Saturday, August 12, 2023

Governments Intentionally Causing Civil Unrest 'Crises' To Impose Totalitarian Power Per the Cloward-Piven Strategy


From Martin Armstrong here and here:

Criminals have the right of way in the US where they are permitted to commit crimes with absolutely no repercussions. I advise you to read my article on the Cloward-Piven Strategy if you want to know the real reason this is all happening.

Overburden the bureaucracy to break the system, create controlled chaos, usurp power as civil unrest peaks, and offer government aid as the only solution. This was the basis behind the Cloward-Piven strategy created by sociologists Frances Fox Piven and her husband, Richard Cloward. The couple published their theory in The Nation Magazine on May 2, 1966, entitled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty.”

The four steps of the Cloward-Piven Strategy:

  1. Overload and Break the Welfare System

  2. Have Chaos Ensue

  3. Take Control in the Chaos

  4. Implement Socialism and Communism through Government Force

In Chicago, we see mobs of people absolutely destroying small businesses and personal property. It is not safe there. Yet, the mayor refuses to call these groups “mobs” and urges the public to have compassion for the criminals.

In Oakland, California, the police are advising residents to place security bars on their doors and windows due to the uptick in crime. Burglaries have risen over 41% in Oakland and robberies are up 20%. Instead of properly telling residents that their 2A rights may be the only difference between life and death, the police have advised residents to use airhorns. Breitbart reported on a recent incident that went as expected:

“On Sunday, July 30, 2023, a 75-year-old Oakland woman was home alone and armed with more than an airhorn when two alleged armed intruders entered her home. The woman had a .357 Magnum revolver, which she used to fire one shot at the alleged intruders, KTVU reported. The alleged intruders fired multiple shots then fled the scene.”

Clearly, the airhorns did not cause the criminals to flee. This woman is lucky that she was armed when criminals, likely career criminals who fail to contribute to society in any meaningful way, broke into her home.

In Stockton, California, a 7-Eleven convenience store owner was robbed by the same man on multiple occasions. The police did not assist the clerk after he pleaded for help numerous times. There are videos showing the same man casually robbing the store. “Look how relaxed he is. That’s the Democratic law in California where the criminal is the victim because, you know, ‘the system is racist‘,” Fox News contributor Leo Terrell commented.

The store owner finally decided to fight back. He did not use lethal force but began beating the career criminal with a broomstick as another man held him down. They can’t cry racism because the store owner is Sikh. The criminal began complaining that he was in pain and cried on camera, causing the tables to turn, and the store owner was placed under investigation as if HE was the criminal!. You are permitted to steal up to a certain amount in California; Newsom has ensured it by law. So technically this “criminal” is a law-abiding citizen in the state of California.

Self-defense in Biden’s America is now considered vigilantism. They are following the Cloward-Piven model and ensuring that chaos ensues across the nation. Then they will cry that we need gun control – so that these vigilantes who don’t want to be harmed by criminals cannot protect themselves and must rely on the police who are not permitted to protect them. Blue cities in this country are absolutely ruined

[Doug here: Unlimited and indiscriminate immigration (here and abroad) has also been encouraged to “overburden the bureaucracy, break “the system,” and create chaos per Cloward-Piven. The immigration “crisis,” created by Democrats, has reached major US cities.

It started in 1965, when Democrats passed the Hart Cueller Immigration Act that intentionally shut down our traditional and preferred immigration, ie., European immigrants (read: white persons), in a rejection of our predominate cultural roots, and switched to all brown and black immigrants. Fast forward 55 years, immigration is now completely and utterly out of control and indiscriminate. If terrorists are being let in, so be it! The Democrats are OK with that. They WANT revolution and chaos.

Secondly, encouraging ethnic minorities to feel and remain aggrieved is also a key part of their plan. This, even though racial injustices HAVE BEEN MORE THAN FIXED in the US some sixty years ago in the 1960s to the present.

You see, the heyday for Dems was the 1960s and the passage of the Great Society welfare programs. Lyndon Johnson launched his "war on poverty"in January 1964 in an effort to reduce poverty in this country. Since then, at least 30% of this $23 Trillion, or $8 Trillion, was spent on the Black population since in a very real attempt at "reparations."

Unfortunately none of these programs has had its desired effect. The crucial academic gap has not closed, crime remains horribly high, illegitimacy verges on universal. "Reparations" has helped to cause a complete and utter Black cultural collapse.

