, or karma if you will. Your ancestors in all their ingenuity brought about some of the greatest advances in the world while destroying and annihilating every civilization they touched. Now you're complaining about how black people are ruining everything and about Mexicans and Hispanics are invading land that once belonged to them. OH HOW I LOVE IT!! And what I love even more is that your little white daughters are ENAMORED with ethnic men (maybe with all that higher intelligence you guys can create a device to put you on par with the minority men in intimacy department). And there's the crux of it, you're seeing a nation that's becoming more and more blended and you all are scared to death---you see how minorities have been treated in this country and you're scared of becoming one. BE AFRAID...BE VERY AFRAID hahhahahaha. Now I shall leave this blog and get back to my regularly scheduled programming of being the respectable, conservative, kind, sensible, hard-working, educated, family man outlier Negro by day and then be's the gun-totin', weed smokin', rap listenin', illiterate soundin', basketball playin', white girl slayin' baby makin'negro by night that be's scarin' errybody on this here blog HAHAHAHA

 Anonymous said...

Uh, so the guy above my post is a phoney? Blending in by day, peeling bananas again at night? Shut up you sickle sellout, and pick a side. LMAO you are about as black as a lightbulb.

A Real Brother

 Anonymous said...

It is called Black Urban Decay!! Come to South Dallas and you see it. Where ever a black community has taken over business like Target, KMart back in the day, pulled their businesses and moved out. You won't find decent restaurants staying either, Chili's , Macaroni grill, Olive Garden will not open business or bring business into a black community. My town of DeSoto Texas was once white through the 60s, 70s, 80s then late 80s blacks started to move in until finely after 2006 DeSoto became a black community. Their is a chicken place on every corner of this town and every shopping center. Black people run DeSoto and that is all they can get in this town is Chicken places and beer & wine stores, Albertsons left one vacant building that got turn into a church, Food Lion left another building and again another damn church, the second Albertson store has left DeSoto This year so now we have another vacant building that will probably turn into another church. We have a big population of 3,000sq ft to nearly 5,000sq ft houses going up in Desoto in HOA neighborhoods and blacks are moving in them. YET we have a school system of black kids qualifying for free lunches, yet this black community can't figure out what they can't pull in a WHole Food Store , Trader Joe's, or a Centreal Market. One of these stores gave an excuse that they would not build here because this town does not pull in enough population for business and that the income per sq mile is not high enough. Hmmm well lets see we have all these large new houses going up , 50,000 in population, close to another 50,000 in the next town, but we have over half of the children in school on free lunches. Something does not add up here. BLACK URBAN DECAY!! What turns into a black community can not hold any decent businesses in the community. It all goes to shits and turns into mom and pop like businesses in hope their community thrives. Tisha's Chicken, Dejuan Auto works, Ebony Braids, Shaniqua African dress boutique, Black Pit BBQ usually with bars on the window. I will be glad when I get enough money saved up to leave this town BLACK URBAN DECAY is reaching the rest of the south towns around here like Cedar Hill, Red Oak is getting hit real bad and be on its way to Waxahachie. I know of many moved out of Waxahachie because of the change. DeSoto is nothing but a corner of Chicken places and Taco corners setting up in gas stations. Sign of BLACK URBAN DECAY that will eventually have the last of the 80s stores moving, Krogers, Tom Thumb, Office Depot, the Old Kmart Store is nothing but a BLACK URBAN DECAY MESS. This town was once beautiful and you had choices. Not anymore. Even going to Starbucks is not safe anymore it will be a store soon to be gone. To many people has complain they can't turn their backs for a second to get their coffee with out getting their cell phone, notebook, tablet, purse, brief case, jacket up lifted and gone by the time you turn around . You have to go 20 miles out of town to find a white person to cut your hair cause lets face it. Black people can't cut a white persons hair and a white person is not going to open shop in a town just to serve 17% of the white population. How builders are coming out here building large houses and black people moveing in them is beyond my thought how these people are paying for their place when you don't even have a community of corporate businesses. Or live in a community that can't even bring in big name stores. Chicken, tacos, Church, Beer!!! That is it.

 Josh the Snowman said...

I dont even acknowledge them. They arent human .

 Anonymous said...

Hard to argue with any of these facts. Plus, yes the media is making it fashionable and the young whites are so proud of trying to be black, dating or screwing blacks, all in the name of being progressive. It 8s actually regressive. Look at black leaders. Malcolm x actually advocated for blacks to all return toAfrica. The worship him, so why haven't they left? He advocated segregation. Al Sharpton had his career advanced after defending a fake hate crime back in the 80s or so like this smollett idiot recently. I work with mostly blacks now in the town I grew up in but moved away from. Some are cool, many justbeyeball me like I dont belong there. It was once one of the greatest suburbs to grow up in but has gone to hell. Where can we all move to to get away from them or send them to? Diversity does not work and like someone above said, give them one corner and any sjw or liberal that wants to coddle them can go there too. But like most liberals, they are hypocritical and embrace all things black but choose not to live in the ghetto.

 Anonymous said...

My job is call center, full of black people, only about 8 maybe 10% is white with like 3% being middle eastern. No kidding they come in for training for two weeks, are clueless and constantly asking me for help(trainer is black and stated first day they had no clue what they were doing), and quit after the second week once they get their check. A black woman chatting with her friends near me was very open about how she's only here to get her welfare check and then she's gone to the next job to repeat. This goes for about 80% of people who start working here. How the fuck do these places even function when everything is welfare affirmative action. I watched a black woman across from me throw a shit fit, smashing her keyboard, rocking the computer violantly throwing her phone at people and screaming like a baby. The supervisor (some cuck white woman) stood there and watched, looking away if one of us stared at her waiting for her to do her job. No one does anything, they make one call and get mad instantly and hang up fast and set their shit into 'training mode'. The calls get redirected to me if they call back, more pissed off than ever and I have to play it cool while their screaming in my ear about how awful the people here are, I have to spend ages defusing this person and when I finally get their shit handled and hang up, the supervisor gets on me for taking too long on a call. White mans burden.

We need to observe kids during school and sterilize troublesome kids before they grow to reproduce more of them, get rid of welfare altogether and let everyone toil on the same level, stop listening to pampered feminist whores and their pet cucks who will always coddle and defend anything they precieve as 'misunderstood' and 'oppressed' without ever thinking WHO their protecting. Its not about racism, its about watching human beings being treated like a damn endangered species and knowing full well what their doing, act haughty, and expect everything but returning nothing, take no responsibility when in the wrong but expects others to take responsibility for them and hide behind their own skin color or gender when they feel 'threatened', no concept of others own suffering unless their black (or female or gay or whatever politically correct excuse an idiot will come up with to excuse their horrendous actions). Hell they can't even acknowledge hating whites as being racist. Last I checked on applications they stated Caucasian as a RACE. And all I hear around here is about how white people got everything and how privileged we are, that's bullshit.

Got a shitty hand me down car that's 14 years old and barely works just enough to get me to work and back (spent god knows how much fixing it over the years only for it to never be fixed), a shitty apartment that should NOT cost as much as it does with its busted heater, clogged drains, shitty smelling water that will give you the runs, bad neighborhood (car break ins and shootings from time to time), bugs everywhere, dogs everywhere, loud neighbors that never sleep. Have to fork over nearly 1000$ just to live here and 500$ for electricity the second month, 750$ month after (even after paying off the second month on time), got apartment insurance that never ever gets paid for whatever reason, suffering from kidney infection when I thought it was kidney stone but I don't have anything to buy medication because I need to eat and drink actual water, and I got some whore draining me for what little I have for a daughter I will never see and being raised by some sack of shit, and I work one shitty job to the next just to keep from being homeless. My parents won't help me, No assistance, no government aid, can't even get food stamps because 'white cyst male'.
Yeah we white people really have it all , kills me when I'm called a whiner but if I was black I would be taken seriously.

 Anonymous said...

As a biracial Asian European American, I wholeheartedly agree with this post and many of the commenters.

I live in a stunning part of The Bay Area and many residents keep moving away from the thuggish blacks, who target our neighborhoods for vehicle and home burglaries. Having grown up on the east coast in a very conservative environment, I had always been a progressive liberal. I thought blacks were treated unfairly. Surely, many have been. It’s unfortunate that as a whole they haven’t been able to rise up and become upstanding citizens. Instead, they wreak havoc on each other and their neighbors.

Moving to California has made me see and experience things that have completely changed my view on blacks in America. I can no longer stand up for that 25-50%. Look at the facts. Black on black crime and so on.

Something must be done to crack down on their parasitic and aggressive culture.

Thank you for this post. I do not feel as alone.

 Anonymous said...

The truth in 2019 America is, a black American is far more likely to have slave-owning ancestors (white and black) than a white American.

Blacks scream hate and threats, attack old people and children, and burn down buildings in response to the way ancestors of theirs treated other ancestors of theirs.

The majority of their victims likely didn't even have relatives in the U.S. during slavery.

 Unknown said...

Look at facts all white neighborhoods that were at one time beautiful that black people took over have all turned to shit ruining them turning them into a ghetto I can name 100's of shit black areas but not one dangerous white area fact is any and every black area is dangerous every race hates blacks Im Mexican and white Mexicans hate when they try to associate them with their problems were fine black sa are America's biggest problem but come NWO they'll be rounded up 1st and when problems and crime ceases they'll realise that was the real problem as the rest of the races know every race hates blacks they're nothing but thieves, murderers, liars, and bear "The Mark of Cain"God turned Cain black after he murdered his own brother Abel they're evil people God turned him black so we're warned of their true evil nature we all know that. Oh and if you're more qualified for a job you'd get it bottom line is accept the fact you're not more qualified but you think you should get it just because "poor me I'm black and entitled when I use my race card" well wake up I'd hire the educated one who speaks articulately that's another thing why do blacks even speak so ignorant they went to the same schools in America that we all went to so why can't they pronounce"ambulance" instead they say "ampalamps" Maybe they haven't quite evolved yet give it 10,000 more years!

 Anonymous said...

Gotta correct you on one thing. Blacks don't "take over" anything. There is nothing they've ever gotten control of that wasn't handed to them. Whether it's the Civil Rights Act, affirmative action, or whole neighborhoods, all of it has been handed to them by naive, but well-meaning white people.

You can't name a thing that blacks have truly accomplished on their own. Even all of the 1960s "accomplishments" that they get credit for were actually achieved by whites. All blacks did--including those who are today credited for being non-violent--was rape, rob, murder, start fires and attack old white people. White "activists" did everything else, and that everything else was all the effective stuff.

 Unknown said...

I’m appalled at the Asian chick that posted on here because Asians (from the Orient region) generally hate ANYTHING brown-skinned without needing exposure to the people. Asians are also extremely self-loathing such that they LOVE marrying into white families so that their kids will come out to being something other than what they are. Uuuugh! All I know is that when I visited Calgary, all I saw were young Asian-white couples, and yet the young lady that made the post here is pretending to have defended blacks ? HA! Those people are trained from birth to despise and reject people of color and embrace and glorify whites... to each their own—(its not a problem to like whites)

And as to the (white hispanic) that commented above, many of us Latin people are ashamed of you. Many of us overcame negrophobia eons ago. While the prejudices still exist-we are still much further along than our other western peers. Furthermore, white hispanic still ain’t white and at the end of the day, white Anglos will remind you of that. Whites enjoy their OWN company and still distinguish white from non-white nonetheless.

 Unknown said...

Little do you know, you very likely ARE black. Being Mexican American will not exempt you from being ‘rounded up.’ As a matter of fact, nobody wants y’all around EITHER. Your women I cessant ou have children. You in no way parent nor discipline them. You throw dirty diapers on the ground wherever you take them instead of finding the nearest receptacle. You purposely impose hiring discrimination at fast food establishments only hiring Mendoza, Lopéz, Hernandez and company... and pretend nobody sees it. You will spray paint a house for sale to intimidate as soon as you see a white person looking at it. Your driving habits are selfish, gormless, and reckless. Y’all are a scourge and you have the audacity to hate blacks and want them gone???? Seriously?!? Need I remind you that y’all brought a swine flu epidemic from Mexico and then cried racism when y’all were called on it? Mexicans are just as much a crime issue and public health concern as Black Americans. I RESPECT BOTH RACES but I refuse to let somebody like you try to put blacks down after black civil rights leaders fought for MEXICANS to get their rights right alongside blacks. And if you were wondering, I’m a criollo—-afro Y mezclado tambien... there’s no excuse for your toxic ideology.

Anonymous said...

Here is some food for thought: “What if all the Blacks suddenly left America, which is 13.3% of the total U.S. population” and these statistics:
Amount of people in poverty would drop - 34%
The prison population would go down - - 37%
Welfare recipients would go down by - - - 42%
Gang members would go down by - - - - - 53%
Chlamdia cases would go down by - - - - - 54%
Homelessness would go down - - - - - - - - 57%
Syphilis would go down - - - - - - - - - - - - 58%
AIDs & HIV would go down - - - - - - - - - - 65%
Gonorrhea would go down - - - - - - - - - - 69%
Average ACT scores would go up - - - - - - 5.5 points
Average IQ would go up - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.4 points, putting the U.S. 3rd in the world tied with Japan
Average SAT scores would go up almost - - - 100 points

The average income for Americans would go up over $20,000 a year
“But Democrats would lose 76% 0f their voting base”
“And, many criminal defense attorneys would have to find another line of work”
“YES, Black lives DO matter”.

 Anonymous said...

Mein Gott. You are all correct. This shizters are the source of all garbage everywhere. (the muzzies being a close second). When my windows vibrate because some monkey wants to be loud I am at a loss. It deserves death for its lack of respect for a decent neighborhood. Section 8 has made a sewer of all cities that have no choice but to tolerate this trash. Subwoofers should be outlawed in all residential zones. Fork you homie. Stop shaking my goddamn windows. I work at night you ferking shikballs.

