Thursday, October 27, 2022

Diversity is our Strength?? Hispanics: A Statistical Portrait

Also See: Diversity is Our Strength?

California's population is only 37% White (non-hispanic), 14.5% Asian, but 49% Hispanic/Latino/Black. This helps explain the following:

Income and Wealth

  • Per capita income of Hispanics is one half that of non-Hispanic whites, and household net worth is less than one tenth.
  • Fifty percent of Hispanic households use some form of welfare, the highest rate of any major population group.


  • Hispanics are 3.3 times more likely to be in prison than whites; they are 4.2 times more likely to be in prison for murder, and 5.8 times more likely to be in prison for felony drug crimes.
  • Young Hispanics are 19 times more likely than young whites (and slightly more likely than young blacks) to be in youth gangs.


  • Hispanics drop out of high school at three times the white rate and twice the black rate.
  • Even third-generation Hispanics drop out of school at a higher rate than blacks and are less likely to be college graduates.
  • From 1992 to 2003, Hispanic illiteracy in English rose from 35 percent to 44 percent.
  • The average Hispanic 12th-grader reads and does math at the level of the average white 8th-grader.

Families and Health

  • At 43 percent, the Hispanic illegitimacy rate is twice the white rate, and Hispanic women have abortions at 2.7 times the white rate.
  • Hispanics are three times more likely than whites not to have medical insurance, and die from AIDS and tuberculosis at three times the white rate.
  • In California, the cost of free medical care for illegal aliens forced 60 hospitals to close between 1993 and 2003.


  • Only 33 percent of citizens of Hispanic origin consider themselves “Americans” first. The rest consider themselves either “Hispanic/Latino” or their former nationality first.

1 comment:

  1. Cali. it's toast& there is no escaping that fact. Like any good communist country though this is exactly the condition a regime wants. From each according to his ability to each according to his need...Capital flight is in process & those who can leave are.


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