Friday, August 6, 2021

What HAVEN'T Black People Ruined? Part 2: US Blacks are Haters, Racists, Criminals and Losers

My post "What HAVEN'T Black People Ruined?" is easily the most clicked post in my blog site.  It's also one of the most commented.

I said there that black populations here, Brazil, the Caribbean and in Africa have the lowest median IQs in the entire world. And not surprisingly, black communities are a disaster of crime and murder, ignorance, disorder, dysfunction, poverty and misery. Conditions in most parts of Africa range from dreadful to "medieval" to even "prehistoric."

ALL of the cities on the WORST and MOST DANGEROUS list are Latino, or Blatino or Black. Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, S. Africa, El Salvador, Venezuela, Columbia, Honduras and Puerto Rico DOMINATE the list.

A few US cities make the list: 1) St.Louis, MO, 2) Baltimore, MD, 3) New Orleans, LA and 4) Detroit are up there with the worst of the worst. Guess why???  You know why.

All of the most dangerous US cities are the ones with large Black populations. Blacks are dangerous and destructive wherever they are found.  Stay away from them is the best advice.

Most African "cultures" anywhere are in total cultural collapse. In the US, there is little logic, little intelligence, little impulse control in this low intelligence population. This explains their high criminality. The average black adult has a much lower intellectual (and emotional) maturity corresponding to their lower median IQ of 85THIS MEANS THAT 90% OF THIS POPULATION HAS AN IQ LESS THAN THE WHITE AVERAGE OF 100.  That means that the median mental age of Blacks is about 15 years old.  

This is not opinion but strictly the statistical math -- based on a group with a 85 IQ median with a std. deviation of 13. Do the math yourself.  Latinos have a median mental age of 16.  An IQ of 100 corresponds to a mental age of 18 yo --- or a grown (white) adult.

With those intellectual handicaps (and yes it's sort of a disability) they generally shouldn't be allowed to vote, unless, say, they own real property in good standing. We really do need a Constitutional Amendment to only allow owners of real property in good stead to vote.  We can't allow bottom feeders to dominate the vote!! It's because Democrats will win the race for "free stuff" vote-buying and end our Republic. Unfortunately, it's too late - we're there. 

The massive disorder and destruction in urban areas across the US since 2017 is another example of Black and the 'Party of Black' (Dems obviously) destruction. Blacks were integral to the OBVIOUS ELECTION STEAL led by Democrats with "muscle" provided by urban negros. These people are evil.  




Who DON'T Blacks hate??  They hate and lash out at Asians and Whites.They hate Mexicans. They hate young disciplined African students who enroll in graduate school here. They hate 'em!  They hate THEMSELVES and kill each other in droves. Some 8,000+ blacks die at the hand of other blacks each year in the US alone. And I don't want to mention the Blatino murder capital of the world: Brazil.

The vast majority of black on black crimes are not solved.  It's because blacks don't cooperate with the police even though nearly all the urban crime is black. Blacks on juries are a total disaster and don't want to convict black defendants or believe insane things about police and "the man." (Look at the minority composition of the Derek Chauvin trial for instance.)  Blacks don't snitch on others because that's a death sentence. Blacks lie like hell. If their lips are moving and the going gets tough, they are lying their asses off.  They can't face their own horrifying reality that they created, so they are in 100% denial about themselves, other blacks and the horrifying state of their own situation and their "culture" (unculture).  

Good (white) people can't even conceive of  black perversity, their criminality,  their extreme ignorance and their inhumanity.

From a commenter: "I'm an Asian that has faced endless persecution and bullying from black people since childhood. I tried to overcome my prejudice, but I simply cannot ignore facts. Blacks really do ruin everything. I've traveled the entire world and it is the same everywhere. My best friend is black and is well-aware of my racism, and understands. There are good black people out there, so treat them with respect, but the best thing to do is just stay away from them. White and Asian communities are the places to be."

Another commenter in response to the Asian guy:  

"To the Asian guy, I find it interesting how the lying media is saying that hate crimes against Asians are increasing due to COVID, and started showing TV commercials about hate crimes against Asians. What they don't say is that blacks commit most of those crimes. I'm from NYC (I now live in a suburb of Buffalo) and I know that blacks commit the majority of hate crimes in NYC against whites, Asians and Hasidic Jews.  

The deep-state's lap-dog media and their leftist useful idiots never hold blacks accountable for their violence and Third World living conditions that they themselves create. Yes, there are good blacks and I try to treat them on an individual basis, but so many of them are low IQ parasites at best and criminals and thugs at worst that they are indeed a plague everywhere on the planet."  Thanks friend!


Democrats have truly declared war on white people.  I'll paste in the list of posts from The Essential Gulfcoastcommentary Index:

The New Civil War: Democrat's War on White People

Much more below:

Race Realism: We Don't Have a Race Problem. We Have a Black Problem
Race Realism

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