Sunday, October 29, 2017

Is The US a Failed State?

You know we're becoming a 3rd World country when the politicians, the well-connected and the "elites" are immune from the rules that govern everyone else and where the politicians care not one bit about the good of the country but are only focused on their own benefits and agenda of personal gain. This is what happens in dramatically collapsed countries like Venezuela and Argentina. Now it's happening in our own country.

I wrote in July 2016 that the US was marching toward 3rd world status.  Now I'm wondering if the US is a failed state?  I wrote the following just over one year ago:
Hillary's entire intent of her off-the-record and insecure personal email "arrangement" was all about avoiding any record of her hustling for political contributions to her slush fund. She's sold access to anyone with money, including foreign enemies, all for her personal enrichment to the tune of $100 million or more. It's all about "pay to play." She completely failed as Secretary of State because her only intent was to use her office for her financial gain. She doesn't give a shit about anyone but her. She's a total disaster for this country. And we're told that she is the most qualified candidate ever by the most incompetent President ever.
After her buddy Jim Comey let her off the hook, the lesson is that law and order is now bought and paid-for if you are one of the "connected" or "privileged ones." Never mind that General Petraeus was prosecuted vigorously for his pillow talk and supposedly endangering national security. (I guess he was Republican?) The little guy goes to jail for a marijuana roach in his pocket, but thieving, lying Hillary, who has enriched herself immensely by using her office for her own benefit, is allowed to break the law and endanger the security of the country, and faces no consequences or accountability. Hillary is the equivalent to Christina de Kirchner, who was allowed to do huge damage to Argentina while enriching herself immensely. Law and order under Obama is largely gone (except for repeated slap-downs by the Supreme Court) and is replaced by propaganda, crony connections and manipulations for the "elite" and "connected." Obama is Chavez-lite and Hillary is De Kirchner.
Those words and that blog post have aged very well indeed. Now it's even worse.

Before and after the election, Democrats have used extensive propaganda, fake polls, fake "dossiers," fake news and/or fake allegations by every "talking head" to get rid of Trump. Since the election, they put nearly all of their eggs in the "Russian Collusion" basket--trying to paint Trump as a traitor who used Russia influence to defeat Hillary. This despite no specific "smoking gun" allegations---only lies (propaganda) from Brennan, Clapper, Powers, Rice, Obama, Hillary, Comey and basically every Democrat. The Democrats demanded and got a special prosecutor to "investigate" their bullshit allegations, all to try to depose Trump.

None of these people care one iota about the welfare of this country or any of the largely helpful Trump agenda for which the PEOPLE voted. The truth is that they don't want any reform to improve the country! 

But the whole thing has been a massive and phony charade. The entire Russia collusion allegation was based on a made-up "opposition research" called the Trump Dossier, which, when released, was immediately debunked as it contained obvious inaccuracies. The DNC and Hillary campaign paid $6 or $9 million for this pile of shit (which should prove once and for all that every one of these people should be nowhere near public office or public money!!)  Then the hopelessly compromised (and criminal?) Comey used it as a basis to start this whole Russia witch hunt and start the extensive surveillance of the Trump campaign which led to the illegal unmasking of this surveillance by the lying Obama administration. The media went with this fake story too.

It gets worse and even more treasonous. Now we know that Hillary, the DNC and all of her allies in positions of power in the FBI and everywhere else, were the ones in fact colluding with Russians to sell strategic US uranium assets to the Russians for bribes. Then they all colluded to cover-up the whole thing.

Hillary, Obama, Comey, Robert Mueller, Rosenstein and the entire top echelon of the FBI and Obama administration were all part of or knowledgeable about this bribery scheme.  Now these same scumbags, Rosenstein and Mueller, are leading this outrageous and treasonous effort to oust Trump?!

So Hillary (and others) got huge money from the Russians; all while she held public office. And it has put the US in a precarious position of having to import 90% of our uranium to power our nuclear industry. How is this not TREASON? 

Hillary had accepted bribes during her entire time as Secretary of State in return for future influence in the US government. It's no wonder that Hillary and Obama's foreign policy was a unmitigated disaster of 100% failures, flops and fiascos followed by lies, spin and cover-ups.  It's because they were entirely busy selling out the interests of the US and the American people.

I think they should all be lined-up on a wall and executed by a firing squad (or at least jailed). The world would instantly be a better place. We desperately need a new American revolution. Only a revolution or collapse will bring the massive reset that we need. This is exactly what happens to 3rd world countries.

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