Instead of accepting blame for said collapse, the Democrats pretend that nothing has been fixed in the country in order to keep 50 and 60 year old greivances alive with their favored racial minority. It’s worked to our country’s detriment. Now they are openly anti-white.

So today, Democrats not only label the half of the country that supported president Trump “racist,” they label all whites and America itself “racist.” If your son or daughter attends or recently attended an American university, it is close to certain he or she was repeatedly told that America and all whites are racist.  (But isn't calling every person of a certain color racist, in fact, racist? Of course it is. It’s systemic anti-white racism courtesy of Dems.)

The Democrats have openly announced that they “Identify” as Black in solidarity with black persons. (Also see Democrats: From Black Oppression to Black Supremacy.) Accordingly, Democrats and their lapdog presstitutes have become the party of Black. Black rule, South Africa style, is now imposed by Democrats in America; and are actively the Anti-white party— intent on denigrating and persecuting conservative whites, especially Trump supporters. Three letter Government agencies, too numerous to mention, are now proven to have infiltrated all social media and mass media companies and are pushing anti-white tropes and actively suppressing conservative white opinions —especially if it's a black conservative. Now, back to Martin Armstrong: (Doug Out!)]

Cloward and Piven noted that civil unrest was necessary to create change and encouraged the government to antagonize the masses. “The poor are most visible and proximate in the local community; antagonism toward them (and toward the agencies which are implicated with them) has always, therefore, been more intense locally than at the federal level.” As the anger brews and protests erupt, the government will lasso in the masses, acted as both the hero and the villain.

“In order to generate a crisis, the poor must obtain benefits, which they have forfeited. Until now, they have been inhibited from asserting claims by self-protective devices within the welfare system: its capacity to limit information, to intimidate applicants, to demoralize recipients, and arbitrarily to deny lawful claims.”

Tell the people that they are victims and instill a sense of entitlement for their neighbor’s assets. Remind the people consistently that they are oppressed and only an equal distribution of wealth can save them from the confines of poverty. Cloward and Piven insisted that hard work could not “elevate the poor en-mass from poverty.”

“The ultimate objective of this strategy–to wipe out poverty by establishing a guaranteed annual income,” the theory clearly stated. The theory stated that the creation of unions was a good start to bargain collectively, but still not enough to solve poverty. “Union leaders have understood that their strength derives almost entirely from their capacity to provide economic rewards to members,” the theory noted. “A federal program of income redistribution has become necessary to elevate the poor en masse from poverty,” meaning a shift away from capitalism entirely.

Cloward and Piven stated that a minimum standard of living must be provided to the people through federal welfare. That right must be guaranteed to end oppression, thereby ensuring Guaranteed Basic Income. Furthermore, there could be no conditions for benefits as it “results in violations of civil liberties.” Therefore, expecting able-bodied people to work would be an attack on the welfare system. The sociologists insisted that most people were in fact eligible for welfare and encouraged the government to advertise in brochures, schools, stores, churches, civic centers, and public housing projects. They even advised the government to send people door-to-door to explain to people that they are oppressed and deserving of GBI as a “civil education drive will lend it legitimacy.”

“As the crisis develops, it will be important to use the mass media to inform the broader liberal community about the inefficiencies and injustices of welfare.” To succeed, the shift away from capitalism required “mass influence” and “publicly visible disruption.” “Crisis can occur spontaneously (e.g., riots) or as the intended result of tactics of demonstration and protest, which either generate institutional disruption or bring unrecognizable eruption to public attention.”

The bigger the crisis, the more power the government could usurp. They noted that politicians paid attention to massive uprisings, and they had been used to “reinforce the allegiance of growing ghetto constituencies to the national Democratic Administration.” The sociologists noted that the Conservative Republicans would decry a public welfare system and that the Democrats needed to appeal to the emotions of the people over logic. They also urged for “a coalition between poor whites and poor Negroes” to turn the race war into class warfare.

“Once eligibility for basic food and rent grants is established, the drain on local resources persists indefinitely.” Cloward and Piven wanted to overburden the welfare system at the state level to eliminate state rights. Therefore, under this theory, government is encouraged to market a crisis, antagonize the people, and offer a solution. The only solution being to replace capitalism with socialism or communism by which the people would be entirely dependent on government.

You will own nothing and be happy?

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