Whites in America came mostly from Europe having a
2000+ year history of ever-increasing intellectual, philosophical,
spiritual and artistic advances. Blacks basically have none of that.
We all have our genetic heritage and it's incredibly predictive of
personal traits: from personality, traits, intelligence, your interests,
abilities, tendencies and more obviously your physical attributes.
Whites in America came mostly from Northern Europe
having a 2000+ year history of ever-increasing intellectual,
philosophical, spiritual and artistic advances. Blacks basically have
none of that.
I hit the jackpot as I inherited traits mostly from my German,
nominally Jewish, grandfather who was the only other engineer in all of
my family's trees--all branches. The other half of the family was Irish.
My grandfather’s family came to the USA and Chicago from
Prussia in 1898. He died 4 years before I was born. He was a Mechanical
Engineer graduate out of a Chicago engineering school and made good in
California as an HVAC contractor and he had his own businesses. I found
out, among other things, that his business was installing air
conditioning in movie theatres during the Great Depression. It was
lucrative. All three of his daughters, including my mother, went to
Beverly Hills High School all 4 years. I have the yearbook pics from
Ancestry. They weren’t too smart though.
My progenitor
Grandfather was bald and so am I (on the mother’s side of course). He
was short and so am I. I found out about all this about 15 years ago
when I did an Ancestry.com
search. My family told me NOTHING—they were so self-absorbed and
frankly dumb. I was aware that there were prominent and wealthy persons
in the family history; and there was money in the family, but no one
told me anything. I grew up poor in the palmetto bushes of rural
Florida with my dumb family who always tried to put me down. I knew as a kid that these people were crazy and dumb and felt very different than the rest. I was all alone really.
I was in engineering school, I can remember a point in my studies when I
was learning about refrigeration cycles and it’s thermodynamics and
psychometric charts (humidity, absolute and relative humidity, etc) and I
was very, very intensely interested in this stuff. I was really grooving on it! I can remember it to this day.
is where it gets spooky. Even though I graduated in Chem. Eng. (which
is very close to Mech Eng. btw), after I graduated from Ga Tech I choose
to try my hand working for a growing HVAC Contracting company in
Atlanta as a management trainee. It’s very notable that I remained
interested in this field, isn’t it?
It didn't really work out and I
went where the big bucks were---in the oil and gas engineering business
in Texas. It seemed all my fraternity brothers did that too in the
1970s and 80’s.
But it's so interesting the influence that
genetics had on me and NO ONE ELSE among my brothers and sisters, or
even their offspring. There were no science whizzes in my family, except
for me. I won every science award in Junior High and High School. On my
own, I took the AP Chemistry test as a Senior in High School in 1973
and then took Organic Chemistry at the local community college during my
last year of high school. (I was always seeking broad knowledge- also
one of my traits- and I took a philosophy and psychology class too—while
still a senior in HS. Hey I’m proud of it.) Again, I was all alone in
this. My dad was a blue collar electrician—with tons of common sense!
Like I said, I think I hit the genetic jackpot.
are all fundamentally loaded with traits from our ancestors in our
genetic material—our genes. Now, someone from E. Africa is going to
have very different "genetic heritage."
Remember, it's
notable that ONLY the east Asians and Northern Europeans, and their
descendants, have the elevated highest (median) intelligence in the
world, ie., about 100 on intelligence tests. All the rest
range from abysmal (70s), to a world average of about 82. This is what
is passed-down to subsequent generations along with other cultural
qualities for most of the world.
African's aren't
working with much I'm afraid---more with MUCH lower median IQs in the
60s, 70s and 80s. They are very kind and fun-loving and they tend to be a
joy to be around, but they aren't likely at all to become rocket
engineers or mathematicians, or physicists even if they were brought to
live in the US at birth. Their genetic heritage is very dominant while
the environment is less so. Put succinctly, "we all have to work with our genetic heritage." It follows us everywhere.
your heritage is 100,000 years in Africa; where all you have to do is
pick fruit for lunch or do some rudimentary herding and farming, that
prolonged"culture"(which is somehow translated into your genetics over
1000s of years) is going to be backward compared to those whose
ancestors were Northern European and/or East Asia —and their
descendants. IT JUST IS WHAT IT IS.
