Thursday, April 14, 2022

‘Go Capture Her!’ Crazed Woke Mob Chases Buffalo U Student Who Invited Black Republican to Speak

Quote from the NY Post:

A University at Buffalo student said Monday she feared for life when she was chased by an angry [mostly black] mob last week after inviting black former Texas GOP Chair Lt. Col. Allen West to speak on campus about overcoming racism.

Therese Purcell, who is president of the Young Americans for Freedom at the university, said that she was forced to flee into a men’s bathroom after the on-campus event with West spiraled out of control.

Purcell said protestors derailed the Thursday night event — titled America Is Not Racist: Why American Values are Exceptional — during a Q&A segment with West.

She said the protesters — made up of black and white students — started screaming “no peace” and banging on the walls.

Purcell said West was escorted out by police and protesters started “hunting” her down as she tried to leave. She said that’s when she ran to the bathroom and called 911.

“I don’t think they were going to do anything remotely peaceful. They were a very angry mob, and they were clearly saying that they were trying to chase me, that they wanted to capture me,” Purcell said.

“I was really afraid for my life,” Purcell said.

Purcell said she had invited West, a former Florida congressman, to speak at the packed campus event about how he overcame racism — but she never expected it to be so controversial.

I don’t think they liked Colonel West’s message that he did experience racism … but he overcame that, and he decided not to be a victim … and that America gave him that equality of opportunity that many other countries don’t,” she said


This is what happens when you allow massive numbers of young people, who are unqualified to attend college, to take the indiscriminately-offered "free money" (govt "loans") and subsequently attend a "college". These govt loans have no real standards, stipulations or qualifications at all except a requirement to pay it back. 

What happened at University of Buffalo is happening all over the country in recent years. Thanks to indiscriminate government loans, massively ignorant students (blacks and latinos are the worst) are showing disrespect and intolerance of anyone who is even suspected of having conservative opinions or views. Most times these "mobs" pronounce a guilty verdict without knowing or listening to anything that a guest speaker might have said or written. They are just listening to rumors. Lt. Colonel Allen West is an honorable, amazing and successful (black) man, like so many, who is shut-down, cancelled, attacked based on suppostions or suspicion. 

It's hard to believe in the 21st Century that we are seeing something similar to "witch trials" as in 17th century Salem, Mass just because the victim is rumored and accused of something "heretical". No due process. No listening. No evidence permitted: just mob justice that is more reminiscent of primitive societies without rule of law -- LIKE IN AFRICA OR HAITI today.

In this case at U of Buffalo, crazed idiots were willing to use violence for basically nothing. The ignorance of these people is stunning. They might as well use Voodoo or use Tarot cards to pronounce guilt or innocence!   Primitives!  It's really the dumbass, ignorant and intellectually deficient Black kids that are the biggest problem.

It shouldn't be a surprise.  If you look at the data for black kids at the 12th grade high school level, only 10 to 15% of those kids are "proficient" or better at 12th grade studies but fully 71% of all black high-seniors are going to college! (many have already dropped-out by 12th grade)  Only ~10 to 15% of black high school graduates are qualified for college but 70% are taking the (free) money and going to school (and actually attending classes???). So, about 80% of black college kids don't belong at college at all (if you think 12th grade level proficiency is a good standard).  It's a similar situation for Latino kids, but slightly better.   See:

It is these kids who are perpetrating this "woke" bullshit on campuses and even demanding a new re-segregation for the black kids from the whites, because these black kids are so alienated from mainstream US culture and also are completely unable to compete with the white kids academically. 

Colleges are now remedial high schools to accommodate the influx of kids that shouldn't even be there. The school administrators jump on the woke bandwagon to accommodate these 2nd rate 'students' in order to keep the torrent of Federal money flowing!  They're getting rich! 

