Monday, February 5, 2024

The Blood of Millions of Innocent People Are On the Hands of Hillary, Kristol, Nuland, Obama and All the Insane Neocons That Have Now Hijacked America

 Bill Kristol tweeted recently that if Tucker did an interview with Vladimir Putin, that perhaps Tucker should not be allowed re-entrance to America (!)

Kristol and all the other Neocons have long hijacked this nation and they're going after Iran, Syria, and ultimately Russia and China!!  They are COMPLETELY INSANE. They’ve destroyed Libya, Iraq, Ukraine, Syria already. But they have a insane bloodlust.

We'll be lucky if the continental US is not destroyed at some point.

And only Tucker (and X) might singlehandedly break the weird spell of “Russia, Russia, Russia,” and “Russophobia” is a long-prevailing mental ailment in the US, with a nice casual interview with the logical, restrained and statesman-like Putin. And Putin is exactly that: a careful, logical and sensible leader. THAT is the problem!

Lifelong Democrat J.H. Kunstler today calls the Democrats the party of "mental illness.”

He further says:

Tucker Carlson threatens to actually sit down in the same room with “Putin, Putin, Putin” — the antithesis of “Joe Biden,” since Putin actually operates as head-of-state — and convey Mr. P’s thoughts and opinions to the citizens of America via the rascally social media platform called “X.”

Do you realize the danger of exposing Americans to what this Putin might say? Hearing him express his thoughts about the world situation in a leisurely format — which Putin does regularly among his own people — is liable to inform Americans that their own political leadership is a party of mental illness.

A few days ago, I managed to grab my phone quickly enough to capture my TV screen showing an appalling sight:

I mean, what the fuck is the US military doing, other than losing another war?

Didn't ANYONE learn the lesson that deposing someone like Sadam Hussein created an infinitely deeper and larger nightmare in Iraq??? I'm not even mentioning 50,000 young US soldiers were obliterated and countless more crippled, maimed and neutered in Iraq. You would think that reasonable people might have learned a valuable lesson. YOU’D BE WRONG.

But just a few years later after the Iraq disaster, Hillary/Obama/Nuland were trying to depose Assad (allied with Russia and Putin, similar to Mubarak of Egypt), they killed Gadafi in Libya and there's been nothing but death and destructive civil war in that country ever since. They're still at it in Syria and Iraq (as the picture shows).  Their bloodlust is appalling.

Hillary/Obama cheered on the removal of Mubarak in Egypt creating a civil war and the "installation" of Obama's buddies, the horrible Muslim Brotherhood thugs, into power in Egypt.  What most people don't know, because everything is a lie in this country and the West, is that Egypt had a 2nd popular revolution a year later to oust the horrible Muslim Brotherhood. Moderate Al-Sisi was elected in Egypt and remains in power to this day.

Obama AND Hillary are world-class idiots, fools, warmongers and subversives. He and She have been wrong about everything, which is a good definition of "Democrat."  And Hillary/Obama are also ENTIRELY responsible for the debacle that is Ukraine and the ongoing war on Russia and the disastrous Russia, Russia, Russia canard.

I have a suggestion, why don’t we arrest Kristol, Nuland, dumbshit Obama and psycho-Hillary and send them to Guantanamo for a military tribunal for endangering our homeland with nuclear annihilation? Treasonous Joe Biden too!

Afterall, Putin has repeatedly hinted that this is where all of this is headed, just like he did repeatedly warned “The West” for years before invading Ukraine after 10 years of continual slaughter and harrassment of the Russian-speaking peoples in the Donbas, even after the Minsk I and Minsk II agreements were made to NOT shell and attack these people. The West was just biding time in order to pounce.

In her interview for “Die Zeit,” published on December 7, 2022, German ex-Chancellor Merkel said the following: “The 2014 Minsk Agreement was an attempt to buy time for Ukraine. Ukraine used this time to become stronger, as you can see today. Ukraine in 2014-2015 and Ukraine today are not the same.”

If they prevail, the US and EU is ultimately vulnerable to a nuclear war and total destruction. Afterall, the US has no answer to Russia's hypersonic missles, one of which can hit multiple targets at the same time. They can be fired over the North Pole and decimate the US within something like 15 or 20 minutes, or before they can even find braindead Biden or Lloyd Austin.

And we’re not even talking about China joining any such war.

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