Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Green New Deal Was Always a Bolshevik Power Grab: Now EV Mandates, Hostility to Nuclear & Fossil Fuels and Food Production. But Wait, There's More!

Central-Planning-On-Steroids by the Dumbest and Most Evil People On Earth: the Tyrannical Democrats. Where's There Plan for $10 Trillion in Grid and Generation Expansion?
(Most of the links below work fine but point to the Substack version of the same article. Don't worry.)

The desperate efforts by Democrats to steal national power in 2020 election was really a giant Bolshevik power grab, partly in the guise of the Green New Deal. After the 2020 sham election (unlike Dems, it’s ok to disagree with that characterization), the Democrats are determined to completely control your life.  Of course this is insane as they can’t even control their own lives!

In a way, it's the Socialists last gasp, as Biden, Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, Fetterman and others are very elderly and/or on their way out. It was really now or never. But they’re all dumbass grifters, incompetents, criminals that could never thrive in the private sector. They’re nearly all verge on being sociopaths, psychopaths and/or anal retentive and/or self-righteous busy-bodies who are drunk with power and feel they know what’s best for you (even though they are some of the worse fuck-ups and criminals!!).

This Communist coup has been gaining ground for quite a long time. The Left's agenda is really about control which slowly evolves into total control and power over your life, ie., Marxism or Bolshevism. The EPA has been grabbing huge power for many years, even decades. Federal prosecutors are already running roughshod over ordinary citizens and political opponents. Weaponized IRS agents are already a reality.

The Communist Democrat party (totally not democratic) will want a ‘carbon police; force/army, they want to limit your personal transportation options, limit food production due to the phony nitrogen and carbon “problems” that they don’t understand at all. Then, they’ll need gun-control police to search your house (already happening). Oh, I almost forgot, they want to outlaw gas stoves, gas grills, gas lawnmowers and motorcycles. That’s why they need “carbon police.”

Then they’ll need an ARMY of “equal pay”police to adjudicate business decisions for businesses. Good luck if you disagree. Then, of course, they want to cancel paper money and force you to use Government digital coins for total monitoring and control of the population —so they can default on all the debt. And of course Democrats want national government-provided medical care so they can control all your medical decisions and force doctors to conform to government mandates (already happening with vaccine mandates, suppression of vacine injuries and inexpensive covid treatments, etc).

All of this GIGANTIC government expansion would require much higher taxes. Then, no one will be able to save money for retirement, so you'll become a "ward of the state" from cradle to grave where you depend on Government for your medical care and your retirement money. And if you don't like it, then you will be considered crazy like in the Soviet Union and be institutionalized in psychiatric wards.  If you're conservative, medical treatment can be withheld entirely. See where this goes? Soviet Union, here we come!

But wait! There’s more!

EPA’s Power Grab Based On False Premises

From my 2020 post "'EPA Carbon Regulation Power Grab," I talk about the unlawful abuse of the Clean Air Act by the government to regulate an essential and natural trace gas in the atmosphere, CO2. They did this under the phony guise that carbon dioxide is "harmful or threatening to human health." 

This is patently false. Unlike other gases such as man-made sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide is an essential and naturally occurring trace gas at about 0.040% in air, and it's absolutely essential for all plant and crops that require it for their photosynthesis. To call such levels harmful to human or public health is a vast overstretch that must be reversed. CO2 is essential to human life. And even if it’s causing a small amount of warming, it’s not a killer. It is COLD THAT IS THE REAL KILLER.

The Supreme Court in 2022 indeed ruled that the EPA needed explicit legislative authority to regulate carbon. From the Devoise lawfirm:

“The Supreme Court decided West Virginia v. EPA by a vote of 6-3 on the basis of the major questions doctrine. In a majority opinion written by Chief Justice Roberts, the Court held that the EPA exceeded its authority in proposing the Clean Power Plan’s emissions reduction system. The major questions doctrine, as described by the majority, “refers to an identifiable body of law that has developed over a series of significant cases all addressing a particular and recurring problem: agencies asserting highly consequential power beyond what Congress could reasonably be understood to have granted.” The Court determined that the doctrine requires clear congressional authorization in order for a court to uphold agency actions in extraordinary cases where the agency’s action is of “economic or political significance” or broadly regulates a “fundamental sector of the economy.”

Expect the Biden Bolsheviks to ignore this ruling. Nothing can stop these power-drunk fools and idiots. It’s part of a larger power grab to subvert your freedoms, increase strong-armed enforcement actions in many areas and take over the economy through higher spending to control all aspects of your life.

As I’ve said, we’re becoming more like the old Soviet Union everyday as Russia is recovering from it’s communist nightmare. Now our “regime” is trying to force electric vehicles on the population—whether you want them or not. All based on faulty climate models that are ALL funded by government-funded entities and already proven wrong (as they still forecast dire environmental catastrophes). It’s just phony govt propaganda at this point. Democrats believe this Malthusian crap! They don’t have a lick of common sense like Conservatives.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hoping to target gas vehicles in an attempt to reduce emissions. They want 67% of new personal vehicles will be electric by 2032 plus a significant amount of amount of heavy transport converted to electric (feasible??). Nevermind that the average price of an electric vehicle (EV) is $64,338 today.

