Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Where is the $50+Billion "Aid For Ukraine" Actually Going?

From "The Dossier" by Jordan Schachtel

The United States has now delegated some $56 billion in new money to debase the currency “for Ukraine,” but hardly any of it is actually going to the Ukrainian people.

Due to President Trump, the D.C. war machine spent 2016 to 2020 starving for a monetary replenishment. And now that they have their man in the White House, along with easy consensus in the legislature, it’s time to cash in.

Wherever your opinion resides on this proxy war/inter-slavic spat 5,000 miles away on the Russia-Ukraine border region, reality cannot be denied.

The $56 billion and counting in “aid for Ukraine” that’s passing through the American legislature primarily serves the purpose of greasing the skids of the D.C. Beltway ruling class. And you’re paying for it.

If you think the people of Ukraine are going to see one dime of this money, think again. Not even the “humanitarian aid” portions of the assistance will reach the Ukrainian people, as it will be absorbed by a variety of DC lawyers, lobbyists, NGOs, and other well connected middle men. See: Afghanistan.

If they gave the bill a more accurate title, it would be called the “Money For Raytheon And Friends” bill, as the majority of the funds from the latest $40 billion behemoth will be used to supply weapons purchase orders, and resupply weapons that were already sent to Ukraine, which arrived with a seeming back room deal to add to the deep pockets of the weapons manufacturers back home.

Those who have become consumed by corporate press and government war propaganda are being used as useful marks for this agenda.

This is only the beginning of the money printing “for Ukraine.” Uniparty legislators agree that they will need to print much more money “for Ukraine” in the coming months, if not sooner.

Sadly, the people of Ukraine will probably not see one penny of the $56+ billion (and counting) delegated "for Ukraine,” and it’s all by design. This latest replenishment bill much more resembles money laundering via the narrative of America’s undeclared war against Russia. Money is being printed and distributed to a small group of wealthy regime insiders on the backs of the American taxpayer.

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