 Anonymous said...

I am white male from South Africa, and trust me America is a place I could only wish to live in.
White South Africans were the reason South Africa became a successful, peaceful country. Just look at the rest of Africa and the abject failure it is as a continent, and then look at South Africa under Apartheid!
South Africa and Zimbabwe were once beacons of light on the darkest continent, showing the way forward, becoming the financial hubs of Africa.
The whites built South Africa up, we planned the roads, we planned the factories, we grew the food and fed the nation, we developed the mines (didn't own then though), we were the industrious people who took the land of wild animals, bush and low IQ blacks and made it the country it was at the time of the handover. Everyone has access to schooling, further education, health, food and policing. All the cornerstones of any civilized society were present in the country.
And then the country was handed over to the black liberation terrorist ANC Party and today we see in front of our eyes - proof that sub-Saharan blacks cant make a success of any thing even when given on a silver platter.
They can't create wealth without taking from someone else!
They cant grow food, proved beyond any doubt when once successful farms given to them lie barren and dead, returned to bush!
They cant even maintain the education system which is now in a mess with the health system not far behind!
Crime is out of control, infrastructure is collapsing, white farmers are being murdered without government standing up and denouncing the slaughter.
Watch: "Farmlands" YOUTUBE!
The blacks cant make sport teams on merit and so have to use quota systems to force the teams to incorporate them.
They cant get jobs without affirmative action being implemented.
In short, The ANC has killed the goose that laid the golden eggs. Millions of white South Africans sit outside the country looking in, waiting for the pin to finally drop.
The hungry forgotten blacks look with big eyes at their leaders who live in obscene luxury, whilst there brothers and sisters scratch in dirt for food.
This is what Africa is all about. Tribalism and status and using there fellow man to get to the top, and once there forgetting their fellow man.

White South Africans knew all of this. We know the black-mans behavior. We know what the black race is capable of.
The rest of the world tried convincing everyone that they knew better than the white people living day-to-day with them for hundreds of years...
And they continued to agitate for them to take the country over!
Well, reality has certainly met the rainbow nations dream and its not looking to good!

My, my look how far South Africa has devolved under the black man. I would love to say that I am shocked, but I would be lying.
Welcome to reality.

 Anonymous said...

Black criminality is wildly out of control. If a white person murders a black it becomes a national story with simpleton outrage. If a black murders whites. There is no outrage? Funny how that works! Conceal carry!

 Anonymous said...

what is happening in America is intentional. It is not the evolution of things that black and Hispanic populations is destroying America from within. It is a precise design. The white race is all that stands in the way of a one world government. Our own tax money has went to the DoD and CIA for them to study the threats whites pose to the military(elites top .001%) and ways to counter act. For some reason; whites allow a very few ppl at the top of the banking pyramid to print money out of thin air. They give that money to soldiers and then they point their guns at us. Yet we can’t print money? We did that in the civil war and we see how that went. The civil war was not about slavery as very few whites owned slaves because they simply couldn’t afford it. The same families that print money and buy politicians now was the same families that owned slaves then and they will own black slaves again and the blacks are the conduit to this realization and too dumb to realize it. You see to teach the truth about the civil war would be to teach the truth about the banking system we for some unknown reason let control us. White Christian Americans will fight for their families and that’s why we are a threat. Because we are intelligent enough to have compassion and to not believe crooked lying politicians who are nothing more than treasonous agents for foreign governments whom are destroying our country from within using blacks and Hispanics as nuclear bombs in white communities. That’s why they are banning your guns and right to assemble and many democrats pushing this agenda are posing as republicans. Wake up they are lying to you. Also the word minority is misleading. Do you actually believe the government census numbers? How can a black in Chicago be a victim of hate crime when they are not the minority in Chicago. The minority rule should apply to the district it was established so in most big cities whites would be the minority but crimes against them are not prosecuted or punished as hate crimes. Think about it.

 Anonymous said...

This is so true. Black people really don't give a damn about anyone else around them. They make ZERO attempt to act polite. They always FAKE confidence. They could take any statement and tell it with a false bravado thinking their ego makes it true. They are not grateful for what they have an are always demanding for more. They consumed but they do not create. They destroy the towns in which they live... by setting things a fire, killing people of the town to fit into their community of thugs and rappers, and intentionally blocking peoples way to demonstrate how free they are (even though its rude). Like other races have done their damnedest to be polite to them and try to be understanding... but blacks still strut around like they own the place and like they are the kings of the world.. it is REALLY overcompensating. Not to mention the little victim card they play about slavery did not happen in their lifetimes. It's like inheriting a victim card... being like "im so mad about something that happened before i was born." Yeah right it's just an excuse to get what they want. They been given special treatment and catered to since the time they were born. And anytime they use the magic word "racist" someone loses their job or gets locked up on hate speech. Nobody can speak their mind anymore because of these son of a bitches. Take a look at africa, the country where their roots lie. Its in shambles. Take a look at any U.S. city with a large population of blacks... oh yeah its destroyed too. Then they talk sadly like "we are so much in poverty and life is so hard cause of racism." Its like no its hard cuz they spend their money trying to hustle drugs and buy fancy clothes when they barely had enough to cover rent. They open credit cards in their name and spend the max amount and never pay it back. They are constantly talking in a hostile way and pride themselves on challenging other people in some sort of pride contest. They love conflict. Every one of them is a hollow shell with preprogrammed mines like a swarm of bees.

 LuvDante said...

Absolute truth in all that you said...unfortunately the liberal media fawns on them...low class celebrities get a voice through trashy rap and even trashier talk shows

 Anonymous said...

I am a retired physician, used to work for a county hospital in California, but left because of the uncontrollable every growing black driven violence that made working there impossible. The ER was flooded with victims of black sadistic violence, blacks attacked anyone one who was unfortunate enough to come into contact with them. Black gangs turned the entire city into their hunting ground. Most of their crime went unreported, the local papers and politicians did not want the extent of black violence to be known. Blacks are incapable of seeing consequences of their actions, have no self control, and have only murderous sadistic violence as response to any problems. The hospital hired quota blacks, maybe 10-15% of them could actually do the work they were hired to do, most of them were not intellectually capable of doing even the simplest tasks. After having my car repeatedly broken into in the parking lot (by blacks as shown by the security cams), after being assaulted by blacks in the corridors and treatment rooms, I left.
Having worked in poor drug ridden white communities, I can say that I have never feared for my safety, to the extent I did in any community that was even 20% black or was near a majority black area. No white community, no Asian community is as violent and depraved as a black community, even so called upper class black areas are pretty dicey. Even Hispanic areas, which are very violent, cannot match the filth, the violence, the depravity generated by blacks, compared to any other racial group, blacks lack intelligence, ability to plan, and are almost devoid of empathy. They have some verbal facility, but behind that there is avoid, a lack of what is commonly called humanity. Go to a zoo spend some time watching chimps, then watch blacks on you tube doing an ook. I used to think otherwise, but after having had to associate with them, I now realize that sub Saharan blacks are not people, they are not human, they are vicious vermin that destroy every place they invade.
The horror, the horror, the horror.

 Anonymous said...

Yes the so called dark "enrichment" is obviously not. They are a clear detriment to peaceful, successful, and self-sustaining Euro culture(s). I don't want to be "superior" to them or wish to denigrate the black race in any way I only wish to be away from them. Far, far, away. Shouldn't I at least have that right?


I believe you're simply a racist trump loving bastard. At the end of the day its not about whos the cause of ruin but if were blaming someone, lets blame the caucasian land greedy, lazy, bastards who enslaved african americans. We never asked to be here. If were ruining America lets think of the fact we were kidnapped and brought here. Lets also understand that everything you use today, every song you here, is influenced by the greatness of african americans, latinos and natives. Not you uncultured ass white "folks". Black people are continually looked down upon and therefore makes it harder for them to get into better situations. Its not us that's the problem. Its racist stereotypical america. Wanna know why 11% of african american men are in jail? its because these caucasians get probation for raping a little girl while black men get jailed for having weed. Which shocks me because caucasians have the highest percentage of drug usage.

 Anonymous said...

Lets send you and all your African queens back then. You damn blacks call out racist remarks no matter what. Now after having to leave Detroit. I am watching Tampa turn into another Black mess. Crime is up. Shootings. Fights . Random acts of violence. And road rage BY BLACKS. I have watched my new home Turn worse and worse as more blacks crawl out of the woodwork. You will NEVER fix the issue. HOW ABOUT be part of the solution? Racist..nope. sick of watching a group destroy everything ...Yep. that group Happens to be BLACKS.

 Allyson MCKENZIE Neyens said...

Very much agreed! The immoral society that, now, is the "normal" now and accepted; is destroying mankind. At the rate we blacks are going we will be Sodom and Gomorrah soon

 John L said...

Just stay out of Austin Texas we have enough Californian liberal trash moving here ruining our beautiful city lol

 John L said...

Section 8 is not necessarily A Bad Thing the problem is how many people they are letting on it that don't deserve it and the people that really need can't get on it because sign up is only open for maybe a week every four years due to all of the black people taking advantage of it when they are not even disabled there for the people who are really disabled like myself can't get it because it's already all filled with useless pieces of trash abusing the system.

 Unknown said...

I grew up in an all-black neighborhood in Cincinnati Ohio. My life was horrific and I couldn't wait to move when I turned 18. And that's what I did because Black culture is disgusting they're disgusting racist people.

 Unknown said...

With all the violence and hatred and racism that black people force onto the world.I honestly don't see how most black folks are going to go to heaven. I hope I'm wrong when all you do is dope have unprotected sex Rob people stab people shoot people attack people for no reason I don't see how you could get in

 Unknown said...

Black people have ruined every place on Earth that they live in. They won't work all they want to do is fight old white people are weak white people that aren't looking so they can sucker punch them with all their might as many times as they can and nobody will help I just saw stand there and watch him beat the white person to death

 Anonymous said...

so true
america wake uo!

 Anonymous said...

blacks suck

 Johnny B. Goode said...

90% of black people are uncivilized animals. Here in Macon, Ga and surrounding areas they are 66% of the population, so I have seen first hand the way they ruin neighborhoods. In California they keep the real estate prices so artificially high that no blacks or Hispanics can live there, and yet still they find a way to infest the inner cities, living and shitting on the streets if needed. They spend all their money trying to peacock to get laid, and let their houses, then entire neighborhoods go to shit. They are loud as hell in public places. They are rude for no reason. They milk the shit out of the system. They don't give a shit about anybody but themselves, and yet expect handouts like they deserve it. Nobody alive today was a slave holder, hasn't been for hundreds of years, but yet we should pay for past sins? They don't teach you in the public school that you dropped out of when you got pregnant or joined a gang that Italians and Greeks enslaved tons of white people, do you see us bitching about it and blaming them for everything? Things are never going to change, only get worse, that's why I keep myself well armed for the future race war. And things will never change because the poison you fill your head with, rap, is gospel to black people and all they talk about is killing, guns, drugs, women's asses, having sex with women, gangs, and money (gotten from drug dealing and robbing no doubt). You really are a scourge on America and other countries, and our founders made a greivous error in not following through with the Back to Africa movement.

 Anonymous said...

I came across this article while Googling "Why do minorities ruin everything?". I am a Black, 47 year old woman living in the cesspool otherwise known as NYC. Sad as it is to admit, I agree with most of what is being said here. Believe me when I tell you, NO ONE hates a N***** more than a decent black person. We are the ones who live with these nasty, rude, dirty, loud, angry, violent animals. I envy those of you who live in nice neighborhoods. I try to live a quiet, peaceful, secure, decent life. It just doesn't seem possible. I work, I pay my bills,and strive to be the best American I can be but I will forever be judged by the actions of the majority of my race. It sickens me. Where I live,the Hispanics are just as bad if not worse. The animals are the majority now and have taken over. I HATE the blacks most of you describe in your comments. I feel I'm stuck in this miserable place because they've made it almost impossible for me to be accepted into a decent neighborhood as I will be judged unfairly. This country is getting worse. I had one child and he is now against having children because the child wouldn't stand a chance.

 Anonymous said...

I live in a fairly large city. I returned to my childhood home.While growing up this was night& day from inner city my father knew about negroes. He fought them in high school in ohio and didn't want us to face the violence they always bring. Now nearly 60 years later I' m selling chilhood home. The stores are full of Ni@@ers. They yell,scream,young ones park in handicapped zones(their fav!). We had a blk woman and 2 daughters. They were quiet UNTIL the "Boyfriends"...asses showing.. FILTHY rap so called music.

 Anonymous said...

Sorry ichago ,blacks are the highest perpetrators of rape crime and violent crime WORLDWIDE! They are the literal garbage bin of humanity , one or 2 "educated negroes" doesn't make up for a majority of human waste :p 

I'm a Canadian , I'm watching my country ruined by 3 groups;

Faggots - the lgbt movement is treated as our national treasure as though loving the most twisted degenerate fuckwads of the world is somehow admirable

Brown people - not only do we have to deal with a completely useless group (aboriginals) who were CONQUERED and seem to think they get to dictate our countries matters, we have a fucking SOMALIAN as a fucking immigration minister, bringing his Homeland filth to my country. Add the Muslims to this and we have what seems like an easily overtaking majoirity populace .

Guilt ridden traitor whites-

I hate this group the most even though they are my tribe. These people are so worried about racism that they would rather replace their entire culture etc just to appease the Low -end of humanity . Everyday there is some anti-white campaign being spearheaded by some white cunt , or beta.

