Wednesday, August 16, 2023

All the Crazy Lies, Hoaxes, Falsehoods and Phony Democrat Talking Points

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

President Ronald Reagan

Sorry but we live in a society that is built on false pretenses and hoaxes. Here’s a list of various hoaxes and lies that we are currently living through:

Trump Impeachment Hoaxes #1, #2

Diversity is our strength (If You Want Murder, Crime, Decay, Rape and Bombings)

President Trump said that Nazis and White supremacists as “very fine people” in Charlottesville (Trump specifically disavowed white supremacy in that speech)

Russia, Russia Russia hoax

President Trump “incited” the J6 “riot”

J6 was an insurrection

Jeff Epstein hung himself

Obama was competent

JFK Was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. The CIA had nothing to do with it.

There is no list of 46 Clinton Associates who mysteriously died

You will own nothing and be happy.

Safe and effective

Only two weeks to slow the spread

Ilhan Omar Loves This Country

BLM/Antifa protests were “mostly peaceful.”

Blacks are intellectually equal to whites

Welfare and income supports have improved black culture since the 60s (for some, that's true, so it's a mixed picture)

More taxes are good because they will cure income inequality.

Social Security has a "lock box" of money stashed for use by baby boomers

Women really are facing discriminatory pay difference, ie., there really is a "war" on women

Silicon Valley Democrats believe in freedom of speech

Hydroxychloroquine is not only useless against COVID-19, but extremely dangerous

Children in the womb are not human and therefore disposable

Climate Change is an emergency that requires more government, even world government, to take charge and fix it!!

Gretchen Whitmer Phony "Kidnapping" Case was NOT a Hoax (FBI Entrapped Americans)

America has a free press.

Russia "hacked the election of 2016"

Russia (Vladimir Putin in particular) is bent on destroying the USA.

All immigrants, legal or illegal, have equal status before the law.

National borders are inconvenient, cruel, and obsolete.

Western Civilization is a malignant force in human history.

Islam is “the religion of peace,” no matter how many massacres of “infidels” are carried out in its name.

The hijab (head covering for Muslim women) is a device of liberation for women.

Men are a negative force in society. White men are especially negative.

Any and all discussions about race problems and conflicts are RACIST!!!

There should be a law against using the wrong personal pronoun for people who consider themselves neither men nor women (recently passed by the Canadian parliament).

A unifying common culture is unnecessary in national life

Colonizing Mars is a great solution to problems on Earth. (Never mind that there’s no air or water and that it’s as cold as Antartica at -150 deg F.)

Democrats want you to believe that NRA members are criminals.

UFOs are someone's fantasy

Systemic racism exists for Blacks.

There is widespread, racially motivated Police brutality.

There is no correlation between race and IQ, violence, criminal activity, work ethic and other traits.

Transgenders is entirely an organic movement and not a fad.

America has fair elections.

Equal protection under the law and equal application of the law.

That Joe Biden is President and is making all of his own decisions

Requiring voter id discriminates against some races of people.

Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian Disinformation.

White supremacists are the main terrorists, not radical muslims.

George Floyd’s was “murdered”

Michael Brown in Ferguson had his hands up and begged “don’t shoot.” (as he attacked Officer Wilson the 2nd time.)

Treyvon Martin wasn’t beating George Zimmerman to death when GZ shot him.

Freddy Gray death in custody of Baltimore cops was police brutality.

Covid masks reduce transmission, quarantines slowed the spread, the vaccine is 90% effective in protecting you,

Covid didn’t originate in a Chinese military lab in Wuhan it was natural.

SCOTUS Justice Brent Kavanaugh was leader of a gang rape ring.

SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas sexually harassed Anita Hill while Anita Hill voluntarily followed Thomas from job to job working for him.

Hate crime hoaxes: Jussie Smollet, Carlee Russel kidnap hoax, Duke Lacrosse rape hoax, Black attacks on Asians called white supremacy, college campus hate crime hoaxes, etc, etc.

The 2017 MeToo targeting Trump uncovers nothing but leftist men who got away with harassment due to their Leftist privilege: Harry Weinstein, Charlie Rose, John Conners, Matt Lauer, Chris Matthews, Ron Jeremy, Al Frankin, Danny Masterson, James Franco. Bill Clinton and Joe Biden still get a pass with Leftist privilege.

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