Monday, April 22, 2024

Strong Alert: Armstrong is Looking for the Start of War in May

Martin Armstrong’s private blog is suggesting that the start of a new World War may date from around May 7th, 2024 according to 72 of his computer-based models. That date also happens to coincide with Putin’s inauguration date. It’s a key target for his models.

Putin and Orban both have been warning repeatedly that more NATO troops in the Ukraine (there are already some there and Putin knows it) means the potential for the start of World War III. I guess you can say that it’s already starting. I had links open, but just search in Bing ‘Putin warning of World War III,’ or ‘Orban warning of World War.’

How many warnings does “The West” need?

It doesn’t matter because the plan by Western Governments is WAR with Russia. It’s been “in the works” since the US interference in Ukraine’s election in 2014 where the US (Hillary and Victoria Nuland) “installed” a Pro-EU prime minister instead of the “peace with Russia” candidate. It’s been “in the works” since “The West” has decided not to abide by the Minsk I and II accords and keep attacking Russian speaking persons in the Donbas. It’s also been “in the works” since the West scuttled peace talks with Zelensky and Russia which triggered Russia’s 2022 Special Military Operations. Russia DID NOT START THIS. IT’S ENTIRELY THE FAULT OF ‘THE WEST.’ See The US is to Blame for War in Ukraine from July 2022.

See my post The Blood of Millions of Innocent People Are On the Hands of Hillary, Kristol, Nuland, Obama and All the Insane Neocons That Have Now Hijacked America. I may need to update the post to reflect “the Blood of Billions….” I’m dead serious here.

I’ve written, in January 25, 2023, also from Martin Armstrong, a post entitled Armstrong: Russia Already Preparing for NATO Invasion. Be assured that Russia has revived it’s armament and munitions factories to fight Ukraine and also to take into account this external threat. Now that Putin has won another election by a landslide, he’s ready.

The EU and US don’t even have many munitions—they’ve already squandered them in the Ukraine meat grinder. US defense industries are not making munitions and probably can’t. (I said that the US is a “can’t do” country as nothing works anymore.) Ukraine doesn’t have any more men to send to the frontline as up to 500,000 men and boys have died FOR NOTHING. The US military is focusing on woke bullshit and is led by fools. The US doesn’t even have a Strategic Oil Reserve; it was released by our brain-dead “leadership” in a failed attempt to keep oil prices down.

The entirely ignorant West ignores the many doomsday weapons that Russia has developed. They have a monster submarine(s that has/have nuclear torpedos that could set-off massive tsunamis wiping away coastal cities in their entirety. They also have hypersonic weapons that travel at Mach 15 or more. These multi-warhead hypersonics also have evasive manueuvering upon re-entry to the Earth’s atmosphere to foil counter measures. To this day, “The West” has no answer to the Hypersonic weapons.

I urge you to see Alex Krainer: Russia's Hypersonic Weapons Change Everything; The US Has No Defense Against Them and US Checkmated by Russia and China Hypersonic "Orbital Bombardment" Missiles.

“The West” apparently is entirely ignorant of Russia’s propensity to use Nuclear Weapons in war since Russia doesn’t have the military might to counter all the Western forces (even as emaciated as they are). Their strategy all along is the use of nukes to defend the motherland. We’re really facing an armageddon scenario and quickly.

Armstrong thinks that the first nuclear weapon launched may be detonated in the upper atmosphere or in near-space over the EU and/or the US. This would disable GPS satellites with little radioactive fallout. (I find it unbelievable that I am writing this message.) And Armstrong thinks it all might start in May 2024. I hope that I am not giving away too much of Martin’s private blog. Martin, please forgive me as I only have about 350 followers and derive no revenue from these posts. I suggest readers subscribe to Armstrong Economic's private blog.

This nuclear weapon propensity of Russia may be why Deagal dot com issued it’s forecast for a 70% decrease in population of the EU and US by 2025 in it’s forecast back in 2014. Deagal is a defense weapon intelligence service like Janes and they are aware of Russian capabilities more than anyone else. See Predicts US and EU Population COLLAPSES 70% by 2025. Also Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast.

All this information is holding together very well. It’s very scary actually.

Armstrong also suggests that the warmongering West is desperate to create a distraction from the fact that their “war project” in Ukraine is rapidly falling apart. Ukraine is losing and is near collapse. Unpopular “leaders” in ‘The West’ are also hoping to distract attention their failing and unpopular policies, and to distract from the incessant increases in market interest rates. The US bond markets have been seeing increasing inflation pressure from truly insane and out-of-control US government spending. Bonds are also sensing war— with interest rates rising sharply. We’re witnessing the final looting of America.

Furthermore Martin indicates that the insane Western “leadership” is looking for an excuse to declare Martial Law and force mail-in voting in yet more manipulation of the vote and our populations. Martial law under Dementia Biden and his unknown handlers!? I shudder to think, but here we are. Geez. And it’s all because the Democrats were able to steal the elections in 6 of the battleground states. Remember, Biden in a Freudian slip, said that “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” In dementia veritas. Paging Dr. Freud.

Anyway you look at it, it’s a total nightmare situation. The West Has Already Fallen. We're seeing it unfold.

This is why I’m in Asia my friends. I want to be as far away from The West as I can be.

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