This is the problem in Canada, I see it is not too different in USA , glad to see more people are aware of the shit-coloured problems plaguing our nation's !

Oh and yes Marxist based Socialism is becoming almost totalitarian here, don't ever come here , the fishing isn't worth it ! (Can't believe i typed it)


Father , husband, Patriot, fearing for our people's future

 Anonymous said...

Canada's a shithole man, literally everything about this country is terrible (government , economy,industry, etc) the ONLY thing that makes this country remotely worth living is the outdoors!!! Other than that it's a Marxist anti-white shithole !

 Anonymous said...

Around blacks never relax...

 Anonymous said...

Its very sad,the genocide and slaughter of white SA farmers and thier families! Actually,there aren't sufficient words to describe it! Zimbabwe should have been enough of an example to SA leaders of what NOT to do. NOW, Zimbabwe is begging for white farmers to come back! EVERYTHING has gone to shit!! Farming in Africa, especially in SA is EXTREMELY difficult and realky takes a high kevel of intelligence to pull off. SA has not just bitten the hand that feeds it,it has hacked it off with machetes!! Many if the blacks who worked on white farms have stated they were treated realky well by the white farmers. Now they too are victims. Ignorance is rampant there,many blacks believe the land is rightfully thiers. Not true!! Whites have been there far longer. They turned a desert into a bountiful eutopia! And so,they will reap the rewards,the blacks will,of their inhumane land grabs! Theres just so much more i could say,but,the country is doomed to starve! Its all going to hell,EVERYTHING! You know whats really sad? Many people around the world haven't a clue whats going on there,especially in the US. It doesnt fall into the globalist adgenda for people to know the truth especially if its not politically correct. SA will go the route of Zimbabwe and soon beg for the return of the white man. Blacks dont know how to build,only how to destroy!

 Hard Worker said...

Send them BACK. They were forced here? Well, they are free to go back to their native land where they can govern themselves just as they like! Offer them $10,000 and free airfare. Irreversible, kiddies. Make Africa black and self governed!

Unknown said...


pianomanjason said...

I was born in an Indiana town that coveted the negro for basketball. They insisted that negroes be tolerated, no matter what the crime, or how it affects the humans with aptitude. I joined the USMC to find inept, unsuccessful, illogical, untrainable, subhumans promoted without merit, but instead by their skin color. My senior enlisted joined Jehovah's witness church just so he wouldn't deploy to war. Shortly after, every negro in the unit was a conscientious objector. Negroes are a bad influence. negro culture is a nice way of saying, "incest, birth defects, STD's, crime and the inability to assimilate into society, must be tolerated, fed, clothed, provided shelter, sent to college, paid more tax dollars, have 85% of Medicaid financed births, because they are black"
Im sick of western society forcing humans to personify the negro. They are not human. The founders of this nation KNEW they were not COMPLETELY human. Yet, they are the tool to wedge our population against each other, instead of disrupting the reign of the establishment. Medicaid and welfare need to be reformed. Because we have tolerated the 13th-15th amendments, and pretended that the negro was human, the USA has 25% immigrant population that didn't have ancestors that defended this nation, and in many cases, these immigrant's families fought AGAINST this Republic. Tolerate one misstep, more will follow. The negro is nothing but a tool against humanity. I don't think that 1500 professional athletes and other entertainers are worth the suffering and burden that 40 million negroes put on this once great society. 17% of Americans born today are MIXED race. Add the 13-15% of negro births to that, and another 100 million legal and illegal immigrants to that number and a logical human can quantify that this Republic is already lost. The great grandfathers, grandfathers, and fathers and brothers that died defending this constitutional Republic, died in vain. Why? Because liberal, soft bellied, unintelligent nigger worshipers will demand that the subhuman be celebrated. Notice that everyone that produces tangible necessities, that defends the constitution of the United States, that pays taxes, is conservative. Those that build nothing but debt and misery are liberal. The US colleges are worthless because of the nigger worship. Google newspapers from the civil war era and realize that the narrative given today about the deadliest war in American history is a lie. Read that while there were 4 million negroes enslaved in America at the same time that 20 million whites were enslaved in Europe. Read that at the time of the civil war, there were more negro slave owners than white slave owners. Read that less than 6% of white southern families owned slaves, while 50% of all negro free men possessed slaves. Read the war was about who controlled the currency, not the negro. The north tried to use niggers, but they didn't have the aptitude to be useful in factories and other industries so many northerners rejected slavery because it WAS NOT PROFITABLE. Still today, negroes are 500 years intellectually and technically behind the human inhabitants on this planet. The negro infects the young juvenile mind adversely, because the negro is a half wit at best.

 wc07017 said...

White majority dissapearing in 40 years? Gee thats too bad. I dont think im going to suffer at all with em' gone. Perhaps expensive housing, air pollution, over consumption, & the Republican party all cease to exist. But what do I know with a "median IQ of 85" The jokes still on ya'll.

Anonymous said...

wc07017 - Good. You and your children will be happy descending into niqra jungle hell. It's where you belong anyway.

 Anonymous said...

Guess what you "Negroe Queen" your African ancestors sold you all over here. If you have a problem with it, then you can buy yourself a one way ticket to Africa. As for your "uncultured white folk" statement. Here is some history for you that I'm sure your intelligence level is far to low to grasp. We "whites" are descendents of british, irish, german, polish,etc nationalities. Some of the most respected music, art and books came from our descendents throughout thousands of years. You ignorant monkey's believe Abraham Lincoln started the civil war to save your ancestors. He started the civil war due to a few states wanting succession from the union. He was the president of a colonization(meaning he didn't want you monkey's to stay in the USA) society club. You nasty things are terrible mothers. You's know nothing but popping out a million kids to receive everything for free while you have your "dope boy" bf only coming around to screw you then go to shoot somebody after. You trashy things are loud, smelly and haven't a clue how to act in public. Yet you wander why no one wants to hire or do any sort of business with you animals? The only decent Blacks I have met where one's who have been raised with white people. Oh and for the trump supporter comment. Even people who don't support Trump wish you monkey's would get out of our country.

 Anonymous said...


 Anonymous said...

I'm 60, soon to be 61. In all my years I have been a lot of places, seen a lot of things and I have witnessed a lot of cultures. Far and away, the most violent prone is the negroid. Hands down, the worst of the worst. Even the miscegenated ones eventually revert back to the roots. When White People are the majority, the negro makes an effort, at least superficially, to maintain a constrained civility. But that is all. Inwardly the negroid was, is and will be a negroid.
Know negroes, no peace.
No negroes, know peace!

 Anonymous said...

If all blacks spontaneously disappeared from America, the standard of living would instantly rise for everyone else. Blacks destroy schools, neighborhoods, and entire cities. As a group, they take a tremendous amount of taxes to support. And 60% of the ones that "work" hold token, unnecessary government positions paid for by TAXES. We feed them, we house them, we pay for their medical care, and they give nothing in return except aggravation. They offer nothing constructive to society. And they absolutely ruin the housing market. Nobody wants to buy a house in a neighborhood with blacks. Black neighborhoods look like complete shit because they do no maintenance. They don't fix windows, porches, roofs, foundations, etc.. They don't paint. They just let the houses completely fall to pieces. Neighborhoods that were built by hardworking white immigrants that looked absolutely beautiful now look like warzones. Black people are like a plague of locusts destroying everything in their path. I am personally dealing with this right now, which is how I found your blog. It's very upsetting, but what is the solution? Every major city is becoming overrun with them. They leave trash everywhere. They talk loud and yell on the bus. They play their personal speakers as loud as possible on the bus. I go into the grocery store, and every black again of me in line is on foodstamps, and they are FAT, and they are buying high priced, unnecessary pleasure foods that should not be allowed on foodstamps. If they are your neighbors, they play their disgusting, low IQ, untalented music as loud as possible at all hours, with no consideration for others. They are lazy, they lack future time orientation. They don't scrimp and save. They don't plan for the future. We have to constantly inject money into their community to keep them alive. For what? If we weren't here, they would have no hand to feed them. They contribute nothing. We are FED UP!

 Voice of reason said...

Ok so whitey is keeping them down here and oppressing them. Who is to blame in Africa? They are left to their own devices yet have accomplished nothing except disease and starvation. What have they invented? They are indeed victims....victims of their own stupidity and need to be controlled. Sterilization would be a good start.

 Anonymous said...

First of all, I do follow up with the fact that our behavior isn't always what someone would call civilized, because it's definitely true and it is disgusting at times... but I am black, and I do know that we do not originate in America anyways, so blame your racist ass white ancestors for bringing us here in the first place... you know since we're so ill-behaved. Lets not forget that there are also many trashy white women also, the race isn't what matters, it's the training that matters. There are those trailer-park red neck whites that reek of cheap shampoo and chlorine, and we don't talk shit about them. In some places in the world, black people are prevailing... but in MOST places, there is obviously damage due to a setback, CAUSED BY WHITE PEOPLE, for hundreds of years. If that were your race, I'd like to see what everyone would say then.

 Unknown said...

I hear you we in Canada in the 60s had the perfect country , then an idiot Trudeau was elected and he came up with BS multiculturism , now his useless gay son is in charge and this clown says Diversitys a strength ?? He thinks Canada is better less white , hes nuts , hes finishing off what his dad started by allowing fat pregnent black women to walk into Canada and dema, I'm telling you I see and listen to how rude and fat African women are and the demands they have from white based countries is deplorable nd we tax payers pay for her future criminal children , babies shes not even sure who sired them

 Unknown said...

You are right in regards to Toronto but the areas where its white cannot be topped
The black fckers here even changed our original GREAT WHITE NORTH saying to WE THE NORTH and it's in black
That fcker Drake is responsible and then the stupid city begs a fcken nigger basketball player to like us and stay ??? I say get list Kwai get the fck out and let's beg WHITE HOCKEY HOMEGROWN guys to come not niggers
We have none in our condo , the other day I seen a few nigger wo.en interviewing some fag left white owner to rent out his condo to black women
I'd love to see him alone and kick his fag ass , let one in and the pool the gardens will all be ruined x how does a nigger women get $2500 per month to rent it unless welfare or 6 of them will be in a 2 bedroom 1 bath

 Anonymous said...

Even after hundreds of programs and billions in housing and education, a Hispanic that can't speak much English is somehow able to make it in America , I don't see any run down asian , Hispanic or any other race classified town , it's always and always will be ,, run down black communities,, these people are so stupid they think when whites are a mi minority they get a free pass , well guess what , it's only going to set you back farther ,, Whites hire more Asian and Hispanics before blacks ,, why , because if You ask a black man to work late ,, it's because he's black , so when you ask someone else to work late instead , to make overtime pay ,, you didn't ask the black man because he's black ,, I'm so done with the blacks bullshit and so is the world , CEOs and many others see blacks as a liability ,, and it's sad because the good suffer for the bad ,, the end ,, trust story ,, how many blacks do you sed in Asian ,,
Hardly any ,, they do not want that shit in their country

 Anonymous said...

It's sadly true about easily influenced its somewhat a disturbing joke actually, unfortunately the Jews haven't control of them any longer, used to be contained to cities, now because of Obozo and his affordable housing act which really means moving projects the left created into the once safe and fantastic suburbs, now the niggers run wild stealing and grabbing lawyers when cops tryn stop them. I used to think when folks would yak about race wars they were being stupid, now being in the burbs I'm hoping they come sooner than later, these niggers can't be fixed, their brainwashed and completely ruined, no souls no regrets value everything that means nothing.

 Anonymous said...

Niggers ruin everything and the media praises them. This country is only going to get worse. I want to go live in the forest away from all their crime and their stink. One of these days whites are going to get truly sick of it and a mass genocide is going to occur.

 Anonymous said...

There is no other population in the country that lives and acts the way the black ghetto community does. That's just a simple fact. I listen in complete and utter astonishment to blacks, and white guilted liberals who can't seem to understand why sooo many people have a low opinion of blacks in America. Do you fools really not get it?? Just take your heads out of your asses and LOOK at the behavior of waaaaay too much of the black community in America. Look at the crime statistics. Look at the dropout rate. Look at the irresponsible birth rate. Look at the drug use. Look at the welfare use. Listen to the dogshit "music" they make. Look at the way they dress. Listen to the way they speak. Look at the names they give their children. HOLY JESUS, black people ... do you REALLY not understand why you get so little respect? SMH. The fact is ... there is not a single neighborhood anywhere in America that improved in ANY way (economically, educationally, criminally, aesthetically) as the population shifted from majority white to majority black. Not One. ZERO. Am I wrong?? And yet you wonder why other people don't want to be around you. It's not racism ... it's sociology. Start living respectfully and responsibly, and nobody will give a flying fuck what color your skin is. Every other population group manages to do it. Figure it out.

 Anonymous said...

I'm also from Macon. While blacks are a huge problem here, I would like to say the bigger problem in my opinion is how fucking lax the justice system is on them now. Based off of shortages in law enforcement and correction officers in the whole state, they passed a bill last year to start cutting these dregs of society earlier releases. They just put them on parole for longer. I'm sure everyone here knows how often they go right back in. It gives them the idea that since sentences are lighter, the consequences don't seem as bad anymore. You can rob a store at gunpoint now and get sentenced to 10 years. You'll parole out in 3. All the while they run the prisons. Cell phones, dope, whatever they want, they get it brought in. It's like a fucking vacation for them. They are used to living like roaches out the outside. They only thing we can hope for is they continue to kill each other. Eventually natural selection will take care of it.

 Anonymous said...

The blacks are a blight on civilized society - they destroy everything they touch. How do we get them out of America so we can restore our society to the clean, beautiful place it once was?

 Anonymous said...

