Western leaders and media (leftists) hate Putin because he's basically the embodiment of "Russia First”, which is, of course, entirely correct, just like Trump's “America First” and Orban’s “Hungary First.” I believe Serbia's leaders are "Serbia First" too. The Left and Democrats hate that as they are onboard with the WEF’s disastrous idea of world government and open borders per the WEF neo-communists. It’ll be a cover for a widespread debt default.
The Davos Elites/WEF/Western “leaders” and especially the Ukrainians hate Russia and nothing is allowed to change their mind. But why would any leader NOT stand for his own population’s well-being as a priority above others? To an extent, Putin is a complete contradiction of all of these Elite’s and Leftist’s bullshit.
Remember when Trump stated the obviously true statement that “better relations with Russia is a good thing, not bad.” It caused shreiks and howls from the deranged Western press, Neocons and hard Leftists and helped create the entirely insane ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ hysteria(s) that continues to this day. That and the fact that Trump unexpectedly side-lined the most evil Neocon of all: Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Trump was an imperfect representative of the “greatest generation” somewhat similar to Ronald Reagan. There was hysterical Reagan-hatred too, especially in Godless Europe— even though he was one of our greatest presidents who hastened the fall of the Berlin wall and collapse of the Soviet Union. Both of these men were grounded in the fundamentals that made America great: family, faith, distrust of big govt and an unwavering patriotism and dedication to traditional American ideals. Today, such sentiments will get you howls of derision in much of the West. Trump Derangement Syndrome was obviously another sign of our country’s collective and Leftist mental illness:
Now Putin Derangement Syndrome has taken hold. But this time it’s already caused a disastrous war and a downward economic spiral of the EU's now energy-starved economy. It’s hatred is so entrenched and The West is so full of propaganda and lies, there’s risk that an even hotter war with Russia could lead to more widespread death and destruction —especially if Putin is unexpectedly removed.
Putin, in 2000, inherited a country in total collapse in every way possible: socially, spiritually and economically. Communism was an 80 year long reign of terror that destroyed everything including their economy but also their culture. Having arrived after the abyss of economic and cultural collapse in 2000, Putin has clearly been a pivotal and historic figure of Russia history —and he’s suceeding in a comprehensive re-establishment of their entire country and culture. There wasn’t anyone else that could have done this, which is why Putin has used and bent rules to keep him at, or very near, the presidency for 20 years.
Now it’s the West’s turn. Marxism and Leftist is completely destroying the economies and civilizational foundations of the West. It is the entire West that is now in a slow-motion collapse. Russia, on the other hand, is 20 years into a recovery from their total societal collapse. And it is Putin who has been, and continues to be, pivotal in Russia’s revival. See my post The West Is Collapsing As Russia is Rising.
Putin was selected by Yeltsin to run for President in 2000 because he is an intelligent, level-headed, rational man who was not a communist (and isn’t a drunk). And Vladimir Putin has nearly single-handedly worked to to re-establish Russia's traditional cultural heritage and history and undo the utter destruction by it’s own Leftist maniacs, ie., the Communists. Like in the West today, Religion, family, gender attributes, free enterprise were all torn asunder by their Bolsheviks.
Putin's has implimented an Orthodox Church building program to bring back their traditional religion. Putin is frequently seen with his Orthodox priest Kirill at Church. As leader of Russia, he’s reminding Russians what Russia really is. They don’t really have anyone else who can do that. Can the oligarchs do that with all their ostentatious wealth and luxury? No. Can other politicians? Sure, like Yeltsin and Gorbachev, but not like Putin has done. The truth is that Putin is a historic hero for Russia and the Russian people. That’s why his opinion poll numbers are sky high even while at war with Ukrainian nazis and NATO.
He uses photo ops to communicate with Russian people what he values and this is intended to remind ordinary Russians of their history and cultural foundations. His status allows him to be a standard-bearer of Russian culture — a culture/history that was torn asunder for so long that the Russian people had largely forgotten it.
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The Left, of course, hates this because they hate anything and everything that is good, traditional and/or wholesome. They are Satan. They are trying to destroy Western Culture in the same way the Russia Bolsheviks destroyed their culture, ie., in it’s entirety. Trump tried to reverse this trend and he was hounded and cheated out of office and his bully pulpit. Who will rebuild our country after everything is destroyed?
Part of Russia's resurgent culture is bringing back and emphasizing Patriarchy where men are the leaders in marriages, households and at the national level. The full-of-shit Left REALLY hates that!! The Left has given us feminism, discord and wholesale rejection of history, religion and tradition.
Putin probably wants to communicate his understanding of what a man’s role is by numerous photo-ops of him hunting, camping and fishing. He’s literally showing Russia and the West what is a man is. It's necessary as gender roles were torn asunder during Communism.

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Photos of Putin Hunting, Camping, Fishing. You know, Men's Stuff |
Putin has a point. A reset of our understanding of gender roles is necessary. Leftist and feminist teachers and Media have indoctrinated and confused two generations of kids in their radical ideas. We have grown up with the new norm of feminism and feminists who have disrupted society by forcing people to be something that they are not.
Do women really want to be the aggressive corporate “tigers"and climb corporate ladders or do they want to have and raise children? Don’t “real and authentic” women prefer to home-school their kids and maybe work from home? I don’t think being a corporate workhorse is what most women want. If they work, they want family-friendly jobs with flexibility, like school teaching. It may not be what men want either, but they do it to provide for their family, prepare financially for retirement and possibly create a heritage for his family. That’s also what a man is.
Authentic women don't want to be men like the feminists claim. They want to be true to their nature. The nature of women is to be the leader in nurturing of all types.
And women want the man to be the protector, leader and provider, in other words, true to his nature (sure there are variations on this that is no ones else's business). And no, these tendencies are not “toxic.”
Isn't it clear that Western society is running off the rails in The West from Women's lib and Feminism? Look at what Feminazi governments have done in Scandinavia. Ursula Van der Leyden is another incompetent crackpot. Christine Lagarde is another know-nothing promoted well beyond her capability. Frankly, nearly ALL the leadership in the West is crap except for the leaders that champion their own countries and cultures FIRST (and not some bullshit from Davos or the WEF).

And it is only conservatives who DO NOT want to dictate or impose their ideas on everyone like the Left does. It is Conservatives that are more tolerant, more “live and let live” except when it comes to protecting the most vulnerable lives of all: unborn babies. It’s Conservatives that are compassionate and freedom-loving. Conservatives cherish our Constitution and our Judeo-Christian heritage: they truly believe in these basic founding principles. That is to say that they HAVE principles.
It is the intolerant Nazi-like Left that forces the ‘bullshit-of-the-day’ down your throat and who want to kill you or “cancel” you if you don’t agree with their entirely made-up ideas. They're like a mob rule, and they shift with the popular wind. Living without principles is no way to live. It's really hell.
The Left, ARE in a miserable self-made hell of nihilism and it is they that are the controlling, miserable haters and propagandists. All we get from the Left is chaos, disorder, hate, and crazy ideas IMPOSED on you by a bunch of busy-body righteous types who arrogantly think that they know everything—but don't know shit or make-up shit.
Unprincipled Leftists become Communists and totalitarians and must ultimately be vanquished. We're approaching that level in the West. Putin has already been there and is rebuilding his country.
We actually have a lot to learn from Putin and Russia.