Universities, public and For-Profit schools are only glad to take the Federal Loan money and expand their curricula into "Gender Studies," "African-American Studies," turning at least part of their university into a "kindergarten" or "remedial high school" for the intellectually-deficient populations. U of Buffalo has all those bullshit courses--most colleges do.

The loan fraud is still expanding. It's funding a bunch of kids with inadequate intellect to go to "colleges" that accommodate these incompetents with bullshit majors taught by bullshit "professors". These dummies are the same morons shutting down free speech and promoting woke stupid ideas. We're talking about underqualified Hispanic and Black students, obviously.

Most of these students taking those loans now can easily see that they will get "amnesty" or forgiveness eventually; putting a $trillion or two onto the spiraling national debt. Blacks kids are not and will not pay back anything--that's guaranteed (they already are not paying anything). It's another Federal govt failure of massive proportions; basically another type of "welfare" fraud at the end of the day.

Government is the cause of all of our big problems. Black people remain America's biggest burden. Promoting less-qualified blacks and Latinos to high positions in corporations and governments tends to turn this country into Haiti or Africa---EXACTLY WHERE WE ARE HEADED.

1 comment:

  1. Garland Remington IIIApril 15, 2022 at 4:17 PM

    POP QUIZ: what race is it that built a successful and civilized society? Without the sharp point of a bayonet. Or under any kind of duress. What race I ask to anyone that read my entire comment. Next question.

    What race holds the most patents?

    Why couldn’t the black race make South Africa as prosperous and safe as the white race did? I mean come on man. The ones that live there always like to tout how it was always there homeland. Ok. I’ll bite. I buy it. It has always been their country so if anybody should know South Africa you would think it would be Black people. Right? you would think that Reece would know how to manage their own country better than white people. Then why is it THE ECONOMIST MAGAZINE Published an article here a while back titled,

    (It’s an excellent very long article and I read it. But The Economists Magazine is known for being extremely, loquacious. Here is a very small part.)

    “In South Africa, more people have loans than jobs”

    “Anybody that lives in South Africa or has lived in South Africa knows that the country has always been 2 countries existing inside of one. When it comes to banking we all know that It can make or break a person or a country. And in this country banking between the white race and the black race, is as different as, well, as different as black and white.

    You can go from one bank to another and in private, black loan officers will tell you that they will loan money to a white man far quicker than they will to a black man. Or a black family.

    Let’s take a black family where the man and wife are above average earners, with no kids anymore. They are grown and gone. And compare them up against a married white couple. In fact let’s give them 2 kids.”

    “And you can look at married white couples in the same tax bracket or even somewhat higher or even a little lower. The black, South African loan officer Will give the white married couple a car loan to a house loan quicker, over and above the black married couple.

    And the reason for that? The white and black foreign banking executives that are visiting and looking perplex ask that question. What they don’t know but they’re about to find out through all the charts and graphs, but let’s boil it down much quicker.

    Black men Who are the head of the house in all things, make no mistake about that to start off with, because the first time you do make this mistake in banking over here thinking that you should be giving a loan to them as a couple. No no no! Only to him. If he doesn’t set you straight quick enough, she will.”

    “But the cold fact is black men are notoriously horrible at numbers. At banking. At math. And for 100 years they have looked upon banks, looked at banking as, as some kind of casino, to go to get money anytime they want and to do everything they want to do with it.

    A 50 year old will have the banking mindset of a kid for Christ sakes. If anybody should be in charge of the money in these families it should actually be their children that was sent away to colleges in the United Kingdom or or in Germany or America. and then you wonder why our country stays in arrears on the world banking stage?”

    “ Nobody I know that is retired now from banking can remember a time during apartheid when they, when the government was run by the white race, no one can remember a time when it, they had to go borrow money from the world bank. Or to get International loans set up through the world bank, from “Global Financial Capital”

    “De Rothschild Banking Consortium” and today? this government might as well rent a suite down from 1818 H Street Northwest, Washington D.C., Which is the address for the world bank.”


Please send me your message or comments. Thanks in advance.