I am so sick of blacks. Everywhere they go nothing but dysfunction, violence, stupidity, and hatred for whites is present. The list of cities they have destroyed is quite long, Detroit, St.Louis, Cleveland, Atlanta,Newark, Oakland, it goes on and on. I predict there will be massive racial conflict in the coming decades.

 Anonymous said...

God if was a black man I'd be angry to look at the women I have to call soulmate lmfao oh slavery slavery stfu every race had to deal with it at one time look at the Irish when they came to America Italians every race is fed up with the black culture don't u get it ur not welcomed anymore

 Anonymous said...

I'm tired of this black culture assbag shit,every other race cannot stand these tribe fuckheads, one thing for sure once the whites had enough we fix the problem just as Asians European etc we are problem solvers so hence

 Unknown said...

So true then I see idiot left wing white women writing into 90 day fiance bragging that they are happy and proud to be Canadians about OHIP and gays and multiculturism
The stupid cunts think if Toronto were to become %100 non white that it would still be a great city ? My ass it would ' we had 85 murders in Toronto in 2018ba city the same size as Chicago . Actually Toronto is bigger . Not 1 of these murders were from.a white Male born Canadian. All were by blacks all. Then you drive around town and see crime stoppers billboards showing a man in handcuffs . A white man that is . No chance in hell they would ever put a black man or women in handcuffs would they only whites and these stupid left wing women are ok with this ? You take away whites from Toronto you will end up with Detrout minus Gordie Howe and the Red Wings

 Anonymous said...

Thank God I'm not the only one thinking this way about blacks. These roaches destroy everything

 Unknown said...

Just 15 minutes ago I parked beside a empty handicap space at esso . A bigger came in .when I went out I said to the wife I bet it's that niggers care in handicap ' she said yes .
I waited and told the nigger its handicap show some respect . He said I was only in there 5 minutes . Dumb fcken nigger all anyone is in there is for 5 minutes ' such an ingrate fcken race and we never even dragged any here to Canada the fckers came on own then bitch here about slavery that we never even had . Then our gay fruitcake prime minister allows the dirty fcks to walk on in ahead of real immigrants down Broxam road for what we want these fuckers for I have no clue

 Anonymous said...

They never fail to disappoint. eugenics is a great idea . Just put a sterilizing chemical in koolaid or the chicken wing supply and the bulk of the problem will eventually be cured. You may take a few retard white people in the process but that’s a separate win.

 Anonymous said...

a few words of wisdom to live by:

Avoid the groid!

Blacks ruin absolutely everything!

 Anonymous said...

If you just take a look at the entire continent of Africa you will see the future under colored rule. For instance, Zimbabwe had it going on for a long time and then Mugabe took over and stated stealing property from the whites. The white people start to leave and the society crashes. Niggers give our towns loud and shitty music, trashy yards, poverty, drugs, and worse than anything it gives us Democrats.

 Anonymous said...

Thank you for speaking the truth. They ruin everything, every once decent neighborhood becomes crime ridden and property values plummet once they move in,let's not get started on how racist and hateful they are,if they were pleasant respectful people I wouldn't care but they are just the opposite.

 Anonymous said...

Sadly put Minneapolis on that list,they're even invading the nicer suburbs there. If they were pleasant and decent but th e hatred for whites,race obsessed and criminal makes them completely toxic. I also find it funny they hate white people but want to live in their neighborhoods

 Anonymous said...

Growing up as an Asian in New York, I felt more racism from blacks than any other race. So I have little sympathy for them. I hope one day they realize, its better to pull themselves up, than drag everyone down.

 Anonymous said...

All non-whites are evil, no exceptions. Non-white alleles are dominant over white alleles, so racial diversity in a white country means white genocide over time. The solution? Whites have to have their own place to live, where only whites can live in. Period.

 Unknown said...

Tired of these useless people destroying possibly the best city in the world not so long ago to live ( Toronto) then the fag prime minister allows blacks to walk in through New York state and claim refugee status , demanding housing and Medicare, there were 80 murders in Toronto last year by handgun , yes I know it's not many for a city the size of Chicago , strange thing is all were done by blacks but thankfully almost all were done to blacks
And the papers here celebrate Toronto is more minority now , like that's a good thing ? If all the white folks leave to the burbs like they are doing, watch that murder rate become exactly like Chicagos, and I say good, they wanted it they got it , the gearbox left wing politicians

 Anonymous said...

All of them should be hog-tied and dropped from a plane over Congo Africa!!! They ruin EVERYTHING

 White Jasen said...

Without white people there would be no civilized world.All these liberal fucking assholes demand that what whites have built must be given to non whites because there were slaves two hundred years ago.When us whites are gone civilization shall be gone as well.Blacks and all other non whites will destroy themselves and the planet and then want what whites are left to help them fix it.Theys will axe us to fix it ya feel me lol.

 Anonymous said...

Sorry I had to leave you guys but I saw the deterioration begin when I was 18 and by the time I was 29 I was through. I was physically attacked by a black woman right in front of a police station because her "man was looking at me." I covered my face and so she only beat me a little before a group of WHITE men came over and pulled her off of me. She did not do much time . SHe was arrested on the spot but i do not belive she did any jail time . This was in COnnecticut the WORST state for racist blacks and the Worst offender against anyone who speaks the truth about these animals for women. I was also harassed by an ugly black bitch at the post office she went through my mail and saw I was depressed, I got an invoice from a Psychiatrist and the sociopath started to emotionally abuse me. I moved to Europe where I have been happy ever since. I got out young when a;l of this was just starting. It has been a decade or more of this crap you have been putting up with and it should have ended with the "hate crime" b.s. as it is hilarious that there exists a hate crime statute for blacks while they commit all the crime against whites and there is .00000000001@ of white on black crime maximum. Yet Where is the "hate crime" for what I endured. The Bitch said I was WHITE which is WHY she was so angry he looked at me. BLACK PIGS attacked Edina Diggs becasue Taye Diggs married her and she is pretty like me. Black women are jealous retarded savages. I am glad we don't have any where I live in beautiful CLEAN non-violent Western Europe. Woohoo I am living it up with gorgeous men and no ugly beasts like you have with no class no culture that perpetrate violent crime. I have always been a European born in New York City to European parents so I don't really give a fu8ck what happens there anymore. I have my EU citizenship since birth my awesome health insurance the country in which I live ranks number 1 in the world for healthcare. And i have QUALITY people with consciences not a bunch of fucking narcissits both black and white and Mexican. A Canadian once joked they were building a wall to keep both americans and Mexicans out. I have travelled to 65 countries and Mexicao is just as bad as the uS the only thing retarded psychopath Trump got right is that Mexicans are rapists, con artists and thieves. Mexico is the only place in 65 countries where i was almost raped TWICE once at 19 and once this year when I returned. CRIMINALS but i am disagreeing with you regarsng other latinos. Other Latinos on the continents work hard and are very loving except Mexicans and Panamanians the rest are ery helpful and kind and hardworking. Mexicans are criminal minds they have no conscience and are NOT LIKE other Latinos . Aside from the islands the Latinos are wonderful people. It really pisses me off that the little fucks mexicans think they own califonria talk to any mexican idiot and he will agree they are little proud ugly fuckers and no other latino can stand them. Still Continental Europeans are the best QUALITY most ethical people in the world who respect others' lives and do not meddle. Blacks are narcissists who are too stupid to understand the history of empires and their minor suffering duering slavery when compared with the major suffering of white slaves unfer the Moors the Barbery Slave Trade. They cannot research anything on the internet they take everything csnbc, cnn and msnbc says verbatim and any argument will be the same OH but we suffered for hundreds of years under slavery. Yeah assholes so did Europeans BEFORE YOU DID. And white idiot millenials who are educated by retarded "academics" in the US who LIE to blacks and encourage this ridiculous out of context and overblown suffering of slavery in the scheme of world history=they are to blame.

 Anonymous said...

Academia is no more in the US it has been replaced by Orwells 1984 idiots regurgitating non-factual revisionist history and they all remain ignorant the blind leading the blind. SO sad. I grew up in the 80s and 90s and i can tell you that we were also brainwashed with "isn't affirmative action a good idea" and as a green party member NO I am a true liberal and thereofee giving an unfair advantage to blacks is not a liberal stance. There are no more liberals in the US only hypocrites who support whatever minority group is trendy like the repulsive unnatural gays and the entitled narcissistic retarded blacks who cannot seem to grasp that anyone else in the world suffered. They can nonly regurgitate what is given to them over tv. They don't even use words correctly and newscasters do not correct them. They are the biggest fools ever and they are ignorant of their stupidity and extreemly violent and aggressive especially the females cannot call them women since they are repulsive.
Now beware of chicago Med and others in which every white man on the show is paired with an ugly black chick. We are all supposed to belive that white men would prefer being with them. Also they have infiltrated the tv with reality shows in which women are deforming their lips to look ethnic. Kylie jenner used to look white kim used to look armenian but now she has hideous lower lip that juts out like an african and kylie is made to look mixed rce too. Even the president wears orange makeup because unlike in the rest of the world the media has labeled beautiful porcelain skin ugly and ugly leather dark skin attractive so girls cake on orange makeup and they and the president look like oompa loompas hideoius and everyone in Europe and Asia laughs. Whie skin is the most prized possession in Asia which is the most populated continent , it is also loved in Europe where people have an aesthetic sense. Tan is not as pretty as healthy porcelain irish skin the most beautiful. I do not relate in any way to "america' I never really did. I related as a New Yorker i loved my city but from early on I met kids from elsewhere and they were hateful and nasty so New York is the extent of it but now that doiblasio propaganda has seeped in I no longer consider it home. Europe was always my home and it always will be. I hope you can band together on htis forum and start a group to fight against the powers that be the powers of stupidity and ugliness but i don't think you can the ignorance is pervasive. Best of luck trying. I think you should see if you are eligible for citizenship in Europe. It is wonderful to be free of those people. When they come to tour as tourists they are the loudest rudest most obnoxious i usually tell them to be quiet in restaurants you are in Europe not at home! I hate the US now. The black influence and gay influence ruined it. Bad is good and good is bad and i have a master's in biology. FYI no other species demonstrates homosexual behavior discovery channel lies. Just so you are aware.

 Unknown said...

I really think that black folks arriving currently from.Africa are trying to work and do the best
It's the Carribeans that cause the most shit I see , playing the slave card, slave card here in Canada , they are so stupid they dont realize we had very little slavery , actually more Irish where slaves in Canada , we allowed blacks to escape into Canada for fck sakes and the fat women , my God it's no wonder black dudes dont hang around , loud and fat and brutal eugenics!
I even witness carribean blacks hassling Africans nonstop
You know they actually think we need them or they improve our country ,??? Really ??? If everyone of them left my cities murders would basically be zero , that's right, the blacks have done %99 the past few years only benefits are it's mainly black on black
Another joke is they demanded all black high schools and got one , imagine whites de.anding all white ? Be actually great but they would bitch to be included even though whites are not allowed in all black schools, after 5 years the enrollment is down big time and the fckers want back in with real students , again these are all Carribean style blacks, the African spooks are quite fine and dont want speciality schools , they want to assimilate
Let's face facts , if all white folks moved to Iceland the fckers would demand we let them in there they truly have no organizational skills or laws , am I right or am I wrong ??

 Anonymous said...

refrain from a previous post:

(a few words of wisdom to live by)

Blacks never tip!

Avoid the groid!

Blacks ruin absolutely everything!

No negroes, know peace! Know negroes, no peace! (This one is very important, and I have witnessed this in action and in practice countless times in my life.)

 Anonymous said...

I suggest we conduct a thought experiment.....

Imagine tomorrow all Blacks are gone from the US and only Whites remain........what would the country be like, its building infrastructure?....water treatment plants/sewage...power grid......transportation system.......judicial system?

Now Imagine tomorrow all Whites are gone and only Blacks remain..........what would the country be like, its building infrastructure?.....water treatment plants/sewage.....power grid....transportation system.....judicial system?

Enough said......I rest my case.

 Anonymous said...

Black lives don't matter too black people!!!

 Anonymous said...

I say pay 'em 50 grand a pop to get sterilized. Most would go for it. It would pay for itself in a generation.

 Anonymous said...

Yes but don't you know that the handgun must eliminated. Not the low IQ trash that pulled the trigger.

 Anonymous said...

Who let them out of the zoo?

 Neevah said...

I travel overseas and see maybe one black person the entire time I am there. If anyone commits even a minor crime over there, they ban the person for ten years if not caning them also. Then I return and the nightmare starts all over again. Let's be honest and not police my comment, shall we? We thought we could free slaves and raise them up to our highest standards of living, but instead, they now bring people down to their lowest tribal standard of living. We're not even allowed to speak truth anymore because someone may get their feelings hurt. Facts don't care about your feelings.

 Dv said...

South Africa...cry the beloved coutry..destroyed by bantu negroids

 Anonymous said...

Let me say this quickly. You guys are absolute fucking retards and i wish you death.

 Anonymous said...

Today is MLK day, and blacks are burning down South Houston. Barricading MLK boulevard and riding horses up and down. They be burning American flags and stepping on them. I've noticed lots of law enforcements and public transportation managers down there trying to keep public transportation safe. And what blows my mind is, them 95% of those people who are burning an American flags are in welfare and collecting my tax money every month. Absolute disgusting...

 Anonymous said...

They are victims of their own actions of playing victims because take the victim mentality away...they have nothing, no pride.

Omegaspit said...