As often happens with Government-mandated central planning, it usually goes completely off the rails. With government mandates, expect strains to all of the various supply chains, and resource limitations, and demand exceeding supplies to probably DOUBLE the average cost of electric cars in ten years. $64K is already huge. $128K is absurd.

And why aren’t hybrid vehicles good enough?? The truth is that we need much MUCH LESS regulated, and therefore CHEAPER ICE cars; but that wouldn’t even occur to dimwit gov’t types.

Where’s the Plan and Funding for Massive Grid and Gigantic Power Generation Additions?
Then, there’s the enormous costs of expanding the electric grids to accommodate double or triple the current loads. In California, the state is already asking people to refrain from charging during hot weather because of THE POTENTIAL FOR THE GRID TO COLLAPSE.

In my Electrical Generation And Grids and Must VASTLY Expand To Accommodate Transportation Loads, I guesstimated that we needed to expand power generation by a factor of TWO or THREE: ie., double or triple our current generation capacity. Transportation loads are huge! Then I said that electric grids had to at least DOUBLE in size. Let’s call it a new and parallel electrical grid. Let’s call the new grid cost as $5 TRILLION.

Here’s where it gets so absurd, that it’s laughable.

I analyzed the data and we must double or triple the power generation using solar and wind (and nuclear?) to meet the impossible zero emissions. Then we ALSO need to double or triple the amount of power generation capacity of FOSSIL OR NUCLEAR ELECTRICAL ENERGY because solar and wind power itself NEEDS A 100% BACKUP CAPACITY. So, to live in a zero emissions fantasy world, you need to build out solar and wind (if you can find the land and money), then 100% duplicate this additional capacity with conventional electricity generation!! YOU NEED TWO COMPLETE GENERATION SYSTEMS to live in your phony dream world.

This where it gets REAL interesting and depressing: that entire additional fossil and/or nuclear generation will often remain in a hot standby mode. This means, that you have to build it out all of those new generation plants and pay (subsidize) those conventional power companies to be online and ready in a hot-standby mode. SO YOU DOUBLE THE COST OF POWER RIGHT THERE: pay for an all solar/wind system PLUS an equal amount of new fossil/nuclear capacity for near-100% backup!! How could this ever work or even be close to affordable? It’s not. Look at Germany, where power is 3X the cost of US power. ($0.35 per kw-hr vs. $0.12 per kw-hr)

So, to summarize, it’ll be a $8 to $13 TRILLION boondoogle:

  • you need TO ADD an entirely new parallel electrical grid at $5 to 10 trillion (a SWAG: swinging wild ass guessing).

  • Then you need massive increase in power generation using wind and solar (which is less than 10% of current power generation and IF you can find the resources and land to build all those solar panels and find enough suitable wind-gathering locations) Cost: about $1 Trillion

  • AND MATCH all of that with an ADDITIONAL 100% build-out conventional fossil/nuclear/coal/battery power supplies that most remain on standby!! All this to accomodate transport electrical loads—the Democrat’s wet dream. Cost: $2 Trillion

  • All of this activity would need vast oil/gas/diesel energy to mine and manufacture all of this. The US doesn’t even have the manufacturing infrastructure, so we’ll be buying all this crap from China.

This entire scheme may likely not even work as a stable electric grid needs to be stabilized by MANY gigantic and heavy spinning armatures of vast numbers of generators to provide the necessary momentum to prevent power droops and power drop-outs as loads come online/go offline. It's the heavy mechanical rotations of thousands of generators that maintain a stable 60 Hz in our alternating current system. You have none of that with wind and solar. The truth is that anything over 10 to 15% of our electrical power by solar and wind is uneconomic and technically unmanageble.

First, where’s the smart-ass Democrat’s plan to execute the huge $5 to $10 TRILLION national electric grid expansion and QUADRUPLING TO SEXTUPLING OF total power generation expansion that includes a 100% fossil/nuclear/coal power backup? Do you think bartender AOC, or dipshit Ilhan Omar, or braindead Biden knows ANYTHING about any of this??? There would be ZERO people in government that understands ANY OF THIS. They’re all idiots!!

All this because government-funded “researchers” issue alarming (and wrong) predictions using already-faulty climate models!! Let’s bankrupt the country!

Look, this is so absurd that it won’t happen because it can’t happen.

None of it is practical in the least,

It will not even work,

And we can’t afford it.

Finally, the climate change “emergency: is not even an emergency at all—not even close. It’s just a big power grab by Malthusian and evil Democrats.

And the unvarnished truth is that affordable fossil fuels might only last another 50-100 years or so, so we really need to focus NOW on building nuclear reactors to provide our baseload power for our carbon-free future: SMR nuclear reactors, Thorium reactors and latest generation nuclear plants.

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