Wednesday, February 9, 2022

ESPN Shows How Black Racism Ruins Everything

If you want to ruin your business, make the majority of your employees Black. This is the recipe for ruin. It's because these people are the most ignorant, racist people on the planet. They literally ruin everything.  In reality, the black vernacular word "woke" means stupid, thus the expression "go woke, go broke." 

Similarly, if you want to ruin your community, your city or your country, then elevate Blacks to positions of "leadership" and give them a huge voice in media far exceeding their intelligence and share of the population. See my recent posts:  Destructive Minorities and Democrat's Hall of Shame, also When Blacks Are In Charge -- Crime, Corruption, Violence, Collapse, and When Latinos OR Blacks Are In Charge: Corruption, Crime, Murder & Destruction.   

That's happened at ESPN (like NBA, NFL) and it was engineered by "woke"stupid white management at Disney who are so full of shit that they can't see the REAL problem is black racism and their idiotic LEFTIST bullshit. They are unable to see that no matter how woke they become it will never be enough.  White employees at ESPN are not the problem. They are a voice of reason in a sea of black idiocy that ESPN has assembled.

ESPN is proud that they hire a black majority of their talent and employees, but wonder why viewership tanked in 2020 and 2021. Some of their viewership has recovered after they realized that their audience doesn't want stupid Leftist politics shoved down their throats. They want news and commentary about sports. Who knew?? 

It's not just at ESPN, but also the NBA and the NFL are unwatchable for me and many, many others. TV viewership has collapsed there, and even at the MLB for a time, after the ridiculous "kneeling" and allegations of systemic racist bullshit by millionaire black players.  BLM and "hands up, don't shoot" are based on lies if anyone bothered to look.

But, according to THEIR standards presently, there is very little "diversity" in these sports!  Some 80% of the players are black. Where's the whites??? RACIST!!!  Where's the equity that you demand?  What?  Sorry, I CAN'T HEAR YOU? 

Here's a recent Project Veritas video about the ANTI-WHITE racist nightmare that blacks have created at ESPN.

YouTube Link HERE.

Here's some notes about the video from Project Veritas at the YouTube page:  

  • Whistleblower-recorded audio and video show numerous ESPN employees discussing what they see as a toxic, racist workplace environment which directly contradicts the image that ESPN tries to project. 
  • In one clip, a black studio operator discusses, “the racial shit that happens in here all the time.” In another clip, a black woman working as an audio communications specialist says “that’s not how it is” when addressing the difference between ESPN’s workplace environment and social justice image. 
  • On-air talent Alyson Lang, who covers the SEC for ESPN: “I know the comments that have been made to me at work and the conversations that have been had in front of me at work, like, I mean just blatantly racist sh*t. Just blatantly, like, complaining to me that we have three white hosts, and I’m like, ‘What do you want me- do you want me to leave?’” 
  • On-air talent Matt Schick, who’s been with ESPN since 2012, said, “It has different connotations now,” when talking about what it’s like to tell people he works for ESPN. In the next soundbite, he calls ESPN, “a global entity of forced thought.” 
  • The whistleblower, ESPN Studio Operator Trevor Adams, sent a company-wide email outlining these concerns and was subsequently identified by the company as a “threat” which resulted in law enforcement being sent to his home. He was terminated soon after an attempt from Project Veritas to obtain a comment from Human Resources. and every place else where they are a majority.

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