Yes I agree if you look at all major cities in America and those schools with blacks and Mexican majority bathe scores and crime rates are horrible.
The blacks have ruined the NFL NBA and America white liberals are on their knees sucking blackica off. They need to get off their knees while their mouth and support the white race that is openly attacked everyday by blacks and Mexicans and whites with black cocks in their mouths...but it's ok because you can go around saying kill whites if your black or a wigger. I say stop paying taxes for illegals and all the murdering blacks and thugs that are doing life when they deserve death why should Americans have to pay for murderers or child molesters and illegals it cost the average American households 2700.00 a year in taxes to support illegals vote republican.

 Anonymous said...

Where are black people prevailing from individual black effort?

 Anonymous said...

Blacks want reparations for what happened nearly 200 years ago. My family wants a refund and for these primates to drop our family name. Unfortunately the world is turning black and brown, I really hope alien extra terrestrials come and take us white people and leave the rest. Anywhere would be better than here!

 Donny said...


Ditto, ditto and ditto. Blacks are a less advanced sub-species and are not sufficiently evolved to live in a civilized manner, at least the majority of them. As you say, anyone who states the obvious is labeled a racist, Nazi, etc. Many people, even many on the left, know the truth about the black and brown people but are too chickenshit to state the truth. At this point in time (January, 2020) I believe it's too late not only for the U.S., but for Western Europe and Britain. I hate to say it, but I'm glad I never had kids because the brown and black people are going to create a Mad Max hell by 2050 (give or take a decade). It's inevitable.

I know it's selfish, but I'm glad I turn 61 in June and don't have long on this planet, because having to witness what these creatures are doing would just be too much to take. Once the chaos has reached an optimum level, the New World Order mafia will exterminate all of the black and brown barbarians, because they are the most useless of the useless eaters. All those who remain will have to live in a high tech hell. I just don't see a way out of this.

 Anonymous said...

From personal experience some people of color are wonderful teachers, social worker and contributors to society. The media however shows negro culture for what it is disgusting dance and very bad music.After living among them doing research colored folks despise hate and reject white cukture, despise honedty, refute working for a living , disdain any knowledge serking, and will attempt to get whatever they can while doing nothing to earn it. Black people destroy tear down contaminate, ruin dedtroy and devastate anything that is good, honest and true. They are truly human bugs.Pure garbage.

 Anonymous said...

=what I've learned about blax living as an immigrant in the US:

1. They are very unreliable.

2. They have virtually zero loyalty to their so-called "friends" or "family".

3. They follow the LSD rule on the job (lazy, stupid, and/or defiant/disrespectful, or a combination of the three.

4. They NEVER tip, no matter how good the service was.

5. They destroy the English language on a daily basis.

6. They move into a white neighborhood and start throwing trash out their cars and blaring loud music when driving through the neighborhood.

7. Every major US city that is listed as "most dangerous", including St. Louis where I live, is majority-black.

8. And finally, the worst aspect about them: they live in a constant categorical state of denial about their pathetic situation, and when confronted with the truth resort to name-calling, playing the race card, changing/evading the subject (for example, but what about the whites?! what about the Caucasians?! what about the white pedophiles!? what about the white school shooters?!). I've met literally two or three of them in my life in total who have the decency and honesty to acknowledge the fact that blacks ruin and destroy the neighborhoods which they inhabit. I don't think I've met a single one that openly and plainly acknowledges what MLK acknowledged in 1961:

"Our crime rate is too high." --- MLK, Atlanta Inquirer October 21, 1961

(can you believe that, 1961?!?! even before the Civil Rights movement was in full swing!)

 Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Black people are not "waking up" and realizing they are "getting played". I was born in Gary, Ind. in the late 50's and I remember when Richard Hatcher became the first Black Mayor of Gary...and things went downhill from there. But, I'm not going to go into would take just too long. When LBJ came out with the "Great Society" programs, on the surface it sounded like a good deal. Black people could finally get a "leg up" and work their way out of poverty. But what was originally intended as a "temporary fix" became a lifestyle and later on demanded as a "right". With welfare checks coming in, black men were given a "free pass" and no longer had to become responsible for their children because the mother could "go to the welfare" and get an increase in their monthly payment.

Now, there are intelligent Black people out there and they recognized welfare for the "trap" it was. These parents kept their kids in school, off the streets and packed them off to college. Any intelligent Black person does not live in Gary and has already moved out.

The second kiss of death of Gary was the scam that was pulled by Chicago. Under the fake story that Chicago was a contender to host the Olympics, they started to tear down all their low income housing make room for the Olympics, you understand.

Cabrini Green, Robert Taylor, Ida B. Wells and others...they all came down. Replaced with two story little town houses that were for sale for a huge profit and they allowed maybe two or three former families to more back into their original neighborhood. So, where did the rest of those folks go to? Yep, Gary and Hammond Indiana...and there was blood in the streets.

Chicago knew they would not get the Olympics and the truth is they used that as an excuse to tear down those housing projects because the city of Chicago was going broke trying to maintain them and contain the crime that was going on in there. Why wait for a tornado? We'll just flatten them and "those people" will go away....thanks a lot.

What Gary is today...I guess you could call it a mass grave yard. With all the abandoned buildings I could just imagine what they (or who) they would find. They're are probably more dead bodies in Gary than was in New Orleans after Katrina....and the police...well...they just "step back" and let nature take it's course.

I'll give you a perfect example. Someone robbed a store in Hobart Indiana, which is very close to Gary. It did not even take Hobart 10 days to locate the person who did the robbery...and, they found him in Florida and brought him back to Indiana. Now, that's police work! That was for a simple robbery.

When are Black people who live in such towns as Gary going to wake up and realize that...the "powers that be" are just waiting them out? Waiting for them to kill each other off or move out. It's cheaper that way. No trial bookings...just a body bag to pick the trash off the street (if they're on the street). If they're in an abandoned building, trust one is bothering to look for them. They're just listed as "missing".

Heads or tails...they win. Gang banger dead, fine, don't have to deal with him anymore. Arrest somebody? Cool, now we get more money for prisons and jails. Either way, the "fat cats" that invest in prisons or ammo will get their money thanks to Black culture that embraces ignorance like a religion.

 Anonymous said...

Ichigo Kurosaki let them move in, take over and ruin your neighborhood then come back and tell me how great black "folks" are. You probably sit sipping chardonnay with your left wing white friends in your white neighborhood saying how wonderful blacks are and how horrible and stupid white people are. Until you've actually worked around them and/or had them infect your neighborhood driving it straight into the ground then you don't know what you're talking about. They're loud, they purposely speak like uneducated idiots, live off the system and (hear this one the loudest pal) they hate you because you're white! They will always hate you because you're white just like they will live off of the system from birth to death. Every aspect of their lives are government funded. They breed like animals to maximize getting those checks and they idolize thugs. If they decide to go to college that's fully funded too. Makes me fucking sick to my stomach almost as much as the white people who stick up for them.

 Anonymous said...

them black bastards ruined this country cant say nigger take statues and rebel flag down they think they own this country they are wrong and they will soon find out!

 Anonymous said...

This is what I find amazing. The numerical measurement of a generation is about 30 years. That determines a generation, it's people that shared the same things growing up. So, if you "crunch the numbers" 2020 subtracted by 1865 (the year the civil war ended), you come up with 155 years. Take 155 and divide it by 30 (years of a generation) and you come up with 5.16666666 etc.

Black people have been free for at least 5 generations. But really have made no progress, they still talk (and act) they got off the plantation last week, "I axed him" and "she be going" or "I be going" or some other made up/slang jive language. They claim it's a part of their "heritage".

Since 1865, many, many immigrants have come to America and with hard work and saving their money, got a slice of the "American Dream", maybe buying a house or sending a kid to college.

The point I'm trying to make is....people that were not even born in this country will make some progress in 30 or 60 years (2 generations). By the third generation in a family, they will have grand children who are lawyers, doctors, teachers and totally "American" in their thinking (but might still have a few of the "old world" traditions in them). But, they consider themselves American.

 Anonymous said...

Born and raised in Savannah, Ga, once a beautiful city rich with history and culture. Now 25 years later the black population represents just over 56% and this cities been overrun with crime and torment brought on by this pathetic race. I’m now forced in a position to leave a great job being one of the biggest port cities on the east coast due to fear of starting a family here amongst them. This country is will 100% be ruined by these people the only question is how long it will take.

 Anonymous said...

You say China is spreading filth in our culture? How exactly is a thousands year old civilization causing your area to decay? American whites and their elected government freely choose to do business with China, in spite of the government repression of its people. If anything, China is going to be our future ally in dealing with the lower I.q. populations - if only the communist party can be toppled.

 Anonymous said...

We have no problem with Asians. We like diversity, just not being taxed in order to have low i.q. people forced on us. I don’t see any diversity at all in Japan by the way.

 Humanity said...

Negros was the reason I didnt stay long in military. These disgusting savages. Was running a mock. In japan robbing and murdering japanese nationals. When I was stationed in japan. Bringing dishonor to the navy, the rest of the military personnel, and the American people. I'm sick of these people with there pathetic lives. Gives me this and that. But work for it no. And just to think it was my ancestors "the puritans". That tried to civilize these apes. And instead of contributing to the growth of America. Once america decided to treat them as a fellow human. They just destroyed it. These apes dont need to go back to Africa. They need to go back to hell.

 Anonymous said...

Sadly most of this is all too true. Here in Cincinnati these thug, lowlife, scumbag homies commit 95% of the violent crime while being about 5% of the population. We've got these nasty, ugly, ghetto-ass public housing projects that breed these fucking blood sucking parasites like cock-roaches (sorry cock-roaches for the comparison). Born with a 40oz in one hand and a .40 cal in the other they are then set upon the rest of respectable society to take "what's theirs". We can't even have a local bar cause the stupid fucks shoot the place up every weekend for kicks. What do we do with every other parasite and vermin on this planet?

 Anonymous said...

COVID-19 hits negroes harder than any other race in USA. I guess God heard us finally. If government isn't take care of the job, God will.

 Joe Devon said...

There isn't a lazier, less intelligent creature than the Negroid. I could suffer a bone idol or mentally challenged individual, but possessing both attributes whilst displaying an aggressive uncivilized nature is just too much for any true human being to tolerate. They are genetically and mentally unevolved animals.

 Anonymous said...

Thankfully, These worthless niggers are dropping like flies with the spread of the Covid-19 Virus. 2 months ago, I foresaw this result by using simple deductive reasoning. Firstly, they are - anthropologically speaking - 'sub-human' or 'hominoids' That level of human under-development means that their immune systems are under-developed. That's why they tend to contract and inevitably die from human borne diseases at far more rates than developed humans. I live in the Washington DC area, and they are easily 90% of the 'contracted' and 'fatalities.' All predominantly black counties are leading the numbers of contracted virus statistics. In my opinion, their inferior genetics, baffling stupidity, inability and unwillingness to maintain proper hygiene and limit close congregation is killing them.


Yet there are still far left liberal journalists writing articles about how it's all because of RACISM.

So this virus has a racially discriminating agenda? It's targeting black people, because it hates them?

Personally, it seems to be harmful to stupid people. I do take my hat off to the fine people combating the virus at the frontlines of it and making the ultimate sacrifice. They should be given the honor and respect that's due them. But, the stupid niggers getting this virus because they're doing what they do best...being stupid niggers. FUCK EM' They're not dying nearly as fast as they should be. The plague is actually killing the plague.

 Anonymous said...

Couldn’t agree more. And now every single thing that doesn’t go their way is racist. I just read an article where they were complaining because coronavirus was racist and blacks were dying more than whites. Hahaha. So stupid. Thing is it is too late for our country. Like a virus that has spread through an organism, blacks have ravaged the country, no world, beyond repair.

 Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We have the exact same problems with blacks here in the UK, and all blacks really do about it as a racial and cultural group is wage war against the police. They have turned London into a third world city where street robbery and knife crime are both rampant and out of control, and blacks kids are utterly destroying classrooms and undermining the education system wherever they are significant in numbers. Everything the author wrote about in his original post is 100 percent true.

Justin said...

I am glad that a lot of people seem to see the problem we are facing with the negroid animals. Yes, there are decent blacks out there but the bad outweigh the good by many. They bitch about slavery but they forget that is their own black leaders that sold them into slavery. That alone shows their mindset, or lack thereof. They are loud, obnoxious, and filthy beasts. I dont even consider them homosapien. I wish we could wipe them off the face of this earth

 Anonymous said...

I will never forget that one night back in 2005 when I was working as an usher at a movie theater in Missouri.

We were screening "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" and naturally, the entire audience was literally 100% black. By the way, what an asinine, ridiculous Negro movie.

You should have seen the theater after the movie ended and they let all the black beasts out.

It looked like a gigantic food fight broke out during the screening. Those black bastards literally, and I mean literally, trashed the entire perimeter of the theater, including the floor and every seat there was.

Instead of discarding their garbage in the trash bins located at the exits, they littered the entire room with popcorn, sodas, and empty containers.

And these were all grown, adult individuals. The very same scene was repeated at the next screenings. It took us quite a while to clean up after them.

Not one of my fellow employees of course uttered a word. Americans are too scared to tell the truth about these black beasts.

Anonymous said...

The blacks have been getting government assistance for years and the mindset that they develope after being born into that way of living is wreakless and lazy. They have no goals or respect for anyone or anything. White people came here and destroyed a culture and people that loved and appreciated the earth. That was bad enough but to do that to undeserving people and just give it to a bunch of idiots that didn't even bleed for this ground is just fucking insane. Wtf! We fatten them up with free food then we pay for their doctor bills cause they are fat and by the time it's all said and done I bet one black cost the tax payers 500000 just to keep them alive so they can drain our pockets even more. Everyone has been a slave to someone in the past. It was a way of life. They aren't some special case. Get over it!! You have fucked up enough shit and cost everyone around you plenty. Go back to Africa and fuck your own ground up. It's disgusting to think anyone feels sorry or that we owe blacks anything. They are worse than the Corona virus. It's time to say goodbye to the whole damn race.

