Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Destroy the Washington DC Blob: Repeal 1913 Income Tax and Fed Reserve Acts

For the sake of our country and the World, Washington DC must die. We are long past my exhortation that Trump must brutally purge the seditious, treasonous, slanderous Left in our country before the end of his administration. It was really the only opportunity to put an end to the Left's sedition, lies and national destruction.  I said the following in August 2020:

The degree of corruption in Washington, on a scale of 1 to 10, is a 12. Nothing is working properly in Washington or the Fed. government. We can't even trust the Judicial system as so many appointees are Obama- or Hillary-loving political hacks. We don't have ANYTHING functioning in Washington. The vast majority of the "deep-state" in Washington (mostly Democrats) is committed to the treasonous removal and reversing the Constitutional election of Trump and preventing his re-election.

You have to understand that a subversive war is already underway RIGHT NOW in this country by the most devious, unsavory and power-mad people in the world. The fight is already on.

[there is a] need for a full-on Leftist purge by President Trump using the Emergency Powers Act to round-up and prosecute the large numbers of traitorous and seditious persons in the Federal Government. I propose that Trump... bring in the military, military police and prosecutors to arrest all of the actors in the Russia Hoax scandal for starters. They are all traitors. Jail them all. People like Hillary, Obama, Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller, Podesta, Rice, Brennan, Clapper, Strock, Page, Schiff and many others should be arrested for Treason or Sedition and/or other applicable crimes and sent to military trials.

With the Emergency declaration, military police could seize control of the DOJ, CIA and FBI by locking down these entities, lock down the computers and servers, gather all significant information that they've been hiding, begin to interview and look to prosecute all of the traitors in these departments involved in betrayals. Everything would be locked down for investigation and for evidence.

There should have already been a torrent of indictments after so many years of investigation by the DOJ and CIA after the disastrous Jeff Sessions. The DOJ doesn't even "work"anymore. Nothing works in Washington except the money printers. Personally, I think the whole Federal colossus should be burnt to the ground to start over with a government based in St. Louis, MO for example.

The military should also be supervising this next election since it will likely be the most fraudulent election in American history. There should probably be military observers at every polling station. Trump should demand today that an auditable paper trail be generated for every vote cast in every precinct so that election results in any district CAN BE AUDITED and validated. Put the Dems on notice NOW. If the election must be delayed for this plan to be implemented, then so be it.

Yes, I understand why it wasn't done. Maybe it was just a nice dream, but my predictions look fairly prescient now. After getting away with the outrageous election steal in 2020, the Biden Bolsheviks are destroying everthing in this country. That's what illegitimate Bolsheviks do. They are now leading the US and the West into a potential nuclear war with Russia. 


Washington DC Must Be Destroyed or De-Constructed Before They Destroy Us

With those words, I am now a domestic terrorist or insurrectionist and I should expect to get this blog cancelled. I might now find myself on a no-fly list or some agents knock on my door.  It could happen, but I am ready to "bug out" and I don't necessarily have to fly ( I have my Residence Permit for Mexico already stamped in my passport).   But the only way to tame the Federal Beast is to defund it and return power to The States and to the people.  Here's how:

Method 1:  Repeal 1913 Income Tax and Federal Reserve Acts

Repeal the Income Tax Act of 1913 (See my post "1913 Income Tax Starts at 1%" from 2013):  The Income Tax started in 1913 with nearly everyone not paying anything except for the very, very wealthy. The top rate was 7% for those making $13 million (in today's dollars).  The 1% bracket applied to incomes up to $500,000 (in today's dollars).  The Standard deduction was $75,000 in today's money.  Sounds sensible.
But just four years later the top tax rate was 77% and funded and enabled our participation in World War I.  The top tax rate basically remained at 70% until the JFK Jr administration and then much lower under Ronald Reagan.

AND... Repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.  The Federal Reserve is neither Federal or a Reserve bank.  It was a private bank that served the government and politicians. It still does!  It was a disaster from the very beginning.  
The Federal Reserve was created to maintain "price stability" and "economic growth."  What a joke! Prices went up 110% from 1913 to 1921 alone!  It funded the United State's first World War. You can correctly say that the Federal Reserve is responsible for our bloated and war-loving government. It is and always was an evil force. Now the US government is evil.

Method 2:  Secession

States and groups of States must seceed from the Union and cancel the Federal Income tax collection and the transfer of income tax money to Washington. Once one state like Texas seceeds, many others would likely join in short order. Starving the Federal Government of tax money from even a state like Texas would cause the US government bond market to crash.  Remember, Texas is 1/10th of the US in population.  When Arkansas and Oklahoma joins Texas and do the same thing, then it's game over for the Federal Bureaucracy.  Entire regions could seceed and join forces. 

The seceeded entities could make a deal with the Federal Government to continue to send FICA deducted monies to Washington to fund retirees.  But even this would expose the completely phony meme of the "Social Security lockbox."  Social security COULD NOT AND WOULD NOT BE PAID once the US goverment had dramatically reduced revenues. THERE IS NO LOCKBOX OF "FUNDS." It's pay-as-you-go arrangement. There is no money in an account with your name on it.

Method 3: Nuclear Annihilation
This method is to let our current crop of Bosheviks, the most arrogant AND ignorant people in the entire world, to CONTINUE to foment war with Russia to the extent that Russia must destroy the West (the EU and/or the USA) with nuclear weapons  See my posts PCR: US Neoconservatives Are Setting Up the World for Nuclear War and The West AGAIN Ignoring Russia's Warning After Warning.  

You choose.

1 comment:

  1. Garland Remington IIIMay 5, 2022 at 9:32 PM

    (i’m going to be commenting all this in different sections in different times. )

    “ there is a] need for a full-on Leftist purge by President Trump using the Emergency Powers Act to round-up and prosecute the large numbers of traitorous and seditious persons in the Federal Government. I propose that Trump... bring in the military, military police and prosecutors to arrest all of the actors in the Russia Hoax scandal for starters. They are all traitors. Jail them all. People like Hillary, Obama, Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller, Podesta, Rice, Brennan, Clapper, Strock, Page, Schiff and many others should be arrested for Treason or Sedition and/or other applicable crimes and sent to military trials.”

    Make no mistake about it everyone of these people really are traitors, to our nation in one form, one way or another. I would love nothing more than to see everyone of these things sentence to death in hanged. I am dead 💀 ass serious. But I know that will never happen. Justin Shirley is I know as much as I would like all of this to happen I just don’t see it happening.

    I don’t see President Trump doing it. Because, he DOSEN’T have enough people that truly, Truly has his back. He could pull this off if he had all the Republicans backing him up strongly and they knew once they started this kind of exercise they would not stop until it was completely done and it would get bad for several days.

    Make no mistake about that it would get very very bad. You would have some that would commit suicide before they go to prison somebody like Hillary Clinton would definitely take her life. Which is fine by me. And then you have some that would have shootouts with law enforcement of the ones that sided with Trump.

    And then you have some of these that would have a certain amount of FBI agents protecting them. TRAITOROUS AGENTS THAT WOULD KILL President Trump, if they ever got the chance.


Please send me your message or comments. Thanks in advance.