Saturday, April 2, 2022

The Left's Hatred of America and Americans

From Michael Smith from Unlicensed Punditry

From top to bottom, the defining traits of the Biden administration (and the Democrat Party from whence it came) is the appeasement of Americas enemies and the bullying of America's citizens.

Jean Kirkpatrick coined the term “Hate America First” in her famous speech at the 1984 GOP national convention, she noted:

“The American people know that it’s dangerous to blame ourselves for terrible problems that we did not cause. They understand just as the distinguished French writer, Jean Francois Revel, understands the dangers of endless self- criticism and self-denigration. He wrote: ‘Clearly, a civilization that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself.’”

Kirkpatrick was speaking of a pathological problem with Democrats, the tendency to blame America before considering any other possibility. In the past 37 years, the only thing that has changed is that Kirkpatrick’s “Blame America First” has become “Blame AMERICANS First”, devolving from civilizational blame to the blame of individuals. America is evil because you are evil is the new hotness.

Those dangers are well established now as core principles of the Democrat Party – but more than just a political trait, generations of Americans have been reared, inculcated and indoctrinated in such a constant barrage of self-hate, it is now internalized in many as a foundational truth.

For Democrats, 'Hate America First' permeates their every waking hour, defines their beliefs, informs their personalities and controls their thoughts. Born of communist agitation, it spread to academic institutions of higher learning in the 1960’s, and as those graduates chose public service as professors and teachers, the intellectual and emotional blight that began in the leaves of the tree, spread to the limbs, then to the trunk, and now with the active corruption of children down to the kindergarten levels, it is now attacking the roots.

The ideas of social justice, Critical Race Theory, gender fluidity are just a few of the “gifts” the faculty lounges blessed us with.  Not content with infecting just academia, the graduates of those institutions carried the virus into the worlds of politics, government and the business, giving us identity politics, diversity, inclusion and equity efforts and environmental, social and government (ESG) social credit score systems (just like China).

The problem with Democrats goes deeper than politics, in truth, politics is the symptom, the outward expression of something akin to a mental illness. It is not classical narcissism – because it is not really rooted in love of self. Narcissists see others as inferior because they BELIEVE they are superior and simply cannot be wrong. This is almost a negative narcissism because the greatest fear of those affected is that they are inferior, that they are wrong. They carry a deeply rooted sense of frustration brought about by a crippling fear their inferiority will be discovered – and that fear results in striking out at others through blame-shifting.

Democrats are blamers.

We have all known at least one “blamer”. These are people who never take ownership of their own behavior, who, no matter what difficulty they experience, there is always someone or something else to blame for it, but never them. Have you ever heard a Democrat elected official accept responsibility for anything without claiming it was the fault of someone else?

Some common shibboleths from Democrat media outlets are:
  • Everything is caused by racism, but of course, I am not a racist – you are.
  • Our policies failed because you did not adequately support them.
  • Republicans are evil because they oppose our policies.
  • The policy of sending Covid positive patients back to nursing homes did not cause the increase in death rates, it was the staff that infected those people.
Opposition to our pork-filled “relief” bill means you want to starve kids.

The result of the 'Hate America First' epidemic are generations of people who are totally incapable of accepting responsibility for their actions. These people are true artists at twisting their reality into a justification of what they tell themselves: that they are simply not responsible for any consequence that results from their own actions (or inactions).

So comfortable they are in their self-deception, their delusion becomes as autonomic as breathing.

Individually, these 'Hate America First' suffering “blamers” are insufferable, but when aggregated into a group, the real trouble starts. These people are not anti-social, far from it – they tend to seek out others like them – other blamers who are willing to engage in perpetual “woe is me” pity parties. Blamers aggregate because there is safety in numbers, the association serves to assuage the fears and feelings of inferiority. The other blamers mutually sooth their insecurities by agreeing that nothing is really their fault, and all their issues arise from external sources.  The old saying that “Misery loves company” is especially applicable to Democrats.

'Hate America First' blamers see the other people as separate from them. They see others as slaves who must satisfy their tyrannical wants, needs and desires. Their perspective is “We command, and you obey”, and if you do not obey, they will make people feel that any misfortune is your responsibility and your fault – and they almost always find ways to make you pay for their mistakes.

And no matter what happens, no matter how many trillions are spent and wasted, no matter how much liberty is ceded to their agenda, they are never happy – and this unhappiness becomes their motivator.

Refusing to admit the unhappiness is due to the failure of their agenda, rather than accept that and change direction, not having a clue what to do, they blame you, double down in a death spiral of self-hate, appeasement and wasteful spending.

This, more than any faddish, flavor of the month philosophy is the leaf, branch, trunk and root of the Democrat Party and those who support and enable them.

The entire poisonous tree must be ripped out of the ground.

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