 Unknown said...

I totally agree I've lived amongst them big mistake many times because I have a low income and it's been a nightmare they don't like to take out the garbage they never cover it it blows all over the place the yards are filled with their rap music is booming heavy heavy weed smoking they have no respect for neighbors the most ignorant arrogant racist slobs are the blacks ignorant disrespectful shooting each other fighting each other loud I could go on and on

 Unknown said...

And just look at the disrespect they have for the police and Lauren order all day everyday in every state the most recent was when a cop was caught on video punching a 14 year old black teen keep in mind that week there was a fifteen-year-old boy who did a carjacking at gunpoint and then led the police on a chase wound up hitting a young teenage black girl and killing her and the blacks wanted to blame the police for going after him now if the police didn't go after him that sends a clear message that you can rob someone at gunpoint of their car and get away with it so back to my original statement the young black teen was stopped by police because people were crawling saying that selling the teenager cigarettes a minor offense but people kept calling so the cops came they ordered him to stop he refused he ran they called him they told him put his hands behind his back he starts flailing his arms telling the police he's 18 fighting the police officer the office to try to put cuffs on him and in the ensuing struggle the cuffs fell on the ground so the cop punched him a few times now if he didn't try to restrain him and he just holds them down what's to stop the kid from reaching in his drawers and pulling out a knife or a gun and killing the cock and the blacks would have had no problem with that but instead they're saying nothing this teenager could have done would justify punching them really nothing what if he had killed somebody these days a black person could shoot up 10 people and if the cops put cuffs on him they'll complain that the cuffs of two tight look how they manhandling the accused murderer that's how black people are and they know that they have the BLM movement and the low-life liberal standing behind them so they're always ready to scream and yell I've had many black people as friends so I've learned the hard way I have been robbed by one of them scammed by several of them one try to beat me up he failed the other one was a drug addict and an alcoholic and a woman abuser I met him didn't know that and then I found out and I started distancing myself from him he started calling me a racist and I got tired of listening to him tell me how every single thug that was killed by a police officer was unjustified that it was abuse of power by the police I'm just tired of them and I told him so so again he called me a racist SMH the loud obnoxious wild they're rioting in malls supermarkets they are beating up their women at an alarming rate domestic violence if I look at a crime blotter in any state where they are anywhere from 18 to 70 beating their women they just terrible sorry but I've lived amongst them and had many friends and now I don't want it I have to currently listen to obnoxiously loud music from a neighbor with profanity-laced rap music a stench of weed however that particular family maintains their house in their yard immaculate that I will give them because my immediate neighbor she's also a heavy weed smoker she's beating her kids all the time she never cleans up her yard never cleans up the dog poop a garbage blows everywhere she parks on her front lawn destroying the grass and she doesn't own that house then she wants to park on my lawn and will scream at me that pushy ignorant arrogant and the thing is they know what they are and they know what they're doing they're just extremely disrespectful so I guess I'm a racist for seeing what it is and calling them out on it I don't think so

 Anonymous said...

its so sad that everything written here is true

 Anonymous said...

Niggers Ruin Everything!

 Anonymous said...

I hate to be the bearer of bad
news but there are no such thing as good
or decent,dignified blacks the ones you are talking
about only exists in commercials,movies & tv movies
an shows,video games they don't mirror real life besides
they are called uncle toms magical,mystical,token negro's
that act white and or white washed an that nice behavior
you're speaking of them having about is just and act you
know a front not to mention their only trying to be or get
into good graces of white people. cause sooner or later
they'll show you their true callers case in point Bill Cosby
Maxine waters,Michael Jackson,Colin Kaepernick,Al Sharpton,
Jesse Jackson,Oprah winfrey,R. Kelly,Beyonce even the non
celebrity uncle toms its pretty obvious what all (except Michael
Jackson since he's dead) have in common is that they are heavy
supporters for black lies matter ("a.k.a,e.g,i.e black lives matter")

The Liberal Media is a joke
just like the black race and ethnicity's
notice they always portray an see themselves
as always being innocent,victims,perfect little
angels like that riot that took place in Miami
during the 80's because one of their own kind
was trying to elude police and his name is Arthur
Mcduffie. for some reason when it comes to this race
of criminals they never see one of their own as being
criminals,savages,monsters that they are. its pretty
obvious if you have a black judge an a black lawyer
black jury non of them will convict him for the crime
he committed its like they just can't see them doing
it even though you provided (cctv video) evidence and
among other things like DNA an items that they used
against the victim,victims

not to mention eye witness,eye witnesses from other races,ethnicity's
but of course from their perspectives they'll say the eye witnesses
that are white,yellow,brown are lying,distorting making stuff up to
put one of their brotha's,sista's in prison. America is repeating history
as long as this keeps up the land of the free will never be truly free
from liberals & or blacks delusional,distorting,skewing,twisting,spinning
hallucinating,illusional,warped,manipulating circumstances discussions
controversy grasps like what happened to Rodney King,Michael Brown
Trayvon Martin.

another reason why the so called "good blacks" are siding with humans
is because they know white,yellow,brown people specially European people
are the only race's and ethnicity that can take care of them cause lets face it
without us they will starve to death whether these race of losers know
it or not. I mean its already bad enough they do crime against humanity
an what I mean by that is creating,doing crime where ever they go and
than blame it on the white man as usual when an or if there not around
for their actions,failures,issues that they have within there community's

lets not forget if they cant steal items,brands,products things that
are not nailed,screwed,bolted,tied down to the floor and or ground they
would do the next best thing an that is afro centrism claiming every ones
culture,heritage,civilization as theirs no one else's.

 Anonymous said...

I hate to be the bearer of bad
news but there is no such thing
as good blacks what you're commenting
about are called uncle tom magical,mystical
token negro's acting white and or white washed
they only exists in commercials,advertisement
movies & tv movies,shows,video games don't
reflect real life the funny thing is the "nice behaving
good blacks" you are speaking of always say the same,
similar thing conveying that not all of them behave that
way ironically celebrity uncle toms like Bill Cosby
Maxine Waters,Colin Kaepernick,Michael Jackson
Al Sharpton,Jesse Jackson,Jussie Smollett,Oprah
Winfrey,R. Kelly an uncle tom non celebrities prove
daily that they are the same as the ones we're talking
about right now. not to mention they all have something
in common they are heavy advocate for black lies matter
(a.k.a,e.g,i.e black lives matter) except for Michael Jackson
he's dead I wont include him but if he was still alive he definitely
wouldn't be any different from the rest of them that supports this
group of ("protesters") that goes for the liberals as well. the future
of America (North America) isn't getting any brighter than again you
can say the whole world like certain parts of Europe with there black
plague and Asia,Eurasia with their back stabbing politicians turning
against their own people

The Liberal Media is a joke
just like the black race and ethnicity's
notice they always portray an see themselves
as always being innocent,victims,perfect little
angels like that riot that took place in Miami
during the 80's because one of their own kind
was trying to elude police and his name is Arthur
Mcduffie. for some reason when it comes to this race
of criminals they never see one of there own as being
criminals,savages,monsters that they are. its pretty
obvious if you have a black judge an a black lawyer
black jury non of them will convict him for the crime
he committed its like they just can't see them doing
it even though you provided (cctv video) evidence and
among other things like DNA an items that they used
against the victim,victims

not to mention eye witness,eye witnesses from other races,ethnicity's
but of course from their perspectives they'll say the eye witnesses
that are white,yellow,brown are ganging up on him lying,distorting
making stuff up to put one of their brotha's,sista's in prison. America
is repeating history as long as this keeps up the land of the free will
never be truly free from liberals & or blacks delusional,distorting,skewing
twisting,spinning,hallucinating,illusional,warped,manipulating circumstances
discussions,controversy grasps like what happened to Rodney King,Michael
Brown,Trayvon Martin. plus when things don't go their way an or misconstrued
the scenario there going to say the usual crap.

another thing they'll always blame the white men,women,people
for their actions,failures,issues within there community's since
other races and ethnicity's would be the only ones to maintain theirs
while they cant an we know for a fact they will scream,raise their voice
yell racism & pull every known,unknown card to man when and or if their
are no white people around

lets not forget what they cant steal physically items,products,brands
that is not bolted,screwed,nailed,tied down to the floor an or ground
they do the next best thing afro centrism claiming every ones culture
heritage,civilization as theirs no one else's.

few more things before I go the only reason why the good blacks
would side with humans that are white,yellow,brown people especially
white people is because they know we're the only ones that can take
care of them cause without us they will die

that's not all their trying to be or get into good graces of white people
and that nice behavior you're talking about them having is just a front they
really don't care about anyone but themselves if they did we wouldn't be
having this conversation.

 Anonymous said...


 Anonymous said...

in response to the anonymous comment @ May 29 at 10:15 am:

that is their nature; they are very destructive and are known for taking their rage out on innocents and destroying private property that has absolutely nothing to do with the issue at hand; they have also ruined every major US city through their sky-high crime rates; try working with blacks on the job, it is absolute hell --- laziness, stupidity, and disrespect will inevitably ensue

 Anonymous said...

I don't think black lives matter anymore after what goes on in USA lately. The entire world turned against these animals. I hope they all get packed up and get send back to Africa or an island where they can not harm any more people and their businesses.

 Unknown said...

I'm in toronto and the other day a black women trying to elude police after her younger brother called the police on her for stabbing him over a tv
The bitch slipped off her balcony and fell to her death
What happens next ? All the blacks start up with police tossed her off the balcony , can you believe that, the cops a women some minorities did not even enter her place
What pisses me off is we had no blacks in Toronto at all in the 60s , none , trudeau sr allowed 3rd world immigration , why I will never know , we had 85 gun murders last year in our city and every single one by a black fucker
We should ban all future black immigration as it most definatly does not improve a city
The idiot who came up with multiculturism is a strength must have been a spook
They are useless fcks

 Unknown said...

Actually they are bang on , blacks are the bottom of the barrel, sorry I'm guessing you're a spook or take black cock

 Unknown said...

Some places in this world where blacks or black countries are doing great, really ? Can you please name 1 ?
I'm not from USA but I do know that blacks in USA have the 15th best per capita income if they were a nation and the average income is 60 grand , and yet they still bitch and MOAN, I dont know anywhere else that blacks were allowed to stay and prosper as well as I USA, mexico sent them packing , other nations in Latin America killed them or exiled them , the Arabs took way way more slaves then anyone yet you never hear about this why ?
No country on earth except USA would ever elect a black president unless a black country , but USA did and yet the blacks keep bitching and moaning
In my country we have them now and its sickening how bad they are , fcken punk ass black useles plugs

 C.J. said...

We should have could have stopped the looting and burning the first time it was done .Tell them to day any one looting will be SHOT.(Tomorrow shot every person that comes out of a store that is being looted. Just let the bastards lay where they fall. End of looting in one day.Let the crowds know any shooting at police will be returned with machine gun fire.Its time we put A end to this crap.If we had done this years ago ,we would be living in a decent country ,not the hell hole we have today.Trying to reason with these types of people is a waste of time . Do what’s right ,make America a decent country again. There are many proper ways to get your messages out today,

 Anonymous said...

this is so true, they destroy everything but someone finally need to say the truth and stop this mess

 Anonymous said...

I'm curious....if "Black Lives Matter"...then why do so many black men walk away from their responsibility of raising their children? It seems to me that black men regard their children as important as a discarded gum wrapper. The woman is left to struggle with WIC and food stamps and a part-time job and section 8 apartments that are centers for crime and drug dealing...

And...that's okay with "Baby Daddy" because he's got a new girlfriend he's working on...till she gets pregnant...then he's off looking for a new "hottie".

Black girls are no better. Girls having babies before they have a driver's permit...and the family just "shrugs it off". This is a girl who hasn't finished high school and is locked into "burger flip" and retail jobs that are part time and give little pay with no benefits.

I wonder....if there was NO WELFARE....NO REWARD FOR BEING IRRESPONSIBLE, if the FINANCIAL BURDEN of raising this child would fall onto the family of the girl....I believe things would be different.

 Anonymous said...

As in any race you have good and bad people. That being said, there are more niggers than good black people. Niggers ruin everything they touch. From rioting to looting, they think they will change something by burning down businesses in their communities to make a statement. Niggers are dragging the well being of the country down with no regard to the others in it. They have no sense of anything but to themselves!

Sure it’s sad, but what is true is not racist. Black people lead the country in crime, drugs, prison population, being uneducated, unemployed, unemployable, etc. Yet they only make up 20% of the total US population! They are a drag on their community as well as the country!

And to blame your problems on white people is absolutely stupid! There is no such thing as white privilege. I’m white and I had to work my ass of for what I have!

Remember that there is not a White history month, no such thing as an organization like NAACP protecting the white population, no United White People College Fund, etc.

People need to pull their heads out of their asses and start acting like real humans again. The political correctness we have is ruining everything! It’s not offensive to call people out in their shit! I don’t care if you think I’m racist! I don’t care if you think I’m a bigot! A nigger is a nigger! And niggers ruin everything! Facts are facts people!

 Anonymous said...

As in any race you have good and bad people. That being said, there are more niggers than good black people. Niggers ruin everything they touch. From rioting to looting, they think they will change something by burning down businesses in their communities to make a statement. Niggers are dragging the well being of the country down with no regard to the others in it. They have no sense of anything but to themselves!

Sure it’s sad, but what is true is not racist. Black people lead the country in crime, drugs, prison population, being uneducated, unemployed, unemployable, etc. Yet they only make up 20% of the total US population! They are a drag on their community as well as the country!

