Thursday, August 4, 2022

Reader Guest Post: The Rubber Meets the Road in Jan 2023

From Mr. Drake at [Doug here: A reader asked me if I'd post something for them. I agreed in the spririt of welcoming all opinions. Below is Mr. Drake's post -- unedited except for the title. I don't have many followers, but if you'd like to be heard, send me something.]

When will accomplishment begin? When will the chattering and random activities segue into execution? More important than “the what” is “the when” – and the reason for this is simple: An excellent leader, with a great team, can determine a range of “whats”, but only at some correct moment. He or she needs to expend enough energy to create heft and mass at the rank and file level, but reserve enough to be able to play the infinite game. It's delicate.

We've reached the “when” moment. The four key things that a new leader (whether in a 2023 GOP Congress to fund it or a new America First President in 2025) must do – and make no mistake, most American Firsters would welcome the chance to execute now – are:
  • Close the border.
  • Reestablish King dollar.
  • Push back against Communist China.
  • Remove the illegals.

Congress should, immediately upon taking office in January next year, push through a greased-rail bill to permanently support a wall and kinetic action against wall breachers. It should take action to lower taxes (lowering corporate taxes will provide an incentive for paying employees more and for lowering the cost of goods and services) and to reduce regulation – two things that President Trump did during his first term. Congress needs to strike all social engineering from our military (CRT, sexualization issues, safe spaces, etcetera), and fund the capability to set conditions against China – doing things to gain competitive advantage in: physical, cognitive, and informational access; associating massive amounts of information without becoming a victim of the information volume; achieving persistence in the environment even when it's not apparent that p those that are ersistence is needed; and physical, cognitive, and informational projection: who do we hit, who do we pay, who do we hug, who do we influence, and every niche in between those.

That's the first three things. Removing illegals is simpler than one might expect – it's incentive-based, capitalizing on enlightened self-interest. First, Congress should cease payments for any service for non-citizens without permits. Second, Congress should provide substantial incentives to states that strengthen this cessation, as well as states that craft laws to actively prosecute and punish those individuals, companies, or non-profits that hire any illegal alien for any work whatsoever. The effect will be ant trails back across the border, because without services or work, the only thing left for illegals would be crime – that would be the only non-incentive-based response. Illegal crime would result in banishment from the U.S. – it will be cheaper than incarceration or providing services.

Those four elements will restore dignity to not only our cultural heritage, but to the elected officials who stand up for our laws and traditions. We are not a nation that eschews immigrants, but we have not, until very recently, been a nation that permits uncontrolled flow of illegal aliens across our borders.

It will reduce our population. It will reduce crime. It will reduce the cost of government to taxpayers (and, in fact, reduce the size and number of government agencies that are currently responsible for managing the services and flow of illegals).

Those are four immediate interventions for society to regain purchase on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They will calm the majority, they will lower the crime, health, and welfare pressure on cities (the rhetoric of santuary cities is just that – rhetoric), and they will restore, for our legal immigrants and nationalized citizens, the purpose in their lives that led to them going through the process of becoming an American. Of course, immigration reform, in the nature of regulatory and temporal processes being reduced or simplified, can be a sub-set of the above, but Congress and an American First President should not wait for this reform to take action.

That's phase one that will be in the interest of preserving the union. The next phase is what I define by the acronym TADPOLE. Congress and the next President need to be confident in taking measures to cull those with TADPOLE affinities from government (and states and counties and municipalities, too).

T: Taxation for leftist causes – mostlysupported by Democrats, but there are Republicans that are in this camp, too. First would be to simply lower taxes for individuals. Next, there would be caps on pork-related issues. Finally, as a nod to fiscal policy, all funding for leftist extremes would be eliminated and this codified into law.

A: Abortions on demand have been, by the U.S. Supreme Court, pushed to the state level, but there should be no federal support for this, nor federal allowance of it in any government agency.

D: Drug legalization – in the middle of an epidemic of lung disease, opiate addiction and related deaths, addicted street bums taking up slovenly and lazy residence on the sidewalks of our once beautiful cities, and children being exposed to drug use in person, in digital media, and in homes of adults who find nothing wrong with using any kind of non-prescribed drugs, many locales are decriminalizing or legalizing drugs and the use of them. This must stop. We have fought a war on drugs for more than 50 years, mostly focusing on producers, distributers, dealers, and transporters. It is time to dry up the systemic cause and focus on the user. “Programs” and kindness have failed. Users must receive severe penalties for use. Any user of any illicit drug or un-prescribed pharmaceutical is subject to these laws – the federal government must provide incentives for states to begin and sustain this approach.

P: Prurience abounds in our society at all levels. The homosexual / transexual agenda must be rolled back and zero federal dollars invested into aberrant behavior. Sexually explicit lyrics, video games, hyper-sexualized feature films, and especially schooling of sexualization must be eradicated via law, regulation, policy, and eventually, culture.

O: Open borders are a crime against the U.S. and against those who are paid (or who pay) to come across. Close the border. Reinvigorate the Border Patrol and fund it. Support states that use the border as just that: a barricade to entry by all except those with legal reasons for crossing.

LE: Law enforcement can no longer be “defunded”, disregarded, or shown disrespect. The Congress should craft legislation that prohibits states from lowering police protection below certain limits, based on an algorithm that would include population, crime statistics, state budgets, and regions within the states with proximity to higher crime areas.

The costs here are not exorbitant, and they are essential to plug the leaks from within and to respond to the intensity of conflicts from without. We will regain our place on the world stage (people follow strength in leadership), we will regain our respect for law, and we will re-establish our common goal of ensuring the possibility of prosperity and individual rights for those who work for them.

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