Sunday, February 21, 2021

Armstrong: The Collapse of California ...and Our Nation

From Martin Armstrong

"This is the REAL California. They are so far to the left, there is no more rule of law. Why should anyone pay for anything? If everyone went to the store and stole $950, they would bring California’s economy to a dead halt. Perhaps this is what needs to be done. Their vision for the future of America is absolutely insane! Take a look at this video of a CA resident:

Here's the facebook video link from Peter Santanello.

The real insanity is that the two states that are the absolute worst in the country; California and New York where more people are fleeing from than anywhere else, are the very ones imposing their ideas now upon the entire country. California became a state on September 9, 1850. Cyclically, California goes into an absolute economic crisis in 2022! So readers in California, the worst is yet to come! 

Don’t forget your thank you cards to Newsom and Pelosi."

Doug here: It gets much worse. Due to government incompetence in California, they can't even keep the power online anymore!  It's worse than a 3rd World country!!  One of my commenters on Wind Fails Texas often reads comments from California residents on WSJ articles concerning alternative energy. They are blood curdling. 

From Garland Remington: 

"You will read comment after comment of what these people suffer through now every summer in late summer and spring. How many times they lose power due to mandatory brown / black outs. Starting last year and going forward now each year, the state of California is making their citizens go on a rotating brown & black out. Regardless if your area likes it or not.

Here’s how it is going to work and several commenters out of the state of California has showed me the chart and where to find it on Pacific gas and electric website. You will be without juice from 6 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours to 24 hours. Out of a full 7 day week, you will have juice for a 24 hour period for? 72 hours. THAT. IS. IT."

Collapse is coming to California (as residents flee in droves).  If it's still true that "California leads the country," then collapse is coming to the entire country...

That's if we STILL HAVE A COUNTRY---which is seriously in doubt as the Capitol is walled-off and occupied by military force to keep out the evil, violent conservatives (white supremacists)!!  You do know that white Christian people are violent and destructive, right?

We supposedly elected a fungus as President. Kamala went back to California recently and exactly 2 people greeted her!! We're supposed to believe that these people got 80 million votes! Totally illegitament government! 

Collapse is enveloping our country right now.

1 comment:

  1. Garland Remington IIIFebruary 24, 2021 at 9:12 AM

    Not only is all of this true and so very sad, right after that it is absolutely disgusting within a second of thinking of how sad it is. Edit didn’t need to be this way. And now let’s look at something else, the same piece of shit they can just simply walk into a store in California and walk around with a shopping bag picking up this, picking up that, they can do their shopping for free and walk out.

    And that same person can walk up and rob you, strong arm robbery or non strong arm, “gimme your money!!” Without the use of any kind of a weapon, depending upon the location of the robbery in California, especially in the Los Angeles area, San Francisco area which both areas are the most far left, you’re going to get probation and not have to put up bail. According to the FBI uniform crime report California now leads the United States in, “Penal-Recidivism.”

    How long would you own a store and stay in business and financially be able to stay afloat when people can just walk in with a shopping cart or a shopping bag and walk around and do their shopping for free? How long? Not very long. Let’s look at something else. What say you are a businessman in your head of a corporation that has 50 stores like “Duluth Trading Company”, according to an article I read in the Wall Street Journal last year they have absolutely no intentions of ever opening a store anywhere inside the state of California.

    They hit there 50th store opening last August.95% are in the upper/mid to lower Midwest. So if you was going to open a store would you open a store anywhere’s in the state of California that now has the most relaxed criminal codes on the books out of all states? No, you would not. So what so many places closing down because they’re tired of being robbed, and then they get boarded up and no place is going to open up again if that location.

    The same thing with restaurants how long would you stay in business in your restaurant when people can just come in order a complete meal and then get up and walk out without getting arrested. How long? Not very long. Theft, robbery across the board, has been incentivized 100% in California. Across the board. Not only in California but this is all the way up to Pacific Coast to Seattle this is happening. It’s as if these places are in a race to see who can get to the very bottom, the quickest. And it didn’t have to be this way. It’s all up to the voters. You get what you vote for. Up until this last Presidential election.

    I will close with this, according to The Gateway Pundit, an article I read a week ago, on this past race and pertaining to how many days Biden actually hit the campaign trail, they quoted an article from Pew Research. “38 days. 6/12 hours.” let those figures sink in and never forget them..... that is the actual number of days that Joe Biden actually went out on the campaign trail and those are the hours each day he went out that he actually worked 6 1/2 hours or less.

    Not 1 boat parade did anyone do for him. And the same article was quoted as saying, “178 different boat parades. 3.4 million is estimated to have participated in all of these different boat parades that was held in different cities on the East Coast West Coast, Great Lakes, and throughout the Gulf Coast, and the Chesapeake Bay.

    And you expect me to believe that Joe Biden and his sidekick piece of shit won this past election fair and square? NOT ON YOUR LIFE.


Please send me your message or comments. Thanks in advance.