And to blame your problems on white people is absolutely stupid! There is no such thing as white privilege. I’m white and I had to work my ass of for what I have!

Remember that there is not a White history month, no such thing as an organization like NAACP protecting the white population, no United White People College Fund, etc.

People need to pull their heads out of their asses and start acting like real humans again. The political correctness we have is ruining everything! It’s not offensive to call people out in their shit! I don’t care if you think I’m racist! I don’t care if you think I’m a bigot! A nigger is a nigger! And niggers ruin everything! Facts are facts people!

 Anonymous said...

I had black friends who were IT director, a majorin , a the militarym, a medivac emt...they were hated by black society because they moved on and became Americans. I was not prejudiced then.

I have seen what most blacks do and how they act in numbers. I've traveled to many places and learned what nigger means. I once lived on a tiny beach island that was 99 percent white and the black folks were peaceful, fun and educated. 15 years later, I moved away due to the onslaught of niggers who trashed the beach, pooped and pissed in people's yards out of spite for owning a 3rd generation small beach home. Then came the robberies and a friend of mine held up by gunpoint while being robbed. I was run off the road in my car by 4 apes who had no reason for doing it other than being animals.

Check out how Black Bike Week worked out in Myrtle Beach. I normally went to regular bike week but stayed an extra week and witnessed why Myrtle Beach closed down during black bike week. Trash everywhere, destruction of motels, nearly naked fat nigger women dressed like whores in fishnet bodysuits. Disgusting.

And now they turn a criminal into a martyr who has a long criminal record... protests, violence, burning, looting. The G.F. person went to prison for sticking a gun to a pregnant womans stomach during home invasion. Wtf? They are praising this criminal who was also drugged up during incarceration? I feel sorry for the cop because things got out of hand, but to protest around the world Black Lives Matter and turning off All Lives Matter from media is horrific. How much longer do we have to keep missing these monkeys butts? Now they demand to eliminate police force and guess what?.... want funding from police force to go to black social services

So, if some black guy goes to hold up a store with a gun, is some social worker going to say "excuse me sir, don't want to offend you, can you just put away the gun and just take the money?".

There never will be any pleasing for those stupid, violent apes who already get plenty of handouts. I've seen what they do to free housing...pretty place in 3 years utterly turned into trash slum.

Send them back to Africa, as africa started slavery and to this day, cannot get them to act decently in their own country.

 Anonymous said...

These black bastards ruined this country by taking statues and confederate Flags down now one nigger gets killed a by a white man and they riot and protest they kill each other nothing happens their trying to take over this country it's time to stop them apes before this country becomes the United States of Africa let's not let this happen wipe these niggers off the face of the earth I hate them fucking bastards!

 Anonymous said...

If there were internet chat rooms in 1930's Germany,this is about what id expect to hear..Keep it up

 Anonymous said...

Blacks need to be sent to Africa.

 Anonymous said...

What's funny is that too many of these BLM protesters are White people...what the hell is up with that? These White protesters are possessed like in the Exorcist! They need the black excorcised out of them! You White parents and grandparents have your work cut out for you in that matter. Reign in your white kids! Get them under control! 

Now you White parents need to reign your kids in...Big Time! You can tell your kids that it's okay to be nice to all people only if they're nice to you But, in No No Way should you allow your kids to date, sleep with, or marry any Black, Brown, Asian, Arab or

Hispanic person. That old American Melting Pot theory does Not work in any way shape or form! I know ways to punish my kids if they date people of non full-European you?

Now, who here thinks that O.J. Simpson was innocent? Who here thinks that Bill Cosby didn't rape women? and that MJ didn't play with kids in a bad way? Throw those statements and questions back at your BLM protesters and see what they say to that. Of course most of them will say that O.J. was innocent for killing a pretty white woman and white man...and to your black women out there. Why didn't O.J. marry another black lady? Aren't black ladies good enough or pretty enough? 

Blacks have been racist for years against whites and to many of their own kind too. Remember Malcolm X and the Black Power movement? and they are just carrying their racism on now through this BLM thing. Yes, that cop was using excessive force but then again G.F. could have committed more serious crimes that we don't know about. He had a criminal past and nobody knows the full story on both of those individuals because we weren't there. A video and pictures does not give us the full story on these two characters. 

Plus, if anyone here works for TV or Television commercials and ad campaigns can we please put an end to these stupid Black person giving us advice and interracial commercials!

What are they trying to prove? I don't want my kids mixing or sleeping with Black and Brown people. Do you?

What a load of crap...the news and commercials are innundated with pro Black and Brown TV which is racist itself. Maybe all of us white people need to move out of America to get away from all these Black and Brown and immigrant people who want to follow us! They follow us because they cannot live without our knowledge and command. If all of us Whites and Asians left the U.S. the black and brown people wouldn't know how to maintain order and wouldn't know how to survive or maintain themselves without us. They're too stupid. Everything would turn chaotic.

Remember...All Lives Matter! especially White peoples Lives!

Anonymous said...

blacks are tearing down statues and destroying anything that has to do with white people its there first step to make u s a into africa 2 and it may get here sooner then you think /they will be erecting there statues of black men in place of ours you watch

Anonymous said...

Here is the Hierarchy so far in how I see it for all of you white people and the different Races of people to's how it is and will always be like: Like a Pyramid.

White People which are Caucasians, Europeans and full blooded European Americans with little to no mix in them are Number 1 and are on the Top level. Then on the next Level which would be Level 2 are most Asian people such as Japanese, Koreans and other Asians (mind you sometimes Greeks and Italians can sometimes be on this level too). On Level 3 or in Third place are Arabs, Persians, Indian people and Jewish people. On Level 4 or in Fourth place are Hispanics and South Americans. Then on the Bottom are all
Black people from all nations in Africa including Black Americans and sometimes Indians from India can be in this category. More details can be elaborated out of this hierarchy and maybe a Level or two can be added and if you want to include more're welcome to add to this. But, that's how I see it so far.

...and if certain black or brown people don't like white people for this view or hierarchical pyramid of power then, they can scoot and don't live around white people then. Go away...disappear, we don't need you except for maybe the Hispanics who are hard workers.

Anonymous said...

I was born and raised in New Orleans. I lived in the 9th Ward. I was the white people in every school I went to, and the whole neighborhood, besides the old timers who had been there since the 50's.

I grew up in the 90's. (Born in 85),so I experienced the crack epidemic and the fact that New Orleans was the Murder Capital of America for almost 2 decades.

What I learned there is unlike every other State I've been to. There wasn't much, if any at all, racism blaming there. People were actually judged by their character and actions.
The character of Black people in New Orleans was smile in your face and shoot you in the back. Couldn't invite anyone into my house, because they would steal shit and then lie about it. Murder was an every day affair with them. They did drive by shootings on each other, didn't matter if they hit kids.
Nobody talked to the police, if the police decided to show up at all, because the blacks would murder whoever did. They would shoot out the streetlights occasionally, and every New Year and 4th of July there would be unspent rounds on the streets, used hypodermics. Far too often there were random dead bodies just laying in the alley of an abandoned house.
The police weren't killing them; they were killing each other, over stupid shit like dice games and because someone had something they didn't have and they wanted it.
When I was in the 4th grade, one of the teachers got me and had me read several chapters out of a book to an 8th grade class, I assume, for the sole purpose of embarrassing them. When I went to the 9th grade, the principal told me I had the highest reading and math average in the entire school. All they talked about was material possessions. None of them were a friend in any sense of the word. You couldn't trust them alone with any valuables. This is from age 10 up I'm talking here.
Almost every kid I grew up with is either dead or doing life in prison.

Nobody was forcing them to live that way. It's how they are as a majority.

Anonymous said...

I applied at a major bank and the person interviewing me was black I knew I had a chance at getting the position but when the black woman walked in and said I’m going to interview you I was like great I’ll immeduately receive an unqualified letter anyways I have 25 years experience in banking did the interview and the next day immediately was emailed a letter your not qualified for the position I turned the black woman that interviewed me into the EEOC to see why I wasn’t qualified for the position turns out the black woman told the EEOC that she didn’t like my large eyes 👀 UNBELIEVABLE!!! A month goes by and I receive a decision letter from the black investigator at the EEOC that states she did nothing wrong your case is dismissed —-there is a war on white people in this nation and there is nothing we can do about it

Anonymous said...

Blacks and liberals are ruining this country

Anonymous said...

2020 and this is so, so true

Anonymous said...

Blacks want pity, as it is easier than working and growing up. They like to show their azzes and get attention for the most part. It is silly and sickening.

blackyb said...

Black women, especially are loud and black men are very loud and obnoxious. It would be better if those big mouthed ones lived in a jungle or away from civilized people. They are not welcome.

False Progress said...

These are hard but evident truths, made more obvious by the company "peaceful" George Floyd protesters are keeping in mid-2020. They stand around and chant amid ruined cities and expect us to not be reminded of the disrepair and neglect of black neighborhoods around the world.

Google Street View has make the proof easy to see. Pick any major city in Africa and you'll stumble onto crumbling curbs, broken cars and piles of trash. Do it in America's predominantly black areas and you'll see similar, making sure to not cherry-pick the best ones.

It's possible to criticize a race's factual shortcomings without being racist, but that's a fine line most can't recognize.

Anonymous said...

There is a simple truth that is undeniable and indisputeable ... there isn't a single place anywhere in America that didn't deteriorate in several ways ... economically, hygenically, criminally, educationally, etc. when the population shifted from majority white to majority black. NOT ONE. If that doesn't speak volumes, I don't know what does. You would have to be an idiot, or insane, to see this pattern happen time after time, and not want to stop it. That's not racism. It's common sense.

Anonymous said...

A few very important rules to follow when living in the US:

1. If you wish to succeed in life and remain safe and sound, YOU MUST ALWAYS AVOID THE GROID.

2. Blacks ruin everything. And if they don't ruin it now, eventually they will.

3. No blacks, know peace! Know blacks, no peace! Any white community infiltrated that they infiltrate will eventually become littered, violent, and then destroyed.

Omegaspit said...

Who wants to take back America enough is enough ? Something needs to be done now in every city that is ran by democraps people need to step up and meet up against these looters and protesters for example portland people need to curb stomp every terrorist antifa members and blm they are all domestic terrorist enough is enough if you don't do something and fight back you will all live in blackica

Anonymous said...

Ooga booga!

Anonymous said...

Blacks are the sons of Cain. Read about it in the extra biblical books of the bible.

Anonymous said...

Coon, coon, Black baboon,

Brutal, worthless, thieving goon,

Often high, thrives in jail,

His welfare check is in the mail,

Some 40 offspring have been had, not one of them will ever call him dad,

And yet he hollers day and night: "I blames de white man fo my plight, it's him spreads trash all round my shack,

It's him what makes me smoke dis crack, he push my kind to burn and loot, and sends da po-lice dat we shoot,

But inch by inch we takin' hold, like when da white bread starts to mold,

We'll overrun yo homes and soon...

Dey only be fit fo da black-assed coon.


(this poem was written in the mid-90s and it holds even truer today)

Anonymous said...

To the person who posted the poem starting with, "Coon, coon, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry after reading it. It's totally accurate, unfortunately. I'd love to post that to Facebook, but I'm sure I'd be unfriended by some (not that I would really care), plus, I'd no doubt be put in FB jail for a month (like I was a few days ago for posting something about shitskins that was far less incendiary than the poem above). But, I have told people on FB to avoid the groid and no one unfriended me over that. Most people know, including blacks and white Commies, that evolution never produces equal results, but most whites are either too chickenshit or pathologically guilt-ridden to actually speak plainly about these primitive hominids.

I'm a musician and truthfully, I'd be willing to give up EVERY musical genre that blacks had a hand in (a few do seem to have a talent for music, but even that has de-evolved since the 80's with Hip Hop). That would include my favorite Rock bands and favorite guitarists, and music is my life. THAT is how much I detest these creatures. I'd be fine with just playing Classical music, Western and Eastern European folk music, etc. But, that's just a daydream of course. The reality is, these apes, along with their dumbed-down, brainwashed white Commie partners, will give the deep-state the excuse to create a police-state. I don't know when that is coming exactly, but I'm just glad that my sister will be moving to the boonies in a few years, so, when TSHTF, I will have a refuge.

Anonymous said...

OK...thank you folks, funny poems and funny songs but can we please try to keep this
discussion going more sensibly instead of ranting without facts on blacks, please?
For starters, for "Mr. Anonymous" who posted on September 15th 2020 who claims
that he's a musician. Excuse me sir, but you're afraid of being shunned or dropped
on Facebook?!?! Are you kidding us?? Are you kidding? You're worried about that?
Think about this, who created and owns Facebook? A Jewish boy. What's the biggest
spy mechanism on the web is "Facebook". Do you actually support "Facebook"?? Are you a
dummy? For starters if you're on Facebook, it's spying on you all the time. Yes, the Liberal Jews are spying on you and they would probably "out" your identity for everyone to know.

For everyone on here I'll make a bold and clear announcement Now to you all. Facebook is Evil! Facebook was created and is run by Jews! and Facebook supports BLM! So, please...Get Off of Facebook! If you're smart. (If you're not smart and you want to be continued to be spied on then your welcome to stay on FB or use Chrome or Google...all Liberal Jewish creations.)

