Monday, October 9, 2023

Hillary IS Stalin, Obama Is Che Guevara

Borrowing images from Sasha Stone's post  Hillary's Dystopia and Other Friday News Bits

Just when you think that things can't get more absurd or horrifying; they do. Hillary has completely lost her mind. She's a horrible, nasty, insane neo-con who has the blood of a million (or more) people on her hands. Obama too.  

From my post: Obama/Hillary's Foreign Policy Legacy: Failures, Destruction and Lies, I said:

Obama and Hillary's foreign policy legacy is a near-perfect record of failures, flops and destruction followed by lies, deception and spin. Then those lies and spin are dutifully and faithfully broadcast by a totally Leftist and administration-compliant media.  Hitler and Goebbels would be proud.
Boy, was I onto something.

Here's her interview calling for "re-education Camps" for 1/2 of the US population that are sympathetic to Donald Trump. She is so stupid and insane to make war on the best half of our country. But she has and has done so again. Here's the latest interview with Christian Amanpour:

A few comments to the video on YouTube:

  • Has she gone mad? Totally lost grip with reality. What universe is she living in?
  • Lock HER up !!!
  • American Maoism. Any doubts, now? Jesus...
  • This psychopath should never be allowed to hold any political office.

She's always been a nightmare. And Obama and Hillary's foreign policy "efforts" were unmitigated disaster. Everything they touched turned to shit with untold terror and bloodshed. The blood of a million or more people sully their dirty hands.

Idiot "Academic" Obama Hussein in Cuba in Front of a Che Guevara Mural -- Obviously He's Trying to Polish his "Revolutionary" Bona Fides. This After Giving the Castro Mafia Aid and Assistance, while America Got NOTHING in Return. Idiot. Traitor.


Anybody and everybody can see and agree that deposing Saddam Hussein in Iraq was an umitigated disaster. As bad as Saddam was, deposing him unleashed a WHIRLWIND OF DEATH, CARNAGE, DESTRUCTION, SUFFERING AND BLOODSHED.

President Bush was rightly excoriated for killing and maiming 10's of thousands our young soldiers in Iraq and many more thousands with their body parts blown-off: arms, legs, even testicles. The deaths on the Iraq side must have been in the MILLIONS. You would think that the lesson learned was "don't depose any national leader or even a worse hell will be unleashed." 

The Iraq war was a nightmare that ANYONE and EVERYONE should and would say that it was. The casualties on both sides are in the millions of people dead and wounded--not counting the subsequent horror of murderous ISIS thugs running roughshod through the Middle East, a group that the US essentially created and funded to defeat Assad in Syria. Even the DUMBEST people can see this. 

Hillary and Obama's hasty departure from Iraq, with no residual force, set the stage for the disastrous rise of more ISIS terrorism in the region. STRIKE 1.

Iraq has to be one of history's greatest catastrophes in our history or maybe all of history. The cost to the US taxpayer was in the $trillions. The blame is on the Bush Neocons, but that was just the start.


Yet, just a few years later, Hillary/Obama, wanted to depose Assad in Syria. WTF? JUST A FEW YEARS LATER!  In 2011 Secretary Clinton then repeatedly stated “Assad must go.” STRIKE 2.

The striking thing is that Obama and Hillary either don't have any brains or even any sense to see that deposing even an horrible leader ends up even worse consequences as I mentioned above regarding Saddam.  Furthermore, they used, trained and payed Sunni Islamists in their war against Assad. Those people, aided by US money and training, ultimately became ISIS or part thereof. 

But Assad was allied with Putin and he stopped Hillary and Obama from their dirty agenda. THAT is probably the start of the "Russia, Russia, Russia" and "Putin" hysteria that plagues us even today.

Hillary and Obama's "adventures" in Syria are titanic failures of historic proportions. Their "red line to 'no line ' idiocy" ended by Russia and Assad's permanent alliance with Russian, who now has military and naval bases in Syria that has increased Russian influence in the region. Good job!


Gaddafi had agreed previously given up his WMD program and sought to ingratiate himself and Libya into the international system. He made a huge mistake, because the Obama administration arranged for NATO bombing to remove Gaddafi in favor of ISIS-style militants. Gaddafi was killed or "deposed" as you might say.  Later, four Americans including Ambassador Stevens were murdered at an American diplomatic compound in Benghazi on Clinton’s watch. Then Hillary lied like hell regarding the real reasons for Steven's death.Today Libya is a war torn and failed state.

Blood, blood everywhere. STRIKE 3.


In the "Arab Spring," Hillary and Obama quickly got behind the ouster of Mubarak in Egypt, which was a disaster of destabilization. Then their installation of Obama's "friends," the horrible Muslim Brotherhood, brought Islamic rule to the country  -- basically turning it once again into a totalitarian state. It was another US Coup d'etat. A year later, more Egyptians died in a 2nd revolution to overthrow Obama's buddies. The entire episode is a catastrophe of massive proportions.

Let's be clear, the Muslim Brotherhood is considered a terrorist organization, but so is the US Government. Obama proved it.  

The 2nd revolution worked and a moderate Al Sisi became a relatively popular president in Egypt. It's funny what happens when democracy is allowed to flourish-even in Egypt.  Strike 4.

 A US Coup d'Etat in Ukraine

In my post The US is to Blame for War in Ukraine, I say that Western warmongering neocons, having already destabilized much of the world, also worked to install the US "preferred" president in Ukraine during 2014. It was essentially a US Coup d'etat orchestrated by Hillary and Victoria Nuland. With ever-encroaching NATO allies crowding Russia's borders and with US/Nato missiles installed, and the intentional reneging on Minsk accords and NATO expansion, Russia put itself on a war footing.

"Putin watched in the early 2000s as seven former Soviet Union countries joined NATO. Despite promises by the Clinton administration that NATO would not keep military forces in Eastern Europe permanently, over 20 years later NATO “has about 4,000 troops in multinational battalions, backed by tanks, air defenses and intelligence and surveillance units” across Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, according to Reuters. Putin tolerated such expansions for decades, and while it was not without complaints and retaliatory acts of his own, he clearly is not a madman intent on re-establishing the Soviet Union."

The result of US political corruption and money-grubbing in the vastly corrupt Ukraine, the 2014 US-led Coup d'etat, the inability of Western Ukraine or the US-installed leadership being unable to stop bombing and assaulting Russian-speaking peoples in the Donbas, the world is nearly on the verge of nuclear war.

Thank Hillary, Nuland, Obama and countless treasonous people in the USSA government for bringing our country to the brink of World War III.   Strike 5.

Now, Horrible Hillary wants concentration camps for people who didn't vote for her.  Why can't someone just "drone" her?

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