And no it’s not anybody’s
fault really. The schools try to get blacks interested in something, but
it’s not usually academics and virtually never math or logic. It’s not
the teacher’s fault that they are working with dumb kids. The black kids
are a special kind of dumb— dumb and culturally self-isolated—ie.,
in US history, the solution that evolved naturally in the US (and S.
Africa) was segregation; where blacks had their own communities, their
own high schools and their own colleges. Whites had their communities.
Everyone was cordial to everyone else. Whites knew who the "good" blacks
were and the bad ones too. Same for the Blacks. They knew the good and
bad Whites too. Everyone just steered clear of problems and there was
peace and calm.
Black kids weren't subject to being at the bottom
of every academic test or in grades—compared to white kids—which is
quite humiliating.
Even the Armed Services had the Tuskegee
Airmen and the like during WWII—ie., segregated. It worked and those
people had plenty of pride and honor. I’m super happy thinking about
And just like Apartheid S. Africa, all that had to change!!!
Self-righteous do-gooders can't help themselves; many of them were of
the Jewish/Academic variety (always academic idiots). They had to heap a
ton of grief on Whites and coddle Blacks; reverse predjudice really.
That's where we remain.
And, in the former Industrial
and Economic Powerhouse of Africa, ie., South Africa, was forced by
Jewish/Marxist activists to do DEI—ie., putting incompetents in power
and positions for which they are poorly suited. Blacks were elected of
course and they hired (only) their really dumb and ignorant buddies to
run the country—regardless of complete lack of knowledge AND
intelligence. Now, a few decades later, the country is facing economic
The government steals land from Whites and puts
Blacks on these farms. They don’t even know how to farm! It’s just like
Zimbabwe. They stole the land from competent White farmers and just
‘installed’ blacks on these farms. The result was widespread starvation
and then hyperinflation. In S. Africa today, anything and everything not
bolted down is being pilfered by blacks. Nothing works and the electric
power is off about 1/2 of the time. The electric grid is on the verge
of failing and the country will be soon returned to pre-industrial
times. Black attacks and crime against white persons continues to grow.
It’s unsafe to be White in S. Africa—even though they are 7% of the
Just a few days ago,
rabid ANC niggers were chanting “Kill the Boer.” And, urged by Elon Musk
who knows the real perils in S. Africa now, urged President Trump to
extend an offer to White farmers to re-settle in America. These people
are being killed by out-of-control niggers—you know—kind of like our
Typical of our lying press, any internet search
denies there is a problem and that “white farmers say thanks but no
thanks” to Trump’s offer in the first 2 pages of results. Maybe by the
3rd page of bullshit, you’ll start to see the truth. Our media can’t
admit that there’s a problem. But it’s so typical. The reality is just
the opposite! From MSN, who got it right said,
has asked Secretary of State Marco Rubio and Homeland Security
Secretary Kristi Noem to "prioritize humanitarian relief, including
admission and resettlement through the United States Refugee Admissions
Program, for Afrikaners in South Africa who are victims of unjust racial
A deluge of more than 20,000 queries
crashed the email server of the South African Chamber of Commerce in the
United States after President Donald Trump said he would prioritise
white South Africans in a refugee programme, the chamber
said Monday. "Given the scale of interest, SACCUSA estimates that this
figure could represent over 50,000 individuals looking to leave South
Africa and seek resettlement in the United States," he said.
in America, white families are selecting neighborhoods where the local
schools are 80 to 90% white and moving there. This leaves other
neighborhoods more black. But the education system doesn’t adjust.
Mostly black schools are chaotic and anarchism rules. Teachers of any
color give up. I’ve written a thousand times that you basically can’t
teach black kids high school level material. Yes, in about 15% you can,
but not the other 85% (someone help me in my estimation; I’m just
guessing here).
It doesn’t change because nobody can be
honest. We cannot be honest to admit that Black IQs are unfortunately
very low, it’s no one’s fault and now their nascent and depraved culture
has completely collapsed.
I don’t care how many Superbowls where you must watch a Black National Anthem.
course, no one can recommend soft segregation. YOU ARE FORBIDDEN TO