So, why in hell would you be worried about being unfriended or dropped by FB?!?! Hello! FB is part of your problem, dummy!!! Sorry that I have to call you that but Please! Wake up! What you should be doing is getting Facebook banned! Destroy Facebook, because it's Evil! and it spies on you and it watches you and it keeps on asking you to come back! Please sir, Tell this to all of your friends! Tell them to get off of FB if you want to make progress! The same with Google and Chrome...another Liberal Jewish creation which I'm
not going to continue discussing here, but I'm sure that you're getting the point.
and for the person who posted on September 5th, 2020 "Blacks are the sons of Cain. Read
about it in the extra biblical books of the bible." Is what he says. Those two sentences
don't make any sense to us at all man, please. Come on man, what extra biblical books of the Bible?? What the hell are you talking about? Please, if you're going to post a comment here please make sure that it's not some long rant about life in your town and please make sure that it makes sense to our discussion here, please...thank you! No, bible lessons on here please. On the scale of Evolution we all already know that Black and brown people are at the bottom and primitive and closer to apes than us. Please try to use statistics and scientific facts to back-up what you're saying here if you can, please...thank you! and also, please try to stop supporting Jews. For anybody who doesn't know here...we all know that Jews control Hollywood and a lot of the media and have been controlling it for a long time. Take a look at the criminals for instance. Harvey Weinstein (a Jew), Jeffrey Epstein another Jew, Mark Zuckerberg (the head of FB) yet another Jew and probably Jeff Bazos of Amazon too. Now, I have some Jewish friends but I certainly don't want them controlling everything or having a monopoly, and I've told them that.

Anonymous said...

And now back to Mr. Anonymous the musician who posted on 9/15/2020. Unfortunately most of what you're saying doesn't make sense to this discussion. Who are the "brainwashed white Commie partners" and who or what is the "deep-state"??
Like, what the hell are you referring to? I mean please man if you're going to post something on here please back it up with some scientific facts and statistics. I'm a music lover and music maker too and I'll admit that I listen to some chocolate music sometimes here and there like Jazz, rap, hip hop and R & B but I certainly don't support it and it certainly is Not my main line of music but it's sometimes funny music to laugh at...that's all. Please folks...facts and statistics here and sure you can tell your story of the injustice that has been made to you and people you know as a white person. Like maybe post news stories that you've seen or read of when some black or brown people commit the crimes against whites and our good white neighborhoods, let us know please and post them here, thank you.

Black and brown people have just not contributed anything valuable to any society anywhere. They still need to be led around by us white people...and when we don't want them around then they keep on following us which is the biggest problem. We don't want to see, hear or interact with them, yet they keep on bugging us for something because they can't do anything productive on their own. What a shame.

But I think that you can all do something about it. Like keep them away and out of your communities and schools. There are plenty of not so obvious ways of being able to do that...and us white people can win through peaceful protests and by telling darkie to go home and leave and that they'd be better off by not being around us white people.

Donny said...

First, I'm the musician. I also happen to be Jewish. Do you have a reading comprehension problem? I stated that I don't care if people unfriend me for my beliefs. I just find it curious that, despite the things I post, no one has unfriended, which means that they know about the groid but don't want to admit it or think about it.

Second, I think we all know the stats regarding blacks. Other people have posted them here.

Third, Jews do not run the world, although there are certainly Jews in the New World Order. Just because La Cosa Nostra exists doesn't mean that every single Italian is a member of the Mafia. I know many Jews who are conservative and a few who are apolitical. Jews are not the Borg you imbecile.

Fourth, as for being spied on, we are all being spied on all social media, our phone conversations, what we watch on TV, etc. There is no way to avoid it. I don't support Facebook but I try to tell people on FB about groids and white Commies, aka, ANTIFA.

Fifth, who died an left you boss, you Hitler-loving piece of trash? Don't tell me what I can and can't post. I do what I want. Screw you.

Anonymous said...

Blacks are a lower "race" than people of northern european and east asian stock. This fact is offensive to most people (due to decades of social engineering) but it doesn't make it any less true. For the sake of preserving civilization these "people" need to be sterilized. It would be easier than trying to deport them. Better to let them live their lives out in peace until they're no more. If that means giving them lots of welfare and having extra police posted in their areas of town then so be it. It would be worth the expense since it would only be a temporary problem of five decades or less.

Anonymous said...

Ben, sterilization would indeed be the most humane way to cleanse the gene pool. Unfortunately, this won't happen unless we become a totalitarian society and I don't think we want to go there.

After a decade of research (and living on the planet for 61 years), I've concluded that the races are not equal. I think more people than we might imagine harbor this belief, but most decent people don't want to believe it. I think we'd all rather believe that, on average, there are no discernible differences between the races. Like Stefan Molyneux, it gives me no pleasure to believe as I do. What adds to the ambivalence is that there are, in fact, intelligent, hard-working, decent blacks, but as far as I can tell, they are in the minority. It has become so obvious that white Commies and blacks are now foaming at the mouth trying to blame "the white devil" for the sordid conditions and barbaric behaviors of blacks - what else have they got left? And yes, the decades of social engineering have made matters worse. Out of the thousands of TV shows now airing, the only one that I know of that gives a true picture of what blacks are really like is "The First 48."

The only advice I can give to people is to move as far away from fuxated areas as is logistically possible, or at least have a place in the sticks or know someone who lives in the sticks who would be willing to take you in if/when tshtf. I live in a nice, low-crime, majority white suburb, but over the last few years I've seen more and more blacks trickle in. A few look okay but most look like Section 8 transfers from the hood. It's only a matter of time before it gets worse, although how long it will take before I feel the need to move is anyone's guess.

As I said, most decent people don't want to believe the truth because it's highly unpleasant, but the fact is, despite the existence of law-abiding blacks, for the most part, blacks are a plague, an infestation, a cancer and they, along with all of the other low IQ, violent "people of color" will eventually turn America into a Third World nightmare like they do all over the planet. I sometimes regret not having had children, but the way the world is going, I'm kinda glad as well.

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at the job applicant at a bank who was rejected by the Nigger saying his eyes were too big! WTF?!!! I know times are tough and people can be put between a rock and a hard place but do yourself a favor - when you see a Nigger behind a desk when you go in for an interview, just turn around and walk right out. That will be the best decision you will ever make. There is nothing there that is worth the problems you will encounter when you work for a Nigger. Nothing!

Here is an incident that happened at LAX a few years ago with an Air Traffic Controller based in San Diego directing air traffic out of LAX. This was an affirmative action hire Nigger and fortunately for everyone on board the EvaAir 777 jet, it did not hit the mountains north of Los Angeles!

So pandering to Niggers have life or death consequences!!!

Anonymous said...

The Garden Variety Groids, fat loud mouthed sheboons, buck niggers, joggers and nigg noggers are a disease to this country and the entire world.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but the question is unanswerable. They have ruined EVERYTHING and will ruin everything to come. I cannot think of anything and I am a genius. I think you had better ask a different question. Sorry you are stuck in the sh!thole onf the US it would be better for you to come back to Europe. We still have freedom of speech I can say whatever i want including that I hate blacks for destroying the country i was born in and forcing me to leave due to their violence and abuse.

Anonymous said...

I run a website that sells boating products like propellers, depth finders etc. when I first started the business I was shipping all around the world and I was encountering a large amount of fraud. I found the fraud was coming from countries that had large black populations. In order to stop the fraud I only take and process orders from countries that have a predominant white population. The fraud stopped immediately and for the last 22 years we have run without getting ripped off.

I have also traveled around the world.....every country that has predominantly black Population is a shit hole. I don’t understand why black people ruin everything around themselves.

Anonymous said...

Niggers, not black people, unfortunately far less rare than black people are the worst. Even the dumb racist hicks I meet bring up race and bitch less

Anonymous said...

Everywhere blacks go, they ruin. They lead irresponsible, immature, immoral, and violent lifestyles, 75% of all blacks are born out of wedlock to young, unskilled, and low income women. Enough is enough, America is getting sick and tired of blacks in our country. Its time for blacks to get their acts together and stop making excuses.
Blacks say they are in prison for minor offenses. That is total BS ! They are in prison for violent crimes such as robbery, assault, home invasions, murders, and serious drug offenses. My feeling, let them kill each other.

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech? Freedom of speech in the U.S.A.? Are you kidding Mr. Anonymous who posted on November 29, 2020? Do you actually still think that you/we have freedom of speech in the U.S.A. anymore?? No we don't because the U.S.A. your beloved country is falling apart now. You can't make an inference to race anymore in this country or the Gov. and media will come after you sadly and apparently.

That's been taken away from us now because if you show any sign of disliking black or brown people the Gov. or media start to take everything away from you. You lose everything you had, etc. You know that because we've seen it in the news and on TV. If you can't say what you want about black or brown people in public without being attacked relentlessly now then there ain't no freedom of speech in the U.S.A. no more pal. I think that you can see what I'm saying now.
For Mr. Anonymous who posted this statement below on November 4, 2020
"Blacks are a lower "race" than people of northern european and east asian stock. This fact is offensive to most people (due to decades of social engineering) but it doesn't make it any less true. For the sake of preserving civilization these "people" need to be sterilized."
"This fact is offensive to most people"?? Why? I'm not offended by the fact and I know some other people who wouldn't be. Why are you so concerned about who it may be offensive to? What I'm trying to say here is, quit being so damn apologetic folks! Who are you apologizing to? To negroes or to other white people?

Remember in the movie Wall Street when Gordon Gecko said "Greed is Good!" "Greed gets you a lot!"
Well, how about this? "Racism is Good!" "Racism keeps certain people from mixing with black or brown people" catch my drift? I mean do you care who labels you a racist now? Because, just because you're black or brown doesn't mean you can't be racist. I know plenty of black and brown people who are and yes they can many times be racist to their own kind. So, they end up shooting each other dead. I believe one such person who was like that was OJ Simpson because he wanted the pretty white woman and not the ugly black negro in my opinion. OJ should have not messed with the white at all.

I mean would you consider any black or brown people attractive or good looking? Some of you might say yes but I believe that the resounding answer is "No" and half breeds or mixed raced kids and people are Really ugly.

Anonymous said...

You can teach your kids or grand kids (if they are white) to say "No" to black and brown people without it coming off as bad, harsh or too racist. Just like saying "No" to drugs. That's what you can do. Tell them that mixing with black or brown people ain't gonna get them no benefits. And pardon my colloquial English there but I'm just trying to get my point across here. Stop apologizing! Stop saying I'm sorry for disliking the negro or black and brown people and start boycotting these companies and ads that are promoting race mixing and that white and black people can get along with each other and hold hands which is a BS fantasy. I'm not promoting Hate here though. There doesn't have to be hate involved in saying "No" getting away and self segregating from black and brown people. We can all do it nicely and peacefully if it's necessary and if your white kid or grandkid is seeing a black or brown person don't try to stop it or object to it strongly right away because there is a more peaceful and gentler way to saying that mixing is not the right path and if it comes to it at the end of the day you can cut off all ties and help to your kid for a period of time where they realize that they should be mixing with the right white people and not negroes. I mean c'mon folks we don't want to loose our tall blonde, red or brown haired and blue eyed white children to the lower races here.

Remember, when white kids are young and you strongly object to certain things they do well then they do it even more on purpose to get back at you or antagonize you, you know that. So, what you have to do is to use a reverse psychology on them to stop that certain behavior of theirs. More about that later. There is nothing wrong with being white European and Aryan. At the same time when I talk with black and brown people I encourage them to mix with their own kind because it's the only way to stay safe now isn't it.
When I want to meet and talk to Native American Indian people in America I want them to be as pure and 100% Native American Inian as possible. Not mixed a lot with white or other people. I encourage Native Americans that they should try to keep their Tribal blood line as Native American Indian as possible because it's better for them to stay as pure as possible in order to further their tribe and heritage. When I run into whites who say that they have some Native American Indian in them well then I just feel sorry for them and that it's a sad story. Their parents should not have mixed...that's the bottom line. You and the U.S. Government should stop thinking and spreading the opinion that we all can get along in America. Because as long as there are white and black and brown people and asians, hispanics and arabs there will always a minority or majority of people from each group who agrees that any kind of mixing is bad and that they want a certain kind and color of people out of their bloodline and heritage. There's nothing wrong with being blonde, red or brown haired tall and white. Plus, we want more of our beautiful tall blonde white women back!!! They are the essence and epitome of the Best Genes in any society, so let's keep it that way in America as well!

Anonymous said...

I read this post and immediately thought it was written by an Asian. As an Asian, I hate blacks. I started waking up in my senior year of high school when unqualified weed-smoking blacks were given admissions and scholarships that they didn't earn and my over-achieving Asian friends and I were left taking out scholarships to figure it all out. We were not allowed the same free resources as them, yet here we are today, outperforming all of them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your response sir but no I am not Asian although I respect Asians a lot because most of you have a hierarchy of Respect in your family's which us white folks need to bring back into our family's again which his respect for our elders, and I certainly sympathize with what you're saying about what they gave blacks for education surprisingly not giving you the same sort of scholarships which doesn't help our society out. Negros beg for special treatment and special opportunities and scholarships but then when they get it they don't know how to use them or they get lazy, or they are lazy about it, the fools and the Big difference is that I don't see a bunch of Asians, Hispanics or other ethnic group's ( who work hard) complaining as much as black people do about their situation. The truth is that black people are lazy compared to all the work that Asians and Hispanics do. There's no doubt about that.

bo diddle said...

Blacks need money. Blacks to me are the biggest danger to life. They take jobs, they are angry. They do not know what to do with their money. A Jewish man will invest their money, buy a cheap car. A black who makes it as a doctor, a nurse, from Kenya will see rich as rich. Unlike the white who puts their money in bank, shops, invests, buys hand me downs, the blacks will buy BMW's, mansions.  Blacks also have created a new movement of crime. White cops fear for their lives seeing all blacks as drug dealing, dangerous, criminals.

Anonymous said...

I guess I answered my question. Evidently, there is nothing that these niggers haven't ruined

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