Saturday, February 4, 2023

Tired of Tyre: You're Surprised That Black Men Kill Other Black Men?


The Memphis police department had to dramatically lower their educational and work requirements so low that they would hire felons. The department dropped education requirements from 54 college credit hours to just 24. Two of the police involved in the Tyre incident were hired based on the lowered standards.

The biggest issue here is that people are surprised that black men kill other black men. It's insane because there's been an ongoing EPIDEMIC of black on black murder since, well, forever.  

Even though blacks are 13% of the population, they routinely consistute a MAJORITY of murders countrywide. Their murder rate is routinely ~55% of all murders and gun deaths and ~90% of their victims are other blacks. They routinely commit murders at 6 to 7 times the rate of white murders with the vast majority of their victims blacks.  This is nothing new at all.

And as for the constant drone of charges of police brutally decade after decade, the truth is that there is nothing more dangerous to black persons than other black persons.  In fact, Black Men Are 31 Times More Murderous to Other Blacks Than Police 

The statistics show, year after year, that police actually kill more white people than blacks even when you adjust for the police interaction statistics. You see, even though blacks are 13% of the population, but they are interacting with police about 5 times the rate of whites, so police are interacting with blacks and whites basically the same number of times. But Whites are actually MORE likely to be killed during a police encounter than blacks because they are more likely to be armed.

Blacks are killed because they can't obey police commands and they nearly always resist arrest. They squirm, they run, they argue, they fight, they lie to the officers and wonder why they're shot.

How about this police tactic: arm police with tranquilizer guns. They can just tranquilize the guy (and yes, it's mostly guys).  Once tranquilized, they can cuff the suspect and seat them in the cruiser and avoid a lot of arguing, resisting, fighting and danger to themselves an the officers. Yes, tranquilize them like the wild animals that they often are. Remember, you'd only tranquilize the ones who already are unruly, ie., probably about 85% of them.

From an ex-police officer who contributes at Am Ren

From Blacks seem unable to comply with the most basic rules of society. At every turn, they refuse to hold themselves accountable for their actions. Even though incarceration rates among Blacks in America are at skyrocketing levels, Blacks collectively refuse to blame themselves for any of it. They’re all “innocent” and framed by “whitey.” It’s always someone else’s fault, never their own. Whether it’s “systemic racism,” the “legacy of slavery,” or “white privilege,” few Blacks will look in the mirror and concede that their woes and tribulations are the direct result of their attitudes and actions.

So long as our government and its complicit media persists in coddling Blacks and in feeding them lies that only serve to bolster today’s racial grievance industry, more of these incidents will continue to occur. One would think that Blacks themselves would tire of all the lies and excuses given for their many failures, but this would require deep introspection, self-awareness, and honesty which I believe comparably few Blacks in America possess.

Blacks in America remain a huge burden to our country

Frankly, the country would be much better off if we had no blacks at all: prisons would empty, schools would function again, standards for everything could improve, campuses would be mercifully quiet, Federal spending could drop(?), crime rates would fall precipitously, we could walk at night more safely in most cities, police would be more civil, we wouldn't have the Lefists promoting the bullshit woke bullcrap and racial lies. We wouldn't be forced to lower standards to accomodate black dullards. Then, mercifully, we wouldn't have any black persons in charge at any level or anywhere. Gone would be the black race hustlers, the rude DMV clerks, the dumbass black politicians or the loud-mouth fools besmerching what's left of Western (white) Civilization. The Democratic party's hold on power would dramatically weaken. Peace would descend over the country.

Sounds like a dream, huh? It’s because it IS just a dream.

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