Thursday, February 2, 2023

Wokeness is Racism and White Hatred

 “Woke” is a despicable and destructive imposition of a Black reverse racism and illogic upon the predominantly white and Western culture that has MORE THAN FIXED historical injustices. See my posts “…and White People Ended the Scourge of Slavery” and “USA: the Least Racist Nation on Earth.”

No, our country is hardly perfect and it never will be, but if we continue to accept the insanity of this Black illogic and irrationality (now adopted by ignorant Whites), we’re moving toward discord and backward as a culture and community.

Using racism to supposedly fix racism is an entirely illogical argument. But we live in a time that we are being forced to live and even adapt to blatantly inferior and illogical thinking when it comes to US Blacks. It’s being forced on us. It’s actually systemic racism against White persons.

Their racism charge comes from the denial of their genetic heritage. And we all have to deal with our genetic heritage. A genetic heritage includes fundamental aspects of our personalities, our behavior, our interests and our intelligence. No one is the same, but there are obvious trends. If you deny this, then there’s no reason to keep reading.

Personally, I inherited my German immigrant grandfather’s intellectual interest in Engineering. He came to the US and went to engineering school in Chicago.

My grandfather and I are the only engineers in the family. I went into Chemical Engineering and my grandfather was a Mechanical Engineer. I never knew until later. But, that I inherited these capabilities was just chance and good luck for me. My brother got none of this and is a low intelligence person with limited opportunities. Diligence and “not screwing up” is also a genetic inheritance/tendency as my upbringing was quite impoverished. We lived on a dirt road amongst the palmetto bushes in rural Florida. I prospered despite relative poverty and a very dysfunctional and irrational family.

Say I’m “privledged,” that’s ok. But I didnt’ screw up that genetic heritage of a strong work ethic and useful skills despite low odds of success. Instead, I had an interesting and reasonably prosperous life. Needless to say that I’m reasonably intelligent in many areas, especially science and math. I’m insightful, observant and logical.

Most blacks with ancestry from Africa didn’t inherit such traits. Fewer than 2 or 3% of black persons enter into the fields of engineering or math in the US or Europe, for example. It’s the same or similar for science and other technology and STEM fields. It’s not a devious plot against these people. It’s just that few of that population had a capability and interest in those areas. It wasn’t common in Africa. It’s just different and it’s no one’s fault.

So, to this day, US Blacks are still relatively incapable of performing well in traditional (white) academic areas. Most are not interested and therefore don’t even want it. I get it. More concerning, we continue to see a persistent and long-running tendency toward violence and high levels of criminality in this group. Yes, that’s their heritage too and it’s not that good. Africa was and is often a war-torn place — often ruled by war lords or tyrants. Corruption and criminality is endemic. It’s also very difficult to overcome. (Violence and war was common in Europe too).

Also US Blacks blame their well-deserved reputation for criminality, poor behavior and incapability in academics as RACISM!!! But it’s no one’s fault. History is history.

And as a group, US blacks also have little self-insight as to their often shocking inability to live peacefully in a liberal democracy. They often don't get it. They largely don't understand it. Many are only capable of UN-CULTURE, MOB RULE with little due process.

Go to Haiti, US ghettos or Africa and you'll see what I mean.  This is also what I mean by a genetic heritage. It’s extremely difficult to overcome.

Woke Bullshit and Lies

Woke is entirely a black thing (and word).  "Woke" basically means aligned with the black mob and their fictitious and illogical beliefs.  It's now been adopted by many low intelligence or low common-sense whites.  Diatribes such as Racism!!, Critical Race Theory, “Hands up, don't shoot,” BLM are all based on ignorance and lies often invented by Cultural Marxists and Leftists in academic settings.  It's really black "cultural Marxism." 

From John Greene at American Thinker:

Woke ideology is a perversion because it does not promote equal treatment under the law.  It demands preferential treatment for certain designated categories of people.  A mob that loots a department store are not criminals — if they're doing it in the name of Black Lives Matter.  Religious observance in the public square is perfectly acceptable — as long as the religion is not Christianity.  Public nudity is wrong — unless it's in support of the pride movement.  We must allow gay couples to adopt children without the normal rigorous checks — because they are brave examples for us all to aspire to.

The Left embarked on woke politics with the claim that they would correct the sins of the past — reparations for the wronged and leveling the playing field, if you will.  But the past is still the past, and sins of the past still happened.  The best we humans can do is strive to not repeat those sins in the future.  The past cannot be erased or "fixed." [Doug here: …or fixed by even more racism]

Unfortunately, our ill advised attempt to change the past has put us on a path of irrationality in which racism is corrected with racism and intolerance is countered with blind acceptance — even where acceptance is not warranted.

In reality, US Blacks must either adapt to the dominant western culture or leave or separate for the good of the nation.

A continuation of a new and reverse racism must be thoroughly rejected rather than slavishly indulged because racism of all kinds is unfair and disruptive. Those that promote it are subverting our society and many on the Left are promoting it for JUST THAT PURPOSE: SUBVERSION either intentionally or out of ignorance.

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